Drake C++ Documentation
RollPitchYaw< T > Class Template Reference

Detailed Description

template<typename T>
class drake::math::RollPitchYaw< T >

This class represents the orientation between two arbitrary frames A and D associated with a Space-fixed (extrinsic) X-Y-Z rotation by "roll-pitch-yaw" angles [r, p, y], which is equivalent to a Body-fixed (intrinsic) Z-Y-X rotation by "yaw-pitch-roll" angles [y, p, r].

The rotation matrix R_AD associated with this roll-pitch-yaw [r, p, y] rotation sequence is equal to the matrix multiplication shown below.

⎡cos(y) -sin(y) 0⎤ ⎡ cos(p) 0 sin(p)⎤ ⎡1 0 0 ⎤
R_AD = ⎢sin(y) cos(y) 0⎥ * ⎢ 0 1 0 ⎥ * ⎢0 cos(r) -sin(r)⎥
⎣ 0 0 1⎦ ⎣-sin(p) 0 cos(p)⎦ ⎣0 sin(r) cos(r)⎦
= R_AB * R_BC * R_CD
In this discussion, A is the Space frame and D is the Body frame. One way to visualize this rotation sequence is by introducing intermediate frames B and C (useful constructs to understand this rotation sequence). Initially, the frames are aligned so Di = Ci = Bi = Ai (i = x, y, z) where Dx, Dy, Dz and Ax, Ay, Az are orthogonal unit vectors fixed in frames D and A respectively. Similarly for Bx, By, Bz and Cx, Cy, Cz in frame B, C. Then D is subjected to successive right-handed rotations relative to A.
  • 1st rotation R_CD: Frame D rotates relative to frames C, B, A by a roll angle r about Dx = Cx. Note: D and C are no longer aligned.
  • 2nd rotation R_BC: Frames D, C (collectively – as if welded together) rotate relative to frame B, A by a pitch angle p about Cy = By. Note: C and B are no longer aligned.
  • 3rd rotation R_AB: Frames D, C, B (collectively – as if welded) rotate relative to frame A by a yaw angle y about Bz = Az. Note: B and A are no longer aligned. The monogram notation for the rotation matrix relating A to D is R_AD.
See also
Multibody Quantities for monogram notation for dynamics and a discussion on rotation matrices.
This class does not store the frames associated with this rotation sequence.
Template Parameters
TThe scalar type, which must be one of the default scalars.

