
pydrake.manipulation.ApplyDriverConfig(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. ApplyDriverConfig(driver_config: pydrake.manipulation.IiwaDriver, model_instance_name: str, sim_plant: drake::multibody::MultibodyPlant<double>, models_from_directives: dict[str, pydrake.multibody.parsing.ModelInstanceInfo], lcms:, builder: -> None

Wires up Drake systems between an LCM interface and the actuation input ports of a MultibodyPlant. This simulates the role that driver software and control cabinets would take in real life.


model_instance_name is in models_from_directives.


driver_config.hand_model_name is in models_from_directives.

  1. ApplyDriverConfig(driver_config: pydrake.manipulation.SchunkWsgDriver, model_instance_name: str, sim_plant: drake::multibody::MultibodyPlant<double>, models_from_directives: dict[str, pydrake.multibody.parsing.ModelInstanceInfo], lcms:, builder: -> None

Wires up Drake systems between an LCM interface and the actuation input ports of a MultibodyPlant. This simulates the role that driver software and robot firmware would take in real life.

  1. ApplyDriverConfig(driver_config: pydrake.manipulation.ZeroForceDriver, model_instance_name: str, sim_plant: drake::multibody::MultibodyPlant<double>, models_from_directives: dict[str, pydrake.multibody.parsing.ModelInstanceInfo], lcms:, builder: -> None

Applies zero actuation to every joint of a model mainly for debugging and testing purposes.


The sim_plant.is_finalized() is true.

pydrake.manipulation.ApplyDriverConfigs(*, driver_configs, sim_plant, models_from_directives, lcm_buses, builder)

Applies many driver configurations to a model.

A “driver configuration” helps stack Drake systems between an LCM interface subscriber system and the actuation input ports of a MultibodyPlant (to enact the driver command), as well as the output ports of a MultibodyPlant back to an LCM interface publisher system (to provide the driver status).

These conceptually simulate “drivers” – they take the role that driver software and control cabinets would take in real life – but may also model some physical properties of the robot that are not easily reflected in MultibodyPlant (e.g., the WSG belt drive).

This function assumes that the ApplyDriverConfig functions associated with the values in the driver_configs map are defined in the same module as the value itself.

  • driver_configs – The configurations to apply, mapping a str model instance name to some kind of a DriverConfig object (e.g., a pydrake.manipulation.util.ZeroForceDriver).

  • sim_plant – The plant containing the model.

  • models_from_directives – The list of ModelInstanceInfo from previously-loaded directives (e.g., from ProcessModelDirectives).

  • lcm_buses – The available LCM buses to drive and/or sense from this driver.

  • builder – The DiagramBuilder into which to install this driver.

pydrake.manipulation.BuildIiwaControl(plant: drake::multibody::MultibodyPlant<double>, iiwa_instance: pydrake.multibody.tree.ModelInstanceIndex, controller_plant: drake::multibody::MultibodyPlant<double>, lcm: pydrake.lcm.DrakeLcmInterface, builder:, ext_joint_filter_tau: float = 0.01, desired_iiwa_kp_gains: Optional[numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]] = None, control_mode: pydrake.manipulation.IiwaControlMode = <IiwaControlMode.kPositionAndTorque: 2>) None

Given a plant (and associated iiwa_instance) and a builder, installs in that builder the systems necessary to control and monitor an Iiwa described by controller_plant in that plant.

The installed plant will communicate over the LCM interface lcm.

The installed plant will connect itself to the actuation input port and state output ports in plant corresponding to the Iiwa model.

desired_iiwa_kp_gains is an optional argument to pass in gains corresponding to the Iiwa Dof (7) in the controller. If no argument is passed, the gains derived from hardware will be used instead (hardcoded within the implementation of this function). These gains must be nullopt if control_mode does not include position control.

control_mode the control mode for the controller.

