
Provides bindings of existing C++ example library code as well as a few pure Python examples.

class pydrake.examples.AcrobotGeometry


Expresses an AcrobotPlant’s geometry to a SceneGraph.

→ geometry_pose

This class has no public constructor; instead use the AddToBuilder() static method to create and add it to a DiagramBuilder directly.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)
static AddToBuilder(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. AddToBuilder(builder:, acrobot_state_port:, acrobot_params: pydrake.examples.AcrobotParams, scene_graph: pydrake.geometry.SceneGraph) -> pydrake.examples.AcrobotGeometry

Creates, adds, and connects an AcrobotGeometry system into the given builder. Both the acrobot_state.get_system() and scene_graph systems must have been added to the given builder already.

Parameter acrobot_params:

sets the parameters of the geometry registered with scene_graph.

The scene_graph pointer is not retained by the AcrobotGeometry system. The return value pointer is an alias of the new AcrobotGeometry system that is owned by the builder.

  1. AddToBuilder(builder:, acrobot_state_port:, scene_graph: pydrake.geometry.SceneGraph) -> pydrake.examples.AcrobotGeometry

Creates, adds, and connects an AcrobotGeometry system into the given builder. Both the acrobot_state.get_system() and scene_graph systems must have been added to the given builder already.

Acrobot parameters are set to their default values.

The scene_graph pointer is not retained by the AcrobotGeometry system. The return value pointer is an alias of the new AcrobotGeometry system that is owned by the builder.

class pydrake.examples.AcrobotInput


Specializes BasicVector with specific getters and setters.

__init__(self: pydrake.examples.AcrobotInput) None

Default constructor. Sets all rows to their default value:

  • tau defaults to 0.0 Nm.

set_tau(self: pydrake.examples.AcrobotInput, arg0: float) None

Setter that matches tau().

tau(self: pydrake.examples.AcrobotInput) float

Torque at the elbow


tau is expressed in units of Nm.

class pydrake.examples.AcrobotParams


Specializes BasicVector with specific getters and setters.

__init__(self: pydrake.examples.AcrobotParams) None

Default constructor. Sets all rows to their default value:

  • m1 defaults to 1.0 kg.

  • m2 defaults to 1.0 kg.

  • l1 defaults to 1.0 m.

  • l2 defaults to 2.0 m.

  • lc1 defaults to 0.5 m.

  • lc2 defaults to 1.0 m.

  • Ic1 defaults to 0.083 kg*m^2.

  • Ic2 defaults to 0.33 kg*m^2.

  • b1 defaults to 0.1 kg*m^2/s.

  • b2 defaults to 0.1 kg*m^2/s.

  • gravity defaults to 9.81 m/s^2.

b1(self: pydrake.examples.AcrobotParams) float

Damping coefficient of the shoulder joint.


b1 is expressed in units of kg*m^2/s.


b1 has a limited domain of [0.0, +Inf].

b2(self: pydrake.examples.AcrobotParams) float

Damping coefficient of the elbow joint.


b2 is expressed in units of kg*m^2/s.


b2 has a limited domain of [0.0, +Inf].

gravity(self: pydrake.examples.AcrobotParams) float

Gravitational constant.


gravity is expressed in units of m/s^2.


gravity has a limited domain of [0.0, +Inf].

Ic1(self: pydrake.examples.AcrobotParams) float

Inertia of link 1 about the center of mass of link 1.


Ic1 is expressed in units of kg*m^2.


Ic1 has a limited domain of [0.0, +Inf].

Ic2(self: pydrake.examples.AcrobotParams) float

Inertia of link 2 about the center of mass of link 2.


Ic2 is expressed in units of kg*m^2.


Ic2 has a limited domain of [0.0, +Inf].

l1(self: pydrake.examples.AcrobotParams) float

Length of link 1.


l1 is expressed in units of m.


l1 has a limited domain of [0.0, +Inf].

lc1(self: pydrake.examples.AcrobotParams) float

Vertical distance from shoulder joint to center of mass of link 1.


lc1 is expressed in units of m.


lc1 has a limited domain of [0.0, +Inf].

lc2(self: pydrake.examples.AcrobotParams) float

Vertical distance from elbow joint to center of mass of link 1.


lc2 is expressed in units of m.


lc2 has a limited domain of [0.0, +Inf].

m1(self: pydrake.examples.AcrobotParams) float

Mass of link 1.


m1 is expressed in units of kg.


m1 has a limited domain of [0.0, +Inf].

m2(self: pydrake.examples.AcrobotParams) float

Mass of link 2.


m2 is expressed in units of kg.


m2 has a limited domain of [0.0, +Inf].

set_b1(self: pydrake.examples.AcrobotParams, arg0: float) None

Setter that matches b1().

set_b2(self: pydrake.examples.AcrobotParams, arg0: float) None

Setter that matches b2().

set_gravity(self: pydrake.examples.AcrobotParams, arg0: float) None

Setter that matches gravity().

set_Ic1(self: pydrake.examples.AcrobotParams, arg0: float) None

Setter that matches Ic1().

set_Ic2(self: pydrake.examples.AcrobotParams, arg0: float) None

Setter that matches Ic2().

set_l1(self: pydrake.examples.AcrobotParams, arg0: float) None

Setter that matches l1().

set_lc1(self: pydrake.examples.AcrobotParams, arg0: float) None

Setter that matches lc1().

set_lc2(self: pydrake.examples.AcrobotParams, arg0: float) None

Setter that matches lc2().

set_m1(self: pydrake.examples.AcrobotParams, arg0: float) None

Setter that matches m1().

set_m2(self: pydrake.examples.AcrobotParams, arg0: float) None

Setter that matches m2().

class pydrake.examples.AcrobotPlant


The Acrobot - a canonical underactuated system as described in <a href=””>Chapter 3 of Underactuated Robotics</a>.

elbow_torque (optional)→
→ acrobot_state

Note: If the elbow_torque input port is not connected, then the torque is taken to be zero.

