
Provides containers for tracking instantiations of C++ templates.

pydrake.common.cpp_template.get_or_init(scope, name, template_cls, *args, **kwargs)

Gets an existing template from a scope if it exists; otherwise, it will be created and registered.

If scope does not have the attribute name, then it will be created as template_cls(name, *args, **kwargs). (module_name=… is also set, but should not be important).

  • scope – Scope that contains the template object (this may not necessarily be the scope of the instantiation).

  • name – Name of the template object.

  • template_cls – Class (either TemplateBase or a derivative).

  • args – Passed to the template class’s constructor.

  • kwargs – Passed to the template class’s constructor.


The existing (or newly created) template object.

class pydrake.common.cpp_template.TemplateBase(name, allow_default=True, scope=None)

Bases: object

Provides a mechanism to map parameters (types or literals) to instantiations, following C++ mechanics.

__init__(name, allow_default=True, scope=None)
  • name – Name of the template object.

  • allow_default – Allow a default value (None) to resolve to the parameters of the instantiation that was first added.

  • scope – Parent scope for the template object.

add_instantiation(param, instantiation, skip_rename=False)

Adds a unique instantiation.


param must not have already been added.

add_instantiations(instantiation_func, param_list)

Adds a set of instantiations given a function and a list of parameter sets.


This method can only be called once.

  • instantiation_func – Function of the form f(template, param), where template is the current template and param is the parameter set for the current instantiation.

  • param_list – Ordered container of parameter sets that these

  • for. (instantiations should be produced) –

classmethod define(name, param_list, *args, scope=None, **kwargs)

Provides a decorator for functions that defines a template using name. The template instantiations are added using add_instantiations, where the instantiation function is the decorated function.

  • name – Name of the template. This should generally match the name of the object being decorated for clarity.

  • param_list – Ordered container of parameter sets. For more information, see add_instantiations.


The name of the inner class will not matter as it will be overwritten with the template instantiation name. In the below example, Impl will be renamed to MyTemplate[int] when param=(int,).


                      param_list=[(int,), (float,)])
def MyTemplate(param):
    T, = param
    class Impl:
        def __init__(self):
            self.T = T
    return Impl
deprecate_instantiation(param, message, *, date=None)

Deprecates an instantiation for the given set of parameters.


This method can only be called once for a given instantiation.

  • param – Parameters for an instantiation that is already registered.

  • message – Message to be shown when issuing a deprecation warning.

  • date – (Optional) String of the form “YYYY-MM-DD”. If supplied, will reformat the message to add the date as is done with DRAKE_DEPRECATED and its processing in This must be present if message does not contain the date itself.


(instantiation, param), where param is the resolved parameters.

get_instantiation(param=None, throw_error=True)

Gets the instantiation for the given parameters.


param – Can be None, a single parameter, or a tuple/list of parameters.


(instantiation, param), where param is the resolved set of parameters.


Returns module name for this object’s parent scope.


>>> pydrake.common.value.Value.get_module_name()

Returns all parameters for a given instantiation.


A set of instantiations.


Determines if an object is an instantion of the given template.

class pydrake.common.cpp_template.TemplateClass(name, *, scope=None, **kwargs)

Bases: pydrake.common.cpp_template.TemplateBase

Extension of TemplateBase for classes.

__init__(name, *, scope=None, **kwargs)
  • name – Name of the template object.

  • allow_default – Allow a default value (None) to resolve to the parameters of the instantiation that was first added.

  • scope – Parent scope for the template object.


Determines if obj is a subclass of one of the instantiations.


The first instantiation of which obj is a subclass.

class pydrake.common.cpp_template.TemplateFunction(name, allow_default=True, scope=None)

Bases: pydrake.common.cpp_template.TemplateBase

Extension of TemplateBase for functions.

class pydrake.common.cpp_template.TemplateMethod(name, cls, scope=None, **kwargs)

Bases: pydrake.common.cpp_template.TemplateBase

Extension of TemplateBase for class methods.

__init__(name, cls, scope=None, **kwargs)
  • name – Name of the template object.

  • allow_default – Allow a default value (None) to resolve to the parameters of the instantiation that was first added.

  • scope – Parent scope for the template object.