On macOS, Homebrew now symlinks Drake’s compatible version of Python 3 (3.8)
into /usr/local/bin/
, so it is on the $PATH
by default. There is no
longer any need to add /usr/local/opt/python@3.8/bin
to your $PATH
The newly-added feature for JavaScript system diagram visualization
(#13644) with function name drake::systems::GenerateHtml
in C++ and
in Python fetches the GoJS graph
library in your browser with only an evaluation license. We recommend
avoiding this new feature while we sort out the licensing question
Breaking changes since v0.19.0
There are no breaking changes that did not undergo a deprecation period.
Changes since v0.19.0:
Dynamical Systems
New features
- Add SystemVisitor to introspect Diagrams (#13628)
- Add JavaScript system diagram visualization (#13644)
- None
Mathematical Program
New features
- Create even or odd degree monomial basis (#13605)
- SdpaFreeFormat can remove free variables (#13600, #13669, #13685, #13687)
- GenerateSDPA supports removing free variables (#13636)
- MathematicalProgram creates even or odd degree polynomials (#13637, #13641)
- None
Multibody Dynamics
New features
- Add accelerometer sensor (#13501)
- Add gyroscope sensor (#13604)
- Enable CalcBiasSpatialAcceleration to have non-world measured-in-frame (#13453)
- Enable CalcBiasTranslationalAcceleration for non-world measured-in frame (#13587)
- RenderEngineGl is now available (#13584, #13616, #13626, #13629, #13659)
- RenderEngineVtk now uses full camera intrinsics (#13655)
- Extend camera intrinsics into geometry and geometry/render (#13557, #13634, #13635)
- IllustrationProperties can be updated after parsing (#13598)
- Allow changing point contact parameters on a per-geometry basis via SceneGraph; these become Systems Framework parameters that live in the Context (#13630, #13686)
- Fix BeamModel’s scalar conversion constructor (#13615)
- Declare SceneGraph related ports in MultibodyPlant constructor (#13558)
- Fix MultibodyPlant overflow with >128 contact points (#13676)
Tutorials and examples
- Use JavaScript system diagram visualization in dynamical_system.ipynb (#13644)
- Move manipulation station clutter clearing bins lower relative to robot to dramatically improve kinematic feasibility (#13666)
Miscellaneous features and fixes
- yaml: Add retain_map_defaults to YamlReadArchive::Options (#13590)
- yaml: Permit writing variant values beyond the 0’th index (#13631)
- yaml: Correctly write out empty sub-structs (#13679)
- planar_gripper: Add additional lcm message types (#13554)
pydrake bindings
New features
- Add ConnectMeshcatVisualizer sugar (#13632)
- Pass animation arguments through to meshcat (#13643)
- Size the CalcJacobianTranslationalVelocity output matrix correctly (#13653)
Newly bound
- pydrake.examples.acrobot.AcrobotPlant.get_mutable_parameters (#13556)
- pydrake.examples.acrobot.AcrobotPlant.get_mutable_state (#13556)
- pydrake.examples.acrobot.AcrobotPlant.get_parameters (#13556)
- pydrake.examples.acrobot.AcrobotPlant.get_state (#13556)
- pydrake.geometry.Capsule (#13559)
- pydrake.geometry.Ellipsoid (#13559)
- pydrake.geometry.QueryObject.X_PF (#13559)
- pydrake.geometry.QueryObject.X_WF (#13559)
- pydrake.geometry.QueryObject.X_WG (#13559)
- pydrake.geometry.SceneGraphInspector.GetName (#13559)
- pydrake.geometry.SceneGraphInspector.GetPoseInParent (#13559)
- pydrake.geometry.SceneGraphInspector.GetSourceName (#13559)
