
Bindings for MultibodyTree and related components.

class pydrake.multibody.tree.BallRpyJoint

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint

This Joint allows two bodies to rotate freely relative to one another. That is, given a frame F attached to the parent body P and a frame M attached to the child body B (see the Joint class’s documentation), this Joint allows frame M to rotate freely with respect to F, while the origins, Mo and Fo, of frames M and F respectively remain coincident. The orientation of M relative to F is parameterized with space x-y-z Euler angles.


This class is templated; see BallRpyJoint_ for the list of instantiations.

__init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.BallRpyJoint, name: str, frame_on_parent: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, frame_on_child: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, damping: float = 0) None

Constructor to create a ball rpy joint between two bodies so that frame F attached to the parent body P and frame M attached to the child body B rotate freely relative to one another. See this class’s documentation for further details on the definition of these frames, get_angles() for an explanation of the angles defining orientation, and get_angular_velocity() for an explanation of the generalized velocities. This constructor signature creates a joint with no joint limits, i.e. the joint position, velocity and acceleration limits are the pair (-∞, ∞). These can be set using the Joint methods set_position_limits(), set_velocity_limits() and set_acceleration_limits(). The first three arguments to this constructor are those of the Joint class constructor. See the Joint class’s documentation for details. The additional parameters are:

Parameter damping:

Viscous damping coefficient, in N⋅m⋅s, used to model losses within the joint. See documentation of default_damping() for details on modelling of the damping torque.


RuntimeError if damping is negative.

default_damping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.BallRpyJoint) float

Returns this joint’s default damping constant in N⋅m⋅s. The damping torque (in N⋅m) is modeled as τ = -damping⋅ω, i.e. opposing motion, with ω the angular velocity of frame M in F (see get_angular_velocity()) and τ the torque on child body B (to which M is rigidly attached).

get_angles(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.BallRpyJoint, context: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Gets the rotation angles of this joint from context.

The orientation R_FM of the child frame M in parent frame F is parameterized with space x-y-z Euler angles (also known as extrinsic angles). That is, the angles θr, θp, θy, correspond to a sequence of rotations about the x̂, ŷ, ẑ axes of parent frame F, respectively. Mathematically, rotation R_FM is given in terms of angles θr, θp, θy by:

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R_FM(q) = Rz(θy) * Ry(θp) * Rx(θr)

where Rx(θ), Ry(θ) and Rz(θ) correspond to the elemental rotations in amount of θ about the x, y and z axes respectively. Zero θr, θp, θy angles corresponds to frames F and M being coincident. Angles θr, θp, θy are defined to be positive according to the right-hand-rule with the thumb aligned in the direction of their respective axes.


Space x-y-z angles (extrinsic) are equivalent to Body z-y-x angles (intrinsic).


This particular choice of angles θr, θp, θy for this joint are many times referred to as the roll, pitch and yaw angles by many dynamicists. They are also known as the Tait-Bryan angles or Cardan angles.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.


The angle coordinates of this joint stored in the context ordered as θr, θp, θy.

get_angular_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.BallRpyJoint, context: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Retrieves from context the angular velocity w_FM of the child frame M in the parent frame F, expressed in F.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Returns w_FM:

A vector in ℝ³ with the angular velocity of the child frame M in the parent frame F, expressed in F. Refer to this class’s documentation for further details and definitions of these frames.

get_default_angles(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.BallRpyJoint) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Gets the default angles for this joint. Wrapper for the more general Joint::default_positions().


The default angles of this stored in default_positions_

kTypeName = 'ball_rpy'
set_angles(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.BallRpyJoint, context:, angles: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.BallRpyJoint

Sets the context so that the generalized coordinates corresponding to the rotation angles of this joint equals angles.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Parameter angles:

The desired angles in radians to be stored in context ordered as θr, θp, θy. See get_angles() for details.


a constant reference to this joint.

set_angular_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.BallRpyJoint, context:, w_FM: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.BallRpyJoint

Sets in context the state for this joint so that the angular velocity of the child frame M in the parent frame F is w_FM.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Parameter w_FM:

A vector in ℝ³ with the angular velocity of the child frame M in the parent frame F, expressed in F. Refer to this class’s documentation for further details and definitions of these frames.


a constant reference to this joint.

set_default_angles(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.BallRpyJoint, angles: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) None

Sets the default angles of this joint.

Parameter angles:

The desired default angles of the joint

set_random_angles_distribution(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.BallRpyJoint, angles: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) None

Sets the random distribution that angles of this joint will be randomly sampled from. See get_angles() for details on the angle representation.

template pydrake.multibody.tree.BallRpyJoint_

Instantiations: BallRpyJoint_[float], BallRpyJoint_[AutoDiffXd], BallRpyJoint_[Expression]

class pydrake.multibody.tree.BallRpyJoint_[AutoDiffXd]

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd]

This Joint allows two bodies to rotate freely relative to one another. That is, given a frame F attached to the parent body P and a frame M attached to the child body B (see the Joint class’s documentation), this Joint allows frame M to rotate freely with respect to F, while the origins, Mo and Fo, of frames M and F respectively remain coincident. The orientation of M relative to F is parameterized with space x-y-z Euler angles.

__init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.BallRpyJoint_[AutoDiffXd], name: str, frame_on_parent: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], frame_on_child: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], damping: float = 0) None

Constructor to create a ball rpy joint between two bodies so that frame F attached to the parent body P and frame M attached to the child body B rotate freely relative to one another. See this class’s documentation for further details on the definition of these frames, get_angles() for an explanation of the angles defining orientation, and get_angular_velocity() for an explanation of the generalized velocities. This constructor signature creates a joint with no joint limits, i.e. the joint position, velocity and acceleration limits are the pair (-∞, ∞). These can be set using the Joint methods set_position_limits(), set_velocity_limits() and set_acceleration_limits(). The first three arguments to this constructor are those of the Joint class constructor. See the Joint class’s documentation for details. The additional parameters are:

Parameter damping:

Viscous damping coefficient, in N⋅m⋅s, used to model losses within the joint. See documentation of default_damping() for details on modelling of the damping torque.


RuntimeError if damping is negative.

default_damping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.BallRpyJoint_[AutoDiffXd]) float

Returns this joint’s default damping constant in N⋅m⋅s. The damping torque (in N⋅m) is modeled as τ = -damping⋅ω, i.e. opposing motion, with ω the angular velocity of frame M in F (see get_angular_velocity()) and τ the torque on child body B (to which M is rigidly attached).

get_angles(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.BallRpyJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]

Gets the rotation angles of this joint from context.

The orientation R_FM of the child frame M in parent frame F is parameterized with space x-y-z Euler angles (also known as extrinsic angles). That is, the angles θr, θp, θy, correspond to a sequence of rotations about the x̂, ŷ, ẑ axes of parent frame F, respectively. Mathematically, rotation R_FM is given in terms of angles θr, θp, θy by:

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R_FM(q) = Rz(θy) * Ry(θp) * Rx(θr)

where Rx(θ), Ry(θ) and Rz(θ) correspond to the elemental rotations in amount of θ about the x, y and z axes respectively. Zero θr, θp, θy angles corresponds to frames F and M being coincident. Angles θr, θp, θy are defined to be positive according to the right-hand-rule with the thumb aligned in the direction of their respective axes.


Space x-y-z angles (extrinsic) are equivalent to Body z-y-x angles (intrinsic).


This particular choice of angles θr, θp, θy for this joint are many times referred to as the roll, pitch and yaw angles by many dynamicists. They are also known as the Tait-Bryan angles or Cardan angles.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.


The angle coordinates of this joint stored in the context ordered as θr, θp, θy.

get_angular_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.BallRpyJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]

Retrieves from context the angular velocity w_FM of the child frame M in the parent frame F, expressed in F.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Returns w_FM:

A vector in ℝ³ with the angular velocity of the child frame M in the parent frame F, expressed in F. Refer to this class’s documentation for further details and definitions of these frames.

get_default_angles(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.BallRpyJoint_[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Gets the default angles for this joint. Wrapper for the more general Joint::default_positions().


The default angles of this stored in default_positions_

kTypeName = 'ball_rpy'
set_angles(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.BallRpyJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], angles: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.BallRpyJoint_[AutoDiffXd]

Sets the context so that the generalized coordinates corresponding to the rotation angles of this joint equals angles.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Parameter angles:

The desired angles in radians to be stored in context ordered as θr, θp, θy. See get_angles() for details.


a constant reference to this joint.

set_angular_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.BallRpyJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], w_FM: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.BallRpyJoint_[AutoDiffXd]

Sets in context the state for this joint so that the angular velocity of the child frame M in the parent frame F is w_FM.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Parameter w_FM:

A vector in ℝ³ with the angular velocity of the child frame M in the parent frame F, expressed in F. Refer to this class’s documentation for further details and definitions of these frames.


a constant reference to this joint.

set_default_angles(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.BallRpyJoint_[AutoDiffXd], angles: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) None

Sets the default angles of this joint.

Parameter angles:

The desired default angles of the joint

set_random_angles_distribution(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.BallRpyJoint_[AutoDiffXd], angles: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) None

Sets the random distribution that angles of this joint will be randomly sampled from. See get_angles() for details on the angle representation.

class pydrake.multibody.tree.BallRpyJoint_[Expression]

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression]

This Joint allows two bodies to rotate freely relative to one another. That is, given a frame F attached to the parent body P and a frame M attached to the child body B (see the Joint class’s documentation), this Joint allows frame M to rotate freely with respect to F, while the origins, Mo and Fo, of frames M and F respectively remain coincident. The orientation of M relative to F is parameterized with space x-y-z Euler angles.

__init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.BallRpyJoint_[Expression], name: str, frame_on_parent: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], frame_on_child: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], damping: float = 0) None

Constructor to create a ball rpy joint between two bodies so that frame F attached to the parent body P and frame M attached to the child body B rotate freely relative to one another. See this class’s documentation for further details on the definition of these frames, get_angles() for an explanation of the angles defining orientation, and get_angular_velocity() for an explanation of the generalized velocities. This constructor signature creates a joint with no joint limits, i.e. the joint position, velocity and acceleration limits are the pair (-∞, ∞). These can be set using the Joint methods set_position_limits(), set_velocity_limits() and set_acceleration_limits(). The first three arguments to this constructor are those of the Joint class constructor. See the Joint class’s documentation for details. The additional parameters are:

Parameter damping:

Viscous damping coefficient, in N⋅m⋅s, used to model losses within the joint. See documentation of default_damping() for details on modelling of the damping torque.


RuntimeError if damping is negative.

default_damping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.BallRpyJoint_[Expression]) float

Returns this joint’s default damping constant in N⋅m⋅s. The damping torque (in N⋅m) is modeled as τ = -damping⋅ω, i.e. opposing motion, with ω the angular velocity of frame M in F (see get_angular_velocity()) and τ the torque on child body B (to which M is rigidly attached).

get_angles(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.BallRpyJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]

Gets the rotation angles of this joint from context.

The orientation R_FM of the child frame M in parent frame F is parameterized with space x-y-z Euler angles (also known as extrinsic angles). That is, the angles θr, θp, θy, correspond to a sequence of rotations about the x̂, ŷ, ẑ axes of parent frame F, respectively. Mathematically, rotation R_FM is given in terms of angles θr, θp, θy by:

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R_FM(q) = Rz(θy) * Ry(θp) * Rx(θr)

where Rx(θ), Ry(θ) and Rz(θ) correspond to the elemental rotations in amount of θ about the x, y and z axes respectively. Zero θr, θp, θy angles corresponds to frames F and M being coincident. Angles θr, θp, θy are defined to be positive according to the right-hand-rule with the thumb aligned in the direction of their respective axes.


Space x-y-z angles (extrinsic) are equivalent to Body z-y-x angles (intrinsic).


This particular choice of angles θr, θp, θy for this joint are many times referred to as the roll, pitch and yaw angles by many dynamicists. They are also known as the Tait-Bryan angles or Cardan angles.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.


The angle coordinates of this joint stored in the context ordered as θr, θp, θy.

get_angular_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.BallRpyJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]

Retrieves from context the angular velocity w_FM of the child frame M in the parent frame F, expressed in F.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Returns w_FM:

A vector in ℝ³ with the angular velocity of the child frame M in the parent frame F, expressed in F. Refer to this class’s documentation for further details and definitions of these frames.

get_default_angles(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.BallRpyJoint_[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Gets the default angles for this joint. Wrapper for the more general Joint::default_positions().


The default angles of this stored in default_positions_

kTypeName = 'ball_rpy'
set_angles(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.BallRpyJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression], angles: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.BallRpyJoint_[Expression]

Sets the context so that the generalized coordinates corresponding to the rotation angles of this joint equals angles.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Parameter angles:

The desired angles in radians to be stored in context ordered as θr, θp, θy. See get_angles() for details.


a constant reference to this joint.

set_angular_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.BallRpyJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression], w_FM: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.BallRpyJoint_[Expression]

Sets in context the state for this joint so that the angular velocity of the child frame M in the parent frame F is w_FM.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Parameter w_FM:

A vector in ℝ³ with the angular velocity of the child frame M in the parent frame F, expressed in F. Refer to this class’s documentation for further details and definitions of these frames.


a constant reference to this joint.

set_default_angles(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.BallRpyJoint_[Expression], angles: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) None

Sets the default angles of this joint.

Parameter angles:

The desired default angles of the joint

set_random_angles_distribution(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.BallRpyJoint_[Expression], angles: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) None

Sets the random distribution that angles of this joint will be randomly sampled from. See get_angles() for details on the angle representation.


alias of pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody

template pydrake.multibody.tree.Body_

Instantiations: RigidBody_[float], RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd], RigidBody_[Expression]

class pydrake.multibody.tree.BodyIndex

Type used to identify RigidBodies (a.k.a. Links) by index in a multibody plant. Interchangeable with LinkIndex.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.BodyIndex) -> None

Default constructor; the result is an invalid index. This only exists to serve applications which require a default constructor.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.BodyIndex, arg0: int) -> None

Construction from a non-negative int value. The value must lie in the range of [0, 2³¹). Constructor only promises to test validity in Debug build.

is_valid(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.BodyIndex) bool

Reports if the index is valid–the only operation on an invalid index that doesn’t throw an exception in Debug builds.

pydrake.multibody.tree.CalcSpatialInertia(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. CalcSpatialInertia(shape: pydrake.geometry.Shape, density: float) -> drake::multibody::SpatialInertia<double>

Computes the SpatialInertia of a body made up of a homogeneous material (of given density in kg/m³) uniformly distributed in the volume of the given shape.

The shape is defined in its canonical frame S and the body in frame B. The two frames are coincident and aligned (i.e., X_SB = I).

Most shapes are defined such that their center of mass is coincident with So (and, therefore, Bo). These are the shapes that have symmetry across So along each of the axes Sx, Sy, Sz (e.g., geometry::Box, geometry::Sphere, etc.) For meshes, it depends on how the mesh is defined. For more discussion on the nuances of geometry::Mesh and geometry::Convex calculations CalcSpatialInertia(const geometry::TriangleSurfaceMesh<double>&,double) “see below”.

Returns M_BBo_B:

The spatial inertia of the hypothetical body implied by the given shape.

  • RuntimeError if shape is an instance of geometry::HalfSpace or

  • geometry::MeshcatCone.

  1. CalcSpatialInertia(mesh: pydrake.geometry.TriangleSurfaceMesh, density: float) -> drake::multibody::SpatialInertia<double>

Computes the SpatialInertia of a body made up of a homogeneous material (of given density in kg/m³) uniformly distributed in the volume of the given mesh.

The mesh is defined in its canonical frame M and the body in frame B. The two frames are coincident and aligned (i.e., X_MB = I).

For the resultant spatial inertia to be meaningful, the mesh must satisfy certain requirements:

  • The mesh must fully enclose a volume (no cracks, no open manifolds,

etc.). - All triangles must be “wound” such that their normals point outward (according to the right-hand rule based on vertex winding).

Drake currently doesn’t validate these requirements on the mesh. Instead, it does a best-faith effort to compute a spatial inertia. For some “bad” meshes, the SpatialInertia will be objectively physically invalid. For others, the SpatialInertia will appear physically valid, but be meaningless because it does not accurately represent the mesh.

  • RuntimeError if the resulting spatial inertia is obviously

  • physically invalid. See

  • multibody::SpatialInertia::IsPhysicallyValid()

pydrake.multibody.tree.default_model_instance() pydrake.multibody.tree.ModelInstanceIndex

Returns the model instance which contains all tree elements with no explicit model instance specified.

class pydrake.multibody.tree.DoorHinge

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.ForceElement

This ForceElement models a revolute DoorHinge joint that could exhibit different force/torque characteristics at different states due to the existence of different type of torques on the joint. This class implements a “christmas tree” accumulation of these different torques in an empirical and unprincipled way. Specifically, different curves are assigned to different torques to mimic their evolution based on the joint state and some prespecified parameters.

Torques considered in this implementation include: * torsional spring torque (τ_ts) – position dependent * catch torque (τ_c) – position dependent * dynamic friction torque (τ_df) – velocity dependent * static friction torque (τ_sf) – velocity dependent * viscous friction torque (τ_vf) – velocity dependent

We then implement two curves to approximate the progression of different torques. A curve s(t, x) = tanh(x/t) uses the tanh function to approximate a step curve ({x<0: -1 ; x>0: 1}) outside of -t < x < t. The curve doublet(t, x) = 2 * s * (1 s²) is the second derivative of s scaled by -t², which yields a lump at negative x that integrates to -1 and a lump at positive x that integrates to 1. Finally, the total external torque on the hinge joint would be:

τ = τ_ts + τ_c + τ_df + τ_sf + τ_vf.

where τ_ts = -k_ts * (q qs₀), τ_c = k_c * doublet(qc₀/2, q − qc₀/2)`, τ_df = -k_df * s(k_q̇₀, q̇)`, τ_sf = -k_sf * doublet(k_q̇₀, q̇) and τ_vf = -k_vf * . The door is assumed to be closed at q=0, opening in the positive-q direction. Note that, the sign of the torques depends on two elements: one is the sign of the torque related constants and another one is the sign of the assigned curves. For example, as defined above, the static friction torque τ_sf should be opposite to the direction of the velocity q̇. The catch torque τ_c should be negative when q < qc₀/2 and positive otherwise. This class applies all hinge-originating forces, so it can be used instead of the SDF viscous damping. The users could change the values of these different elements to obtain different characteristics for the DoorHinge joint that the users want to model. A jupyter notebook tool is also provided to help the users visualize the curves and design parameters. Run bazel run //bindings/pydrake/multibody:examples/door_hinge_inspector to bring up the notebook.

To give an example, a common dishwasher door has a frictional torque sufficient for it to rest motionless at any angle, a catch at the top to hold it in place, a dashpot (viscous friction source) to prevent it from swinging too fast, and a spring to counteract some of its mass. Two figures are provided to illustrate the dishwasher DoorHinge torque with the given default parameters. Figure 1 shows the static characteristic of the dishwasher door. At q = 0, there exists a negative catch torque to prevent the door from moving. After that, the torsional spring torque will dominate to compensate part of the door gravity. Figure 2 shows the dynamic feature of the dishwasher door at q = 30 deg. It shows the door can be closed easily since the torque is small when the velocity is negative. However, whenever the door intends to open further, there will be a counter torque to prevent that movement, which therefore keeps the door at rest. Note that, due to the gravity, the dishwasher door will be fully open eventually. This process can be really slow because of the default motion_threshold is set to be very small. You can change the motion_threshold parameter to adjust the time. @image html drake/multibody/tree/images/torque_vs_angle.svg “Figure 1” @image html drake/multibody/tree/images/torque_vs_velocity.svg “Figure 2”


This class is templated; see DoorHinge_ for the list of instantiations.

__init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.DoorHinge, joint: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint, config: pydrake.multibody.tree.DoorHingeConfig) None

Constructs a hinge force element with parameters config applied to the specified joint. It will throw an exception if the DoorHingeConfig is invalid.

CalcHingeFrictionalTorque(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.DoorHinge, angular_rate: float) float

Calculates the total frictional torque with the given angular_rate and the internal DoorHingeConfig.

CalcHingeSpringTorque(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.DoorHinge, angle: float) float

Calculate the total spring related torque with the given angle and the internal DoorHingeConfig.

CalcHingeTorque(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.DoorHinge, angle: float, angular_rate: float) float

Calculate the total torque with the given angle and angular_rate and the internal DoorHingeConfig.

config(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.DoorHinge) pydrake.multibody.tree.DoorHingeConfig
joint(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.DoorHinge) pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint
template pydrake.multibody.tree.DoorHinge_

Instantiations: DoorHinge_[float], DoorHinge_[AutoDiffXd], DoorHinge_[Expression]

class pydrake.multibody.tree.DoorHinge_[AutoDiffXd]

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.ForceElement_[AutoDiffXd]

This ForceElement models a revolute DoorHinge joint that could exhibit different force/torque characteristics at different states due to the existence of different type of torques on the joint. This class implements a “christmas tree” accumulation of these different torques in an empirical and unprincipled way. Specifically, different curves are assigned to different torques to mimic their evolution based on the joint state and some prespecified parameters.

Torques considered in this implementation include: * torsional spring torque (τ_ts) – position dependent * catch torque (τ_c) – position dependent * dynamic friction torque (τ_df) – velocity dependent * static friction torque (τ_sf) – velocity dependent * viscous friction torque (τ_vf) – velocity dependent

We then implement two curves to approximate the progression of different torques. A curve s(t, x) = tanh(x/t) uses the tanh function to approximate a step curve ({x<0: -1 ; x>0: 1}) outside of -t < x < t. The curve doublet(t, x) = 2 * s * (1 s²) is the second derivative of s scaled by -t², which yields a lump at negative x that integrates to -1 and a lump at positive x that integrates to 1. Finally, the total external torque on the hinge joint would be:

τ = τ_ts + τ_c + τ_df + τ_sf + τ_vf.

where τ_ts = -k_ts * (q qs₀), τ_c = k_c * doublet(qc₀/2, q − qc₀/2)`, τ_df = -k_df * s(k_q̇₀, q̇)`, τ_sf = -k_sf * doublet(k_q̇₀, q̇) and τ_vf = -k_vf * . The door is assumed to be closed at q=0, opening in the positive-q direction. Note that, the sign of the torques depends on two elements: one is the sign of the torque related constants and another one is the sign of the assigned curves. For example, as defined above, the static friction torque τ_sf should be opposite to the direction of the velocity q̇. The catch torque τ_c should be negative when q < qc₀/2 and positive otherwise. This class applies all hinge-originating forces, so it can be used instead of the SDF viscous damping. The users could change the values of these different elements to obtain different characteristics for the DoorHinge joint that the users want to model. A jupyter notebook tool is also provided to help the users visualize the curves and design parameters. Run bazel run //bindings/pydrake/multibody:examples/door_hinge_inspector to bring up the notebook.

To give an example, a common dishwasher door has a frictional torque sufficient for it to rest motionless at any angle, a catch at the top to hold it in place, a dashpot (viscous friction source) to prevent it from swinging too fast, and a spring to counteract some of its mass. Two figures are provided to illustrate the dishwasher DoorHinge torque with the given default parameters. Figure 1 shows the static characteristic of the dishwasher door. At q = 0, there exists a negative catch torque to prevent the door from moving. After that, the torsional spring torque will dominate to compensate part of the door gravity. Figure 2 shows the dynamic feature of the dishwasher door at q = 30 deg. It shows the door can be closed easily since the torque is small when the velocity is negative. However, whenever the door intends to open further, there will be a counter torque to prevent that movement, which therefore keeps the door at rest. Note that, due to the gravity, the dishwasher door will be fully open eventually. This process can be really slow because of the default motion_threshold is set to be very small. You can change the motion_threshold parameter to adjust the time. @image html drake/multibody/tree/images/torque_vs_angle.svg “Figure 1” @image html drake/multibody/tree/images/torque_vs_velocity.svg “Figure 2”

__init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.DoorHinge_[AutoDiffXd], joint: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[AutoDiffXd], config: pydrake.multibody.tree.DoorHingeConfig) None

Constructs a hinge force element with parameters config applied to the specified joint. It will throw an exception if the DoorHingeConfig is invalid.

CalcHingeFrictionalTorque(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.DoorHinge_[AutoDiffXd], angular_rate: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd) pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd

Calculates the total frictional torque with the given angular_rate and the internal DoorHingeConfig.

CalcHingeSpringTorque(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.DoorHinge_[AutoDiffXd], angle: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd) pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd

Calculate the total spring related torque with the given angle and the internal DoorHingeConfig.

CalcHingeTorque(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.DoorHinge_[AutoDiffXd], angle: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, angular_rate: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd) pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd

Calculate the total torque with the given angle and angular_rate and the internal DoorHingeConfig.

config(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.DoorHinge_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.tree.DoorHingeConfig
joint(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.DoorHinge_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[AutoDiffXd]
class pydrake.multibody.tree.DoorHinge_[Expression]

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.ForceElement_[Expression]

This ForceElement models a revolute DoorHinge joint that could exhibit different force/torque characteristics at different states due to the existence of different type of torques on the joint. This class implements a “christmas tree” accumulation of these different torques in an empirical and unprincipled way. Specifically, different curves are assigned to different torques to mimic their evolution based on the joint state and some prespecified parameters.

Torques considered in this implementation include: * torsional spring torque (τ_ts) – position dependent * catch torque (τ_c) – position dependent * dynamic friction torque (τ_df) – velocity dependent * static friction torque (τ_sf) – velocity dependent * viscous friction torque (τ_vf) – velocity dependent

We then implement two curves to approximate the progression of different torques. A curve s(t, x) = tanh(x/t) uses the tanh function to approximate a step curve ({x<0: -1 ; x>0: 1}) outside of -t < x < t. The curve doublet(t, x) = 2 * s * (1 s²) is the second derivative of s scaled by -t², which yields a lump at negative x that integrates to -1 and a lump at positive x that integrates to 1. Finally, the total external torque on the hinge joint would be:

τ = τ_ts + τ_c + τ_df + τ_sf + τ_vf.

where τ_ts = -k_ts * (q qs₀), τ_c = k_c * doublet(qc₀/2, q − qc₀/2)`, τ_df = -k_df * s(k_q̇₀, q̇)`, τ_sf = -k_sf * doublet(k_q̇₀, q̇) and τ_vf = -k_vf * . The door is assumed to be closed at q=0, opening in the positive-q direction. Note that, the sign of the torques depends on two elements: one is the sign of the torque related constants and another one is the sign of the assigned curves. For example, as defined above, the static friction torque τ_sf should be opposite to the direction of the velocity q̇. The catch torque τ_c should be negative when q < qc₀/2 and positive otherwise. This class applies all hinge-originating forces, so it can be used instead of the SDF viscous damping. The users could change the values of these different elements to obtain different characteristics for the DoorHinge joint that the users want to model. A jupyter notebook tool is also provided to help the users visualize the curves and design parameters. Run bazel run //bindings/pydrake/multibody:examples/door_hinge_inspector to bring up the notebook.

To give an example, a common dishwasher door has a frictional torque sufficient for it to rest motionless at any angle, a catch at the top to hold it in place, a dashpot (viscous friction source) to prevent it from swinging too fast, and a spring to counteract some of its mass. Two figures are provided to illustrate the dishwasher DoorHinge torque with the given default parameters. Figure 1 shows the static characteristic of the dishwasher door. At q = 0, there exists a negative catch torque to prevent the door from moving. After that, the torsional spring torque will dominate to compensate part of the door gravity. Figure 2 shows the dynamic feature of the dishwasher door at q = 30 deg. It shows the door can be closed easily since the torque is small when the velocity is negative. However, whenever the door intends to open further, there will be a counter torque to prevent that movement, which therefore keeps the door at rest. Note that, due to the gravity, the dishwasher door will be fully open eventually. This process can be really slow because of the default motion_threshold is set to be very small. You can change the motion_threshold parameter to adjust the time. @image html drake/multibody/tree/images/torque_vs_angle.svg “Figure 1” @image html drake/multibody/tree/images/torque_vs_velocity.svg “Figure 2”

__init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.DoorHinge_[Expression], joint: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[Expression], config: pydrake.multibody.tree.DoorHingeConfig) None

Constructs a hinge force element with parameters config applied to the specified joint. It will throw an exception if the DoorHingeConfig is invalid.

CalcHingeFrictionalTorque(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.DoorHinge_[Expression], angular_rate: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) pydrake.symbolic.Expression

Calculates the total frictional torque with the given angular_rate and the internal DoorHingeConfig.

CalcHingeSpringTorque(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.DoorHinge_[Expression], angle: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) pydrake.symbolic.Expression

Calculate the total spring related torque with the given angle and the internal DoorHingeConfig.

CalcHingeTorque(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.DoorHinge_[Expression], angle: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, angular_rate: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) pydrake.symbolic.Expression

Calculate the total torque with the given angle and angular_rate and the internal DoorHingeConfig.

config(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.DoorHinge_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.tree.DoorHingeConfig
joint(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.DoorHinge_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[Expression]
class pydrake.multibody.tree.DoorHingeConfig

Configuration structure for the DoorHinge.

__init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.DoorHingeConfig, **kwargs) None

Initialize to empirically reasonable values measured approximately by banging on the door of a dishwasher with a force gauge.

property catch_torque

k_c maximum catch torque applied over catch_width [Nm]. It should be non-negative.

property catch_width

qc₀ measured from closed (q=0) position [radian]. It should be non-negative.

property dynamic_friction_torque

k_df maximum dynamic friction torque measured opposite direction of motion [Nm]. It should be non-negative.

property motion_threshold

k_q̇₀ motion threshold to start to apply friction torques [rad/s]. It should be non-negative. Realistic frictional force is very stiff, reversing entirely over zero change in position or velocity, which kills integrators. We approximate it with a continuous function. This constant [rad/s] is the scaling factor on that function – very approximately the rad/s at which half of the full frictional force is applied. This number is nonphysical; make it small but not so small that the simulation vibrates or explodes.

property spring_constant

k_ts torsional spring constant measured toward the spring zero angle [Nm/rad]. It should be non-negative.

property spring_zero_angle_rad

qs₀ measured outward from the closed position [radian].

property static_friction_torque

k_sf maximum static friction measured opposite direction of motion [Nm]. It should be non-negative.

property viscous_friction

k_vf viscous friction measured opposite direction of motion [Nm]. It should be non-negative.

class pydrake.multibody.tree.FixedOffsetFrame

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame

%FixedOffsetFrame represents a material frame F whose pose is fixed with respect to a parent material frame P. The pose offset is given by a spatial transform X_PF, which is constant after construction. For instance, we could rigidly attach a frame F to move with a rigid body B at a fixed pose X_BF, where B is the RigidBodyFrame associated with body B. Thus, the World frame pose X_WF of a FixedOffsetFrame F depends only on the World frame pose X_WP of its parent P, and the constant pose X_PF, with X_WF=X_WP*X_PF.

For more information about spatial transforms, see multibody_spatial_pose.


This class is templated; see FixedOffsetFrame_ for the list of instantiations.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.FixedOffsetFrame, name: str, P: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, X_PF: pydrake.math.RigidTransform, model_instance: Optional[pydrake.multibody.tree.ModelInstanceIndex] = None) -> None

Creates a material Frame F whose pose is fixed with respect to its parent material Frame P. The pose is given by a spatial transform X_PF; see class documentation for more information.

Parameter name:

The name of this frame. Cannot be empty.

Parameter P:

The frame to which this frame is attached with a fixed pose.

Parameter X_PF:

The default transform giving the pose of F in P, therefore only the value (as a RigidTransform<double>) is provided.

Parameter model_instance:

The model instance to which this frame belongs to. If unspecified, will use P.model_instance().

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.FixedOffsetFrame, name: str, bodyB: drake::multibody::RigidBody<double>, X_BF: pydrake.math.RigidTransform) -> None

Creates a material Frame F whose pose is fixed with respect to the RigidBodyFrame B of the given RigidBody, which serves as F’s parent frame. The pose is given by a RigidTransform X_BF; see class documentation for more information.

Parameter name:

The name of this frame. Cannot be empty.

Parameter bodyB:

The body whose RigidBodyFrame B is to be F’s parent frame.

Parameter X_BF:

The transform giving the pose of F in B.

GetPoseInParentFrame(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.FixedOffsetFrame, context: pydrake.math.RigidTransform

Returns the rigid transform X_PF that characterizes this frame F’s pose in its parent frame P.

Parameter context:

of the multibody plant associated with this frame.

SetPoseInParentFrame(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.FixedOffsetFrame, context:, X_PF: pydrake.math.RigidTransform) None

Sets the pose of this frame F in its parent frame P.

Parameter context:

of the multibody plant associated with this frame.

Parameter X_PF:

Rigid transform that characterizes this frame F’s pose (orientation and position) in its parent frame P.

template pydrake.multibody.tree.FixedOffsetFrame_

Instantiations: FixedOffsetFrame_[float], FixedOffsetFrame_[AutoDiffXd], FixedOffsetFrame_[Expression]

class pydrake.multibody.tree.FixedOffsetFrame_[AutoDiffXd]

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd]

%FixedOffsetFrame represents a material frame F whose pose is fixed with respect to a parent material frame P. The pose offset is given by a spatial transform X_PF, which is constant after construction. For instance, we could rigidly attach a frame F to move with a rigid body B at a fixed pose X_BF, where B is the RigidBodyFrame associated with body B. Thus, the World frame pose X_WF of a FixedOffsetFrame F depends only on the World frame pose X_WP of its parent P, and the constant pose X_PF, with X_WF=X_WP*X_PF.

For more information about spatial transforms, see multibody_spatial_pose.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.FixedOffsetFrame_[AutoDiffXd], name: str, P: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], X_PF: pydrake.math.RigidTransform, model_instance: Optional[pydrake.multibody.tree.ModelInstanceIndex] = None) -> None

Creates a material Frame F whose pose is fixed with respect to its parent material Frame P. The pose is given by a spatial transform X_PF; see class documentation for more information.

Parameter name:

The name of this frame. Cannot be empty.

Parameter P:

The frame to which this frame is attached with a fixed pose.

Parameter X_PF:

The default transform giving the pose of F in P, therefore only the value (as a RigidTransform<double>) is provided.

Parameter model_instance:

The model instance to which this frame belongs to. If unspecified, will use P.model_instance().

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.FixedOffsetFrame_[AutoDiffXd], name: str, bodyB: drake::multibody::RigidBody<Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<Eigen::Matrix<double, -1, 1, 0, -1, 1> > >, X_BF: pydrake.math.RigidTransform) -> None

Creates a material Frame F whose pose is fixed with respect to the RigidBodyFrame B of the given RigidBody, which serves as F’s parent frame. The pose is given by a RigidTransform X_BF; see class documentation for more information.

Parameter name:

The name of this frame. Cannot be empty.

Parameter bodyB:

The body whose RigidBodyFrame B is to be F’s parent frame.

Parameter X_BF:

The transform giving the pose of F in B.

GetPoseInParentFrame(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.FixedOffsetFrame_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.math.RigidTransform_[AutoDiffXd]

Returns the rigid transform X_PF that characterizes this frame F’s pose in its parent frame P.

Parameter context:

of the multibody plant associated with this frame.

SetPoseInParentFrame(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.FixedOffsetFrame_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], X_PF: pydrake.math.RigidTransform_[AutoDiffXd]) None

Sets the pose of this frame F in its parent frame P.

Parameter context:

of the multibody plant associated with this frame.

Parameter X_PF:

Rigid transform that characterizes this frame F’s pose (orientation and position) in its parent frame P.

class pydrake.multibody.tree.FixedOffsetFrame_[Expression]

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression]

%FixedOffsetFrame represents a material frame F whose pose is fixed with respect to a parent material frame P. The pose offset is given by a spatial transform X_PF, which is constant after construction. For instance, we could rigidly attach a frame F to move with a rigid body B at a fixed pose X_BF, where B is the RigidBodyFrame associated with body B. Thus, the World frame pose X_WF of a FixedOffsetFrame F depends only on the World frame pose X_WP of its parent P, and the constant pose X_PF, with X_WF=X_WP*X_PF.

For more information about spatial transforms, see multibody_spatial_pose.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.FixedOffsetFrame_[Expression], name: str, P: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], X_PF: pydrake.math.RigidTransform, model_instance: Optional[pydrake.multibody.tree.ModelInstanceIndex] = None) -> None

Creates a material Frame F whose pose is fixed with respect to its parent material Frame P. The pose is given by a spatial transform X_PF; see class documentation for more information.

Parameter name:

The name of this frame. Cannot be empty.

Parameter P:

The frame to which this frame is attached with a fixed pose.

Parameter X_PF:

The default transform giving the pose of F in P, therefore only the value (as a RigidTransform<double>) is provided.

Parameter model_instance:

The model instance to which this frame belongs to. If unspecified, will use P.model_instance().

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.FixedOffsetFrame_[Expression], name: str, bodyB: drake::multibody::RigidBody<drake::symbolic::Expression>, X_BF: pydrake.math.RigidTransform) -> None

Creates a material Frame F whose pose is fixed with respect to the RigidBodyFrame B of the given RigidBody, which serves as F’s parent frame. The pose is given by a RigidTransform X_BF; see class documentation for more information.

Parameter name:

The name of this frame. Cannot be empty.

Parameter bodyB:

The body whose RigidBodyFrame B is to be F’s parent frame.

Parameter X_BF:

The transform giving the pose of F in B.

GetPoseInParentFrame(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.FixedOffsetFrame_[Expression], context:[Expression]) pydrake.math.RigidTransform_[Expression]

Returns the rigid transform X_PF that characterizes this frame F’s pose in its parent frame P.

Parameter context:

of the multibody plant associated with this frame.

SetPoseInParentFrame(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.FixedOffsetFrame_[Expression], context:[Expression], X_PF: pydrake.math.RigidTransform_[Expression]) None

Sets the pose of this frame F in its parent frame P.

Parameter context:

of the multibody plant associated with this frame.

Parameter X_PF:

Rigid transform that characterizes this frame F’s pose (orientation and position) in its parent frame P.

class pydrake.multibody.tree.ForceElement

A ForceElement allows modeling state and time dependent forces in a MultibodyTree model. Examples of such forces are springs, dampers, drag and gravity. Forces that depend on accelerations such as virtual mass cannot be modeled with a ForceElement. This abstract class provides an API that all force elements subclasses must implement in order to be fully defined. These are:

  • CalcAndAddForceContribution(): computes the force contribution of a force element in a MultibodyTree model.

  • CalcPotentialEnergy(): computes a force element potential energy contribution.

  • CalcConservativePower(): computes the power generated by conservative forces.

  • CalcNonConservativePower(): computes the power dissipated by non-conservative forces.


This class is templated; see ForceElement_ for the list of instantiations.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)
GetParentPlant(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ForceElement) drake::multibody::MultibodyPlant<double>
index(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ForceElement) pydrake.multibody.tree.ForceElementIndex
is_ephemeral(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ForceElement) bool
model_instance(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ForceElement) pydrake.multibody.tree.ModelInstanceIndex
template pydrake.multibody.tree.ForceElement_

Instantiations: ForceElement_[float], ForceElement_[AutoDiffXd], ForceElement_[Expression]

class pydrake.multibody.tree.ForceElement_[AutoDiffXd]

A ForceElement allows modeling state and time dependent forces in a MultibodyTree model. Examples of such forces are springs, dampers, drag and gravity. Forces that depend on accelerations such as virtual mass cannot be modeled with a ForceElement. This abstract class provides an API that all force elements subclasses must implement in order to be fully defined. These are:

  • CalcAndAddForceContribution(): computes the force contribution of a force element in a MultibodyTree model.

  • CalcPotentialEnergy(): computes a force element potential energy contribution.

  • CalcConservativePower(): computes the power generated by conservative forces.

  • CalcNonConservativePower(): computes the power dissipated by non-conservative forces.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)
GetParentPlant(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ForceElement_[AutoDiffXd]) drake::multibody::MultibodyPlant<Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<Eigen::Matrix<double, -1, 1, 0, -1, 1> > >
index(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ForceElement_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.tree.ForceElementIndex
is_ephemeral(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ForceElement_[AutoDiffXd]) bool
model_instance(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ForceElement_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.tree.ModelInstanceIndex
class pydrake.multibody.tree.ForceElement_[Expression]

A ForceElement allows modeling state and time dependent forces in a MultibodyTree model. Examples of such forces are springs, dampers, drag and gravity. Forces that depend on accelerations such as virtual mass cannot be modeled with a ForceElement. This abstract class provides an API that all force elements subclasses must implement in order to be fully defined. These are:

  • CalcAndAddForceContribution(): computes the force contribution of a force element in a MultibodyTree model.

  • CalcPotentialEnergy(): computes a force element potential energy contribution.

  • CalcConservativePower(): computes the power generated by conservative forces.

  • CalcNonConservativePower(): computes the power dissipated by non-conservative forces.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)
GetParentPlant(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ForceElement_[Expression]) drake::multibody::MultibodyPlant<drake::symbolic::Expression>
index(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ForceElement_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.tree.ForceElementIndex
is_ephemeral(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ForceElement_[Expression]) bool
model_instance(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ForceElement_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.tree.ModelInstanceIndex
class pydrake.multibody.tree.ForceElementIndex

Type used to identify force elements by index within a multibody plant.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ForceElementIndex) -> None

Default constructor; the result is an invalid index. This only exists to serve applications which require a default constructor.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ForceElementIndex, arg0: int) -> None

Construction from a non-negative int value. The value must lie in the range of [0, 2³¹). Constructor only promises to test validity in Debug build.

is_valid(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ForceElementIndex) bool

Reports if the index is valid–the only operation on an invalid index that doesn’t throw an exception in Debug builds.

class pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame

%Frame is an abstract class representing a material frame (also called a physical frame) of its underlying RigidBody. The Frame’s origin is a material point of its RigidBody, and its axes have fixed directions in that body. A Frame’s pose (position and orientation) with respect to its RigidBodyFrame may be parameterized, but is fixed (not time or state dependent) once parameters have been set.

An important characteristic of a Frame is that forces or torques applied to a Frame are applied to the Frame’s underlying RigidBody. Force-producing elements like joints, actuators, and constraints usually employ two Frames, with one Frame connected to one body and the other connected to a different body. Every Frame F can report the RigidBody B to which it is attached and its pose X_BF with respect to B’s RigidBodyFrame.

A Frame’s pose in World (or relative to other frames) is always calculated starting with its pose relative to its underlying RigidBodyFrame. Subclasses derived from Frame differ in how kinematic calculations are performed. For example, the angular velocity of a FixedOffsetFrame or RigidBodyFrame is identical to the angular velocity of its underlying body, whereas the translational velocity of a FixedOffsetFrame differs from that of a RigidBodyFrame.

Frame provides methods for obtaining its current orientation, position, motion, etc. from a Context passed to those methods.


This class is templated; see Frame_ for the list of instantiations.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)
body(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame) drake::multibody::RigidBody<double>

Returns a const reference to the body associated to this Frame.

CalcAngularVelocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, context:, measured_in_frame: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, expressed_in_frame: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Calculates this frame F’s angular velocity measured in a frame M, expressed in a frame E.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.

Parameter measured_in_frame:

which is frame M (the frame in which this angular velocity is to be measured).

Parameter expressed_in_frame:

which is frame E (the frame in which the returned angular velocity is to be expressed).


ω_MF_E, this frame F’s angular velocity ω measured in frame M, expressed in frame E.

See also

EvalAngularVelocityInWorld() to evaluate ω_WF_W (this frame F’s angular velocity ω measured and expressed in the world frame W).

CalcOffsetPoseInBody(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, context:, X_FQ: pydrake.math.RigidTransform) pydrake.math.RigidTransform

Given the offset pose X_FQ of a frame Q in this frame F, this method computes the pose X_BQ of frame Q in the body frame B to which this frame is attached. In other words, if the pose of this frame F in the body frame B is X_BF, this method computes the pose X_BQ of frame Q in the body frame B as X_BQ = X_BF * X_FQ. In particular, if this **is**` the body frame B, i.e. X_BF is the identity transformation, this method directly returns X_FQ. Specific frame subclasses can override this method to provide faster implementations if needed.

CalcOffsetRotationMatrixInBody(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, context:, R_FQ: pydrake.math.RotationMatrix) pydrake.math.RotationMatrix

Calculates and returns the rotation matrix R_BQ that relates body frame B to frame Q via this intermediate frame F, i.e., R_BQ = R_BF * R_FQ (B is the body frame to which this frame F is attached).

Parameter R_FQ:

rotation matrix that relates frame F to frame Q.

CalcPose(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, context:, frame_M: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame) pydrake.math.RigidTransform

Computes and returns the pose X_MF of this frame F in measured in frame_M as a function of the state of the model stored in context.

See also


CalcPoseInBodyFrame(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, context: pydrake.math.RigidTransform

Returns the pose X_BF of this frame F in the body frame B associated with this frame. In particular, if this is the body frame B, this method directly returns the identity transformation. Note that this ONLY depends on the Parameters in the context; it does not depend on time, input, state, etc.

CalcPoseInWorld(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, context: pydrake.math.RigidTransform

Computes and returns the pose X_WF of this frame F in the world frame W as a function of the state of the model stored in context.


RigidBody::EvalPoseInWorld() provides a more efficient way to obtain the pose for a body frame.

CalcRelativeSpatialAcceleration(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, context:, other_frame: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, measured_in_frame: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, expressed_in_frame: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame) pydrake.multibody.math.SpatialAcceleration

Calculates this frame C’s spatial acceleration relative to another frame B, measured in a frame M, expressed in a frame E.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.

Parameter other_frame:

which is frame B.

Parameter measured_in_frame:

which is frame M.

Parameter expressed_in_frame:

which is frame E.


A_M_BC_E = A_MC_E - A_MB_E, frame C’s spatial acceleration relative to frame B, measured in frame M, expressed in frame E.

In general, A_M_BC = DtW(V_M_BC), the time-derivative in frame M of frame C’s spatial velocity relative to frame B. The rotational part of the returned quantity is α_MC_E - α_MB_E = DtM(ω_BC)_E. Note: For 3D analysis, DtM(ω_BC) ≠ α_BC. The translational part of the returned quantity is a_M_BoCo_E (Co’s translational acceleration relative to Bo, measured in frame M, expressed in frame E).

Click to expand C++ code...
α_MC_E - α_MB_E = DtM(ω_MC)_E - DtM(ω_MB)_E = DtM(ω_BC)_E
 a_M_BoCo_E = a_MCo_E - a_MBo_E = DtM(v_MCo) - DtM(v_MBo) = Dt²M(p_BoCo)_E

where Dt²M(p_BoCo)_E is the 2ⁿᵈ time-derivative in frame M of p_BoCo (the position vector from Bo to Co), and this result is expressed in frame E.


The calculation of the 2ⁿᵈ time-derivative of the distance between Bo and Co can be done with relative translational acceleration, but this calculation does not depend on the measured-in-frame, hence in this case, consider CalcRelativeSpatialAccelerationInWorld() since it is faster.

See also

CalcSpatialAccelerationInWorld(), CalcSpatialAcceleration(), and CalcRelativeSpatialAccelerationInWorld().

CalcRelativeSpatialAccelerationInWorld(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, context:, other_frame: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame) pydrake.multibody.math.SpatialAcceleration

Calculates this frame C’s spatial acceleration relative to another frame B, measured and expressed in the world frame W.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.

Parameter other_frame:

which is frame B.


A_W_BC_W = A_WC_W - A_WB_W, frame C’s spatial acceleration relative to frame B, measured and expressed in the world frame W.

In general, A_W_BC = DtW(V_W_BC), the time-derivative in the world frame W of frame C’s spatial velocity relative to frame B. The rotational part of the returned quantity is α_WC_W - α_WB_W = DtW(ω_BC)_W. For 3D analysis, DtW(ω_BC) ≠ α_BC. The translational part of the returned quantity is a_W_BoCo_W (Co’s translational acceleration relative to Bo, measured and expressed in world frame W).

Click to expand C++ code...
α_WC_W - α_WB_W = DtW(ω_WC)_W - DtW(ω_WB)_W = DtW(ω_BC)_W
 a_W_BoCo_W = a_WCo_W - a_WBo_W = DtW(v_WCo) - DtW(v_WBo) = Dt²W(p_BoCo)_W

where Dt²W(p_BoCo)_W is the 2ⁿᵈ time-derivative in frame W of p_BoCo (the position vector from Bo to Co), and this result is expressed in frame W.


The method CalcSpatialAccelerationInWorld() is more efficient and coherent if any of this, other_frame, or the world frame W are the same.

See also

CalcSpatialAccelerationInWorld(), CalcRelativeSpatialAcceleration().

CalcRelativeSpatialVelocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, context:, other_frame: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, measured_in_frame: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, expressed_in_frame: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame) pydrake.multibody.math.SpatialVelocity

Calculates this frame C’s spatial velocity relative to another frame B, measured in a frame M, expressed in a frame E.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.

Parameter other_frame:

which is frame B.

Parameter measured_in_frame:

which is frame M.

Parameter expressed_in_frame:

which is frame E.


V_M_BC_E = V_MC_E - V_MB_E, frame C’s spatial velocity relative to frame B, measured in frame M, expressed in frame E. The rotational part of the returned quantity is ω_BC_E (C’s angular velocity measured in B and expressed in E). The translational part is v_M_BoCo_E (Co’s translational velocity relative to Bo, measured in M, and expressed in E).

Click to expand C++ code...
ω_BC_E = ω_MC_E - ω_MB_E
 v_M_BoCo_E = v_MCo_E - v_MBo_E = DtM(p_BoCo)

where DtM(p_BoCo) is the time-derivative in frame M of p_BoCo (position vector from Bo to Co), and this vector is expressed in frame E.


The method CalcSpatialVelocity() is more efficient and coherent if any of this, other_frame, or measured_in_frame are the same. Also, the value of V_M_BoCo does not depend on the measured_in_frame if Bo and Co are coincident (i.e., p_BoCo = 0), in which case consider the more efficient method CalcRelativeSpatialVelocityInWorld(). Lastly, the calculation of elongation between Bo and Co can be done with relative translational velocity, but elongation does not depend on the measured-in-frame (hence consider CalcRelativeSpatialVelocityInWorld()).

See also

CalcSpatialVelocityInWorld(), CalcSpatialVelocity(), and CalcRelativeSpatialVelocityInWorld().

CalcRelativeSpatialVelocityInWorld(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, context:, other_frame: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame) pydrake.multibody.math.SpatialVelocity

Calculates this frame C’s spatial velocity relative to another frame B, measured and expressed in the world frame W.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.

Parameter other_frame:

which is frame B.


V_W_BC_W = V_WC_W - V_WB_W, frame C’s spatial velocity relative to frame B, measured and expressed in the world frame W. The rotational part of the returned quantity is ω_BC_W (C’s angular velocity measured in B and expressed in W). The translational part is v_W_BoCo_W (Co’s translational velocity relative to Bo, measured and expressed in world frame W).

Click to expand C++ code...
ω_BC_W  = ω_WC_W - ω_WB_W
 v_W_BoCo_W = v_WCo_W - v_WBo_W = DtW(p_BoCo)

where DtW(p_BoCo) is the time-derivative in frame W of p_BoCo (position vector from Bo to Co), and this vector is expressed in frame W.


