Drake C++ Documentation
KinematicTrajectoryOptimization Class Reference

Detailed Description

Optimizes a trajectory, q(t) subject to costs and constraints on the trajectory and its derivatives.

This is accomplished using a path, r(s), represented as a BsplineTrajectory on the interval s∈[0,1], and a separate duration, T, which maps [0,1] => [0,T].

The q(t) trajectory is commonly associated with, for instance, the generalized positions of a MultibodyPlant by adding multibody costs and constraints; in this case take note that the velocities in this optimization are q̇(t), not v(t).

Use solvers::Solve to solve the problem. A typical use case could look like:

  KinematicTrajectoryOptimization trajopt(2, 10);
  // add costs and constraints
  auto result = solvers::Solve(trajopt.prog());
  auto traj = trajopt.ReconstructTrajectory(result);

When possible this class attempts to formulate convex forms of the costs and constraints.

#include <drake/planning/trajectory_optimization/kinematic_trajectory_optimization.h>

Public Member Functions

 KinematicTrajectoryOptimization (int num_positions, int num_control_points, int spline_order=4, double duration=1.0)
 Constructs an optimization problem for a position trajectory represented as a B-spline. More...
 KinematicTrajectoryOptimization (const trajectories::BsplineTrajectory< double > &trajectory)
 Constructs an optimization problem for a trajectory represented by a B-spline with the same order and number of control points as trajectory. More...
int num_positions () const
 Returns the number of position variables. More...
int num_control_points () const
 Returns the number of control points used for the path. More...
const math::BsplineBasis< double > & basis () const
 Returns the basis used to represent the path, r(s), over s∈[0,1]. More...
const solvers::MatrixXDecisionVariablecontrol_points () const
 Returns the control points defining the path as an M-by-N matrix, where M is the number of positions and N is the number of control points. More...
const symbolic::Variableduration () const
 Returns the decision variable defining the time duration of the trajectory. More...
const solvers::MathematicalProgramprog () const
 Getter for the optimization program. More...
solvers::MathematicalProgramget_mutable_prog ()
 Getter for a mutable pointer to the optimization program. More...
void SetInitialGuess (const trajectories::BsplineTrajectory< double > &trajectory)
 Sets the initial guess for the path and duration to match trajectory. More...
trajectories::BsplineTrajectory< doubleReconstructTrajectory (const solvers::MathematicalProgramResult &result) const
 Returns the trajectory q(t) from the result of solving prog(). More...
solvers::Binding< solvers::LinearConstraintAddPathPositionConstraint (const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > &lb, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > &ub, double s)
 Adds a linear constraint on the value of the path, lb ≤ r(s) ≤ ub. More...
solvers::Binding< solvers::ConstraintAddPathPositionConstraint (const std::shared_ptr< solvers::Constraint > &constraint, double s)
 Adds a (generic) constraint on path. More...
solvers::Binding< solvers::LinearConstraintAddPathVelocityConstraint (const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > &lb, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > &ub, double s)
 Adds a linear constraint on the derivative of the path, lb ≤ ṙ(s) ≤ ub. More...
solvers::Binding< solvers::ConstraintAddVelocityConstraintAtNormalizedTime (const std::shared_ptr< solvers::Constraint > &constraint, double s)
 Adds a (generic) constraint on trajectory velocity q̇(t), evaluated at s. More...
solvers::Binding< solvers::LinearConstraintAddPathAccelerationConstraint (const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > &lb, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > &ub, double s)
 Adds a linear constraint on the second derivative of the path, lb ≤ r̈(s) ≤ ub. More...
solvers::Binding< solvers::BoundingBoxConstraintAddDurationConstraint (std::optional< double > lb, std::optional< double > ub)
 Adds bounding box constraints for upper and lower bounds on the duration of the trajectory. More...
std::vector< solvers::Binding< solvers::BoundingBoxConstraint > > AddPositionBounds (const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > &lb, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > &ub)
 Adds bounding box constraints to enforce upper and lower bounds on the positions trajectory, q(t). More...
std::vector< solvers::Binding< solvers::LinearConstraint > > AddVelocityBounds (const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > &lb, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > &ub)
 Adds linear constraints to enforce upper and lower bounds on the velocity trajectory, q̇(t). More...
std::vector< std::vector< solvers::Binding< solvers::Constraint > > > AddAccelerationBounds (const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > &lb, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > &ub)
 Adds generic (nonlinear) constraints to enforce the upper and lower bounds to the acceleration trajectory, q̈(t). More...
std::vector< std::vector< solvers::Binding< solvers::Constraint > > > AddJerkBounds (const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > &lb, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > &ub)
 Adds generic (nonlinear) constraints to enforce the upper and lower bounds to the jerk trajectory, d³qdt³(t). More...
solvers::Binding< solvers::LinearCostAddDurationCost (double weight=1.0)
 Adds a linear cost on the duration of the trajectory. More...
std::vector< solvers::Binding< solvers::Cost > > AddPathLengthCost (double weight=1.0, bool use_conic_constraint=false)
 Adds a cost on an upper bound of the length of the path, ∫₀ᵀ |q̇(t)|₂ dt, or equivalently ∫₀¹ |ṙ(s)|₂ ds, by summing the distance between the path control points. More...
std::vector< solvers::Binding< solvers::Cost > > AddPathEnergyCost (double weight=1.0)
 Adds a convex quadratic cost on an upper bound on the energy of the path, ∫₀¹ |ṙ(s)|₂² ds, by summing the squared distance between the path control points. More...
Does not allow copy, move, or assignment
 KinematicTrajectoryOptimization (const KinematicTrajectoryOptimization &)=delete
KinematicTrajectoryOptimizationoperator= (const KinematicTrajectoryOptimization &)=delete
 KinematicTrajectoryOptimization (KinematicTrajectoryOptimization &&)=delete
KinematicTrajectoryOptimizationoperator= (KinematicTrajectoryOptimization &&)=delete