__init__(self: pydrake.examples.AcrobotPlant) None

Constructs the plant. The parameters of the system are stored as Parameters in the Context (see acrobot_params.h).

DynamicsBiasTerm(self: pydrake.examples.AcrobotPlant, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, 1]]

Manipulator equation of Acrobot: M(q)q̈ + bias(q,q̇) = B*u.

  • M[2x2] is the mass matrix. - bias[2x1] includes the Coriolis term,

gravity term and the damping term, i.e. bias[2x1] = C(q,v)*v - τ_g(q) + [b1*q̇₁;b2*q̇₂].

get_mutable_parameters(self: pydrake.examples.AcrobotPlant, context: pydrake.examples.AcrobotParams
static get_mutable_state(context: pydrake.examples.AcrobotState
get_parameters(self: pydrake.examples.AcrobotPlant, context: pydrake.examples.AcrobotParams
static get_state(context: pydrake.examples.AcrobotState
MassMatrix(self: pydrake.examples.AcrobotPlant, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, 2]]
SetMitAcrobotParameters(self: pydrake.examples.AcrobotPlant, arg0: pydrake.examples.AcrobotParams) None

Sets the parameters to describe MIT Robot Locomotion Group’s hardware acrobot.

class pydrake.examples.AcrobotSpongController


The Spong acrobot swing-up controller as described in: Spong, Mark W. “Swing up control of the acrobot.” Robotics and Automation, 1994. Proceedings., 1994 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 1994.

Note that the Spong controller works well on the default set of parameters, which Spong used in his paper. In contrast, it is difficult to find a functional set of gains to stabilize the robot about its upright fixed point using the parameters of the physical robot we have in lab.

→ elbow_torque
__init__(self: pydrake.examples.AcrobotSpongController) None
get_mutable_parameters(self: pydrake.examples.AcrobotSpongController, context: pydrake.examples.SpongControllerParams
get_parameters(self: pydrake.examples.AcrobotSpongController, context: pydrake.examples.SpongControllerParams
class pydrake.examples.AcrobotState


Specializes BasicVector with specific getters and setters.

__init__(self: pydrake.examples.AcrobotState) None

Default constructor. Sets all rows to their default value:

  • theta1 defaults to 0.0 rad.

  • theta2 defaults to 0.0 rad.

  • theta1dot defaults to 0.0 rad/s.

  • theta2dot defaults to 0.0 rad/s.

set_theta1(self: pydrake.examples.AcrobotState, arg0: float) None

Setter that matches theta1().

set_theta1dot(self: pydrake.examples.AcrobotState, arg0: float) None

Setter that matches theta1dot().

set_theta2(self: pydrake.examples.AcrobotState, arg0: float) None

Setter that matches theta2().

set_theta2dot(self: pydrake.examples.AcrobotState, arg0: float) None

Setter that matches theta2dot().

theta1(self: pydrake.examples.AcrobotState) float

The shoulder joint angle


theta1 is expressed in units of rad.

theta1dot(self: pydrake.examples.AcrobotState) float

The shoulder joint velocity


theta1dot is expressed in units of rad/s.

theta2(self: pydrake.examples.AcrobotState) float

The elbow joint angle


theta2 is expressed in units of rad.

theta2dot(self: pydrake.examples.AcrobotState) float

The elbow joint velocity


theta2dot is expressed in units of rad/s.

class pydrake.examples.AcrobotWEncoder


Constructs the Acrobot with (only) encoder outputs.

→ measured_joint_positions

The acrobot_state output port is present only if the construction parameter acrobot_state_as_second_output is true.

__init__(self: pydrake.examples.AcrobotWEncoder, acrobot_state_as_second_output: bool = False) None
acrobot_plant(self: pydrake.examples.AcrobotWEncoder) pydrake.examples.AcrobotPlant
get_mutable_acrobot_state(self: pydrake.examples.AcrobotWEncoder, context: pydrake.examples.AcrobotState
class pydrake.examples.CompassGait


Dynamical representation of the idealized hybrid dynamics of a “compass gait”, as described in . This implementation has two additional state variables that are not required in the mathematical model:

  • a discrete state for the position of the stance toe along the ramp

  • a Boolean indicator for “left support” (true when the stance leg is the left leg).

These are helpful for outputting the floating-base model coordinate, e.g. for visualization.


This model only supports walking downhill on the ramp, because that restriction enables a clean / numerically robust implementation of the foot collision witness function that avoids fall detection on the “foot scuffing” collision.

hip_torque (optional)→
→ minimal_state
→ floating_base_state

Continuous States: stance, swing, stancedot, swingdot.

Discrete State: stance toe position.

Abstract State: left support indicator.

Note: If the hip_torque input port is not connected, then the torque is taken to be zero.

__init__(self: pydrake.examples.CompassGait) None

Constructs the plant.

get_floating_base_state_output_port(self: pydrake.examples.CompassGait)

Returns reference to the output port that provides the state in the floating-base coordinates (described via left leg xyz & rpy + hip angle + derivatives).

get_minimal_state_output_port(self: pydrake.examples.CompassGait)

Returns reference to the output port that publishes only [theta_stance, theta_swing, thetatdot_stance, thetadot_swing].

class pydrake.examples.CompassGaitContinuousState


Specializes BasicVector with specific getters and setters.

__init__(self: pydrake.examples.CompassGaitContinuousState) None

Default constructor. Sets all rows to their default value:

  • stance defaults to 0.0 radians.

  • swing defaults to 0.0 radians.

  • stancedot defaults to 0.0 rad/sec.

