This is the complete list of members for Hyperrectangle, including all inherited members.
AddPointInNonnegativeScalingConstraints(solvers::MathematicalProgram *prog, const Eigen::Ref< const solvers::VectorXDecisionVariable > &x, const symbolic::Variable &t) const | ConvexSet | |
AddPointInNonnegativeScalingConstraints(solvers::MathematicalProgram *prog, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::MatrixXd > &A, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > &b, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > &c, double d, const Eigen::Ref< const solvers::VectorXDecisionVariable > &x, const Eigen::Ref< const solvers::VectorXDecisionVariable > &t) const | ConvexSet | |
AddPointInSetConstraints(solvers::MathematicalProgram *prog, const Eigen::Ref< const solvers::VectorXDecisionVariable > &vars) const | ConvexSet | |
AffineHullShortcut(const ConvexSet &self, std::optional< double > tol) | ConvexSet | protectedstatic |
ambient_dimension() const | ConvexSet | |
CalcVolume() const | ConvexSet | |
CalcVolumeViaSampling(RandomGenerator *generator, const double desired_rel_accuracy=1e-2, const int max_num_samples=1e4) const | ConvexSet | |
Center() const | Hyperrectangle | |
Clone() const | ConvexSet | |
ConvexSet(const ConvexSet &)=default | ConvexSet | protected |
ConvexSet(ConvexSet &&)=default | ConvexSet | protected |
ConvexSet(int ambient_dimension, bool has_exact_volume) | ConvexSet | explicitprotected |
DoIsBoundedShortcutParallel(Parallelism) const | ConvexSet | protectedvirtual |
DoPointInSet(const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > &x, double tol) const | ConvexSet | protectedvirtual |
DoProjectionShortcut(const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::MatrixXd > &points, EigenPtr< Eigen::MatrixXd > projected_points) const | ConvexSet | protectedvirtual |
HandleZeroAmbientDimensionConstraints(solvers::MathematicalProgram *prog, const ConvexSet &set, std::vector< solvers::Binding< solvers::Constraint >> *constraints) const | ConvexSet | protected |
has_exact_volume() const | ConvexSet | |
Hyperrectangle(const Hyperrectangle &)=default | Hyperrectangle | |
Hyperrectangle(Hyperrectangle &&)=default | Hyperrectangle | |
Hyperrectangle() | Hyperrectangle | |
Hyperrectangle(const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > &lb, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > &ub) | Hyperrectangle | |
IntersectsWith(const ConvexSet &other) const | ConvexSet | |
IsBounded(Parallelism parallelism=Parallelism::None()) const | Hyperrectangle | |
drake::geometry::optimization::ConvexSet::IsBounded(Parallelism parallelism=Parallelism::None()) const | ConvexSet | |
IsEmpty() const | ConvexSet | |
lb() const | Hyperrectangle | |
MakeHPolyhedron() const | Hyperrectangle | |
MaybeCalcAxisAlignedBoundingBox(const ConvexSet &set) | Hyperrectangle | static |
MaybeGetFeasiblePoint() const | ConvexSet | |
MaybeGetIntersection(const Hyperrectangle &other) const | Hyperrectangle | |
MaybeGetPoint() const | ConvexSet | |
operator=(const Hyperrectangle &)=default | Hyperrectangle | |
operator=(Hyperrectangle &&)=default | Hyperrectangle | |
drake::geometry::optimization::ConvexSet::operator=(const ConvexSet &)=default | ConvexSet | protected |
drake::geometry::optimization::ConvexSet::operator=(ConvexSet &&)=default | ConvexSet | protected |
PointInSet(const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > &x, double tol=0) const | ConvexSet | |
Projection(const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::MatrixXd > &points) const | ConvexSet | |
Serialize(Archive *a) | Hyperrectangle | |
ToShapeWithPose() const | ConvexSet | |
ub() const | Hyperrectangle | |
UniformSample(RandomGenerator *generator) const | Hyperrectangle | |
~ConvexSet() | ConvexSet | virtual |
~Hyperrectangle() final | Hyperrectangle |