The method CalcSpatialVelocityInWorld() is more efficient and coherent if any of this, other_frame, or the world frame W are the same.

See also

CalcSpatialVelocityInWorld() and CalcRelativeSpatialVelocity().

CalcRotationMatrix(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, context:, frame_M: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame) pydrake.math.RotationMatrix

Calculates and returns the rotation matrix R_MF that relates frame_M and this frame F as a function of the state stored in context.

CalcRotationMatrixInBodyFrame(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, context: pydrake.math.RotationMatrix

Returns the rotation matrix R_BF that relates body frame B to this frame F (B is the body frame to which this frame F is attached).


If this is B, this method returns the identity RotationMatrix. Note that this ONLY depends on the Parameters in the context; it does not depend on time, input, state, etc.

CalcRotationMatrixInWorld(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, context: pydrake.math.RotationMatrix

Calculates and returns the rotation matrix R_WF that relates the world frame W and this frame F as a function of the state stored in context.

CalcSpatialAcceleration(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, context:, measured_in_frame: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, expressed_in_frame: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame) pydrake.multibody.math.SpatialAcceleration

Calculates this frame F’s spatial acceleration measured in a frame M, expressed in a frame E.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.

Parameter measured_in_frame:

which is frame M.

Parameter expressed_in_frame:

which is frame E.


A_MF_E, this frame F’s spatial acceleration measured in frame M, expressed in frame E. The rotational part of the returned quantity is α_MF_E (frame F’s angular acceleration α measured in frame M, expressed in frame E). The translational part is a_MFo_E (translational acceleration of frame F’s origin point Fo, measured in frame M, expressed in frame E). Although α_MF is defined below in terms of DtM(ω_MF), the time-derivative in frame M of ω_MF, the actual calculation of α_MF avoids differentiation. Similarly for the definition vs. calculation for a_MFo.

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α_MF = DtM(ω_MF)           ω_MF is frame F's angular velocity in frame M.
 a_MFo = DtM(v_MFo)    v_MF is Fo's translational acceleration in frame M.

See also

CalcSpatialAccelerationInWorld() and CalcSpatialVelocity().

CalcSpatialAccelerationInWorld(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, context: pydrake.multibody.math.SpatialAcceleration

Calculates this frame F’s spatial acceleration measured and expressed in the world frame W.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.


A_WF_W, this frame F’s spatial acceleration measured and expressed in the world frame W. The rotational part of the returned quantity is α_WF_E (frame F’s angular acceleration α measured and expressed in the world frame W). The translational part is a_WFo_W (translational acceleration of frame F’s origin point Fo, measured and expressed in the world frame W).


RigidBody::EvalSpatialAccelerationInWorld() provides a more efficient way to obtain a body frame’s spatial acceleration measured in the world frame.


When cached values are out of sync with the state stored in context, this method performs an expensive forward dynamics computation, whereas once evaluated, successive calls to this method are inexpensive.

See also

CalcSpatialAcceleration() and CalcSpatialVelocityInWorld().

CalcSpatialVelocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, context:, frame_M: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, frame_E: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame) pydrake.multibody.math.SpatialVelocity

Calculates this frame F’s spatial velocity measured in a frame M, expressed in a frame E.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.

Parameter frame_M:

which is the measured_in_frame.

Parameter frame_E:

which is the expressed_in_frame.


V_MF_E, this frame F’s spatial velocity measured in frame M, expressed in frame E. The rotational part of the returned quantity is ω_MF_E (frame F’s angular velocity ω measured in frame M, expressed in frame E). The translational part is v_MFo_E (translational velocity v of frame F’s origin point Fo, measured in frame M, expressed in frame E).

See also

CalcSpatialVelocityInWorld(), CalcRelativeSpatialVelocity(), and CalcSpatialAcceleration().

CalcSpatialVelocityInWorld(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, context: pydrake.multibody.math.SpatialVelocity

Calculates this frame F’s spatial velocity measured and expressed in the world frame W.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.


V_WF_W, this frame F’s spatial velocity measured and expressed in the world frame W. The rotational part of the returned quantity is ω_WF_W (frame F’s angular velocity ω measured and expressed in the world frame W). The translational part is v_WFo_W (translational velocity v of frame F’s origin point Fo, measured and expressed in the world frame W).


RigidBody::EvalSpatialVelocityInWorld() provides a more efficient way to obtain a body frame’s spatial velocity measured in the world frame.

See also

CalcSpatialVelocity(), CalcRelativeSpatialVelocityInWorld(), and CalcSpatialAccelerationInWorld().

EvalAngularVelocityInWorld(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, context: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Evaluates this frame F’s angular velocity measured and expressed in the world frame W.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.


ω_WF_W (frame F’s angular velocity ω measured and expressed in the world frame W).

See also

CalcAngularVelocity() to calculate ω_MF_E (this frame F’s angular velocity ω measured in a frame M and expressed in a frame E).

GetFixedOffsetPoseInBody(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, X_FQ: pydrake.math.RigidTransform) pydrake.math.RigidTransform

Variant of CalcOffsetPoseInBody() that given the offset pose X_FQ of a frame Q in this frame F, returns the pose X_BQ of frame Q in the body frame B to which this frame is attached.

  • RuntimeError if called on a Frame that does not have a fixed

  • offset in the body frame.

GetFixedPoseInBodyFrame(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. GetFixedPoseInBodyFrame(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame) -> pydrake.math.RigidTransform

Variant of CalcPoseInBodyFrame() that returns the fixed pose X_BF of this frame F in the body frame B associated with this frame.

  • RuntimeError if called on a Frame that does not have a fixed

  • offset in the body frame.

  1. GetFixedPoseInBodyFrame(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame) -> pydrake.math.RigidTransform

Variant of CalcPoseInBodyFrame() that returns the fixed pose X_BF of this frame F in the body frame B associated with this frame.

  • RuntimeError if called on a Frame that does not have a fixed

  • offset in the body frame.

GetFixedRotationMatrixInBody(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, R_FQ: pydrake.math.RotationMatrix) pydrake.math.RotationMatrix

Calculates and returns the rotation matrix R_BQ that relates body frame B to frame Q via this intermediate frame F, i.e., R_BQ = R_BF * R_FQ (B is the body frame to which this frame F is attached).

Parameter R_FQ:

rotation matrix that relates frame F to frame Q.

  • RuntimeError if this frame F is a Frame that does not have a

  • fixed offset in the body frame B (i.e., R_BF is not constant)

GetFixedRotationMatrixInBodyFrame(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame) pydrake.math.RotationMatrix

Returns the rotation matrix R_BF that relates body frame B to this frame F (B is the body frame to which this frame F is attached).

  • RuntimeError if this frame F is a Frame that does not have a

  • fixed offset in the body frame B (i.e., R_BF is not constant)

  • Frame sub-classes that have a constant R_BF must override this

  • method. An example of a frame sub-class not implementing this

  • method would be that of a frame on a soft body, for which its pose

  • in the body frame depends on the state of deformation of the body.

GetParentPlant(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame) drake::multibody::MultibodyPlant<double>
index(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame) pydrake.multibody.tree.FrameIndex
is_body_frame(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame) bool

Returns true if this is the body frame.

is_ephemeral(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame) bool
is_world_frame(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame) bool

Returns true if this is the world frame.

model_instance(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame) pydrake.multibody.tree.ModelInstanceIndex
name(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame) str

Returns the name of this frame. The name will never be empty.

scoped_name(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame) pydrake.multibody.tree.ScopedName

Returns scoped name of this frame. Neither of the two pieces of the name will be empty (the scope name and the element name).

template pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_

Instantiations: Frame_[float], Frame_[AutoDiffXd], Frame_[Expression]

class pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd]

%Frame is an abstract class representing a material frame (also called a physical frame) of its underlying RigidBody. The Frame’s origin is a material point of its RigidBody, and its axes have fixed directions in that body. A Frame’s pose (position and orientation) with respect to its RigidBodyFrame may be parameterized, but is fixed (not time or state dependent) once parameters have been set.

An important characteristic of a Frame is that forces or torques applied to a Frame are applied to the Frame’s underlying RigidBody. Force-producing elements like joints, actuators, and constraints usually employ two Frames, with one Frame connected to one body and the other connected to a different body. Every Frame F can report the RigidBody B to which it is attached and its pose X_BF with respect to B’s RigidBodyFrame.

A Frame’s pose in World (or relative to other frames) is always calculated starting with its pose relative to its underlying RigidBodyFrame. Subclasses derived from Frame differ in how kinematic calculations are performed. For example, the angular velocity of a FixedOffsetFrame or RigidBodyFrame is identical to the angular velocity of its underlying body, whereas the translational velocity of a FixedOffsetFrame differs from that of a RigidBodyFrame.

Frame provides methods for obtaining its current orientation, position, motion, etc. from a Context passed to those methods.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)
body(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd]) drake::multibody::RigidBody<Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<Eigen::Matrix<double, -1, 1, 0, -1, 1> > >

Returns a const reference to the body associated to this Frame.

CalcAngularVelocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], measured_in_frame: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], expressed_in_frame: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]

Calculates this frame F’s angular velocity measured in a frame M, expressed in a frame E.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.

Parameter measured_in_frame:

which is frame M (the frame in which this angular velocity is to be measured).

Parameter expressed_in_frame:

which is frame E (the frame in which the returned angular velocity is to be expressed).


ω_MF_E, this frame F’s angular velocity ω measured in frame M, expressed in frame E.

See also

EvalAngularVelocityInWorld() to evaluate ω_WF_W (this frame F’s angular velocity ω measured and expressed in the world frame W).

CalcOffsetPoseInBody(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], X_FQ: pydrake.math.RigidTransform_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.math.RigidTransform_[AutoDiffXd]

Given the offset pose X_FQ of a frame Q in this frame F, this method computes the pose X_BQ of frame Q in the body frame B to which this frame is attached. In other words, if the pose of this frame F in the body frame B is X_BF, this method computes the pose X_BQ of frame Q in the body frame B as X_BQ = X_BF * X_FQ. In particular, if this **is**` the body frame B, i.e. X_BF is the identity transformation, this method directly returns X_FQ. Specific frame subclasses can override this method to provide faster implementations if needed.

CalcOffsetRotationMatrixInBody(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], R_FQ: pydrake.math.RotationMatrix_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.math.RotationMatrix_[AutoDiffXd]

Calculates and returns the rotation matrix R_BQ that relates body frame B to frame Q via this intermediate frame F, i.e., R_BQ = R_BF * R_FQ (B is the body frame to which this frame F is attached).

Parameter R_FQ:

rotation matrix that relates frame F to frame Q.

CalcPose(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], frame_M: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.math.RigidTransform_[AutoDiffXd]

Computes and returns the pose X_MF of this frame F in measured in frame_M as a function of the state of the model stored in context.

See also


CalcPoseInBodyFrame(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.math.RigidTransform_[AutoDiffXd]

Returns the pose X_BF of this frame F in the body frame B associated with this frame. In particular, if this is the body frame B, this method directly returns the identity transformation. Note that this ONLY depends on the Parameters in the context; it does not depend on time, input, state, etc.

CalcPoseInWorld(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.math.RigidTransform_[AutoDiffXd]

Computes and returns the pose X_WF of this frame F in the world frame W as a function of the state of the model stored in context.


RigidBody::EvalPoseInWorld() provides a more efficient way to obtain the pose for a body frame.

CalcRelativeSpatialAcceleration(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], other_frame: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], measured_in_frame: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], expressed_in_frame: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.math.SpatialAcceleration_[AutoDiffXd]

Calculates this frame C’s spatial acceleration relative to another frame B, measured in a frame M, expressed in a frame E.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.

Parameter other_frame:

which is frame B.

Parameter measured_in_frame:

which is frame M.

Parameter expressed_in_frame:

which is frame E.


A_M_BC_E = A_MC_E - A_MB_E, frame C’s spatial acceleration relative to frame B, measured in frame M, expressed in frame E.

In general, A_M_BC = DtW(V_M_BC), the time-derivative in frame M of frame C’s spatial velocity relative to frame B. The rotational part of the returned quantity is α_MC_E - α_MB_E = DtM(ω_BC)_E. Note: For 3D analysis, DtM(ω_BC) ≠ α_BC. The translational part of the returned quantity is a_M_BoCo_E (Co’s translational acceleration relative to Bo, measured in frame M, expressed in frame E).

Click to expand C++ code...
α_MC_E - α_MB_E = DtM(ω_MC)_E - DtM(ω_MB)_E = DtM(ω_BC)_E
 a_M_BoCo_E = a_MCo_E - a_MBo_E = DtM(v_MCo) - DtM(v_MBo) = Dt²M(p_BoCo)_E

where Dt²M(p_BoCo)_E is the 2ⁿᵈ time-derivative in frame M of p_BoCo (the position vector from Bo to Co), and this result is expressed in frame E.


The calculation of the 2ⁿᵈ time-derivative of the distance between Bo and Co can be done with relative translational acceleration, but this calculation does not depend on the measured-in-frame, hence in this case, consider CalcRelativeSpatialAccelerationInWorld() since it is faster.

See also

CalcSpatialAccelerationInWorld(), CalcSpatialAcceleration(), and CalcRelativeSpatialAccelerationInWorld().

CalcRelativeSpatialAccelerationInWorld(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], other_frame: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.math.SpatialAcceleration_[AutoDiffXd]

Calculates this frame C’s spatial acceleration relative to another frame B, measured and expressed in the world frame W.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.

Parameter other_frame:

which is frame B.


A_W_BC_W = A_WC_W - A_WB_W, frame C’s spatial acceleration relative to frame B, measured and expressed in the world frame W.

In general, A_W_BC = DtW(V_W_BC), the time-derivative in the world frame W of frame C’s spatial velocity relative to frame B. The rotational part of the returned quantity is α_WC_W - α_WB_W = DtW(ω_BC)_W. For 3D analysis, DtW(ω_BC) ≠ α_BC. The translational part of the returned quantity is a_W_BoCo_W (Co’s translational acceleration relative to Bo, measured and expressed in world frame W).

Click to expand C++ code...
α_WC_W - α_WB_W = DtW(ω_WC)_W - DtW(ω_WB)_W = DtW(ω_BC)_W
 a_W_BoCo_W = a_WCo_W - a_WBo_W = DtW(v_WCo) - DtW(v_WBo) = Dt²W(p_BoCo)_W

where Dt²W(p_BoCo)_W is the 2ⁿᵈ time-derivative in frame W of p_BoCo (the position vector from Bo to Co), and this result is expressed in frame W.


The method CalcSpatialAccelerationInWorld() is more efficient and coherent if any of this, other_frame, or the world frame W are the same.

See also

CalcSpatialAccelerationInWorld(), CalcRelativeSpatialAcceleration().

CalcRelativeSpatialVelocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], other_frame: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], measured_in_frame: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], expressed_in_frame: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.math.SpatialVelocity_[AutoDiffXd]

Calculates this frame C’s spatial velocity relative to another frame B, measured in a frame M, expressed in a frame E.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.

Parameter other_frame:

which is frame B.

Parameter measured_in_frame:

which is frame M.

Parameter expressed_in_frame:

which is frame E.


V_M_BC_E = V_MC_E - V_MB_E, frame C’s spatial velocity relative to frame B, measured in frame M, expressed in frame E. The rotational part of the returned quantity is ω_BC_E (C’s angular velocity measured in B and expressed in E). The translational part is v_M_BoCo_E (Co’s translational velocity relative to Bo, measured in M, and expressed in E).

Click to expand C++ code...
ω_BC_E = ω_MC_E - ω_MB_E
 v_M_BoCo_E = v_MCo_E - v_MBo_E = DtM(p_BoCo)

where DtM(p_BoCo) is the time-derivative in frame M of p_BoCo (position vector from Bo to Co), and this vector is expressed in frame E.


The method CalcSpatialVelocity() is more efficient and coherent if any of this, other_frame, or measured_in_frame are the same. Also, the value of V_M_BoCo does not depend on the measured_in_frame if Bo and Co are coincident (i.e., p_BoCo = 0), in which case consider the more efficient method CalcRelativeSpatialVelocityInWorld(). Lastly, the calculation of elongation between Bo and Co can be done with relative translational velocity, but elongation does not depend on the measured-in-frame (hence consider CalcRelativeSpatialVelocityInWorld()).

See also

CalcSpatialVelocityInWorld(), CalcSpatialVelocity(), and CalcRelativeSpatialVelocityInWorld().

CalcRelativeSpatialVelocityInWorld(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], other_frame: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.math.SpatialVelocity_[AutoDiffXd]

Calculates this frame C’s spatial velocity relative to another frame B, measured and expressed in the world frame W.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.

Parameter other_frame:

which is frame B.


V_W_BC_W = V_WC_W - V_WB_W, frame C’s spatial velocity relative to frame B, measured and expressed in the world frame W. The rotational part of the returned quantity is ω_BC_W (C’s angular velocity measured in B and expressed in W). The translational part is v_W_BoCo_W (Co’s translational velocity relative to Bo, measured and expressed in world frame W).

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ω_BC_W  = ω_WC_W - ω_WB_W
 v_W_BoCo_W = v_WCo_W - v_WBo_W = DtW(p_BoCo)

where DtW(p_BoCo) is the time-derivative in frame W of p_BoCo (position vector from Bo to Co), and this vector is expressed in frame W.


The method CalcSpatialVelocityInWorld() is more efficient and coherent if any of this, other_frame, or the world frame W are the same.

See also

CalcSpatialVelocityInWorld() and CalcRelativeSpatialVelocity().

CalcRotationMatrix(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], frame_M: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.math.RotationMatrix_[AutoDiffXd]

Calculates and returns the rotation matrix R_MF that relates frame_M and this frame F as a function of the state stored in context.

CalcRotationMatrixInBodyFrame(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.math.RotationMatrix_[AutoDiffXd]

Returns the rotation matrix R_BF that relates body frame B to this frame F (B is the body frame to which this frame F is attached).


If this is B, this method returns the identity RotationMatrix. Note that this ONLY depends on the Parameters in the context; it does not depend on time, input, state, etc.

CalcRotationMatrixInWorld(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.math.RotationMatrix_[AutoDiffXd]

Calculates and returns the rotation matrix R_WF that relates the world frame W and this frame F as a function of the state stored in context.

CalcSpatialAcceleration(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], measured_in_frame: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], expressed_in_frame: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.math.SpatialAcceleration_[AutoDiffXd]

Calculates this frame F’s spatial acceleration measured in a frame M, expressed in a frame E.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.

Parameter measured_in_frame:

which is frame M.

Parameter expressed_in_frame:

which is frame E.


A_MF_E, this frame F’s spatial acceleration measured in frame M, expressed in frame E. The rotational part of the returned quantity is α_MF_E (frame F’s angular acceleration α measured in frame M, expressed in frame E). The translational part is a_MFo_E (translational acceleration of frame F’s origin point Fo, measured in frame M, expressed in frame E). Although α_MF is defined below in terms of DtM(ω_MF), the time-derivative in frame M of ω_MF, the actual calculation of α_MF avoids differentiation. Similarly for the definition vs. calculation for a_MFo.

Click to expand C++ code...
α_MF = DtM(ω_MF)           ω_MF is frame F's angular velocity in frame M.
 a_MFo = DtM(v_MFo)    v_MF is Fo's translational acceleration in frame M.

See also

CalcSpatialAccelerationInWorld() and CalcSpatialVelocity().

CalcSpatialAccelerationInWorld(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.math.SpatialAcceleration_[AutoDiffXd]

Calculates this frame F’s spatial acceleration measured and expressed in the world frame W.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.


A_WF_W, this frame F’s spatial acceleration measured and expressed in the world frame W. The rotational part of the returned quantity is α_WF_E (frame F’s angular acceleration α measured and expressed in the world frame W). The translational part is a_WFo_W (translational acceleration of frame F’s origin point Fo, measured and expressed in the world frame W).


RigidBody::EvalSpatialAccelerationInWorld() provides a more efficient way to obtain a body frame’s spatial acceleration measured in the world frame.


When cached values are out of sync with the state stored in context, this method performs an expensive forward dynamics computation, whereas once evaluated, successive calls to this method are inexpensive.

See also

CalcSpatialAcceleration() and CalcSpatialVelocityInWorld().

CalcSpatialVelocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], frame_M: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], frame_E: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.math.SpatialVelocity_[AutoDiffXd]

Calculates this frame F’s spatial velocity measured in a frame M, expressed in a frame E.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.

Parameter frame_M:

which is the measured_in_frame.

Parameter frame_E:

which is the expressed_in_frame.


V_MF_E, this frame F’s spatial velocity measured in frame M, expressed in frame E. The rotational part of the returned quantity is ω_MF_E (frame F’s angular velocity ω measured in frame M, expressed in frame E). The translational part is v_MFo_E (translational velocity v of frame F’s origin point Fo, measured in frame M, expressed in frame E).

See also

CalcSpatialVelocityInWorld(), CalcRelativeSpatialVelocity(), and CalcSpatialAcceleration().

CalcSpatialVelocityInWorld(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.math.SpatialVelocity_[AutoDiffXd]

Calculates this frame F’s spatial velocity measured and expressed in the world frame W.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.


V_WF_W, this frame F’s spatial velocity measured and expressed in the world frame W. The rotational part of the returned quantity is ω_WF_W (frame F’s angular velocity ω measured and expressed in the world frame W). The translational part is v_WFo_W (translational velocity v of frame F’s origin point Fo, measured and expressed in the world frame W).


RigidBody::EvalSpatialVelocityInWorld() provides a more efficient way to obtain a body frame’s spatial velocity measured in the world frame.

See also

CalcSpatialVelocity(), CalcRelativeSpatialVelocityInWorld(), and CalcSpatialAccelerationInWorld().

EvalAngularVelocityInWorld(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]

Evaluates this frame F’s angular velocity measured and expressed in the world frame W.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.


ω_WF_W (frame F’s angular velocity ω measured and expressed in the world frame W).

See also

CalcAngularVelocity() to calculate ω_MF_E (this frame F’s angular velocity ω measured in a frame M and expressed in a frame E).

GetFixedOffsetPoseInBody(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], X_FQ: pydrake.math.RigidTransform_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.math.RigidTransform_[AutoDiffXd]

Variant of CalcOffsetPoseInBody() that given the offset pose X_FQ of a frame Q in this frame F, returns the pose X_BQ of frame Q in the body frame B to which this frame is attached.

  • RuntimeError if called on a Frame that does not have a fixed

  • offset in the body frame.

GetFixedPoseInBodyFrame(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. GetFixedPoseInBodyFrame(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd]) -> pydrake.math.RigidTransform_[AutoDiffXd]

Variant of CalcPoseInBodyFrame() that returns the fixed pose X_BF of this frame F in the body frame B associated with this frame.

  • RuntimeError if called on a Frame that does not have a fixed

  • offset in the body frame.

  1. GetFixedPoseInBodyFrame(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd]) -> pydrake.math.RigidTransform_[AutoDiffXd]

Variant of CalcPoseInBodyFrame() that returns the fixed pose X_BF of this frame F in the body frame B associated with this frame.

  • RuntimeError if called on a Frame that does not have a fixed

  • offset in the body frame.

GetFixedRotationMatrixInBody(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], R_FQ: pydrake.math.RotationMatrix_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.math.RotationMatrix_[AutoDiffXd]

Calculates and returns the rotation matrix R_BQ that relates body frame B to frame Q via this intermediate frame F, i.e., R_BQ = R_BF * R_FQ (B is the body frame to which this frame F is attached).

Parameter R_FQ:

rotation matrix that relates frame F to frame Q.

  • RuntimeError if this frame F is a Frame that does not have a

  • fixed offset in the body frame B (i.e., R_BF is not constant)

GetFixedRotationMatrixInBodyFrame(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.math.RotationMatrix_[AutoDiffXd]

Returns the rotation matrix R_BF that relates body frame B to this frame F (B is the body frame to which this frame F is attached).

  • RuntimeError if this frame F is a Frame that does not have a

  • fixed offset in the body frame B (i.e., R_BF is not constant)

  • Frame sub-classes that have a constant R_BF must override this

  • method. An example of a frame sub-class not implementing this

  • method would be that of a frame on a soft body, for which its pose

  • in the body frame depends on the state of deformation of the body.

GetParentPlant(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd]) drake::multibody::MultibodyPlant<Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<Eigen::Matrix<double, -1, 1, 0, -1, 1> > >
index(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.tree.FrameIndex
is_body_frame(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd]) bool

Returns true if this is the body frame.

is_ephemeral(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd]) bool
is_world_frame(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd]) bool

Returns true if this is the world frame.

model_instance(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.tree.ModelInstanceIndex
name(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd]) str

Returns the name of this frame. The name will never be empty.

scoped_name(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.tree.ScopedName

Returns scoped name of this frame. Neither of the two pieces of the name will be empty (the scope name and the element name).

class pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression]

%Frame is an abstract class representing a material frame (also called a physical frame) of its underlying RigidBody. The Frame’s origin is a material point of its RigidBody, and its axes have fixed directions in that body. A Frame’s pose (position and orientation) with respect to its RigidBodyFrame may be parameterized, but is fixed (not time or state dependent) once parameters have been set.

An important characteristic of a Frame is that forces or torques applied to a Frame are applied to the Frame’s underlying RigidBody. Force-producing elements like joints, actuators, and constraints usually employ two Frames, with one Frame connected to one body and the other connected to a different body. Every Frame F can report the RigidBody B to which it is attached and its pose X_BF with respect to B’s RigidBodyFrame.

A Frame’s pose in World (or relative to other frames) is always calculated starting with its pose relative to its underlying RigidBodyFrame. Subclasses derived from Frame differ in how kinematic calculations are performed. For example, the angular velocity of a FixedOffsetFrame or RigidBodyFrame is identical to the angular velocity of its underlying body, whereas the translational velocity of a FixedOffsetFrame differs from that of a RigidBodyFrame.

Frame provides methods for obtaining its current orientation, position, motion, etc. from a Context passed to those methods.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)
body(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression]) drake::multibody::RigidBody<drake::symbolic::Expression>

Returns a const reference to the body associated to this Frame.

CalcAngularVelocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], context:[Expression], measured_in_frame: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], expressed_in_frame: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]

Calculates this frame F’s angular velocity measured in a frame M, expressed in a frame E.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.

Parameter measured_in_frame:

which is frame M (the frame in which this angular velocity is to be measured).

Parameter expressed_in_frame:

which is frame E (the frame in which the returned angular velocity is to be expressed).


ω_MF_E, this frame F’s angular velocity ω measured in frame M, expressed in frame E.

See also

EvalAngularVelocityInWorld() to evaluate ω_WF_W (this frame F’s angular velocity ω measured and expressed in the world frame W).

CalcOffsetPoseInBody(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], context:[Expression], X_FQ: pydrake.math.RigidTransform_[Expression]) pydrake.math.RigidTransform_[Expression]

Given the offset pose X_FQ of a frame Q in this frame F, this method computes the pose X_BQ of frame Q in the body frame B to which this frame is attached. In other words, if the pose of this frame F in the body frame B is X_BF, this method computes the pose X_BQ of frame Q in the body frame B as X_BQ = X_BF * X_FQ. In particular, if this **is**` the body frame B, i.e. X_BF is the identity transformation, this method directly returns X_FQ. Specific frame subclasses can override this method to provide faster implementations if needed.

CalcOffsetRotationMatrixInBody(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], context:[Expression], R_FQ: pydrake.math.RotationMatrix_[Expression]) pydrake.math.RotationMatrix_[Expression]

Calculates and returns the rotation matrix R_BQ that relates body frame B to frame Q via this intermediate frame F, i.e., R_BQ = R_BF * R_FQ (B is the body frame to which this frame F is attached).

Parameter R_FQ:

rotation matrix that relates frame F to frame Q.

CalcPose(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], context:[Expression], frame_M: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression]) pydrake.math.RigidTransform_[Expression]

Computes and returns the pose X_MF of this frame F in measured in frame_M as a function of the state of the model stored in context.

See also


CalcPoseInBodyFrame(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], context:[Expression]) pydrake.math.RigidTransform_[Expression]

Returns the pose X_BF of this frame F in the body frame B associated with this frame. In particular, if this is the body frame B, this method directly returns the identity transformation. Note that this ONLY depends on the Parameters in the context; it does not depend on time, input, state, etc.

CalcPoseInWorld(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], context:[Expression]) pydrake.math.RigidTransform_[Expression]

Computes and returns the pose X_WF of this frame F in the world frame W as a function of the state of the model stored in context.


RigidBody::EvalPoseInWorld() provides a more efficient way to obtain the pose for a body frame.

CalcRelativeSpatialAcceleration(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], context:[Expression], other_frame: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], measured_in_frame: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], expressed_in_frame: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.math.SpatialAcceleration_[Expression]

Calculates this frame C’s spatial acceleration relative to another frame B, measured in a frame M, expressed in a frame E.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.

Parameter other_frame:

which is frame B.

Parameter measured_in_frame:

which is frame M.

Parameter expressed_in_frame:

which is frame E.


A_M_BC_E = A_MC_E - A_MB_E, frame C’s spatial acceleration relative to frame B, measured in frame M, expressed in frame E.

In general, A_M_BC = DtW(V_M_BC), the time-derivative in frame M of frame C’s spatial velocity relative to frame B. The rotational part of the returned quantity is α_MC_E - α_MB_E = DtM(ω_BC)_E. Note: For 3D analysis, DtM(ω_BC) ≠ α_BC. The translational part of the returned quantity is a_M_BoCo_E (Co’s translational acceleration relative to Bo, measured in frame M, expressed in frame E).

Click to expand C++ code...
α_MC_E - α_MB_E = DtM(ω_MC)_E - DtM(ω_MB)_E = DtM(ω_BC)_E
 a_M_BoCo_E = a_MCo_E - a_MBo_E = DtM(v_MCo) - DtM(v_MBo) = Dt²M(p_BoCo)_E

where Dt²M(p_BoCo)_E is the 2ⁿᵈ time-derivative in frame M of p_BoCo (the position vector from Bo to Co), and this result is expressed in frame E.


The calculation of the 2ⁿᵈ time-derivative of the distance between Bo and Co can be done with relative translational acceleration, but this calculation does not depend on the measured-in-frame, hence in this case, consider CalcRelativeSpatialAccelerationInWorld() since it is faster.

See also

CalcSpatialAccelerationInWorld(), CalcSpatialAcceleration(), and CalcRelativeSpatialAccelerationInWorld().

CalcRelativeSpatialAccelerationInWorld(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], context:[Expression], other_frame: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.math.SpatialAcceleration_[Expression]

Calculates this frame C’s spatial acceleration relative to another frame B, measured and expressed in the world frame W.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.

Parameter other_frame:

which is frame B.


A_W_BC_W = A_WC_W - A_WB_W, frame C’s spatial acceleration relative to frame B, measured and expressed in the world frame W.

In general, A_W_BC = DtW(V_W_BC), the time-derivative in the world frame W of frame C’s spatial velocity relative to frame B. The rotational part of the returned quantity is α_WC_W - α_WB_W = DtW(ω_BC)_W. For 3D analysis, DtW(ω_BC) ≠ α_BC. The translational part of the returned quantity is a_W_BoCo_W (Co’s translational acceleration relative to Bo, measured and expressed in world frame W).

Click to expand C++ code...
α_WC_W - α_WB_W = DtW(ω_WC)_W - DtW(ω_WB)_W = DtW(ω_BC)_W
 a_W_BoCo_W = a_WCo_W - a_WBo_W = DtW(v_WCo) - DtW(v_WBo) = Dt²W(p_BoCo)_W

where Dt²W(p_BoCo)_W is the 2ⁿᵈ time-derivative in frame W of p_BoCo (the position vector from Bo to Co), and this result is expressed in frame W.


The method CalcSpatialAccelerationInWorld() is more efficient and coherent if any of this, other_frame, or the world frame W are the same.

See also

CalcSpatialAccelerationInWorld(), CalcRelativeSpatialAcceleration().

CalcRelativeSpatialVelocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], context:[Expression], other_frame: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], measured_in_frame: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], expressed_in_frame: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.math.SpatialVelocity_[Expression]

Calculates this frame C’s spatial velocity relative to another frame B, measured in a frame M, expressed in a frame E.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.

Parameter other_frame:

which is frame B.

Parameter measured_in_frame:

which is frame M.

Parameter expressed_in_frame:

which is frame E.


V_M_BC_E = V_MC_E - V_MB_E, frame C’s spatial velocity relative to frame B, measured in frame M, expressed in frame E. The rotational part of the returned quantity is ω_BC_E (C’s angular velocity measured in B and expressed in E). The translational part is v_M_BoCo_E (Co’s translational velocity relative to Bo, measured in M, and expressed in E).

Click to expand C++ code...
ω_BC_E = ω_MC_E - ω_MB_E
 v_M_BoCo_E = v_MCo_E - v_MBo_E = DtM(p_BoCo)

where DtM(p_BoCo) is the time-derivative in frame M of p_BoCo (position vector from Bo to Co), and this vector is expressed in frame E.


The method CalcSpatialVelocity() is more efficient and coherent if any of this, other_frame, or measured_in_frame are the same. Also, the value of V_M_BoCo does not depend on the measured_in_frame if Bo and Co are coincident (i.e., p_BoCo = 0), in which case consider the more efficient method CalcRelativeSpatialVelocityInWorld(). Lastly, the calculation of elongation between Bo and Co can be done with relative translational velocity, but elongation does not depend on the measured-in-frame (hence consider CalcRelativeSpatialVelocityInWorld()).

See also

CalcSpatialVelocityInWorld(), CalcSpatialVelocity(), and CalcRelativeSpatialVelocityInWorld().

CalcRelativeSpatialVelocityInWorld(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], context:[Expression], other_frame: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.math.SpatialVelocity_[Expression]

Calculates this frame C’s spatial velocity relative to another frame B, measured and expressed in the world frame W.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.

Parameter other_frame:

which is frame B.


V_W_BC_W = V_WC_W - V_WB_W, frame C’s spatial velocity relative to frame B, measured and expressed in the world frame W. The rotational part of the returned quantity is ω_BC_W (C’s angular velocity measured in B and expressed in W). The translational part is v_W_BoCo_W (Co’s translational velocity relative to Bo, measured and expressed in world frame W).

Click to expand C++ code...
ω_BC_W  = ω_WC_W - ω_WB_W
 v_W_BoCo_W = v_WCo_W - v_WBo_W = DtW(p_BoCo)

where DtW(p_BoCo) is the time-derivative in frame W of p_BoCo (position vector from Bo to Co), and this vector is expressed in frame W.


The method CalcSpatialVelocityInWorld() is more efficient and coherent if any of this, other_frame, or the world frame W are the same.

See also

CalcSpatialVelocityInWorld() and CalcRelativeSpatialVelocity().

CalcRotationMatrix(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], context:[Expression], frame_M: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression]) pydrake.math.RotationMatrix_[Expression]

Calculates and returns the rotation matrix R_MF that relates frame_M and this frame F as a function of the state stored in context.

CalcRotationMatrixInBodyFrame(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], context:[Expression]) pydrake.math.RotationMatrix_[Expression]

Returns the rotation matrix R_BF that relates body frame B to this frame F (B is the body frame to which this frame F is attached).


If this is B, this method returns the identity RotationMatrix. Note that this ONLY depends on the Parameters in the context; it does not depend on time, input, state, etc.

CalcRotationMatrixInWorld(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], context:[Expression]) pydrake.math.RotationMatrix_[Expression]

Calculates and returns the rotation matrix R_WF that relates the world frame W and this frame F as a function of the state stored in context.

CalcSpatialAcceleration(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], context:[Expression], measured_in_frame: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], expressed_in_frame: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.math.SpatialAcceleration_[Expression]

Calculates this frame F’s spatial acceleration measured in a frame M, expressed in a frame E.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.

Parameter measured_in_frame:

which is frame M.

Parameter expressed_in_frame:

which is frame E.


A_MF_E, this frame F’s spatial acceleration measured in frame M, expressed in frame E. The rotational part of the returned quantity is α_MF_E (frame F’s angular acceleration α measured in frame M, expressed in frame E). The translational part is a_MFo_E (translational acceleration of frame F’s origin point Fo, measured in frame M, expressed in frame E). Although α_MF is defined below in terms of DtM(ω_MF), the time-derivative in frame M of ω_MF, the actual calculation of α_MF avoids differentiation. Similarly for the definition vs. calculation for a_MFo.

Click to expand C++ code...
α_MF = DtM(ω_MF)           ω_MF is frame F's angular velocity in frame M.
 a_MFo = DtM(v_MFo)    v_MF is Fo's translational acceleration in frame M.

See also

CalcSpatialAccelerationInWorld() and CalcSpatialVelocity().

CalcSpatialAccelerationInWorld(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], context:[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.math.SpatialAcceleration_[Expression]

Calculates this frame F’s spatial acceleration measured and expressed in the world frame W.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.


A_WF_W, this frame F’s spatial acceleration measured and expressed in the world frame W. The rotational part of the returned quantity is α_WF_E (frame F’s angular acceleration α measured and expressed in the world frame W). The translational part is a_WFo_W (translational acceleration of frame F’s origin point Fo, measured and expressed in the world frame W).


RigidBody::EvalSpatialAccelerationInWorld() provides a more efficient way to obtain a body frame’s spatial acceleration measured in the world frame.


When cached values are out of sync with the state stored in context, this method performs an expensive forward dynamics computation, whereas once evaluated, successive calls to this method are inexpensive.

See also

CalcSpatialAcceleration() and CalcSpatialVelocityInWorld().

CalcSpatialVelocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], context:[Expression], frame_M: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], frame_E: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.math.SpatialVelocity_[Expression]

Calculates this frame F’s spatial velocity measured in a frame M, expressed in a frame E.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.

Parameter frame_M:

which is the measured_in_frame.

Parameter frame_E:

which is the expressed_in_frame.


V_MF_E, this frame F’s spatial velocity measured in frame M, expressed in frame E. The rotational part of the returned quantity is ω_MF_E (frame F’s angular velocity ω measured in frame M, expressed in frame E). The translational part is v_MFo_E (translational velocity v of frame F’s origin point Fo, measured in frame M, expressed in frame E).

See also

CalcSpatialVelocityInWorld(), CalcRelativeSpatialVelocity(), and CalcSpatialAcceleration().

CalcSpatialVelocityInWorld(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], context:[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.math.SpatialVelocity_[Expression]

Calculates this frame F’s spatial velocity measured and expressed in the world frame W.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.


V_WF_W, this frame F’s spatial velocity measured and expressed in the world frame W. The rotational part of the returned quantity is ω_WF_W (frame F’s angular velocity ω measured and expressed in the world frame W). The translational part is v_WFo_W (translational velocity v of frame F’s origin point Fo, measured and expressed in the world frame W).


RigidBody::EvalSpatialVelocityInWorld() provides a more efficient way to obtain a body frame’s spatial velocity measured in the world frame.

See also

CalcSpatialVelocity(), CalcRelativeSpatialVelocityInWorld(), and CalcSpatialAccelerationInWorld().

EvalAngularVelocityInWorld(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], context:[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]

Evaluates this frame F’s angular velocity measured and expressed in the world frame W.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.


ω_WF_W (frame F’s angular velocity ω measured and expressed in the world frame W).

See also

CalcAngularVelocity() to calculate ω_MF_E (this frame F’s angular velocity ω measured in a frame M and expressed in a frame E).

GetFixedOffsetPoseInBody(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], X_FQ: pydrake.math.RigidTransform_[Expression]) pydrake.math.RigidTransform_[Expression]

Variant of CalcOffsetPoseInBody() that given the offset pose X_FQ of a frame Q in this frame F, returns the pose X_BQ of frame Q in the body frame B to which this frame is attached.

  • RuntimeError if called on a Frame that does not have a fixed

  • offset in the body frame.

GetFixedPoseInBodyFrame(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. GetFixedPoseInBodyFrame(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression]) -> pydrake.math.RigidTransform_[Expression]

Variant of CalcPoseInBodyFrame() that returns the fixed pose X_BF of this frame F in the body frame B associated with this frame.

  • RuntimeError if called on a Frame that does not have a fixed

  • offset in the body frame.

  1. GetFixedPoseInBodyFrame(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression]) -> pydrake.math.RigidTransform_[Expression]

Variant of CalcPoseInBodyFrame() that returns the fixed pose X_BF of this frame F in the body frame B associated with this frame.

  • RuntimeError if called on a Frame that does not have a fixed

  • offset in the body frame.

GetFixedRotationMatrixInBody(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], R_FQ: pydrake.math.RotationMatrix_[Expression]) pydrake.math.RotationMatrix_[Expression]

Calculates and returns the rotation matrix R_BQ that relates body frame B to frame Q via this intermediate frame F, i.e., R_BQ = R_BF * R_FQ (B is the body frame to which this frame F is attached).

Parameter R_FQ:

rotation matrix that relates frame F to frame Q.

  • RuntimeError if this frame F is a Frame that does not have a

  • fixed offset in the body frame B (i.e., R_BF is not constant)

GetFixedRotationMatrixInBodyFrame(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression]) pydrake.math.RotationMatrix_[Expression]

Returns the rotation matrix R_BF that relates body frame B to this frame F (B is the body frame to which this frame F is attached).

  • RuntimeError if this frame F is a Frame that does not have a

  • fixed offset in the body frame B (i.e., R_BF is not constant)

  • Frame sub-classes that have a constant R_BF must override this

  • method. An example of a frame sub-class not implementing this

  • method would be that of a frame on a soft body, for which its pose

  • in the body frame depends on the state of deformation of the body.

GetParentPlant(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression]) drake::multibody::MultibodyPlant<drake::symbolic::Expression>
index(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.tree.FrameIndex
is_body_frame(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression]) bool

Returns true if this is the body frame.

is_ephemeral(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression]) bool
is_world_frame(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression]) bool

Returns true if this is the world frame.

model_instance(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.tree.ModelInstanceIndex
name(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression]) str

Returns the name of this frame. The name will never be empty.

scoped_name(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.tree.ScopedName

Returns scoped name of this frame. Neither of the two pieces of the name will be empty (the scope name and the element name).

class pydrake.multibody.tree.FrameIndex

Type used to identify frames by index in a multibody plant.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.FrameIndex) -> None

Default constructor; the result is an invalid index. This only exists to serve applications which require a default constructor.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.FrameIndex, arg0: int) -> None

Construction from a non-negative int value. The value must lie in the range of [0, 2³¹). Constructor only promises to test validity in Debug build.

is_valid(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.FrameIndex) bool

Reports if the index is valid–the only operation on an invalid index that doesn’t throw an exception in Debug builds.

class pydrake.multibody.tree.JacobianWrtVariable

Enumeration that indicates whether the Jacobian is partial differentiation with respect to q̇ (time-derivatives of generalized positions) or with respect to v (generalized velocities).


kQDot : J = ∂V/∂q̇

kV : J = ∂V/∂v

__init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JacobianWrtVariable, value: int) None
kQDot = <JacobianWrtVariable.kQDot: 0>
kV = <JacobianWrtVariable.kV: 1>
property name
property value
class pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint

A Joint models the kinematical relationship which characterizes the possible relative motion between two bodies. The two bodies connected by this Joint object are referred to as parent and child bodies. The parent/child ordering defines the sign conventions for the generalized coordinates and the coordinate ordering for multi-DOF joints. A Joint is a model of a physical kinematic constraint between two bodies, a constraint that in the real physical system does not specify a tree ordering. @image html drake/multibody/plant/images/BodyParentChildJoint.png width=50%

In Drake we define a frame F rigidly attached to the parent body P with pose X_PF and a frame M rigidly attached to the child body B with pose X_BM. A Joint object specifies a kinematic relation between frames F and M, which in turn imposes a kinematic relation between bodies P and B.

Typical joints include the ball joint, to allow unrestricted rotations about a given point, the revolute joint, that constraints two bodies to rotate about a given common axis, etc.

Consider the following example to build a simple pendulum system:

Click to expand C++ code...
MultibodyPlant<double> plant(0.0);
// ... Code here to setup quantities below as mass, com, etc. ...
const RigidBody<double>& pendulum =
  plant.AddRigidBody(SpatialInertia<double>(mass, com, unit_inertia));
// We will connect the pendulum body to the world using a RevoluteJoint.
// In this simple case the parent body P is the model's world body and frame
// F IS the world frame.
// Additionally, we need to specify the pose of frame M on the pendulum's
// body frame B.
// Say we declared and initialized X_BM...
const RevoluteJoint<double>& elbow =
    "Elbow",                /* joint name
    plant.world_body(),     /* parent body
    {},                     /* frame F IS the world frame W
    pendulum,               /* child body, the pendulum
    X_BM,                   /* pose of frame M in the body frame B
    Vector3d::UnitZ());     /* revolute axis in this case


Do not ever attempt to instantiate and manipulate Joint objects on the stack; it will fail. Add joints to your plant using the provided API MultibodyPlant::AddJoint() as in the example above.


To developers: this is the base class for all concrete Joint types. Extending this class to add a new Joint type necessarily requires working with internal implementation classes for which we cannot guarantee API stability due to the need for ongoing improvements to these performance-critical classes. So while our usual stability guarantees apply to the Joint public API, the protected API here is subject to change when the underlying internal objects change. Our release notes will say when we have made changes that might affect your Joint implementations, but we won’t necessarily be able to provide a deprecation period.


This class is templated; see Joint_ for the list of instantiations.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)
acceleration_lower_limits(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]

Returns the acceleration lower limits.

acceleration_upper_limits(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]

Returns the acceleration upper limits.

AddInDamping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint, context:, forces: pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces) None

Adds into forces the force due to damping within this joint.

Parameter context:

The context storing the state and parameters for the model to which this joint belongs.

Parameter forces:

On return, this method will add the force due to damping within this joint. This method aborts if forces is nullptr or if forces does not have the right sizes to accommodate a set of forces for the model to which this joint belongs.

AddInOneForce(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint, context:, joint_dof: int, joint_tau: float, forces: pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces) None

Adds into forces a force along the one of the joint’s degrees of freedom indicated by index joint_dof. The meaning for this degree of freedom and even its dimensional units depend on the specific joint sub-class. For a RevoluteJoint for instance, joint_dof can only be 0 since revolute joints’s motion subspace only has one degree of freedom, while the units of joint_tau are those of torque (N⋅m in the MKS system of units). For multi-dof joints please refer to the documentation provided by specific joint sub-classes regarding the meaning of joint_dof.

Parameter context:

The context storing the state and parameters for the model to which this joint belongs.

Parameter joint_dof:

Index specifying one of the degrees of freedom for this joint. The index must be in the range 0 <= joint_dof < num_velocities() or otherwise this method will abort.

Parameter joint_tau:

Generalized force corresponding to the degree of freedom indicated by joint_dof to be added into forces.

Parameter forces:

On return, this method will add force joint_tau for the degree of freedom joint_dof into the output forces. This method aborts if forces is nullptr or if forces doest not have the right sizes to accommodate a set of forces for the model to which this joint belongs.

can_rotate(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint) bool

Returns true if this joint’s mobility allows relative rotation of the two frames associated with this joint.


the MultibodyPlant must be finalized.

See also


can_translate(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint) bool

Returns true if this joint’s mobility allows relative translation of the two frames associated with this joint.


the MultibodyPlant must be finalized.

See also


child_body(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint) pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody

Returns a const reference to the child body B.

default_damping_vector(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]

Returns all default damping coefficients for joints that model viscous damping, of size num_velocities(). Joints that do not model damping return a zero vector of size num_velocities(). If vj is the vector of generalized velocities for this joint, of size num_velocities(), viscous damping models a generalized force at the joint of the form tau = -diag(dj)⋅vj, with dj the vector returned by this function. The units of the coefficients will depend on the specific joint type. For instance, for a revolute joint where vj is an angular velocity with units of rad/s and tau having units of N⋅m, the coefficient of viscous damping has units of N⋅m⋅s. Refer to each joint’s documentation for further details.

default_positions(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]

Returns the default generalized position coordinates q₀. These will be the values set with set_default_positions() if any; otherwise, they will be the “zero configuration” for this joint type (as defined by the particular joint type).


The default generalized velocities v₀ are zero for every joint.

frame_on_child(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint) pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame

Returns a const reference to the frame M attached on the child body B.

frame_on_parent(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint) pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame

Returns a const reference to the frame F attached on the parent body P.

GetDampingVector(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint, context: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]

Returns the Context dependent damping coefficients stored as parameters in context. Refer to default_damping_vector() for details.

Parameter context:

The context storing the state and parameters for the model to which this joint belongs.

GetDefaultPose(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint) pydrake.math.RigidTransform

Returns this joint’s default pose as a RigidTransform X_FM.


Currently this is implemented only for floating (6 dof) joints which can represent any pose.

  • RuntimeError if called for any joint type that does not implement

  • this function.

Returns X_FM:

The default pose as a rigid transform.

See also

default_positions() to see the generalized positions q₀ that this joint used to generate the returned transform.

See also

GetDefaultPosePair() for an alternative using a quaternion

GetDefaultPosePair(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint) tuple[pydrake.common.eigen_geometry.Quaternion, numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]]

(Advanced) This is the same as GetDefaultPose() except it returns this joint’s default pose as a (quaternion, translation vector) pair.


Currently this is implemented only for floating (6 dof) joints which can represent any pose.


For a QuaternionFloatingJoint the return will be bit-identical to the pose provided to SetDefaultPosePair(). For any other floating (6 dof) joint the pose will be numerically equivalent (i.e. within roundoff) but not identical. For other joint types it will be some approximation.

Returns q_FM:

,p_FM The default pose as a (quaternion, translation) pair.

  • RuntimeError if called for any joint type that does not implement

  • this function.

See also


GetOnePosition(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint, context: float

Returns the position coordinate for joints with a single degree of freedom.

  • RuntimeError if the joint does not have a single degree of

  • freedom.

GetOneVelocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint, context: float

Returns the velocity coordinate for joints with a single degree of freedom.

  • RuntimeError if the joint does not have a single degree of

  • freedom.

GetParentPlant(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint) drake::multibody::MultibodyPlant<double>
index(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. index(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint) -> pydrake.multibody.tree.JointIndex

  2. index(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint) -> pydrake.multibody.tree.JointIndex

Returns this element’s unique index.

is_ephemeral(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint) bool
is_locked(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint, context: bool

true if the joint is locked, false otherwise.

Lock(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint, context: None

Lock the joint. Its generalized velocities will be 0 until it is unlocked.

model_instance(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint) pydrake.multibody.tree.ModelInstanceIndex
name(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint) str

Returns the name of this joint.

num_positions(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint) int

Returns the number of generalized positions describing this joint.

num_velocities(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint) int

Returns the number of generalized velocities describing this joint.

parent_body(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint) pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody

Returns a const reference to the parent body P.

position_lower_limits(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]

Returns the position lower limits.

position_start(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint) int

Returns the index to the first generalized position for this joint within the vector q of generalized positions for the full multibody system.

position_suffix(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint, arg0: int) str

Returns a string suffix (e.g. to be appended to the name()) to identify the k`th position in this joint. ``position_index_in_joint` must be in [0, num_positions()).


the MultibodyPlant must be finalized.

position_upper_limits(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]

Returns the position upper limits.

set_acceleration_limits(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint, lower_limits: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]], upper_limits: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]) None

Sets the acceleration limits to lower_limits and upper_limits.

