Documentation Generation Instructions

This page contains instructions on how to locally regenerate Drake’s website.

The website infrastructure uses a combination of Jekyll for the main site and Style Guide, Doxygen for the C++ API reference, and Sphinx for the Python API reference.


Documentation generation and preview as described in this document are supported on Ubuntu 22.04 only.

Before getting started, install Drake’s prerequisites with the additional --with-doc-only command line option, i.e.:

$ setup/install_prereqs --with-doc-only

Previewing changes

To easily preview your changes, run the //doc:build --serve command.

# Read the usage message.
$ bazel run //doc:build -- --help

# Preview the entire site, exactly how it will appear online.
$ bazel run //doc:build -- --serve

# Speed up the preview by only processing certain tool(s):
$ bazel run //doc:pages             -- --serve  # Only the main site.
$ bazel run //doc/doxygen_cxx:build -- --serve  # Only the C++ API reference.
$ bazel run //doc/pydrake:build     -- --serve  # Only the Python API reference.
$ bazel run //doc/styleguide:build  -- --serve  # Only the Style Guide.

# Further speed up preview generating only some API modules, e.g., math:
$ bazel run //doc/doxygen_cxx:build -- --serve drake.math            # C++ math API.
$ bazel run //doc/pydrake:build     -- --serve pydrake.math          # Python math API.
$ bazel run //doc:build             -- --serve {drake,pydrake}.math  # Both at once.

# Further speed up preview by omitting expensive `dot` graphs (C++ API only):
$ bazel run //doc/doxygen_cxx:build -- --serve --quick drake.math

To preview using a local branch of the styleguide instead of our pinned revision, be sure to set the local_repository_override option in drake/tools/workspace/styleguide/repository.bzl before running the preview command.

Testing locally

The website is not part of Drake’s default local build nor tests, because it requires heavy prerequisites to be installed (see --with-doc-only above). Therefore, a simple bazel test //... will not provide any feedback about local documentation edits.

To check locally that documentation changes pass all build and test rules, run:

$ bazel test //doc/... //doc:manual_tests

Testing in CI

Only the Jenkins builds whose name ends with -documentation will run the documentation build steps and related tests. By default, those builds run on the Continuous (i.e., post-merge) and Nightly schedules, not on pull requests. If you would like to check Jenkins results on a pull request, you need to schedule an on-demand build by posting a comment

@drake-jenkins-bot linux-jammy-unprovisioned-gcc-bazel-experimental-documentation please

Advanced Building

This section contains details aimed at documentation infrastructure maintainers.

There are in fact five available commands:

$ bazel run //doc:build               # Entire website (i.e., all of the below).
$ bazel run //doc:pages               # Main site only.
$ bazel run //doc/doxygen_cxx:build   # C++ API reference subdir only.
$ bazel run //doc/pydrake:build       # Python API reference subdir only.
$ bazel run //doc/styleguide:build    # Style Guide subdir only.

The first command provides options to rebuild subsets of the website, and so offers one-stop shopping for developers, as explained in the prior section. The latter commands are used for focused regression testing, and might be more convenient while modifying the documentation tooling, or to avoid spurious Bazel dependencies.

Each build command can be run in either “generate” mode (writing the files into a scratch folder) or “serve” mode (http serving for web browser preview). The automated website deployment pipeline uses the former; most developers will use the latter.

Each build command has a corresponding test defined as part of the //doc:manual_tests test suite.

Custom markup

Drake has a few local conventions for adding markup to documentation strings.


The @experimental command generates a documentation paragraph that opts-out of the Stable API.


In Drake Doxygen, we can collapse Python example code under an “accordion”, so that it only appears when the user clicks to expand it. Use the Drake-specific custom commands @python_details_begin and @python_details_end. Here’s an example:

/** Some overview.

A code example in C++:
int foo = 123;
fmt:print("foo={}", foo);

A code example in Python:
foo = 123

See also


@tparam is a built-in Doxygen command to describe a template argument. In Drake, for code templated on the “scalar type”, writing out the description of the scalar type template in every class would be onerous boilerplate. Instead, we have a few custom abbreviations for the common cases:


See the C++ API documentation for a full description.