Installation via Docker

Docker Hub

Drake publishes pre-compiled binaries as Docker images on Docker Hub. Refer to Supported Configurations for additional compatibility details.

To learn about other installation methods, refer to Installation and Quickstart.

If you experience any problems with or have questions about Drake, please ask for help.

Drake binary releases incorporate a pre-compiled version of SNOPT as part of the Mathematical Program toolbox. Thanks to Philip E. Gill and Elizabeth Wong for their kind support.

Drake’s docker images do not support the Gurobi solver. To use Gurobi, you will need to build Drake from source following the instructions in Source Installation.

Stable Releases

The latest stable image can be pulled from Docker Hub as follows:

docker pull robotlocomotion/drake:X.Y.Z

Refer to Release Notes for a list of published X.Y.Z version numbers.

The docker tags for Drake’s stable releases are spelled like:

  • jammy-X.Y.Z for the Ubuntu 22.04 image of Drake vX.Y.Z.
  • noble-X.Y.Z for the Ubuntu 24.04 image of Drake vX.Y.Z.
  • X.Y.Z is a synonym for jammy-X.Y.Z.

Refer to Quickstart for next steps.

Nightly Releases

The latest nightly image can be pulled from Docker Hub as follows:

docker pull robotlocomotion/drake:latest

The docker tags for Drake’s nightly releases are spelled like:

  • jammy-YYYYMMDD for the Ubuntu 22.04 image of Drake as of date YYYY-MM-DD.
  • jammy is a synonym for the most recent jammy-YYYYMMDD.
  • noble-YYYYMMDD for the Ubuntu 24.04 image of Drake as of date YYYY-MM-DD.
  • noble is a synonym for the most recent noble-YYYYMMDD.
  • YYYYMMDD is a synonym for the most recent jammy-YYYYMMDD.
  • latest is a synonym for the most recent YYYYMMDD.

Refer to Quickstart for next steps.