Drake C++ Documentation
planar_gripper_common.h File Reference
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "drake/multibody/plant/multibody_plant.h"
Include dependency graph for planar_gripper_common.h:




template<typename T >
void WeldGripperFrames (MultibodyPlant< T > *plant)
 Welds each finger's base frame to the world. More...
std::pair< MatrixX< double >, std::map< std::string, int > > ParseKeyframes (const std::string &name, EigenPtr< Vector3< double >> brick_initial_pose=EigenPtr< Vector3< double >>(nullptr))
 Parses a text file containing keyframe joint positions for the planar gripper and the planar brick (the object being manipulated). More...
MatrixX< doubleReorderKeyframesForPlant (const MultibodyPlant< double > &plant, const MatrixX< double > keyframes, std::map< std::string, int > *finger_joint_name_to_row_index_map)
 Reorders the joint keyframe matrix data contained in keyframes such that joint keyframes (rows) are ordered according to the plant's joint velocity index ordering, making it compatible with the inverse dynamics controller's desired state input port ordering. More...
const math::RigidTransformd X_WGripper ()
 Returns the planar gripper frame G's transform w.r.t. the world frame W. More...


constexpr int kNumFingers = 3
constexpr int kNumJoints = kNumFingers * 2