This is the complete list of members for Meshcat, including all inherited members.
AddButton(std::string name, std::string keycode="") | Meshcat | |
AddSlider(std::string name, double min, double max, double step, double value, std::string decrement_keycode="", std::string increment_keycode="") | Meshcat | |
Delete(std::string_view path="") | Meshcat | |
DeleteAddedControls() | Meshcat | |
DeleteButton(std::string name, bool strict=true) | Meshcat | |
DeleteRecording() | Meshcat | |
DeleteSlider(std::string name, bool strict=true) | Meshcat | |
Flush() const | Meshcat | |
get_mutable_recording() | Meshcat | |
get_recording() const | Meshcat | |
GetButtonClicks(std::string_view name) const | Meshcat | |
GetGamepad() const | Meshcat | |
GetNumActiveConnections() const | Meshcat | |
GetPackedObject(std::string_view path) const | Meshcat | |
GetPackedProperty(std::string_view path, std::string property) const | Meshcat | |
GetPackedTransform(std::string_view path) const | Meshcat | |
GetRealtimeRate() const | Meshcat | |
GetSimulationTime() const | Meshcat | |
GetSliderNames() const | Meshcat | |
GetSliderValue(std::string_view name) const | Meshcat | |
GetTrackedCameraPose() const | Meshcat | |
HasPath(std::string_view path) const | Meshcat | |
kBackSide enum value | Meshcat | |
kDoubleSide enum value | Meshcat | |
kFrontSide enum value | Meshcat | |
Meshcat(const Meshcat &)=delete | Meshcat | |
Meshcat(Meshcat &&)=delete | Meshcat | |
Meshcat(std::optional< int > port=std::nullopt) | Meshcat | explicit |
Meshcat(const MeshcatParams ¶ms) | Meshcat | explicit |
operator=(const Meshcat &)=delete | Meshcat | |
operator=(Meshcat &&)=delete | Meshcat | |
PlotSurface(std::string_view path, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::MatrixXd > &X, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::MatrixXd > &Y, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::MatrixXd > &Z, const Rgba &rgba=Rgba(0.1, 0.1, 0.9, 1.0), bool wireframe=false, double wireframe_line_width=1.0) | Meshcat | |
port() const | Meshcat | |
PublishRecording() | Meshcat | |
ResetRenderMode() | Meshcat | |
Set2dRenderMode(const math::RigidTransformd &X_WC=math::RigidTransformd(Eigen::Vector3d{0, -1, 0}), double xmin=-1, double xmax=1, double ymin=-1, double ymax=1) | Meshcat | |
SetAnimation(const MeshcatAnimation &animation) | Meshcat | |
SetCamera(PerspectiveCamera camera, std::string path="/Cameras/default/rotated") | Meshcat | |
SetCamera(OrthographicCamera camera, std::string path="/Cameras/default/rotated") | Meshcat | |
SetCameraPose(const Eigen::Vector3d &camera_in_world, const Eigen::Vector3d &target_in_world) | Meshcat | |
SetCameraTarget(const Eigen::Vector3d &target_in_world) | Meshcat | |
SetEnvironmentMap(const std::filesystem::path &image_path) | Meshcat | |
SetLine(std::string_view path, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Matrix3Xd > &vertices, double line_width=1.0, const Rgba &rgba=Rgba(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0)) | Meshcat | |
SetLineSegments(std::string_view path, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Matrix3Xd > &start, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Matrix3Xd > &end, double line_width=1.0, const Rgba &rgba=Rgba(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0)) | Meshcat | |
SetObject(std::string_view path, const Shape &shape, const Rgba &rgba=Rgba(.9,.9,.9, 1.)) | Meshcat | |
SetObject(std::string_view path, const perception::PointCloud &point_cloud, double point_size=0.001, const Rgba &rgba=Rgba(.9,.9,.9, 1.)) | Meshcat | |
SetObject(std::string_view path, const TriangleSurfaceMesh< double > &mesh, const Rgba &rgba=Rgba(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0), bool wireframe=false, double wireframe_line_width=1.0, SideOfFaceToRender side=kDoubleSide) | Meshcat | |
SetProperty(std::string_view path, std::string property, bool value, std::optional< double > time_in_recording=std::nullopt) | Meshcat | |
SetProperty(std::string_view path, std::string property, double value, std::optional< double > time_in_recording=std::nullopt) | Meshcat | |
SetProperty(std::string_view path, std::string property, const std::vector< double > &value, std::optional< double > time_in_recording=std::nullopt) | Meshcat | |
SetRealtimeRate(double rate) | Meshcat | |
SetSimulationTime(double sim_time) | Meshcat | |
SetSliderValue(std::string name, double value) | Meshcat | |
SetTransform(std::string_view path, const math::RigidTransformd &X_ParentPath, std::optional< double > time_in_recording=std::nullopt) | Meshcat | |
SetTransform(std::string_view path, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Matrix4d > &matrix) | Meshcat | |
SetTriangleColorMesh(std::string_view path, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Matrix3Xd > &vertices, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Matrix3Xi > &faces, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Matrix3Xd > &colors, bool wireframe=false, double wireframe_line_width=1.0, SideOfFaceToRender side=kDoubleSide) | Meshcat | |
SetTriangleMesh(std::string_view path, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Matrix3Xd > &vertices, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Matrix3Xi > &faces, const Rgba &rgba=Rgba(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0), bool wireframe=false, double wireframe_line_width=1.0, SideOfFaceToRender side=kDoubleSide) | Meshcat | |
SideOfFaceToRender enum name | Meshcat | |
StartRecording(double frames_per_second=64.0, bool set_visualizations_while_recording=true) | Meshcat | |
StaticHtml() | Meshcat | |
StopRecording() | Meshcat | |
web_url() const | Meshcat | |
ws_url() const | Meshcat | |
~Meshcat() | Meshcat |