Note: The Diagram will maintain an internal reference to controller_plant, so you must ensure that controller_plant has a longer lifetime than the Diagram.

pydrake.manipulation.BuildSchunkWsgControl(plant: drake::multibody::MultibodyPlant<double>, wsg_instance: pydrake.multibody.tree.ModelInstanceIndex, lcm: pydrake.lcm.DrakeLcmInterface, builder:, pid_gains: Optional[numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]] = None) None

Builds (into builder) the WSG control and sensing systems for the wsg model in plant indicated by wsg_instance; hooks those systems up to lcm and the relevant MultibodyPlant ports in the diagram. pid_gains can be used to override the default sim PID gains.

pydrake.manipulation.get_iiwa_max_joint_velocities() numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]

Returns the maximum joint velocities (rad/s) provided by Kuka.

pydrake.manipulation.GetSchunkWsgOpenPosition() numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]

Returns the position vector corresponding to the open position of the gripper.

class pydrake.manipulation.IiwaCommandReceiver


Handles lcmt_iiwa_command message from a LcmSubscriberSystem.

Note that this system does not actually subscribe to an LCM channel. To receive the message, the input of this system should be connected to a LcmSubscriberSystem::Make<drake::lcmt_iiwa_command>().

It has one required input port, “lcmt_iiwa_command”.

It has three output ports: one for the commanded position for each joint, one for commanded additional feedforward joint torque, and one for the timestamp in the most recently received message.

position_measured (optional)→
→ position
→ torque
→ time

@par Output prior to receiving a valid lcmt_iiwa_command message: The “position” output initially feeds through from the “position_measured” input port – or if not connected, outputs zero. When discrete update events are enabled (e.g., during a simulation), the system latches the “position_measured” input into state during the first event, and the “position” output comes from the latched state, no longer fed through from the “position” input. Alternatively, the LatchInitialPosition() method is available to achieve the same effect without using events. The “torque” output will be a vector of zeros, and the “time” output will be a vector of a single zero.

__init__(self: pydrake.manipulation.IiwaCommandReceiver, num_joints: int = 7, control_mode: pydrake.manipulation.IiwaControlMode = <IiwaControlMode.kPositionAndTorque: 2>) None
get_commanded_position_output_port(self: pydrake.manipulation.IiwaCommandReceiver)

RuntimeError if control_mode does not include position control.

get_commanded_torque_output_port(self: pydrake.manipulation.IiwaCommandReceiver)

RuntimeError if control_mode does not include torque control.

get_message_input_port(self: pydrake.manipulation.IiwaCommandReceiver)
get_position_measured_input_port(self: pydrake.manipulation.IiwaCommandReceiver)
get_time_output_port(self: pydrake.manipulation.IiwaCommandReceiver)
class pydrake.manipulation.IiwaCommandSender


Creates and outputs lcmt_iiwa_command messages.

Note that this system does not actually send the message on an LCM channel. To send the message, the output of this system should be connected to a systems::lcm::LcmPublisherSystem::Make<lcmt_iiwa_command>().

This system has three vector-valued input ports:

  • one for the commanded position, which must be connected if position mode is

specified, - one for commanded torque, which is optional if position and torque mode is specified (for backwards compatibility), but must be connected if it is torque only, and - one for the time to use, in seconds, for the message timestamp, which is optional.

If position and torque mode is specified, the torque input port can remain unconnected; the message will contain torque values of size zero. If position mode is not specified, the message will contain position values of size zero.

If the time input port is not connected, the context time will be used for message timestamp.

This system has one abstract-valued output port of type lcmt_iiwa_command.

position (required if using position mode)→
torque (optional if using position mode, required in torque mode)→
time (optional)→
→ lcmt_iiwa_command

See also

lcmt_iiwa_command.lcm for additional documentation.

__init__(self: pydrake.manipulation.IiwaCommandSender, num_joints: int = 7, control_mode: pydrake.manipulation.IiwaControlMode = <IiwaControlMode.kPositionAndTorque: 2>) None
get_position_input_port(self: pydrake.manipulation.IiwaCommandSender)
get_time_input_port(self: pydrake.manipulation.IiwaCommandSender)
get_torque_input_port(self: pydrake.manipulation.IiwaCommandSender)
class pydrake.manipulation.IiwaControlMode

Enumeration for control modes.


kPositionOnly :

kTorqueOnly :

kPositionAndTorque :

__init__(self: pydrake.manipulation.IiwaControlMode, value: int) None
kPositionAndTorque = <IiwaControlMode.kPositionAndTorque: 2>
kPositionOnly = <IiwaControlMode.kPositionOnly: 0>
kTorqueOnly = <IiwaControlMode.kTorqueOnly: 1>
property name
property value
class pydrake.manipulation.IiwaDriver

This config struct specifies how to wire up Drake systems between an LCM interface and the actuation input ports of a MultibodyPlant. This simulates the role that driver software and control cabinets would take in real life.