  • swingdot defaults to 0.0 rad/sec.

set_stance(self: pydrake.examples.CompassGaitContinuousState, arg0: float) None

Setter that matches stance().

set_stancedot(self: pydrake.examples.CompassGaitContinuousState, arg0: float) None

Setter that matches stancedot().

set_swing(self: pydrake.examples.CompassGaitContinuousState, arg0: float) None

Setter that matches swing().

set_swingdot(self: pydrake.examples.CompassGaitContinuousState, arg0: float) None

Setter that matches swingdot().

stance(self: pydrake.examples.CompassGaitContinuousState) float

The orientation of the stance leg, measured clockwise from the vertical axis.


stance is expressed in units of radians.

stancedot(self: pydrake.examples.CompassGaitContinuousState) float

The angular velocity of the stance leg.


stancedot is expressed in units of rad/sec.

swing(self: pydrake.examples.CompassGaitContinuousState) float

The orientation of the swing leg, measured clockwise from the vertical axis.


swing is expressed in units of radians.

swingdot(self: pydrake.examples.CompassGaitContinuousState) float

The angular velocity of the swing leg.


swingdot is expressed in units of rad/sec.

class pydrake.examples.CompassGaitGeometry


Expresses a CompassGait’s geometry to a SceneGraph.

→ geometry_pose

This class has no public constructor; instead use the AddToBuilder() static method to create and add it to a DiagramBuilder directly.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)
static AddToBuilder(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. AddToBuilder(builder:, floating_base_state_port:, compass_gait_params: pydrake.examples.CompassGaitParams, scene_graph: pydrake.geometry.SceneGraph) -> pydrake.examples.CompassGaitGeometry

Creates, adds, and connects a CompassGaitGeometry system into the given builder. Both the floating_base_state_port.get_system() and scene_graph systems must have been added to the given builder already. The compass_gait_params sets the parameters of the geometry registered with scene_graph; the visualization changes based on the leg length and the ration of leg mass to hip mass (the leg mass sphere is scaled assuming a constant density).

The scene_graph pointer is not retained by the CompassGaitGeometry system. The return value pointer is an alias of the new CompassGaitGeometry system that is owned by the builder.

  1. AddToBuilder(builder:, floating_base_state_port:, scene_graph: pydrake.geometry.SceneGraph) -> pydrake.examples.CompassGaitGeometry

Creates, adds, and connects a CompassGaitGeometry system into the given builder. Both the floating_base_state_port.get_system() and scene_graph systems must have been added to the given builder already. CompassGaitParams are set to their default values.

The scene_graph pointer is not retained by the CompassGaitGeometry system. The return value pointer is an alias of the new CompassGaitGeometry system that is owned by the builder.

class pydrake.examples.CompassGaitParams


Specializes BasicVector with specific getters and setters.

__init__(self: pydrake.examples.CompassGaitParams) None

Default constructor. Sets all rows to their default value:

  • mass_hip defaults to 10.0 kg.

  • mass_leg defaults to 5.0 kg.

  • length_leg defaults to 1.0 m.

  • center_of_mass_leg defaults to 0.5 m.

  • gravity defaults to 9.81 m/s^2.

  • slope defaults to 0.0525 radians.

center_of_mass_leg(self: pydrake.examples.CompassGaitParams) float

Distance from the hip to the center of mass of each leg.


center_of_mass_leg is expressed in units of m.


center_of_mass_leg has a limited domain of [0.0, +Inf].

gravity(self: pydrake.examples.CompassGaitParams) float

An approximate value for gravitational acceleration.


gravity is expressed in units of m/s^2.


gravity has a limited domain of [0.0, +Inf].

length_leg(self: pydrake.examples.CompassGaitParams) float

The length of each leg.


length_leg is expressed in units of m.


length_leg has a limited domain of [0.0, +Inf].

mass_hip(self: pydrake.examples.CompassGaitParams) float

Point mass at the hip.


mass_hip is expressed in units of kg.


mass_hip has a limited domain of [0.0, +Inf].

mass_leg(self: pydrake.examples.CompassGaitParams) float

Mass of each leg (modeled as a point mass at the center of mass).


mass_leg is expressed in units of kg.


mass_leg has a limited domain of [0.0, +Inf].

set_center_of_mass_leg(self: pydrake.examples.CompassGaitParams, arg0: float) None

Setter that matches center_of_mass_leg().

set_gravity(self: pydrake.examples.CompassGaitParams, arg0: float) None

Setter that matches gravity().

set_length_leg(self: pydrake.examples.CompassGaitParams, arg0: float) None

Setter that matches length_leg().

set_mass_hip(self: pydrake.examples.CompassGaitParams, arg0: float) None

Setter that matches mass_hip().

set_mass_leg(self: pydrake.examples.CompassGaitParams, arg0: float) None

Setter that matches mass_leg().

set_slope(self: pydrake.examples.CompassGaitParams, arg0: float) None

Setter that matches slope().

slope(self: pydrake.examples.CompassGaitParams) float

The angle of the ramp on which the compass gait is walking. Must have 0 <= slope < PI/2 so that forward == downhill (an assumption used in the foot collision witness function).


slope is expressed in units of radians.


slope has a limited domain of [0.0, 1.5707].


Creates a list of (model_file, pose) pairs to add six YCB objects to a ManipulationStation with the ClutterClearing setup.


Creates a list of (model_file, pose) pairs to add five YCB objects to a ManipulationStation with the ManipulationClass setup.

class pydrake.examples.IiwaCollisionModel

Determines which sdf is loaded for the IIWA in the ManipulationStation.


kNoCollision :

kBoxCollision :

__init__(self: pydrake.examples.IiwaCollisionModel, value: int) None
kBoxCollision = <IiwaCollisionModel.kBoxCollision: 1>
kNoCollision = <IiwaCollisionModel.kNoCollision: 0>
property name
property value
class pydrake.examples.ManipulationStation


A system that represents the complete manipulation station, including exactly one robotic arm (a Kuka IIWA LWR), one gripper (a Schunk WSG 50), and anything a user might want to load into the model. SetupDefaultStation() provides the setup that is used in the MIT Intelligent Robot Manipulation class, which includes the supporting structure for IIWA and several RGBD cameras. Alternative Setup___() methods are provided, as well.

iiwa_feedforward_torque (optional)→
wsg_force_limit (optional)→
applied_spatial_force (optional)
→ iiwa_position_commanded
→ iiwa_position_measured
→ iiwa_velocity_estimated
→ iiwa_state_estimated
→ iiwa_torque_commanded
→ iiwa_torque_measured
→ iiwa_torque_external
→ wsg_state_measured
→ wsg_force_measured
→ camera_[NAME]_rgb_image
→ camera_[NAME]_depth_image
→ ...
→ camera_[NAME]_rgb_image
→ camera_[NAME]_depth_image

Each pixel in the output image from depth_image is a 16bit unsigned short in millimeters.

