Drake C++ Documentation
SolverOptions Class Reference

Detailed Description

Stores options for multiple solvers.

This interface does not do any verification of solver parameters. It does not even verify that the specified solver exists. Use this only when you have particular knowledge of what solver is being invoked, and exactly what tuning is required.

Supported solver names/options:

"SNOPT" – Parameter names and values as specified in SNOPT User's Guide section 7.7 "Description of the optional parameters", used as described in section 7.5 for snSet(). The SNOPT user guide can be obtained from https://web.stanford.edu/group/SOL/guides/sndoc7.pdf

"IPOPT" – Parameter names and values as specified in IPOPT users guide section "Options Reference" https://coin-or.github.io/Ipopt/OPTIONS.html

"NLOPT" – Parameter names and values are specified in https://nlopt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/NLopt_C-plus-plus_Reference/ (in the Stopping criteria section). Besides these parameters, the user can specify "algorithm" using a string of the algorithm name. The complete set of algorithms is listed in "nlopt_algorithm_to_string()" function in github.com/stevengj/nlopt/blob/master/src/api/general.c. If you would like to use certain algorithm, for example NLOPT_LD_SLSQP, call SetOption(NloptSolver::id(), NloptSolver::AlgorithmName(), "LD_SLSQP");

"GUROBI" – Parameter name and values as specified in Gurobi Reference Manual, section 10.2 "Parameter Descriptions" https://www.gurobi.com/documentation/10.0/refman/parameters.html

"SCS" – Parameter name and values as specified in the struct SCS_SETTINGS in SCS header file https://github.com/cvxgrp/scs/blob/master/include/scs.h Note that the SCS code on github master might be more up-to-date than the version used in Drake.

"MOSEK" – Parameter name and values as specified in Mosek Reference https://docs.mosek.com/9.3/capi/parameters.html

"OSQP" – Parameter name and values as specified in OSQP Reference https://osqp.org/docs/interfaces/solver_settings.html#solver-settings

"Clarabel" – Parameter name and values as specified in Clarabel https://oxfordcontrol.github.io/ClarabelDocs/stable/api_settings/ Note that direct_solve_method is not supported in Drake yet. Clarabel's boolean options should be passed as integers (0 or 1).

"CSDP" – Parameter name and values as specified at https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/focal/en/man1/csdp-randgraph.1.html

#include <drake/solvers/solver_options.h>

Public Types

using OptionValue = std::variant< double, int, std::string >
 The values stored in SolverOptions can be double, int, or string. More...

Public Member Functions

 SolverOptions ()=default
void SetOption (const SolverId &solver_id, std::string key, OptionValue value)
 Sets a solver option for a specific solver. More...
void SetOption (CommonSolverOption key, OptionValue value)
 Sets a common option for all solvers supporting that option (for example, printing the progress in each iteration). More...
const std::unordered_map< std::string, double > & GetOptionsDouble (const SolverId &solver_id) const
const std::unordered_map< std::string, int > & GetOptionsInt (const SolverId &solver_id) const
const std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > & GetOptionsStr (const SolverId &solver_id) const
const std::unordered_map< CommonSolverOption, OptionValue > & common_solver_options () const
 Gets the common options for all solvers. More...
std::string get_print_file_name () const
 Returns the kPrintFileName set via CommonSolverOption, or else an empty string if the option has not been set. More...
bool get_print_to_console () const
 Returns the kPrintToConsole set via CommonSolverOption, or else false if the option has not been set. More...
std::string get_standalone_reproduction_file_name () const
 Returns the kStandaloneReproductionFileName set via CommonSolverOption, or else an empty string if the option has not been set. More...
std::optional< intget_max_threads () const
 Returns the kMaxThreads set via CommonSolverOption. More...
template<typename T >
const std::unordered_map< std::string, T > & GetOptions (const SolverId &solver_id) const
std::unordered_set< SolverIdGetSolverIds () const
 Returns the IDs that have any option set. More...
void Merge (const SolverOptions &other)
 Merges the other solver options into this. More...
bool operator== (const SolverOptions &other) const
 Returns true if this and other have exactly the same solvers, with exactly the same keys and values for the options for each solver. More...
bool operator!= (const SolverOptions &other) const
 Negate operator==. More...
void CheckOptionKeysForSolver (const SolverId &solver_id, const std::unordered_set< std::string > &allowable_double_keys, const std::unordered_set< std::string > &allowable_int_keys, const std::unordered_set< std::string > &allowable_str_keys) const
 Check if for a given solver_id, the option keys are included in double_keys, int_keys and str_keys. More...
Implements CopyConstructible, CopyAssignable, MoveConstructible, MoveAssignable
 SolverOptions (const SolverOptions &)=default
SolverOptionsoperator= (const SolverOptions &)=default
 SolverOptions (SolverOptions &&)=default
SolverOptionsoperator= (SolverOptions &&)=default

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ OptionValue

using OptionValue = std::variant<double, int, std::string>

The values stored in SolverOptions can be double, int, or string.