  • RuntimeError if the dimension of lower_limits or

  • upper_limits` does not match num_velocities()

  • RuntimeError if any of lower_limits is larger than the

  • corresponding term in upper_limits.

set_default_damping_vector(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint, damping: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]) None

Sets the default value of the viscous damping coefficients for this joint. Refer to default_damping_vector() for details.

  • RuntimeError if damping.size() != num_velocities()

  • RuntimeError if any of the damping coefficients is negative.


the MultibodyPlant must not be finalized.

set_default_positions(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint, default_positions: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]) None

Sets the default generalized position coordinates q₀ to default_positions.


The values in default_positions are NOT constrained to be within position_lower_limits() and position_upper_limits().


The default generalized velocities v₀ are zero for every joint.

  • RuntimeError if the dimension of default_positions does not

  • match num_positions()

set_position_limits(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint, lower_limits: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]], upper_limits: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]) None

Sets the position limits to lower_limits and upper_limits.

  • RuntimeError if the dimension of lower_limits or

  • upper_limits` does not match num_positions()

  • RuntimeError if any of lower_limits is larger than the

  • corresponding term in upper_limits.


Setting the position limits does not affect the default_positions(), regardless of whether the current default_positions() satisfy the new position limits.

set_velocity_limits(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint, lower_limits: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]], upper_limits: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]) None

Sets the velocity limits to lower_limits and upper_limits.

  • RuntimeError if the dimension of lower_limits or

  • upper_limits` does not match num_velocities()

  • RuntimeError if any of lower_limits is larger than the

  • corresponding term in upper_limits.

SetDampingVector(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint, context:, damping: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]) None

Sets the value of the viscous damping coefficients for this joint, stored as parameters in context. Refer to default_damping_vector() for details.

Parameter context:

The context storing the state and parameters for the model to which this joint belongs.

Parameter damping:

The vector of damping values.

  • RuntimeError if damping.size() != num_velocities()

  • RuntimeError if any of the damping coefficients is negative.


Some multi-dof joints may have specific semantics for their damping vector that are not enforced here. For instance, QuaternionFloatingJoint assumes identical damping values for all 3 angular velocity components and identical damping values for all 3 translational velocity components. It will thus use angular_damping = damping[0] and translational_damping = damping[3]. Refer to the particular subclass for more semantic information.

SetDefaultPose(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint, X_FM: pydrake.math.RigidTransform) None

Sets this joint’s default generalized positions q₀ such that the pose of the child frame M in the parent frame F best matches the given pose. The pose is given by a RigidTransform X_FM, but a joint will represent pose differently.


Currently this is implemented only for floating (6 dof) joints which can represent any pose.

  • RuntimeError if called for any joint type that does not implement

  • this function.

See also

default_positions() to see the resulting q₀ after this call.

See also

SetDefaultPosePair() for an alternative using a quaternion

SetDefaultPosePair(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint, q_FM: pydrake.common.eigen_geometry.Quaternion, p_FM: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) None

(Advanced) This is the same as SetDefaultPose() except it takes the pose as a (quaternion, translation vector) pair. A QuaternionFloatingJoint will store this pose bit-identically; an RpyFloatingJoint will store it to within floating point precision; any other joint will approximate it consistent with that joint’s mobility.


Currently this is implemented only for floating (6 dof) joints which can represent any pose.

  • RuntimeError if called for any joint type that does not implement

  • this function.

See also


type_name(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint) str

Returns a string identifying the type of this joint, such as “revolute” or “prismatic”.

Unlock(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint, context: None

Unlock the joint.

velocity_lower_limits(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]

Returns the velocity lower limits.

velocity_start(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint) int

Returns the index to the first generalized velocity for this joint within the vector v of generalized velocities for the full multibody system.

velocity_suffix(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint, arg0: int) str

Returns a string suffix (e.g. to be appended to the name()) to identify the k`th velocity in this joint. ``velocity_index_in_joint` must be in [0, num_velocities()).


the MultibodyPlant must be finalized.

velocity_upper_limits(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]

Returns the velocity upper limits.

template pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_

Instantiations: Joint_[float], Joint_[AutoDiffXd], Joint_[Expression]

class pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd]

A Joint models the kinematical relationship which characterizes the possible relative motion between two bodies. The two bodies connected by this Joint object are referred to as parent and child bodies. The parent/child ordering defines the sign conventions for the generalized coordinates and the coordinate ordering for multi-DOF joints. A Joint is a model of a physical kinematic constraint between two bodies, a constraint that in the real physical system does not specify a tree ordering. @image html drake/multibody/plant/images/BodyParentChildJoint.png width=50%

In Drake we define a frame F rigidly attached to the parent body P with pose X_PF and a frame M rigidly attached to the child body B with pose X_BM. A Joint object specifies a kinematic relation between frames F and M, which in turn imposes a kinematic relation between bodies P and B.

Typical joints include the ball joint, to allow unrestricted rotations about a given point, the revolute joint, that constraints two bodies to rotate about a given common axis, etc.

Consider the following example to build a simple pendulum system:

Click to expand C++ code...
MultibodyPlant<double> plant(0.0);
// ... Code here to setup quantities below as mass, com, etc. ...
const RigidBody<double>& pendulum =
  plant.AddRigidBody(SpatialInertia<double>(mass, com, unit_inertia));
// We will connect the pendulum body to the world using a RevoluteJoint.
// In this simple case the parent body P is the model's world body and frame
// F IS the world frame.
// Additionally, we need to specify the pose of frame M on the pendulum's
// body frame B.
// Say we declared and initialized X_BM...
const RevoluteJoint<double>& elbow =
    "Elbow",                /* joint name
    plant.world_body(),     /* parent body
    {},                     /* frame F IS the world frame W
    pendulum,               /* child body, the pendulum
    X_BM,                   /* pose of frame M in the body frame B
    Vector3d::UnitZ());     /* revolute axis in this case


Do not ever attempt to instantiate and manipulate Joint objects on the stack; it will fail. Add joints to your plant using the provided API MultibodyPlant::AddJoint() as in the example above.


To developers: this is the base class for all concrete Joint types. Extending this class to add a new Joint type necessarily requires working with internal implementation classes for which we cannot guarantee API stability due to the need for ongoing improvements to these performance-critical classes. So while our usual stability guarantees apply to the Joint public API, the protected API here is subject to change when the underlying internal objects change. Our release notes will say when we have made changes that might affect your Joint implementations, but we won’t necessarily be able to provide a deprecation period.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)
acceleration_lower_limits(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]

Returns the acceleration lower limits.

acceleration_upper_limits(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]

Returns the acceleration upper limits.

AddInDamping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], forces: pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces_[AutoDiffXd]) None

Adds into forces the force due to damping within this joint.

Parameter context:

The context storing the state and parameters for the model to which this joint belongs.

Parameter forces:

On return, this method will add the force due to damping within this joint. This method aborts if forces is nullptr or if forces does not have the right sizes to accommodate a set of forces for the model to which this joint belongs.

AddInOneForce(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], joint_dof: int, joint_tau: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, forces: pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces_[AutoDiffXd]) None

Adds into forces a force along the one of the joint’s degrees of freedom indicated by index joint_dof. The meaning for this degree of freedom and even its dimensional units depend on the specific joint sub-class. For a RevoluteJoint for instance, joint_dof can only be 0 since revolute joints’s motion subspace only has one degree of freedom, while the units of joint_tau are those of torque (N⋅m in the MKS system of units). For multi-dof joints please refer to the documentation provided by specific joint sub-classes regarding the meaning of joint_dof.

Parameter context:

The context storing the state and parameters for the model to which this joint belongs.

Parameter joint_dof:

Index specifying one of the degrees of freedom for this joint. The index must be in the range 0 <= joint_dof < num_velocities() or otherwise this method will abort.

Parameter joint_tau:

Generalized force corresponding to the degree of freedom indicated by joint_dof to be added into forces.

Parameter forces:

On return, this method will add force joint_tau for the degree of freedom joint_dof into the output forces. This method aborts if forces is nullptr or if forces doest not have the right sizes to accommodate a set of forces for the model to which this joint belongs.

can_rotate(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd]) bool

Returns true if this joint’s mobility allows relative rotation of the two frames associated with this joint.


the MultibodyPlant must be finalized.

See also


can_translate(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd]) bool

Returns true if this joint’s mobility allows relative translation of the two frames associated with this joint.


the MultibodyPlant must be finalized.

See also


child_body(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd]

Returns a const reference to the child body B.

default_damping_vector(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]

Returns all default damping coefficients for joints that model viscous damping, of size num_velocities(). Joints that do not model damping return a zero vector of size num_velocities(). If vj is the vector of generalized velocities for this joint, of size num_velocities(), viscous damping models a generalized force at the joint of the form tau = -diag(dj)⋅vj, with dj the vector returned by this function. The units of the coefficients will depend on the specific joint type. For instance, for a revolute joint where vj is an angular velocity with units of rad/s and tau having units of N⋅m, the coefficient of viscous damping has units of N⋅m⋅s. Refer to each joint’s documentation for further details.

default_positions(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]

Returns the default generalized position coordinates q₀. These will be the values set with set_default_positions() if any; otherwise, they will be the “zero configuration” for this joint type (as defined by the particular joint type).


The default generalized velocities v₀ are zero for every joint.

frame_on_child(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd]

Returns a const reference to the frame M attached on the child body B.

frame_on_parent(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd]

Returns a const reference to the frame F attached on the parent body P.

GetDampingVector(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[object[m, 1]]

Returns the Context dependent damping coefficients stored as parameters in context. Refer to default_damping_vector() for details.

Parameter context:

The context storing the state and parameters for the model to which this joint belongs.

GetDefaultPose(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.math.RigidTransform

Returns this joint’s default pose as a RigidTransform X_FM.


Currently this is implemented only for floating (6 dof) joints which can represent any pose.

  • RuntimeError if called for any joint type that does not implement

  • this function.

Returns X_FM:

The default pose as a rigid transform.

See also

default_positions() to see the generalized positions q₀ that this joint used to generate the returned transform.

See also

GetDefaultPosePair() for an alternative using a quaternion

GetDefaultPosePair(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd]) tuple[pydrake.common.eigen_geometry.Quaternion, numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]]

(Advanced) This is the same as GetDefaultPose() except it returns this joint’s default pose as a (quaternion, translation vector) pair.


Currently this is implemented only for floating (6 dof) joints which can represent any pose.


For a QuaternionFloatingJoint the return will be bit-identical to the pose provided to SetDefaultPosePair(). For any other floating (6 dof) joint the pose will be numerically equivalent (i.e. within roundoff) but not identical. For other joint types it will be some approximation.

Returns q_FM:

,p_FM The default pose as a (quaternion, translation) pair.

  • RuntimeError if called for any joint type that does not implement

  • this function.

See also


GetOnePosition(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd

Returns the position coordinate for joints with a single degree of freedom.

  • RuntimeError if the joint does not have a single degree of

  • freedom.

GetOneVelocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd

Returns the velocity coordinate for joints with a single degree of freedom.

  • RuntimeError if the joint does not have a single degree of

  • freedom.

GetParentPlant(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd]) drake::multibody::MultibodyPlant<Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<Eigen::Matrix<double, -1, 1, 0, -1, 1> > >
index(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. index(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd]) -> pydrake.multibody.tree.JointIndex

  2. index(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd]) -> pydrake.multibody.tree.JointIndex

Returns this element’s unique index.

is_ephemeral(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd]) bool
is_locked(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) bool

true if the joint is locked, false otherwise.

Lock(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) None

Lock the joint. Its generalized velocities will be 0 until it is unlocked.

model_instance(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.tree.ModelInstanceIndex
name(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd]) str

Returns the name of this joint.

num_positions(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd]) int

Returns the number of generalized positions describing this joint.

num_velocities(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd]) int

Returns the number of generalized velocities describing this joint.

parent_body(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd]

Returns a const reference to the parent body P.

position_lower_limits(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]

Returns the position lower limits.

position_start(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd]) int

Returns the index to the first generalized position for this joint within the vector q of generalized positions for the full multibody system.

position_suffix(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd], arg0: int) str

Returns a string suffix (e.g. to be appended to the name()) to identify the k`th position in this joint. ``position_index_in_joint` must be in [0, num_positions()).


the MultibodyPlant must be finalized.

position_upper_limits(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]

Returns the position upper limits.

set_acceleration_limits(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd], lower_limits: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]], upper_limits: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]) None

Sets the acceleration limits to lower_limits and upper_limits.

  • RuntimeError if the dimension of lower_limits or

  • upper_limits` does not match num_velocities()

  • RuntimeError if any of lower_limits is larger than the

  • corresponding term in upper_limits.

set_default_damping_vector(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd], damping: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]) None

Sets the default value of the viscous damping coefficients for this joint. Refer to default_damping_vector() for details.

  • RuntimeError if damping.size() != num_velocities()

  • RuntimeError if any of the damping coefficients is negative.


the MultibodyPlant must not be finalized.

set_default_positions(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd], default_positions: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]) None

Sets the default generalized position coordinates q₀ to default_positions.


The values in default_positions are NOT constrained to be within position_lower_limits() and position_upper_limits().


The default generalized velocities v₀ are zero for every joint.

  • RuntimeError if the dimension of default_positions does not

  • match num_positions()

set_position_limits(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd], lower_limits: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]], upper_limits: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]) None

Sets the position limits to lower_limits and upper_limits.

  • RuntimeError if the dimension of lower_limits or

  • upper_limits` does not match num_positions()

  • RuntimeError if any of lower_limits is larger than the

  • corresponding term in upper_limits.


Setting the position limits does not affect the default_positions(), regardless of whether the current default_positions() satisfy the new position limits.

set_velocity_limits(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd], lower_limits: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]], upper_limits: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]) None

Sets the velocity limits to lower_limits and upper_limits.

  • RuntimeError if the dimension of lower_limits or

  • upper_limits` does not match num_velocities()

  • RuntimeError if any of lower_limits is larger than the

  • corresponding term in upper_limits.

SetDampingVector(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], damping: numpy.ndarray[object[m, 1]]) None

Sets the value of the viscous damping coefficients for this joint, stored as parameters in context. Refer to default_damping_vector() for details.

Parameter context:

The context storing the state and parameters for the model to which this joint belongs.

Parameter damping:

The vector of damping values.

  • RuntimeError if damping.size() != num_velocities()

  • RuntimeError if any of the damping coefficients is negative.


Some multi-dof joints may have specific semantics for their damping vector that are not enforced here. For instance, QuaternionFloatingJoint assumes identical damping values for all 3 angular velocity components and identical damping values for all 3 translational velocity components. It will thus use angular_damping = damping[0] and translational_damping = damping[3]. Refer to the particular subclass for more semantic information.

SetDefaultPose(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd], X_FM: pydrake.math.RigidTransform) None

Sets this joint’s default generalized positions q₀ such that the pose of the child frame M in the parent frame F best matches the given pose. The pose is given by a RigidTransform X_FM, but a joint will represent pose differently.


Currently this is implemented only for floating (6 dof) joints which can represent any pose.

  • RuntimeError if called for any joint type that does not implement

  • this function.

See also

default_positions() to see the resulting q₀ after this call.

See also

SetDefaultPosePair() for an alternative using a quaternion

SetDefaultPosePair(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd], q_FM: pydrake.common.eigen_geometry.Quaternion, p_FM: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) None

(Advanced) This is the same as SetDefaultPose() except it takes the pose as a (quaternion, translation vector) pair. A QuaternionFloatingJoint will store this pose bit-identically; an RpyFloatingJoint will store it to within floating point precision; any other joint will approximate it consistent with that joint’s mobility.


Currently this is implemented only for floating (6 dof) joints which can represent any pose.

  • RuntimeError if called for any joint type that does not implement

  • this function.

See also


type_name(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd]) str

Returns a string identifying the type of this joint, such as “revolute” or “prismatic”.

Unlock(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) None

Unlock the joint.

velocity_lower_limits(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]

Returns the velocity lower limits.

velocity_start(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd]) int

Returns the index to the first generalized velocity for this joint within the vector v of generalized velocities for the full multibody system.

velocity_suffix(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd], arg0: int) str

Returns a string suffix (e.g. to be appended to the name()) to identify the k`th velocity in this joint. ``velocity_index_in_joint` must be in [0, num_velocities()).


the MultibodyPlant must be finalized.

velocity_upper_limits(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]

Returns the velocity upper limits.

class pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression]

A Joint models the kinematical relationship which characterizes the possible relative motion between two bodies. The two bodies connected by this Joint object are referred to as parent and child bodies. The parent/child ordering defines the sign conventions for the generalized coordinates and the coordinate ordering for multi-DOF joints. A Joint is a model of a physical kinematic constraint between two bodies, a constraint that in the real physical system does not specify a tree ordering. @image html drake/multibody/plant/images/BodyParentChildJoint.png width=50%

In Drake we define a frame F rigidly attached to the parent body P with pose X_PF and a frame M rigidly attached to the child body B with pose X_BM. A Joint object specifies a kinematic relation between frames F and M, which in turn imposes a kinematic relation between bodies P and B.

Typical joints include the ball joint, to allow unrestricted rotations about a given point, the revolute joint, that constraints two bodies to rotate about a given common axis, etc.

Consider the following example to build a simple pendulum system:

Click to expand C++ code...
MultibodyPlant<double> plant(0.0);
// ... Code here to setup quantities below as mass, com, etc. ...
const RigidBody<double>& pendulum =
  plant.AddRigidBody(SpatialInertia<double>(mass, com, unit_inertia));
// We will connect the pendulum body to the world using a RevoluteJoint.
// In this simple case the parent body P is the model's world body and frame
// F IS the world frame.
// Additionally, we need to specify the pose of frame M on the pendulum's
// body frame B.
// Say we declared and initialized X_BM...
const RevoluteJoint<double>& elbow =
    "Elbow",                /* joint name
    plant.world_body(),     /* parent body
    {},                     /* frame F IS the world frame W
    pendulum,               /* child body, the pendulum
    X_BM,                   /* pose of frame M in the body frame B
    Vector3d::UnitZ());     /* revolute axis in this case


Do not ever attempt to instantiate and manipulate Joint objects on the stack; it will fail. Add joints to your plant using the provided API MultibodyPlant::AddJoint() as in the example above.


To developers: this is the base class for all concrete Joint types. Extending this class to add a new Joint type necessarily requires working with internal implementation classes for which we cannot guarantee API stability due to the need for ongoing improvements to these performance-critical classes. So while our usual stability guarantees apply to the Joint public API, the protected API here is subject to change when the underlying internal objects change. Our release notes will say when we have made changes that might affect your Joint implementations, but we won’t necessarily be able to provide a deprecation period.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)
acceleration_lower_limits(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]

Returns the acceleration lower limits.

acceleration_upper_limits(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]

Returns the acceleration upper limits.

AddInDamping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression], context:[Expression], forces: pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces_[Expression]) None

Adds into forces the force due to damping within this joint.

Parameter context:

The context storing the state and parameters for the model to which this joint belongs.

Parameter forces:

On return, this method will add the force due to damping within this joint. This method aborts if forces is nullptr or if forces does not have the right sizes to accommodate a set of forces for the model to which this joint belongs.

AddInOneForce(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression], context:[Expression], joint_dof: int, joint_tau: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, forces: pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces_[Expression]) None

Adds into forces a force along the one of the joint’s degrees of freedom indicated by index joint_dof. The meaning for this degree of freedom and even its dimensional units depend on the specific joint sub-class. For a RevoluteJoint for instance, joint_dof can only be 0 since revolute joints’s motion subspace only has one degree of freedom, while the units of joint_tau are those of torque (N⋅m in the MKS system of units). For multi-dof joints please refer to the documentation provided by specific joint sub-classes regarding the meaning of joint_dof.

Parameter context:

The context storing the state and parameters for the model to which this joint belongs.

Parameter joint_dof:

Index specifying one of the degrees of freedom for this joint. The index must be in the range 0 <= joint_dof < num_velocities() or otherwise this method will abort.

Parameter joint_tau:

Generalized force corresponding to the degree of freedom indicated by joint_dof to be added into forces.

Parameter forces:

On return, this method will add force joint_tau for the degree of freedom joint_dof into the output forces. This method aborts if forces is nullptr or if forces doest not have the right sizes to accommodate a set of forces for the model to which this joint belongs.

can_rotate(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression]) bool

Returns true if this joint’s mobility allows relative rotation of the two frames associated with this joint.


the MultibodyPlant must be finalized.

See also


can_translate(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression]) bool

Returns true if this joint’s mobility allows relative translation of the two frames associated with this joint.


the MultibodyPlant must be finalized.

See also


child_body(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression]

Returns a const reference to the child body B.

default_damping_vector(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]

Returns all default damping coefficients for joints that model viscous damping, of size num_velocities(). Joints that do not model damping return a zero vector of size num_velocities(). If vj is the vector of generalized velocities for this joint, of size num_velocities(), viscous damping models a generalized force at the joint of the form tau = -diag(dj)⋅vj, with dj the vector returned by this function. The units of the coefficients will depend on the specific joint type. For instance, for a revolute joint where vj is an angular velocity with units of rad/s and tau having units of N⋅m, the coefficient of viscous damping has units of N⋅m⋅s. Refer to each joint’s documentation for further details.

default_positions(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]

Returns the default generalized position coordinates q₀. These will be the values set with set_default_positions() if any; otherwise, they will be the “zero configuration” for this joint type (as defined by the particular joint type).


The default generalized velocities v₀ are zero for every joint.

frame_on_child(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression]

Returns a const reference to the frame M attached on the child body B.

frame_on_parent(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression]

Returns a const reference to the frame F attached on the parent body P.

GetDampingVector(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression], context:[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[object[m, 1]]

Returns the Context dependent damping coefficients stored as parameters in context. Refer to default_damping_vector() for details.

Parameter context:

The context storing the state and parameters for the model to which this joint belongs.

GetDefaultPose(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression]) pydrake.math.RigidTransform

Returns this joint’s default pose as a RigidTransform X_FM.


Currently this is implemented only for floating (6 dof) joints which can represent any pose.

  • RuntimeError if called for any joint type that does not implement

  • this function.

Returns X_FM:

The default pose as a rigid transform.

See also

default_positions() to see the generalized positions q₀ that this joint used to generate the returned transform.

See also

GetDefaultPosePair() for an alternative using a quaternion

GetDefaultPosePair(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression]) tuple[pydrake.common.eigen_geometry.Quaternion, numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]]

(Advanced) This is the same as GetDefaultPose() except it returns this joint’s default pose as a (quaternion, translation vector) pair.


Currently this is implemented only for floating (6 dof) joints which can represent any pose.


For a QuaternionFloatingJoint the return will be bit-identical to the pose provided to SetDefaultPosePair(). For any other floating (6 dof) joint the pose will be numerically equivalent (i.e. within roundoff) but not identical. For other joint types it will be some approximation.

Returns q_FM:

,p_FM The default pose as a (quaternion, translation) pair.

  • RuntimeError if called for any joint type that does not implement

  • this function.

See also


GetOnePosition(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression], context:[Expression]) pydrake.symbolic.Expression

Returns the position coordinate for joints with a single degree of freedom.

  • RuntimeError if the joint does not have a single degree of

  • freedom.

GetOneVelocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression], context:[Expression]) pydrake.symbolic.Expression

Returns the velocity coordinate for joints with a single degree of freedom.

  • RuntimeError if the joint does not have a single degree of

  • freedom.

GetParentPlant(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression]) drake::multibody::MultibodyPlant<drake::symbolic::Expression>
index(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. index(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression]) -> pydrake.multibody.tree.JointIndex

  2. index(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression]) -> pydrake.multibody.tree.JointIndex

Returns this element’s unique index.

is_ephemeral(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression]) bool
is_locked(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression], context:[Expression]) bool

true if the joint is locked, false otherwise.

Lock(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression], context:[Expression]) None

Lock the joint. Its generalized velocities will be 0 until it is unlocked.

model_instance(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.tree.ModelInstanceIndex
name(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression]) str

Returns the name of this joint.

num_positions(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression]) int

Returns the number of generalized positions describing this joint.

num_velocities(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression]) int

Returns the number of generalized velocities describing this joint.

parent_body(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression]

Returns a const reference to the parent body P.

position_lower_limits(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]

Returns the position lower limits.

position_start(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression]) int

Returns the index to the first generalized position for this joint within the vector q of generalized positions for the full multibody system.

position_suffix(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression], arg0: int) str

Returns a string suffix (e.g. to be appended to the name()) to identify the k`th position in this joint. ``position_index_in_joint` must be in [0, num_positions()).


the MultibodyPlant must be finalized.

position_upper_limits(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]

Returns the position upper limits.

set_acceleration_limits(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression], lower_limits: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]], upper_limits: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]) None

Sets the acceleration limits to lower_limits and upper_limits.

  • RuntimeError if the dimension of lower_limits or

  • upper_limits` does not match num_velocities()

  • RuntimeError if any of lower_limits is larger than the

  • corresponding term in upper_limits.

set_default_damping_vector(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression], damping: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]) None

Sets the default value of the viscous damping coefficients for this joint. Refer to default_damping_vector() for details.

  • RuntimeError if damping.size() != num_velocities()

  • RuntimeError if any of the damping coefficients is negative.


the MultibodyPlant must not be finalized.

set_default_positions(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression], default_positions: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]) None

Sets the default generalized position coordinates q₀ to default_positions.


The values in default_positions are NOT constrained to be within position_lower_limits() and position_upper_limits().


The default generalized velocities v₀ are zero for every joint.

  • RuntimeError if the dimension of default_positions does not

  • match num_positions()

set_position_limits(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression], lower_limits: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]], upper_limits: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]) None

Sets the position limits to lower_limits and upper_limits.

  • RuntimeError if the dimension of lower_limits or

  • upper_limits` does not match num_positions()

  • RuntimeError if any of lower_limits is larger than the

  • corresponding term in upper_limits.


Setting the position limits does not affect the default_positions(), regardless of whether the current default_positions() satisfy the new position limits.

set_velocity_limits(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression], lower_limits: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]], upper_limits: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]) None

Sets the velocity limits to lower_limits and upper_limits.

  • RuntimeError if the dimension of lower_limits or

  • upper_limits` does not match num_velocities()

  • RuntimeError if any of lower_limits is larger than the

  • corresponding term in upper_limits.

SetDampingVector(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression], context:[Expression], damping: numpy.ndarray[object[m, 1]]) None

Sets the value of the viscous damping coefficients for this joint, stored as parameters in context. Refer to default_damping_vector() for details.

Parameter context:

The context storing the state and parameters for the model to which this joint belongs.

Parameter damping:

The vector of damping values.

  • RuntimeError if damping.size() != num_velocities()

  • RuntimeError if any of the damping coefficients is negative.


Some multi-dof joints may have specific semantics for their damping vector that are not enforced here. For instance, QuaternionFloatingJoint assumes identical damping values for all 3 angular velocity components and identical damping values for all 3 translational velocity components. It will thus use angular_damping = damping[0] and translational_damping = damping[3]. Refer to the particular subclass for more semantic information.

SetDefaultPose(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression], X_FM: pydrake.math.RigidTransform) None

Sets this joint’s default generalized positions q₀ such that the pose of the child frame M in the parent frame F best matches the given pose. The pose is given by a RigidTransform X_FM, but a joint will represent pose differently.


Currently this is implemented only for floating (6 dof) joints which can represent any pose.

  • RuntimeError if called for any joint type that does not implement

  • this function.

See also

default_positions() to see the resulting q₀ after this call.

See also

SetDefaultPosePair() for an alternative using a quaternion

SetDefaultPosePair(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression], q_FM: pydrake.common.eigen_geometry.Quaternion, p_FM: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) None

(Advanced) This is the same as SetDefaultPose() except it takes the pose as a (quaternion, translation vector) pair. A QuaternionFloatingJoint will store this pose bit-identically; an RpyFloatingJoint will store it to within floating point precision; any other joint will approximate it consistent with that joint’s mobility.


Currently this is implemented only for floating (6 dof) joints which can represent any pose.

  • RuntimeError if called for any joint type that does not implement

  • this function.

See also


type_name(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression]) str

Returns a string identifying the type of this joint, such as “revolute” or “prismatic”.

Unlock(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression], context:[Expression]) None

Unlock the joint.

velocity_lower_limits(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]

Returns the velocity lower limits.

velocity_start(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression]) int

Returns the index to the first generalized velocity for this joint within the vector v of generalized velocities for the full multibody system.

velocity_suffix(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression], arg0: int) str

Returns a string suffix (e.g. to be appended to the name()) to identify the k`th velocity in this joint. ``velocity_index_in_joint` must be in [0, num_velocities()).


the MultibodyPlant must be finalized.

velocity_upper_limits(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]

Returns the velocity upper limits.

class pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator

The JointActuator class is mostly a simple bookkeeping structure to represent an actuator acting on a given Joint. It helps to flag whether a given Joint is actuated or not so that MultibodyTree clients can apply forces on actuated joints through their actuators, see AddInOneForce().


This class is templated; see JointActuator_ for the list of instantiations.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)
calc_reflected_inertia(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator, context: float

Calculates the reflected inertia value for this actuator in context. See reflected_inertia. Note that this ONLY depends on the Parameters in the context; it does not depend on time, input, state, etc.

default_gear_ratio(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator) float

Gets the default value for this actuator’s gear ratio. See reflected_inertia.

default_reflected_inertia(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator) float

Returns the default value for this actuator’s reflected inertia. It is calculated as ρ²⋅Iᵣ, where ρ is the default gear ratio and Iᵣ is the default rotor inertia for this actuator. See reflected_inertia.

default_rotor_inertia(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator) float

Gets the default value for this actuator’s rotor inertia. See reflected_inertia.

effort_limit(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator) float

Returns the actuator effort limit.

gear_ratio(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator, context: float

Returns the associated gear ratio value for this actuator, stored in context. See reflected_inertia. Note that this ONLY depends on the Parameters in the context; it does not depend on time, input, state, etc.

get_actuation_vector(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator, u: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]

Gets the actuation values for this actuator from the actuation vector u for the entire plant model.


a reference to a nv-dimensional vector, where nv is the number of velocity variables of joint().

get_controller_gains(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator) pydrake.multibody.tree.PdControllerGains

Returns a reference to the controller gains for this actuator.


has_controller() is True.

GetParentPlant(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator) drake::multibody::MultibodyPlant<double>
has_controller(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator) bool

Returns True if controller gains have been specified with a call to set_controller_gains().


A controller for a given model instance can be disarmed if the desired state input port for its model instance is not connected. When a PD controller is disarmed, it has no effect on the MultibodyPlant’s dynamics, as if there was no PD controller (still, this method returns True whenever controller gains were set with set_controller_gains().) See pd_controllers_and_ports for further details.

index(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator) pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuatorIndex
input_start(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator) int

Returns the index to the first element for this joint actuator / within the vector of actuation inputs for the full multibody / system.


RuntimeError if the MultibodyTree model is not finalized.

is_ephemeral(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator) bool
joint(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator) pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint

Returns a reference to the joint actuated by this JointActuator.

model_instance(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator) pydrake.multibody.tree.ModelInstanceIndex
name(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator) str

Returns the name of the actuator.

num_inputs(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator) int

Returns the number of inputs associated with this actuator.


RuntimeError if the MultibodyTree model is not finalized.

rotor_inertia(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator, context: float

Returns the associated rotor inertia value for this actuator, stored in context. See reflected_inertia. Note that this ONLY depends on the Parameters in the context; it does not depend on time, input, state, etc.

set_actuation_vector(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator, u_actuator: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]], u: Optional[numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1], flags.writeable]]) None

Given the actuation values u_actuator for this actuator, updates the actuation vector u for the entire multibody model to which this actuator belongs to.

Parameter u_actuator:

Actuation values for this actuator. It must be of size equal to num_inputs(). For units and sign conventions refer to the specific Joint sub-class documentation.

Parameter u:

Actuation values for the entire plant model to which this actuator belongs to. The actuation value in u for this actuator must be found at offset input_start(). Only values corresponding to this actuator are changed.

  • RuntimeError if u_actuator.size() != this->num_inputs()

  • RuntimeError if u is nullptr.

  • RuntimeError if ``u.size() !=

  • this->GetParentPlant()num_actuated_dofs()``.

set_controller_gains(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator, gains: pydrake.multibody.tree.PdControllerGains) None

Set controller gains for this joint actuator. This enables the modeling of a simple PD controller of the form: ũ = -Kp⋅(q − qd) - Kd⋅(v − vd) + u_ff u = max(−e, min(e, ũ)) where qd and vd are the desired configuration and velocity for joint(), Kp and Kd are the proportional and derivative gains specified in gains, u_ff is the feedforward actuation and e corresponds to effort_limit().

For simulation, feedforward actuation can be provided through MultibodyPlant::get_actuation_input_port(). Desired configuration and velocity are specified through MultibodyPlant::get_desired_state_input_port().


The MultibodyPlant associated with this actuator has not yet allocated a Context. In other words, although gains can be changed post-Finalize, they cannot be changed during simulation.

  • iff the proportional gain is not strictly positive or if the

  • derivative gain is negative.

  • iff the owning MultibodyPlant is finalized and no gains were set

  • pre-finalize. In other words, editing gains post-finalize is

  • fine, but adding gains post-finalize is an error. See

  • MultibodyPlant::Finalize()

set_default_gear_ratio(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator, gear_ratio: float) None

Sets the default value for this actuator’s gear ratio. See reflected_inertia.

set_default_rotor_inertia(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator, rotor_inertia: float) None

Sets the default value for this actuator’s rotor inertia. See reflected_inertia.

SetGearRatio(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator, context:, gear_ratio: float) None

Sets the associated gear ratio value for this actuator in context. See reflected_inertia.

SetRotorInertia(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator, context:, rotor_inertia: float) None

Sets the associated rotor inertia value for this actuator in context. See reflected_inertia.

template pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_

Instantiations: JointActuator_[float], JointActuator_[AutoDiffXd], JointActuator_[Expression]

class pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[AutoDiffXd]

The JointActuator class is mostly a simple bookkeeping structure to represent an actuator acting on a given Joint. It helps to flag whether a given Joint is actuated or not so that MultibodyTree clients can apply forces on actuated joints through their actuators, see AddInOneForce().

__init__(*args, **kwargs)
calc_reflected_inertia(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd

Calculates the reflected inertia value for this actuator in context. See reflected_inertia. Note that this ONLY depends on the Parameters in the context; it does not depend on time, input, state, etc.

default_gear_ratio(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[AutoDiffXd]) float

Gets the default value for this actuator’s gear ratio. See reflected_inertia.

default_reflected_inertia(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[AutoDiffXd]) float

Returns the default value for this actuator’s reflected inertia. It is calculated as ρ²⋅Iᵣ, where ρ is the default gear ratio and Iᵣ is the default rotor inertia for this actuator. See reflected_inertia.

default_rotor_inertia(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[AutoDiffXd]) float

Gets the default value for this actuator’s rotor inertia. See reflected_inertia.

effort_limit(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[AutoDiffXd]) float

Returns the actuator effort limit.

gear_ratio(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd

Returns the associated gear ratio value for this actuator, stored in context. See reflected_inertia. Note that this ONLY depends on the Parameters in the context; it does not depend on time, input, state, etc.

get_actuation_vector(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[AutoDiffXd], u: numpy.ndarray[object[m, 1]]) numpy.ndarray[object[m, 1]]

Gets the actuation values for this actuator from the actuation vector u for the entire plant model.


a reference to a nv-dimensional vector, where nv is the number of velocity variables of joint().

get_controller_gains(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.tree.PdControllerGains

Returns a reference to the controller gains for this actuator.


has_controller() is True.

GetParentPlant(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[AutoDiffXd]) drake::multibody::MultibodyPlant<Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<Eigen::Matrix<double, -1, 1, 0, -1, 1> > >
has_controller(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[AutoDiffXd]) bool

Returns True if controller gains have been specified with a call to set_controller_gains().


A controller for a given model instance can be disarmed if the desired state input port for its model instance is not connected. When a PD controller is disarmed, it has no effect on the MultibodyPlant’s dynamics, as if there was no PD controller (still, this method returns True whenever controller gains were set with set_controller_gains().) See pd_controllers_and_ports for further details.

index(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuatorIndex
input_start(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[AutoDiffXd]) int

Returns the index to the first element for this joint actuator / within the vector of actuation inputs for the full multibody / system.


RuntimeError if the MultibodyTree model is not finalized.

is_ephemeral(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[AutoDiffXd]) bool
joint(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd]

Returns a reference to the joint actuated by this JointActuator.

model_instance(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.tree.ModelInstanceIndex
name(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[AutoDiffXd]) str

Returns the name of the actuator.

num_inputs(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[AutoDiffXd]) int

Returns the number of inputs associated with this actuator.


RuntimeError if the MultibodyTree model is not finalized.

rotor_inertia(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd

Returns the associated rotor inertia value for this actuator, stored in context. See reflected_inertia. Note that this ONLY depends on the Parameters in the context; it does not depend on time, input, state, etc.

set_actuation_vector(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[AutoDiffXd], u_actuator: numpy.ndarray[object[m, 1]], u: Optional[numpy.ndarray[object[m, 1], flags.writeable]]) None

Given the actuation values u_actuator for this actuator, updates the actuation vector u for the entire multibody model to which this actuator belongs to.

Parameter u_actuator:

Actuation values for this actuator. It must be of size equal to num_inputs(). For units and sign conventions refer to the specific Joint sub-class documentation.

Parameter u:

Actuation values for the entire plant model to which this actuator belongs to. The actuation value in u for this actuator must be found at offset input_start(). Only values corresponding to this actuator are changed.

  • RuntimeError if u_actuator.size() != this->num_inputs()

  • RuntimeError if u is nullptr.

  • RuntimeError if ``u.size() !=

  • this->GetParentPlant()num_actuated_dofs()``.

set_controller_gains(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[AutoDiffXd], gains: pydrake.multibody.tree.PdControllerGains) None

Set controller gains for this joint actuator. This enables the modeling of a simple PD controller of the form: ũ = -Kp⋅(q − qd) - Kd⋅(v − vd) + u_ff u = max(−e, min(e, ũ)) where qd and vd are the desired configuration and velocity for joint(), Kp and Kd are the proportional and derivative gains specified in gains, u_ff is the feedforward actuation and e corresponds to effort_limit().

For simulation, feedforward actuation can be provided through MultibodyPlant::get_actuation_input_port(). Desired configuration and velocity are specified through MultibodyPlant::get_desired_state_input_port().


The MultibodyPlant associated with this actuator has not yet allocated a Context. In other words, although gains can be changed post-Finalize, they cannot be changed during simulation.

  • iff the proportional gain is not strictly positive or if the

  • derivative gain is negative.

  • iff the owning MultibodyPlant is finalized and no gains were set

  • pre-finalize. In other words, editing gains post-finalize is

  • fine, but adding gains post-finalize is an error. See

  • MultibodyPlant::Finalize()

set_default_gear_ratio(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[AutoDiffXd], gear_ratio: float) None

Sets the default value for this actuator’s gear ratio. See reflected_inertia.

set_default_rotor_inertia(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[AutoDiffXd], rotor_inertia: float) None

Sets the default value for this actuator’s rotor inertia. See reflected_inertia.

SetGearRatio(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], gear_ratio: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd) None

Sets the associated gear ratio value for this actuator in context. See reflected_inertia.

SetRotorInertia(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], rotor_inertia: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd) None

Sets the associated rotor inertia value for this actuator in context. See reflected_inertia.

class pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[Expression]

The JointActuator class is mostly a simple bookkeeping structure to represent an actuator acting on a given Joint. It helps to flag whether a given Joint is actuated or not so that MultibodyTree clients can apply forces on actuated joints through their actuators, see AddInOneForce().

__init__(*args, **kwargs)
calc_reflected_inertia(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[Expression], context:[Expression]) pydrake.symbolic.Expression

Calculates the reflected inertia value for this actuator in context. See reflected_inertia. Note that this ONLY depends on the Parameters in the context; it does not depend on time, input, state, etc.

default_gear_ratio(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[Expression]) float

Gets the default value for this actuator’s gear ratio. See reflected_inertia.

default_reflected_inertia(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[Expression]) float

Returns the default value for this actuator’s reflected inertia. It is calculated as ρ²⋅Iᵣ, where ρ is the default gear ratio and Iᵣ is the default rotor inertia for this actuator. See reflected_inertia.

default_rotor_inertia(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[Expression]) float

Gets the default value for this actuator’s rotor inertia. See reflected_inertia.

effort_limit(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[Expression]) float

Returns the actuator effort limit.

gear_ratio(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[Expression], context:[Expression]) pydrake.symbolic.Expression

Returns the associated gear ratio value for this actuator, stored in context. See reflected_inertia. Note that this ONLY depends on the Parameters in the context; it does not depend on time, input, state, etc.

get_actuation_vector(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[Expression], u: numpy.ndarray[object[m, 1]]) numpy.ndarray[object[m, 1]]

Gets the actuation values for this actuator from the actuation vector u for the entire plant model.


a reference to a nv-dimensional vector, where nv is the number of velocity variables of joint().

get_controller_gains(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.tree.PdControllerGains

Returns a reference to the controller gains for this actuator.


has_controller() is True.

GetParentPlant(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[Expression]) drake::multibody::MultibodyPlant<drake::symbolic::Expression>
has_controller(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[Expression]) bool

Returns True if controller gains have been specified with a call to set_controller_gains().


A controller for a given model instance can be disarmed if the desired state input port for its model instance is not connected. When a PD controller is disarmed, it has no effect on the MultibodyPlant’s dynamics, as if there was no PD controller (still, this method returns True whenever controller gains were set with set_controller_gains().) See pd_controllers_and_ports for further details.

index(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuatorIndex
input_start(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[Expression]) int

Returns the index to the first element for this joint actuator / within the vector of actuation inputs for the full multibody / system.


RuntimeError if the MultibodyTree model is not finalized.

is_ephemeral(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[Expression]) bool
joint(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression]

Returns a reference to the joint actuated by this JointActuator.

model_instance(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.tree.ModelInstanceIndex
name(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[Expression]) str

Returns the name of the actuator.

num_inputs(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[Expression]) int

Returns the number of inputs associated with this actuator.


RuntimeError if the MultibodyTree model is not finalized.

rotor_inertia(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[Expression], context:[Expression]) pydrake.symbolic.Expression

Returns the associated rotor inertia value for this actuator, stored in context. See reflected_inertia. Note that this ONLY depends on the Parameters in the context; it does not depend on time, input, state, etc.

set_actuation_vector(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[Expression], u_actuator: numpy.ndarray[object[m, 1]], u: Optional[numpy.ndarray[object[m, 1], flags.writeable]]) None

Given the actuation values u_actuator for this actuator, updates the actuation vector u for the entire multibody model to which this actuator belongs to.

Parameter u_actuator:

Actuation values for this actuator. It must be of size equal to num_inputs(). For units and sign conventions refer to the specific Joint sub-class documentation.

Parameter u:

Actuation values for the entire plant model to which this actuator belongs to. The actuation value in u for this actuator must be found at offset input_start(). Only values corresponding to this actuator are changed.

  • RuntimeError if u_actuator.size() != this->num_inputs()

  • RuntimeError if u is nullptr.

  • RuntimeError if ``u.size() !=

  • this->GetParentPlant()num_actuated_dofs()``.

set_controller_gains(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[Expression], gains: pydrake.multibody.tree.PdControllerGains) None

Set controller gains for this joint actuator. This enables the modeling of a simple PD controller of the form: ũ = -Kp⋅(q − qd) - Kd⋅(v − vd) + u_ff u = max(−e, min(e, ũ)) where qd and vd are the desired configuration and velocity for joint(), Kp and Kd are the proportional and derivative gains specified in gains, u_ff is the feedforward actuation and e corresponds to effort_limit().

For simulation, feedforward actuation can be provided through MultibodyPlant::get_actuation_input_port(). Desired configuration and velocity are specified through MultibodyPlant::get_desired_state_input_port().


The MultibodyPlant associated with this actuator has not yet allocated a Context. In other words, although gains can be changed post-Finalize, they cannot be changed during simulation.

  • iff the proportional gain is not strictly positive or if the

  • derivative gain is negative.

  • iff the owning MultibodyPlant is finalized and no gains were set

  • pre-finalize. In other words, editing gains post-finalize is

  • fine, but adding gains post-finalize is an error. See

  • MultibodyPlant::Finalize()

set_default_gear_ratio(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[Expression], gear_ratio: float) None

Sets the default value for this actuator’s gear ratio. See reflected_inertia.

set_default_rotor_inertia(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[Expression], rotor_inertia: float) None

Sets the default value for this actuator’s rotor inertia. See reflected_inertia.

SetGearRatio(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[Expression], context:[Expression], gear_ratio: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) None

Sets the associated gear ratio value for this actuator in context. See reflected_inertia.

SetRotorInertia(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuator_[Expression], context:[Expression], rotor_inertia: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) None

Sets the associated rotor inertia value for this actuator in context. See reflected_inertia.

class pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuatorIndex

Type used to identify actuators by index within a multibody plant.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuatorIndex) -> None

Default constructor; the result is an invalid index. This only exists to serve applications which require a default constructor.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuatorIndex, arg0: int) -> None

Construction from a non-negative int value. The value must lie in the range of [0, 2³¹). Constructor only promises to test validity in Debug build.

is_valid(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointActuatorIndex) bool

Reports if the index is valid–the only operation on an invalid index that doesn’t throw an exception in Debug builds.

class pydrake.multibody.tree.JointIndex

Type used to identify joints by index within a multibody plant.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointIndex) -> None

Default constructor; the result is an invalid index. This only exists to serve applications which require a default constructor.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointIndex, arg0: int) -> None

Construction from a non-negative int value. The value must lie in the range of [0, 2³¹). Constructor only promises to test validity in Debug build.

is_valid(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.JointIndex) bool

Reports if the index is valid–the only operation on an invalid index that doesn’t throw an exception in Debug builds.

class pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.ForceElement

This ForceElement models a massless flexible bushing that connects a frame A of a link (body) L0 to a frame C of a link (body) L1. The bushing can apply a torque and force due to stiffness (spring) and dissipation (damper) properties. Frame B is the bushing frame whose origin Bo is halfway between Ao (A’s origin) and Co (C’s origin) and whose unit vectors 𝐁𝐱, 𝐁𝐲, 𝐁𝐳 are “halfway” (in an angle-axis sense) between the unit vectors of frame A and frame C. Frame B is a “floating” frame in the sense that it is calculated from the position and orientation of frames A and C (B is not welded to the bushing).

@image html drake/multibody/tree/images/LinearBushingRollPitchYaw.png width=80%

The set of forces on frame C from the bushing is equivalent to a torque 𝐭 on frame C and a force 𝐟 applied to a point Cp of C. The set of forces on frame A from the bushing is equivalent to a torque −𝐭 on frame A and a force −𝐟 applied to a point Ap of A. Points Ap and Cp are coincident with Bo (frame B’s origin).

This “quasi-symmetric” bushing force/torque model was developed at Toyota Research Institute and has advantages compared to traditional bushing models because it employs a bushing-centered “symmetric” frame B and it ensures the moment of −𝐟 on A about Ao is equal to the moment of 𝐟 on C about Co. Traditional models differ as they lack a “symmetric” frame B and apply −𝐟 at Ao, which means the moment of −𝐟 on A about Ao is always zero. Note: This bushing model is not fully symmetric since the orientation between frames A and C is parameterized with roll-pitch-yaw angles [q₀ q₁ q₂]. Since these angles have an inherent sequence, they are not mathematically symmetric.

The torque model depends on spring-damper “gimbal” torques τ [τ₀ τ₁ τ₂] which themselves depend on roll-pitch-yaw angles q [q₀ q₁ q₂] and rates = [q̇₀ q̇₁ q̇₂] via a diagonal torque-stiffness matrix K₀₁₂ and a diagonal torque-damping matrix D₀₁₂ as

Click to expand C++ code...
⌈ τ₀ ⌉     ⌈k₀    0    0⌉ ⌈ q₀ ⌉     ⌈d₀    0    0⌉ ⌈ q̇₀ ⌉
τ ≜ | τ₁ | = − | 0   k₁    0| | q₁ |  −  | 0   d₁    0| | q̇₁ |
    ⌊ τ₂ ⌋     ⌊ 0    0   k₂⌋ ⌊ q₂ ⌋     ⌊ 0    0   d₂⌋ ⌊ q̇₂ ⌋

where k₀, k₁, k₂ and d₀, d₁, d₂ are torque stiffness and damping constants and must have non-negative values.


τ does not represent a vector expressed in one frame. Instead it is regarded as a 3x1 array of torque scalars associated with roll-pitch yaw.


As discussed in the Advanced section below, τ is not 𝐭 𝐭).


This is a “linear” bushing model as gimbal torque τ varies linearly with q and q̇ as τ = τᴋ + τᴅ where τᴋ = −K₀₁₂ ⋅ q and τᴅ = −D₀₁₂ ⋅ q̇.

The bushing model for the net force 𝐟 on frame C from the bushing depends on scalars x, y, z which are defined so 𝐫 (the position vector from Ao to Co) can be expressed in frame B as 𝐫 p_AoCo = [x y z]ʙ = x 𝐁𝐱 + y 𝐁𝐲 + z 𝐁𝐳. The model for 𝐟 uses a diagonal force-stiffness matrix Kxyᴢ, a diagonal force-damping matrix Dxyᴢ, and defines fx, fy, fz so 𝐟 = [fx fy fz]ʙ.

Click to expand C++ code...
⌈ fx ⌉      ⌈kx    0    0⌉ ⌈ x ⌉     ⌈dx    0    0⌉ ⌈ ẋ ⌉
| fy | =  − | 0   ky    0| | y |  −  | 0   dy    0| | ẏ |
⌊ fz ⌋      ⌊ 0    0   kz⌋ ⌊ z ⌋     ⌊ 0    0   dz⌋ ⌊ ż ⌋

where kx, ky, kz and dx, dy, dz are force stiffness and damping constants and must have non-negative values.


This is a “linear” bushing model as the force 𝐟 varies linearly with 𝐫 and 𝐫̇̇ as 𝐟 = 𝐟ᴋ + 𝐟ᴅ where 𝐟ᴋ = −Kxyz ⋅ 𝐫 and 𝐟ᴅ = −Dxyz ⋅ 𝐫̇̇.

This bushing’s constructor sets the torque stiffness/damping constants [k₀ k₁ k₂] and [d₀ d₁ d₂] and the force stiffness/damping constants [kx ky kz] and [dx dy dz]. The examples below demonstrate how to model various joints that have a flexible (e.g., rubber) mount. The damping values below with ? may be set to 0 or a reasonable positive number.