Note that outputs in <b style=”color:orange”>orange</b> are available in the simulation, but not on the real robot. The distinction between q_measured and v_estimated is because the Kuka FRI reports positions directly, but we have estimated v in our code that wraps the FRI.


The “camera_[NAME]_point_cloud” data currently has registration errors per issue

Consider the robot dynamics M(q)vdot + C(q,v)v = τ_g(q) + τ_commanded + τ_joint_friction + τ_external, where q == position, v == velocity, and τ == torque.

This model of the IIWA internal controller in the FRI software’s JointImpedanceControlMode is:

Click to expand C++ code...
τ_commanded = Mₑ(qₑ)vdot_desired + Cₑ(qₑ, vₑ)vₑ - τₑ_g(q) -
                τₑ_joint_friction + τ_feedforward
  vdot_desired = PID(q_commanded, qₑ, v_commanded, vₑ)

where Mₑ, Cₑ, τₑ_g, and τₑ_friction terms are now (Kuka’s) estimates of the true model, qₑ and vₑ are measured/estimation, and v_commanded must be obtained from an online (causal) derivative of q_commanded. The result is

Click to expand C++ code...
M(q)vdot ≈ Mₑ(q)vdot_desired + τ_feedforward + τ_external,

where the “approximately equal” comes from the differences due to the estimated model/state.

The model implemented in this System assumes that M, C, and τ_friction terms are perfect (except that they contain only a lumped mass approximation of the gripper), and that the measured signals are noise/bias free (e.g. q_measured = q, v_estimated = v, τ_measured = τ_commanded). What remains for τ_external is the generalized forces due to contact (note that they could also include the missing contributions from the gripper fingers, which the controller assumes are welded).

See also

lcmt_iiwa_status.lcm for additional details/documentation.

To add objects into the environment for the robot to manipulate, use, e.g.:

Click to expand C++ code...
ManipulationStation<double> station;
Parser parser(&station.get_mutable_multibody_plant(),
// coming soon -- sugar API for adding additional objects.

Note that you must call Finalize() before you can use this class as a System.

__init__(self: pydrake.examples.ManipulationStation, time_step: float = 0.002) None

Construct the EMPTY station model.

Parameter time_step:

The time step used by MultibodyPlant<T>, and by the discrete derivative used to approximate velocity from the position command inputs.

AddManipulandFromFile(self: pydrake.examples.ManipulationStation, model_file: str, X_WObject: pydrake.math.RigidTransform) None

Adds a single object for the robot to manipulate


Must be called before Finalize().

Parameter model_file:

The path to the .sdf model file of the object.

Parameter X_WObject:

The pose of the object in world frame.

Finalize(self: pydrake.examples.ManipulationStation) None

Users must call Finalize() after making any additions to the multibody plant and before using this class in the Systems framework. This should be called exactly once. This assumes an IIWA and WSG have been added to the MultibodyPlant, and RegisterIiwaControllerModel() and RegisterWsgControllerModel() have been called.

See also


get_camera_names(self: pydrake.examples.ManipulationStation) list[str]

Get the camera names / unique ids.

get_controller_plant(self: pydrake.examples.ManipulationStation) pydrake.multibody.plant.MultibodyPlant

Return a reference to the plant used by the inverse dynamics controller (which contains only a model of the iiwa + equivalent mass of the gripper).

get_multibody_plant(self: pydrake.examples.ManipulationStation) pydrake.multibody.plant.MultibodyPlant

Returns a reference to the main plant responsible for the dynamics of the robot and the environment. This can be used to, e.g., add additional elements into the world before calling Finalize().

get_mutable_multibody_plant(self: pydrake.examples.ManipulationStation) pydrake.multibody.plant.MultibodyPlant

Returns a mutable reference to the main plant responsible for the dynamics of the robot and the environment. This can be used to, e.g., add additional elements into the world before calling Finalize().

get_mutable_scene_graph(self: pydrake.examples.ManipulationStation) pydrake.geometry.SceneGraph

Returns a mutable reference to the SceneGraph responsible for all of the geometry for the robot and the environment. This can be used to, e.g., add additional elements into the world before calling Finalize().

get_scene_graph(self: pydrake.examples.ManipulationStation) pydrake.geometry.SceneGraph

Returns a reference to the SceneGraph responsible for all of the geometry for the robot and the environment. This can be used to, e.g., add additional elements into the world before calling Finalize().

GetIiwaPosition(self: pydrake.examples.ManipulationStation, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]

Convenience method for getting all of the joint angles of the Kuka IIWA. This does not include the gripper.

GetIiwaVelocity(self: pydrake.examples.ManipulationStation, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]

Convenience method for getting all of the joint velocities of the Kuka

GetStaticCameraPosesInWorld(self: pydrake.examples.ManipulationStation) dict[str, pydrake.math.RigidTransform]

Returns a map from camera name to X_WCameraBody for all the static (rigidly attached to the world body) cameras that have been registered.

GetWsgPosition(self: pydrake.examples.ManipulationStation, arg0: float

Convenience method for getting the position of the Schunk WSG. Note that the WSG position is the signed distance between the two fingers (not the state of the fingers individually).

GetWsgVelocity(self: pydrake.examples.ManipulationStation, arg0: float

Convenience method for getting the velocity of the Schunk WSG.

num_iiwa_joints(self: pydrake.examples.ManipulationStation) int

Gets the number of joints in the IIWA (only – does not include the gripper).


must call one of the “setup” methods first to register an IIWA model.