#include <drake/math/roll_pitch_yaw.h>

Public Member Functions

 RollPitchYaw (const Vector3< T > &rpy)
 Constructs a RollPitchYaw from a 3x1 array of angles. More...
 RollPitchYaw (const T &roll, const T &pitch, const T &yaw)
 Constructs a RollPitchYaw from roll, pitch, yaw angles (radian units). More...
 RollPitchYaw (const RotationMatrix< T > &R)
 Uses a RotationMatrix to construct a RollPitchYaw with roll-pitch-yaw angles [r, p, y] in the range -π <= r <= π, -π/2 <= p <= π/2, -π <= y <= π. More...
 RollPitchYaw (const Eigen::Quaternion< T > &quaternion)
 Uses a Quaternion to construct a RollPitchYaw with roll-pitch-yaw angles [r, p, y] in the range -π <= r <= π, -π/2 <= p <= π/2, -π <= y <= π. More...
RollPitchYaw< T > & set (const Vector3< T > &rpy)
 Sets this RollPitchYaw from a 3x1 array of angles. More...
RollPitchYaw< T > & set (const T &roll, const T &pitch, const T &yaw)
 Sets this RollPitchYaw from roll, pitch, yaw angles (units of radians). More...
void SetFromQuaternion (const Eigen::Quaternion< T > &quaternion)
 Uses a Quaternion to set this RollPitchYaw with roll-pitch-yaw angles [r, p, y] in the range -π <= r <= π, -π/2 <= p <= π/2, -π <= y <= π. More...
void SetFromRotationMatrix (const RotationMatrix< T > &R)
 Uses a high-accuracy efficient algorithm to set the roll-pitch-yaw angles [r, p, y] that underlie this @RollPitchYaw, even when the pitch angle p is very near a singularity (when p is within 1E-6 of π/2 or -π/2). More...
const Vector3< T > & vector () const
 Returns the Vector3 underlying this RollPitchYaw. More...
const T & roll_angle () const
 Returns the roll-angle underlying this RollPitchYaw. More...
const T & pitch_angle () const
 Returns the pitch-angle underlying this RollPitchYaw. More...
const T & yaw_angle () const
 Returns the yaw-angle underlying this RollPitchYaw. More...
void set_roll_angle (const T &r)
 Set the roll-angle underlying this RollPitchYaw. More...
void set_pitch_angle (const T &p)
 Set the pitch-angle underlying this RollPitchYaw. More...
void set_yaw_angle (const T &y)
 Set the yaw-angle underlying this RollPitchYaw. More...
Eigen::Quaternion< T > ToQuaternion () const
 Returns a quaternion representation of this RollPitchYaw. More...
RotationMatrix< T > ToRotationMatrix () const
 Returns the RotationMatrix representation of this RollPitchYaw. More...
Matrix3< T > ToMatrix3ViaRotationMatrix () const
 Returns the 3x3 matrix representation of the RotationMatrix that corresponds to this RollPitchYaw. More...
boolean< T > IsNearlyEqualTo (const RollPitchYaw< T > &other, double tolerance) const
 Compares each element of this to the corresponding element of other to check if they are the same to within a specified tolerance. More...
boolean< T > IsNearlySameOrientation (const RollPitchYaw< T > &other, double tolerance) const
 Compares each element of the RotationMatrix R1 produced by this to the corresponding element of the RotationMatrix R2 produced by other to check if they are the same to within a specified tolerance. More...
boolean< T > IsRollPitchYawInCanonicalRange () const
 Returns true if roll-pitch-yaw angles [r, p, y] are in the range -π <= r <= π, -π/2 <= p <= π/2, -π <= y <= π. More...
boolean< T > DoesPitchAngleViolateGimbalLockTolerance () const
 Returns true if the pitch-angle p is within an internally-defined tolerance of gimbal-lock. More...
Matrix3< T > CalcRotationMatrixDt (const Vector3< T > &rpyDt) const
 Forms Ṙ, the ordinary derivative of the RotationMatrix R with respect to an independent variable t (t usually denotes time) and R is the RotationMatrix formed by this RollPitchYaw. More...
Vector3< T > CalcAngularVelocityInParentFromRpyDt (const Vector3< T > &rpyDt) const
 Calculates angular velocity from this RollPitchYaw whose roll-pitch-yaw angles [r; p; y] relate the orientation of two generic frames A and D. More...
Vector3< T > CalcAngularVelocityInChildFromRpyDt (const Vector3< T > &rpyDt) const
 Calculates angular velocity from this RollPitchYaw whose roll-pitch-yaw angles [r; p; y] relate the orientation of two generic frames A and D. More...
Vector3< T > CalcRpyDtFromAngularVelocityInParent (const Vector3< T > &w_AD_A) const
 Uses angular velocity to compute the 1ˢᵗ time-derivative of this RollPitchYaw whose angles [r; p; y] orient two generic frames A and D. More...
Vector3< T > CalcRpyDtFromAngularVelocityInChild (const Vector3< T > &w_AD_D) const
 Uses angular velocity to compute the 1ˢᵗ time-derivative of this RollPitchYaw whose angles [r; p; y] orient two generic frames A and D. More...
const Matrix3< T > CalcMatrixRelatingRpyDtToAngularVelocityInParent () const
 For this RollPitchYaw with roll-pitch-yaw angles [r; p; y] which relate the orientation of two generic frames A and D, returns the 3x3 matrix Np relating ṙ, ṗ, ẏ to ωx, ωy, ωz, where frame D's angular velocity in A, expressed in "parent" A is w_AD_A = ωx Ax + ωy Ay + ωz Az. More...
const Matrix3< T > CalcMatrixRelatingRpyDtToAngularVelocityInChild () const
 For this RollPitchYaw with roll-pitch-yaw angles [r; p; y] which relate the orientation of two generic frames A and D, returns the 3x3 matrix Nc relating ṙ, ṗ, ẏ to ω0, ω1, ω2, where frame D's angular velocity in A, expressed in "child" D is w_AD_D = ω0 Dx + ω1 Dy + ω2 Dz. More...
Vector3< T > CalcRpyDDtFromRpyDtAndAngularAccelInParent (const Vector3< T > &rpyDt, const Vector3< T > &alpha_AD_A) const
 Uses angular acceleration to compute the 2ⁿᵈ time-derivative of this RollPitchYaw whose angles [r; p; y] orient two generic frames A and D. More...
Vector3< T > CalcRpyDDtFromAngularAccelInChild (const Vector3< T > &rpyDt, const Vector3< T > &alpha_AD_D) const
 Uses angular acceleration to compute the 2ⁿᵈ time-derivative of this RollPitchYaw whose angles [r; p; y] orient two generic frames A and D. More...
Implements CopyConstructible, CopyAssignable, MoveConstructible, MoveAssignable
 RollPitchYaw (const RollPitchYaw &)=default
RollPitchYawoperator= (const RollPitchYaw &)=default
 RollPitchYaw (RollPitchYaw &&)=default
RollPitchYawoperator= (RollPitchYaw &&)=default