Bushing type | torque constants | force constants ——————————–|:--------------------|:—————— z-axis revolute joint | k₀₁₂ = [k₀ k₁ 0] | kxyz = [kx ky kz] ^ | d₀₁₂ = [d₀ d₁ ?] | dxyz = [dx dy dz] x-axis prismatic joint | k₀₁₂ = [k₀ k₁ k₂] | kxyz = [0 ky kz] ^ | d₀₁₂ = [d₀ d₁ d₂] | dxyz = [? dy dz] Ball and socket joint | k₀₁₂ = [0 0 0] | kxyz = [kx ky kz] ^ | d₀₁₂ = [? ? ?] | dxyz = [dx dy dz] Weld/fixed joint | k₀₁₂ = [k₀ k₁ k₂] | kxyz = [kx ky kz] ^ | d₀₁₂ = [d₀ d₁ d₂] | dxyz = [dx dy dz]

Angles q₀, q₁, q₂ are calculated from frame C’s orientation relative to frame A, with [−π < q₀ π, −π/2 q₁ π/2, −π < q₂ π], hence, there is no angle wrapping and torque stiffness has a limited range. Gimbal torques τ can be discontinuous if one of q₀, q₁, q₂ is discontinuous and its associated torque spring constant is nonzero. For example, τ₂ is discontinuous if k₂ 0 and the bushing has a large rotation so q₂ jumps from −π to π. τ can also be discontinuous if one of q̇₀, q̇₁, q̇₂ is discontinuous and its associated torque damper constant is nonzero. For example, τ₀ is discontinuous if d₀ 0 and q̇₀ is undefined (which occurs when pitch = q₁ = π/2). Note: Due to the relationship of 𝐭 to τ shown below, 𝐭 is discontinuous if τ is discontinuous.

As shown below, there are multiple ways to estimate torque and force stiffness and damping constants. Use a method or combination of methods appropriate for your application. For example, some methods are more useful for a real physical bushing whereas other methods (called “penalty methods”) can be more useful when replacing an ideal joint (such as a revolute or fixed/weld joint) with a bushing.

Consider a penalty method if you want a bushing to substitute for a “hard” constraint (e.g., an ideal joint). Since a bushing is inherently compliant it will violate a hard constraint somewhat. The stiffer the bushing, the more accurately it enforces the hard constraint, but at a cost of more computational time. To balance accuracy versus time, consider your tolerance for constraint errors. For example, is it OK for your bushing to displace xₘₐₓ = 1 mm for an estimated Fxₘₐₓ = 100 N? Also, one way to choose a force damping constant dx is by choosing a “reasonably small” settling time tₛ, where settling time tₛ is the interval of time for a system to settle to within 1% (0.01) of an equilibrium solution). Is tₛ = 0.01 s negligible for a robot arm with a 10 s reach maneuver?

**** How to choose a torque stiffness constant k₀ or damping constant d₀. The estimate of stiffness k₀ depends on whether you are modeling a physical bushing (consider stiffness methods 1 or 2 below) or whether you are using a bushing to replace an ideal joint such as a revolute or fixed/weld joint (consider stiffness “penalty methods” 3 or 4 below). 1. Use a static experiment, e.g., apply a known moment load Mx, measure the associated angular displacement Δq (radians), and estimate k₀ = Mx / Δq. 2. Use FEA (finite element analysis) software to estimate k₀. 3. Pick a desired maximum angular displacement qₘₐₓ, estimate a maximum moment load Mxₘₐₓ, and estimate k₀ = Mxₘₐₓ / qₘₐₓ (units of N*m/rad). 4. Choose a characteristic moment of inertia I₀ (directionally dependent), choose a desired angular frequency ωₙ > 0 (in rad/s) and estimate k₀ = I₀ ωₙ² (units of N*m/rad).

The estimate of damping d₀ depends on whether you are modeling a physical bushing (consider damping method 1 below) or whether you are using a bushing to enforce a constraint (consider damping methods 2 or 3 below). 1. Use experiments to estimate a damping ratio ζ and settling time tₛ. Compute “undamped natural frequency” ωₙ from ζ and tₛ (as shown below in the Advanced section), then d₀ = 2 ζ k₀ / ωₙ (units of N*m*s/rad). 2. Choose a damping ratio ζ (e.g., ζ = 1, critical damping) and a desired settling time tₛ, calculate ωₙ (as shown below in the Advanced section), then d₀ = 2 ζ k₀ / ωₙ (units of N*m*s/rad). 3. Choose a damping ratio ζ (e.g., ζ = 1, critical damping), estimate a characteristic moment of inertia and calculate d₀ = 2 ζ √(I₀ k₀).

Refer to Advanced_bushing_stiffness_and_damping “Advanced bushing stiffness and damping” for more details.

**** How to choose a force stiffness constant kx or damping constant dx. The estimate of stiffness kx depends on whether you are modeling a real bushing (consider stiffness methods 1 or 2 below) or whether you are using a bushing to replace an ideal joint such as a revolute or fixed/weld joint (consider stiffness “penalty methods” 3 or 4 below). 1. Use a static experiment, e.g., apply a known force load Fx, measure the associated displacement (stretch) Δx (in meters), and estimate kx = Fx / Δx. 2. Use FEA (finite element analysis) software to estimate kx (units of N/m). 3. Pick a desired maximum displacement xₘₐₓ, estimate a maximum force load Fxₘₐₓ, and estimate kx = Fxₘₐₓ / xₘₐₓ (units of N/m). 4. Choose a characteristic mass m (which may be directionally dependent), choose a desired angular frequency ωₙ > 0 (in rad/s) and estimate kx = m ωₙ² (units of N/m).

The estimate of damping dx depends on whether you are modeling a physical bushing (consider damping method 1 below) or whether you are using a bushing to enforce a constraint (consider damping methods 2 or 3 below). 1. Use experiments to estimate a damping ratio ζ and settling time tₛ. Compute “undamped natural frequency” ωₙ from ζ and tₛ (as shown below in the Advanced section), then dx = 2 ζ kx / ωₙ (units of N*s/m). 2. Choose a damping ratio ζ (e.g., ζ = 1, critical damping) and a desired settling time tₛ, calculate ωₙ (as shown below in the Advanced section), then dx = 2 ζ kx / ωₙ (units of N*s/m). 3. Choose a damping ratio ζ (e.g., ζ = 1, critical damping), estimate a characteristic mass m and calculate dx = 2 ζ √(m kx) (units of N*s/m).

Refer to Advanced_bushing_stiffness_and_damping “Advanced bushing stiffness and damping” for more details.

**** Advanced: Relationship of 𝐭 to τ. To understand how “gimbal torques” τ relate to 𝐭, it helps to remember that the RollPitchYaw class documentation states that a Space-fixed (extrinsic) X-Y-Z rotation with roll-pitch-yaw angles [q₀ q₁ q₂] is equivalent to a Body-fixed (intrinsic) Z-Y-X rotation by yaw-pitch-roll angles [q₂ q₁ q₀]. In the context of “gimbal torques”, the Body-fixed Z-Y-X rotation sequence with angles [q₂ q₁ q₀] is physical meaningful as it produces torques associated with successive frames in a gimbal as τ₂ 𝐀𝐳, τ₁ 𝐏𝐲, τ₀ 𝐂𝐱, where each of 𝐀𝐳, 𝐏𝐲, 𝐂𝐱 are unit vectors associated with a frame in the yaw-pitch-roll rotation sequence and 𝐏𝐲 is a unit vector of the “pitch” intermediate frame. As described earlier, torque 𝐭 is the moment of the bushing forces on frame C about Cp. Scalars tx, ty, tz are defined so 𝐭 can be expressed 𝐭 = [tx ty tz]ᴀ = tx 𝐀𝐱 + ty 𝐀𝐲 + tz 𝐀𝐳. As shown in code documentation, the relationship of [tx ty tz] to [τ₀ τ₁ τ₂] was found by equating 𝐭’s power to τ’s power as 𝐭 ⋅ w_AC = τ ⋅ q̇.

Click to expand C++ code...
⌈ tx ⌉      ⌈ τ₀ ⌉            ⌈ cos(q₂)/cos(q₁)  sin(q₂)/cos(q₁)   0 ⌉
| ty | = Nᵀ | τ₁ |  where N = |   −sin(q2)            cos(q2)      0 |
⌊ tz ⌋      ⌊ τ₂ ⌋            ⌊ cos(q₂)*tan(q₁)   sin(q₂)*tan(q₁)  1 ⌋

**** Advanced: More on how to choose bushing stiffness and damping constants. The basics on how to choose bushing stiffness and damping constants are at: - Basic_bushing_torque_stiffness_and_damping “How to choose torque stiffness and damping constants” - Basic_bushing_force_stiffness_and_damping “How to choose force stiffness and damping constants”

The list below provides more detail on: The performance tradeoff between high stiffness and long simulation time; loads that affect estimates of Mxₘₐₓ or Fxₘₐₓ; and how a linear 2ⁿᵈ-order ODE provides insight on how to experimentally determine stiffness and damping constants. - Stiffness [k₀ k₁ k₂] and [kx ky kz] affect simulation time and accuracy. Generally, a stiffer bushing better resembles an ideal joint (e.g., a revolute joint or fixed/weld joint). However (depending on integrator), a stiffer bushing usually increases numerical integration time. - An estimate for a maximum load Mxₘₐₓ or Fxₘₐₓ accounts for gravity forces, applied forces, inertia forces (centripetal, Coriolis, gyroscopic), etc. - One way to determine physical stiffness and damping constants is through the mathematical intermediaries ωₙ (units of rad/s) and ζ (no units). The constant ωₙ (called “undamped natural frequency” or “angular frequency”) and constant ζ (called “damping ratio”) relate to the physical constants mass m, damping constant dx, and stiffness constant kx via the following prototypical linear constant-coefficient 2ⁿᵈ-order ODEs.

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m ẍ +     dx ẋ +  kx x = 0   or alternatively as
   ẍ + 2 ζ ωₙ ẋ + ωₙ² x = 0   where ωₙ² = kx/m,  ζ = dx / (2 √(m kx))

ωₙ and ζ also appear in the related ODEs for rotational systems, namely

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I₀ q̈ +     d₀ q̇ +  k₀ q = 0   or alternatively as
    q̈ + 2 ζ ωₙ q̇ + ωₙ² q = 0   where ωₙ² = k₀/I₀,  ζ = d₀ / (2 √(I₀ k₀))

One way to determine ωₙ is from settling time tₛ which approximates the time for a system to settle to within a specified settling ratio of an equilibrium solutions. Typical values for settling ratio are 1% (0.01), 2% (0.02), 5% (0.05), and 10% (0.10). - When ζ < 0.7 (underdamped), a commonly used approximation is ωₙ ≈ -ln(settling_ratio) / (ζ tₛ) which for settling ratios 0.01 and 0.05 give ωₙ ≈ 4.6 / (ζ tₛ) and ωₙ ≈ 3 / (ζ tₛ). Another commonly used approximation is ωₙ ≈ -ln(settling_ratio √(1- ζ²)) / (ζ tₛ). See or the book Modern Control Engineering by Katsuhiko Ogata. Although these approximate formulas for ωₙ are common, they are somewhat inaccurate. Settling time for underdamped systems is discontinuous and requires solving a nonlinear algebraic equation (an iterative process). For more information, see [Ramos-Paja, et. al 2012], “Accurate calculation of settling time in second order systems: a photovoltaic application”. Another reference is - When ζ ≈ 1 (critically damped), ωₙ is determined by choosing a settling ratio and then solving for (ωₙ tₛ) via the nonlinear algebraic equation (1 + ωₙ tₛ)*exp(-ωₙ tₛ) = settling_ratio. Settling ratio | ωₙ ————– | ————- 0.01 | 6.64 / tₛ 0.02 | 5.83 / tₛ 0.05 | 4.74 / tₛ 0.10 | 3.89 / tₛ See - When ζ ≥ 1.01 (overdamped), ωₙ ≈ -ln(2 settling_ratio sz/s₂) / (s₁ tₛ) where sz = √(ζ² - 1), s₁ = ζ - sz, s₂ = ζ + sz. The derivation and approximation error estimates for this overdamped settling time formula is ApproximateOverdampedSettlingTime “below”.

  • For a real physical bushing, an experiment is one way to estimate damping

constants. For example, to estimate a torque damping constant d₀ associated with underdamped vibrations (damping ratio 0 < ζ < 1), attach the bushing to a massive rod, initially displace the rod by angle Δq, release the rod and measure q(t). From the q(t) measurement, estimate decay ratio (the ratio of successive peak heights above the final steady-state value) calculate logarithmic decrement δ = -ln(decay_ratio), calculate damping ratio ζ = √(δ² / (4π² + δ²)), then calculate d₀ using d₀ = 2 ζ √(I₀ k₀) or d₀ = 2 ζ k₀ / ωₙ. For more information, see

**** Derivation: Approximate formula for overdamped settling time. Since a literature reference for this formula was not found, the derivation below was done at TRI (it has not been peer reviewed). This formula results from the “dominant pole” solution in the prototypical constant-coefficient linear 2ⁿᵈ-order ODE. For ẋ(0) = 0, mathematics shows poles p₁ = -ωₙ s₁, p₂ = -ωₙ s₂, where sz = √(ζ² - 1), s₁ = ζ - sz, s₂ = ζ + sz. and

Click to expand C++ code...
x(t) / x(0) = p₂/(p₂-p₁) exp(p₁ t) - p₁/(p₂-p₁) exp(p₂ t)
             = s₂/(s₂-s₁) exp(p₁ t) - s₁/(s₂-s₁) exp(p₂ t)
             =  k/( k-1 ) exp(p₁ t) -  1/( k-1 ) exp(p₂ t) where k = s₂ / s₁
             ≈  k/( k-1 ) exp(p₁ t)                        since p₁ > p₂

Note: k = s₂ / s₁ is real, k > 0, s₂ = k s₁, and p₁ > p₂ (p₁ is less negative then p₂), so exp(p₁ t) decays to zero slower than exp(p₂ t) and exp(p₁ t) ≫ exp(p₂ t) for sufficiently large t. Hence we assume exp(p₂ t) ≈ 0 (which is why p₁ is called the “dominant pole”). Next,

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k/(k - 1) = s₂ / s₁ / (s₂/s₁ -1) = s₂ / (s₂ - s₁) = s₂ / (2 sz),  so
  x(t) / x(0)  ≈  s₂ / (2 sz) exp(-s₁ ωₙ t),                        hence
  settling_ratio ≈ s₂ / (2 sz) exp(-s₁ ωₙ tₛ),                      finally
  ωₙ ≈ -ln(settling_ratio 2 sz / s₂) / (s₁ tₛ)

The table below shows that there is little error in this approximate formula for various settling ratios and ζ, particularly for ζ ≥ 1.1. For 1.0 ≤ ζ < 1.1, the critical damping estimates of ωₙ work well. Settling ratio | ζ = 1.01 | ζ = 1.1 | ζ = 1.2 | ζ = 1.3 | ζ = 1.5 ————– | ——– | ——- | ——- | ——- | ——– 0.01 | 1.98% | 0.005% | 2.9E-5% | 1.6E-7% | 2.4E-12% 0.02 | 2.91% | 0.016% | 1.8E-4% | 2.1E-6% | 1.6E-10% 0.05 | 5.10% | 0.076% | 2.3E-3% | 7.0E-5% | 4.4E-8% 0.10 | 8.28% | 0.258% | 1.6E-2% | 1.0E-3% | 3.3E-6% Note: There is a related derivation in the reference below, however, it needlessly makes the oversimplified approximation k/(k - 1) ≈ 1.


The complete theory for this bushing is documented in the source code. Please look there if you want more information.

Template parameter T:

The underlying scalar type. Must be a valid Eigen scalar.

See also

math::RollPitchYaw for definitions of roll, pitch, yaw [q₀ q₁ q₂].


Per issue #12982, do not directly or indirectly call the following methods as they have not yet been implemented and throw an exception: CalcPotentialEnergy(), CalcConservativePower(), CalcNonConservativePower().


This class is templated; see LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_ for the list of instantiations.

__init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw, frameA: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, frameC: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, torque_stiffness_constants: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]], torque_damping_constants: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]], force_stiffness_constants: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]], force_damping_constants: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) None

Construct a LinearBushingRollPitchYaw B that connects frames A and C, where frame A is welded to a link L0 and frame C is welded to a link L1.

Parameter frameA:

frame A of link (body) L0 that connects to bushing B.

Parameter frameC:

frame C of link (body) L1 that connects to bushing B.

Parameter torque_stiffness_constants:

[k₀ k₁ k₂] multiply the roll-pitch-yaw angles [q₀ q₁ q₂] to produce the spring portion of the “gimbal” torques τ₀, τ₁, τ₂. The SI units of k₀, k₁, k₂ are N*m/rad.

Parameter torque_damping_constants:

[d₀ d₁ d₂] multiply the roll-pitch-yaw rates [q̇₀ q̇₁ q̇₂] to produce the damper portion of the “gimbal” torques τ₀, τ₁, τ₂. The SI units of d₀, d₁, d₂ are N*m*s/rad.

Parameter force_stiffness_constants:

[kx ky kz] multiply the bushing displacements [x y z] to form 𝐟ᴋ, the spring portion of the force 𝐟 = [fx fy fz]ʙ. The SI units of kx, ky, kz are N/m.

Parameter force_damping_constants:

[dx dy dz] multiply the bushing displacement rates [ẋ ż] to form 𝐟ᴅ, the damper portion of the force 𝐟 = [fx fy fz]ʙ. The SI units of dx, dy, dz are N*s/m.


The LinearBushingRollPitchYaw class documentation describes the stiffness and damping constants.


The net moment on C about Co is affected by both the gimbal torque and the moment of 𝐟 about Co. Similarly, for the net moment on A about Ao.


math::RollPitchYaw describes the roll pitch yaw angles q₀, q₁, q₂. The position from Ao to Co is p_AoCo_B = x 𝐁𝐱 + y 𝐁𝐲 + z 𝐁𝐳 = [x y z]ʙ.


The ModelInstanceIndex assigned to this by the constructor is the one assigned to frame C, i.e., frameC.model_instance().


All the stiffness and damping constants must be non-negative.

CalcBushingSpatialForceOnFrameA(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw, context: pydrake.multibody.math.SpatialForce

Calculate F_A_A, the bushing’s spatial force on frame A expressed in A. F_A_A contains two vectors: the moment of all bushing forces on A about Ao (−𝐭 + p_AoAp × −𝐟) and the net bushing force on A (−𝐟 expressed in A).

Parameter context:

The state of the multibody system.

See also



RuntimeError if pitch angle is near gimbal-lock. For more info,

See also


CalcBushingSpatialForceOnFrameC(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw, context: pydrake.multibody.math.SpatialForce

Calculate F_C_C, the bushing’s spatial force on frame C expressed in C. F_C_C contains two vectors: the moment of all bushing forces on C about Co (𝐭 + p_CoCp × 𝐟) and the resultant bushing force on C (𝐟 expressed in C).

Parameter context:

The state of the multibody system.

See also



RuntimeError if pitch angle is near gimbal-lock. For more info,

See also


force_damping_constants(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Returns the default force damping constants [dx dy dz] (units of N*s/m). Refer to Basic_bushing_force_stiffness_and_damping “How to choose force stiffness and damping constants” for more details.

force_stiffness_constants(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Returns the default force stiffness constants [kx ky kz] (units of N/m). Refer to Basic_bushing_force_stiffness_and_damping “How to choose force stiffness and damping constants” for more details.

frameA(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw) pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame

Returns frame A, which is the frame that is welded to link (body) L0 and attached to the bushing.

frameC(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw) pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame

Returns frame C, which is the frame that is welded to link (body) L1 and attached to the bushing.

GetForceDampingConstants(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw, context: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Returns the force damping constants [dx dy dz] (units of N*s/m) stored in context.

GetForceStiffnessConstants(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw, context: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Returns the force stiffness constants [kx ky kz] (units of N/m) stored in context.

GetTorqueDampingConstants(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw, context: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Returns the torque damping constants [d₀ d₁ d₂] (units of N*m*s/rad) stored in context.

GetTorqueStiffnessConstants(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw, context: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Returns the torque stiffness constants [k₀ k₁ k₂] (units of N*m/rad) stored in context.

link0(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw) pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody

Returns link (body) L0 (frame A is welded to link L0).

link1(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw) pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody

Returns link (body) L1 (frame C is welded to link L1).

SetForceDampingConstants(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw, context:, force_damping: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) None

Sets the force damping constants [dx dy dz] (units of N*s/m) in context.

SetForceStiffnessConstants(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw, context:, force_stiffness: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) None

Sets the force stiffness constants [kx ky kz] (units of N/m) in context.

SetTorqueDampingConstants(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw, context:, torque_damping: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) None

Sets the torque damping constants [d₀ d₁ d₂] (units of N*m*s/rad) in context.

SetTorqueStiffnessConstants(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw, context:, torque_stiffness: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) None

Sets the torque stiffness constants [k₀ k₁ k₂] (units of N*m/rad) in context.

torque_damping_constants(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Returns the default torque damping constants [d₀ d₁ d₂] (units of N*m*s/rad). Refer to Basic_bushing_torque_stiffness_and_damping “How to choose torque stiffness and damping constants” for more details.

torque_stiffness_constants(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Returns the default torque stiffness constants [k₀ k₁ k₂] (units of N*m/rad). Refer to Basic_bushing_torque_stiffness_and_damping “How to choose torque stiffness and damping constants” for more details.

template pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_

Instantiations: LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[float], LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[AutoDiffXd], LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[Expression]

class pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[AutoDiffXd]

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.ForceElement_[AutoDiffXd]

This ForceElement models a massless flexible bushing that connects a frame A of a link (body) L0 to a frame C of a link (body) L1. The bushing can apply a torque and force due to stiffness (spring) and dissipation (damper) properties. Frame B is the bushing frame whose origin Bo is halfway between Ao (A’s origin) and Co (C’s origin) and whose unit vectors 𝐁𝐱, 𝐁𝐲, 𝐁𝐳 are “halfway” (in an angle-axis sense) between the unit vectors of frame A and frame C. Frame B is a “floating” frame in the sense that it is calculated from the position and orientation of frames A and C (B is not welded to the bushing).

@image html drake/multibody/tree/images/LinearBushingRollPitchYaw.png width=80%

The set of forces on frame C from the bushing is equivalent to a torque 𝐭 on frame C and a force 𝐟 applied to a point Cp of C. The set of forces on frame A from the bushing is equivalent to a torque −𝐭 on frame A and a force −𝐟 applied to a point Ap of A. Points Ap and Cp are coincident with Bo (frame B’s origin).

This “quasi-symmetric” bushing force/torque model was developed at Toyota Research Institute and has advantages compared to traditional bushing models because it employs a bushing-centered “symmetric” frame B and it ensures the moment of −𝐟 on A about Ao is equal to the moment of 𝐟 on C about Co. Traditional models differ as they lack a “symmetric” frame B and apply −𝐟 at Ao, which means the moment of −𝐟 on A about Ao is always zero. Note: This bushing model is not fully symmetric since the orientation between frames A and C is parameterized with roll-pitch-yaw angles [q₀ q₁ q₂]. Since these angles have an inherent sequence, they are not mathematically symmetric.

The torque model depends on spring-damper “gimbal” torques τ [τ₀ τ₁ τ₂] which themselves depend on roll-pitch-yaw angles q [q₀ q₁ q₂] and rates = [q̇₀ q̇₁ q̇₂] via a diagonal torque-stiffness matrix K₀₁₂ and a diagonal torque-damping matrix D₀₁₂ as

Click to expand C++ code...
⌈ τ₀ ⌉     ⌈k₀    0    0⌉ ⌈ q₀ ⌉     ⌈d₀    0    0⌉ ⌈ q̇₀ ⌉
τ ≜ | τ₁ | = − | 0   k₁    0| | q₁ |  −  | 0   d₁    0| | q̇₁ |
    ⌊ τ₂ ⌋     ⌊ 0    0   k₂⌋ ⌊ q₂ ⌋     ⌊ 0    0   d₂⌋ ⌊ q̇₂ ⌋

where k₀, k₁, k₂ and d₀, d₁, d₂ are torque stiffness and damping constants and must have non-negative values.


τ does not represent a vector expressed in one frame. Instead it is regarded as a 3x1 array of torque scalars associated with roll-pitch yaw.


As discussed in the Advanced section below, τ is not 𝐭 𝐭).


This is a “linear” bushing model as gimbal torque τ varies linearly with q and q̇ as τ = τᴋ + τᴅ where τᴋ = −K₀₁₂ ⋅ q and τᴅ = −D₀₁₂ ⋅ q̇.

The bushing model for the net force 𝐟 on frame C from the bushing depends on scalars x, y, z which are defined so 𝐫 (the position vector from Ao to Co) can be expressed in frame B as 𝐫 p_AoCo = [x y z]ʙ = x 𝐁𝐱 + y 𝐁𝐲 + z 𝐁𝐳. The model for 𝐟 uses a diagonal force-stiffness matrix Kxyᴢ, a diagonal force-damping matrix Dxyᴢ, and defines fx, fy, fz so 𝐟 = [fx fy fz]ʙ.

Click to expand C++ code...
⌈ fx ⌉      ⌈kx    0    0⌉ ⌈ x ⌉     ⌈dx    0    0⌉ ⌈ ẋ ⌉
| fy | =  − | 0   ky    0| | y |  −  | 0   dy    0| | ẏ |
⌊ fz ⌋      ⌊ 0    0   kz⌋ ⌊ z ⌋     ⌊ 0    0   dz⌋ ⌊ ż ⌋

where kx, ky, kz and dx, dy, dz are force stiffness and damping constants and must have non-negative values.


This is a “linear” bushing model as the force 𝐟 varies linearly with 𝐫 and 𝐫̇̇ as 𝐟 = 𝐟ᴋ + 𝐟ᴅ where 𝐟ᴋ = −Kxyz ⋅ 𝐫 and 𝐟ᴅ = −Dxyz ⋅ 𝐫̇̇.

This bushing’s constructor sets the torque stiffness/damping constants [k₀ k₁ k₂] and [d₀ d₁ d₂] and the force stiffness/damping constants [kx ky kz] and [dx dy dz]. The examples below demonstrate how to model various joints that have a flexible (e.g., rubber) mount. The damping values below with ? may be set to 0 or a reasonable positive number.

Bushing type | torque constants | force constants ——————————–|:--------------------|:—————— z-axis revolute joint | k₀₁₂ = [k₀ k₁ 0] | kxyz = [kx ky kz] ^ | d₀₁₂ = [d₀ d₁ ?] | dxyz = [dx dy dz] x-axis prismatic joint | k₀₁₂ = [k₀ k₁ k₂] | kxyz = [0 ky kz] ^ | d₀₁₂ = [d₀ d₁ d₂] | dxyz = [? dy dz] Ball and socket joint | k₀₁₂ = [0 0 0] | kxyz = [kx ky kz] ^ | d₀₁₂ = [? ? ?] | dxyz = [dx dy dz] Weld/fixed joint | k₀₁₂ = [k₀ k₁ k₂] | kxyz = [kx ky kz] ^ | d₀₁₂ = [d₀ d₁ d₂] | dxyz = [dx dy dz]

Angles q₀, q₁, q₂ are calculated from frame C’s orientation relative to frame A, with [−π < q₀ π, −π/2 q₁ π/2, −π < q₂ π], hence, there is no angle wrapping and torque stiffness has a limited range. Gimbal torques τ can be discontinuous if one of q₀, q₁, q₂ is discontinuous and its associated torque spring constant is nonzero. For example, τ₂ is discontinuous if k₂ 0 and the bushing has a large rotation so q₂ jumps from −π to π. τ can also be discontinuous if one of q̇₀, q̇₁, q̇₂ is discontinuous and its associated torque damper constant is nonzero. For example, τ₀ is discontinuous if d₀ 0 and q̇₀ is undefined (which occurs when pitch = q₁ = π/2). Note: Due to the relationship of 𝐭 to τ shown below, 𝐭 is discontinuous if τ is discontinuous.

As shown below, there are multiple ways to estimate torque and force stiffness and damping constants. Use a method or combination of methods appropriate for your application. For example, some methods are more useful for a real physical bushing whereas other methods (called “penalty methods”) can be more useful when replacing an ideal joint (such as a revolute or fixed/weld joint) with a bushing.

Consider a penalty method if you want a bushing to substitute for a “hard” constraint (e.g., an ideal joint). Since a bushing is inherently compliant it will violate a hard constraint somewhat. The stiffer the bushing, the more accurately it enforces the hard constraint, but at a cost of more computational time. To balance accuracy versus time, consider your tolerance for constraint errors. For example, is it OK for your bushing to displace xₘₐₓ = 1 mm for an estimated Fxₘₐₓ = 100 N? Also, one way to choose a force damping constant dx is by choosing a “reasonably small” settling time tₛ, where settling time tₛ is the interval of time for a system to settle to within 1% (0.01) of an equilibrium solution). Is tₛ = 0.01 s negligible for a robot arm with a 10 s reach maneuver?

**** How to choose a torque stiffness constant k₀ or damping constant d₀. The estimate of stiffness k₀ depends on whether you are modeling a physical bushing (consider stiffness methods 1 or 2 below) or whether you are using a bushing to replace an ideal joint such as a revolute or fixed/weld joint (consider stiffness “penalty methods” 3 or 4 below). 1. Use a static experiment, e.g., apply a known moment load Mx, measure the associated angular displacement Δq (radians), and estimate k₀ = Mx / Δq. 2. Use FEA (finite element analysis) software to estimate k₀. 3. Pick a desired maximum angular displacement qₘₐₓ, estimate a maximum moment load Mxₘₐₓ, and estimate k₀ = Mxₘₐₓ / qₘₐₓ (units of N*m/rad). 4. Choose a characteristic moment of inertia I₀ (directionally dependent), choose a desired angular frequency ωₙ > 0 (in rad/s) and estimate k₀ = I₀ ωₙ² (units of N*m/rad).

The estimate of damping d₀ depends on whether you are modeling a physical bushing (consider damping method 1 below) or whether you are using a bushing to enforce a constraint (consider damping methods 2 or 3 below). 1. Use experiments to estimate a damping ratio ζ and settling time tₛ. Compute “undamped natural frequency” ωₙ from ζ and tₛ (as shown below in the Advanced section), then d₀ = 2 ζ k₀ / ωₙ (units of N*m*s/rad). 2. Choose a damping ratio ζ (e.g., ζ = 1, critical damping) and a desired settling time tₛ, calculate ωₙ (as shown below in the Advanced section), then d₀ = 2 ζ k₀ / ωₙ (units of N*m*s/rad). 3. Choose a damping ratio ζ (e.g., ζ = 1, critical damping), estimate a characteristic moment of inertia and calculate d₀ = 2 ζ √(I₀ k₀).

Refer to Advanced_bushing_stiffness_and_damping “Advanced bushing stiffness and damping” for more details.

**** How to choose a force stiffness constant kx or damping constant dx. The estimate of stiffness kx depends on whether you are modeling a real bushing (consider stiffness methods 1 or 2 below) or whether you are using a bushing to replace an ideal joint such as a revolute or fixed/weld joint (consider stiffness “penalty methods” 3 or 4 below). 1. Use a static experiment, e.g., apply a known force load Fx, measure the associated displacement (stretch) Δx (in meters), and estimate kx = Fx / Δx. 2. Use FEA (finite element analysis) software to estimate kx (units of N/m). 3. Pick a desired maximum displacement xₘₐₓ, estimate a maximum force load Fxₘₐₓ, and estimate kx = Fxₘₐₓ / xₘₐₓ (units of N/m). 4. Choose a characteristic mass m (which may be directionally dependent), choose a desired angular frequency ωₙ > 0 (in rad/s) and estimate kx = m ωₙ² (units of N/m).

The estimate of damping dx depends on whether you are modeling a physical bushing (consider damping method 1 below) or whether you are using a bushing to enforce a constraint (consider damping methods 2 or 3 below). 1. Use experiments to estimate a damping ratio ζ and settling time tₛ. Compute “undamped natural frequency” ωₙ from ζ and tₛ (as shown below in the Advanced section), then dx = 2 ζ kx / ωₙ (units of N*s/m). 2. Choose a damping ratio ζ (e.g., ζ = 1, critical damping) and a desired settling time tₛ, calculate ωₙ (as shown below in the Advanced section), then dx = 2 ζ kx / ωₙ (units of N*s/m). 3. Choose a damping ratio ζ (e.g., ζ = 1, critical damping), estimate a characteristic mass m and calculate dx = 2 ζ √(m kx) (units of N*s/m).

Refer to Advanced_bushing_stiffness_and_damping “Advanced bushing stiffness and damping” for more details.

**** Advanced: Relationship of 𝐭 to τ. To understand how “gimbal torques” τ relate to 𝐭, it helps to remember that the RollPitchYaw class documentation states that a Space-fixed (extrinsic) X-Y-Z rotation with roll-pitch-yaw angles [q₀ q₁ q₂] is equivalent to a Body-fixed (intrinsic) Z-Y-X rotation by yaw-pitch-roll angles [q₂ q₁ q₀]. In the context of “gimbal torques”, the Body-fixed Z-Y-X rotation sequence with angles [q₂ q₁ q₀] is physical meaningful as it produces torques associated with successive frames in a gimbal as τ₂ 𝐀𝐳, τ₁ 𝐏𝐲, τ₀ 𝐂𝐱, where each of 𝐀𝐳, 𝐏𝐲, 𝐂𝐱 are unit vectors associated with a frame in the yaw-pitch-roll rotation sequence and 𝐏𝐲 is a unit vector of the “pitch” intermediate frame. As described earlier, torque 𝐭 is the moment of the bushing forces on frame C about Cp. Scalars tx, ty, tz are defined so 𝐭 can be expressed 𝐭 = [tx ty tz]ᴀ = tx 𝐀𝐱 + ty 𝐀𝐲 + tz 𝐀𝐳. As shown in code documentation, the relationship of [tx ty tz] to [τ₀ τ₁ τ₂] was found by equating 𝐭’s power to τ’s power as 𝐭 ⋅ w_AC = τ ⋅ q̇.

Click to expand C++ code...
⌈ tx ⌉      ⌈ τ₀ ⌉            ⌈ cos(q₂)/cos(q₁)  sin(q₂)/cos(q₁)   0 ⌉
| ty | = Nᵀ | τ₁ |  where N = |   −sin(q2)            cos(q2)      0 |
⌊ tz ⌋      ⌊ τ₂ ⌋            ⌊ cos(q₂)*tan(q₁)   sin(q₂)*tan(q₁)  1 ⌋

**** Advanced: More on how to choose bushing stiffness and damping constants. The basics on how to choose bushing stiffness and damping constants are at: - Basic_bushing_torque_stiffness_and_damping “How to choose torque stiffness and damping constants” - Basic_bushing_force_stiffness_and_damping “How to choose force stiffness and damping constants”

The list below provides more detail on: The performance tradeoff between high stiffness and long simulation time; loads that affect estimates of Mxₘₐₓ or Fxₘₐₓ; and how a linear 2ⁿᵈ-order ODE provides insight on how to experimentally determine stiffness and damping constants. - Stiffness [k₀ k₁ k₂] and [kx ky kz] affect simulation time and accuracy. Generally, a stiffer bushing better resembles an ideal joint (e.g., a revolute joint or fixed/weld joint). However (depending on integrator), a stiffer bushing usually increases numerical integration time. - An estimate for a maximum load Mxₘₐₓ or Fxₘₐₓ accounts for gravity forces, applied forces, inertia forces (centripetal, Coriolis, gyroscopic), etc. - One way to determine physical stiffness and damping constants is through the mathematical intermediaries ωₙ (units of rad/s) and ζ (no units). The constant ωₙ (called “undamped natural frequency” or “angular frequency”) and constant ζ (called “damping ratio”) relate to the physical constants mass m, damping constant dx, and stiffness constant kx via the following prototypical linear constant-coefficient 2ⁿᵈ-order ODEs.

Click to expand C++ code...
m ẍ +     dx ẋ +  kx x = 0   or alternatively as
   ẍ + 2 ζ ωₙ ẋ + ωₙ² x = 0   where ωₙ² = kx/m,  ζ = dx / (2 √(m kx))

ωₙ and ζ also appear in the related ODEs for rotational systems, namely

Click to expand C++ code...
I₀ q̈ +     d₀ q̇ +  k₀ q = 0   or alternatively as
    q̈ + 2 ζ ωₙ q̇ + ωₙ² q = 0   where ωₙ² = k₀/I₀,  ζ = d₀ / (2 √(I₀ k₀))

One way to determine ωₙ is from settling time tₛ which approximates the time for a system to settle to within a specified settling ratio of an equilibrium solutions. Typical values for settling ratio are 1% (0.01), 2% (0.02), 5% (0.05), and 10% (0.10). - When ζ < 0.7 (underdamped), a commonly used approximation is ωₙ ≈ -ln(settling_ratio) / (ζ tₛ) which for settling ratios 0.01 and 0.05 give ωₙ ≈ 4.6 / (ζ tₛ) and ωₙ ≈ 3 / (ζ tₛ). Another commonly used approximation is ωₙ ≈ -ln(settling_ratio √(1- ζ²)) / (ζ tₛ). See or the book Modern Control Engineering by Katsuhiko Ogata. Although these approximate formulas for ωₙ are common, they are somewhat inaccurate. Settling time for underdamped systems is discontinuous and requires solving a nonlinear algebraic equation (an iterative process). For more information, see [Ramos-Paja, et. al 2012], “Accurate calculation of settling time in second order systems: a photovoltaic application”. Another reference is - When ζ ≈ 1 (critically damped), ωₙ is determined by choosing a settling ratio and then solving for (ωₙ tₛ) via the nonlinear algebraic equation (1 + ωₙ tₛ)*exp(-ωₙ tₛ) = settling_ratio. Settling ratio | ωₙ ————– | ————- 0.01 | 6.64 / tₛ 0.02 | 5.83 / tₛ 0.05 | 4.74 / tₛ 0.10 | 3.89 / tₛ See - When ζ ≥ 1.01 (overdamped), ωₙ ≈ -ln(2 settling_ratio sz/s₂) / (s₁ tₛ) where sz = √(ζ² - 1), s₁ = ζ - sz, s₂ = ζ + sz. The derivation and approximation error estimates for this overdamped settling time formula is ApproximateOverdampedSettlingTime “below”.

  • For a real physical bushing, an experiment is one way to estimate damping

constants. For example, to estimate a torque damping constant d₀ associated with underdamped vibrations (damping ratio 0 < ζ < 1), attach the bushing to a massive rod, initially displace the rod by angle Δq, release the rod and measure q(t). From the q(t) measurement, estimate decay ratio (the ratio of successive peak heights above the final steady-state value) calculate logarithmic decrement δ = -ln(decay_ratio), calculate damping ratio ζ = √(δ² / (4π² + δ²)), then calculate d₀ using d₀ = 2 ζ √(I₀ k₀) or d₀ = 2 ζ k₀ / ωₙ. For more information, see

**** Derivation: Approximate formula for overdamped settling time. Since a literature reference for this formula was not found, the derivation below was done at TRI (it has not been peer reviewed). This formula results from the “dominant pole” solution in the prototypical constant-coefficient linear 2ⁿᵈ-order ODE. For ẋ(0) = 0, mathematics shows poles p₁ = -ωₙ s₁, p₂ = -ωₙ s₂, where sz = √(ζ² - 1), s₁ = ζ - sz, s₂ = ζ + sz. and

Click to expand C++ code...
x(t) / x(0) = p₂/(p₂-p₁) exp(p₁ t) - p₁/(p₂-p₁) exp(p₂ t)
             = s₂/(s₂-s₁) exp(p₁ t) - s₁/(s₂-s₁) exp(p₂ t)
             =  k/( k-1 ) exp(p₁ t) -  1/( k-1 ) exp(p₂ t) where k = s₂ / s₁
             ≈  k/( k-1 ) exp(p₁ t)                        since p₁ > p₂

Note: k = s₂ / s₁ is real, k > 0, s₂ = k s₁, and p₁ > p₂ (p₁ is less negative then p₂), so exp(p₁ t) decays to zero slower than exp(p₂ t) and exp(p₁ t) ≫ exp(p₂ t) for sufficiently large t. Hence we assume exp(p₂ t) ≈ 0 (which is why p₁ is called the “dominant pole”). Next,

Click to expand C++ code...
k/(k - 1) = s₂ / s₁ / (s₂/s₁ -1) = s₂ / (s₂ - s₁) = s₂ / (2 sz),  so
  x(t) / x(0)  ≈  s₂ / (2 sz) exp(-s₁ ωₙ t),                        hence
  settling_ratio ≈ s₂ / (2 sz) exp(-s₁ ωₙ tₛ),                      finally
  ωₙ ≈ -ln(settling_ratio 2 sz / s₂) / (s₁ tₛ)

The table below shows that there is little error in this approximate formula for various settling ratios and ζ, particularly for ζ ≥ 1.1. For 1.0 ≤ ζ < 1.1, the critical damping estimates of ωₙ work well. Settling ratio | ζ = 1.01 | ζ = 1.1 | ζ = 1.2 | ζ = 1.3 | ζ = 1.5 ————– | ——– | ——- | ——- | ——- | ——– 0.01 | 1.98% | 0.005% | 2.9E-5% | 1.6E-7% | 2.4E-12% 0.02 | 2.91% | 0.016% | 1.8E-4% | 2.1E-6% | 1.6E-10% 0.05 | 5.10% | 0.076% | 2.3E-3% | 7.0E-5% | 4.4E-8% 0.10 | 8.28% | 0.258% | 1.6E-2% | 1.0E-3% | 3.3E-6% Note: There is a related derivation in the reference below, however, it needlessly makes the oversimplified approximation k/(k - 1) ≈ 1.


The complete theory for this bushing is documented in the source code. Please look there if you want more information.

Template parameter T:

The underlying scalar type. Must be a valid Eigen scalar.

See also

math::RollPitchYaw for definitions of roll, pitch, yaw [q₀ q₁ q₂].


Per issue #12982, do not directly or indirectly call the following methods as they have not yet been implemented and throw an exception: CalcPotentialEnergy(), CalcConservativePower(), CalcNonConservativePower().

__init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[AutoDiffXd], frameA: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], frameC: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], torque_stiffness_constants: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]], torque_damping_constants: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]], force_stiffness_constants: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]], force_damping_constants: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) None

Construct a LinearBushingRollPitchYaw B that connects frames A and C, where frame A is welded to a link L0 and frame C is welded to a link L1.

Parameter frameA:

frame A of link (body) L0 that connects to bushing B.

Parameter frameC:

frame C of link (body) L1 that connects to bushing B.

Parameter torque_stiffness_constants:

[k₀ k₁ k₂] multiply the roll-pitch-yaw angles [q₀ q₁ q₂] to produce the spring portion of the “gimbal” torques τ₀, τ₁, τ₂. The SI units of k₀, k₁, k₂ are N*m/rad.

Parameter torque_damping_constants:

[d₀ d₁ d₂] multiply the roll-pitch-yaw rates [q̇₀ q̇₁ q̇₂] to produce the damper portion of the “gimbal” torques τ₀, τ₁, τ₂. The SI units of d₀, d₁, d₂ are N*m*s/rad.

Parameter force_stiffness_constants:

[kx ky kz] multiply the bushing displacements [x y z] to form 𝐟ᴋ, the spring portion of the force 𝐟 = [fx fy fz]ʙ. The SI units of kx, ky, kz are N/m.

Parameter force_damping_constants:

[dx dy dz] multiply the bushing displacement rates [ẋ ż] to form 𝐟ᴅ, the damper portion of the force 𝐟 = [fx fy fz]ʙ. The SI units of dx, dy, dz are N*s/m.


The LinearBushingRollPitchYaw class documentation describes the stiffness and damping constants.


The net moment on C about Co is affected by both the gimbal torque and the moment of 𝐟 about Co. Similarly, for the net moment on A about Ao.


math::RollPitchYaw describes the roll pitch yaw angles q₀, q₁, q₂. The position from Ao to Co is p_AoCo_B = x 𝐁𝐱 + y 𝐁𝐲 + z 𝐁𝐳 = [x y z]ʙ.


The ModelInstanceIndex assigned to this by the constructor is the one assigned to frame C, i.e., frameC.model_instance().


All the stiffness and damping constants must be non-negative.

CalcBushingSpatialForceOnFrameA(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.math.SpatialForce_[AutoDiffXd]

Calculate F_A_A, the bushing’s spatial force on frame A expressed in A. F_A_A contains two vectors: the moment of all bushing forces on A about Ao (−𝐭 + p_AoAp × −𝐟) and the net bushing force on A (−𝐟 expressed in A).

Parameter context:

The state of the multibody system.

See also



RuntimeError if pitch angle is near gimbal-lock. For more info,

See also


CalcBushingSpatialForceOnFrameC(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.math.SpatialForce_[AutoDiffXd]

Calculate F_C_C, the bushing’s spatial force on frame C expressed in C. F_C_C contains two vectors: the moment of all bushing forces on C about Co (𝐭 + p_CoCp × 𝐟) and the resultant bushing force on C (𝐟 expressed in C).

Parameter context:

The state of the multibody system.

See also



RuntimeError if pitch angle is near gimbal-lock. For more info,

See also


force_damping_constants(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Returns the default force damping constants [dx dy dz] (units of N*s/m). Refer to Basic_bushing_force_stiffness_and_damping “How to choose force stiffness and damping constants” for more details.

force_stiffness_constants(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Returns the default force stiffness constants [kx ky kz] (units of N/m). Refer to Basic_bushing_force_stiffness_and_damping “How to choose force stiffness and damping constants” for more details.

frameA(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd]

Returns frame A, which is the frame that is welded to link (body) L0 and attached to the bushing.

frameC(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd]

Returns frame C, which is the frame that is welded to link (body) L1 and attached to the bushing.

GetForceDampingConstants(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]

Returns the force damping constants [dx dy dz] (units of N*s/m) stored in context.

GetForceStiffnessConstants(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]

Returns the force stiffness constants [kx ky kz] (units of N/m) stored in context.

GetTorqueDampingConstants(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]

Returns the torque damping constants [d₀ d₁ d₂] (units of N*m*s/rad) stored in context.

GetTorqueStiffnessConstants(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]

Returns the torque stiffness constants [k₀ k₁ k₂] (units of N*m/rad) stored in context.

link0(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd]

Returns link (body) L0 (frame A is welded to link L0).

link1(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd]

Returns link (body) L1 (frame C is welded to link L1).

SetForceDampingConstants(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], force_damping: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) None

Sets the force damping constants [dx dy dz] (units of N*s/m) in context.

SetForceStiffnessConstants(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], force_stiffness: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) None

Sets the force stiffness constants [kx ky kz] (units of N/m) in context.

SetTorqueDampingConstants(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], torque_damping: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) None

Sets the torque damping constants [d₀ d₁ d₂] (units of N*m*s/rad) in context.

SetTorqueStiffnessConstants(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], torque_stiffness: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) None

Sets the torque stiffness constants [k₀ k₁ k₂] (units of N*m/rad) in context.

torque_damping_constants(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Returns the default torque damping constants [d₀ d₁ d₂] (units of N*m*s/rad). Refer to Basic_bushing_torque_stiffness_and_damping “How to choose torque stiffness and damping constants” for more details.

torque_stiffness_constants(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Returns the default torque stiffness constants [k₀ k₁ k₂] (units of N*m/rad). Refer to Basic_bushing_torque_stiffness_and_damping “How to choose torque stiffness and damping constants” for more details.

class pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[Expression]

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.ForceElement_[Expression]

This ForceElement models a massless flexible bushing that connects a frame A of a link (body) L0 to a frame C of a link (body) L1. The bushing can apply a torque and force due to stiffness (spring) and dissipation (damper) properties. Frame B is the bushing frame whose origin Bo is halfway between Ao (A’s origin) and Co (C’s origin) and whose unit vectors 𝐁𝐱, 𝐁𝐲, 𝐁𝐳 are “halfway” (in an angle-axis sense) between the unit vectors of frame A and frame C. Frame B is a “floating” frame in the sense that it is calculated from the position and orientation of frames A and C (B is not welded to the bushing).

@image html drake/multibody/tree/images/LinearBushingRollPitchYaw.png width=80%

The set of forces on frame C from the bushing is equivalent to a torque 𝐭 on frame C and a force 𝐟 applied to a point Cp of C. The set of forces on frame A from the bushing is equivalent to a torque −𝐭 on frame A and a force −𝐟 applied to a point Ap of A. Points Ap and Cp are coincident with Bo (frame B’s origin).

This “quasi-symmetric” bushing force/torque model was developed at Toyota Research Institute and has advantages compared to traditional bushing models because it employs a bushing-centered “symmetric” frame B and it ensures the moment of −𝐟 on A about Ao is equal to the moment of 𝐟 on C about Co. Traditional models differ as they lack a “symmetric” frame B and apply −𝐟 at Ao, which means the moment of −𝐟 on A about Ao is always zero. Note: This bushing model is not fully symmetric since the orientation between frames A and C is parameterized with roll-pitch-yaw angles [q₀ q₁ q₂]. Since these angles have an inherent sequence, they are not mathematically symmetric.

The torque model depends on spring-damper “gimbal” torques τ [τ₀ τ₁ τ₂] which themselves depend on roll-pitch-yaw angles q [q₀ q₁ q₂] and rates = [q̇₀ q̇₁ q̇₂] via a diagonal torque-stiffness matrix K₀₁₂ and a diagonal torque-damping matrix D₀₁₂ as

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⌈ τ₀ ⌉     ⌈k₀    0    0⌉ ⌈ q₀ ⌉     ⌈d₀    0    0⌉ ⌈ q̇₀ ⌉
τ ≜ | τ₁ | = − | 0   k₁    0| | q₁ |  −  | 0   d₁    0| | q̇₁ |
    ⌊ τ₂ ⌋     ⌊ 0    0   k₂⌋ ⌊ q₂ ⌋     ⌊ 0    0   d₂⌋ ⌊ q̇₂ ⌋

where k₀, k₁, k₂ and d₀, d₁, d₂ are torque stiffness and damping constants and must have non-negative values.


τ does not represent a vector expressed in one frame. Instead it is regarded as a 3x1 array of torque scalars associated with roll-pitch yaw.


As discussed in the Advanced section below, τ is not 𝐭 𝐭).


This is a “linear” bushing model as gimbal torque τ varies linearly with q and q̇ as τ = τᴋ + τᴅ where τᴋ = −K₀₁₂ ⋅ q and τᴅ = −D₀₁₂ ⋅ q̇.

The bushing model for the net force 𝐟 on frame C from the bushing depends on scalars x, y, z which are defined so 𝐫 (the position vector from Ao to Co) can be expressed in frame B as 𝐫 p_AoCo = [x y z]ʙ = x 𝐁𝐱 + y 𝐁𝐲 + z 𝐁𝐳. The model for 𝐟 uses a diagonal force-stiffness matrix Kxyᴢ, a diagonal force-damping matrix Dxyᴢ, and defines fx, fy, fz so 𝐟 = [fx fy fz]ʙ.

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⌈ fx ⌉      ⌈kx    0    0⌉ ⌈ x ⌉     ⌈dx    0    0⌉ ⌈ ẋ ⌉
| fy | =  − | 0   ky    0| | y |  −  | 0   dy    0| | ẏ |
⌊ fz ⌋      ⌊ 0    0   kz⌋ ⌊ z ⌋     ⌊ 0    0   dz⌋ ⌊ ż ⌋

where kx, ky, kz and dx, dy, dz are force stiffness and damping constants and must have non-negative values.


This is a “linear” bushing model as the force 𝐟 varies linearly with 𝐫 and 𝐫̇̇ as 𝐟 = 𝐟ᴋ + 𝐟ᴅ where 𝐟ᴋ = −Kxyz ⋅ 𝐫 and 𝐟ᴅ = −Dxyz ⋅ 𝐫̇̇.