RegisterIiwaControllerModel(self: pydrake.examples.ManipulationStation, arg0: str, arg1: pydrake.multibody.tree.ModelInstanceIndex, arg2: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, arg3: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, arg4: pydrake.math.RigidTransform) None
RegisterRgbdSensor(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. RegisterRgbdSensor(self: pydrake.examples.ManipulationStation, arg0: str, arg1: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, arg2: pydrake.math.RigidTransform, arg3: pydrake.geometry.DepthRenderCamera) -> None

Registers an RGBD sensor. Must be called before Finalize().

Parameter name:

Name for the camera.

Parameter parent_frame:

The parent frame (frame P). The body that parent_frame is attached to must have a corresponding geometry::FrameId. Otherwise, an exception will be thrown in Finalize().

Parameter X_PCameraBody:

Transformation between frame P and the camera body. see systems::sensors:::RgbdSensor for descriptions about how the camera body, RGB, and depth image frames are related.

Parameter depth_camera:

Specification for the RGBD camera. The color render camera is inferred from the depth_camera. The color camera will share the RenderCameraCore and be configured to not show its window.

  1. RegisterRgbdSensor(self: pydrake.examples.ManipulationStation, arg0: str, arg1: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, arg2: pydrake.math.RigidTransform, arg3: pydrake.geometry.ColorRenderCamera, arg4: pydrake.geometry.DepthRenderCamera) -> None

Registers an RGBD sensor with uniquely characterized color/label and depth cameras.

RegisterWsgControllerModel(self: pydrake.examples.ManipulationStation, arg0: str, arg1: pydrake.multibody.tree.ModelInstanceIndex, arg2: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, arg3: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, arg4: pydrake.math.RigidTransform) None
SetIiwaIntegralGains(self: pydrake.examples.ManipulationStation, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]) None

Set the integral gains for the IIWA controller.


RuntimeError if Finalize() has been called.

SetIiwaPosition(self: pydrake.examples.ManipulationStation, station_context:, q: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]) None

Convenience method for setting all of the joint angles of the Kuka IIWA. Also sets the position history in the velocity command generator. q must have size num_iiwa_joints().

SetIiwaPositionGains(self: pydrake.examples.ManipulationStation, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]) None

Set the position gains for the IIWA controller.


RuntimeError if Finalize() has been called.

SetIiwaVelocity(self: pydrake.examples.ManipulationStation, station_context:, v: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]) None

Convenience method for setting all of the joint velocities of the Kuka IIWA. v must have size num_iiwa_joints().

SetIiwaVelocityGains(self: pydrake.examples.ManipulationStation, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]) None

Set the velocity gains for the IIWA controller.


RuntimeError if Finalize() has been called.

SetupClutterClearingStation(self: pydrake.examples.ManipulationStation, X_WCameraBody: Optional[pydrake.math.RigidTransform] = None, collision_model: pydrake.examples.IiwaCollisionModel = <IiwaCollisionModel.kNoCollision: 0>, schunk_model: pydrake.examples.SchunkCollisionModel = <SchunkCollisionModel.kBox: 0>) None

Adds a default iiwa, wsg, two bins, and a camera, then calls RegisterIiwaControllerModel() and RegisterWsgControllerModel() with the appropriate arguments.


Must be called before Finalize().


Only one of the Setup___() methods should be called.

Parameter X_WCameraBody:

Transformation between the world and the camera body.

Parameter collision_model:

Determines which sdf is loaded for the IIWA.

Parameter schunk_model:

Determines which sdf is loaded for the Schunk.

SetupManipulationClassStation(self: pydrake.examples.ManipulationStation, collision_model: pydrake.examples.IiwaCollisionModel = <IiwaCollisionModel.kNoCollision: 0>, schunk_model: pydrake.examples.SchunkCollisionModel = <SchunkCollisionModel.kBox: 0>) None

Adds a default iiwa, wsg, cupboard, and 80/20 frame for the MIT Intelligent Robot Manipulation class, then calls RegisterIiwaControllerModel() and RegisterWsgControllerModel() with the appropriate arguments.


Must be called before Finalize().


Only one of the Setup___() methods should be called.

Parameter collision_model:

Determines which sdf is loaded for the IIWA.

Parameter schunk_model:

Determines which sdf is loaded for the Schunk.

SetupPlanarIiwaStation(self: pydrake.examples.ManipulationStation, schunk_model: pydrake.examples.SchunkCollisionModel = <SchunkCollisionModel.kBox: 0>) None

Adds a version of the iiwa with joints that would result in out-of-plane rotations welded in a fixed orientation, reducing the total degrees of freedom of the arm to 3. This arm lives in the X-Z plane. Also adds the WSG planar gripper and two tables to form the workspace. Note that additional floating base objects (aka manipulands) will still potentially move in 3D.


Must be called before Finalize().


Only one of the Setup___() methods should be called.

Parameter schunk_model:

Determines which sdf is loaded for the Schunk.

SetWsgGains(self: pydrake.examples.ManipulationStation, arg0: float, arg1: float) None

Set the gains for the WSG controller.


RuntimeError if Finalize() has been called.

SetWsgPosition(self: pydrake.examples.ManipulationStation, station_context:, q: float) None

Convenience method for setting the position of the Schunk WSG. Also sets the position history in the velocity interpolator. Note that the WSG position is the signed distance between the two fingers (not the state of the fingers individually).

SetWsgVelocity(self: pydrake.examples.ManipulationStation, station_context:, v: float) None

Convenience method for setting the velocity of the Schunk WSG.

class pydrake.examples.ManipulationStationHardwareInterface


A System that connects via message-passing to the hardware manipulation station.

Note: Users must call Connect() after initialization.

wsg_force_limit (optional)→
→ iiwa_position_commanded
→ iiwa_position_measured
→ iiwa_velocity_estimated
→ iiwa_torque_commanded
→ iiwa_torque_measured
→ iiwa_torque_external
→ wsg_state_measured
→ wsg_force_measured
→ camera_[NAME]_rgb_image
→ camera_[NAME]_depth_image
→ ...
→ camera_[NAME]_rgb_image
→ camera_[NAME]_depth_image
__init__(self: pydrake.examples.ManipulationStationHardwareInterface, camera_names: list[str] = []) None

Subscribes to an incoming camera message on the channel DRAKE_RGBD_CAMERA_IMAGES_<camera_id> where camera_name contains the names/unique ids, typically serial numbers, and declares the output ports camera_%s_rgb_image and camera_%s_depth_image, where s is the camera name.