It creates an LCM publisher on the IIWA_STATUS channel and an LCM subscriber on the IIWA_COMMAND channel.

__init__(self: pydrake.manipulation.IiwaDriver, **kwargs) None
property control_mode

The driver’s control mode. Valid options (per ParseIiwaControlMode) are: - “position_only” - “position_and_torque” (default) - “torque_only”

property ext_joint_filter_tau

Per BuildIiwaControl.

property hand_model_name

The name of the model (name element of the add_model directive) in the simulation that the driver will analyze to compute end effector inertia for its copy of the arm in inverse dynamics.

property lcm_bus
class pydrake.manipulation.IiwaStatusReceiver


@system name: IiwaStatusReceiver input_ports: - lcmt_iiwa_status output_ports: - time_measured - position_commanded - position_measured - velocity_estimated - torque_commanded - torque_measured - torque_external @endsystem

See also

lcmt_iiwa_status.lcm for additional documentation.

__init__(self: pydrake.manipulation.IiwaStatusReceiver, num_joints: int = 7) None
get_position_commanded_output_port(self: pydrake.manipulation.IiwaStatusReceiver)
get_position_measured_output_port(self: pydrake.manipulation.IiwaStatusReceiver)
get_time_measured_output_port(self: pydrake.manipulation.IiwaStatusReceiver)
get_torque_commanded_output_port(self: pydrake.manipulation.IiwaStatusReceiver)
get_torque_external_output_port(self: pydrake.manipulation.IiwaStatusReceiver)
get_torque_measured_output_port(self: pydrake.manipulation.IiwaStatusReceiver)
get_velocity_estimated_output_port(self: pydrake.manipulation.IiwaStatusReceiver)
class pydrake.manipulation.IiwaStatusSender


Creates and outputs lcmt_iiwa_status messages.

Note that this system does not actually send the message an LCM channel. To send the message, the output of this system should be connected to a systems::lcm::LcmPublisherSystem::Make<lcmt_iiwa_status>().

This system has many vector-valued input ports, most of which have exactly num_joints elements. The exception is time_measured which is the one-dimensional time in seconds to set as the message timestamp (i.e. the time inputted will be converted to microseconds and sent to the hardware). It is optional and if unset, the context time is used.

  • position_commanded: the most recently received position command.

  • position_measured: the plant’s current position.

  • velocity_estimated (optional): the plant’s current velocity (this

    should be a low-pass filter of the position’s derivative; see detailed comments in lcmt_iiwa_status.lcm); when absent, the output message will use zeros.

  • torque_commanded: the most recently received joint torque command.

  • torque_measured (optional): the plant’s measured joint torque; when

    absent, the output message will duplicate torque_commanded.

  • torque_external (optional): the plant’s external joint torque; when

    absent, the output message will use zeros.

This system has one abstract-valued output port of type lcmt_iiwa_status.

This system is presently only used in simulation. The robot hardware drivers publish directly to LCM and do not make use of this system.

→ lcmt_iiwa_status

The ports velocity_estimated, torque_measured, torque_external, and time_measured may be left unconnected, as detailed above.

See also

lcmt_iiwa_status.lcm for additional documentation.

__init__(self: pydrake.manipulation.IiwaStatusSender, num_joints: int = 7) None
get_position_commanded_input_port(self: pydrake.manipulation.IiwaStatusSender)
get_position_measured_input_port(self: pydrake.manipulation.IiwaStatusSender)
get_time_measured_input_port(self: pydrake.manipulation.IiwaStatusSender)
get_torque_commanded_input_port(self: pydrake.manipulation.IiwaStatusSender)
get_torque_external_input_port(self: pydrake.manipulation.IiwaStatusSender)
get_torque_measured_input_port(self: pydrake.manipulation.IiwaStatusSender)
get_velocity_estimated_input_port(self: pydrake.manipulation.IiwaStatusSender)

Helper method to create a MultibodyForceToWsgForceSystem.


