Drake C++ Documentation
drake::examples::planar_gripper Namespace Reference


class  BrickStaticEquilibriumNonlinearConstraint
 Given the set of contacts between the fingertips and the brick, impose the static equilibrium as a nonlinear constraint, that the total force/torque applied on the brick is 0. More...
class  GripperBrickHelper
 The helper class that contains the diagram of the planar gripper (3 planar fingers) with a brick. More...
class  GripperCommandDecoder
 Handles lcmt_planar_gripper_command messages from a LcmSubscriberSystem. More...
class  GripperCommandEncoder
 Creates and outputs lcmt_planar_gripper_command messages. More...
class  GripperStatusDecoder
 Handles lcmt_planar_gripper_status messages from a LcmSubscriberSystem. More...
class  GripperStatusEncoder
 Creates and outputs lcmt_planar_gripper_status messages. More...
class  PlanarManipulandStatusDecoder
 Handles lcmt_planar_manipuland_status messages from a LcmSubscriberSystem. More...
class  PlanarManipulandStatusEncoder
 Creates and outputs lcmt_planar_manipuland_status messages. More...


enum  Finger { kFinger1, kFinger2, kFinger3 }
enum  BrickFace { kPosZ, kNegZ, kPosY, kNegY }


Matrix2X< symbolic::VariableAddBrickStaticEquilibriumConstraint (const GripperBrickHelper< double > &gripper_brick_system, const std::vector< std::pair< Finger, BrickFace >> &finger_face_contacts, const Eigen::Ref< const VectorX< symbolic::Variable >> &q_vars, systems::Context< double > *plant_mutable_context, solvers::MathematicalProgram *prog)
 Given the assignment of contacts between fingers and faces, add the following constraints/variables to the program: More...
std::string to_string (Finger finger)
template<typename T >
void AddFrictionConeConstraint (const GripperBrickHelper< T > &gripper_brick, Finger finger, BrickFace brick_face, const Eigen::Ref< const Vector2< symbolic::Variable >> &f_Cb_B, double friction_cone_shrink_factor, solvers::MathematicalProgram *prog)
 Adds the friction cone as linear constraints on the contact force f_Cb_B (the contact force applied on the brick contact point Cb, expressed in the brick frame B). More...
void AddFingerTipInContactWithBrickFaceConstraint (const GripperBrickHelper< double > &gripper_brick_system, Finger finger, BrickFace brick_face, solvers::MathematicalProgram *prog, const Eigen::Ref< const VectorX< symbolic::Variable >> &q_vars, systems::Context< double > *plant_context, double face_shrink_factor, double depth)
 Add the kinematic constraint that the finger tip (the sphere collision geometry in the tip of the finger) is in contact with a shrunk region on the brick face. More...
Eigen::Vector3d ComputeFingerTipInBrickFrame (const GripperBrickHelper< double > &gripper_brick, const Finger finger, const systems::Context< double > &plant_context, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > &q)
Vector3< AutoDiffXdComputeFingerTipInBrickFrame (const GripperBrickHelper< double > &gripper_brick, const Finger finger, const systems::Context< double > &plant_context, const Eigen::Ref< const AutoDiffVecXd > &q)
void AddFingerNoSlidingConstraint (const GripperBrickHelper< double > &gripper_brick, Finger finger, BrickFace face, double rolling_angle_bound, solvers::MathematicalProgram *prog, systems::Context< double > *from_context, systems::Context< double > *to_context, const Eigen::Ref< const VectorX< symbolic::Variable >> &q_from, const Eigen::Ref< const VectorX< symbolic::Variable >> &q_to, double face_shrink_factor, double depth)
 Impose a kinematic constraint which prohibits the fingertip sphere from sliding on the brick's face. More...
void AddFingerNoSlidingFromFixedPostureConstraint (const GripperBrickHelper< double > &gripper_brick, Finger finger, BrickFace face, double rolling_angle_lower, double rolling_angle_upper, solvers::MathematicalProgram *prog, const systems::Context< double > &from_fixed_context, systems::Context< double > *to_context, const Eigen::Ref< const VectorX< symbolic::Variable >> &q_to, double face_shrink_factor, double depth)
 Impose the kinematic constraint that the finger can only roll (or stick) starting from a given fixed posture. More...
template<typename T >
void WeldGripperFrames (MultibodyPlant< T > *plant)
 Welds each finger's base frame to the world. More...
std::pair< MatrixX< double >, std::map< std::string, int > > ParseKeyframes (const std::string &name, EigenPtr< Vector3< double >> brick_initial_pose=EigenPtr< Vector3< double >>(nullptr))
 Parses a text file containing keyframe joint positions for the planar gripper and the planar brick (the object being manipulated). More...
MatrixX< doubleReorderKeyframesForPlant (const MultibodyPlant< double > &plant, const MatrixX< double > keyframes, std::map< std::string, int > *finger_joint_name_to_row_index_map)
 Reorders the joint keyframe matrix data contained in keyframes such that joint keyframes (rows) are ordered according to the plant's joint velocity index ordering, making it compatible with the inverse dynamics controller's desired state input port ordering. More...
const math::RigidTransformd X_WGripper ()
 Returns the planar gripper frame G's transform w.r.t. the world frame W. More...