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ KinematicTrajectoryOptimization() [1/4]

◆ KinematicTrajectoryOptimization() [2/4]

◆ KinematicTrajectoryOptimization() [3/4]

KinematicTrajectoryOptimization ( int  num_positions,
int  num_control_points,
int  spline_order = 4,
double  duration = 1.0 

Constructs an optimization problem for a position trajectory represented as a B-spline.

The initial guess is the zero trajectory over the time interval [0, T].

num_positionsThe number of rows in the B-spline.
num_control_pointsThe number of B-spline control points.
spline_orderThe order of the B-spline.
durationThe duration (in seconds) of the initial guess.

◆ KinematicTrajectoryOptimization() [4/4]

Constructs an optimization problem for a trajectory represented by a B-spline with the same order and number of control points as trajectory.

Additionally sets trajectory as the initial guess for the optimization.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddAccelerationBounds()

std::vector<std::vector<solvers::Binding<solvers::Constraint> > > AddAccelerationBounds ( const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > &  lb,
const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > &  ub 

Adds generic (nonlinear) constraints to enforce the upper and lower bounds to the acceleration trajectory, q̈(t).

These constraints will be respected at all times. Note that this does NOT directly constrain r̈(s).

A vector of bindings with the ith element is itself a vector of constraints (one per dof) adding a constraint to the ith control point of the acceleration trajectory.

◆ AddDurationConstraint()

solvers::Binding<solvers::BoundingBoxConstraint> AddDurationConstraint ( std::optional< double lb,
std::optional< double ub 

Adds bounding box constraints for upper and lower bounds on the duration of the trajectory.

◆ AddDurationCost()

solvers::Binding<solvers::LinearCost> AddDurationCost ( double  weight = 1.0)

Adds a linear cost on the duration of the trajectory.

◆ AddJerkBounds()

std::vector<std::vector<solvers::Binding<solvers::Constraint> > > AddJerkBounds ( const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > &  lb,
const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > &  ub 

Adds generic (nonlinear) constraints to enforce the upper and lower bounds to the jerk trajectory, d³qdt³(t).

These constraints will be respected at all times. Note that this does NOT directly constrain d³rds³(s).

A vector of bindings with the ith element is itself a vector of constraints (one per dof) adding a constraint to the ith control point of the jerk trajectory.

◆ AddPathAccelerationConstraint()

solvers::Binding<solvers::LinearConstraint> AddPathAccelerationConstraint ( const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > &  lb,
const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > &  ub,
double  s 

Adds a linear constraint on the second derivative of the path, lb ≤ r̈(s) ≤ ub.

Note that this does NOT directly constrain q̈(t).

0 <= s <= 1.

◆ AddPathEnergyCost()

std::vector<solvers::Binding<solvers::Cost> > AddPathEnergyCost ( double  weight = 1.0)

Adds a convex quadratic cost on an upper bound on the energy of the path, ∫₀¹ |ṙ(s)|₂² ds, by summing the squared distance between the path control points.

In the limit of infinitely many control points, minimizers for AddPathLengthCost and AddPathEnergyCost will follow the same path, but potentially with different timing. They may have different values if additional costs and constraints are imposed. This cost yields simpler gradients than AddPathLengthCost, and biases the control points towards being evenly spaced.

A vector of bindings with the ith element adding a cost to the ith control point of the velocity trajectory.

