Eigen::VectorXd | SampleBasedLyapunovAnalysis (const System< double > &system, const Context< double > &context, const std::function< VectorX< AutoDiffXd >(const VectorX< AutoDiffXd > &state)> &basis_functions, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::MatrixXd > &state_samples, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > &V_zero_state) |
| Sets up a linear program to search for the coefficients of a Lyapunov function that satisfies the Lyapunov conditions at a set of sample points. More...
double | RandomSimulation (const RandomSimulatorFactory &make_simulator, const ScalarSystemFunction &output, double final_time, RandomGenerator *generator) |
| Run a deterministic simulation of a (stochastic) System using the generator to instantiate all "random" quantities. More...
std::vector< RandomSimulationResult > | MonteCarloSimulation (const RandomSimulatorFactory &make_simulator, const ScalarSystemFunction &output, double final_time, int num_samples, RandomGenerator *generator=nullptr, Parallelism parallelism=false) |
| Generates samples of a scalar random variable output by running many random simulations drawn from independent samples of the distributions governing the stochastic simulation. More...
symbolic::Expression | RegionOfAttraction (const System< double > &system, const Context< double > &context, const RegionOfAttractionOptions &options=RegionOfAttractionOptions()) |
| Estimates the region of attraction of the time-invariant system at the fixed point defined by context . More...