Drake C++ Documentation
math Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for math:


file  autodiff.h
 Utilities for arithmetic on AutoDiffScalar.
file  autodiff_gradient.h
 Utilities that relate simultaneously to both autodiff matrices and gradient matrices.
file  barycentric.h
file  binomial_coefficient.h
file  bspline_basis.h
file  compute_numerical_gradient.h
file  continuous_algebraic_riccati_equation.h
file  continuous_lyapunov_equation.h
file  convert_time_derivative.h
file  cross_product.h
file  differentiable_norm.h
file  discrete_algebraic_riccati_equation.h
file  discrete_lyapunov_equation.h
file  eigen_sparse_triplet.h
file  evenly_distributed_pts_on_sphere.h
file  fast_pose_composition_functions.h
file  fourth_order_tensor.h
file  gradient.h
 Utilities for arithmetic on gradients.
file  gradient_util.h
file  gray_code.h
file  hopf_coordinate.h
 Hopf coordinates parametrizes SO(3) locally as the Cartesian product of a one-sphere and a two-sphere S¹ x S².
file  jacobian.h
file  knot_vector_type.h
file  linear_solve.h
file  matrix_util.h
file  normalize_vector.h
file  quadratic_form.h
file  quaternion.h
 Utilities for arithmetic on quaternions.
file  random_rotation.h
file  rigid_transform.h
file  roll_pitch_yaw.h
file  rotation_conversion_gradient.h
file  rotation_matrix.h
file  soft_min_max.h
file  unit_vector.h
file  wrap_to.h