This bushing’s constructor sets the torque stiffness/damping constants [k₀ k₁ k₂] and [d₀ d₁ d₂] and the force stiffness/damping constants [kx ky kz] and [dx dy dz]. The examples below demonstrate how to model various joints that have a flexible (e.g., rubber) mount. The damping values below with ? may be set to 0 or a reasonable positive number.

Bushing type | torque constants | force constants ——————————–|:--------------------|:—————— z-axis revolute joint | k₀₁₂ = [k₀ k₁ 0] | kxyz = [kx ky kz] ^ | d₀₁₂ = [d₀ d₁ ?] | dxyz = [dx dy dz] x-axis prismatic joint | k₀₁₂ = [k₀ k₁ k₂] | kxyz = [0 ky kz] ^ | d₀₁₂ = [d₀ d₁ d₂] | dxyz = [? dy dz] Ball and socket joint | k₀₁₂ = [0 0 0] | kxyz = [kx ky kz] ^ | d₀₁₂ = [? ? ?] | dxyz = [dx dy dz] Weld/fixed joint | k₀₁₂ = [k₀ k₁ k₂] | kxyz = [kx ky kz] ^ | d₀₁₂ = [d₀ d₁ d₂] | dxyz = [dx dy dz]

Angles q₀, q₁, q₂ are calculated from frame C’s orientation relative to frame A, with [−π < q₀ π, −π/2 q₁ π/2, −π < q₂ π], hence, there is no angle wrapping and torque stiffness has a limited range. Gimbal torques τ can be discontinuous if one of q₀, q₁, q₂ is discontinuous and its associated torque spring constant is nonzero. For example, τ₂ is discontinuous if k₂ 0 and the bushing has a large rotation so q₂ jumps from −π to π. τ can also be discontinuous if one of q̇₀, q̇₁, q̇₂ is discontinuous and its associated torque damper constant is nonzero. For example, τ₀ is discontinuous if d₀ 0 and q̇₀ is undefined (which occurs when pitch = q₁ = π/2). Note: Due to the relationship of 𝐭 to τ shown below, 𝐭 is discontinuous if τ is discontinuous.

As shown below, there are multiple ways to estimate torque and force stiffness and damping constants. Use a method or combination of methods appropriate for your application. For example, some methods are more useful for a real physical bushing whereas other methods (called “penalty methods”) can be more useful when replacing an ideal joint (such as a revolute or fixed/weld joint) with a bushing.

Consider a penalty method if you want a bushing to substitute for a “hard” constraint (e.g., an ideal joint). Since a bushing is inherently compliant it will violate a hard constraint somewhat. The stiffer the bushing, the more accurately it enforces the hard constraint, but at a cost of more computational time. To balance accuracy versus time, consider your tolerance for constraint errors. For example, is it OK for your bushing to displace xₘₐₓ = 1 mm for an estimated Fxₘₐₓ = 100 N? Also, one way to choose a force damping constant dx is by choosing a “reasonably small” settling time tₛ, where settling time tₛ is the interval of time for a system to settle to within 1% (0.01) of an equilibrium solution). Is tₛ = 0.01 s negligible for a robot arm with a 10 s reach maneuver?

**** How to choose a torque stiffness constant k₀ or damping constant d₀. The estimate of stiffness k₀ depends on whether you are modeling a physical bushing (consider stiffness methods 1 or 2 below) or whether you are using a bushing to replace an ideal joint such as a revolute or fixed/weld joint (consider stiffness “penalty methods” 3 or 4 below). 1. Use a static experiment, e.g., apply a known moment load Mx, measure the associated angular displacement Δq (radians), and estimate k₀ = Mx / Δq. 2. Use FEA (finite element analysis) software to estimate k₀. 3. Pick a desired maximum angular displacement qₘₐₓ, estimate a maximum moment load Mxₘₐₓ, and estimate k₀ = Mxₘₐₓ / qₘₐₓ (units of N*m/rad). 4. Choose a characteristic moment of inertia I₀ (directionally dependent), choose a desired angular frequency ωₙ > 0 (in rad/s) and estimate k₀ = I₀ ωₙ² (units of N*m/rad).

The estimate of damping d₀ depends on whether you are modeling a physical bushing (consider damping method 1 below) or whether you are using a bushing to enforce a constraint (consider damping methods 2 or 3 below). 1. Use experiments to estimate a damping ratio ζ and settling time tₛ. Compute “undamped natural frequency” ωₙ from ζ and tₛ (as shown below in the Advanced section), then d₀ = 2 ζ k₀ / ωₙ (units of N*m*s/rad). 2. Choose a damping ratio ζ (e.g., ζ = 1, critical damping) and a desired settling time tₛ, calculate ωₙ (as shown below in the Advanced section), then d₀ = 2 ζ k₀ / ωₙ (units of N*m*s/rad). 3. Choose a damping ratio ζ (e.g., ζ = 1, critical damping), estimate a characteristic moment of inertia and calculate d₀ = 2 ζ √(I₀ k₀).

Refer to Advanced_bushing_stiffness_and_damping “Advanced bushing stiffness and damping” for more details.

**** How to choose a force stiffness constant kx or damping constant dx. The estimate of stiffness kx depends on whether you are modeling a real bushing (consider stiffness methods 1 or 2 below) or whether you are using a bushing to replace an ideal joint such as a revolute or fixed/weld joint (consider stiffness “penalty methods” 3 or 4 below). 1. Use a static experiment, e.g., apply a known force load Fx, measure the associated displacement (stretch) Δx (in meters), and estimate kx = Fx / Δx. 2. Use FEA (finite element analysis) software to estimate kx (units of N/m). 3. Pick a desired maximum displacement xₘₐₓ, estimate a maximum force load Fxₘₐₓ, and estimate kx = Fxₘₐₓ / xₘₐₓ (units of N/m). 4. Choose a characteristic mass m (which may be directionally dependent), choose a desired angular frequency ωₙ > 0 (in rad/s) and estimate kx = m ωₙ² (units of N/m).

The estimate of damping dx depends on whether you are modeling a physical bushing (consider damping method 1 below) or whether you are using a bushing to enforce a constraint (consider damping methods 2 or 3 below). 1. Use experiments to estimate a damping ratio ζ and settling time tₛ. Compute “undamped natural frequency” ωₙ from ζ and tₛ (as shown below in the Advanced section), then dx = 2 ζ kx / ωₙ (units of N*s/m). 2. Choose a damping ratio ζ (e.g., ζ = 1, critical damping) and a desired settling time tₛ, calculate ωₙ (as shown below in the Advanced section), then dx = 2 ζ kx / ωₙ (units of N*s/m). 3. Choose a damping ratio ζ (e.g., ζ = 1, critical damping), estimate a characteristic mass m and calculate dx = 2 ζ √(m kx) (units of N*s/m).

Refer to Advanced_bushing_stiffness_and_damping “Advanced bushing stiffness and damping” for more details.

**** Advanced: Relationship of 𝐭 to τ. To understand how “gimbal torques” τ relate to 𝐭, it helps to remember that the RollPitchYaw class documentation states that a Space-fixed (extrinsic) X-Y-Z rotation with roll-pitch-yaw angles [q₀ q₁ q₂] is equivalent to a Body-fixed (intrinsic) Z-Y-X rotation by yaw-pitch-roll angles [q₂ q₁ q₀]. In the context of “gimbal torques”, the Body-fixed Z-Y-X rotation sequence with angles [q₂ q₁ q₀] is physical meaningful as it produces torques associated with successive frames in a gimbal as τ₂ 𝐀𝐳, τ₁ 𝐏𝐲, τ₀ 𝐂𝐱, where each of 𝐀𝐳, 𝐏𝐲, 𝐂𝐱 are unit vectors associated with a frame in the yaw-pitch-roll rotation sequence and 𝐏𝐲 is a unit vector of the “pitch” intermediate frame. As described earlier, torque 𝐭 is the moment of the bushing forces on frame C about Cp. Scalars tx, ty, tz are defined so 𝐭 can be expressed 𝐭 = [tx ty tz]ᴀ = tx 𝐀𝐱 + ty 𝐀𝐲 + tz 𝐀𝐳. As shown in code documentation, the relationship of [tx ty tz] to [τ₀ τ₁ τ₂] was found by equating 𝐭’s power to τ’s power as 𝐭 ⋅ w_AC = τ ⋅ q̇.

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⌈ tx ⌉      ⌈ τ₀ ⌉            ⌈ cos(q₂)/cos(q₁)  sin(q₂)/cos(q₁)   0 ⌉
| ty | = Nᵀ | τ₁ |  where N = |   −sin(q2)            cos(q2)      0 |
⌊ tz ⌋      ⌊ τ₂ ⌋            ⌊ cos(q₂)*tan(q₁)   sin(q₂)*tan(q₁)  1 ⌋

**** Advanced: More on how to choose bushing stiffness and damping constants. The basics on how to choose bushing stiffness and damping constants are at: - Basic_bushing_torque_stiffness_and_damping “How to choose torque stiffness and damping constants” - Basic_bushing_force_stiffness_and_damping “How to choose force stiffness and damping constants”

The list below provides more detail on: The performance tradeoff between high stiffness and long simulation time; loads that affect estimates of Mxₘₐₓ or Fxₘₐₓ; and how a linear 2ⁿᵈ-order ODE provides insight on how to experimentally determine stiffness and damping constants. - Stiffness [k₀ k₁ k₂] and [kx ky kz] affect simulation time and accuracy. Generally, a stiffer bushing better resembles an ideal joint (e.g., a revolute joint or fixed/weld joint). However (depending on integrator), a stiffer bushing usually increases numerical integration time. - An estimate for a maximum load Mxₘₐₓ or Fxₘₐₓ accounts for gravity forces, applied forces, inertia forces (centripetal, Coriolis, gyroscopic), etc. - One way to determine physical stiffness and damping constants is through the mathematical intermediaries ωₙ (units of rad/s) and ζ (no units). The constant ωₙ (called “undamped natural frequency” or “angular frequency”) and constant ζ (called “damping ratio”) relate to the physical constants mass m, damping constant dx, and stiffness constant kx via the following prototypical linear constant-coefficient 2ⁿᵈ-order ODEs.

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m ẍ +     dx ẋ +  kx x = 0   or alternatively as
   ẍ + 2 ζ ωₙ ẋ + ωₙ² x = 0   where ωₙ² = kx/m,  ζ = dx / (2 √(m kx))

ωₙ and ζ also appear in the related ODEs for rotational systems, namely

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I₀ q̈ +     d₀ q̇ +  k₀ q = 0   or alternatively as
    q̈ + 2 ζ ωₙ q̇ + ωₙ² q = 0   where ωₙ² = k₀/I₀,  ζ = d₀ / (2 √(I₀ k₀))

One way to determine ωₙ is from settling time tₛ which approximates the time for a system to settle to within a specified settling ratio of an equilibrium solutions. Typical values for settling ratio are 1% (0.01), 2% (0.02), 5% (0.05), and 10% (0.10). - When ζ < 0.7 (underdamped), a commonly used approximation is ωₙ ≈ -ln(settling_ratio) / (ζ tₛ) which for settling ratios 0.01 and 0.05 give ωₙ ≈ 4.6 / (ζ tₛ) and ωₙ ≈ 3 / (ζ tₛ). Another commonly used approximation is ωₙ ≈ -ln(settling_ratio √(1- ζ²)) / (ζ tₛ). See or the book Modern Control Engineering by Katsuhiko Ogata. Although these approximate formulas for ωₙ are common, they are somewhat inaccurate. Settling time for underdamped systems is discontinuous and requires solving a nonlinear algebraic equation (an iterative process). For more information, see [Ramos-Paja, et. al 2012], “Accurate calculation of settling time in second order systems: a photovoltaic application”. Another reference is - When ζ ≈ 1 (critically damped), ωₙ is determined by choosing a settling ratio and then solving for (ωₙ tₛ) via the nonlinear algebraic equation (1 + ωₙ tₛ)*exp(-ωₙ tₛ) = settling_ratio. Settling ratio | ωₙ ————– | ————- 0.01 | 6.64 / tₛ 0.02 | 5.83 / tₛ 0.05 | 4.74 / tₛ 0.10 | 3.89 / tₛ See - When ζ ≥ 1.01 (overdamped), ωₙ ≈ -ln(2 settling_ratio sz/s₂) / (s₁ tₛ) where sz = √(ζ² - 1), s₁ = ζ - sz, s₂ = ζ + sz. The derivation and approximation error estimates for this overdamped settling time formula is ApproximateOverdampedSettlingTime “below”.

  • For a real physical bushing, an experiment is one way to estimate damping

constants. For example, to estimate a torque damping constant d₀ associated with underdamped vibrations (damping ratio 0 < ζ < 1), attach the bushing to a massive rod, initially displace the rod by angle Δq, release the rod and measure q(t). From the q(t) measurement, estimate decay ratio (the ratio of successive peak heights above the final steady-state value) calculate logarithmic decrement δ = -ln(decay_ratio), calculate damping ratio ζ = √(δ² / (4π² + δ²)), then calculate d₀ using d₀ = 2 ζ √(I₀ k₀) or d₀ = 2 ζ k₀ / ωₙ. For more information, see

**** Derivation: Approximate formula for overdamped settling time. Since a literature reference for this formula was not found, the derivation below was done at TRI (it has not been peer reviewed). This formula results from the “dominant pole” solution in the prototypical constant-coefficient linear 2ⁿᵈ-order ODE. For ẋ(0) = 0, mathematics shows poles p₁ = -ωₙ s₁, p₂ = -ωₙ s₂, where sz = √(ζ² - 1), s₁ = ζ - sz, s₂ = ζ + sz. and

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x(t) / x(0) = p₂/(p₂-p₁) exp(p₁ t) - p₁/(p₂-p₁) exp(p₂ t)
             = s₂/(s₂-s₁) exp(p₁ t) - s₁/(s₂-s₁) exp(p₂ t)
             =  k/( k-1 ) exp(p₁ t) -  1/( k-1 ) exp(p₂ t) where k = s₂ / s₁
             ≈  k/( k-1 ) exp(p₁ t)                        since p₁ > p₂

Note: k = s₂ / s₁ is real, k > 0, s₂ = k s₁, and p₁ > p₂ (p₁ is less negative then p₂), so exp(p₁ t) decays to zero slower than exp(p₂ t) and exp(p₁ t) ≫ exp(p₂ t) for sufficiently large t. Hence we assume exp(p₂ t) ≈ 0 (which is why p₁ is called the “dominant pole”). Next,

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k/(k - 1) = s₂ / s₁ / (s₂/s₁ -1) = s₂ / (s₂ - s₁) = s₂ / (2 sz),  so
  x(t) / x(0)  ≈  s₂ / (2 sz) exp(-s₁ ωₙ t),                        hence
  settling_ratio ≈ s₂ / (2 sz) exp(-s₁ ωₙ tₛ),                      finally
  ωₙ ≈ -ln(settling_ratio 2 sz / s₂) / (s₁ tₛ)

The table below shows that there is little error in this approximate formula for various settling ratios and ζ, particularly for ζ ≥ 1.1. For 1.0 ≤ ζ < 1.1, the critical damping estimates of ωₙ work well. Settling ratio | ζ = 1.01 | ζ = 1.1 | ζ = 1.2 | ζ = 1.3 | ζ = 1.5 ————– | ——– | ——- | ——- | ——- | ——– 0.01 | 1.98% | 0.005% | 2.9E-5% | 1.6E-7% | 2.4E-12% 0.02 | 2.91% | 0.016% | 1.8E-4% | 2.1E-6% | 1.6E-10% 0.05 | 5.10% | 0.076% | 2.3E-3% | 7.0E-5% | 4.4E-8% 0.10 | 8.28% | 0.258% | 1.6E-2% | 1.0E-3% | 3.3E-6% Note: There is a related derivation in the reference below, however, it needlessly makes the oversimplified approximation k/(k - 1) ≈ 1.


The complete theory for this bushing is documented in the source code. Please look there if you want more information.

Template parameter T:

The underlying scalar type. Must be a valid Eigen scalar.

See also

math::RollPitchYaw for definitions of roll, pitch, yaw [q₀ q₁ q₂].


Per issue #12982, do not directly or indirectly call the following methods as they have not yet been implemented and throw an exception: CalcPotentialEnergy(), CalcConservativePower(), CalcNonConservativePower().

__init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[Expression], frameA: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], frameC: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], torque_stiffness_constants: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]], torque_damping_constants: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]], force_stiffness_constants: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]], force_damping_constants: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) None

Construct a LinearBushingRollPitchYaw B that connects frames A and C, where frame A is welded to a link L0 and frame C is welded to a link L1.

Parameter frameA:

frame A of link (body) L0 that connects to bushing B.

Parameter frameC:

frame C of link (body) L1 that connects to bushing B.

Parameter torque_stiffness_constants:

[k₀ k₁ k₂] multiply the roll-pitch-yaw angles [q₀ q₁ q₂] to produce the spring portion of the “gimbal” torques τ₀, τ₁, τ₂. The SI units of k₀, k₁, k₂ are N*m/rad.

Parameter torque_damping_constants:

[d₀ d₁ d₂] multiply the roll-pitch-yaw rates [q̇₀ q̇₁ q̇₂] to produce the damper portion of the “gimbal” torques τ₀, τ₁, τ₂. The SI units of d₀, d₁, d₂ are N*m*s/rad.

Parameter force_stiffness_constants:

[kx ky kz] multiply the bushing displacements [x y z] to form 𝐟ᴋ, the spring portion of the force 𝐟 = [fx fy fz]ʙ. The SI units of kx, ky, kz are N/m.

Parameter force_damping_constants:

[dx dy dz] multiply the bushing displacement rates [ẋ ż] to form 𝐟ᴅ, the damper portion of the force 𝐟 = [fx fy fz]ʙ. The SI units of dx, dy, dz are N*s/m.


The LinearBushingRollPitchYaw class documentation describes the stiffness and damping constants.


The net moment on C about Co is affected by both the gimbal torque and the moment of 𝐟 about Co. Similarly, for the net moment on A about Ao.


math::RollPitchYaw describes the roll pitch yaw angles q₀, q₁, q₂. The position from Ao to Co is p_AoCo_B = x 𝐁𝐱 + y 𝐁𝐲 + z 𝐁𝐳 = [x y z]ʙ.


The ModelInstanceIndex assigned to this by the constructor is the one assigned to frame C, i.e., frameC.model_instance().


All the stiffness and damping constants must be non-negative.

CalcBushingSpatialForceOnFrameA(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[Expression], context:[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.math.SpatialForce_[Expression]

Calculate F_A_A, the bushing’s spatial force on frame A expressed in A. F_A_A contains two vectors: the moment of all bushing forces on A about Ao (−𝐭 + p_AoAp × −𝐟) and the net bushing force on A (−𝐟 expressed in A).

Parameter context:

The state of the multibody system.

See also



RuntimeError if pitch angle is near gimbal-lock. For more info,

See also


CalcBushingSpatialForceOnFrameC(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[Expression], context:[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.math.SpatialForce_[Expression]

Calculate F_C_C, the bushing’s spatial force on frame C expressed in C. F_C_C contains two vectors: the moment of all bushing forces on C about Co (𝐭 + p_CoCp × 𝐟) and the resultant bushing force on C (𝐟 expressed in C).

Parameter context:

The state of the multibody system.

See also



RuntimeError if pitch angle is near gimbal-lock. For more info,

See also


force_damping_constants(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Returns the default force damping constants [dx dy dz] (units of N*s/m). Refer to Basic_bushing_force_stiffness_and_damping “How to choose force stiffness and damping constants” for more details.

force_stiffness_constants(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Returns the default force stiffness constants [kx ky kz] (units of N/m). Refer to Basic_bushing_force_stiffness_and_damping “How to choose force stiffness and damping constants” for more details.

frameA(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression]

Returns frame A, which is the frame that is welded to link (body) L0 and attached to the bushing.

frameC(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression]

Returns frame C, which is the frame that is welded to link (body) L1 and attached to the bushing.

GetForceDampingConstants(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[Expression], context:[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]

Returns the force damping constants [dx dy dz] (units of N*s/m) stored in context.

GetForceStiffnessConstants(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[Expression], context:[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]

Returns the force stiffness constants [kx ky kz] (units of N/m) stored in context.

GetTorqueDampingConstants(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[Expression], context:[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]

Returns the torque damping constants [d₀ d₁ d₂] (units of N*m*s/rad) stored in context.

GetTorqueStiffnessConstants(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[Expression], context:[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]

Returns the torque stiffness constants [k₀ k₁ k₂] (units of N*m/rad) stored in context.

link0(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression]

Returns link (body) L0 (frame A is welded to link L0).

link1(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression]

Returns link (body) L1 (frame C is welded to link L1).

SetForceDampingConstants(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[Expression], context:[Expression], force_damping: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) None

Sets the force damping constants [dx dy dz] (units of N*s/m) in context.

SetForceStiffnessConstants(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[Expression], context:[Expression], force_stiffness: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) None

Sets the force stiffness constants [kx ky kz] (units of N/m) in context.

SetTorqueDampingConstants(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[Expression], context:[Expression], torque_damping: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) None

Sets the torque damping constants [d₀ d₁ d₂] (units of N*m*s/rad) in context.

SetTorqueStiffnessConstants(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[Expression], context:[Expression], torque_stiffness: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) None

Sets the torque stiffness constants [k₀ k₁ k₂] (units of N*m/rad) in context.

torque_damping_constants(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Returns the default torque damping constants [d₀ d₁ d₂] (units of N*m*s/rad). Refer to Basic_bushing_torque_stiffness_and_damping “How to choose torque stiffness and damping constants” for more details.

torque_stiffness_constants(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Returns the default torque stiffness constants [k₀ k₁ k₂] (units of N*m/rad). Refer to Basic_bushing_torque_stiffness_and_damping “How to choose torque stiffness and damping constants” for more details.

class pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearSpringDamper

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.ForceElement

This ForceElement models a spring-damper attached between two points on two different bodies. Given a point P on a body A and a point Q on a body B with positions p_AP and p_BQ, respectively, this spring-damper applies equal and opposite forces on bodies A and B according to:

Click to expand C++ code...
f_AP = (k⋅(ℓ - ℓ₀) + c⋅dℓ/dt)⋅r̂
  f_BQ = -f_AP

where = ‖p_WQ - p_WP‖ is the current length of the spring, dℓ/dt its rate of change, = (p_WQ - p_WP) / is the normalized vector from P to Q, ℓ₀ is the free length of the spring and k and c are the stiffness and damping of the spring-damper, respectively. This ForceElement is meant to model finite free length springs attached between two points. In this typical arrangement springs are usually pre-loaded, meaning they apply a non-zero spring force in the static configuration of the system. Thus, neither the free length ℓ₀ nor the current length ℓ of the spring can ever be zero. The length of the spring approaching zero would incur in a non-physical configuration and therefore this element throws a RuntimeError exception in that case. Note that:

  • The applied force is always along the line connecting points P and

Q. - Damping always dissipates energy. - Forces on bodies A and B are equal and opposite according to Newton’s third law.


This class is templated; see LinearSpringDamper_ for the list of instantiations.

__init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearSpringDamper, bodyA: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody, p_AP: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]], bodyB: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody, p_BQ: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]], free_length: float, stiffness: float, damping: float) None

Constructor for a spring-damper between a point P on bodyA and a point Q on bodyB. Point P is defined by its position p_AP as measured and expressed in the body frame A and similarly, point Q is defined by its position p_BQ as measured and expressed in body frame B. The remaining parameters define:

Parameter free_length:

The free length of the spring ℓ₀, in meters, at which the spring applies no forces. Since this force element is meant to model finite length springs, ℓ₀ must be strictly positive.

Parameter stiffness:

The stiffness k of the spring in N/m. It must be non-negative.

Parameter damping:

The damping c of the damper in N⋅s/m. It must be non-negative. Refer to this class’s documentation for further details.

  • RuntimeError if free_length is negative or zero.

  • RuntimeError if stiffness is negative.

  • RuntimeError if damping is negative.

bodyA(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearSpringDamper) pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody
bodyB(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearSpringDamper) pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody
damping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearSpringDamper) float
free_length(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearSpringDamper) float
p_AP(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearSpringDamper) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

The position p_AP of point P on body A as measured and expressed in body frame A.

p_BQ(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearSpringDamper) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

The position p_BQ of point Q on body B as measured and expressed in body frame B.

stiffness(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearSpringDamper) float
template pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearSpringDamper_

Instantiations: LinearSpringDamper_[float], LinearSpringDamper_[AutoDiffXd], LinearSpringDamper_[Expression]

class pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearSpringDamper_[AutoDiffXd]

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.ForceElement_[AutoDiffXd]

This ForceElement models a spring-damper attached between two points on two different bodies. Given a point P on a body A and a point Q on a body B with positions p_AP and p_BQ, respectively, this spring-damper applies equal and opposite forces on bodies A and B according to:

Click to expand C++ code...
f_AP = (k⋅(ℓ - ℓ₀) + c⋅dℓ/dt)⋅r̂
  f_BQ = -f_AP

where = ‖p_WQ - p_WP‖ is the current length of the spring, dℓ/dt its rate of change, = (p_WQ - p_WP) / is the normalized vector from P to Q, ℓ₀ is the free length of the spring and k and c are the stiffness and damping of the spring-damper, respectively. This ForceElement is meant to model finite free length springs attached between two points. In this typical arrangement springs are usually pre-loaded, meaning they apply a non-zero spring force in the static configuration of the system. Thus, neither the free length ℓ₀ nor the current length ℓ of the spring can ever be zero. The length of the spring approaching zero would incur in a non-physical configuration and therefore this element throws a RuntimeError exception in that case. Note that:

  • The applied force is always along the line connecting points P and

Q. - Damping always dissipates energy. - Forces on bodies A and B are equal and opposite according to Newton’s third law.

__init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearSpringDamper_[AutoDiffXd], bodyA: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd], p_AP: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]], bodyB: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd], p_BQ: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]], free_length: float, stiffness: float, damping: float) None

Constructor for a spring-damper between a point P on bodyA and a point Q on bodyB. Point P is defined by its position p_AP as measured and expressed in the body frame A and similarly, point Q is defined by its position p_BQ as measured and expressed in body frame B. The remaining parameters define:

Parameter free_length:

The free length of the spring ℓ₀, in meters, at which the spring applies no forces. Since this force element is meant to model finite length springs, ℓ₀ must be strictly positive.

Parameter stiffness:

The stiffness k of the spring in N/m. It must be non-negative.

Parameter damping:

The damping c of the damper in N⋅s/m. It must be non-negative. Refer to this class’s documentation for further details.

  • RuntimeError if free_length is negative or zero.

  • RuntimeError if stiffness is negative.

  • RuntimeError if damping is negative.

bodyA(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearSpringDamper_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd]
bodyB(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearSpringDamper_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd]
damping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearSpringDamper_[AutoDiffXd]) float
free_length(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearSpringDamper_[AutoDiffXd]) float
p_AP(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearSpringDamper_[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

The position p_AP of point P on body A as measured and expressed in body frame A.

p_BQ(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearSpringDamper_[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

The position p_BQ of point Q on body B as measured and expressed in body frame B.

stiffness(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearSpringDamper_[AutoDiffXd]) float
class pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearSpringDamper_[Expression]

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.ForceElement_[Expression]

This ForceElement models a spring-damper attached between two points on two different bodies. Given a point P on a body A and a point Q on a body B with positions p_AP and p_BQ, respectively, this spring-damper applies equal and opposite forces on bodies A and B according to:

Click to expand C++ code...
f_AP = (k⋅(ℓ - ℓ₀) + c⋅dℓ/dt)⋅r̂
  f_BQ = -f_AP

where = ‖p_WQ - p_WP‖ is the current length of the spring, dℓ/dt its rate of change, = (p_WQ - p_WP) / is the normalized vector from P to Q, ℓ₀ is the free length of the spring and k and c are the stiffness and damping of the spring-damper, respectively. This ForceElement is meant to model finite free length springs attached between two points. In this typical arrangement springs are usually pre-loaded, meaning they apply a non-zero spring force in the static configuration of the system. Thus, neither the free length ℓ₀ nor the current length ℓ of the spring can ever be zero. The length of the spring approaching zero would incur in a non-physical configuration and therefore this element throws a RuntimeError exception in that case. Note that:

  • The applied force is always along the line connecting points P and

Q. - Damping always dissipates energy. - Forces on bodies A and B are equal and opposite according to Newton’s third law.

__init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearSpringDamper_[Expression], bodyA: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression], p_AP: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]], bodyB: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression], p_BQ: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]], free_length: float, stiffness: float, damping: float) None

Constructor for a spring-damper between a point P on bodyA and a point Q on bodyB. Point P is defined by its position p_AP as measured and expressed in the body frame A and similarly, point Q is defined by its position p_BQ as measured and expressed in body frame B. The remaining parameters define:

Parameter free_length:

The free length of the spring ℓ₀, in meters, at which the spring applies no forces. Since this force element is meant to model finite length springs, ℓ₀ must be strictly positive.

Parameter stiffness:

The stiffness k of the spring in N/m. It must be non-negative.

Parameter damping:

The damping c of the damper in N⋅s/m. It must be non-negative. Refer to this class’s documentation for further details.

  • RuntimeError if free_length is negative or zero.

  • RuntimeError if stiffness is negative.

  • RuntimeError if damping is negative.

bodyA(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearSpringDamper_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression]
bodyB(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearSpringDamper_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression]
damping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearSpringDamper_[Expression]) float
free_length(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearSpringDamper_[Expression]) float
p_AP(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearSpringDamper_[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

The position p_AP of point P on body A as measured and expressed in body frame A.

p_BQ(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearSpringDamper_[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

The position p_BQ of point Q on body B as measured and expressed in body frame B.

stiffness(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.LinearSpringDamper_[Expression]) float
class pydrake.multibody.tree.ModelInstanceIndex

Type used to identify model instances by index within a multibody plant.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ModelInstanceIndex) -> None

Default constructor; the result is an invalid index. This only exists to serve applications which require a default constructor.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ModelInstanceIndex, arg0: int) -> None

Construction from a non-negative int value. The value must lie in the range of [0, 2³¹). Constructor only promises to test validity in Debug build.

is_valid(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ModelInstanceIndex) bool

Reports if the index is valid–the only operation on an invalid index that doesn’t throw an exception in Debug builds.

class pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyConstraintId

Type used to identify constraint by id within a multibody plant.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)
static get_new_id() pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyConstraintId

Generates a new identifier for this id type. This new identifier will be different from all previous identifiers created. This method does not make any guarantees about the values of ids from successive invocations. This method is guaranteed to be thread safe.

get_value(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyConstraintId) int

Extracts the underlying representation from the identifier. This is considered invalid for invalid ids and is strictly enforced in Debug builds.

is_valid(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyConstraintId) bool

Reports if the id is valid.

class pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces

A class to hold a set of forces applied to a MultibodyTree system. Forces can include generalized forces as well as body spatial forces. MultibodyPlant::CalcGeneralizedForces() can be used to compute the total generalized force, combining generalized_forces() and body_forces().


This class is templated; see MultibodyForces_ for the list of instantiations.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces, plant: drake::multibody::MultibodyPlant<double>) -> None

Constructs a force object to store a set of forces to be applied to the multibody model for plant. Forces are initialized to zero, meaning no forces are applied. plant must have been already finalized with MultibodyPlant::Finalize() or this constructor will abort.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces, nb: int, nv: int) -> None

Number of bodies and number of generalized velocities overload. This constructor is useful for constructing the MultibodyForces structure before a MultibodyPlant has been constructed.

AddInForces(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces, addend: pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces) None

Adds into this the force contribution stored in addend.

generalized_forces(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]

(Advanced) Returns a constant reference to the vector of generalized forces stored by this forces object.

mutable_generalized_forces(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]

(Advanced) Mutable version of generalized_forces().

num_bodies(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces) int

Returns the number of bodies for which this force object applies. Determined at construction from the given model MultibodyTree object.

num_velocities(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces) int

Returns the number of generalized velocities for the model to which these forces apply. The number of generalized forces in a multibody model always equals the number of generalized velocities. Determined at construction from the given model MultibodyTree object.

SetZero(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces) pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces

Sets this to store zero forces (no applied forces).

template pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces_

Instantiations: MultibodyForces_[float], MultibodyForces_[AutoDiffXd], MultibodyForces_[Expression]

class pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces_[AutoDiffXd]

A class to hold a set of forces applied to a MultibodyTree system. Forces can include generalized forces as well as body spatial forces. MultibodyPlant::CalcGeneralizedForces() can be used to compute the total generalized force, combining generalized_forces() and body_forces().

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces_[AutoDiffXd], plant: drake::multibody::MultibodyPlant<Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<Eigen::Matrix<double, -1, 1, 0, -1, 1> > >) -> None

Constructs a force object to store a set of forces to be applied to the multibody model for plant. Forces are initialized to zero, meaning no forces are applied. plant must have been already finalized with MultibodyPlant::Finalize() or this constructor will abort.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces_[AutoDiffXd], nb: int, nv: int) -> None

Number of bodies and number of generalized velocities overload. This constructor is useful for constructing the MultibodyForces structure before a MultibodyPlant has been constructed.

AddInForces(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces_[AutoDiffXd], addend: pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces_[AutoDiffXd]) None

Adds into this the force contribution stored in addend.

generalized_forces(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces_[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[object[m, 1]]

(Advanced) Returns a constant reference to the vector of generalized forces stored by this forces object.

mutable_generalized_forces(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces_[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[object[m, 1]]

(Advanced) Mutable version of generalized_forces().

num_bodies(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces_[AutoDiffXd]) int

Returns the number of bodies for which this force object applies. Determined at construction from the given model MultibodyTree object.

num_velocities(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces_[AutoDiffXd]) int

Returns the number of generalized velocities for the model to which these forces apply. The number of generalized forces in a multibody model always equals the number of generalized velocities. Determined at construction from the given model MultibodyTree object.

SetZero(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces_[AutoDiffXd]

Sets this to store zero forces (no applied forces).

class pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces_[Expression]

A class to hold a set of forces applied to a MultibodyTree system. Forces can include generalized forces as well as body spatial forces. MultibodyPlant::CalcGeneralizedForces() can be used to compute the total generalized force, combining generalized_forces() and body_forces().

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces_[Expression], plant: drake::multibody::MultibodyPlant<drake::symbolic::Expression>) -> None

Constructs a force object to store a set of forces to be applied to the multibody model for plant. Forces are initialized to zero, meaning no forces are applied. plant must have been already finalized with MultibodyPlant::Finalize() or this constructor will abort.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces_[Expression], nb: int, nv: int) -> None

Number of bodies and number of generalized velocities overload. This constructor is useful for constructing the MultibodyForces structure before a MultibodyPlant has been constructed.

AddInForces(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces_[Expression], addend: pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces_[Expression]) None

Adds into this the force contribution stored in addend.

generalized_forces(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces_[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[object[m, 1]]

(Advanced) Returns a constant reference to the vector of generalized forces stored by this forces object.

mutable_generalized_forces(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces_[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[object[m, 1]]

(Advanced) Mutable version of generalized_forces().

num_bodies(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces_[Expression]) int

Returns the number of bodies for which this force object applies. Determined at construction from the given model MultibodyTree object.

num_velocities(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces_[Expression]) int

Returns the number of generalized velocities for the model to which these forces apply. The number of generalized forces in a multibody model always equals the number of generalized velocities. Determined at construction from the given model MultibodyTree object.

SetZero(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces_[Expression]

Sets this to store zero forces (no applied forces).

class pydrake.multibody.tree.PdControllerGains

PD controller gains. This enables the modeling of a simple low level PD controllers, see JointActuator::set_controller_gains().

__init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PdControllerGains, **kwargs) None
property d
property p
class pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint

This joint models a planar joint allowing two bodies to translate and rotate relative to one another in a plane with three degrees of freedom. That is, given a frame F attached to the parent body P and a frame M attached to the child body B (see the Joint class’s documentation), this joint allows frame M to translate within the x-y plane of frame F and to rotate about the z-axis, with M’s z-axis Mz and F’s z-axis Fz coincident at all times. The translations along the x- and y-axes of F, the rotation about the z-axis and their rates specify the state of the joint. Zero (x, y, θ) corresponds to frames F and M being coincident and aligned. Translation (x, y) is defined to be positive in the direction of the respective axes and the rotation θ is defined to be positive according to the right-hand-rule with the thumb aligned in the direction of frame F’s z-axis.


This class is templated; see PlanarJoint_ for the list of instantiations.

__init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint, name: str, frame_on_parent: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, frame_on_child: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, damping: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]] = array([0., 0., 0.])) None

Constructor to create a planar joint between two bodies so that frame F attached to the parent body P and frame M attached to the child body B translate and rotate as described in the class’s documentation. This constructor signature creates a joint with no joint limits, i.e. the joint position, velocity and acceleration limits are the pair (-∞, ∞). These can be set using the Joint methods set_position_limits(), set_velocity_limits() and set_acceleration_limits(). The first three arguments to this constructor are those of the Joint class constructor. See the Joint class’s documentation for details. The additional parameters are:

Parameter damping:

Viscous damping coefficient, in N⋅s/m for translation and N⋅m⋅s for rotation, used to model losses within the joint. See documentation of default_damping() for details on modelling of the damping force and torque.


RuntimeError if any element of damping is negative.

default_damping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Returns this joint’s default damping constant in N⋅s/m for the translational degrees and N⋅m⋅s for the rotational degree. The damping force (in N) is modeled as fᵢ = -dampingᵢ⋅vᵢ, i = 1, 2 i.e. opposing motion, with vᵢ the translation rates along the i-th axis for this joint (see get_translational_velocity()) and fᵢ the force on child body B at Mo and expressed in F. That is, f_BMo_F = (f₁, f₂). The damping torque (in N⋅m) is modeled as τ = -damping₃⋅ω i.e. opposing motion, with ω the angular rate for this joint (see get_angular_velocity()) and τ the torque on child body B expressed in frame F as t_B_F = τ⋅Fz_F.

get_angular_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint, context: float

Gets the rate of change, in radians per second, of this joint’s angle θ from context. See class documentation for the definition of this angle.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Returns theta_dot:

The rate of change of this joint’s angle θ as stored in the context.

get_default_rotation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint) float

Gets the default angle for this joint.

Returns theta:

The default angle of this joint.

get_default_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, 1]]

Gets the default position for this joint.

Returns p_FoMo_F:

The default position of this joint.

get_rotation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint, context: float

Gets the angle θ of this joint from context.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Returns theta:

The angle of this joint stored in the context. See class documentation for details.

get_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint, context: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, 1]]

Gets the position of this joint from context.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Returns p_FoMo_F:

The position of this joint stored in the context ordered as (x, y). See class documentation for details.

get_translational_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint, context: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, 1]]

Gets the translational velocity v_FoMo_F, in meters per second, of this joint’s Mo measured and expressed in frame F from context.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Returns v_FoMo_F:

The translational velocity of this joint as stored in the context.

kTypeName = 'planar'
set_angular_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint, context:, theta_dot: float) pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint

Sets the rate of change, in radians per second, of this joint’s angle θ (see class documentation) to theta_dot. The new rate of change gets stored in context.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Parameter theta_dot:

The desired rates of change of this joint’s angle in radians per second.


a constant reference to this joint.

set_default_pose(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint, p_FoMo_F: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, 1]], theta: float) None

Sets the default position and angle of this joint.

Parameter p_FoMo_F:

The desired default position of the joint

Parameter theta:

The desired default angle of the joint

set_default_rotation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint, theta: float) None

Sets the default angle of this joint.

Parameter theta:

The desired default angle of the joint

set_default_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint, p_FoMo_F: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, 1]]) None

Sets the default position of this joint.

Parameter p_FoMo_F:

The desired default position of the joint

set_pose(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint, context:, p_FoMo_F: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, 1]], theta: float) pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint

Sets the context so that the position of this joint equals p_FoMo_F and its angle equals theta.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Parameter p_FoMo_F:

The desired position in meters to be stored in context ordered as (x, y). See class documentation for details.

Parameter theta:

The desired angle in radians to be stored in context. See class documentation for details.


a constant reference to this joint.

set_random_pose_distribution(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint, p_FoMo_F: numpy.ndarray[object[2, 1]], theta: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) None

Sets the random distribution that the position and angle of this joint will be randomly sampled from. See class documentation for details on the definition of the position and angle.

set_rotation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint, context:, theta: float) pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint

Sets the context so that the angle θ of this joint equals theta.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Parameter theta:

The desired angle in radians to be stored in context. See class documentation for details.


a constant reference to this joint.

set_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint, context:, p_FoMo_F: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint

Sets the context so that the position of this joint equals p_FoMo_F.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Parameter p_FoMo_F:

The desired position in meters to be stored in context ordered as (x, y). See class documentation for details.


a constant reference to this joint.

set_translational_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint, context:, v_FoMo_F: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint

Sets the translational velocity, in meters per second, of this this joint’s Mo measured and expressed in frame F to v_FoMo_F. The new translational velocity gets stored in context.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Parameter v_FoMo_F:

The desired translational velocity of this joint in meters per second.


a constant reference to this joint.

template pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_

Instantiations: PlanarJoint_[float], PlanarJoint_[AutoDiffXd], PlanarJoint_[Expression]

class pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_[AutoDiffXd]

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd]

This joint models a planar joint allowing two bodies to translate and rotate relative to one another in a plane with three degrees of freedom. That is, given a frame F attached to the parent body P and a frame M attached to the child body B (see the Joint class’s documentation), this joint allows frame M to translate within the x-y plane of frame F and to rotate about the z-axis, with M’s z-axis Mz and F’s z-axis Fz coincident at all times. The translations along the x- and y-axes of F, the rotation about the z-axis and their rates specify the state of the joint. Zero (x, y, θ) corresponds to frames F and M being coincident and aligned. Translation (x, y) is defined to be positive in the direction of the respective axes and the rotation θ is defined to be positive according to the right-hand-rule with the thumb aligned in the direction of frame F’s z-axis.

__init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_[AutoDiffXd], name: str, frame_on_parent: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], frame_on_child: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], damping: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]] = array([0., 0., 0.])) None

Constructor to create a planar joint between two bodies so that frame F attached to the parent body P and frame M attached to the child body B translate and rotate as described in the class’s documentation. This constructor signature creates a joint with no joint limits, i.e. the joint position, velocity and acceleration limits are the pair (-∞, ∞). These can be set using the Joint methods set_position_limits(), set_velocity_limits() and set_acceleration_limits(). The first three arguments to this constructor are those of the Joint class constructor. See the Joint class’s documentation for details. The additional parameters are:

Parameter damping:

Viscous damping coefficient, in N⋅s/m for translation and N⋅m⋅s for rotation, used to model losses within the joint. See documentation of default_damping() for details on modelling of the damping force and torque.


RuntimeError if any element of damping is negative.

default_damping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Returns this joint’s default damping constant in N⋅s/m for the translational degrees and N⋅m⋅s for the rotational degree. The damping force (in N) is modeled as fᵢ = -dampingᵢ⋅vᵢ, i = 1, 2 i.e. opposing motion, with vᵢ the translation rates along the i-th axis for this joint (see get_translational_velocity()) and fᵢ the force on child body B at Mo and expressed in F. That is, f_BMo_F = (f₁, f₂). The damping torque (in N⋅m) is modeled as τ = -damping₃⋅ω i.e. opposing motion, with ω the angular rate for this joint (see get_angular_velocity()) and τ the torque on child body B expressed in frame F as t_B_F = τ⋅Fz_F.

get_angular_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd

Gets the rate of change, in radians per second, of this joint’s angle θ from context. See class documentation for the definition of this angle.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Returns theta_dot:

The rate of change of this joint’s angle θ as stored in the context.

get_default_rotation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_[AutoDiffXd]) float

Gets the default angle for this joint.

Returns theta:

The default angle of this joint.

get_default_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, 1]]

Gets the default position for this joint.

Returns p_FoMo_F:

The default position of this joint.

get_rotation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd

Gets the angle θ of this joint from context.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Returns theta:

The angle of this joint stored in the context. See class documentation for details.

get_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[object[2, 1]]

Gets the position of this joint from context.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Returns p_FoMo_F:

The position of this joint stored in the context ordered as (x, y). See class documentation for details.

get_translational_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[object[2, 1]]

Gets the translational velocity v_FoMo_F, in meters per second, of this joint’s Mo measured and expressed in frame F from context.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Returns v_FoMo_F:

The translational velocity of this joint as stored in the context.

kTypeName = 'planar'
set_angular_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], theta_dot: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd) pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_[AutoDiffXd]

Sets the rate of change, in radians per second, of this joint’s angle θ (see class documentation) to theta_dot. The new rate of change gets stored in context.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Parameter theta_dot:

The desired rates of change of this joint’s angle in radians per second.


a constant reference to this joint.

set_default_pose(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_[AutoDiffXd], p_FoMo_F: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, 1]], theta: float) None

Sets the default position and angle of this joint.

Parameter p_FoMo_F:

The desired default position of the joint

Parameter theta:

The desired default angle of the joint

set_default_rotation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_[AutoDiffXd], theta: float) None

Sets the default angle of this joint.

Parameter theta:

The desired default angle of the joint

set_default_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_[AutoDiffXd], p_FoMo_F: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, 1]]) None

Sets the default position of this joint.

Parameter p_FoMo_F:

The desired default position of the joint

set_pose(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], p_FoMo_F: numpy.ndarray[object[2, 1]], theta: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd) pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_[AutoDiffXd]

Sets the context so that the position of this joint equals p_FoMo_F and its angle equals theta.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Parameter p_FoMo_F:

The desired position in meters to be stored in context ordered as (x, y). See class documentation for details.

Parameter theta:

The desired angle in radians to be stored in context. See class documentation for details.


a constant reference to this joint.

set_random_pose_distribution(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_[AutoDiffXd], p_FoMo_F: numpy.ndarray[object[2, 1]], theta: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) None

Sets the random distribution that the position and angle of this joint will be randomly sampled from. See class documentation for details on the definition of the position and angle.

set_rotation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], theta: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd) pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_[AutoDiffXd]

Sets the context so that the angle θ of this joint equals theta.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Parameter theta:

The desired angle in radians to be stored in context. See class documentation for details.


a constant reference to this joint.

set_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], p_FoMo_F: numpy.ndarray[object[2, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_[AutoDiffXd]

Sets the context so that the position of this joint equals p_FoMo_F.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Parameter p_FoMo_F:

The desired position in meters to be stored in context ordered as (x, y). See class documentation for details.


a constant reference to this joint.

set_translational_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], v_FoMo_F: numpy.ndarray[object[2, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_[AutoDiffXd]

Sets the translational velocity, in meters per second, of this this joint’s Mo measured and expressed in frame F to v_FoMo_F. The new translational velocity gets stored in context.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Parameter v_FoMo_F:

The desired translational velocity of this joint in meters per second.


a constant reference to this joint.

class pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_[Expression]

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression]

This joint models a planar joint allowing two bodies to translate and rotate relative to one another in a plane with three degrees of freedom. That is, given a frame F attached to the parent body P and a frame M attached to the child body B (see the Joint class’s documentation), this joint allows frame M to translate within the x-y plane of frame F and to rotate about the z-axis, with M’s z-axis Mz and F’s z-axis Fz coincident at all times. The translations along the x- and y-axes of F, the rotation about the z-axis and their rates specify the state of the joint. Zero (x, y, θ) corresponds to frames F and M being coincident and aligned. Translation (x, y) is defined to be positive in the direction of the respective axes and the rotation θ is defined to be positive according to the right-hand-rule with the thumb aligned in the direction of frame F’s z-axis.

__init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_[Expression], name: str, frame_on_parent: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], frame_on_child: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], damping: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]] = array([0., 0., 0.])) None

Constructor to create a planar joint between two bodies so that frame F attached to the parent body P and frame M attached to the child body B translate and rotate as described in the class’s documentation. This constructor signature creates a joint with no joint limits, i.e. the joint position, velocity and acceleration limits are the pair (-∞, ∞). These can be set using the Joint methods set_position_limits(), set_velocity_limits() and set_acceleration_limits(). The first three arguments to this constructor are those of the Joint class constructor. See the Joint class’s documentation for details. The additional parameters are:

Parameter damping:

Viscous damping coefficient, in N⋅s/m for translation and N⋅m⋅s for rotation, used to model losses within the joint. See documentation of default_damping() for details on modelling of the damping force and torque.


RuntimeError if any element of damping is negative.

default_damping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Returns this joint’s default damping constant in N⋅s/m for the translational degrees and N⋅m⋅s for the rotational degree. The damping force (in N) is modeled as fᵢ = -dampingᵢ⋅vᵢ, i = 1, 2 i.e. opposing motion, with vᵢ the translation rates along the i-th axis for this joint (see get_translational_velocity()) and fᵢ the force on child body B at Mo and expressed in F. That is, f_BMo_F = (f₁, f₂). The damping torque (in N⋅m) is modeled as τ = -damping₃⋅ω i.e. opposing motion, with ω the angular rate for this joint (see get_angular_velocity()) and τ the torque on child body B expressed in frame F as t_B_F = τ⋅Fz_F.

get_angular_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression]) pydrake.symbolic.Expression

Gets the rate of change, in radians per second, of this joint’s angle θ from context. See class documentation for the definition of this angle.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Returns theta_dot:

The rate of change of this joint’s angle θ as stored in the context.

get_default_rotation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_[Expression]) float

Gets the default angle for this joint.

Returns theta:

The default angle of this joint.

get_default_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, 1]]

Gets the default position for this joint.

Returns p_FoMo_F:

The default position of this joint.

get_rotation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression]) pydrake.symbolic.Expression

Gets the angle θ of this joint from context.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Returns theta:

The angle of this joint stored in the context. See class documentation for details.

get_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[object[2, 1]]

Gets the position of this joint from context.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Returns p_FoMo_F:

The position of this joint stored in the context ordered as (x, y). See class documentation for details.

get_translational_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[object[2, 1]]

Gets the translational velocity v_FoMo_F, in meters per second, of this joint’s Mo measured and expressed in frame F from context.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Returns v_FoMo_F:

The translational velocity of this joint as stored in the context.

kTypeName = 'planar'
set_angular_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression], theta_dot: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_[Expression]

Sets the rate of change, in radians per second, of this joint’s angle θ (see class documentation) to theta_dot. The new rate of change gets stored in context.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Parameter theta_dot:

The desired rates of change of this joint’s angle in radians per second.


a constant reference to this joint.

set_default_pose(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_[Expression], p_FoMo_F: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, 1]], theta: float) None

Sets the default position and angle of this joint.

Parameter p_FoMo_F:

The desired default position of the joint

Parameter theta:

The desired default angle of the joint

set_default_rotation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_[Expression], theta: float) None

Sets the default angle of this joint.

Parameter theta:

The desired default angle of the joint

set_default_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_[Expression], p_FoMo_F: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, 1]]) None

Sets the default position of this joint.

Parameter p_FoMo_F:

The desired default position of the joint

set_pose(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression], p_FoMo_F: numpy.ndarray[object[2, 1]], theta: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_[Expression]

Sets the context so that the position of this joint equals p_FoMo_F and its angle equals theta.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Parameter p_FoMo_F:

The desired position in meters to be stored in context ordered as (x, y). See class documentation for details.