Static Public Member Functions

static boolean< T > DoesCosPitchAngleViolateGimbalLockTolerance (const T &cos_pitch_angle)
 Returns true if the pitch-angle p is close to gimbal-lock, which means cos(p) ≈ 0 or p ≈ (n*π + π/2) where n = 0, ±1, ±2, .... More...
static double GimbalLockPitchAngleTolerance ()
 Returns the internally-defined allowable closeness (in radians) of the pitch angle p to gimbal-lock, i.e., the allowable proximity of p to (n*π + π/2) where n = 0, ±1, ±2, .... More...
static boolean< T > IsValid (const Vector3< T > &rpy)
 Returns true if rpy contains valid roll, pitch, yaw angles. More...


template<class HashAlgorithm >
void hash_append (HashAlgorithm &hasher, const RollPitchYaw &rpy) noexcept
 Implements the hash_append generic hashing concept. More...

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

using RollPitchYawd = RollPitchYaw< double >
 Abbreviation (alias/typedef) for a RollPitchYaw double scalar type. More...
template<typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const RollPitchYaw< T > &rpy)
 Stream insertion operator to write an instance of RollPitchYaw into a std::ostream. More...

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ RollPitchYaw() [1/6]

RollPitchYaw ( const RollPitchYaw< T > &  )

◆ RollPitchYaw() [2/6]

RollPitchYaw ( RollPitchYaw< T > &&  )

◆ RollPitchYaw() [3/6]

RollPitchYaw ( const Vector3< T > &  rpy)

Constructs a RollPitchYaw from a 3x1 array of angles.

[in]rpy3x1 array with roll, pitch, yaw angles (units of radians).
std::exceptionin debug builds if !IsValid(rpy).

◆ RollPitchYaw() [4/6]

RollPitchYaw ( const T &  roll,
const T &  pitch,
const T &  yaw 

Constructs a RollPitchYaw from roll, pitch, yaw angles (radian units).

[in]rollx-directed angle in SpaceXYZ rotation sequence.
[in]pitchy-directed angle in SpaceXYZ rotation sequence.
[in]yawz-directed angle in SpaceXYZ rotation sequence.
std::exceptionin debug builds if !IsValid(Vector3<T>(roll, pitch, yaw)).

◆ RollPitchYaw() [5/6]

RollPitchYaw ( const RotationMatrix< T > &  R)

Uses a RotationMatrix to construct a RollPitchYaw with roll-pitch-yaw angles [r, p, y] in the range -π <= r <= π, -π/2 <= p <= π/2, -π <= y <= π.

[in]Ra RotationMatrix.
This new high-accuracy algorithm avoids numerical round-off issues encountered by some algorithms when pitch is within 1E-6 of π/2 or -π/2.

◆ RollPitchYaw() [6/6]

RollPitchYaw ( const Eigen::Quaternion< T > &  quaternion)

Uses a Quaternion to construct a RollPitchYaw with roll-pitch-yaw angles [r, p, y] in the range -π <= r <= π, -π/2 <= p <= π/2, -π <= y <= π.

[in]quaternionunit Quaternion.
This new high-accuracy algorithm avoids numerical round-off issues encountered by some algorithms when pitch is within 1E-6 of π/2 or -π/2.
std::exceptionin debug builds if !IsValid(rpy).

Member Function Documentation

◆ CalcAngularVelocityInChildFromRpyDt()

Vector3<T> CalcAngularVelocityInChildFromRpyDt ( const Vector3< T > &  rpyDt) const

Calculates angular velocity from this RollPitchYaw whose roll-pitch-yaw angles [r; p; y] relate the orientation of two generic frames A and D.