Connect(self: pydrake.examples.ManipulationStationHardwareInterface, wait_for_cameras: bool = True) None

Starts a thread to receive network messages, and blocks execution until the first messages have been received.

get_camera_names(self: pydrake.examples.ManipulationStationHardwareInterface) list[str]
get_controller_plant(self: pydrake.examples.ManipulationStationHardwareInterface) pydrake.multibody.plant.MultibodyPlant

For parity with ManipulationStation, we maintain a MultibodyPlant of the IIWA arm, with the lumped-mass equivalent spatial inertia of the Schunk WSG gripper.

num_iiwa_joints(self: pydrake.examples.ManipulationStationHardwareInterface) int

Gets the number of joints in the IIWA (only – does not include the gripper).

class pydrake.examples.PendulumGeometry


Expresses a PendulumPlants’s geometry to a SceneGraph.

→ geometry_pose

This class has no public constructor; instead use the AddToBuilder() static method to create and add it to a DiagramBuilder directly.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)
static AddToBuilder(builder:, pendulum_state_port:, scene_graph: pydrake.geometry.SceneGraph) pydrake.examples.PendulumGeometry

Creates, adds, and connects a PendulumGeometry system into the given builder. Both the pendulum_state.get_system() and scene_graph systems must have been added to the given builder already.

The scene_graph pointer is not retained by the PendulumGeometry system. The return value pointer is an alias of the new PendulumGeometry system that is owned by the builder.

class pydrake.examples.PendulumInput


Specializes BasicVector with specific getters and setters.

__init__(self: pydrake.examples.PendulumInput) None

Default constructor. Sets all rows to their default value:

  • tau defaults to 0.0 Newton-meters.

set_tau(self: pydrake.examples.PendulumInput, tau: float) None

Setter that matches tau().

tau(self: pydrake.examples.PendulumInput) float

Torque at the joint.


tau is expressed in units of Newton-meters.

with_tau(self: pydrake.examples.PendulumInput, tau: float) pydrake.examples.PendulumInput

Fluent setter that matches tau(). Returns a copy of this with tau set to a new value.

class pydrake.examples.PendulumParams


Specializes BasicVector with specific getters and setters.

__init__(self: pydrake.examples.PendulumParams) None

Default constructor. Sets all rows to their default value:

  • mass defaults to 1.0 kg.

  • length defaults to 0.5 m.

  • damping defaults to 0.1 kg m^2/s.

  • gravity defaults to 9.81 m/s^2.

damping(self: pydrake.examples.PendulumParams) float

The damping friction coefficient relating angular velocity to torque.


damping is expressed in units of kg m^2/s.


damping has a limited domain of [0.0, +Inf].

gravity(self: pydrake.examples.PendulumParams) float

An approximate value for gravitational acceleration.


gravity is expressed in units of m/s^2.


gravity has a limited domain of [0.0, +Inf].

length(self: pydrake.examples.PendulumParams) float

The length of the pendulum arm.


length is expressed in units of m.


length has a limited domain of [0.0, +Inf].

mass(self: pydrake.examples.PendulumParams) float

The simple pendulum has a single point mass at the end of the arm.


mass is expressed in units of kg.


mass has a limited domain of [0.0, +Inf].

set_damping(self: pydrake.examples.PendulumParams, damping: float) None

Setter that matches damping().

set_gravity(self: pydrake.examples.PendulumParams, gravity: float) None

Setter that matches gravity().

set_length(self: pydrake.examples.PendulumParams, length: float) None

Setter that matches length().

set_mass(self: pydrake.examples.PendulumParams, mass: float) None

Setter that matches mass().

with_damping(self: pydrake.examples.PendulumParams, damping: float) pydrake.examples.PendulumParams

Fluent setter that matches damping(). Returns a copy of this with damping set to a new value.

with_gravity(self: pydrake.examples.PendulumParams, gravity: float) pydrake.examples.PendulumParams

Fluent setter that matches gravity(). Returns a copy of this with gravity set to a new value.

with_length(self: pydrake.examples.PendulumParams, length: float) pydrake.examples.PendulumParams

Fluent setter that matches length(). Returns a copy of this with length set to a new value.

with_mass(self: pydrake.examples.PendulumParams, mass: float) pydrake.examples.PendulumParams

Fluent setter that matches mass(). Returns a copy of this with mass set to a new value.

class pydrake.examples.PendulumPlant


A model of a simple pendulum

\[ml^2 \ddot\theta + b\dot\theta + mgl\sin\theta = \tau\]

name: PendulumPlant input_ports: - tau (optional) output_ports: - state

Note: If the tau input port is not connected, then the torque is taken to be zero.

__init__(self: pydrake.examples.PendulumPlant) None

Constructs a default plant.

get_mutable_parameters(self: pydrake.examples.PendulumPlant, context: pydrake.examples.PendulumParams
static get_mutable_state(context: pydrake.examples.PendulumState
get_parameters(self: pydrake.examples.PendulumPlant, context: pydrake.examples.PendulumParams
static get_state(context: pydrake.examples.PendulumState
get_state_output_port(self: pydrake.examples.PendulumPlant)

Returns the port to output state.

class pydrake.examples.PendulumState


Specializes BasicVector with specific getters and setters.

__init__(self: pydrake.examples.PendulumState) None

Default constructor. Sets all rows to their default value:

  • theta defaults to 0.0 radians.