Parameter theta:

The desired angle in radians to be stored in context. See class documentation for details.


a constant reference to this joint.

set_random_pose_distribution(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_[Expression], p_FoMo_F: numpy.ndarray[object[2, 1]], theta: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) None

Sets the random distribution that the position and angle of this joint will be randomly sampled from. See class documentation for details on the definition of the position and angle.

set_rotation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression], theta: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_[Expression]

Sets the context so that the angle θ of this joint equals theta.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Parameter theta:

The desired angle in radians to be stored in context. See class documentation for details.


a constant reference to this joint.

set_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression], p_FoMo_F: numpy.ndarray[object[2, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_[Expression]

Sets the context so that the position of this joint equals p_FoMo_F.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Parameter p_FoMo_F:

The desired position in meters to be stored in context ordered as (x, y). See class documentation for details.


a constant reference to this joint.

set_translational_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression], v_FoMo_F: numpy.ndarray[object[2, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.PlanarJoint_[Expression]

Sets the translational velocity, in meters per second, of this this joint’s Mo measured and expressed in frame F to v_FoMo_F. The new translational velocity gets stored in context.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Parameter v_FoMo_F:

The desired translational velocity of this joint in meters per second.


a constant reference to this joint.

class pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint

This Joint allows two bodies to translate relative to one another along a common axis. That is, given a frame F attached to the parent body P and a frame M attached to the child body B (see the Joint class’s documentation), this Joint allows frames F and M to translate with respect to each other along an axis â. The translation distance is defined positive when child body B translates along the direction of â. Axis â is constant and has the same measures in both frames F and M, that is, â_F = â_M.


This class is templated; see PrismaticJoint_ for the list of instantiations.

__init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint, name: str, frame_on_parent: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, frame_on_child: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, axis: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]], pos_lower_limit: float = - inf, pos_upper_limit: float = inf, damping: float = 0) None

Constructor to create a prismatic joint between two bodies so that frame F attached to the parent body P and frame M attached to the child body B, translate relatively to one another along a common axis. See this class’s documentation for further details on the definition of these frames and translation distance. The first three arguments to this constructor are those of the Joint class constructor. See the Joint class’s documentation for details. The additional parameter axis is:

Parameter axis:

A vector in ℝ³ specifying the translation axis for this joint. Given that frame M only translates with respect to F and there is no relative rotation, the measures of axis in either frame F or M are exactly the same, that is, axis_F = axis_M. This vector can have any length, only the direction is used.

Parameter pos_lower_limit:

Lower position limit, in meters, for the translation coordinate (see get_translation()).

Parameter pos_upper_limit:

Upper position limit, in meters, for the translation coordinate (see get_translation()).

Parameter damping:

Viscous damping coefficient, in N⋅s/m, used to model losses within the joint. The damping force (in N) is modeled as f = -damping⋅v, i.e. opposing motion, with v the translational speed for this joint (see get_translation_rate()).

  • RuntimeError if the L2 norm of axis is less than the square

  • root of machine epsilon.

  • RuntimeError if damping is negative.

  • RuntimeError if pos_lower_limit > pos_upper_limit.

acceleration_lower_limit(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint) float

Returns the acceleration lower limit for this joint in meters per second squared.

acceleration_upper_limit(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint) float

Returns the acceleration upper limit for this joint in meters per second squared.

default_damping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint) float

Returns this joint’s default damping constant in N⋅s/m.

get_default_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint) float

Gets the default translation. Wrapper for the more general Joint::default_positions().


The default translation of this stored in default_positions_.

get_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint, context: float

Gets the translation distance of this mobilizer from context.

Parameter context:

The context of the MultibodyTree this joint belongs to.


The translation coordinate of this joint read from context.

get_translation_rate(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint, context: float

Gets the rate of change, in meters per second, of this joint’s translation distance (see get_translation()) from context.

Parameter context:

The context of the MultibodyTree this joint belongs to.


The rate of change of this joint’s translation read from context.

GetDamping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint, context: float

Returns the Context dependent damping coefficient stored as a parameter in context. Refer to default_damping() for details.

Parameter context:

The context storing the state and parameters for the model to which this joint belongs.

kTypeName = 'prismatic'
position_lower_limit(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint) float

Returns the position lower limit for this joint in meters.

position_upper_limit(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint) float

Returns the position upper limit for this joint in meters.

set_default_damping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint, damping: float) None

Sets the default value of viscous damping for this joint, in N⋅s/m.


RuntimeError if damping is negative.


the MultibodyPlant must not be finalized.

set_default_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint, translation: float) None

Sets the default_positions of this joint (in this case a single translation)

Parameter translation:

The desired default translation of the joint

set_random_translation_distribution(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint, translation: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) None
set_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint, context:, translation: float) pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint

Sets context so that the generalized coordinate corresponding to the translation distance of this joint equals translation.

Parameter context:

The context of the MultibodyTree this joint belongs to.

Parameter translation:

The desired translation in meters to be stored in context.


a constant reference to this joint.

set_translation_rate(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint, context:, translation_dot: float) pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint

Sets the rate of change, in meters per second, of this joint’s translation distance to translation_dot. The new rate of change translation_dot gets stored in context.

Parameter context:

The context of the MultibodyTree this joint belongs to.

Parameter translation_dot:

The desired rate of change of this joints’s translation in meters per second.


a constant reference to this joint.

SetDamping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint, context:, damping: float) None

Sets the value of the viscous damping coefficient for this joint, stored as a parameter in context. Refer to default_damping() for details.

Parameter context:

The context storing the state and parameters for the model to which this joint belongs.

Parameter damping:

The damping value.


RuntimeError if damping is negative.

translation_axis(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Returns the axis of translation for this joint as a unit vector. Since the measures of this axis in either frame F or M are the same (see this class’s documentation for frame definitions) then, axis = axis_F = axis_M.

velocity_lower_limit(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint) float

Returns the velocity lower limit for this joint in meters per second.

velocity_upper_limit(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint) float

Returns the velocity upper limit for this joint in meters per second.

template pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_

Instantiations: PrismaticJoint_[float], PrismaticJoint_[AutoDiffXd], PrismaticJoint_[Expression]

class pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[AutoDiffXd]

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd]

This Joint allows two bodies to translate relative to one another along a common axis. That is, given a frame F attached to the parent body P and a frame M attached to the child body B (see the Joint class’s documentation), this Joint allows frames F and M to translate with respect to each other along an axis â. The translation distance is defined positive when child body B translates along the direction of â. Axis â is constant and has the same measures in both frames F and M, that is, â_F = â_M.

__init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[AutoDiffXd], name: str, frame_on_parent: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], frame_on_child: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], axis: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]], pos_lower_limit: float = - inf, pos_upper_limit: float = inf, damping: float = 0) None

Constructor to create a prismatic joint between two bodies so that frame F attached to the parent body P and frame M attached to the child body B, translate relatively to one another along a common axis. See this class’s documentation for further details on the definition of these frames and translation distance. The first three arguments to this constructor are those of the Joint class constructor. See the Joint class’s documentation for details. The additional parameter axis is:

Parameter axis:

A vector in ℝ³ specifying the translation axis for this joint. Given that frame M only translates with respect to F and there is no relative rotation, the measures of axis in either frame F or M are exactly the same, that is, axis_F = axis_M. This vector can have any length, only the direction is used.

Parameter pos_lower_limit:

Lower position limit, in meters, for the translation coordinate (see get_translation()).

Parameter pos_upper_limit:

Upper position limit, in meters, for the translation coordinate (see get_translation()).

Parameter damping:

Viscous damping coefficient, in N⋅s/m, used to model losses within the joint. The damping force (in N) is modeled as f = -damping⋅v, i.e. opposing motion, with v the translational speed for this joint (see get_translation_rate()).

  • RuntimeError if the L2 norm of axis is less than the square

  • root of machine epsilon.

  • RuntimeError if damping is negative.

  • RuntimeError if pos_lower_limit > pos_upper_limit.

acceleration_lower_limit(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[AutoDiffXd]) float

Returns the acceleration lower limit for this joint in meters per second squared.

acceleration_upper_limit(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[AutoDiffXd]) float

Returns the acceleration upper limit for this joint in meters per second squared.

default_damping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[AutoDiffXd]) float

Returns this joint’s default damping constant in N⋅s/m.

get_default_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[AutoDiffXd]) float

Gets the default translation. Wrapper for the more general Joint::default_positions().


The default translation of this stored in default_positions_.

get_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd

Gets the translation distance of this mobilizer from context.

Parameter context:

The context of the MultibodyTree this joint belongs to.


The translation coordinate of this joint read from context.

get_translation_rate(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd

Gets the rate of change, in meters per second, of this joint’s translation distance (see get_translation()) from context.

Parameter context:

The context of the MultibodyTree this joint belongs to.


The rate of change of this joint’s translation read from context.

GetDamping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd

Returns the Context dependent damping coefficient stored as a parameter in context. Refer to default_damping() for details.

Parameter context:

The context storing the state and parameters for the model to which this joint belongs.

kTypeName = 'prismatic'
position_lower_limit(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[AutoDiffXd]) float

Returns the position lower limit for this joint in meters.

position_upper_limit(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[AutoDiffXd]) float

Returns the position upper limit for this joint in meters.

set_default_damping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[AutoDiffXd], damping: float) None

Sets the default value of viscous damping for this joint, in N⋅s/m.


RuntimeError if damping is negative.


the MultibodyPlant must not be finalized.

set_default_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[AutoDiffXd], translation: float) None

Sets the default_positions of this joint (in this case a single translation)

Parameter translation:

The desired default translation of the joint

set_random_translation_distribution(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[AutoDiffXd], translation: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) None
set_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], translation: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd) pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[AutoDiffXd]

Sets context so that the generalized coordinate corresponding to the translation distance of this joint equals translation.

Parameter context:

The context of the MultibodyTree this joint belongs to.

Parameter translation:

The desired translation in meters to be stored in context.


a constant reference to this joint.

set_translation_rate(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], translation_dot: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd) pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[AutoDiffXd]

Sets the rate of change, in meters per second, of this joint’s translation distance to translation_dot. The new rate of change translation_dot gets stored in context.

Parameter context:

The context of the MultibodyTree this joint belongs to.

Parameter translation_dot:

The desired rate of change of this joints’s translation in meters per second.


a constant reference to this joint.

SetDamping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], damping: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd) None

Sets the value of the viscous damping coefficient for this joint, stored as a parameter in context. Refer to default_damping() for details.

Parameter context:

The context storing the state and parameters for the model to which this joint belongs.

Parameter damping:

The damping value.


RuntimeError if damping is negative.

translation_axis(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Returns the axis of translation for this joint as a unit vector. Since the measures of this axis in either frame F or M are the same (see this class’s documentation for frame definitions) then, axis = axis_F = axis_M.

velocity_lower_limit(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[AutoDiffXd]) float

Returns the velocity lower limit for this joint in meters per second.

velocity_upper_limit(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[AutoDiffXd]) float

Returns the velocity upper limit for this joint in meters per second.

class pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[Expression]

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression]

This Joint allows two bodies to translate relative to one another along a common axis. That is, given a frame F attached to the parent body P and a frame M attached to the child body B (see the Joint class’s documentation), this Joint allows frames F and M to translate with respect to each other along an axis â. The translation distance is defined positive when child body B translates along the direction of â. Axis â is constant and has the same measures in both frames F and M, that is, â_F = â_M.

__init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[Expression], name: str, frame_on_parent: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], frame_on_child: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], axis: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]], pos_lower_limit: float = - inf, pos_upper_limit: float = inf, damping: float = 0) None

Constructor to create a prismatic joint between two bodies so that frame F attached to the parent body P and frame M attached to the child body B, translate relatively to one another along a common axis. See this class’s documentation for further details on the definition of these frames and translation distance. The first three arguments to this constructor are those of the Joint class constructor. See the Joint class’s documentation for details. The additional parameter axis is:

Parameter axis:

A vector in ℝ³ specifying the translation axis for this joint. Given that frame M only translates with respect to F and there is no relative rotation, the measures of axis in either frame F or M are exactly the same, that is, axis_F = axis_M. This vector can have any length, only the direction is used.

Parameter pos_lower_limit:

Lower position limit, in meters, for the translation coordinate (see get_translation()).

Parameter pos_upper_limit:

Upper position limit, in meters, for the translation coordinate (see get_translation()).

Parameter damping:

Viscous damping coefficient, in N⋅s/m, used to model losses within the joint. The damping force (in N) is modeled as f = -damping⋅v, i.e. opposing motion, with v the translational speed for this joint (see get_translation_rate()).

  • RuntimeError if the L2 norm of axis is less than the square

  • root of machine epsilon.

  • RuntimeError if damping is negative.

  • RuntimeError if pos_lower_limit > pos_upper_limit.

acceleration_lower_limit(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[Expression]) float

Returns the acceleration lower limit for this joint in meters per second squared.

acceleration_upper_limit(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[Expression]) float

Returns the acceleration upper limit for this joint in meters per second squared.

default_damping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[Expression]) float

Returns this joint’s default damping constant in N⋅s/m.

get_default_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[Expression]) float

Gets the default translation. Wrapper for the more general Joint::default_positions().


The default translation of this stored in default_positions_.

get_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression]) pydrake.symbolic.Expression

Gets the translation distance of this mobilizer from context.

Parameter context:

The context of the MultibodyTree this joint belongs to.


The translation coordinate of this joint read from context.

get_translation_rate(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression]) pydrake.symbolic.Expression

Gets the rate of change, in meters per second, of this joint’s translation distance (see get_translation()) from context.

Parameter context:

The context of the MultibodyTree this joint belongs to.


The rate of change of this joint’s translation read from context.

GetDamping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression]) pydrake.symbolic.Expression

Returns the Context dependent damping coefficient stored as a parameter in context. Refer to default_damping() for details.

Parameter context:

The context storing the state and parameters for the model to which this joint belongs.

kTypeName = 'prismatic'
position_lower_limit(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[Expression]) float

Returns the position lower limit for this joint in meters.

position_upper_limit(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[Expression]) float

Returns the position upper limit for this joint in meters.

set_default_damping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[Expression], damping: float) None

Sets the default value of viscous damping for this joint, in N⋅s/m.


RuntimeError if damping is negative.


the MultibodyPlant must not be finalized.

set_default_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[Expression], translation: float) None

Sets the default_positions of this joint (in this case a single translation)

Parameter translation:

The desired default translation of the joint

set_random_translation_distribution(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[Expression], translation: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) None
set_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression], translation: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[Expression]

Sets context so that the generalized coordinate corresponding to the translation distance of this joint equals translation.

Parameter context:

The context of the MultibodyTree this joint belongs to.

Parameter translation:

The desired translation in meters to be stored in context.


a constant reference to this joint.

set_translation_rate(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression], translation_dot: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[Expression]

Sets the rate of change, in meters per second, of this joint’s translation distance to translation_dot. The new rate of change translation_dot gets stored in context.

Parameter context:

The context of the MultibodyTree this joint belongs to.

Parameter translation_dot:

The desired rate of change of this joints’s translation in meters per second.


a constant reference to this joint.

SetDamping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression], damping: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) None

Sets the value of the viscous damping coefficient for this joint, stored as a parameter in context. Refer to default_damping() for details.

Parameter context:

The context storing the state and parameters for the model to which this joint belongs.

Parameter damping:

The damping value.


RuntimeError if damping is negative.

translation_axis(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Returns the axis of translation for this joint as a unit vector. Since the measures of this axis in either frame F or M are the same (see this class’s documentation for frame definitions) then, axis = axis_F = axis_M.

velocity_lower_limit(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[Expression]) float

Returns the velocity lower limit for this joint in meters per second.

velocity_upper_limit(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[Expression]) float

Returns the velocity upper limit for this joint in meters per second.

class pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticSpring

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.ForceElement

This ForceElement models a linear spring attached to a PrismaticJoint and applies a force to that joint according to

Click to expand C++ code...
f = -k⋅(x - x₀)

where x₀ is the nominal (zero spring force) position in meters, x is the joint position in meters, f is the spring force in Newtons and k is the spring constant in N/m. Note that joint damping exists within the PrismaticJoint itself, and so is not included here.


This is different from the LinearSpringDamper: this PrismaticSpring is associated with a joint, while the LinearSpringDamper connects two bodies.


This class is templated; see PrismaticSpring_ for the list of instantiations.

__init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticSpring, joint: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint, nominal_position: float, stiffness: float) None

Constructor for a linear spring attached to the given prismatic joint.

Parameter nominal_position:

The nominal position of the spring x₀, in meters, at which the spring applies no force. This is measured the same way as the generalized position of the prismatic joint.

Parameter stiffness:

The stiffness k of the spring in N/m.


RuntimeError if stiffness is (strictly) negative.

joint(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticSpring) pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint
nominal_position(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticSpring) float
stiffness(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticSpring) float
template pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticSpring_

Instantiations: PrismaticSpring_[float], PrismaticSpring_[AutoDiffXd], PrismaticSpring_[Expression]

class pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticSpring_[AutoDiffXd]

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.ForceElement_[AutoDiffXd]

This ForceElement models a linear spring attached to a PrismaticJoint and applies a force to that joint according to

Click to expand C++ code...
f = -k⋅(x - x₀)

where x₀ is the nominal (zero spring force) position in meters, x is the joint position in meters, f is the spring force in Newtons and k is the spring constant in N/m. Note that joint damping exists within the PrismaticJoint itself, and so is not included here.


This is different from the LinearSpringDamper: this PrismaticSpring is associated with a joint, while the LinearSpringDamper connects two bodies.

__init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticSpring_[AutoDiffXd], joint: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[AutoDiffXd], nominal_position: float, stiffness: float) None

Constructor for a linear spring attached to the given prismatic joint.

Parameter nominal_position:

The nominal position of the spring x₀, in meters, at which the spring applies no force. This is measured the same way as the generalized position of the prismatic joint.

Parameter stiffness:

The stiffness k of the spring in N/m.


RuntimeError if stiffness is (strictly) negative.

joint(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticSpring_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[AutoDiffXd]
nominal_position(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticSpring_[AutoDiffXd]) float
stiffness(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticSpring_[AutoDiffXd]) float
class pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticSpring_[Expression]

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.ForceElement_[Expression]

This ForceElement models a linear spring attached to a PrismaticJoint and applies a force to that joint according to

Click to expand C++ code...
f = -k⋅(x - x₀)

where x₀ is the nominal (zero spring force) position in meters, x is the joint position in meters, f is the spring force in Newtons and k is the spring constant in N/m. Note that joint damping exists within the PrismaticJoint itself, and so is not included here.


This is different from the LinearSpringDamper: this PrismaticSpring is associated with a joint, while the LinearSpringDamper connects two bodies.

__init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticSpring_[Expression], joint: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[Expression], nominal_position: float, stiffness: float) None

Constructor for a linear spring attached to the given prismatic joint.

Parameter nominal_position:

The nominal position of the spring x₀, in meters, at which the spring applies no force. This is measured the same way as the generalized position of the prismatic joint.

Parameter stiffness:

The stiffness k of the spring in N/m.


RuntimeError if stiffness is (strictly) negative.

joint(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticSpring_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticJoint_[Expression]
nominal_position(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticSpring_[Expression]) float
stiffness(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.PrismaticSpring_[Expression]) float
class pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint

This Joint allows two bodies to move freely relatively to one another. That is, given a frame F attached to the parent body P and a frame M attached to the child body B (see the Joint class’s documentation), this Joint allows frame M to translate and rotate freely with respect to F, introducing six degrees of freedom. This Joint introduces four generalized positions to describe the orientation R_FM of frame M in F with a quaternion q_FM, and three generalized positions to describe the translation of frame M’s origin in F with a position vector p_FM. The seven entries of the configuration vector q are ordered (q_FM, p_FM) with the quaternion, ordered wxyz (scalar then vector), preceding the translation vector. As generalized velocities, this Joint introduces the angular velocity w_FM of frame M in F and the linear velocity v_FM of frame M’s origin in frame F, ordered (w_FM, v_FM).


This class is templated; see QuaternionFloatingJoint_ for the list of instantiations.

__init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint, name: str, frame_on_parent: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, frame_on_child: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, angular_damping: float = 0, translational_damping: float = 0) None

Constructor for a QuaternionFloatingJoint granting six degrees of freedom to an outboard frame M attached to the child body B with respect to an inboard frame F attached to the parent body P. The orientation of frame M in F is represented by a quaternion q_FM while the position of F in M is given by a position vector p_FM expressed in frame F. See this class’s documentation for further details on the definition of these frames, get_quaternion() and get_translation() for an explanation of the configuration of this joint, and get_angular_velocity() and get_translational_velocity() for an explanation of the generalized velocities.

This constructor signature creates a joint with no joint limits, i.e. the joint position, velocity and acceleration limits are the pair (-∞, ∞). These can be set using the Joint methods set_position_limits(), set_velocity_limits() and set_acceleration_limits().

The first three arguments to this constructor are those of the Joint class constructor. See the Joint class’s documentation for details. The additional parameters are:

Parameter angular_damping:

Viscous damping coefficient in N⋅m⋅s for the angular component of this joint’s velocity, used to model losses within the joint. See documentation of default_angular_damping() for details on modelling of the damping force.

Parameter translational_damping:

Viscous damping coefficient in N⋅s/m for the translational component of this joint’s velocity, used to model losses within the joint. See documentation of default_translational_damping() for details on modelling of the damping force.

  • RuntimeError if angular_damping is negative.

  • RuntimeError if translational_damping is negative.

default_angular_damping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint) float

Returns this joint’s default angular damping constant in N⋅m⋅s. The damping torque (in N⋅m) is modeled as τ = -damping⋅ω, i.e. opposing motion, with ω the angular velocity of frame M in F (see get_angular_velocity()) and τ the torque on child body B (to which M is rigidly attached).

default_translational_damping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint) float

Returns this joint’s default translational damping constant in N⋅s/m. The damping force (in N) is modeled as f = -damping⋅v i.e. opposing motion, with v the translational velocity of frame M in F (see get_translational_velocity()) and f the force on child body B at Mo.

get_angular_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint, context: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Retrieves from context the angular velocity w_FM of the child frame M in the parent frame F, expressed in F.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Returns w_FM:

A vector in ℝ³ with the angular velocity of the child frame M in the parent frame F, expressed in F. Refer to this class’s documentation for further details and definitions of these frames.

get_default_quaternion(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint) pydrake.common.eigen_geometry.Quaternion

Gets the default quaternion q_FM for this joint.


The default quaternion q_FM of this.

get_default_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Returns this joint’s default translation as the position vector p_FoMo_F from Fo (inboard frame F’s origin) to Mo (outboard frame M’s origin), expressed in inboard frame F.

Returns This:

joint’s default translation as the position vector p_FM.

get_quaternion(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint, context: pydrake.common.eigen_geometry.Quaternion

Gets the quaternion q_FM that represents the orientation of outboard frame M in the inboard frame F. Refer to the documentation for this class for details.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Returns q_FM:

The quaternion representing the orientation of frame M in F.

get_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint, context: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Returns the position vector p_FoMo_F from Fo (inboard frame F’s origin) to Mo (outboard frame M’s origin), expressed in inboard frame F.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.


Class documentation describes inboard frame F and outboard frame M.

Returns p_FM:

The position vector from Fo (frame F’s origin) to Mo (frame M’s origin), expressed in frame F.

get_translational_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint, context: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Retrieves from context the translational velocity v_FM of the child frame M’s origin as measured and expressed in the parent frame F.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Returns v_FM:

A vector in ℝ³ with the translational velocity of the origin of child frame M in the parent frame F, expressed in F. Refer to this class’s documentation for further details and definitions of these frames.

GetPose(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint, context: pydrake.math.RigidTransform

Returns the pose X_FM of the outboard frame M as measured and expressed in the inboard frame F. Refer to the documentation for this class for details.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Returns X_FM:

The pose of frame M in frame F.

kTypeName = 'quaternion_floating'
set_angular_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint, context:, w_FM: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint

Sets in context the state for this joint so that the angular velocity of the child frame M in the parent frame F is w_FM.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Parameter w_FM:

A vector in ℝ³ with the angular velocity of the child frame M in the parent frame F, expressed in F. Refer to this class’s documentation for further details and definitions of these frames.


a constant reference to this joint.

set_default_quaternion(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint, q_FM: pydrake.common.eigen_geometry.Quaternion) None

Sets the default quaternion q_FM of this joint.

Parameter q_FM:

The desired default quaternion of the joint.

set_default_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint, translation: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) None

Sets this joint’s default position vector p_FM.

Parameter p_FM:

position vector p_FoMo_F from Fo (inboard frame F’s origin) to Mo (outboard frame M’s origin), expressed in frame F.

set_random_quaternion_distribution(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint, q_FM: pydrake.common.eigen_geometry.Quaternion_[Expression]) None

(Advanced) Sets the random distribution that the orientation of this joint will be randomly sampled from. If a translation (position) distribution has already been set with stochastic variables, it will remain so. Otherwise translation will be set to this joint’s zero configuration. See get_quaternion() for details on the orientation representation.


Use caution when setting a quaternion distribution. A naive uniform sampling of each component will not lead to a uniform sampling of the unit sphere. See set_random_quaternion_distribution_to_uniform() for the most common case of uniformly sampling rotations.

set_random_quaternion_distribution_to_uniform(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint) None

Sets the random distribution such that the orientation of this joint will be randomly sampled using uniformly sampled rotations.

set_random_translation_distribution(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint, translation: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) None

For this joint, sets the random distribution that the translation of this joint will be randomly sampled from. If a quaternion distribution has already been set with stochastic variables, it will remain so. Otherwise the quaternion will be set to this joint’s zero orientation. See get_translation() for details on the translation representation.

set_translational_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint, context:, v_FM: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint

Sets in context the state for this joint so that the translational velocity of the child frame M’s origin in the parent frame F is v_FM.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Parameter v_FM:

A vector in ℝ³ with the translational velocity of the child frame M’s origin in the parent frame F, expressed in F. Refer to this class’s documentation for further details and definitions of these frames.


a constant reference to this joint.

SetOrientation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint, context:, R: pydrake.math.RotationMatrix) pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint

Sets the quaternion in context so this joint’s orientation is consistent with the given R_FM rotation matrix.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Parameter R_FM:

The rotation matrix relating the orientation of frame F and frame M.


a constant reference to this joint.

SetPose(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint, context:, X_FM: pydrake.math.RigidTransform) pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint

Sets context to store X_FM the pose of frame M measured and expressed in frame F.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Parameter X_FM:

The desired pose of frame M in frame F to be stored in context.


a constant reference to this joint.

SetQuaternion(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint, context:, q_FM: pydrake.common.eigen_geometry.Quaternion) pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint

Sets context so that the orientation of frame M in F is given by the input quaternion q_FM.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Parameter q_FM:

Quaternion relating frames F and M to be stored in context.


a constant reference to this joint.

SetTranslation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint, context:, p_FM: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint

For this joint, stores the position vector p_FM in context.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Parameter p_FM:

position vector p_FoMo_F from Fo (inboard frame F’s origin) to Mo (outboard frame M’s origin), expressed in frame F.


a constant reference to this joint.

template pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_

Instantiations: QuaternionFloatingJoint_[float], QuaternionFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd], QuaternionFloatingJoint_[Expression]

class pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd]

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd]

This Joint allows two bodies to move freely relatively to one another. That is, given a frame F attached to the parent body P and a frame M attached to the child body B (see the Joint class’s documentation), this Joint allows frame M to translate and rotate freely with respect to F, introducing six degrees of freedom. This Joint introduces four generalized positions to describe the orientation R_FM of frame M in F with a quaternion q_FM, and three generalized positions to describe the translation of frame M’s origin in F with a position vector p_FM. The seven entries of the configuration vector q are ordered (q_FM, p_FM) with the quaternion, ordered wxyz (scalar then vector), preceding the translation vector. As generalized velocities, this Joint introduces the angular velocity w_FM of frame M in F and the linear velocity v_FM of frame M’s origin in frame F, ordered (w_FM, v_FM).

__init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd], name: str, frame_on_parent: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], frame_on_child: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], angular_damping: float = 0, translational_damping: float = 0) None

Constructor for a QuaternionFloatingJoint granting six degrees of freedom to an outboard frame M attached to the child body B with respect to an inboard frame F attached to the parent body P. The orientation of frame M in F is represented by a quaternion q_FM while the position of F in M is given by a position vector p_FM expressed in frame F. See this class’s documentation for further details on the definition of these frames, get_quaternion() and get_translation() for an explanation of the configuration of this joint, and get_angular_velocity() and get_translational_velocity() for an explanation of the generalized velocities.

This constructor signature creates a joint with no joint limits, i.e. the joint position, velocity and acceleration limits are the pair (-∞, ∞). These can be set using the Joint methods set_position_limits(), set_velocity_limits() and set_acceleration_limits().

The first three arguments to this constructor are those of the Joint class constructor. See the Joint class’s documentation for details. The additional parameters are:

Parameter angular_damping:

Viscous damping coefficient in N⋅m⋅s for the angular component of this joint’s velocity, used to model losses within the joint. See documentation of default_angular_damping() for details on modelling of the damping force.

Parameter translational_damping:

Viscous damping coefficient in N⋅s/m for the translational component of this joint’s velocity, used to model losses within the joint. See documentation of default_translational_damping() for details on modelling of the damping force.

  • RuntimeError if angular_damping is negative.

  • RuntimeError if translational_damping is negative.

default_angular_damping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd]) float

Returns this joint’s default angular damping constant in N⋅m⋅s. The damping torque (in N⋅m) is modeled as τ = -damping⋅ω, i.e. opposing motion, with ω the angular velocity of frame M in F (see get_angular_velocity()) and τ the torque on child body B (to which M is rigidly attached).

default_translational_damping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd]) float

Returns this joint’s default translational damping constant in N⋅s/m. The damping force (in N) is modeled as f = -damping⋅v i.e. opposing motion, with v the translational velocity of frame M in F (see get_translational_velocity()) and f the force on child body B at Mo.

get_angular_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]

Retrieves from context the angular velocity w_FM of the child frame M in the parent frame F, expressed in F.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Returns w_FM:

A vector in ℝ³ with the angular velocity of the child frame M in the parent frame F, expressed in F. Refer to this class’s documentation for further details and definitions of these frames.

get_default_quaternion(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.common.eigen_geometry.Quaternion

Gets the default quaternion q_FM for this joint.


The default quaternion q_FM of this.

get_default_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Returns this joint’s default translation as the position vector p_FoMo_F from Fo (inboard frame F’s origin) to Mo (outboard frame M’s origin), expressed in inboard frame F.

Returns This:

joint’s default translation as the position vector p_FM.

get_quaternion(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.common.eigen_geometry.Quaternion_[AutoDiffXd]

Gets the quaternion q_FM that represents the orientation of outboard frame M in the inboard frame F. Refer to the documentation for this class for details.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Returns q_FM:

The quaternion representing the orientation of frame M in F.

get_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]

Returns the position vector p_FoMo_F from Fo (inboard frame F’s origin) to Mo (outboard frame M’s origin), expressed in inboard frame F.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.


Class documentation describes inboard frame F and outboard frame M.

Returns p_FM:

The position vector from Fo (frame F’s origin) to Mo (frame M’s origin), expressed in frame F.

get_translational_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]

Retrieves from context the translational velocity v_FM of the child frame M’s origin as measured and expressed in the parent frame F.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Returns v_FM:

A vector in ℝ³ with the translational velocity of the origin of child frame M in the parent frame F, expressed in F. Refer to this class’s documentation for further details and definitions of these frames.

GetPose(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.math.RigidTransform_[AutoDiffXd]

Returns the pose X_FM of the outboard frame M as measured and expressed in the inboard frame F. Refer to the documentation for this class for details.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Returns X_FM:

The pose of frame M in frame F.

kTypeName = 'quaternion_floating'
set_angular_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], w_FM: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd]

Sets in context the state for this joint so that the angular velocity of the child frame M in the parent frame F is w_FM.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Parameter w_FM:

A vector in ℝ³ with the angular velocity of the child frame M in the parent frame F, expressed in F. Refer to this class’s documentation for further details and definitions of these frames.


a constant reference to this joint.

set_default_quaternion(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd], q_FM: pydrake.common.eigen_geometry.Quaternion) None

Sets the default quaternion q_FM of this joint.

Parameter q_FM:

The desired default quaternion of the joint.

set_default_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd], translation: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) None

Sets this joint’s default position vector p_FM.

Parameter p_FM:

position vector p_FoMo_F from Fo (inboard frame F’s origin) to Mo (outboard frame M’s origin), expressed in frame F.

set_random_quaternion_distribution(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd], q_FM: pydrake.common.eigen_geometry.Quaternion_[Expression]) None

(Advanced) Sets the random distribution that the orientation of this joint will be randomly sampled from. If a translation (position) distribution has already been set with stochastic variables, it will remain so. Otherwise translation will be set to this joint’s zero configuration. See get_quaternion() for details on the orientation representation.


Use caution when setting a quaternion distribution. A naive uniform sampling of each component will not lead to a uniform sampling of the unit sphere. See set_random_quaternion_distribution_to_uniform() for the most common case of uniformly sampling rotations.

set_random_quaternion_distribution_to_uniform(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd]) None

Sets the random distribution such that the orientation of this joint will be randomly sampled using uniformly sampled rotations.

set_random_translation_distribution(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd], translation: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) None

For this joint, sets the random distribution that the translation of this joint will be randomly sampled from. If a quaternion distribution has already been set with stochastic variables, it will remain so. Otherwise the quaternion will be set to this joint’s zero orientation. See get_translation() for details on the translation representation.

set_translational_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], v_FM: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd]

Sets in context the state for this joint so that the translational velocity of the child frame M’s origin in the parent frame F is v_FM.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Parameter v_FM:

A vector in ℝ³ with the translational velocity of the child frame M’s origin in the parent frame F, expressed in F. Refer to this class’s documentation for further details and definitions of these frames.


a constant reference to this joint.

SetOrientation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], R: pydrake.math.RotationMatrix_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd]

Sets the quaternion in context so this joint’s orientation is consistent with the given R_FM rotation matrix.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Parameter R_FM:

The rotation matrix relating the orientation of frame F and frame M.


a constant reference to this joint.

SetPose(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], X_FM: pydrake.math.RigidTransform_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd]

Sets context to store X_FM the pose of frame M measured and expressed in frame F.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Parameter X_FM:

The desired pose of frame M in frame F to be stored in context.


a constant reference to this joint.

SetQuaternion(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], q_FM: pydrake.common.eigen_geometry.Quaternion_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd]

Sets context so that the orientation of frame M in F is given by the input quaternion q_FM.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Parameter q_FM:

Quaternion relating frames F and M to be stored in context.


a constant reference to this joint.

SetTranslation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], p_FM: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd]

For this joint, stores the position vector p_FM in context.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Parameter p_FM:

position vector p_FoMo_F from Fo (inboard frame F’s origin) to Mo (outboard frame M’s origin), expressed in frame F.


a constant reference to this joint.

class pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[Expression]

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression]

This Joint allows two bodies to move freely relatively to one another. That is, given a frame F attached to the parent body P and a frame M attached to the child body B (see the Joint class’s documentation), this Joint allows frame M to translate and rotate freely with respect to F, introducing six degrees of freedom. This Joint introduces four generalized positions to describe the orientation R_FM of frame M in F with a quaternion q_FM, and three generalized positions to describe the translation of frame M’s origin in F with a position vector p_FM. The seven entries of the configuration vector q are ordered (q_FM, p_FM) with the quaternion, ordered wxyz (scalar then vector), preceding the translation vector. As generalized velocities, this Joint introduces the angular velocity w_FM of frame M in F and the linear velocity v_FM of frame M’s origin in frame F, ordered (w_FM, v_FM).

__init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[Expression], name: str, frame_on_parent: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], frame_on_child: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], angular_damping: float = 0, translational_damping: float = 0) None

Constructor for a QuaternionFloatingJoint granting six degrees of freedom to an outboard frame M attached to the child body B with respect to an inboard frame F attached to the parent body P. The orientation of frame M in F is represented by a quaternion q_FM while the position of F in M is given by a position vector p_FM expressed in frame F. See this class’s documentation for further details on the definition of these frames, get_quaternion() and get_translation() for an explanation of the configuration of this joint, and get_angular_velocity() and get_translational_velocity() for an explanation of the generalized velocities.

This constructor signature creates a joint with no joint limits, i.e. the joint position, velocity and acceleration limits are the pair (-∞, ∞). These can be set using the Joint methods set_position_limits(), set_velocity_limits() and set_acceleration_limits().

The first three arguments to this constructor are those of the Joint class constructor. See the Joint class’s documentation for details. The additional parameters are:

Parameter angular_damping:

Viscous damping coefficient in N⋅m⋅s for the angular component of this joint’s velocity, used to model losses within the joint. See documentation of default_angular_damping() for details on modelling of the damping force.

Parameter translational_damping:

Viscous damping coefficient in N⋅s/m for the translational component of this joint’s velocity, used to model losses within the joint. See documentation of default_translational_damping() for details on modelling of the damping force.

  • RuntimeError if angular_damping is negative.

  • RuntimeError if translational_damping is negative.

default_angular_damping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[Expression]) float

Returns this joint’s default angular damping constant in N⋅m⋅s. The damping torque (in N⋅m) is modeled as τ = -damping⋅ω, i.e. opposing motion, with ω the angular velocity of frame M in F (see get_angular_velocity()) and τ the torque on child body B (to which M is rigidly attached).

default_translational_damping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[Expression]) float

Returns this joint’s default translational damping constant in N⋅s/m. The damping force (in N) is modeled as f = -damping⋅v i.e. opposing motion, with v the translational velocity of frame M in F (see get_translational_velocity()) and f the force on child body B at Mo.

get_angular_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]

Retrieves from context the angular velocity w_FM of the child frame M in the parent frame F, expressed in F.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Returns w_FM:

A vector in ℝ³ with the angular velocity of the child frame M in the parent frame F, expressed in F. Refer to this class’s documentation for further details and definitions of these frames.

get_default_quaternion(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[Expression]) pydrake.common.eigen_geometry.Quaternion

Gets the default quaternion q_FM for this joint.


The default quaternion q_FM of this.

get_default_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Returns this joint’s default translation as the position vector p_FoMo_F from Fo (inboard frame F’s origin) to Mo (outboard frame M’s origin), expressed in inboard frame F.

Returns This:

joint’s default translation as the position vector p_FM.

get_quaternion(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression]) pydrake.common.eigen_geometry.Quaternion_[Expression]

Gets the quaternion q_FM that represents the orientation of outboard frame M in the inboard frame F. Refer to the documentation for this class for details.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Returns q_FM:

The quaternion representing the orientation of frame M in F.

get_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]

Returns the position vector p_FoMo_F from Fo (inboard frame F’s origin) to Mo (outboard frame M’s origin), expressed in inboard frame F.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.


Class documentation describes inboard frame F and outboard frame M.

Returns p_FM:

The position vector from Fo (frame F’s origin) to Mo (frame M’s origin), expressed in frame F.

get_translational_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]

Retrieves from context the translational velocity v_FM of the child frame M’s origin as measured and expressed in the parent frame F.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Returns v_FM:

A vector in ℝ³ with the translational velocity of the origin of child frame M in the parent frame F, expressed in F. Refer to this class’s documentation for further details and definitions of these frames.

GetPose(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression]) pydrake.math.RigidTransform_[Expression]

Returns the pose X_FM of the outboard frame M as measured and expressed in the inboard frame F. Refer to the documentation for this class for details.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Returns X_FM:

The pose of frame M in frame F.

kTypeName = 'quaternion_floating'
set_angular_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression], w_FM: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[Expression]

Sets in context the state for this joint so that the angular velocity of the child frame M in the parent frame F is w_FM.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Parameter w_FM:

A vector in ℝ³ with the angular velocity of the child frame M in the parent frame F, expressed in F. Refer to this class’s documentation for further details and definitions of these frames.


a constant reference to this joint.

set_default_quaternion(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[Expression], q_FM: pydrake.common.eigen_geometry.Quaternion) None

Sets the default quaternion q_FM of this joint.

Parameter q_FM:

The desired default quaternion of the joint.

set_default_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[Expression], translation: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) None

Sets this joint’s default position vector p_FM.

Parameter p_FM:

position vector p_FoMo_F from Fo (inboard frame F’s origin) to Mo (outboard frame M’s origin), expressed in frame F.

set_random_quaternion_distribution(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[Expression], q_FM: pydrake.common.eigen_geometry.Quaternion_[Expression]) None

(Advanced) Sets the random distribution that the orientation of this joint will be randomly sampled from. If a translation (position) distribution has already been set with stochastic variables, it will remain so. Otherwise translation will be set to this joint’s zero configuration. See get_quaternion() for details on the orientation representation.


Use caution when setting a quaternion distribution. A naive uniform sampling of each component will not lead to a uniform sampling of the unit sphere. See set_random_quaternion_distribution_to_uniform() for the most common case of uniformly sampling rotations.

set_random_quaternion_distribution_to_uniform(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[Expression]) None

Sets the random distribution such that the orientation of this joint will be randomly sampled using uniformly sampled rotations.

set_random_translation_distribution(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[Expression], translation: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) None

For this joint, sets the random distribution that the translation of this joint will be randomly sampled from. If a quaternion distribution has already been set with stochastic variables, it will remain so. Otherwise the quaternion will be set to this joint’s zero orientation. See get_translation() for details on the translation representation.

set_translational_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression], v_FM: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[Expression]

Sets in context the state for this joint so that the translational velocity of the child frame M’s origin in the parent frame F is v_FM.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Parameter v_FM:

A vector in ℝ³ with the translational velocity of the child frame M’s origin in the parent frame F, expressed in F. Refer to this class’s documentation for further details and definitions of these frames.


a constant reference to this joint.

SetOrientation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression], R: pydrake.math.RotationMatrix_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[Expression]

Sets the quaternion in context so this joint’s orientation is consistent with the given R_FM rotation matrix.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Parameter R_FM:

The rotation matrix relating the orientation of frame F and frame M.


a constant reference to this joint.

SetPose(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression], X_FM: pydrake.math.RigidTransform_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[Expression]

Sets context to store X_FM the pose of frame M measured and expressed in frame F.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Parameter X_FM:

The desired pose of frame M in frame F to be stored in context.


a constant reference to this joint.

SetQuaternion(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression], q_FM: pydrake.common.eigen_geometry.Quaternion_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[Expression]

Sets context so that the orientation of frame M in F is given by the input quaternion q_FM.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Parameter q_FM:

Quaternion relating frames F and M to be stored in context.


a constant reference to this joint.

SetTranslation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression], p_FM: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.QuaternionFloatingJoint_[Expression]

For this joint, stores the position vector p_FM in context.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Parameter p_FM:

position vector p_FoMo_F from Fo (inboard frame F’s origin) to Mo (outboard frame M’s origin), expressed in frame F.


a constant reference to this joint.

class pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint

This Joint allows two bodies to rotate relatively to one another around a common axis. That is, given a frame F attached to the parent body P and a frame M attached to the child body B (see the Joint class’s documentation), this Joint allows frames F and M to rotate with respect to each other about an axis â. The rotation angle’s sign is defined such that child body B rotates about axis â according to the right hand rule, with thumb aligned in the axis direction. Axis â is constant and has the same measures in both frames F and M, that is, â_F = â_M.


This class is templated; see RevoluteJoint_ for the list of instantiations.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint, name: str, frame_on_parent: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, frame_on_child: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, axis: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]], damping: float = 0) -> None

Constructor to create a revolute joint between two bodies so that frame F attached to the parent body P and frame M attached to the child body B, rotate relatively to one another about a common axis. See this class’s documentation for further details on the definition of these frames and rotation angle. This constructor signature creates a joint with no joint limits, i.e. the joint position, velocity and acceleration limits are the pair (-∞, ∞). The first three arguments to this constructor are those of the Joint class constructor. See the Joint class’s documentation for details. The additional parameters are:

Parameter axis:

A vector in ℝ³ specifying the axis of revolution for this joint. Given that frame M only rotates with respect to F and their origins are coincident at all times, the measures of axis in either frame F or M are exactly the same, that is, axis_F = axis_M. In other words, axis_F (or axis_M) is the eigenvector of R_FM with eigenvalue equal to one. This vector can have any length, only the direction is used. This method aborts if axis is the zero vector.

Parameter damping:

Viscous damping coefficient, in N⋅m⋅s, used to model losses within the joint. The damping torque (in N⋅m) is modeled as τ = -damping⋅ω, i.e. opposing motion, with ω the angular rate for this joint (see get_angular_rate()).


RuntimeError if damping is negative.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint, name: str, frame_on_parent: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, frame_on_child: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, axis: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]], pos_lower_limit: float, pos_upper_limit: float, damping: float = 0.0) -> None

Constructor to create a revolute joint between two bodies so that frame F attached to the parent body P and frame M attached to the child body B, rotate relatively to one another about a common axis. See this class’s documentation for further details on the definition of these frames and rotation angle. The first three arguments to this constructor are those of the Joint class constructor. See the Joint class’s documentation for details. The additional parameters are:

Parameter axis:

A vector in ℝ³ specifying the axis of revolution for this joint. Given that frame M only rotates with respect to F and their origins are coincident at all times, the measures of axis in either frame F or M are exactly the same, that is, axis_F = axis_M. In other words, axis_F (or axis_M) is the eigenvector of R_FM with eigenvalue equal to one. This vector can have any length, only the direction is used.

Parameter pos_lower_limit:

Lower position limit, in radians, for the rotation coordinate (see get_angle()).

Parameter pos_upper_limit:

Upper position limit, in radians, for the rotation coordinate (see get_angle()).

Parameter damping:

Viscous damping coefficient, in N⋅m⋅s, used to model losses within the joint. The damping torque (in N⋅m) is modeled as τ = -damping⋅ω, i.e. opposing motion, with ω the angular rate for this joint (see get_angular_rate()).

  • RuntimeError if the L2 norm of axis is less than the square

  • root of machine epsilon.

  • RuntimeError if damping is negative.

  • RuntimeError if pos_lower_limit > pos_upper_limit.

acceleration_lower_limit(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint) float

Returns the acceleration lower limit for this joint in radians / s².

acceleration_upper_limit(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint) float

Returns the acceleration upper limit for this joint in radians / s².

default_damping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint) float

Returns this joint’s default damping constant in N⋅m⋅s.

get_angle(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint, context: float

Gets the rotation angle of this mobilizer from context.

Parameter context:

The context of the MultibodyTree this joint belongs to.


The angle coordinate of this joint stored in the context.

get_angular_rate(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint, context: float

Gets the rate of change, in radians per second, of this joint’s angle (see get_angle()) from context.

Parameter context:

The context of the MultibodyTree this joint belongs to.


The rate of change of this joint’s angle as stored in the context.

get_default_angle(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint) float

Gets the default rotation angle. Wrapper for the more general Joint::default_positions().


The default angle of this stored in default_positions_

GetDamping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint, context: float

Returns the Context dependent damping coefficient stored as a parameter in context. Refer to default_damping() for details.

Parameter context:

The context storing the state and parameters for the model to which this joint belongs.

kTypeName = 'revolute'
position_lower_limit(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint) float

Returns the position lower limit for this joint in radians.

position_upper_limit(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint) float

Returns the position upper limit for this joint in radians.

revolute_axis(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Returns the axis of revolution of this joint as a unit vector. Since the measures of this axis in either frame F or M are the same (see this class’s documentation for frame definitions) then, axis = axis_F = axis_M.

set_angle(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint, context:, angle: float) pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint

Sets the context so that the generalized coordinate corresponding to the rotation angle of this joint equals angle.

Parameter context:

The context of the MultibodyTree this joint belongs to.

Parameter angle:

The desired angle in radians to be stored in context.


a constant reference to this joint.

set_angular_rate(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint, context:, angle: float) pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint

Sets the rate of change, in radians per second, of this this joint’s angle to angle. The new rate of change angle gets stored in context.

Parameter context:

The context of the MultibodyTree this joint belongs to.

Parameter angle:

The desired rate of change of this joints’s angle in radians per second. (Should have been named rate or angular_rate.)


a constant reference to this joint.

set_default_angle(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint, angle: float) None

Sets the default_positions of this joint (in this case a single angle).

Parameter angle:

The desired default angle of the joint

set_default_damping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint, damping: float) None

Sets the default value of viscous damping for this joint, in N⋅m⋅s.


RuntimeError if damping is negative.


the MultibodyPlant must not be finalized.

set_random_angle_distribution(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint, angle: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) None
SetDamping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint, context:, damping: float) None

Sets the value of the viscous damping coefficient for this joint, stored as a parameter in context. Refer to default_damping() for details.

Parameter context:

The context storing the state and parameters for the model to which this joint belongs.

Parameter damping:

The damping value.


RuntimeError if damping is negative.

velocity_lower_limit(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint) float

Returns the velocity lower limit for this joint in radians / s.

velocity_upper_limit(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint) float

Returns the velocity upper limit for this joint in radians / s.

template pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_

Instantiations: RevoluteJoint_[float], RevoluteJoint_[AutoDiffXd], RevoluteJoint_[Expression]

class pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[AutoDiffXd]

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd]

This Joint allows two bodies to rotate relatively to one another around a common axis. That is, given a frame F attached to the parent body P and a frame M attached to the child body B (see the Joint class’s documentation), this Joint allows frames F and M to rotate with respect to each other about an axis â. The rotation angle’s sign is defined such that child body B rotates about axis â according to the right hand rule, with thumb aligned in the axis direction. Axis â is constant and has the same measures in both frames F and M, that is, â_F = â_M.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[AutoDiffXd], name: str, frame_on_parent: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], frame_on_child: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], axis: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]], damping: float = 0) -> None

Constructor to create a revolute joint between two bodies so that frame F attached to the parent body P and frame M attached to the child body B, rotate relatively to one another about a common axis. See this class’s documentation for further details on the definition of these frames and rotation angle. This constructor signature creates a joint with no joint limits, i.e. the joint position, velocity and acceleration limits are the pair (-∞, ∞). The first three arguments to this constructor are those of the Joint class constructor. See the Joint class’s documentation for details. The additional parameters are:

Parameter axis:

A vector in ℝ³ specifying the axis of revolution for this joint. Given that frame M only rotates with respect to F and their origins are coincident at all times, the measures of axis in either frame F or M are exactly the same, that is, axis_F = axis_M. In other words, axis_F (or axis_M) is the eigenvector of R_FM with eigenvalue equal to one. This vector can have any length, only the direction is used. This method aborts if axis is the zero vector.

Parameter damping:

Viscous damping coefficient, in N⋅m⋅s, used to model losses within the joint. The damping torque (in N⋅m) is modeled as τ = -damping⋅ω, i.e. opposing motion, with ω the angular rate for this joint (see get_angular_rate()).


