Drake C++ Documentation

Detailed Description

Systems related to the Acrobot example.


class  AcrobotGeometry
 Expresses an AcrobotPlant's geometry to a SceneGraph. More...
class  AcrobotStateReceiver
 Receives the output of an LcmSubsriberSystem that subsribes to the acrobot state channel with LCM type lcmt_acrobot_x, and outputs the acrobot states as an AcrobotState. More...
class  AcrobotCommandSender
 Receives the output of an acrobot controller, and outputs it as an LCM message with type lcm_acrobot_u. More...
class  AcrobotCommandReceiver
 Receives the output of an LcmSubscriberSystem that subscribes to the acrobot input channel with LCM type lcmt_acrobot_u, and outputs the acrobot input as a BasicVector. More...
class  AcrobotStateSender
 Receives the output of an acrobot_plant, and outputs it as an LCM message with type lcm_acrobot_x. More...
class  AcrobotPlant< T >
 The Acrobot - a canonical underactuated system as described in Chapter 3 of Underactuated Robotics. More...
class  AcrobotWEncoder< T >
 Constructs the Acrobot with (only) encoder outputs. More...
class  AcrobotSpongController< T >
 The Spong acrobot swing-up controller as described in: Spong, Mark W. More...


std::unique_ptr< systems::AffineSystem< double > > BalancingLQRController (const AcrobotPlant< double > &acrobot)
 Constructs the LQR controller for stabilizing the upright fixed point using default LQR cost matrices which have been tested for this system. More...

Function Documentation

◆ BalancingLQRController()

std::unique_ptr<systems::AffineSystem<double> > drake::examples::acrobot::BalancingLQRController ( const AcrobotPlant< double > &  acrobot)

Constructs the LQR controller for stabilizing the upright fixed point using default LQR cost matrices which have been tested for this system.