Classes | |
class | BezierCurve |
A Bézier curve is defined by a set of control points p₀ through pₙ, where n is called the order of the curve (n = 1 for linear, 2 for quadratic, 3 for cubic, etc.). More... | |
class | BsplineTrajectory |
Represents a B-spline curve using a given basis with ordered control_points such that each control point is a matrix in ℝʳᵒʷˢ ˣ ᶜᵒˡˢ. More... | |
class | CompositeTrajectory |
A "composite trajectory" is a series of trajectories joined end to end where the end time of one trajectory coincides with the starting time of the next. More... | |
class | DerivativeTrajectory |
Trajectory objects provide derivatives by implementing DoEvalDerivative and DoMakeDerivative . More... | |
class | DiscreteTimeTrajectory |
A DiscreteTimeTrajectory is a Trajectory whose value is only defined at discrete time points. More... | |
class | ExponentialPlusPiecewisePolynomial |
Represents a piecewise-trajectory with piece \(j\) given by: \[ x(t) = K e^{A (t - t_j)} \alpha_j + \sum_{i=0}^k \beta_{j,i}(t-t_j)^i, \] where \(k\) is the order of the | |
class | FunctionHandleTrajectory |
FunctionHandleTrajectory takes a function, value = f(t), and provides a Trajectory interface. More... | |
class | PathParameterizedTrajectory |
A trajectory defined by a path and timing trajectory. More... | |
class | PiecewiseConstantCurvatureTrajectory |
A piecewise constant curvature trajectory in a plane, where the plane is posed arbitrarily in three dimensions. More... | |
class | PiecewisePolynomial |
A scalar multi-variate piecewise polynomial. More... | |
class | PiecewisePose |
A wrapper class that represents a pose trajectory, whose rotation part is a PiecewiseQuaternionSlerp and the translation part is a PiecewisePolynomial. More... | |
class | PiecewiseQuaternionSlerp |
A class representing a trajectory for quaternions that are interpolated using piecewise slerp (spherical linear interpolation). More... | |
class | PiecewiseTrajectory |
Abstract class that implements the basic logic of maintaining consequent segments of time (delimited by breaks ) to implement a trajectory that is represented by simpler logic in each segment or "piece". More... | |
class | StackedTrajectory |
A StackedTrajectory stacks the values from one or more underlying Trajectory objects into a single Trajectory, without changing the start_time() or end_time() . More... | |
class | Trajectory |
A Trajectory represents a time-varying matrix, indexed by a single scalar time. More... | |