RuntimeError if damping is negative.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[AutoDiffXd], name: str, frame_on_parent: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], frame_on_child: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], axis: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]], pos_lower_limit: float, pos_upper_limit: float, damping: float = 0.0) -> None

Constructor to create a revolute joint between two bodies so that frame F attached to the parent body P and frame M attached to the child body B, rotate relatively to one another about a common axis. See this class’s documentation for further details on the definition of these frames and rotation angle. The first three arguments to this constructor are those of the Joint class constructor. See the Joint class’s documentation for details. The additional parameters are:

Parameter axis:

A vector in ℝ³ specifying the axis of revolution for this joint. Given that frame M only rotates with respect to F and their origins are coincident at all times, the measures of axis in either frame F or M are exactly the same, that is, axis_F = axis_M. In other words, axis_F (or axis_M) is the eigenvector of R_FM with eigenvalue equal to one. This vector can have any length, only the direction is used.

Parameter pos_lower_limit:

Lower position limit, in radians, for the rotation coordinate (see get_angle()).

Parameter pos_upper_limit:

Upper position limit, in radians, for the rotation coordinate (see get_angle()).

Parameter damping:

Viscous damping coefficient, in N⋅m⋅s, used to model losses within the joint. The damping torque (in N⋅m) is modeled as τ = -damping⋅ω, i.e. opposing motion, with ω the angular rate for this joint (see get_angular_rate()).

  • RuntimeError if the L2 norm of axis is less than the square

  • root of machine epsilon.

  • RuntimeError if damping is negative.

  • RuntimeError if pos_lower_limit > pos_upper_limit.

acceleration_lower_limit(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[AutoDiffXd]) float

Returns the acceleration lower limit for this joint in radians / s².

acceleration_upper_limit(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[AutoDiffXd]) float

Returns the acceleration upper limit for this joint in radians / s².

default_damping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[AutoDiffXd]) float

Returns this joint’s default damping constant in N⋅m⋅s.

get_angle(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd

Gets the rotation angle of this mobilizer from context.

Parameter context:

The context of the MultibodyTree this joint belongs to.


The angle coordinate of this joint stored in the context.

get_angular_rate(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd

Gets the rate of change, in radians per second, of this joint’s angle (see get_angle()) from context.

Parameter context:

The context of the MultibodyTree this joint belongs to.


The rate of change of this joint’s angle as stored in the context.

get_default_angle(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[AutoDiffXd]) float

Gets the default rotation angle. Wrapper for the more general Joint::default_positions().


The default angle of this stored in default_positions_

GetDamping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd

Returns the Context dependent damping coefficient stored as a parameter in context. Refer to default_damping() for details.

Parameter context:

The context storing the state and parameters for the model to which this joint belongs.

kTypeName = 'revolute'
position_lower_limit(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[AutoDiffXd]) float

Returns the position lower limit for this joint in radians.

position_upper_limit(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[AutoDiffXd]) float

Returns the position upper limit for this joint in radians.

revolute_axis(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Returns the axis of revolution of this joint as a unit vector. Since the measures of this axis in either frame F or M are the same (see this class’s documentation for frame definitions) then, axis = axis_F = axis_M.

set_angle(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], angle: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd) pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[AutoDiffXd]

Sets the context so that the generalized coordinate corresponding to the rotation angle of this joint equals angle.

Parameter context:

The context of the MultibodyTree this joint belongs to.

Parameter angle:

The desired angle in radians to be stored in context.


a constant reference to this joint.

set_angular_rate(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], angle: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd) pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[AutoDiffXd]

Sets the rate of change, in radians per second, of this this joint’s angle to angle. The new rate of change angle gets stored in context.

Parameter context:

The context of the MultibodyTree this joint belongs to.

Parameter angle:

The desired rate of change of this joints’s angle in radians per second. (Should have been named rate or angular_rate.)


a constant reference to this joint.

set_default_angle(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[AutoDiffXd], angle: float) None

Sets the default_positions of this joint (in this case a single angle).

Parameter angle:

The desired default angle of the joint

set_default_damping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[AutoDiffXd], damping: float) None

Sets the default value of viscous damping for this joint, in N⋅m⋅s.


RuntimeError if damping is negative.


the MultibodyPlant must not be finalized.

set_random_angle_distribution(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[AutoDiffXd], angle: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) None
SetDamping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], damping: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd) None

Sets the value of the viscous damping coefficient for this joint, stored as a parameter in context. Refer to default_damping() for details.

Parameter context:

The context storing the state and parameters for the model to which this joint belongs.

Parameter damping:

The damping value.


RuntimeError if damping is negative.

velocity_lower_limit(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[AutoDiffXd]) float

Returns the velocity lower limit for this joint in radians / s.

velocity_upper_limit(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[AutoDiffXd]) float

Returns the velocity upper limit for this joint in radians / s.

class pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[Expression]

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression]

This Joint allows two bodies to rotate relatively to one another around a common axis. That is, given a frame F attached to the parent body P and a frame M attached to the child body B (see the Joint class’s documentation), this Joint allows frames F and M to rotate with respect to each other about an axis â. The rotation angle’s sign is defined such that child body B rotates about axis â according to the right hand rule, with thumb aligned in the axis direction. Axis â is constant and has the same measures in both frames F and M, that is, â_F = â_M.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[Expression], name: str, frame_on_parent: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], frame_on_child: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], axis: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]], damping: float = 0) -> None

Constructor to create a revolute joint between two bodies so that frame F attached to the parent body P and frame M attached to the child body B, rotate relatively to one another about a common axis. See this class’s documentation for further details on the definition of these frames and rotation angle. This constructor signature creates a joint with no joint limits, i.e. the joint position, velocity and acceleration limits are the pair (-∞, ∞). The first three arguments to this constructor are those of the Joint class constructor. See the Joint class’s documentation for details. The additional parameters are:

Parameter axis:

A vector in ℝ³ specifying the axis of revolution for this joint. Given that frame M only rotates with respect to F and their origins are coincident at all times, the measures of axis in either frame F or M are exactly the same, that is, axis_F = axis_M. In other words, axis_F (or axis_M) is the eigenvector of R_FM with eigenvalue equal to one. This vector can have any length, only the direction is used. This method aborts if axis is the zero vector.

Parameter damping:

Viscous damping coefficient, in N⋅m⋅s, used to model losses within the joint. The damping torque (in N⋅m) is modeled as τ = -damping⋅ω, i.e. opposing motion, with ω the angular rate for this joint (see get_angular_rate()).


RuntimeError if damping is negative.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[Expression], name: str, frame_on_parent: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], frame_on_child: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], axis: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]], pos_lower_limit: float, pos_upper_limit: float, damping: float = 0.0) -> None

Constructor to create a revolute joint between two bodies so that frame F attached to the parent body P and frame M attached to the child body B, rotate relatively to one another about a common axis. See this class’s documentation for further details on the definition of these frames and rotation angle. The first three arguments to this constructor are those of the Joint class constructor. See the Joint class’s documentation for details. The additional parameters are:

Parameter axis:

A vector in ℝ³ specifying the axis of revolution for this joint. Given that frame M only rotates with respect to F and their origins are coincident at all times, the measures of axis in either frame F or M are exactly the same, that is, axis_F = axis_M. In other words, axis_F (or axis_M) is the eigenvector of R_FM with eigenvalue equal to one. This vector can have any length, only the direction is used.

Parameter pos_lower_limit:

Lower position limit, in radians, for the rotation coordinate (see get_angle()).

Parameter pos_upper_limit:

Upper position limit, in radians, for the rotation coordinate (see get_angle()).

Parameter damping:

Viscous damping coefficient, in N⋅m⋅s, used to model losses within the joint. The damping torque (in N⋅m) is modeled as τ = -damping⋅ω, i.e. opposing motion, with ω the angular rate for this joint (see get_angular_rate()).

  • RuntimeError if the L2 norm of axis is less than the square

  • root of machine epsilon.

  • RuntimeError if damping is negative.

  • RuntimeError if pos_lower_limit > pos_upper_limit.

acceleration_lower_limit(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[Expression]) float

Returns the acceleration lower limit for this joint in radians / s².

acceleration_upper_limit(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[Expression]) float

Returns the acceleration upper limit for this joint in radians / s².

default_damping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[Expression]) float

Returns this joint’s default damping constant in N⋅m⋅s.

get_angle(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression]) pydrake.symbolic.Expression

Gets the rotation angle of this mobilizer from context.

Parameter context:

The context of the MultibodyTree this joint belongs to.


The angle coordinate of this joint stored in the context.

get_angular_rate(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression]) pydrake.symbolic.Expression

Gets the rate of change, in radians per second, of this joint’s angle (see get_angle()) from context.

Parameter context:

The context of the MultibodyTree this joint belongs to.


The rate of change of this joint’s angle as stored in the context.

get_default_angle(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[Expression]) float

Gets the default rotation angle. Wrapper for the more general Joint::default_positions().


The default angle of this stored in default_positions_

GetDamping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression]) pydrake.symbolic.Expression

Returns the Context dependent damping coefficient stored as a parameter in context. Refer to default_damping() for details.

Parameter context:

The context storing the state and parameters for the model to which this joint belongs.

kTypeName = 'revolute'
position_lower_limit(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[Expression]) float

Returns the position lower limit for this joint in radians.

position_upper_limit(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[Expression]) float

Returns the position upper limit for this joint in radians.

revolute_axis(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Returns the axis of revolution of this joint as a unit vector. Since the measures of this axis in either frame F or M are the same (see this class’s documentation for frame definitions) then, axis = axis_F = axis_M.

set_angle(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression], angle: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[Expression]

Sets the context so that the generalized coordinate corresponding to the rotation angle of this joint equals angle.

Parameter context:

The context of the MultibodyTree this joint belongs to.

Parameter angle:

The desired angle in radians to be stored in context.


a constant reference to this joint.

set_angular_rate(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression], angle: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[Expression]

Sets the rate of change, in radians per second, of this this joint’s angle to angle. The new rate of change angle gets stored in context.

Parameter context:

The context of the MultibodyTree this joint belongs to.

Parameter angle:

The desired rate of change of this joints’s angle in radians per second. (Should have been named rate or angular_rate.)


a constant reference to this joint.

set_default_angle(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[Expression], angle: float) None

Sets the default_positions of this joint (in this case a single angle).

Parameter angle:

The desired default angle of the joint

set_default_damping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[Expression], damping: float) None

Sets the default value of viscous damping for this joint, in N⋅m⋅s.


RuntimeError if damping is negative.


the MultibodyPlant must not be finalized.

set_random_angle_distribution(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[Expression], angle: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) None
SetDamping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression], damping: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) None

Sets the value of the viscous damping coefficient for this joint, stored as a parameter in context. Refer to default_damping() for details.

Parameter context:

The context storing the state and parameters for the model to which this joint belongs.

Parameter damping:

The damping value.


RuntimeError if damping is negative.

velocity_lower_limit(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[Expression]) float

Returns the velocity lower limit for this joint in radians / s.

velocity_upper_limit(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[Expression]) float

Returns the velocity upper limit for this joint in radians / s.

class pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteSpring

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.ForceElement

This ForceElement models a torsional spring attached to a RevoluteJoint and applies a torque to that joint

Click to expand C++ code...
τ = -k⋅(θ - θ₀)

where θ₀ is the nominal joint position. Note that joint damping exists within the RevoluteJoint itself, and so is not included here.


This class is templated; see RevoluteSpring_ for the list of instantiations.

__init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteSpring, joint: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint, nominal_angle: float, stiffness: float) None

Constructor for a spring attached to the given joint

Parameter nominal_angle:

The nominal angle of the spring θ₀, in radians, at which the spring applies no moment.

Parameter stiffness:

The stiffness k of the spring in N⋅m/rad.


RuntimeError if stiffness is negative.

joint(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteSpring) pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint
nominal_angle(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteSpring) float
stiffness(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteSpring) float
template pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteSpring_

Instantiations: RevoluteSpring_[float], RevoluteSpring_[AutoDiffXd], RevoluteSpring_[Expression]

class pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteSpring_[AutoDiffXd]

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.ForceElement_[AutoDiffXd]

This ForceElement models a torsional spring attached to a RevoluteJoint and applies a torque to that joint

Click to expand C++ code...
τ = -k⋅(θ - θ₀)

where θ₀ is the nominal joint position. Note that joint damping exists within the RevoluteJoint itself, and so is not included here.

__init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteSpring_[AutoDiffXd], joint: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[AutoDiffXd], nominal_angle: float, stiffness: float) None

Constructor for a spring attached to the given joint

Parameter nominal_angle:

The nominal angle of the spring θ₀, in radians, at which the spring applies no moment.

Parameter stiffness:

The stiffness k of the spring in N⋅m/rad.


RuntimeError if stiffness is negative.

joint(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteSpring_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[AutoDiffXd]
nominal_angle(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteSpring_[AutoDiffXd]) float
stiffness(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteSpring_[AutoDiffXd]) float
class pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteSpring_[Expression]

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.ForceElement_[Expression]

This ForceElement models a torsional spring attached to a RevoluteJoint and applies a torque to that joint

Click to expand C++ code...
τ = -k⋅(θ - θ₀)

where θ₀ is the nominal joint position. Note that joint damping exists within the RevoluteJoint itself, and so is not included here.

__init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteSpring_[Expression], joint: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[Expression], nominal_angle: float, stiffness: float) None

Constructor for a spring attached to the given joint

Parameter nominal_angle:

The nominal angle of the spring θ₀, in radians, at which the spring applies no moment.

Parameter stiffness:

The stiffness k of the spring in N⋅m/rad.


RuntimeError if stiffness is negative.

joint(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteSpring_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteJoint_[Expression]
nominal_angle(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteSpring_[Expression]) float
stiffness(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RevoluteSpring_[Expression]) float
class pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody

The term rigid body implies that the deformations of the body under consideration are so small that they have no significant effect on the overall motions of the body and therefore deformations can be neglected. If deformations are neglected, the distance between any two points on the rigid body remains constant at all times. This invariance of the distance between two arbitrary points is often taken as the definition of a rigid body in classical treatments of multibody mechanics [Goldstein 2001]. It can be demonstrated that the unconstrained three-dimensional motions of a rigid body can be described by six coordinates and thus it is often said that a free body in space has six degrees of freedom. These degrees of freedom obey the Newton-Euler equations of motion. However, within a MultibodyTree, a RigidBody is not free in space; instead, it is assigned a limited number of degrees of freedom (0-6) with respect to its parent body in the multibody tree by its Mobilizer (also called a “tree joint” or “inboard joint”). Additional constraints on permissible motion can be added using Constraint objects to remove more degrees of freedom.

  • [Goldstein 2001] H Goldstein, CP Poole, JL Safko, Classical Mechanics

    (3rd Edition), Addison-Wesley, 2001.


This class is templated; see RigidBody_ for the list of instantiations.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody, body_name: str, M_BBo_B: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia = SpatialInertia.Zero()) -> None

Constructs a RigidBody named body_name with the given default SpatialInertia.

Parameter body_name:

A name associated with this body.

Parameter M_BBo_B:

Spatial inertia of this body B about the frame’s origin Bo and expressed in the body frame B. When not provided, defaults to zero.


See multibody_spatial_inertia for details on the monogram notation used for spatial inertia quantities.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody, body_name: str, model_instance: pydrake.multibody.tree.ModelInstanceIndex, M_BBo_B: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia = SpatialInertia.Zero()) -> None

Constructs a RigidBody named body_name with the given default SpatialInertia.

Parameter body_name:

A name associated with this body.

Parameter model_instance:

The model instance associated with this body.

Parameter M_BBo_B:

Spatial inertia of this body B about the frame’s origin Bo and expressed in the body frame B. When not provided, defaults to zero.


See multibody_spatial_inertia for details on the monogram notation used for spatial inertia quantities.

AddInForce(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody, context:, p_BP_E: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]], F_Bp_E: pydrake.multibody.math.SpatialForce, frame_E: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, forces: pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces) None

Adds the SpatialForce on this RigidBody B, applied at point P and expressed in a frame E into forces.

Parameter context:

The context containing the current state of the model.

Parameter p_BP_E:

The position of point P in B, expressed in a frame E.

Parameter F_Bp_E:

The spatial force to be applied on body B at point P, expressed in frame E.

Parameter frame_E:

The expressed-in frame E.

Parameter forces:

A multibody forces objects that on output will have F_Bp_E added.

  • RuntimeError if forces is nullptr or if it is not consistent

  • with the model to which this body belongs.

AddInForceInWorld(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody, context:, F_Bo_W: pydrake.multibody.math.SpatialForce, forces: pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces) None

Adds the SpatialForce on this RigidBody B, applied at body B’s origin Bo and expressed in the world frame W into forces.

body_frame(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody) pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBodyFrame

Returns a const reference to the associated BodyFrame.

CalcCenterOfMassInBodyFrame(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody, context: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Gets this body’s center of mass position from the given context.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.


p_BoBcm_B position vector from Bo (this rigid body B’s origin) to Bcm (B’s center of mass), expressed in B.


the context makes sense for use by this RigidBody.

CalcCenterOfMassTranslationalAccelerationInWorld(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody, context: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Calculates Bcm’s translational acceleration in the world frame W.

Parameter context:

The context contains the state of the model.

Returns a_WBcm_W:

The translational acceleration of Bcm (this rigid body’s center of mass) in the world frame W, expressed in W.


When cached values are out of sync with the state stored in context, this method performs an expensive forward dynamics computation, whereas once evaluated, successive calls to this method are inexpensive.

CalcCenterOfMassTranslationalVelocityInWorld(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody, context: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Calculates Bcm’s translational velocity in the world frame W.

Parameter context:

The context contains the state of the model.

Returns v_WBcm_W:

The translational velocity of Bcm (this rigid body’s center of mass) in the world frame W, expressed in W.

CalcSpatialInertiaInBodyFrame(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody, context: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia

Gets this body’s spatial inertia about its origin from the given context.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.


M_BBo_B spatial inertia of this rigid body B about Bo (B’s origin), expressed in B. M_BBo_B contains properties related to B’s mass, the position vector from Bo to Bcm (B’s center of mass), and G_BBo_B (B’s unit inertia about Bo expressed in B).


the context makes sense for use by this RigidBody.

default_com(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Returns the default value of this RigidBody’s center of mass as measured and expressed in its body frame. This value is initially supplied at construction when specifying this body’s SpatialInertia.

Returns p_BoBcm_B:

The position of this rigid body B’s center of mass Bcm measured from Bo (B’s frame origin) and expressed in B (body B’s frame).

default_mass(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. default_mass(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody) -> float

Returns this RigidBody’s default mass, which is initially supplied at construction when specifying this body’s SpatialInertia.


In general, a rigid body’s mass can be a constant property stored in this rigid body’s SpatialInertia or a parameter that is stored in a Context. The default constant mass value is used to initialize the mass parameter in the Context.

  1. default_mass(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody) -> float

Returns this RigidBody’s default mass, which is initially supplied at construction when specifying this body’s SpatialInertia.


In general, a rigid body’s mass can be a constant property stored in this rigid body’s SpatialInertia or a parameter that is stored in a Context. The default constant mass value is used to initialize the mass parameter in the Context.

default_rotational_inertia(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody) pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia

Gets the default value of this body B’s rotational inertia about Bo (B’s origin), expressed in B (this body’s body frame). This value is calculated from the SpatialInertia supplied at construction of this body.

Returns I_BBo_B:

body B’s rotational inertia about Bo, expressed in B.

default_spatial_inertia(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia

Gets the default value of this body B’s SpatialInertia about Bo (B’s origin) and expressed in B (this body’s frame).

Returns M_BBo_B:

body B’s spatial inertia about Bo, expressed in B.

default_unit_inertia(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia

Returns the default value of this body B’s unit inertia about Bo (body B’s origin), expressed in B (this body’s body frame). This value is initially supplied at construction when specifying this body’s SpatialInertia.

Returns G_BBo_B:

rigid body B’s unit inertia about Bo, expressed in B.

EvalPoseInWorld(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody, context: pydrake.math.RigidTransform

Returns the pose X_WB of this RigidBody B in the world frame W as a function of the state of the model stored in context.

EvalSpatialAccelerationInWorld(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody, context: pydrake.multibody.math.SpatialAcceleration

Evaluates A_WB, this body B’s SpatialAcceleration in the world frame W.

Parameter context:

Contains the state of the model.

Returns A_WB_W:

this body B’s spatial acceleration in the world frame W, expressed in W (for point Bo, the body’s origin).


When cached values are out of sync with the state stored in context, this method performs an expensive forward dynamics computation, whereas once evaluated, successive calls to this method are inexpensive.

EvalSpatialVelocityInWorld(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody, context: pydrake.multibody.math.SpatialVelocity

Evaluates V_WB, this body B’s SpatialVelocity in the world frame W.

Parameter context:

Contains the state of the model.

Returns V_WB_W:

this body B’s spatial velocity in the world frame W, expressed in W (for point Bo, the body frame’s origin).

floating_position_suffix(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody, arg0: int) str

Returns a string suffix (e.g. to be appended to the name()) to identify the k`th position in the floating base. `position_index_in_body must be in [0, 7) if has_quaternion_dofs() is true, otherwise in [0, 6).


RuntimeError if called pre-finalize


this is a floating base body

See also

is_floating(), has_quaternion_dofs(), MultibodyPlant::Finalize()

floating_positions_start(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody) int

(Advanced) For floating base bodies (see is_floating()) this method returns the index of this RigidBody’s first generalized position in the vector q of generalized position coordinates for a MultibodyPlant model. Positions q for this RigidBody are then contiguous starting at this index. When a floating RigidBody is modeled with quaternion coordinates (see has_quaternion_dofs()), the four consecutive entries in the state starting at this index correspond to the quaternion that parametrizes this RigidBody’s orientation.


RuntimeError if called pre-finalize


this is a floating base body

See also

is_floating(), has_quaternion_dofs(), MultibodyPlant::Finalize()

floating_velocities_start_in_v(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody) int

(Advanced) For floating base bodies (see is_floating()) this method returns the index of this RigidBody’s first generalized velocity in the vector v of generalized velocities for a MultibodyPlant model. Velocities v for this RigidBody are then contiguous starting at this index.


RuntimeError if called pre-finalize


this is a floating base body

See also

is_floating(), MultibodyPlant::Finalize()

floating_velocity_suffix(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody, arg0: int) str

Returns a string suffix (e.g. to be appended to the name()) to identify the k`th velocity in the floating base. `velocity_index_in_body must be in [0,6).


RuntimeError if called pre-finalize


this is a floating base body

See also

is_floating(), MultibodyPlant::Finalize()

get_mass(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody, context: float

Gets this body’s mass from the given context.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.


the context makes sense for use by this RigidBody.

GetForceInWorld(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody, context:, forces: pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces) pydrake.multibody.math.SpatialForce

Gets the SpatialForce on this RigidBody B from forces as F_BBo_W: applied at body B’s origin Bo and expressed in world frame W.

GetParentPlant(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody) drake::multibody::MultibodyPlant<double>
has_quaternion_dofs(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody) bool

(Advanced) If True, this body’s generalized position coordinates q include a quaternion, which occupies the first four elements of q. Note that this does not imply that the body is floating base body since it may have fewer than 6 dofs or its inboard body could be something other than World.


RuntimeError if called pre-finalize

See also

is_floating(), MultibodyPlant::Finalize()

index(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody) pydrake.multibody.tree.BodyIndex
is_ephemeral(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody) bool
is_floating(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody) bool

(Advanced) Returns True if this body is granted 6-dofs by a Mobilizer and the parent body of this body’s associated 6-dof joint is world.


A floating base body is not necessarily modeled with a quaternion mobilizer, see has_quaternion_dofs(). Alternative options include a roll-pitch-yaw (rpy) parametrization of rotations, see RpyFloatingMobilizer.


RuntimeError if called pre-finalize,

See also


is_locked(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody, context: bool

Determines whether this RigidBody is currently locked to its inboard (parent) RigidBody. This is not limited to floating base bodies but generally Joint::is_locked() is preferable otherwise.


true if the body is locked, false otherwise.

Lock(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody, context: None

For a floating base RigidBody, lock its inboard joint. Its generalized velocities will be 0 until it is unlocked.


RuntimeError if this body is not a floating base body.

model_instance(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody) pydrake.multibody.tree.ModelInstanceIndex
name(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody) str

Gets the name associated with this rigid body. The name will never be empty.

scoped_name(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody) pydrake.multibody.tree.ScopedName

Returns scoped name of this frame. Neither of the two pieces of the name will be empty (the scope name and the element name).

SetCenterOfMassInBodyFrame(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody, context:, com: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) None

(Advanced) Sets this body’s center of mass position while preserving its inertia about its body origin.

Parameter out:

] context contains the state of the multibody system. It is modified to store the updated com (center of mass position).

Parameter com:

position vector from Bo (this body B’s origin) to Bcm (B’s center of mass), expressed in B.


This function changes B’s center of mass position without modifying G_BBo_B (B’s unit inertia about Bo, expressed in B). Since this use case is very unlikely, consider using SetSpatialInertiaInBodyFrame() or SetCenterOfMassInBodyFrameAndPreserveCentralInertia().


the context makes sense for use by this RigidBody.


RuntimeError if context is null.


Do not use this function unless it is needed (think twice).

SetMass(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody, context:, mass: float) None

For this RigidBody B, sets its mass stored in context to mass.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.

Parameter mass:

mass of this rigid body B.


This function changes this body B’s mass and appropriately scales I_BBo_B (B’s rotational inertia about Bo, expressed in B).


the context makes sense for use by this RigidBody.


RuntimeError if context is null.

SetSpatialInertiaInBodyFrame(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody, context:, M_Bo_B: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia) None

For this RigidBody B, sets its SpatialInertia that is stored in context to M_Bo_B.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.

Parameter M_Bo_B:

spatial inertia of this rigid body B about Bo (B’s origin), expressed in B. M_Bo_B contains properties related to B’s mass, the position vector from Bo to Bcm (B’s center of mass), and G_Bo_B (B’s unit inertia about Bo expressed in B).


the context makes sense for use by this RigidBody.


RuntimeError if context is null.

Unlock(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody, context: None

For a floating base RigidBody, unlock its inboard joint.


RuntimeError if this body is not a floating base body.

template pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_

Instantiations: RigidBody_[float], RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd], RigidBody_[Expression]

class pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd]

The term rigid body implies that the deformations of the body under consideration are so small that they have no significant effect on the overall motions of the body and therefore deformations can be neglected. If deformations are neglected, the distance between any two points on the rigid body remains constant at all times. This invariance of the distance between two arbitrary points is often taken as the definition of a rigid body in classical treatments of multibody mechanics [Goldstein 2001]. It can be demonstrated that the unconstrained three-dimensional motions of a rigid body can be described by six coordinates and thus it is often said that a free body in space has six degrees of freedom. These degrees of freedom obey the Newton-Euler equations of motion. However, within a MultibodyTree, a RigidBody is not free in space; instead, it is assigned a limited number of degrees of freedom (0-6) with respect to its parent body in the multibody tree by its Mobilizer (also called a “tree joint” or “inboard joint”). Additional constraints on permissible motion can be added using Constraint objects to remove more degrees of freedom.

  • [Goldstein 2001] H Goldstein, CP Poole, JL Safko, Classical Mechanics

    (3rd Edition), Addison-Wesley, 2001.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd], body_name: str, M_BBo_B: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia = SpatialInertia.Zero()) -> None

Constructs a RigidBody named body_name with the given default SpatialInertia.

Parameter body_name:

A name associated with this body.

Parameter M_BBo_B:

Spatial inertia of this body B about the frame’s origin Bo and expressed in the body frame B. When not provided, defaults to zero.


See multibody_spatial_inertia for details on the monogram notation used for spatial inertia quantities.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd], body_name: str, model_instance: pydrake.multibody.tree.ModelInstanceIndex, M_BBo_B: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia = SpatialInertia.Zero()) -> None

Constructs a RigidBody named body_name with the given default SpatialInertia.

Parameter body_name:

A name associated with this body.

Parameter model_instance:

The model instance associated with this body.

Parameter M_BBo_B:

Spatial inertia of this body B about the frame’s origin Bo and expressed in the body frame B. When not provided, defaults to zero.


See multibody_spatial_inertia for details on the monogram notation used for spatial inertia quantities.

AddInForce(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], p_BP_E: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]], F_Bp_E: pydrake.multibody.math.SpatialForce_[AutoDiffXd], frame_E: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], forces: pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces_[AutoDiffXd]) None

Adds the SpatialForce on this RigidBody B, applied at point P and expressed in a frame E into forces.

Parameter context:

The context containing the current state of the model.

Parameter p_BP_E:

The position of point P in B, expressed in a frame E.

Parameter F_Bp_E:

The spatial force to be applied on body B at point P, expressed in frame E.

Parameter frame_E:

The expressed-in frame E.

Parameter forces:

A multibody forces objects that on output will have F_Bp_E added.

  • RuntimeError if forces is nullptr or if it is not consistent

  • with the model to which this body belongs.

AddInForceInWorld(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], F_Bo_W: pydrake.multibody.math.SpatialForce_[AutoDiffXd], forces: pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces_[AutoDiffXd]) None

Adds the SpatialForce on this RigidBody B, applied at body B’s origin Bo and expressed in the world frame W into forces.

body_frame(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBodyFrame_[AutoDiffXd]

Returns a const reference to the associated BodyFrame.

CalcCenterOfMassInBodyFrame(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]

Gets this body’s center of mass position from the given context.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.


p_BoBcm_B position vector from Bo (this rigid body B’s origin) to Bcm (B’s center of mass), expressed in B.


the context makes sense for use by this RigidBody.

CalcCenterOfMassTranslationalAccelerationInWorld(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]

Calculates Bcm’s translational acceleration in the world frame W.

Parameter context:

The context contains the state of the model.

Returns a_WBcm_W:

The translational acceleration of Bcm (this rigid body’s center of mass) in the world frame W, expressed in W.


When cached values are out of sync with the state stored in context, this method performs an expensive forward dynamics computation, whereas once evaluated, successive calls to this method are inexpensive.

CalcCenterOfMassTranslationalVelocityInWorld(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]

Calculates Bcm’s translational velocity in the world frame W.

Parameter context:

The context contains the state of the model.

Returns v_WBcm_W:

The translational velocity of Bcm (this rigid body’s center of mass) in the world frame W, expressed in W.

CalcSpatialInertiaInBodyFrame(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

Gets this body’s spatial inertia about its origin from the given context.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.


M_BBo_B spatial inertia of this rigid body B about Bo (B’s origin), expressed in B. M_BBo_B contains properties related to B’s mass, the position vector from Bo to Bcm (B’s center of mass), and G_BBo_B (B’s unit inertia about Bo expressed in B).


the context makes sense for use by this RigidBody.

default_com(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Returns the default value of this RigidBody’s center of mass as measured and expressed in its body frame. This value is initially supplied at construction when specifying this body’s SpatialInertia.

Returns p_BoBcm_B:

The position of this rigid body B’s center of mass Bcm measured from Bo (B’s frame origin) and expressed in B (body B’s frame).

default_mass(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. default_mass(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd]) -> float

Returns this RigidBody’s default mass, which is initially supplied at construction when specifying this body’s SpatialInertia.


In general, a rigid body’s mass can be a constant property stored in this rigid body’s SpatialInertia or a parameter that is stored in a Context. The default constant mass value is used to initialize the mass parameter in the Context.

  1. default_mass(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd]) -> float

Returns this RigidBody’s default mass, which is initially supplied at construction when specifying this body’s SpatialInertia.


In general, a rigid body’s mass can be a constant property stored in this rigid body’s SpatialInertia or a parameter that is stored in a Context. The default constant mass value is used to initialize the mass parameter in the Context.

default_rotational_inertia(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia

Gets the default value of this body B’s rotational inertia about Bo (B’s origin), expressed in B (this body’s body frame). This value is calculated from the SpatialInertia supplied at construction of this body.

Returns I_BBo_B:

body B’s rotational inertia about Bo, expressed in B.

default_spatial_inertia(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia

Gets the default value of this body B’s SpatialInertia about Bo (B’s origin) and expressed in B (this body’s frame).

Returns M_BBo_B:

body B’s spatial inertia about Bo, expressed in B.

default_unit_inertia(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia

Returns the default value of this body B’s unit inertia about Bo (body B’s origin), expressed in B (this body’s body frame). This value is initially supplied at construction when specifying this body’s SpatialInertia.

Returns G_BBo_B:

rigid body B’s unit inertia about Bo, expressed in B.

EvalPoseInWorld(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.math.RigidTransform_[AutoDiffXd]

Returns the pose X_WB of this RigidBody B in the world frame W as a function of the state of the model stored in context.

EvalSpatialAccelerationInWorld(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.math.SpatialAcceleration_[AutoDiffXd]

Evaluates A_WB, this body B’s SpatialAcceleration in the world frame W.

Parameter context:

Contains the state of the model.

Returns A_WB_W:

this body B’s spatial acceleration in the world frame W, expressed in W (for point Bo, the body’s origin).


When cached values are out of sync with the state stored in context, this method performs an expensive forward dynamics computation, whereas once evaluated, successive calls to this method are inexpensive.

EvalSpatialVelocityInWorld(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.math.SpatialVelocity_[AutoDiffXd]

Evaluates V_WB, this body B’s SpatialVelocity in the world frame W.

Parameter context:

Contains the state of the model.

Returns V_WB_W:

this body B’s spatial velocity in the world frame W, expressed in W (for point Bo, the body frame’s origin).

floating_position_suffix(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd], arg0: int) str

Returns a string suffix (e.g. to be appended to the name()) to identify the k`th position in the floating base. `position_index_in_body must be in [0, 7) if has_quaternion_dofs() is true, otherwise in [0, 6).


RuntimeError if called pre-finalize


this is a floating base body

See also

is_floating(), has_quaternion_dofs(), MultibodyPlant::Finalize()

floating_positions_start(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd]) int

(Advanced) For floating base bodies (see is_floating()) this method returns the index of this RigidBody’s first generalized position in the vector q of generalized position coordinates for a MultibodyPlant model. Positions q for this RigidBody are then contiguous starting at this index. When a floating RigidBody is modeled with quaternion coordinates (see has_quaternion_dofs()), the four consecutive entries in the state starting at this index correspond to the quaternion that parametrizes this RigidBody’s orientation.


RuntimeError if called pre-finalize


this is a floating base body

See also

is_floating(), has_quaternion_dofs(), MultibodyPlant::Finalize()

floating_velocities_start_in_v(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd]) int

(Advanced) For floating base bodies (see is_floating()) this method returns the index of this RigidBody’s first generalized velocity in the vector v of generalized velocities for a MultibodyPlant model. Velocities v for this RigidBody are then contiguous starting at this index.


RuntimeError if called pre-finalize


this is a floating base body

See also

is_floating(), MultibodyPlant::Finalize()

floating_velocity_suffix(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd], arg0: int) str

Returns a string suffix (e.g. to be appended to the name()) to identify the k`th velocity in the floating base. `velocity_index_in_body must be in [0,6).


RuntimeError if called pre-finalize


this is a floating base body

See also

is_floating(), MultibodyPlant::Finalize()

get_mass(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd

Gets this body’s mass from the given context.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.


the context makes sense for use by this RigidBody.

GetForceInWorld(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], forces: pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.math.SpatialForce_[AutoDiffXd]

Gets the SpatialForce on this RigidBody B from forces as F_BBo_W: applied at body B’s origin Bo and expressed in world frame W.

GetParentPlant(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd]) drake::multibody::MultibodyPlant<Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<Eigen::Matrix<double, -1, 1, 0, -1, 1> > >
has_quaternion_dofs(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd]) bool

(Advanced) If True, this body’s generalized position coordinates q include a quaternion, which occupies the first four elements of q. Note that this does not imply that the body is floating base body since it may have fewer than 6 dofs or its inboard body could be something other than World.


RuntimeError if called pre-finalize

See also

is_floating(), MultibodyPlant::Finalize()

index(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.tree.BodyIndex
is_ephemeral(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd]) bool
is_floating(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd]) bool

(Advanced) Returns True if this body is granted 6-dofs by a Mobilizer and the parent body of this body’s associated 6-dof joint is world.


A floating base body is not necessarily modeled with a quaternion mobilizer, see has_quaternion_dofs(). Alternative options include a roll-pitch-yaw (rpy) parametrization of rotations, see RpyFloatingMobilizer.


RuntimeError if called pre-finalize,

See also


is_locked(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) bool

Determines whether this RigidBody is currently locked to its inboard (parent) RigidBody. This is not limited to floating base bodies but generally Joint::is_locked() is preferable otherwise.


true if the body is locked, false otherwise.

Lock(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) None

For a floating base RigidBody, lock its inboard joint. Its generalized velocities will be 0 until it is unlocked.


RuntimeError if this body is not a floating base body.

model_instance(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.tree.ModelInstanceIndex
name(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd]) str

Gets the name associated with this rigid body. The name will never be empty.

scoped_name(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.tree.ScopedName

Returns scoped name of this frame. Neither of the two pieces of the name will be empty (the scope name and the element name).

SetCenterOfMassInBodyFrame(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], com: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) None

(Advanced) Sets this body’s center of mass position while preserving its inertia about its body origin.

Parameter out:

] context contains the state of the multibody system. It is modified to store the updated com (center of mass position).

Parameter com:

position vector from Bo (this body B’s origin) to Bcm (B’s center of mass), expressed in B.


This function changes B’s center of mass position without modifying G_BBo_B (B’s unit inertia about Bo, expressed in B). Since this use case is very unlikely, consider using SetSpatialInertiaInBodyFrame() or SetCenterOfMassInBodyFrameAndPreserveCentralInertia().


the context makes sense for use by this RigidBody.


RuntimeError if context is null.


Do not use this function unless it is needed (think twice).

SetMass(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], mass: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd) None

For this RigidBody B, sets its mass stored in context to mass.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.

Parameter mass:

mass of this rigid body B.


This function changes this body B’s mass and appropriately scales I_BBo_B (B’s rotational inertia about Bo, expressed in B).


the context makes sense for use by this RigidBody.


RuntimeError if context is null.

SetSpatialInertiaInBodyFrame(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], M_Bo_B: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[AutoDiffXd]) None

For this RigidBody B, sets its SpatialInertia that is stored in context to M_Bo_B.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.

Parameter M_Bo_B:

spatial inertia of this rigid body B about Bo (B’s origin), expressed in B. M_Bo_B contains properties related to B’s mass, the position vector from Bo to Bcm (B’s center of mass), and G_Bo_B (B’s unit inertia about Bo expressed in B).


the context makes sense for use by this RigidBody.


RuntimeError if context is null.

Unlock(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) None

For a floating base RigidBody, unlock its inboard joint.


RuntimeError if this body is not a floating base body.

class pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression]

The term rigid body implies that the deformations of the body under consideration are so small that they have no significant effect on the overall motions of the body and therefore deformations can be neglected. If deformations are neglected, the distance between any two points on the rigid body remains constant at all times. This invariance of the distance between two arbitrary points is often taken as the definition of a rigid body in classical treatments of multibody mechanics [Goldstein 2001]. It can be demonstrated that the unconstrained three-dimensional motions of a rigid body can be described by six coordinates and thus it is often said that a free body in space has six degrees of freedom. These degrees of freedom obey the Newton-Euler equations of motion. However, within a MultibodyTree, a RigidBody is not free in space; instead, it is assigned a limited number of degrees of freedom (0-6) with respect to its parent body in the multibody tree by its Mobilizer (also called a “tree joint” or “inboard joint”). Additional constraints on permissible motion can be added using Constraint objects to remove more degrees of freedom.

  • [Goldstein 2001] H Goldstein, CP Poole, JL Safko, Classical Mechanics

    (3rd Edition), Addison-Wesley, 2001.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression], body_name: str, M_BBo_B: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia = SpatialInertia.Zero()) -> None

Constructs a RigidBody named body_name with the given default SpatialInertia.

Parameter body_name:

A name associated with this body.

Parameter M_BBo_B:

Spatial inertia of this body B about the frame’s origin Bo and expressed in the body frame B. When not provided, defaults to zero.


See multibody_spatial_inertia for details on the monogram notation used for spatial inertia quantities.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression], body_name: str, model_instance: pydrake.multibody.tree.ModelInstanceIndex, M_BBo_B: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia = SpatialInertia.Zero()) -> None

Constructs a RigidBody named body_name with the given default SpatialInertia.

Parameter body_name:

A name associated with this body.

Parameter model_instance:

The model instance associated with this body.

Parameter M_BBo_B:

Spatial inertia of this body B about the frame’s origin Bo and expressed in the body frame B. When not provided, defaults to zero.


See multibody_spatial_inertia for details on the monogram notation used for spatial inertia quantities.

AddInForce(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression], context:[Expression], p_BP_E: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]], F_Bp_E: pydrake.multibody.math.SpatialForce_[Expression], frame_E: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], forces: pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces_[Expression]) None

Adds the SpatialForce on this RigidBody B, applied at point P and expressed in a frame E into forces.

Parameter context:

The context containing the current state of the model.

Parameter p_BP_E:

The position of point P in B, expressed in a frame E.

Parameter F_Bp_E:

The spatial force to be applied on body B at point P, expressed in frame E.

Parameter frame_E:

The expressed-in frame E.

Parameter forces:

A multibody forces objects that on output will have F_Bp_E added.

  • RuntimeError if forces is nullptr or if it is not consistent

  • with the model to which this body belongs.

AddInForceInWorld(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression], context:[Expression], F_Bo_W: pydrake.multibody.math.SpatialForce_[Expression], forces: pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces_[Expression]) None

Adds the SpatialForce on this RigidBody B, applied at body B’s origin Bo and expressed in the world frame W into forces.

body_frame(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBodyFrame_[Expression]

Returns a const reference to the associated BodyFrame.

CalcCenterOfMassInBodyFrame(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression], context:[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]

Gets this body’s center of mass position from the given context.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.


p_BoBcm_B position vector from Bo (this rigid body B’s origin) to Bcm (B’s center of mass), expressed in B.


the context makes sense for use by this RigidBody.

CalcCenterOfMassTranslationalAccelerationInWorld(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression], context:[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]

Calculates Bcm’s translational acceleration in the world frame W.

Parameter context:

The context contains the state of the model.

Returns a_WBcm_W:

The translational acceleration of Bcm (this rigid body’s center of mass) in the world frame W, expressed in W.


When cached values are out of sync with the state stored in context, this method performs an expensive forward dynamics computation, whereas once evaluated, successive calls to this method are inexpensive.

CalcCenterOfMassTranslationalVelocityInWorld(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression], context:[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]

Calculates Bcm’s translational velocity in the world frame W.

Parameter context:

The context contains the state of the model.

Returns v_WBcm_W:

The translational velocity of Bcm (this rigid body’s center of mass) in the world frame W, expressed in W.

CalcSpatialInertiaInBodyFrame(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression], context:[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[Expression]

Gets this body’s spatial inertia about its origin from the given context.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.


M_BBo_B spatial inertia of this rigid body B about Bo (B’s origin), expressed in B. M_BBo_B contains properties related to B’s mass, the position vector from Bo to Bcm (B’s center of mass), and G_BBo_B (B’s unit inertia about Bo expressed in B).


the context makes sense for use by this RigidBody.

default_com(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Returns the default value of this RigidBody’s center of mass as measured and expressed in its body frame. This value is initially supplied at construction when specifying this body’s SpatialInertia.

Returns p_BoBcm_B:

The position of this rigid body B’s center of mass Bcm measured from Bo (B’s frame origin) and expressed in B (body B’s frame).

default_mass(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. default_mass(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression]) -> float

Returns this RigidBody’s default mass, which is initially supplied at construction when specifying this body’s SpatialInertia.


In general, a rigid body’s mass can be a constant property stored in this rigid body’s SpatialInertia or a parameter that is stored in a Context. The default constant mass value is used to initialize the mass parameter in the Context.

  1. default_mass(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression]) -> float

Returns this RigidBody’s default mass, which is initially supplied at construction when specifying this body’s SpatialInertia.


In general, a rigid body’s mass can be a constant property stored in this rigid body’s SpatialInertia or a parameter that is stored in a Context. The default constant mass value is used to initialize the mass parameter in the Context.

default_rotational_inertia(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia

Gets the default value of this body B’s rotational inertia about Bo (B’s origin), expressed in B (this body’s body frame). This value is calculated from the SpatialInertia supplied at construction of this body.

Returns I_BBo_B:

body B’s rotational inertia about Bo, expressed in B.

default_spatial_inertia(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia

Gets the default value of this body B’s SpatialInertia about Bo (B’s origin) and expressed in B (this body’s frame).

Returns M_BBo_B:

body B’s spatial inertia about Bo, expressed in B.

default_unit_inertia(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia

Returns the default value of this body B’s unit inertia about Bo (body B’s origin), expressed in B (this body’s body frame). This value is initially supplied at construction when specifying this body’s SpatialInertia.

Returns G_BBo_B:

rigid body B’s unit inertia about Bo, expressed in B.

EvalPoseInWorld(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression], context:[Expression]) pydrake.math.RigidTransform_[Expression]

Returns the pose X_WB of this RigidBody B in the world frame W as a function of the state of the model stored in context.

EvalSpatialAccelerationInWorld(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression], context:[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.math.SpatialAcceleration_[Expression]

Evaluates A_WB, this body B’s SpatialAcceleration in the world frame W.

Parameter context:

Contains the state of the model.

Returns A_WB_W:

this body B’s spatial acceleration in the world frame W, expressed in W (for point Bo, the body’s origin).


When cached values are out of sync with the state stored in context, this method performs an expensive forward dynamics computation, whereas once evaluated, successive calls to this method are inexpensive.

EvalSpatialVelocityInWorld(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression], context:[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.math.SpatialVelocity_[Expression]

Evaluates V_WB, this body B’s SpatialVelocity in the world frame W.

Parameter context:

Contains the state of the model.

Returns V_WB_W:

this body B’s spatial velocity in the world frame W, expressed in W (for point Bo, the body frame’s origin).

floating_position_suffix(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression], arg0: int) str

Returns a string suffix (e.g. to be appended to the name()) to identify the k`th position in the floating base. `position_index_in_body must be in [0, 7) if has_quaternion_dofs() is true, otherwise in [0, 6).


RuntimeError if called pre-finalize


this is a floating base body

See also

is_floating(), has_quaternion_dofs(), MultibodyPlant::Finalize()

floating_positions_start(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression]) int

(Advanced) For floating base bodies (see is_floating()) this method returns the index of this RigidBody’s first generalized position in the vector q of generalized position coordinates for a MultibodyPlant model. Positions q for this RigidBody are then contiguous starting at this index. When a floating RigidBody is modeled with quaternion coordinates (see has_quaternion_dofs()), the four consecutive entries in the state starting at this index correspond to the quaternion that parametrizes this RigidBody’s orientation.


RuntimeError if called pre-finalize


this is a floating base body

See also

is_floating(), has_quaternion_dofs(), MultibodyPlant::Finalize()

floating_velocities_start_in_v(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression]) int

(Advanced) For floating base bodies (see is_floating()) this method returns the index of this RigidBody’s first generalized velocity in the vector v of generalized velocities for a MultibodyPlant model. Velocities v for this RigidBody are then contiguous starting at this index.


RuntimeError if called pre-finalize


this is a floating base body

See also

is_floating(), MultibodyPlant::Finalize()

floating_velocity_suffix(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression], arg0: int) str

Returns a string suffix (e.g. to be appended to the name()) to identify the k`th velocity in the floating base. `velocity_index_in_body must be in [0,6).


RuntimeError if called pre-finalize


this is a floating base body

See also

is_floating(), MultibodyPlant::Finalize()

get_mass(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression], context:[Expression]) pydrake.symbolic.Expression

Gets this body’s mass from the given context.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.


the context makes sense for use by this RigidBody.

GetForceInWorld(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression], context:[Expression], forces: pydrake.multibody.tree.MultibodyForces_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.math.SpatialForce_[Expression]

Gets the SpatialForce on this RigidBody B from forces as F_BBo_W: applied at body B’s origin Bo and expressed in world frame W.

GetParentPlant(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression]) drake::multibody::MultibodyPlant<drake::symbolic::Expression>
has_quaternion_dofs(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression]) bool

(Advanced) If True, this body’s generalized position coordinates q include a quaternion, which occupies the first four elements of q. Note that this does not imply that the body is floating base body since it may have fewer than 6 dofs or its inboard body could be something other than World.


RuntimeError if called pre-finalize

See also

is_floating(), MultibodyPlant::Finalize()

index(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.tree.BodyIndex
is_ephemeral(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression]) bool
is_floating(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression]) bool

(Advanced) Returns True if this body is granted 6-dofs by a Mobilizer and the parent body of this body’s associated 6-dof joint is world.


A floating base body is not necessarily modeled with a quaternion mobilizer, see has_quaternion_dofs(). Alternative options include a roll-pitch-yaw (rpy) parametrization of rotations, see RpyFloatingMobilizer.


RuntimeError if called pre-finalize,

See also


is_locked(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression], context:[Expression]) bool

Determines whether this RigidBody is currently locked to its inboard (parent) RigidBody. This is not limited to floating base bodies but generally Joint::is_locked() is preferable otherwise.


true if the body is locked, false otherwise.

Lock(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression], context:[Expression]) None

For a floating base RigidBody, lock its inboard joint. Its generalized velocities will be 0 until it is unlocked.


RuntimeError if this body is not a floating base body.

model_instance(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.tree.ModelInstanceIndex
name(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression]) str

Gets the name associated with this rigid body. The name will never be empty.

scoped_name(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.tree.ScopedName

Returns scoped name of this frame. Neither of the two pieces of the name will be empty (the scope name and the element name).

SetCenterOfMassInBodyFrame(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression], context:[Expression], com: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) None

(Advanced) Sets this body’s center of mass position while preserving its inertia about its body origin.

Parameter out:

] context contains the state of the multibody system. It is modified to store the updated com (center of mass position).

Parameter com:

position vector from Bo (this body B’s origin) to Bcm (B’s center of mass), expressed in B.


This function changes B’s center of mass position without modifying G_BBo_B (B’s unit inertia about Bo, expressed in B). Since this use case is very unlikely, consider using SetSpatialInertiaInBodyFrame() or SetCenterOfMassInBodyFrameAndPreserveCentralInertia().


the context makes sense for use by this RigidBody.


RuntimeError if context is null.


Do not use this function unless it is needed (think twice).

SetMass(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression], context:[Expression], mass: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) None

For this RigidBody B, sets its mass stored in context to mass.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.

Parameter mass:

mass of this rigid body B.


This function changes this body B’s mass and appropriately scales I_BBo_B (B’s rotational inertia about Bo, expressed in B).


the context makes sense for use by this RigidBody.


RuntimeError if context is null.

SetSpatialInertiaInBodyFrame(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression], context:[Expression], M_Bo_B: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[Expression]) None

For this RigidBody B, sets its SpatialInertia that is stored in context to M_Bo_B.

Parameter context:

contains the state of the multibody system.

Parameter M_Bo_B:

spatial inertia of this rigid body B about Bo (B’s origin), expressed in B. M_Bo_B contains properties related to B’s mass, the position vector from Bo to Bcm (B’s center of mass), and G_Bo_B (B’s unit inertia about Bo expressed in B).


the context makes sense for use by this RigidBody.


RuntimeError if context is null.

Unlock(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBody_[Expression], context:[Expression]) None

For a floating base RigidBody, unlock its inboard joint.