[in]rpyDtTime-derivative of [r; p; y], i.e., [ṙ; ṗ; ẏ].
w_AD_D, frame D's angular velocity in frame A, expressed in "child" frame D. In other words, returns [ω0; ω1; ω2]ᴅ, where w_AD_D = ω0 Dx + ω1 Dy + ω2 Dz, and where [ω0; ω1; ω2]ᴅ is calculated via the 3x3 matrix Nc⁻¹ (the inverse of the matrix Nc documented in CalcMatrixRelatingRpyDtToAngularVelocityInChild()).
⌈ ω0 ⌉ ⌈ ṙ ⌉ ⌈ 1 0 -sin(p) ⌉
| ω1 | = Nc⁻¹ | ṗ | Nc⁻¹ = | 0 cos(r) sin(r)*cos(p) |
⌊ ω2 ⌋ᴅ ⌊ ẏ ⌋ ⌊ 0 -sin(r) cos(r)*cos(p) ⌋

◆ CalcAngularVelocityInParentFromRpyDt()

Vector3<T> CalcAngularVelocityInParentFromRpyDt ( const Vector3< T > &  rpyDt) const

Calculates angular velocity from this RollPitchYaw whose roll-pitch-yaw angles [r; p; y] relate the orientation of two generic frames A and D.

[in]rpyDtTime-derivative of [r; p; y], i.e., [ṙ; ṗ; ẏ].
w_AD_A, frame D's angular velocity in frame A, expressed in "parent" frame A. In other words, returns [ωx; ωy; ωz]ᴀ, where w_AD_A = ωx Ax + ωy Ay + ωz Az, and where [ωx; ωy; ωz]ᴀ is calculated via the the 3x3 matrix Np⁻¹ (the inverse of the matrix Np documented in CalcMatrixRelatingRpyDtToAngularVelocityInParent()).
⌈ ωx ⌉ ⌈ ṙ ⌉ ⌈ cos(y)*cos(p) -sin(y) 0 ⌉
| ωy | = Np⁻¹ | ṗ | Np⁻¹ = | sin(y)*cos(p) cos(y) 0 |
⌊ ωz ⌋ᴀ ⌊ ẏ ⌋ ⌊ -sin(p) 0 1 ⌋

◆ CalcMatrixRelatingRpyDtToAngularVelocityInChild()

const Matrix3<T> CalcMatrixRelatingRpyDtToAngularVelocityInChild ( ) const

For this RollPitchYaw with roll-pitch-yaw angles [r; p; y] which relate the orientation of two generic frames A and D, returns the 3x3 matrix Nc relating ṙ, ṗ, ẏ to ω0, ω1, ω2, where frame D's angular velocity in A, expressed in "child" D is w_AD_D = ω0 Dx + ω1 Dy + ω2 Dz.

Hence, Nc contains partial derivatives of [ṙ, ṗ, ẏ] with respect to [ω0; ω1; ω2]ᴅ.

⌈ ṙ ⌉ ⌈ ω0 ⌉ ⌈ 1 sin(r)*tan(p) cos(r)*tan(p) ⌉
| ṗ | = Nc | ω1 | Nc = | 0 cos(r) −sin(r) |
⌊ ẏ ⌋ ⌊ ω2 ⌋ᴅ ⌊ 0 sin(r)/cos(p) cos(r)/cos(p) ⌋
std::exceptionif cos(p) ≈ 0 (p is near gimbal-lock).
This method has a divide-by-zero error (singularity) when the cosine of the pitch angle p is zero [i.e., cos(p) = 0]. This problem (called "gimbal lock") occurs when p = n π + π / 2, where n is any integer. There are associated precision problems (inaccuracies) in the neighborhood of these pitch angles, i.e., when cos(p) ≈ 0.
See also

◆ CalcMatrixRelatingRpyDtToAngularVelocityInParent()

const Matrix3<T> CalcMatrixRelatingRpyDtToAngularVelocityInParent ( ) const

For this RollPitchYaw with roll-pitch-yaw angles [r; p; y] which relate the orientation of two generic frames A and D, returns the 3x3 matrix Np relating ṙ, ṗ, ẏ to ωx, ωy, ωz, where frame D's angular velocity in A, expressed in "parent" A is w_AD_A = ωx Ax + ωy Ay + ωz Az.