constexpr int kNumFingers = 3
constexpr int kNumJoints = kNumFingers * 2
constexpr int kGripperDefaultNumFingers = 3
constexpr double kGripperLcmStatusPeriod = 0.010
constexpr double kPlanarManipulandStatusPeriod = 0.010

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ BrickFace

enum BrickFace

◆ Finger

enum Finger

Function Documentation

◆ AddBrickStaticEquilibriumConstraint()

Matrix2X<symbolic::Variable> drake::examples::planar_gripper::AddBrickStaticEquilibriumConstraint ( const GripperBrickHelper< double > &  gripper_brick_system,
const std::vector< std::pair< Finger, BrickFace >> &  finger_face_contacts,
const Eigen::Ref< const VectorX< symbolic::Variable >> &  q_vars,
systems::Context< double > *  plant_mutable_context,
solvers::MathematicalProgram prog 

Given the assignment of contacts between fingers and faces, add the following constraints/variables to the program:

  1. Decision variables representing the finger contact force on the brick, expressed in the brick frame.
  2. The static equilibrium constraint ensuring that the total wrench on the brick is 0.
  3. The constraint that the contact force is within a friction cone.

◆ AddFingerNoSlidingConstraint()

void drake::examples::planar_gripper::AddFingerNoSlidingConstraint ( const GripperBrickHelper< double > &  gripper_brick,
Finger  finger,
BrickFace  face,
double  rolling_angle_bound,
solvers::MathematicalProgram prog,
systems::Context< double > *  from_context,
systems::Context< double > *  to_context,
const Eigen::Ref< const VectorX< symbolic::Variable >> &  q_from,
const Eigen::Ref< const VectorX< symbolic::Variable >> &  q_to,
double  face_shrink_factor,
double  depth 

Impose a kinematic constraint which prohibits the fingertip sphere from sliding on the brick's face.

That is, the fingertip sphere is only allowed to roll on the brick's surface. Note that zero rolling (i.e., sticking) is also allowed.

gripper_brickContains the gripper brick diagram.
fingerThe finger that should not slide.
faceThe brick face that the finger sticks to (or rolls on).
rolling_angle_boundThe non-negative bound on the rolling angle (in radians).
progThe optimization program to which the constraint is added.
from_contextThe context that contains the posture of the plant, before rolling occurs.
to_contextThe context that contains the posture of the plant, after rolling occurs.
q_fromThe variable representing the "from" posture.
q_toThe variable representing the "to" posture.

◆ AddFingerNoSlidingFromFixedPostureConstraint()

void drake::examples::planar_gripper::AddFingerNoSlidingFromFixedPostureConstraint ( const GripperBrickHelper< double > &  gripper_brick,
Finger  finger,
BrickFace  face,
double  rolling_angle_lower,
double  rolling_angle_upper,
solvers::MathematicalProgram prog,
const systems::Context< double > &  from_fixed_context,
systems::Context< double > *  to_context,
const Eigen::Ref< const VectorX< symbolic::Variable >> &  q_to,
double  face_shrink_factor,
double  depth 

Impose the kinematic constraint that the finger can only roll (or stick) starting from a given fixed posture.

