Drake C++ Documentation
rotation_conversion_gradient.h File Reference
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include "drake/common/constants.h"
#include "drake/math/gradient.h"
#include "drake/math/gradient_util.h"
#include "drake/math/normalize_vector.h"
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template<typename Derived >
drake::math::Gradient< Eigen::Matrix< typename Derived::Scalar, 3, 3 >, 4 >::type dquat2rotmat (const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &quaternion)
 Computes the gradient of the function that converts a unit length quaternion to a rotation matrix. More...
template<typename DerivedR , typename DerivedDR >
drake::math::Gradient< Eigen::Matrix< typename DerivedR::Scalar, 3, 1 >, DerivedDR::ColsAtCompileTime >::type drotmat2rpy (const Eigen::MatrixBase< DerivedR > &R, const Eigen::MatrixBase< DerivedDR > &dR)
 Computes the gradient of the function that converts a rotation matrix to body-fixed z-y'-x'' Euler angles. More...
template<typename DerivedR , typename DerivedDR >
drake::math::Gradient< Eigen::Matrix< typename DerivedR::Scalar, 4, 1 >, DerivedDR::ColsAtCompileTime >::type drotmat2quat (const Eigen::MatrixBase< DerivedR > &R, const Eigen::MatrixBase< DerivedDR > &dR)
 Computes the gradient of the function that converts rotation matrix to quaternion. More...