- pydrake.geometry.SceneGraphInspector.NumAnchoredGeometries (#13559)
- pydrake.geometry.SceneGraphInspector.NumDynamicGeometries (#13559)
- pydrake.geometry.SceneGraphInspector.NumDynamicGeometries (#13559)
- pydrake.geometry.SceneGraphInspector.NumGeometriesWithRole (#13559)
- pydrake.geometry.SceneGraphInspector.SourceIsRegistered (#13559)
- pydrake.multibody.plant.MultibodyPlant.CalcBiasSpatialAcceleration (#13638)
- pydrake.multibody.plant.MultibodyPlant.CalcBiasTranslationalAcceleration (#13638)
- pydrake.multibody.plant.MultibodyPlant.CalcCenterOfMassPosition (#13594)
- pydrake.solvers.MathematicalProgramResult.set_x_val (#13577)
Build system and dependencies
- On macOS, use Sphinx from Homebrew instead of PyPI (#13551, #13575)
- On macOS, Drake’s supported python3.8 is now on the default PATH (#13660, #13668)
- On Ubuntu, the minimum GCC version is now 7.5 (#13611)
- On Ubuntu, the supported Clang version is now 9 (#13650, #13656)
- On Ubuntu, GL-related dependencies are more precise and use libOpenGL instead of libGL (#13649)
- Rebuild VTK and drake-visualizer against OpenGL (#13649)
- Fix Ubuntu Focal 20.04 to use C++ flavor of nlopt (#13633)
- Upgrade buildifier to latest release 3.3.0 (#13620)
- Upgrade fcl to latest commit (#13621)
- Upgrade fmt to latest release 7.0.1 (#13667)
- Upgrade googlebenchmark to latest release 1.5.1 (#13623)
- Upgrade lcm to latest commit (#13622)
- Upgrade pybind11 fork to latest commit (#13579)
- Upgrade spdlog to latest release 1.7.0 (#13667)
Newly-deprecated APIs
- Automatic conversion and interop between RigidTransform/Isometry3 (#13595, #13607, #13608)
- drake::math::RigidTransform::linear
- drake::math::RigidTransform::matrix
- drake::math::RigidTransform::operator Isometry3
- All functions within manipulation/util/bot_core_lcm_encode_decode.h (#13596)
- ::EncodeVector3d
- ::DecodeVector3d
- ::EncodeQuaternion
- ::DecodeQuaternion
- ::EncodePose
- ::DecodePose
- ::EncodeTwist
- ::DecodeTwist
- manipulation/models/wsg_50_description URDF and meshes (#13693)
- pydrake.geometry.SceneGraphInspector.GetNameByFrameId (#13559)
- pydrake.geometry.SceneGraphInspector.GetNameByGeometryId (#13559)
Removal of deprecated items
- ::Polynomial
([#13610][_#13610]) - ::Polynomiald (#13610)
- ::TrigPoly
([#13610][_#13610]) - ::TrigPolyd (#13610)
- ::VectorXPoly (#13610)
- ::VectorXTrigPoly (#13610)
- drake::examples::kuka_iiwa_arm::ApplyJointVelocityLimits (#13612)
- drake::examples::kuka_iiwa_arm::EncodeKeyFrames (#13612)
- drake::symbolic::Expression::ToPolynomial (#13610)
- drake::systems::AntiderivativeFunction::SpecifiedValues (#13610)
- drake::systems::InitialValueProblem::ODEFunction (#13610)
- drake::systems::InitialValueProblem::SpecifiedValues (#13610)
- drake::systems::ScalarInitialValueProblem::ScalarODEFunction (#13610)
- drake::systems::ScalarInitialValueProblem::SpecifiedValues (#13610)
- drake::trajectories::PiecewisePolynomial::Cubic (#13610)
- drake::trajectories::PiecewisePolynomial::Pchip (#13610)
(#13610)- drake::trajectories::PiecewiseQuaternionSlerp::get_quaternion_knots (#13610)
This release provides
pre-compiled binaries
named drake-20200717-{bionic|focal|mac}.tar.gz
. See
Stable Releases for instructions on how to use them.
Drake binary releases incorporate a pre-compiled version of SNOPT as part of the Mathematical Program toolbox. Thanks to Philip E. Gill and Elizabeth Wong for their kind support.