Hence, Np contains partial derivatives of [ṙ, ṗ, ẏ] with respect to [ωx; ωy; ωz]ᴀ.

⌈ ṙ ⌉ ⌈ ωx ⌉ ⌈ cos(y)/cos(p) sin(y)/cos(p) 0 ⌉
| ṗ | = Np | ωy | Np = | −sin(y) cos(y) 0 |
⌊ ẏ ⌋ ⌊ ωz ⌋ᴀ ⌊ cos(y)*tan(p) sin(y)*tan(p) 1 ⌋
std::exceptionif cos(p) ≈ 0 (p is near gimbal-lock).
This method has a divide-by-zero error (singularity) when the cosine of the pitch angle p is zero [i.e., cos(p) = 0]. This problem (called "gimbal lock") occurs when p = n π + π / 2, where n is any integer. There are associated precision problems (inaccuracies) in the neighborhood of these pitch angles, i.e., when cos(p) ≈ 0.
See also

◆ CalcRotationMatrixDt()

Matrix3<T> CalcRotationMatrixDt ( const Vector3< T > &  rpyDt) const

Forms Ṙ, the ordinary derivative of the RotationMatrix R with respect to an independent variable t (t usually denotes time) and R is the RotationMatrix formed by this RollPitchYaw.

The roll-pitch-yaw angles r, p, y are regarded as functions of t [i.e., r(t), p(t), y(t)].

[in]rpyDtOrdinary derivative of rpy with respect to an independent variable t (t usually denotes time, but not necessarily).
Ṙ, the ordinary derivative of R with respect to t, calculated as Ṙ = ∂R/∂r * ṙ + ∂R/∂p * ṗ + ∂R/∂y * ẏ. In other words, the returned (i, j) element is ∂Rij/∂r * ṙ + ∂Rij/∂p * ṗ + ∂Rij/∂y * ẏ.

◆ CalcRpyDDtFromAngularAccelInChild()

Vector3<T> CalcRpyDDtFromAngularAccelInChild ( const Vector3< T > &  rpyDt,
const Vector3< T > &  alpha_AD_D 
) const

Uses angular acceleration to compute the 2ⁿᵈ time-derivative of this RollPitchYaw whose angles [r; p; y] orient two generic frames A and D.

[in]rpyDttime-derivative of [r; p; y], i.e., [ṙ; ṗ; ẏ].
[in]alpha_AD_Dframe D's angular acceleration in frame A, expressed in frame D.
[r̈, p̈, ÿ], the 2ⁿᵈ time-derivative of this RollPitchYaw.
std::exceptionif cos(p) ≈ 0 (p is near gimbal-lock).
This method has a divide-by-zero error (singularity) when the cosine of the pitch angle p is zero [i.e., cos(p) = 0]. This problem (called "gimbal lock") occurs when p = n π + π / 2, where n is any integer. There are associated precision problems (inaccuracies) in the neighborhood of these pitch angles, i.e., when cos(p) ≈ 0.

◆ CalcRpyDDtFromRpyDtAndAngularAccelInParent()

Vector3<T> CalcRpyDDtFromRpyDtAndAngularAccelInParent ( const Vector3< T > &  rpyDt,
const Vector3< T > &  alpha_AD_A 
) const

Uses angular acceleration to compute the 2ⁿᵈ time-derivative of this RollPitchYaw whose angles [r; p; y] orient two generic frames A and D.

[in]rpyDttime-derivative of [r; p; y], i.e., [ṙ; ṗ; ẏ].
[in]alpha_AD_Aframe D's angular acceleration in frame A, expressed in frame A.
[r̈, p̈, ÿ], the 2ⁿᵈ time-derivative of this RollPitchYaw.
std::exceptionif cos(p) ≈ 0 (p is near gimbal-lock).
This method has a divide-by-zero error (singularity) when the cosine of the pitch angle p is zero [i.e., cos(p) = 0]. This problem (called "gimbal lock") occurs when p = n π + π / 2, where n is any integer. There are associated precision problems (inaccuracies) in the neighborhood of these pitch angles, i.e., when cos(p) ≈ 0.

◆ CalcRpyDtFromAngularVelocityInChild()

Vector3<T> CalcRpyDtFromAngularVelocityInChild ( const Vector3< T > &  w_AD_D) const

Uses angular velocity to compute the 1ˢᵗ time-derivative of this RollPitchYaw whose angles [r; p; y] orient two generic frames A and D.