◆ AddPathLengthCost()

std::vector<solvers::Binding<solvers::Cost> > AddPathLengthCost ( double  weight = 1.0,
bool  use_conic_constraint = false 

Adds a cost on an upper bound of the length of the path, ∫₀ᵀ |q̇(t)|₂ dt, or equivalently ∫₀¹ |ṙ(s)|₂ ds, by summing the distance between the path control points.

If use_conic_constraint = false, then costs are added via MathematicalProgram::AddL2NormCost; otherwise they are added via MathematicalProgram::AddL2NormCostUsingConicConstraint.

A vector of bindings with the ith element adding a cost to the ith control point of the velocity trajectory.

◆ AddPathPositionConstraint() [1/2]

solvers::Binding<solvers::LinearConstraint> AddPathPositionConstraint ( const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > &  lb,
const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > &  ub,
double  s 

Adds a linear constraint on the value of the path, lb ≤ r(s) ≤ ub.

0 <= s <= 1.

◆ AddPathPositionConstraint() [2/2]

solvers::Binding<solvers::Constraint> AddPathPositionConstraint ( const std::shared_ptr< solvers::Constraint > &  constraint,
double  s 

Adds a (generic) constraint on path.

The constraint will be evaluated as if it is bound with variables corresponding to r(s).

constraint.num_vars() == num_positions()
0 <= s <= 1.

◆ AddPathVelocityConstraint()

solvers::Binding<solvers::LinearConstraint> AddPathVelocityConstraint ( const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > &  lb,
const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > &  ub,
double  s 

Adds a linear constraint on the derivative of the path, lb ≤ ṙ(s) ≤ ub.

Note that this does NOT directly constrain q̇(t).

0 <= s <= 1.

◆ AddPositionBounds()

std::vector<solvers::Binding<solvers::BoundingBoxConstraint> > AddPositionBounds ( const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > &  lb,
const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > &  ub 

Adds bounding box constraints to enforce upper and lower bounds on the positions trajectory, q(t).

These bounds will be respected at all times, t∈[0,T]. This also implies the constraints are satisfied for r(s), for all s∈[0,1].

A vector of bindings with the ith element adding a constraint to the ith control point.

◆ AddVelocityBounds()

std::vector<solvers::Binding<solvers::LinearConstraint> > AddVelocityBounds ( const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > &  lb,
const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > &  ub 

Adds linear constraints to enforce upper and lower bounds on the velocity trajectory, q̇(t).

These bounds will be respected at all times. Note this does NOT directly constrain ṙ(s).

A vector of bindings with the ith element adding a constraint to the ith control point of the derivative trajectory.

◆ AddVelocityConstraintAtNormalizedTime()

solvers::Binding<solvers::Constraint> AddVelocityConstraintAtNormalizedTime ( const std::shared_ptr< solvers::Constraint > &  constraint,
double  s 

Adds a (generic) constraint on trajectory velocity q̇(t), evaluated at s.

The constraint will be evaluated as if it is bound with variables corresponding to [q(T*s), q̇(T*s)].

This is a potentially confusing mix of s and t, but it is important in practice. For instance if you want to constrain the true (trajectory) velocity at the final time, one would naturally want to write AddVelocityConstraint(constraint, s=1).

This method should be compared with AddPathVelocityConstraint, which only constrains ṙ(s) because it does not reason about the time scaling, T. However, AddPathVelocityConstraint adds convex constraints, whereas this method adds nonconvex generic constraints.

constraint.num_vars() == num_positions()
0 <= s <= 1.

◆ basis()

const math::BsplineBasis<double>& basis ( ) const

Returns the basis used to represent the path, r(s), over s∈[0,1].

◆ control_points()

const solvers::MatrixXDecisionVariable& control_points ( ) const

Returns the control points defining the path as an M-by-N matrix, where M is the number of positions and N is the number of control points.

◆ duration()

const symbolic::Variable& duration ( ) const

Returns the decision variable defining the time duration of the trajectory.

◆ get_mutable_prog()

solvers::MathematicalProgram& get_mutable_prog ( )

Getter for a mutable pointer to the optimization program.

◆ num_control_points()

int num_control_points ( ) const

Returns the number of control points used for the path.

◆ num_positions()

int num_positions ( ) const

Returns the number of position variables.

◆ operator=() [1/2]

◆ operator=() [2/2]

◆ prog()

const solvers::MathematicalProgram& prog ( ) const

Getter for the optimization program.

◆ ReconstructTrajectory()

trajectories::BsplineTrajectory<double> ReconstructTrajectory ( const solvers::MathematicalProgramResult result) const

Returns the trajectory q(t) from the result of solving prog().

◆ SetInitialGuess()

void SetInitialGuess ( const trajectories::BsplineTrajectory< double > &  trajectory)

Sets the initial guess for the path and duration to match trajectory.

trajectory.rows() == num_positions()
trajectory.columns() == 1

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