  • thetadot defaults to 0.0 radians/sec.

set_theta(self: pydrake.examples.PendulumState, theta: float) None

Setter that matches theta().

set_thetadot(self: pydrake.examples.PendulumState, thetadot: float) None

Setter that matches thetadot().

theta(self: pydrake.examples.PendulumState) float

The angle of the pendulum.


theta is expressed in units of radians.

thetadot(self: pydrake.examples.PendulumState) float

The angular velocity of the pendulum.


thetadot is expressed in units of radians/sec.

with_theta(self: pydrake.examples.PendulumState, theta: float) pydrake.examples.PendulumState

Fluent setter that matches theta(). Returns a copy of this with theta set to a new value.

with_thetadot(self: pydrake.examples.PendulumState, thetadot: float) pydrake.examples.PendulumState

Fluent setter that matches thetadot(). Returns a copy of this with thetadot set to a new value.

class pydrake.examples.QuadrotorGeometry


Expresses a QuadrotorPlant’s geometry to a SceneGraph.

→ geometry_pose

This class has no public constructor; instead use the AddToBuilder() static method to create and add it to a DiagramBuilder directly.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)
static AddToBuilder(builder:, quadrotor_state_port:, scene_graph: pydrake.geometry.SceneGraph) pydrake.examples.QuadrotorGeometry

Creates, adds, and connects a QuadrotorGeometry system into the given builder. Both the quadrotor_state.get_system() and scene_graph systems must have been added to the given builder already.

The scene_graph pointer is not retained by the QuadrotorGeometry system. The return value pointer is an alias of the new QuadrotorGeometry system that is owned by the builder.

get_frame_id(self: pydrake.examples.QuadrotorGeometry) pydrake.geometry.FrameId

Returns the frame of the geometry registered with a SceneGraph. This can be useful, e.g., if one would like to add a camera to the quadrotor.

class pydrake.examples.QuadrotorPlant


The Quadrotor - an underactuated aerial vehicle. This version of the Quadrotor is implemented to match the dynamics of the plant specified in the package://drake_models/skydio_2/quadrotor.urdf model file.

propeller_force (optional)→
→ state

Note: If the propeller_force input port is not connected, then the force is taken to be zero.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.examples.QuadrotorPlant) -> None

  2. __init__(self: pydrake.examples.QuadrotorPlant, m_arg: float, L_arg: float, I_arg: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 3]], kF_arg: float, kM_arg: float) -> None

force_constant(self: pydrake.examples.QuadrotorPlant) float
g(self: pydrake.examples.QuadrotorPlant) float
inertia(self: pydrake.examples.QuadrotorPlant) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 3]]
length(self: pydrake.examples.QuadrotorPlant) float
m(self: pydrake.examples.QuadrotorPlant) float
moment_constant(self: pydrake.examples.QuadrotorPlant) float
class pydrake.examples.RimlessWheel


Dynamical representation of the idealized hybrid dynamics of a “rimless wheel”, as described in In addition, this model has two additional (discrete) state variables that are not required in the mathematical model:

  • the position of the stance toe along the ramp (helpful for outputting a floating-base model coordinate, e.g. for visualization),

  • a boolean indicator for “double support” (to avoid the numerical challenges of simulation around the Zeno phenomenon at the standing fixed point).

→ minimal_state
→ floating_base_state

Continuous States: theta, thetadot (emitted at minimal_state port). Discrete States: stance toe position (emitted at floating_base_state port), double support indicator. Parameters: mass, length, number of spokes, etc, are all set as Context parameters using RimlessWheelParams.

__init__(self: pydrake.examples.RimlessWheel) None

Constructs the plant.

static calc_alpha(params: pydrake.examples.RimlessWheelParams) float

Alpha is half the interleg angle, and is used frequently.

get_floating_base_state_output_port(self: pydrake.examples.RimlessWheel)

Returns reference to the output port that provides a 12 dimensional state (FloatingBaseType::kRollPitchYaw positions then velocities). This is useful, e.g., for visualization. θ of the rimless wheel is the pitch of the floating base (rotation around global y), and downhill moves toward positive x. As always, we use vehicle coordinates (x-y on the ground, z is up).

get_minimal_state_output_port(self: pydrake.examples.RimlessWheel)

Return reference to the output port that publishes only [theta, thetatdot].

class pydrake.examples.RimlessWheelContinuousState


Specializes BasicVector with specific getters and setters.

__init__(self: pydrake.examples.RimlessWheelContinuousState) None

Default constructor. Sets all rows to their default value:

  • theta defaults to 0.0 radians.

  • thetadot defaults to 0.0 rad/sec.

set_theta(self: pydrake.examples.RimlessWheelContinuousState, arg0: float) None

Setter that matches theta().

set_thetadot(self: pydrake.examples.RimlessWheelContinuousState, arg0: float) None

Setter that matches thetadot().

theta(self: pydrake.examples.RimlessWheelContinuousState) float

The orientation of the stance leg, measured clockwise from the vertical axis.


theta is expressed in units of radians.

thetadot(self: pydrake.examples.RimlessWheelContinuousState) float

The angular velocity of the stance leg.


thetadot is expressed in units of rad/sec.

class pydrake.examples.RimlessWheelGeometry


Expresses a RimlessWheel’s geometry to a SceneGraph.

→ geometry_pose

This class has no public constructor; instead use the AddToBuilder() static method to create and add it to a DiagramBuilder directly.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)
static AddToBuilder(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. AddToBuilder(builder:, floating_base_state_port:, rimless_wheel_params: pydrake.examples.RimlessWheelParams, scene_graph: pydrake.geometry.SceneGraph) -> pydrake.examples.RimlessWheelGeometry

Creates, adds, and connects a RimlessWheelGeometry system into the given builder. Both the floating_base_state_port.get_system() and scene_graph systems must have been added to the given builder already. The rimless_wheel_params sets the parameters of the geometry registered with scene_graph.

The scene_graph pointer is not retained by the RimlessWheelGeometry system. The return value pointer is an alias of the new RimlessWheelGeometry system that is owned by the builder.