[in]w_AD_Dframe D's angular velocity in frame A, expressed in D.
[ṙ; ṗ; ẏ], the 1ˢᵗ time-derivative of this RollPitchYaw.
std::exceptionif cos(p) ≈ 0 (p is near gimbal-lock).
Enhanced documentation for this method and its gimbal-lock (divide- by-zero error) is in CalcMatrixRelatingRpyDtToAngularVelocityInChild().
See also

◆ CalcRpyDtFromAngularVelocityInParent()

Vector3<T> CalcRpyDtFromAngularVelocityInParent ( const Vector3< T > &  w_AD_A) const

Uses angular velocity to compute the 1ˢᵗ time-derivative of this RollPitchYaw whose angles [r; p; y] orient two generic frames A and D.

[in]w_AD_Aframe D's angular velocity in frame A, expressed in A.
[ṙ; ṗ; ẏ], the 1ˢᵗ time-derivative of this RollPitchYaw.
std::exceptionif cos(p) ≈ 0 (p is near gimbal-lock).
Enhanced documentation for this method and its gimbal-lock (divide- by-zero error) is in CalcMatrixRelatingRpyDtToAngularVelocityInParent().
See also

◆ DoesCosPitchAngleViolateGimbalLockTolerance()

static boolean<T> DoesCosPitchAngleViolateGimbalLockTolerance ( const T &  cos_pitch_angle)

Returns true if the pitch-angle p is close to gimbal-lock, which means cos(p) ≈ 0 or p ≈ (n*π + π/2) where n = 0, ±1, ±2, ....

More specifically, returns true if abs(cos_pitch_angle) is less than an internally-defined tolerance of gimbal-lock.

[in]cos_pitch_anglecosine of the pitch angle, i.e., cos(p).
Pitch-angles close to gimbal-lock can cause problems with numerical precision and numerical integration.

◆ DoesPitchAngleViolateGimbalLockTolerance()

boolean<T> DoesPitchAngleViolateGimbalLockTolerance ( ) const

Returns true if the pitch-angle p is within an internally-defined tolerance of gimbal-lock.

In other words, this method returns true if p ≈ (n*π + π/2) where n = 0, ±1, ±2, ....

To improve efficiency when cos(pitch_angle()) is already calculated, instead use the function DoesCosPitchAngleViolateGimbalLockTolerance().
See also

◆ GimbalLockPitchAngleTolerance()

static double GimbalLockPitchAngleTolerance ( )

Returns the internally-defined allowable closeness (in radians) of the pitch angle p to gimbal-lock, i.e., the allowable proximity of p to (n*π + π/2) where n = 0, ±1, ±2, ....

◆ IsNearlyEqualTo()

boolean<T> IsNearlyEqualTo ( const RollPitchYaw< T > &  other,
double  tolerance 
) const

Compares each element of this to the corresponding element of other to check if they are the same to within a specified tolerance.

[in]otherRollPitchYaw to compare to this.
[in]tolerancemaximum allowable absolute difference between the matrix elements in this and other.
true if ‖this - other‖∞ <= tolerance.

◆ IsNearlySameOrientation()

boolean<T> IsNearlySameOrientation ( const RollPitchYaw< T > &  other,
double  tolerance 
) const

Compares each element of the RotationMatrix R1 produced by this to the corresponding element of the RotationMatrix R2 produced by other to check if they are the same to within a specified tolerance.

[in]otherRollPitchYaw to compare to this.
[in]tolerancemaximum allowable absolute difference between R1, R2.
true if ‖R1 - R2‖∞ <= tolerance.

◆ IsRollPitchYawInCanonicalRange()

boolean<T> IsRollPitchYawInCanonicalRange ( ) const

Returns true if roll-pitch-yaw angles [r, p, y] are in the range -π <= r <= π, -π/2 <= p <= π/2, -π <= y <= π.

◆ IsValid()

static boolean<T> IsValid ( const Vector3< T > &  rpy)

Returns true if rpy contains valid roll, pitch, yaw angles.

[in]rpyallegedly valid roll, pitch, yaw angles.
an angle is invalid if it is NaN or infinite.