In the future, we might re-order or add more allowed types without any deprecation period, so be sure to use std::visit or std::get<T> to retrieve the variant's value in a future-proof way.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SolverOptions() [1/3]

SolverOptions ( )

◆ SolverOptions() [2/3]

SolverOptions ( const SolverOptions )

◆ SolverOptions() [3/3]

SolverOptions ( SolverOptions &&  )

Member Function Documentation

◆ CheckOptionKeysForSolver()

void CheckOptionKeysForSolver ( const SolverId solver_id,
const std::unordered_set< std::string > &  allowable_double_keys,
const std::unordered_set< std::string > &  allowable_int_keys,
const std::unordered_set< std::string > &  allowable_str_keys 
) const

Check if for a given solver_id, the option keys are included in double_keys, int_keys and str_keys.

solver_idIf this SolverOptions has set options for this solver_id, then we check if the option keys are a subset of double_keys, int_keys and str_keys.
double_keysThe set of allowable keys for double options.
int_keysThe set of allowable keys for int options.
str_keysThe set of allowable keys for string options.
std::exceptionif the solver contains un-allowed options.

◆ common_solver_options()

const std::unordered_map<CommonSolverOption, OptionValue>& common_solver_options ( ) const

Gets the common options for all solvers.

Refer to CommonSolverOption for more details.

◆ get_max_threads()

std::optional<int> get_max_threads ( ) const

Returns the kMaxThreads set via CommonSolverOption.

Returns nullopt if kMaxThreads is unset.

◆ get_print_file_name()

std::string get_print_file_name ( ) const

Returns the kPrintFileName set via CommonSolverOption, or else an empty string if the option has not been set.

◆ get_print_to_console()

bool get_print_to_console ( ) const

Returns the kPrintToConsole set via CommonSolverOption, or else false if the option has not been set.

◆ get_standalone_reproduction_file_name()

std::string get_standalone_reproduction_file_name ( ) const

Returns the kStandaloneReproductionFileName set via CommonSolverOption, or else an empty string if the option has not been set.

◆ GetOptions()

const std::unordered_map<std::string, T>& GetOptions ( const SolverId solver_id) const

◆ GetOptionsDouble()

const std::unordered_map<std::string, double>& GetOptionsDouble ( const SolverId solver_id) const

◆ GetOptionsInt()

const std::unordered_map<std::string, int>& GetOptionsInt ( const SolverId solver_id) const

◆ GetOptionsStr()

const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>& GetOptionsStr ( const SolverId solver_id) const

◆ GetSolverIds()

std::unordered_set<SolverId> GetSolverIds ( ) const

Returns the IDs that have any option set.

◆ Merge()

void Merge ( const SolverOptions other)

Merges the other solver options into this.

If other and this option both define the same option for the same solver, we ignore then one from other and keep the one from this.

◆ operator!=()

bool operator!= ( const SolverOptions other) const

Negate operator==.

◆ operator=() [1/2]

SolverOptions& operator= ( const SolverOptions )

◆ operator=() [2/2]

SolverOptions& operator= ( SolverOptions &&  )

◆ operator==()

bool operator== ( const SolverOptions other) const

Returns true if this and other have exactly the same solvers, with exactly the same keys and values for the options for each solver.

◆ SetOption() [1/2]

void SetOption ( const SolverId solver_id,
std::string  key,
OptionValue  value 

Sets a solver option for a specific solver.

If the solver doesn't support the option, it will throw an exception during the Solve (not when setting the option here).

◆ SetOption() [2/2]

void SetOption ( CommonSolverOption  key,
OptionValue  value 

Sets a common option for all solvers supporting that option (for example, printing the progress in each iteration).

If the solver doesn't support the option, the option is ignored.

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