  1. AddToBuilder(builder:, floating_base_state_port:, scene_graph: pydrake.geometry.SceneGraph) -> pydrake.examples.RimlessWheelGeometry

Creates, adds, and connects a RimlessWheelGeometry system into the given builder. Both the floating_base_state_port.get_system() and scene_graph systems must have been added to the given builder already. RimlessWheelParams are set to their default values.

The scene_graph pointer is not retained by the RimlessWheelGeometry system. The return value pointer is an alias of the new RimlessWheelGeometry system that is owned by the builder.

class pydrake.examples.RimlessWheelParams


Specializes BasicVector with specific getters and setters.

__init__(self: pydrake.examples.RimlessWheelParams) None

Default constructor. Sets all rows to their default value:

  • mass defaults to 1.0 kg.

  • length defaults to 1.0 m.

  • gravity defaults to 9.81 m/s^2.

  • number_of_spokes defaults to 8 integer.

  • slope defaults to 0.08 radians.

gravity(self: pydrake.examples.RimlessWheelParams) float

An approximate value for gravitational acceleration.


gravity is expressed in units of m/s^2.


gravity has a limited domain of [0.0, +Inf].

length(self: pydrake.examples.RimlessWheelParams) float

The length of each spoke.


length is expressed in units of m.


length has a limited domain of [0.0, +Inf].

mass(self: pydrake.examples.RimlessWheelParams) float

The rimless wheel has a single point mass at the hub.


mass is expressed in units of kg.


mass has a limited domain of [0.0, +Inf].

number_of_spokes(self: pydrake.examples.RimlessWheelParams) float

Total number of spokes on the wheel


number_of_spokes is expressed in units of integer.


number_of_spokes has a limited domain of [4, +Inf].

set_gravity(self: pydrake.examples.RimlessWheelParams, arg0: float) None

Setter that matches gravity().

set_length(self: pydrake.examples.RimlessWheelParams, arg0: float) None

Setter that matches length().

set_mass(self: pydrake.examples.RimlessWheelParams, arg0: float) None

Setter that matches mass().

set_number_of_spokes(self: pydrake.examples.RimlessWheelParams, arg0: float) None

Setter that matches number_of_spokes().

set_slope(self: pydrake.examples.RimlessWheelParams, arg0: float) None

Setter that matches slope().

slope(self: pydrake.examples.RimlessWheelParams) float

The angle of the ramp on which the rimless wheel is walking.


slope is expressed in units of radians.

class pydrake.examples.SchunkCollisionModel

Determines which schunk model is used for the ManipulationStation. - kBox loads a model with a box collision geometry. This model is for those who want simplified collision behavior. - kBoxPlusFingertipSpheres loads a Schunk model with collision spheres that models the indentations at tip of the fingers, in addition to the box collision geometry on the fingers.


kBox :

kBoxPlusFingertipSpheres :

__init__(self: pydrake.examples.SchunkCollisionModel, value: int) None
kBox = <SchunkCollisionModel.kBox: 0>
kBoxPlusFingertipSpheres = <SchunkCollisionModel.kBoxPlusFingertipSpheres: 1>
property name
property value
class pydrake.examples.SpongControllerParams


Specializes BasicVector with specific getters and setters.

__init__(self: pydrake.examples.SpongControllerParams) None

Default constructor. Sets all rows to their default value:

  • k_e defaults to 5.0 s.

  • k_p defaults to 50.0 s^-2.

  • k_d defaults to 5.0 s^-1.

  • balancing_threshold defaults to 1e3 None.

balancing_threshold(self: pydrake.examples.SpongControllerParams) float

Cost value at which to switch from swing up to balancing.


balancing_threshold is expressed in units of None.


balancing_threshold has a limited domain of [0.0, +Inf].

k_d(self: pydrake.examples.SpongControllerParams) float

Partial feedback linearization derivative gain.


k_d is expressed in units of s^-1.


k_d has a limited domain of [0.0, +Inf].

k_e(self: pydrake.examples.SpongControllerParams) float

Energy shaping gain.


k_e is expressed in units of s.


k_e has a limited domain of [0.0, +Inf].

k_p(self: pydrake.examples.SpongControllerParams) float

Partial feedback linearization proportional gain.


k_p is expressed in units of s^-2.


k_p has a limited domain of [0.0, +Inf].

set_balancing_threshold(self: pydrake.examples.SpongControllerParams, arg0: float) None

Setter that matches balancing_threshold().

set_k_d(self: pydrake.examples.SpongControllerParams, arg0: float) None

Setter that matches k_d().

set_k_e(self: pydrake.examples.SpongControllerParams, arg0: float) None

Setter that matches k_e().

set_k_p(self: pydrake.examples.SpongControllerParams, arg0: float) None

Setter that matches k_p().

pydrake.examples.StabilizingLQRController(quadrotor_plant: pydrake.examples.QuadrotorPlant, nominal_position: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]])

Generates an LQR controller to move to nominal_position. Internally computes the nominal input corresponding to a hover at position x0.

See also


class pydrake.examples.VanDerPolOscillator


van der Pol oscillator

The van der Pol oscillator, governed by the following equations: q̈ + μ(q² - 1)q̇ + q = 0, μ > 0 y₀ = q y₁ = [q,q̇]’ is a canonical example of a nonlinear system that exhibits a limit cycle stability. As such it serves as an important for examining nonlinear stability and stochastic stability.

(Examples involving region of attraction analysis and analyzing the stationary distribution of the oscillator under process noise are coming soon).

→ y0
→ y1
__init__(self: pydrake.examples.VanDerPolOscillator) None

Constructs a default oscillator.

static CalcLimitCycle() numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, n]]

Returns a 2-row matrix containing the result of simulating the oscillator with the default mu=1 from (approximately) one point on the limit cycle for (approximately) one period. The first row is q, and the second row is q̇.

get_full_state_output_port(self: pydrake.examples.VanDerPolOscillator)

Returns the output port containing the full state. This is provided primarily as a tool for debugging/visualization.

get_position_output_port(self: pydrake.examples.VanDerPolOscillator)

Returns the output port containing the output configuration (only).