◆ operator=() [1/2]

RollPitchYaw& operator= ( const RollPitchYaw< T > &  )

◆ operator=() [2/2]

RollPitchYaw& operator= ( RollPitchYaw< T > &&  )

◆ pitch_angle()

const T& pitch_angle ( ) const

Returns the pitch-angle underlying this RollPitchYaw.

◆ roll_angle()

const T& roll_angle ( ) const

Returns the roll-angle underlying this RollPitchYaw.

◆ set() [1/2]

RollPitchYaw<T>& set ( const Vector3< T > &  rpy)

Sets this RollPitchYaw from a 3x1 array of angles.

[in]rpy3x1 array with roll, pitch, yaw angles (units of radians).
std::exceptionin debug builds if !IsValid(rpy).

◆ set() [2/2]

RollPitchYaw<T>& set ( const T &  roll,
const T &  pitch,
const T &  yaw 

Sets this RollPitchYaw from roll, pitch, yaw angles (units of radians).

[in]rollx-directed angle in SpaceXYZ rotation sequence.
[in]pitchy-directed angle in SpaceXYZ rotation sequence.
[in]yawz-directed angle in SpaceXYZ rotation sequence.
std::exceptionin debug builds if !IsValid(Vector3<T>(roll, pitch, yaw)).

◆ set_pitch_angle()

void set_pitch_angle ( const T &  p)

Set the pitch-angle underlying this RollPitchYaw.

[in]ppitch angle (in units of radians).

◆ set_roll_angle()

void set_roll_angle ( const T &  r)

Set the roll-angle underlying this RollPitchYaw.

[in]rroll angle (in units of radians).

◆ set_yaw_angle()

void set_yaw_angle ( const T &  y)

Set the yaw-angle underlying this RollPitchYaw.

[in]yyaw angle (in units of radians).

◆ SetFromQuaternion()

void SetFromQuaternion ( const Eigen::Quaternion< T > &  quaternion)

Uses a Quaternion to set this RollPitchYaw with roll-pitch-yaw angles [r, p, y] in the range -π <= r <= π, -π/2 <= p <= π/2, -π <= y <= π.

[in]quaternionunit Quaternion.
This new high-accuracy algorithm avoids numerical round-off issues encountered by some algorithms when pitch is within 1E-6 of π/2 or -π/2.
std::exceptionin debug builds if !IsValid(rpy).

◆ SetFromRotationMatrix()

void SetFromRotationMatrix ( const RotationMatrix< T > &  R)

Uses a high-accuracy efficient algorithm to set the roll-pitch-yaw angles [r, p, y] that underlie this @RollPitchYaw, even when the pitch angle p is very near a singularity (when p is within 1E-6 of π/2 or -π/2).

After calling this method, the underlying roll-pitch-yaw [r, p, y] has range -π <= r <= π, -π/2 <= p <= π/2, -π <= y <= π.

[in]Ra RotationMatrix.
This high-accuracy algorithm was invented at TRI in October 2016 and avoids numerical round-off issues encountered by some algorithms when pitch is within 1E-6 of π/2 or -π/2.

◆ ToMatrix3ViaRotationMatrix()

Matrix3<T> ToMatrix3ViaRotationMatrix ( ) const

Returns the 3x3 matrix representation of the RotationMatrix that corresponds to this RollPitchYaw.

This is a convenient "sugar" method that is exactly equivalent to RotationMatrix(rpy).ToMatrix3().

◆ ToQuaternion()

Eigen::Quaternion<T> ToQuaternion ( ) const

Returns a quaternion representation of this RollPitchYaw.

◆ ToRotationMatrix()

RotationMatrix<T> ToRotationMatrix ( ) const

Returns the RotationMatrix representation of this RollPitchYaw.

◆ vector()

const Vector3<T>& vector ( ) const

Returns the Vector3 underlying this RollPitchYaw.

◆ yaw_angle()

const T& yaw_angle ( ) const

Returns the yaw-angle underlying this RollPitchYaw.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ hash_append

void hash_append ( HashAlgorithm &  hasher,
const RollPitchYaw< T > &  rpy 

Implements the hash_append generic hashing concept.

T implements the hash_append concept.

◆ operator<<()

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const RollPitchYaw< T > &  rpy 

Stream insertion operator to write an instance of RollPitchYaw into a std::ostream.

Especially useful for debugging.

◆ RollPitchYawd

using RollPitchYawd = RollPitchYaw<double>

Abbreviation (alias/typedef) for a RollPitchYaw double scalar type.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: