Drake C++ Documentation
drake::multibody::benchmarks::inclined_plane Namespace Reference


Inclined plane with a rigid body.

These functions create an inclined plane A and possibly a uniform-density rigid body B with user-defined geometry and surface friction properties and adds them to an existing plant.

The inclined plane can be modeled as an infinite half-space or as a box with user-defined dimensions. The inclined plane's top surface is located so that it passes through point Wo (the origin of world W). Right-handed orthonormal vectors Wx, Wy, Wz are fixed in the world W. Similarly, Ax, Ay, Az are fixed in the inclined plane A and Bx, By, Bz are fixed in body B. Wz is directed vertically upward (opposite Earth's gravity). The inclined plane A is oriented by initially setting Ax=Wx, Ay=Wy, Az=Wz, and then subjecting A to a right-handed rotation about Ay=Wy.

Some of these functions also add a rigid body B (e.g., a block or sphere) with user-defined mass.

[in]gravityThe magnitude of Earth's local gravitational acceleration in m/s². Earth's gravity is in the world's -z direction.
[in]inclined_plane_angleInclined plane angle (slope) i.e., angle from Wx to Ax with positive sense Wy (radians).
[in]inclined_plane_dimensionsOptional box dimensions (meters) in the Ax, Ay, Az directions. If dimensions are given, the inclined plane is modeled as a box, otherwise it is a half-space.
[in]coefficient_friction_inclined_planeCoulomb's coefficient of friction for inclined plane A (sliding friction and static friction).
[in]coefficient_friction_bodyBCoulomb's coefficient of friction data for body B's surfaces (sliding friction and static friction).
[in]massBThe mass of body B (kilograms), which must be positive.
[out]plantPlant that will contain inclined plane A.
std::exceptionif plant is nullptr or there is invalid data, e.g., non-negative mass, dimensions, etc.
plant must be registered with a scene graph.
void AddInclinedPlaneAndGravityToPlant (double gravity, double inclined_plane_angle, const std::optional< Vector3< double >> &inclined_plane_dimensions, const CoulombFriction< double > &coefficient_friction_inclined_plane, MultibodyPlant< double > *plant)
 Creates an inclined plane A and adds it to an existing plant. More...
void AddInclinedPlaneWithBlockToPlant (double gravity, double inclined_plane_angle, const std::optional< Vector3< double >> &inclined_plane_dimensions, const CoulombFriction< double > &coefficient_friction_inclined_plane, const CoulombFriction< double > &coefficient_friction_bodyB, double massB, const Vector3< double > &block_dimensions, bool is_block_with_4Spheres, MultibodyPlant< double > *plant)
 Creates an inclined plane A and a uniform-density block (body B), optionally with 4 spheres welded to it, and adds them to an existing plant. More...
void AddInclinedPlaneWithSphereToPlant (double gravity, double inclined_plane_angle, const std::optional< Vector3< double >> &inclined_plane_dimensions, const CoulombFriction< double > &coefficient_friction_inclined_plane, const CoulombFriction< double > &coefficient_friction_bodyB, double massB, double radiusB, MultibodyPlant< double > *plant)
 Creates an inclined plane A and a uniform-density sphere (body B) and adds them to an existing plant. More...

Function Documentation

◆ AddInclinedPlaneAndGravityToPlant()

void drake::multibody::benchmarks::inclined_plane::AddInclinedPlaneAndGravityToPlant ( double  gravity,
double  inclined_plane_angle,
const std::optional< Vector3< double >> &  inclined_plane_dimensions,
const CoulombFriction< double > &  coefficient_friction_inclined_plane,
MultibodyPlant< double > *  plant 

Creates an inclined plane A and adds it to an existing plant.

See also
Description of parameters

◆ AddInclinedPlaneWithBlockToPlant()

void drake::multibody::benchmarks::inclined_plane::AddInclinedPlaneWithBlockToPlant ( double  gravity,
double  inclined_plane_angle,
const std::optional< Vector3< double >> &  inclined_plane_dimensions,
const CoulombFriction< double > &  coefficient_friction_inclined_plane,
const CoulombFriction< double > &  coefficient_friction_bodyB,
double  massB,
const Vector3< double > &  block_dimensions,
bool  is_block_with_4Spheres,
MultibodyPlant< double > *  plant 

Creates an inclined plane A and a uniform-density block (body B), optionally with 4 spheres welded to it, and adds them to an existing plant.

[in]block_dimensionsDimensions (lengths) of block in the Bx, By, Bz directions (meters). To be valid data, these dimensions must be positive.
[in]is_block_with_4SpheresThis flag is true if block B's contact with inclined plane A is modeled using 4 identical massless spheres welded to the block B's four "bottom" corners, whereas this flag is falseif block B's contact is modeled with a block (box).
See also
Description of other parameters

◆ AddInclinedPlaneWithSphereToPlant()

void drake::multibody::benchmarks::inclined_plane::AddInclinedPlaneWithSphereToPlant ( double  gravity,
double  inclined_plane_angle,
const std::optional< Vector3< double >> &  inclined_plane_dimensions,
const CoulombFriction< double > &  coefficient_friction_inclined_plane,
const CoulombFriction< double > &  coefficient_friction_bodyB,
double  massB,
double  radiusB,
MultibodyPlant< double > *  plant 

Creates an inclined plane A and a uniform-density sphere (body B) and adds them to an existing plant.

[in]radiusBThe radius of sphere B (meters), which must be positive.
See also
Description of other parameters
Decorative visual geometry is added to the sphere to facilitate visualizing the sphere's rotation.