Extract the distance between the fingers (and its time derivative) out of the plant model which pretends the two fingers are independent.

pydrake.manipulation.ParseIiwaControlMode(control_mode: str) pydrake.manipulation.IiwaControlMode

Parses control mode with the following mapping: - “position_only”: kPositionOnly - “torque_only”: kTorqueOnly - “position_and_torque”: kPositionAndTorque

pydrake.manipulation.position_enabled(control_mode: pydrake.manipulation.IiwaControlMode) bool

Reports if the given control mode includes positions.

class pydrake.manipulation.SchunkWsgCommandReceiver


Handles the command for the Schunk WSG gripper from a LcmSubscriberSystem.

It has one input port: “command_message” for lcmt_schunk_wsg_command abstract values.

It has two output ports: one for the commanded finger position represented as the desired distance between the fingers in meters, and one for the commanded force limit. The commanded position and force limit are scalars (BasicVector<double> of size 1).

→ position
→ force_limit
__init__(self: pydrake.manipulation.SchunkWsgCommandReceiver, initial_position: float = 0.02, initial_force: float = 40.0) None
Parameter initial_position:

the commanded position to output if no LCM message has been received yet.

Parameter initial_force:

the commanded force limit to output if no LCM message has been received yet.

get_force_limit_output_port(self: pydrake.manipulation.SchunkWsgCommandReceiver)
get_position_output_port(self: pydrake.manipulation.SchunkWsgCommandReceiver)
class pydrake.manipulation.SchunkWsgCommandSender


Send lcmt_schunk_wsg_command messages for a Schunk WSG gripper. Has two input ports: one for the commanded finger position represented as the desired signed distance between the fingers in meters, and one for the commanded force limit. The commanded position and force limit are scalars (BasicVector<double> of size 1).

→ lcmt_schunk_wsg_command

The force_limit input port can be left unconnected; in this case, the default_force_limit value given at construction time will be used.

__init__(self: pydrake.manipulation.SchunkWsgCommandSender, default_force_limit: float = 40.0) None
get_command_output_port(self: pydrake.manipulation.SchunkWsgCommandSender)
get_force_limit_input_port(self: pydrake.manipulation.SchunkWsgCommandSender)
get_position_input_port(self: pydrake.manipulation.SchunkWsgCommandSender)
class pydrake.manipulation.SchunkWsgController


This class implements a controller for a Schunk WSG gripper. It has two input ports: lcmt_schunk_wsg_command message and the current state, and an output port which emits the target force for the actuated finger. Note, only one of the command input ports should be connected, However, if both are connected, the message input will be ignored. The internal implementation consists of a PID controller (which controls the target position from the command message) combined with a saturation block (which applies the force control from the command message).

→ force
__init__(self: pydrake.manipulation.SchunkWsgController, kp: float = 2000.0, ki: float = 0.0, kd: float = 5.0) None
class pydrake.manipulation.SchunkWsgDriver

This config struct specifies how to wire up Drake systems between an LCM interface and the actuation input ports of a MultibodyPlant. This simulates the role that driver software and control cabinets would take in real life.

It creates an LCM publisher on the SCHUNK_WSG_STATUS channel and an LCM subscriber on the SCHUNK_WSG_COMMAND channel.

__init__(self: pydrake.manipulation.SchunkWsgDriver, **kwargs) None
property lcm_bus
property pid_gains

Gains to apply to the the WSG fingers. The p term corresponds approximately to the elastic modulus of the belt, the d term to the viscous friction of the geartrain. The i term is nonphysical.

class pydrake.manipulation.SchunkWsgPositionController


This class implements a controller for a Schunk WSG gripper in position control mode adding a discrete-derivative to estimate the desired velocity from the desired position commands. It is a thin wrapper around SchunkWsgPdController.

→ generalized_force
→ grip_force

The force_limit input port can be left unconnected; in this case, the default_force_limit value given at construction time will be used.

See also


__init__(self: pydrake.manipulation.SchunkWsgPositionController, time_step: float = 0.05, kp_command: float = 200.0, kd_command: float = 5.0, kp_constraint: float = 2000.0, kd_constraint: float = 5.0, default_force_limit: float = 40.0) None

Initialize the controller. The default time_step is set to match the update rate of the wsg firmware. The gain parameters are set based limited tuning in simulation with a kuka picking up small objects.

