Drake C++ Documentation
framework_common.h File Reference
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <variant>
#include <vector>
#include "drake/common/drake_assert.h"
#include "drake/common/identifier.h"
#include "drake/common/type_safe_index.h"
#include "drake/common/value.h"
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struct  UseDefaultName
 (Advanced.) Tag type that indicates a system or port should use a default name, instead of a user-provided name. More...




using DependencyTicket = TypeSafeIndex< class DependencyTag >
 Identifies a particular source value or computation for purposes of declaring and managing dependencies. More...
using CacheIndex = TypeSafeIndex< class CacheTag >
 Serves as a unique identifier for a particular CacheEntry in a System and the corresponding CacheEntryValue in that System's Context. More...
using SubsystemIndex = TypeSafeIndex< class SubsystemIndexTag >
 Serves as a local index for a child subsystem within a parent Diagram, or a child subcontext within a parent DiagramContext. More...
using InputPortIndex = TypeSafeIndex< class InputPortTag >
 Serves as the local index for the input ports of a given System. More...
using OutputPortIndex = TypeSafeIndex< class OutputPortTag >
 Serves as the local index for the output ports of a given System. More...
using ContinuousStateIndex = TypeSafeIndex< class ContinuousStateTag >
 Placeholder for future use. More...
using DiscreteStateIndex = TypeSafeIndex< class DiscreteStateTag >
 Serves as the local index for discrete state groups within a given System and its corresponding Context. More...
using AbstractStateIndex = TypeSafeIndex< class AbstractStateTag >
 Serves as the local index for abstract state variables within a given System and its corresponding Context. More...
using NumericParameterIndex = TypeSafeIndex< class NumericParameterTag >
 Serves as the local index for numeric parameter groups within a given System and its corresponding Context. More...
using AbstractParameterIndex = TypeSafeIndex< class AbstractParameterTag >
 Serves as the local index for abstract parameters within a given System and its corresponding Context. More...
using SystemConstraintIndex = TypeSafeIndex< class SystemConstraintTag >
 Serves as the local index for constraints declared on a given System. More...


enum  PortDataType { kVectorValued = 0, kAbstractValued = 1 }
 All system ports are either vectors of Eigen scalars, or black-box AbstractValues which may contain any type. More...
enum  InputPortSelection { kNoInput = -1, kUseFirstInputIfItExists = -2 }
 Intended for use in e.g. More...
enum  OutputPortSelection { kNoOutput = -1, kUseFirstOutputIfItExists = -2 }
 Intended for use in e.g. More...


bool operator== (const std::variant< std::string, UseDefaultName > &value, const UseDefaultName &)
 (Advanced.) Sugar that compares a variant against kUseDefaultName. More...


constexpr UseDefaultName kUseDefaultName = {}
 Name to use when you want a default one generated. More...