The angle of the finger is defined as the pitch angle of the finger link 2 (about +x axis). The change of finger angles from the starting posture to the ending posture is limited to be within rolling_angle_upper and rolling_angle_lower. If you want to impose sticking contact (no rolling), then set rolling_angle_lower = rolling_angle_upper = 0.

gripper_brickContains the gripper brick diagram.
fingerThe finger that should not slide.
faceThe brick face that the finger sticks to (or rolls on).
rolling_angle_lowerThe lower bound on the rolling angle.
rolling_angle_upperThe upper bound on the rolling angle.
progThe optimization program to which the constraint is added.
from_fixed_contextThe context containing posture, from which the finger should stick to (or roll).
to_contextThe context that contains the value of the posture after rolling (sticking).
q_toThe variable representing the "to" posture.
face_shrink_factorA factor < 1, indicates the region on the face that the finger can roll within.

◆ AddFingerTipInContactWithBrickFaceConstraint()

void drake::examples::planar_gripper::AddFingerTipInContactWithBrickFaceConstraint ( const GripperBrickHelper< double > &  gripper_brick_system,
Finger  finger,
BrickFace  brick_face,
solvers::MathematicalProgram prog,
const Eigen::Ref< const VectorX< symbolic::Variable >> &  q_vars,
systems::Context< double > *  plant_context,
double  face_shrink_factor,
double  depth 

Add the kinematic constraint that the finger tip (the sphere collision geometry in the tip of the finger) is in contact with a shrunk region on the brick face.

gripper_brick_systemThe gripper brick system on which the constraint is imposed.
fingerThe finger in contact.
brick_faceThe face of the brick in contact.
progThe program to which the constraint is added.
q_varsThe variable for the configuration.
plant_contextThe context containing the value of q_vars.
face_shrink_factorA factor to determine the shrunk region on each face. If face_shrink_factor = 1, then the region includes the whole face, 0 < face_shrink_factor < 1 corresponds to the scaled region of the face, if face_shrink_factor = 0, then the region shrinks to the singleton centroid.
depthThe penetration depth between the finger tip sphere and the brick.

◆ AddFrictionConeConstraint()

void drake::examples::planar_gripper::AddFrictionConeConstraint ( const GripperBrickHelper< T > &  gripper_brick,
Finger  finger,
BrickFace  brick_face,
const Eigen::Ref< const Vector2< symbolic::Variable >> &  f_Cb_B,
double  friction_cone_shrink_factor,
solvers::MathematicalProgram prog 

Adds the friction cone as linear constraints on the contact force f_Cb_B (the contact force applied on the brick contact point Cb, expressed in the brick frame B).

Notice that since the example is planar, we can write this friction cone as linear constraints, as opposed to the general nonlinear constraint in StaticFrictionConeConstraint.

gripper_brickThe planar gripper system manipulating a brick.
fingerThe finger in contact with the brick face.
brick_faceThe contact facet on the brick.
f_Cb_BThe contact force applied on the brick contact point Cb, expressed in the brick frame B.
friction_cone_shrink_factorThe factor to shrink the friction coefficient mu in the planning.
progThe program to which the constraint is added.

◆ ComputeFingerTipInBrickFrame() [1/2]

Eigen::Vector3d drake::examples::planar_gripper::ComputeFingerTipInBrickFrame ( const GripperBrickHelper< double > &  gripper_brick,
const Finger  finger,
const systems::Context< double > &  plant_context,
const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > &  q 

◆ ComputeFingerTipInBrickFrame() [2/2]

Vector3<AutoDiffXd> drake::examples::planar_gripper::ComputeFingerTipInBrickFrame ( const GripperBrickHelper< double > &  gripper_brick,
const Finger  finger,
const systems::Context< double > &  plant_context,
const Eigen::Ref< const AutoDiffVecXd > &  q 

◆ ParseKeyframes()

std::pair<MatrixX<double>, std::map<std::string, int> > drake::examples::planar_gripper::ParseKeyframes ( const std::string &  name,
EigenPtr< Vector3< double >>  brick_initial_pose = EigenPtrVector3double >>(nullptr) 

Parses a text file containing keyframe joint positions for the planar gripper and the planar brick (the object being manipulated).