See also


get_desired_position_input_port(self: pydrake.manipulation.SchunkWsgPositionController)
get_force_limit_input_port(self: pydrake.manipulation.SchunkWsgPositionController)
get_generalized_force_output_port(self: pydrake.manipulation.SchunkWsgPositionController)
get_grip_force_output_port(self: pydrake.manipulation.SchunkWsgPositionController)
get_state_input_port(self: pydrake.manipulation.SchunkWsgPositionController)
class pydrake.manipulation.SchunkWsgStatusReceiver


Handles lcmt_schunk_wsg_status messages from a LcmSubscriberSystem. Has two output ports: one for the measured state of the gripper, represented as the signed distance between the fingers in meters and its corresponding velocity, and one for the measured force.

→ state
→ force
__init__(self: pydrake.manipulation.SchunkWsgStatusReceiver) None
get_force_output_port(self: pydrake.manipulation.SchunkWsgStatusReceiver)
get_state_output_port(self: pydrake.manipulation.SchunkWsgStatusReceiver)
get_status_input_port(self: pydrake.manipulation.SchunkWsgStatusReceiver)
class pydrake.manipulation.SchunkWsgStatusSender


Sends lcmt_schunk_wsg_status messages for a Schunk WSG. This system has one input port for the current state of the WSG, and one optional input port for the measured gripping force.

→ lcmt_schunk_wsg_status

The state input is a BasicVector<double> of size 2 – with one position and one velocity – representing the distance between the fingers (positive implies non-penetration).

__init__(self: pydrake.manipulation.SchunkWsgStatusSender) None
get_force_input_port(self: pydrake.manipulation.SchunkWsgStatusSender)
get_state_input_port(self: pydrake.manipulation.SchunkWsgStatusSender)
class pydrake.manipulation.SimIiwaDriver


SimIiwaDriver simulates the IIWA control and status interface using a MultibodyPlant.


This feature is considered to be experimental and may change or be removed at any time, without any deprecation notice ahead of time.

position (in kPositionOnly or kPositionAndTorque mode)→
torque (in kTorqueOnly or kPositionAndTorque mode)→
→ position_commanded
→ position_measured
→ velocity_estimated
→ state_estimated
→ torque_commanded
→ torque_measured
→ torque_external

Ports shown in <b style=”color:orange”>orange</b> are intended to connect to the MultibodyPlant’s per-model-instance ports of the same name. All other ports are intended to mimic the LCM command and status message fields.

__init__(self: pydrake.manipulation.SimIiwaDriver, control_mode: pydrake.manipulation.IiwaControlMode, controller_plant: drake::multibody::MultibodyPlant<double>, ext_joint_filter_tau: float, kp_gains: Optional[numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]]) None

Constructs a diagram with the given parameters. A reference to the controller_plant is retained by this system, so the controller_plant must outlive this.

static AddToBuilder(builder:, plant: drake::multibody::MultibodyPlant<double>, iiwa_instance: pydrake.multibody.tree.ModelInstanceIndex, controller_plant: drake::multibody::MultibodyPlant<double>, ext_joint_filter_tau: float, desired_iiwa_kp_gains: Optional[numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]], control_mode: pydrake.manipulation.IiwaControlMode)

Given a plant (and associated iiwa_instance) and a builder, installs in that builder the SimIiwaDriver system to control and monitor an iiwa described by controller_plant.

The added SimIiwaDriver system is connected to the actuation input port, state and generalized contact forces output ports in plant corresponding to the iiwa model.

Returns the newly-added SimIiwaDriver System.

Note: The Diagram will maintain an internal reference to controller_plant, so you must ensure that controller_plant has a longer lifetime than the Diagram.

pydrake.manipulation.torque_enabled(control_mode: pydrake.manipulation.IiwaControlMode) bool

Reports if the given control mode includes torques.

class pydrake.manipulation.ZeroForceDriver

A driver that applies zero actuation to every joint of a model. Useful for debugging and testing; useless in reality. No LCM channels are created.

__init__(self: pydrake.manipulation.ZeroForceDriver, **kwargs) None