[in]nameThe file name to parse.
[out]brick_initial_poseA vector containing the initial brick pose, expressed in the gripper frame G.
A std::pair containing a matrix of finger joint position keyframes (each matrix column represents a single keyframe containing values for all joint positions) and a std::map containing the mapping between each finger joint name and the corresponding row index in the keyframe matrix containing the data for that joint.
The file should begin with a header row that indicates the joint ordering for keyframes. Header names should consist of three finger base joints, three finger mid joints, and three brick joints (9 total): {finger1_BaseJoint, finger2_BaseJoint, finger3_BaseJoint, finger1_MidJoint, finger2_MidJoint, finger3_MindJoint, brick_translate_y_joint, brick_translate_z_joint, brick_revolute_x_joint}. Note that brick translations should be expressed in the planar-gripper frame G. Names may appear in any order. Each row (keyframe) following the header should contain the same number of values as indicated in the header. All entries should be white space delimited and the file should end in a newline character. The behavior of parsing is undefined if these conditions are not met.

◆ ReorderKeyframesForPlant()

MatrixX<double> drake::examples::planar_gripper::ReorderKeyframesForPlant ( const MultibodyPlant< double > &  plant,
const MatrixX< double keyframes,
std::map< std::string, int > *  finger_joint_name_to_row_index_map 

Reorders the joint keyframe matrix data contained in keyframes such that joint keyframes (rows) are ordered according to the plant's joint velocity index ordering, making it compatible with the inverse dynamics controller's desired state input port ordering.

The incoming plant is the MultibodyPlant used for inverse dynamics control, i.e., the "control plant". The number of planar-gripper joints kNumJoints must exactly match plant.num_positions().

[in]plantThe MultibodyPlant providing the velocity index ordering.
[in]keyframesThe planar gripper keyframes.
[out]finger_joint_name_to_row_index_mapA std::map which contains the incoming joint name to row index ordering. This map is updated to reflect the new keyframe reordering.
A MatrixX containing the reordered keyframes.
Ifthe number of keyframe rows does not match the size of finger_joint_name_to_row_index_map
Ifthe number of keyframe rows does not match the number of planar-gripper joints.
IfkNumJoints does not exactly match plant.num_positions().

◆ to_string()

std::string drake::examples::planar_gripper::to_string ( Finger  finger)

◆ WeldGripperFrames()

void drake::examples::planar_gripper::WeldGripperFrames ( MultibodyPlant< T > *  plant)

Welds each finger's base frame to the world.

The planar-gripper is made up of three 2-DOF fingers, whose bases are fixed equidistant along the perimeter of a circle. The origin (Go) of the planar gripper is located at the center of the workspace, i.e., if all joints are set to zero and all fingers are pointing inwards, the origin is the point that is equidistant to all fingertips. This method welds the planar-gripper such that all motion lies in the Y-Z plane (in frame G). Note: The planar gripper frame G perfectly coincides with the world coordinate frame W when welded via this method.

plantThe plant containing the planar-gripper.
Template Parameters
TThe scalar type, which must be double.

◆ X_WGripper()

const math::RigidTransformd drake::examples::planar_gripper::X_WGripper ( )

Returns the planar gripper frame G's transform w.r.t. the world frame W.

Variable Documentation

◆ kGripperDefaultNumFingers

constexpr int kGripperDefaultNumFingers = 3

◆ kGripperLcmStatusPeriod

constexpr double kGripperLcmStatusPeriod = 0.010

◆ kNumFingers

constexpr int kNumFingers = 3

◆ kNumJoints

constexpr int kNumJoints = kNumFingers * 2

◆ kPlanarManipulandStatusPeriod

constexpr double kPlanarManipulandStatusPeriod = 0.010