RuntimeError if this body is not a floating base body.

class pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBodyFrame

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame

A RigidBodyFrame is a material Frame that serves as the unique reference frame for a RigidBody.

Each RigidBody B has a unique body frame for which we use the same symbol B (with meaning clear from context). We represent a body frame by a RigidBodyFrame object that is created whenever a RigidBody is constructed and is owned by the RigidBody. All properties of a RigidBody are defined with respect to its RigidBodyFrame, including its mass properties and attachment locations for joints, constraints, actuators, geometry and so on. Run time motion of the body is defined with respect to the motion of its body frame.

Note that the body frame associated with a rigid body does not necessarily need to be located at its center of mass nor does it need to be aligned with the body’s principal axes, although, in practice, it frequently is.

A RigidBodyFrame and RigidBody are tightly coupled concepts; neither makes sense without the other. Therefore, a RigidBodyFrame instance is constructed in conjunction with its RigidBody and cannot be constructed anywhere else. However, you can still access the frame associated with a body, see RigidBody::body_frame(). This access is more than a convenience; you can use the RigidBodyFrame to define other frames on the body and to attach other multibody elements to it.


This class is templated; see RigidBodyFrame_ for the list of instantiations.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)
template pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBodyFrame_

Instantiations: RigidBodyFrame_[float], RigidBodyFrame_[AutoDiffXd], RigidBodyFrame_[Expression]

class pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBodyFrame_[AutoDiffXd]

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd]

A RigidBodyFrame is a material Frame that serves as the unique reference frame for a RigidBody.

Each RigidBody B has a unique body frame for which we use the same symbol B (with meaning clear from context). We represent a body frame by a RigidBodyFrame object that is created whenever a RigidBody is constructed and is owned by the RigidBody. All properties of a RigidBody are defined with respect to its RigidBodyFrame, including its mass properties and attachment locations for joints, constraints, actuators, geometry and so on. Run time motion of the body is defined with respect to the motion of its body frame.

Note that the body frame associated with a rigid body does not necessarily need to be located at its center of mass nor does it need to be aligned with the body’s principal axes, although, in practice, it frequently is.

A RigidBodyFrame and RigidBody are tightly coupled concepts; neither makes sense without the other. Therefore, a RigidBodyFrame instance is constructed in conjunction with its RigidBody and cannot be constructed anywhere else. However, you can still access the frame associated with a body, see RigidBody::body_frame(). This access is more than a convenience; you can use the RigidBodyFrame to define other frames on the body and to attach other multibody elements to it.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class pydrake.multibody.tree.RigidBodyFrame_[Expression]

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression]

A RigidBodyFrame is a material Frame that serves as the unique reference frame for a RigidBody.

Each RigidBody B has a unique body frame for which we use the same symbol B (with meaning clear from context). We represent a body frame by a RigidBodyFrame object that is created whenever a RigidBody is constructed and is owned by the RigidBody. All properties of a RigidBody are defined with respect to its RigidBodyFrame, including its mass properties and attachment locations for joints, constraints, actuators, geometry and so on. Run time motion of the body is defined with respect to the motion of its body frame.

Note that the body frame associated with a rigid body does not necessarily need to be located at its center of mass nor does it need to be aligned with the body’s principal axes, although, in practice, it frequently is.

A RigidBodyFrame and RigidBody are tightly coupled concepts; neither makes sense without the other. Therefore, a RigidBodyFrame instance is constructed in conjunction with its RigidBody and cannot be constructed anywhere else. However, you can still access the frame associated with a body, see RigidBody::body_frame(). This access is more than a convenience; you can use the RigidBodyFrame to define other frames on the body and to attach other multibody elements to it.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia

This class describes the mass distribution (inertia properties) of a body or composite body about a particular point. Herein, “composite body” means one body or a collection of bodies that are welded together. In this documentation, “body” and “composite body” are used interchangeably.

A rigid body’s mass distribution is described by three quantities: the body’s mass; the body’s center of mass; and the body’s rotational inertia about a particular point. The term rotational inertia is used here and by [Jain 2010] to distinguish from a body’s spatial inertia. In this class, a 3x3 inertia matrix I represents a body’s rotational inertia about a point and expressed in a frame. More specifically, I_BP_E is the inertia matrix of a body B about-point P and expressed-in frame E (herein frame E’s orthogonal unit vectors Ex, Ey, Ez are denoted 𝐱̂, 𝐲̂, 𝐳̂).

Click to expand C++ code...
| Ixx Ixy Ixz |
I = | Ixy Iyy Iyz |
    | Ixz Iyz Izz |

The moments of inertia Ixx, Iyy, Izz and products of inertia Ixy, Ixz, Iyz are defined in terms of the mass dm of a differential volume of the body. The position of dm from about-point P is xx̂ + yŷ + zẑ = [x, y, z]_E.

Click to expand C++ code...
Ixx = ∫ (y² + z²) dm
Iyy = ∫ (x² + z²) dm
Izz = ∫ (x² + y²) dm
Ixy = - ∫ x y dm
Ixz = - ∫ x z dm
Iyz = - ∫ y z dm

We use the negated convention for products of inertia, so that I serves to relate angular velocity ω and angular momentum h via h = I ω. Ensure your products of inertia follow this negative sign convention.

The 3x3 inertia matrix is symmetric and its diagonal elements (moments of inertia) and off-diagonal elements (products of inertia) are associated with a body (or composite body) S, an about-point P, and an expressed-in frame E (𝐱̂, 𝐲̂, 𝐳̂̂). A rotational inertia is ill-defined unless there is a body S, about-point P, and expressed-in frame E. The user of this class is responsible for tracking the body S, about-point P and expressed-in frame E (none of these are stored in this class).


This class does not store the about-point nor the expressed-in frame, nor does this class help enforce consistency of the about-point or expressed-in frame. To help users of this class track the about-point and expressed-in frame, we strongly recommend the following notation.


In typeset material, use the symbol \([I^{S/P}]_E\) to represent the rotational inertia (inertia matrix) of a body (or composite body) S about-point P, expressed in frame E. In code and comments, use the monogram notation I_SP_E (e.g., as described in multibody_spatial_inertia). If the about-point P is fixed to a body B, the point is named \(B_P\) and this appears in code/comments as Bp. Examples: I_BBp_E is rigid body B’s rotational inertia about-point Bp expressed-in frame E; I_BBo_E is B’s rotational inertia about-point Bo (body B’s origin) expressed-in frame E; and I_BBcm_E is B’s inertia matrix about-point Bcm (B’s center of mass) expressed-in frame E.


The rotational inertia (inertia matrix) can be re-expressed in terms of a special frame whose orthogonal unit vectors are parallel to principal axes of inertia so that the inertia matrix is diagonalized with elements called principal moments of inertia.


The formal definition of the inertia matrix \(I^{S/P}\) of a system S about a point P follows the definition of the inertia dyadic 𝐈 of S about P, which begins by modeling S with n particles S₁ … Sₙ (e.g., 12 grams of carbon can be modeled with n = 6.02 * 10²³ molecules/particles). The inertia dyadic 𝐈₁ of one particle S₁ about point P is defined [Kane, 1985] in terms of m₁ (mass of S₁), ᴾ𝐩ˢ¹ (position vector from P to S₁), and the unit dyadic 𝐔 which is defined by the property 𝐔 ⋅ 𝐯 = 𝐯 where 𝐯 is is any vector (this definition of 𝐔 is analogous to defining the identity matrix by the property 𝑰𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒚𝑴𝒂𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒙 * 𝒂𝒏𝒚𝑴𝒂𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒙 = 𝒂𝒏𝒚𝑴𝒂𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒙).

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𝐈₁ = m₁ * [𝐔 * (ᴾ𝐩ˢ¹ ⋅ ᴾ𝐩ˢ¹)  -  ᴾ𝐩ˢ¹ * ᴾ𝐩ˢ¹]

Note: The vector dot-product (⋅) above produces a scalar whereas the vector multiply (*) produces a dyadic which is a 2nd-order tensor (ᴾ𝐩ˢ¹ * ᴾ𝐩ˢ¹ is similar to the matrix outer-product of a 3x1 matrix multiplied by a 1x3 matrix). An example inertia dyadic for a single particle is shown further below. The inertia dyadic 𝐈 of the entire system S is defined by summing the inertia dyadic of each particle Sᵢ about P (i = 1, … n), i.e.,

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𝐈 = 𝐈₁ + 𝐈₂ + ... 𝐈ₙ

The elements of the inertia matrix \([I^{S/P}]_E\) expressed in frame E (in terms of orthogonal unit vectors 𝐱̂, 𝐲̂, 𝐳̂̂) are found by pre-dot multiplying and post-dot multiplying 𝐈 with appropriate unit vectors.

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Ixx = 𝐱̂ ⋅ 𝐈 ⋅ 𝐱̂     Ixy = 𝐱̂ ⋅ 𝐈 ⋅ 𝐲̂      Ixz = 𝐱̂ ⋅ 𝐈 ⋅ 𝐳̂̂
   Iyx = 𝐲̂ ⋅ 𝐈 ⋅ 𝐱̂     Iyy = 𝐲̂ ⋅ 𝐈 ⋅ 𝐲̂      Iyz = 𝐲̂ ⋅ 𝐈 ⋅ 𝐳̂̂
   Izx = 𝐳̂̂ ⋅ 𝐈 ⋅ 𝐱̂     Izy = 𝐳̂̂ ⋅ 𝐈 ⋅ 𝐲̂      Izz = 𝐳̂̂ ⋅ 𝐈 ⋅ 𝐳̂̂

The inertia dyadic 𝐈ᴮ of a rigid body B about Bcm (B’s center of mass) is related to various dynamic quantities. For example, B’s angular momentum 𝐇 about Bcm in a frame N and B’s kinetic energy KE in N relate to 𝐈ᴮ by

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𝐇 = 𝐈ᴮ ⋅ 𝛚
   KE = 1/2 𝛚 ⋅ 𝐈ᴮ ⋅ 𝛚  +  1/2 mᴮ 𝐯 ⋅ 𝐯

where 𝛚 is B’s angular velocity in N, 𝐯 is Bcm’s translational velocity in N, and mᴮ is B’s mass. When frame N happens to be a Newtonian frame (also called an inertial frame or non-rotating/non-accelerating frame), the moment 𝐓 of all forces on B about Bcm relates to 𝐈ᴮ and 𝛂 (B’s angular acceleration in N) by Euler’s rigid body equation as

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𝐓 = 𝐈ᴮ ⋅ 𝛂  +  𝛚 × 𝐈ᴮ ⋅ 𝛚

Example: For a particle Q of mass m whose position vector from a point O is written in terms of right-handed orthogonal unit vectors 𝐱̂, 𝐲̂, 𝐳̂ (below), the inertia dyadic 𝐈 of particle Q about point O is defined and calculated

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𝐩 = x 𝐱̂  +  y 𝐲̂                               (given)
    𝐈 = m * [𝐔 * (𝐩 ⋅ 𝐩)  -  𝐩 * 𝐩]              (definition)
      = m * [𝐔 * (x² + y²)  -  (x𝐱̂ + y𝐲̂̂) * (x𝐱̂ + y𝐲̂)
      = m * [(𝐱̂𝐱̂ + 𝐲̂𝐲̂ + 𝐳̂𝐳̂) * (x² + y²) - (x²𝐱̂𝐱̂ + xy𝐱̂𝐲̂̂ + xy𝐲̂̂𝐱̂ + y²𝐲̂̂𝐲̂̂)]
      = m * [y²𝐱̂𝐱̂ + x²𝐲̂𝐲̂ + (x² + y²)𝐳̂𝐳̂ - xy𝐱̂𝐲̂̂ - xy𝐲̂̂𝐱̂]

which means the inertia matrix for particle Q about point O for 𝐱̂, 𝐲̂, 𝐳̂ is

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|  m      -m x y         0     |
I = | -m x y     m           0     |
    |    0         0     m ( + ) |

[Kane, 1985] pg. 68. “Dynamics: Theory and Applications,” McGraw-Hill Co., New York, 1985 (with D. A. Levinson). Available for free .pdf download:


Several methods in this class throw a RuntimeError for invalid rotational inertia operations in debug releases only. This provides speed in a release build while facilitating debugging in debug builds. In addition, these validity tests are only performed for scalar types for which drake::scalar_predicate<T>::is_bool is True. For instance, validity checks are not performed when T is symbolic::Expression.


The methods of this class satisfy the “basic exception guarantee”: if an exception is thrown, the program will still be in a valid state. Specifically, no resources are leaked, and all objects’ invariants are intact. Be aware that RotationalInertia objects may contain invalid inertia data in cases where input checking is skipped.

Various methods in this class require numerical (not symbolic) data types.


This class is templated; see RotationalInertia_ for the list of instantiations.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia) -> None

Constructs a rotational inertia that has all its moments/products of inertia equal to NaN (helps quickly detect uninitialized values).

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia, Ixx: float, Iyy: float, Izz: float) -> None

Creates a rotational inertia with moments of inertia Ixx, Iyy, Izz, and with each product of inertia set to zero.


RuntimeError for Debug builds if not CouldBePhysicallyValid()

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia, Ixx: float, Iyy: float, Izz: float, Ixy: float, Ixz: float, Iyz: float) -> None

Creates a rotational inertia with moments of inertia Ixx, Iyy, Izz, and with products of inertia Ixy, Ixz, Iyz.


RuntimeError for Debug builds if not CouldBePhysicallyValid()

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia, mass: float, p_PQ_E: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) -> None

Constructs a rotational inertia for a particle Q of mass mass, whose position vector from about-point P is p_PQ_E (E is expressed-in frame). This RuntimeError exception only occurs if mass < 0.

Parameter mass:

The mass of particle Q.

Parameter p_PQ_E:

Position from about-point P to Q, expressed-in frame E.

Returns I_QP_E:

, Q’s rotational inertia about-point P expressed-in frame E.


Negating the position vector p_PQ_E has no affect on the result.


RuntimeError for Debug builds if not CouldBePhysicallyValid()

CalcMaximumPossibleMomentOfInertia(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia) float

Returns the maximum possible moment of inertia for this rotational inertia about-point P for any expressed-in frame E.


The maximum moment Imax has range: trace / 3 <= Imax <= trace / 2.

See also


CalcPrincipalMomentsAndAxesOfInertia(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia) tuple[numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]], pydrake.math.RotationMatrix]

Forms the 3 principal moments of inertia and their 3 associated principal directions for this rotational inertia.


3 principal moments of inertia [Ixx Iyy Izz], sorted in ascending order (Ixx ≤ Iyy ≤ Izz) and a rotation matrix R_EA whose columns are the 3 associated principal directions that relate the expressed-in frame E to a frame A, where frame E is the expressed-in frame for this rotational inertia I_BP_E (body B’s rotational inertia about-point P) and frame A contains right-handed orthonormal vectors Ax, Ay, Az. The 1ˢᵗ column of R_EA is Ax_E (Ax expressed in frame E) which is parallel to the principal axis associated with Ixx (the smallest principal moment of inertia). Similarly, the 2ⁿᵈ and 3ʳᵈ columns of R_EA are Ay_E and Az_E, which are parallel to principal axes associated with Iyy and Izz (the intermediate and largest principal moments of inertia). If all principal moments of inertia are equal (i.e., Ixx = Iyy = Izz), R_EA is the identity matrix.

  • RuntimeError if the elements of this rotational inertia cannot

  • be converted to a real finite double. For example, an exception is

  • thrown if this contains an erroneous NaN or if scalar type T

  • is symbolic.

See also

CalcPrincipalMomentsOfInertia() to calculate the principal moments of inertia [Ixx Iyy Izz], without calculating the principal directions.

CalcPrincipalMomentsOfInertia(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Forms the 3 principal moments of inertia for this rotational inertia.

Returns The:

3 principal moments of inertia [Imin Imed Imax], sorted in ascending order (Imin ≤ Imed ≤ Imax).

  • RuntimeError if the elements of this rotational inertia cannot

  • be converted to a real finite double. For example, an exception is

  • thrown if this contains an erroneous NaN or if scalar type T

  • is symbolic.

See also

CalcPrincipalMomentsAndAxesOfInertia() to also calculate principal moment of inertia directions associated with this rotational inertia.

cols(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia) int

For consistency with Eigen’s API, the cols() method returns 3.

CopyToFullMatrix3(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 3]]

Gets a full 3x3 matrix copy of this rotational inertia. The returned copy is symmetric and includes both lower and upper parts of the matrix.

CouldBePhysicallyValid(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia) bool

Performs several checks to verify whether this rotational inertia could be physically valid, including:

  • No NaN moments or products of inertia.

  • Ixx, Iyy, Izz and principal moments are all non-negative.

  • Ixx, Iyy Izz and principal moments satisfy the triangle inequality: - Ixx + Iyy Izz - Ixx + Izz ≥ Iyy - Iyy + Izz Ixx


These checks are necessary (but NOT sufficient) conditions for a rotational inertia to be physically valid. The sufficient condition requires a rotational inertia to satisfy the above checks after this is shifted to the center of mass, i.e., the sufficient condition requires calling CouldBePhysicallyValid() when the about-point is Bcm (the body’s center of mass). Note: this class does not know its about-point or its center of mass location.


True for a plausible rotational inertia passing the above necessary but insufficient checks and False otherwise.

  • RuntimeError if principal moments of inertia cannot be calculated

  • (eigenvalue solver) or if scalar type T cannot be converted to a

  • double.

get_moments(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Returns 3-element vector with moments of inertia [Ixx, Iyy, Izz].

get_products(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Returns 3-element vector with products of inertia [Ixy, Ixz, Iyz].

IsNaN(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia) bool

Returns True if any moment/product in this rotational inertia is NaN. Otherwise returns False.

IsNearlyEqualTo(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia, other: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia, precision: float) bool

Compares this rotational inertia to other rotational inertia within the specified precision (which is a dimensionless number specifying the relative precision to which the comparison is performed). Denoting I_maxA as the largest element value that can appear in a valid this rotational inertia (independent of the expressed-in frame E) and denoting I_maxB as the largest element value that can appear in a valid other rotational inertia (independent of the expressed-in frame E), this and other are considered nearly equal to each other, if: ‖this - other‖∞ < precision * min(I_maxA, I_maxB)

Parameter other:

Rotational inertia to compare with this rotational inertia.

Parameter precision:

is a dimensionless real positive number that is usually based on two factors, namely expected accuracy of moments/products of inertia (e.g., from end-user or CAD) and/or machine-precision.


True if the absolute value of each moment/product of inertia in this is within epsilon of the corresponding moment/ product absolute value in other. Otherwise returns False.


: This method only works if all moments of inertia with scalar type T in this and other can be converted to a double (discarding supplemental scalar data such as derivatives of an AutoDiffXd). It fails at runtime if type T cannot be converted to double.

IsZero(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia) bool

Returns True if all moments and products of inertia are exactly zero.

ReExpress(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia, R_AE: pydrake.math.RotationMatrix) pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia

Re-expresses this rotational inertia I_BP_E to I_BP_A i.e., re-expresses body B’s rotational inertia from frame E to frame A.

Parameter R_AE:

RotationMatrix relating frames A and E.

Returns I_BP_A:

Rotational inertia of B about-point P expressed-in frame A.

  • RuntimeError for Debug builds if the rotational inertia that is

  • re-expressed-in frame A violates CouldBePhysicallyValid()

See also


rows(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia) int

For consistency with Eigen’s API, the rows() method returns 3.

SetToNaN(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia) None

Sets this rotational inertia so all its elements are equal to NaN. This helps quickly detect uninitialized moments/products of inertia.

SetZero(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia) None

Sets this rotational inertia so all its moments/products of inertia are zero, e.g., for convenient initialization before a computation or for inertia calculations involving a particle (point-mass). Note: Real 3D massive physical objects have non-zero moments of inertia.

ShiftFromCenterOfMass(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia, mass: float, p_BcmQ_E: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia

Calculates the rotational inertia that results from shifting this rotational inertia for a body (or composite body) B from about-point Bcm (B’s center of mass) to about-point Q. I.e., shifts I_BBcm_E to I_BQ_E (both are expressed-in frame E).

Parameter mass:

The mass of body (or composite body) B.

Parameter p_BcmQ_E:

Position vector from Bcm to Q, expressed-in frame E.

Returns I_BQ_E:

B’s rotational inertia about-point Q expressed-in frame E.

  • RuntimeError for Debug builds if the rotational inertia that is

  • shifted to about-point Q violates CouldBePhysicallyValid()


Negating the position vector p_BcmQ_E has no affect on the result.

ShiftToCenterOfMass(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia, mass: float, p_QBcm_E: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia

Calculates the rotational inertia that results from shifting this rotational inertia for a body (or composite body) B from about-point Q to about-point Bcm (B’s center of mass). I.e., shifts I_BQ_E to I_BBcm_E (both are expressed-in frame E).

Parameter mass:

The mass of body (or composite body) B.

Parameter p_QBcm_E:

Position vector from Q to Bcm, expressed-in frame E.

Returns I_BBcm_E:

B’s rotational inertia about-point Bcm expressed-in frame E.

  • RuntimeError for Debug builds if the rotational inertia that is

  • shifted to about-point Bcm violates CouldBePhysicallyValid()


Negating the position vector p_QBcm_E has no affect on the result.

ShiftToThenAwayFromCenterOfMass(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia, mass: float, p_PBcm_E: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]], p_QBcm_E: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia

Calculates the rotational inertia that results from shifting this rotational inertia for a body (or composite body) B from about-point P to about-point Q via Bcm (B’s center of mass). I.e., shifts I_BP_E to I_BQ_E (both are expressed-in frame E).

Parameter mass:

The mass of body (or composite body) B.

Parameter p_PBcm_E:

Position vector from P to Bcm, expressed-in frame E.

Parameter p_QBcm_E:

Position vector from Q to Bcm, expressed-in frame E.

Returns I_BQ_E:

, B’s rotational inertia about-point Q expressed-in frame E.

  • RuntimeError for Debug builds if the rotational inertia that is

  • shifted to about-point Q violates CouldBePhysicallyValid()


Negating either (or both) position vectors p_PBcm_E and p_QBcm_E has no affect on the result.

Trace(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia) float

Returns a rotational inertia’s trace (i.e., Ixx + Iyy + Izz, the sum of the diagonal elements of the inertia matrix). The trace happens to be invariant to its expressed-in frame (i.e., the trace does not depend on the frame in which it is expressed). The trace is useful because the largest moment of inertia Imax has range: trace / 3 <= Imax <= trace / 2, and the largest possible product of inertia must be <= Imax / 2. Hence, trace / 3 and trace / 2 give a lower and upper bound on the largest possible element that can be in a valid rotational inertia.

static TriaxiallySymmetric(I_triaxial: float) pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia
template pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_

Instantiations: RotationalInertia_[float], RotationalInertia_[AutoDiffXd], RotationalInertia_[Expression]

class pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

This class describes the mass distribution (inertia properties) of a body or composite body about a particular point. Herein, “composite body” means one body or a collection of bodies that are welded together. In this documentation, “body” and “composite body” are used interchangeably.

A rigid body’s mass distribution is described by three quantities: the body’s mass; the body’s center of mass; and the body’s rotational inertia about a particular point. The term rotational inertia is used here and by [Jain 2010] to distinguish from a body’s spatial inertia. In this class, a 3x3 inertia matrix I represents a body’s rotational inertia about a point and expressed in a frame. More specifically, I_BP_E is the inertia matrix of a body B about-point P and expressed-in frame E (herein frame E’s orthogonal unit vectors Ex, Ey, Ez are denoted 𝐱̂, 𝐲̂, 𝐳̂).

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| Ixx Ixy Ixz |
I = | Ixy Iyy Iyz |
    | Ixz Iyz Izz |

The moments of inertia Ixx, Iyy, Izz and products of inertia Ixy, Ixz, Iyz are defined in terms of the mass dm of a differential volume of the body. The position of dm from about-point P is xx̂ + yŷ + zẑ = [x, y, z]_E.

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Ixx = ∫ (y² + z²) dm
Iyy = ∫ (x² + z²) dm
Izz = ∫ (x² + y²) dm
Ixy = - ∫ x y dm
Ixz = - ∫ x z dm
Iyz = - ∫ y z dm

We use the negated convention for products of inertia, so that I serves to relate angular velocity ω and angular momentum h via h = I ω. Ensure your products of inertia follow this negative sign convention.

The 3x3 inertia matrix is symmetric and its diagonal elements (moments of inertia) and off-diagonal elements (products of inertia) are associated with a body (or composite body) S, an about-point P, and an expressed-in frame E (𝐱̂, 𝐲̂, 𝐳̂̂). A rotational inertia is ill-defined unless there is a body S, about-point P, and expressed-in frame E. The user of this class is responsible for tracking the body S, about-point P and expressed-in frame E (none of these are stored in this class).


This class does not store the about-point nor the expressed-in frame, nor does this class help enforce consistency of the about-point or expressed-in frame. To help users of this class track the about-point and expressed-in frame, we strongly recommend the following notation.


In typeset material, use the symbol \([I^{S/P}]_E\) to represent the rotational inertia (inertia matrix) of a body (or composite body) S about-point P, expressed in frame E. In code and comments, use the monogram notation I_SP_E (e.g., as described in multibody_spatial_inertia). If the about-point P is fixed to a body B, the point is named \(B_P\) and this appears in code/comments as Bp. Examples: I_BBp_E is rigid body B’s rotational inertia about-point Bp expressed-in frame E; I_BBo_E is B’s rotational inertia about-point Bo (body B’s origin) expressed-in frame E; and I_BBcm_E is B’s inertia matrix about-point Bcm (B’s center of mass) expressed-in frame E.


The rotational inertia (inertia matrix) can be re-expressed in terms of a special frame whose orthogonal unit vectors are parallel to principal axes of inertia so that the inertia matrix is diagonalized with elements called principal moments of inertia.


The formal definition of the inertia matrix \(I^{S/P}\) of a system S about a point P follows the definition of the inertia dyadic 𝐈 of S about P, which begins by modeling S with n particles S₁ … Sₙ (e.g., 12 grams of carbon can be modeled with n = 6.02 * 10²³ molecules/particles). The inertia dyadic 𝐈₁ of one particle S₁ about point P is defined [Kane, 1985] in terms of m₁ (mass of S₁), ᴾ𝐩ˢ¹ (position vector from P to S₁), and the unit dyadic 𝐔 which is defined by the property 𝐔 ⋅ 𝐯 = 𝐯 where 𝐯 is is any vector (this definition of 𝐔 is analogous to defining the identity matrix by the property 𝑰𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒚𝑴𝒂𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒙 * 𝒂𝒏𝒚𝑴𝒂𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒙 = 𝒂𝒏𝒚𝑴𝒂𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒙).

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𝐈₁ = m₁ * [𝐔 * (ᴾ𝐩ˢ¹ ⋅ ᴾ𝐩ˢ¹)  -  ᴾ𝐩ˢ¹ * ᴾ𝐩ˢ¹]

Note: The vector dot-product (⋅) above produces a scalar whereas the vector multiply (*) produces a dyadic which is a 2nd-order tensor (ᴾ𝐩ˢ¹ * ᴾ𝐩ˢ¹ is similar to the matrix outer-product of a 3x1 matrix multiplied by a 1x3 matrix). An example inertia dyadic for a single particle is shown further below. The inertia dyadic 𝐈 of the entire system S is defined by summing the inertia dyadic of each particle Sᵢ about P (i = 1, … n), i.e.,

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𝐈 = 𝐈₁ + 𝐈₂ + ... 𝐈ₙ

The elements of the inertia matrix \([I^{S/P}]_E\) expressed in frame E (in terms of orthogonal unit vectors 𝐱̂, 𝐲̂, 𝐳̂̂) are found by pre-dot multiplying and post-dot multiplying 𝐈 with appropriate unit vectors.

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Ixx = 𝐱̂ ⋅ 𝐈 ⋅ 𝐱̂     Ixy = 𝐱̂ ⋅ 𝐈 ⋅ 𝐲̂      Ixz = 𝐱̂ ⋅ 𝐈 ⋅ 𝐳̂̂
   Iyx = 𝐲̂ ⋅ 𝐈 ⋅ 𝐱̂     Iyy = 𝐲̂ ⋅ 𝐈 ⋅ 𝐲̂      Iyz = 𝐲̂ ⋅ 𝐈 ⋅ 𝐳̂̂
   Izx = 𝐳̂̂ ⋅ 𝐈 ⋅ 𝐱̂     Izy = 𝐳̂̂ ⋅ 𝐈 ⋅ 𝐲̂      Izz = 𝐳̂̂ ⋅ 𝐈 ⋅ 𝐳̂̂

The inertia dyadic 𝐈ᴮ of a rigid body B about Bcm (B’s center of mass) is related to various dynamic quantities. For example, B’s angular momentum 𝐇 about Bcm in a frame N and B’s kinetic energy KE in N relate to 𝐈ᴮ by

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𝐇 = 𝐈ᴮ ⋅ 𝛚
   KE = 1/2 𝛚 ⋅ 𝐈ᴮ ⋅ 𝛚  +  1/2 mᴮ 𝐯 ⋅ 𝐯

where 𝛚 is B’s angular velocity in N, 𝐯 is Bcm’s translational velocity in N, and mᴮ is B’s mass. When frame N happens to be a Newtonian frame (also called an inertial frame or non-rotating/non-accelerating frame), the moment 𝐓 of all forces on B about Bcm relates to 𝐈ᴮ and 𝛂 (B’s angular acceleration in N) by Euler’s rigid body equation as

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𝐓 = 𝐈ᴮ ⋅ 𝛂  +  𝛚 × 𝐈ᴮ ⋅ 𝛚

Example: For a particle Q of mass m whose position vector from a point O is written in terms of right-handed orthogonal unit vectors 𝐱̂, 𝐲̂, 𝐳̂ (below), the inertia dyadic 𝐈 of particle Q about point O is defined and calculated

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𝐩 = x 𝐱̂  +  y 𝐲̂                               (given)
    𝐈 = m * [𝐔 * (𝐩 ⋅ 𝐩)  -  𝐩 * 𝐩]              (definition)
      = m * [𝐔 * (x² + y²)  -  (x𝐱̂ + y𝐲̂̂) * (x𝐱̂ + y𝐲̂)
      = m * [(𝐱̂𝐱̂ + 𝐲̂𝐲̂ + 𝐳̂𝐳̂) * (x² + y²) - (x²𝐱̂𝐱̂ + xy𝐱̂𝐲̂̂ + xy𝐲̂̂𝐱̂ + y²𝐲̂̂𝐲̂̂)]
      = m * [y²𝐱̂𝐱̂ + x²𝐲̂𝐲̂ + (x² + y²)𝐳̂𝐳̂ - xy𝐱̂𝐲̂̂ - xy𝐲̂̂𝐱̂]

which means the inertia matrix for particle Q about point O for 𝐱̂, 𝐲̂, 𝐳̂ is

Click to expand C++ code...
|  m      -m x y         0     |
I = | -m x y     m           0     |
    |    0         0     m ( + ) |

[Kane, 1985] pg. 68. “Dynamics: Theory and Applications,” McGraw-Hill Co., New York, 1985 (with D. A. Levinson). Available for free .pdf download:


Several methods in this class throw a RuntimeError for invalid rotational inertia operations in debug releases only. This provides speed in a release build while facilitating debugging in debug builds. In addition, these validity tests are only performed for scalar types for which drake::scalar_predicate<T>::is_bool is True. For instance, validity checks are not performed when T is symbolic::Expression.


The methods of this class satisfy the “basic exception guarantee”: if an exception is thrown, the program will still be in a valid state. Specifically, no resources are leaked, and all objects’ invariants are intact. Be aware that RotationalInertia objects may contain invalid inertia data in cases where input checking is skipped.

Various methods in this class require numerical (not symbolic) data types.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[AutoDiffXd]) -> None

Constructs a rotational inertia that has all its moments/products of inertia equal to NaN (helps quickly detect uninitialized values).

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[AutoDiffXd], Ixx: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, Iyy: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, Izz: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd) -> None

Creates a rotational inertia with moments of inertia Ixx, Iyy, Izz, and with each product of inertia set to zero.


RuntimeError for Debug builds if not CouldBePhysicallyValid()

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[AutoDiffXd], Ixx: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, Iyy: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, Izz: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, Ixy: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, Ixz: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, Iyz: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd) -> None

Creates a rotational inertia with moments of inertia Ixx, Iyy, Izz, and with products of inertia Ixy, Ixz, Iyz.


RuntimeError for Debug builds if not CouldBePhysicallyValid()

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[AutoDiffXd], mass: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, p_PQ_E: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) -> None

Constructs a rotational inertia for a particle Q of mass mass, whose position vector from about-point P is p_PQ_E (E is expressed-in frame). This RuntimeError exception only occurs if mass < 0.

Parameter mass:

The mass of particle Q.

Parameter p_PQ_E:

Position from about-point P to Q, expressed-in frame E.

Returns I_QP_E:

, Q’s rotational inertia about-point P expressed-in frame E.


Negating the position vector p_PQ_E has no affect on the result.


RuntimeError for Debug builds if not CouldBePhysicallyValid()

CalcMaximumPossibleMomentOfInertia(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd

Returns the maximum possible moment of inertia for this rotational inertia about-point P for any expressed-in frame E.


The maximum moment Imax has range: trace / 3 <= Imax <= trace / 2.

See also


CalcPrincipalMomentsAndAxesOfInertia(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[AutoDiffXd]) tuple[numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]], pydrake.math.RotationMatrix]

Forms the 3 principal moments of inertia and their 3 associated principal directions for this rotational inertia.


3 principal moments of inertia [Ixx Iyy Izz], sorted in ascending order (Ixx ≤ Iyy ≤ Izz) and a rotation matrix R_EA whose columns are the 3 associated principal directions that relate the expressed-in frame E to a frame A, where frame E is the expressed-in frame for this rotational inertia I_BP_E (body B’s rotational inertia about-point P) and frame A contains right-handed orthonormal vectors Ax, Ay, Az. The 1ˢᵗ column of R_EA is Ax_E (Ax expressed in frame E) which is parallel to the principal axis associated with Ixx (the smallest principal moment of inertia). Similarly, the 2ⁿᵈ and 3ʳᵈ columns of R_EA are Ay_E and Az_E, which are parallel to principal axes associated with Iyy and Izz (the intermediate and largest principal moments of inertia). If all principal moments of inertia are equal (i.e., Ixx = Iyy = Izz), R_EA is the identity matrix.

  • RuntimeError if the elements of this rotational inertia cannot

  • be converted to a real finite double. For example, an exception is

  • thrown if this contains an erroneous NaN or if scalar type T

  • is symbolic.

See also

CalcPrincipalMomentsOfInertia() to calculate the principal moments of inertia [Ixx Iyy Izz], without calculating the principal directions.

CalcPrincipalMomentsOfInertia(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Forms the 3 principal moments of inertia for this rotational inertia.

Returns The:

3 principal moments of inertia [Imin Imed Imax], sorted in ascending order (Imin ≤ Imed ≤ Imax).

  • RuntimeError if the elements of this rotational inertia cannot

  • be converted to a real finite double. For example, an exception is

  • thrown if this contains an erroneous NaN or if scalar type T

  • is symbolic.

See also

CalcPrincipalMomentsAndAxesOfInertia() to also calculate principal moment of inertia directions associated with this rotational inertia.

cols(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[AutoDiffXd]) int

For consistency with Eigen’s API, the cols() method returns 3.

CopyToFullMatrix3(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[object[3, 3]]

Gets a full 3x3 matrix copy of this rotational inertia. The returned copy is symmetric and includes both lower and upper parts of the matrix.

CouldBePhysicallyValid(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[AutoDiffXd]) bool

Performs several checks to verify whether this rotational inertia could be physically valid, including:

  • No NaN moments or products of inertia.

  • Ixx, Iyy, Izz and principal moments are all non-negative.

  • Ixx, Iyy Izz and principal moments satisfy the triangle inequality: - Ixx + Iyy Izz - Ixx + Izz ≥ Iyy - Iyy + Izz Ixx


These checks are necessary (but NOT sufficient) conditions for a rotational inertia to be physically valid. The sufficient condition requires a rotational inertia to satisfy the above checks after this is shifted to the center of mass, i.e., the sufficient condition requires calling CouldBePhysicallyValid() when the about-point is Bcm (the body’s center of mass). Note: this class does not know its about-point or its center of mass location.


True for a plausible rotational inertia passing the above necessary but insufficient checks and False otherwise.

  • RuntimeError if principal moments of inertia cannot be calculated

  • (eigenvalue solver) or if scalar type T cannot be converted to a

  • double.

get_moments(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]

Returns 3-element vector with moments of inertia [Ixx, Iyy, Izz].

get_products(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]

Returns 3-element vector with products of inertia [Ixy, Ixz, Iyz].

IsNaN(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[AutoDiffXd]) bool

Returns True if any moment/product in this rotational inertia is NaN. Otherwise returns False.

IsNearlyEqualTo(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[AutoDiffXd], other: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[AutoDiffXd], precision: float) bool

Compares this rotational inertia to other rotational inertia within the specified precision (which is a dimensionless number specifying the relative precision to which the comparison is performed). Denoting I_maxA as the largest element value that can appear in a valid this rotational inertia (independent of the expressed-in frame E) and denoting I_maxB as the largest element value that can appear in a valid other rotational inertia (independent of the expressed-in frame E), this and other are considered nearly equal to each other, if: ‖this - other‖∞ < precision * min(I_maxA, I_maxB)

Parameter other:

Rotational inertia to compare with this rotational inertia.

Parameter precision:

is a dimensionless real positive number that is usually based on two factors, namely expected accuracy of moments/products of inertia (e.g., from end-user or CAD) and/or machine-precision.


True if the absolute value of each moment/product of inertia in this is within epsilon of the corresponding moment/ product absolute value in other. Otherwise returns False.


: This method only works if all moments of inertia with scalar type T in this and other can be converted to a double (discarding supplemental scalar data such as derivatives of an AutoDiffXd). It fails at runtime if type T cannot be converted to double.

IsZero(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[AutoDiffXd]) bool

Returns True if all moments and products of inertia are exactly zero.

ReExpress(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[AutoDiffXd], R_AE: pydrake.math.RotationMatrix_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

Re-expresses this rotational inertia I_BP_E to I_BP_A i.e., re-expresses body B’s rotational inertia from frame E to frame A.

Parameter R_AE:

RotationMatrix relating frames A and E.

Returns I_BP_A:

Rotational inertia of B about-point P expressed-in frame A.

  • RuntimeError for Debug builds if the rotational inertia that is

  • re-expressed-in frame A violates CouldBePhysicallyValid()

See also


rows(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[AutoDiffXd]) int

For consistency with Eigen’s API, the rows() method returns 3.

SetToNaN(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[AutoDiffXd]) None

Sets this rotational inertia so all its elements are equal to NaN. This helps quickly detect uninitialized moments/products of inertia.

SetZero(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[AutoDiffXd]) None

Sets this rotational inertia so all its moments/products of inertia are zero, e.g., for convenient initialization before a computation or for inertia calculations involving a particle (point-mass). Note: Real 3D massive physical objects have non-zero moments of inertia.

ShiftFromCenterOfMass(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[AutoDiffXd], mass: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, p_BcmQ_E: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

Calculates the rotational inertia that results from shifting this rotational inertia for a body (or composite body) B from about-point Bcm (B’s center of mass) to about-point Q. I.e., shifts I_BBcm_E to I_BQ_E (both are expressed-in frame E).

Parameter mass:

The mass of body (or composite body) B.

Parameter p_BcmQ_E:

Position vector from Bcm to Q, expressed-in frame E.

Returns I_BQ_E:

B’s rotational inertia about-point Q expressed-in frame E.

  • RuntimeError for Debug builds if the rotational inertia that is

  • shifted to about-point Q violates CouldBePhysicallyValid()


Negating the position vector p_BcmQ_E has no affect on the result.

ShiftToCenterOfMass(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[AutoDiffXd], mass: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, p_QBcm_E: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

Calculates the rotational inertia that results from shifting this rotational inertia for a body (or composite body) B from about-point Q to about-point Bcm (B’s center of mass). I.e., shifts I_BQ_E to I_BBcm_E (both are expressed-in frame E).

Parameter mass:

The mass of body (or composite body) B.

Parameter p_QBcm_E:

Position vector from Q to Bcm, expressed-in frame E.

Returns I_BBcm_E:

B’s rotational inertia about-point Bcm expressed-in frame E.

  • RuntimeError for Debug builds if the rotational inertia that is

  • shifted to about-point Bcm violates CouldBePhysicallyValid()


Negating the position vector p_QBcm_E has no affect on the result.

ShiftToThenAwayFromCenterOfMass(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[AutoDiffXd], mass: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, p_PBcm_E: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]], p_QBcm_E: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

Calculates the rotational inertia that results from shifting this rotational inertia for a body (or composite body) B from about-point P to about-point Q via Bcm (B’s center of mass). I.e., shifts I_BP_E to I_BQ_E (both are expressed-in frame E).

Parameter mass:

The mass of body (or composite body) B.

Parameter p_PBcm_E:

Position vector from P to Bcm, expressed-in frame E.

Parameter p_QBcm_E:

Position vector from Q to Bcm, expressed-in frame E.

Returns I_BQ_E:

, B’s rotational inertia about-point Q expressed-in frame E.

  • RuntimeError for Debug builds if the rotational inertia that is

  • shifted to about-point Q violates CouldBePhysicallyValid()


Negating either (or both) position vectors p_PBcm_E and p_QBcm_E has no affect on the result.

Trace(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd

Returns a rotational inertia’s trace (i.e., Ixx + Iyy + Izz, the sum of the diagonal elements of the inertia matrix). The trace happens to be invariant to its expressed-in frame (i.e., the trace does not depend on the frame in which it is expressed). The trace is useful because the largest moment of inertia Imax has range: trace / 3 <= Imax <= trace / 2, and the largest possible product of inertia must be <= Imax / 2. Hence, trace / 3 and trace / 2 give a lower and upper bound on the largest possible element that can be in a valid rotational inertia.

static TriaxiallySymmetric(I_triaxial: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd) pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[AutoDiffXd]
class pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[Expression]

This class describes the mass distribution (inertia properties) of a body or composite body about a particular point. Herein, “composite body” means one body or a collection of bodies that are welded together. In this documentation, “body” and “composite body” are used interchangeably.

A rigid body’s mass distribution is described by three quantities: the body’s mass; the body’s center of mass; and the body’s rotational inertia about a particular point. The term rotational inertia is used here and by [Jain 2010] to distinguish from a body’s spatial inertia. In this class, a 3x3 inertia matrix I represents a body’s rotational inertia about a point and expressed in a frame. More specifically, I_BP_E is the inertia matrix of a body B about-point P and expressed-in frame E (herein frame E’s orthogonal unit vectors Ex, Ey, Ez are denoted 𝐱̂, 𝐲̂, 𝐳̂).

Click to expand C++ code...
| Ixx Ixy Ixz |
I = | Ixy Iyy Iyz |
    | Ixz Iyz Izz |

The moments of inertia Ixx, Iyy, Izz and products of inertia Ixy, Ixz, Iyz are defined in terms of the mass dm of a differential volume of the body. The position of dm from about-point P is xx̂ + yŷ + zẑ = [x, y, z]_E.

Click to expand C++ code...
Ixx = ∫ (y² + z²) dm
Iyy = ∫ (x² + z²) dm
Izz = ∫ (x² + y²) dm
Ixy = - ∫ x y dm
Ixz = - ∫ x z dm
Iyz = - ∫ y z dm

We use the negated convention for products of inertia, so that I serves to relate angular velocity ω and angular momentum h via h = I ω. Ensure your products of inertia follow this negative sign convention.

The 3x3 inertia matrix is symmetric and its diagonal elements (moments of inertia) and off-diagonal elements (products of inertia) are associated with a body (or composite body) S, an about-point P, and an expressed-in frame E (𝐱̂, 𝐲̂, 𝐳̂̂). A rotational inertia is ill-defined unless there is a body S, about-point P, and expressed-in frame E. The user of this class is responsible for tracking the body S, about-point P and expressed-in frame E (none of these are stored in this class).


This class does not store the about-point nor the expressed-in frame, nor does this class help enforce consistency of the about-point or expressed-in frame. To help users of this class track the about-point and expressed-in frame, we strongly recommend the following notation.


In typeset material, use the symbol \([I^{S/P}]_E\) to represent the rotational inertia (inertia matrix) of a body (or composite body) S about-point P, expressed in frame E. In code and comments, use the monogram notation I_SP_E (e.g., as described in multibody_spatial_inertia). If the about-point P is fixed to a body B, the point is named \(B_P\) and this appears in code/comments as Bp. Examples: I_BBp_E is rigid body B’s rotational inertia about-point Bp expressed-in frame E; I_BBo_E is B’s rotational inertia about-point Bo (body B’s origin) expressed-in frame E; and I_BBcm_E is B’s inertia matrix about-point Bcm (B’s center of mass) expressed-in frame E.


The rotational inertia (inertia matrix) can be re-expressed in terms of a special frame whose orthogonal unit vectors are parallel to principal axes of inertia so that the inertia matrix is diagonalized with elements called principal moments of inertia.


The formal definition of the inertia matrix \(I^{S/P}\) of a system S about a point P follows the definition of the inertia dyadic 𝐈 of S about P, which begins by modeling S with n particles S₁ … Sₙ (e.g., 12 grams of carbon can be modeled with n = 6.02 * 10²³ molecules/particles). The inertia dyadic 𝐈₁ of one particle S₁ about point P is defined [Kane, 1985] in terms of m₁ (mass of S₁), ᴾ𝐩ˢ¹ (position vector from P to S₁), and the unit dyadic 𝐔 which is defined by the property 𝐔 ⋅ 𝐯 = 𝐯 where 𝐯 is is any vector (this definition of 𝐔 is analogous to defining the identity matrix by the property 𝑰𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒚𝑴𝒂𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒙 * 𝒂𝒏𝒚𝑴𝒂𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒙 = 𝒂𝒏𝒚𝑴𝒂𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒙).

Click to expand C++ code...
𝐈₁ = m₁ * [𝐔 * (ᴾ𝐩ˢ¹ ⋅ ᴾ𝐩ˢ¹)  -  ᴾ𝐩ˢ¹ * ᴾ𝐩ˢ¹]

Note: The vector dot-product (⋅) above produces a scalar whereas the vector multiply (*) produces a dyadic which is a 2nd-order tensor (ᴾ𝐩ˢ¹ * ᴾ𝐩ˢ¹ is similar to the matrix outer-product of a 3x1 matrix multiplied by a 1x3 matrix). An example inertia dyadic for a single particle is shown further below. The inertia dyadic 𝐈 of the entire system S is defined by summing the inertia dyadic of each particle Sᵢ about P (i = 1, … n), i.e.,

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𝐈 = 𝐈₁ + 𝐈₂ + ... 𝐈ₙ

The elements of the inertia matrix \([I^{S/P}]_E\) expressed in frame E (in terms of orthogonal unit vectors 𝐱̂, 𝐲̂, 𝐳̂̂) are found by pre-dot multiplying and post-dot multiplying 𝐈 with appropriate unit vectors.

Click to expand C++ code...
Ixx = 𝐱̂ ⋅ 𝐈 ⋅ 𝐱̂     Ixy = 𝐱̂ ⋅ 𝐈 ⋅ 𝐲̂      Ixz = 𝐱̂ ⋅ 𝐈 ⋅ 𝐳̂̂
   Iyx = 𝐲̂ ⋅ 𝐈 ⋅ 𝐱̂     Iyy = 𝐲̂ ⋅ 𝐈 ⋅ 𝐲̂      Iyz = 𝐲̂ ⋅ 𝐈 ⋅ 𝐳̂̂
   Izx = 𝐳̂̂ ⋅ 𝐈 ⋅ 𝐱̂     Izy = 𝐳̂̂ ⋅ 𝐈 ⋅ 𝐲̂      Izz = 𝐳̂̂ ⋅ 𝐈 ⋅ 𝐳̂̂

The inertia dyadic 𝐈ᴮ of a rigid body B about Bcm (B’s center of mass) is related to various dynamic quantities. For example, B’s angular momentum 𝐇 about Bcm in a frame N and B’s kinetic energy KE in N relate to 𝐈ᴮ by

Click to expand C++ code...
𝐇 = 𝐈ᴮ ⋅ 𝛚
   KE = 1/2 𝛚 ⋅ 𝐈ᴮ ⋅ 𝛚  +  1/2 mᴮ 𝐯 ⋅ 𝐯

where 𝛚 is B’s angular velocity in N, 𝐯 is Bcm’s translational velocity in N, and mᴮ is B’s mass. When frame N happens to be a Newtonian frame (also called an inertial frame or non-rotating/non-accelerating frame), the moment 𝐓 of all forces on B about Bcm relates to 𝐈ᴮ and 𝛂 (B’s angular acceleration in N) by Euler’s rigid body equation as

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𝐓 = 𝐈ᴮ ⋅ 𝛂  +  𝛚 × 𝐈ᴮ ⋅ 𝛚

Example: For a particle Q of mass m whose position vector from a point O is written in terms of right-handed orthogonal unit vectors 𝐱̂, 𝐲̂, 𝐳̂ (below), the inertia dyadic 𝐈 of particle Q about point O is defined and calculated

Click to expand C++ code...
𝐩 = x 𝐱̂  +  y 𝐲̂                               (given)
    𝐈 = m * [𝐔 * (𝐩 ⋅ 𝐩)  -  𝐩 * 𝐩]              (definition)
      = m * [𝐔 * (x² + y²)  -  (x𝐱̂ + y𝐲̂̂) * (x𝐱̂ + y𝐲̂)
      = m * [(𝐱̂𝐱̂ + 𝐲̂𝐲̂ + 𝐳̂𝐳̂) * (x² + y²) - (x²𝐱̂𝐱̂ + xy𝐱̂𝐲̂̂ + xy𝐲̂̂𝐱̂ + y²𝐲̂̂𝐲̂̂)]
      = m * [y²𝐱̂𝐱̂ + x²𝐲̂𝐲̂ + (x² + y²)𝐳̂𝐳̂ - xy𝐱̂𝐲̂̂ - xy𝐲̂̂𝐱̂]

which means the inertia matrix for particle Q about point O for 𝐱̂, 𝐲̂, 𝐳̂ is

Click to expand C++ code...
|  m      -m x y         0     |
I = | -m x y     m           0     |
    |    0         0     m ( + ) |

[Kane, 1985] pg. 68. “Dynamics: Theory and Applications,” McGraw-Hill Co., New York, 1985 (with D. A. Levinson). Available for free .pdf download:


Several methods in this class throw a RuntimeError for invalid rotational inertia operations in debug releases only. This provides speed in a release build while facilitating debugging in debug builds. In addition, these validity tests are only performed for scalar types for which drake::scalar_predicate<T>::is_bool is True. For instance, validity checks are not performed when T is symbolic::Expression.


The methods of this class satisfy the “basic exception guarantee”: if an exception is thrown, the program will still be in a valid state. Specifically, no resources are leaked, and all objects’ invariants are intact. Be aware that RotationalInertia objects may contain invalid inertia data in cases where input checking is skipped.

Various methods in this class require numerical (not symbolic) data types.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[Expression]) -> None

Constructs a rotational inertia that has all its moments/products of inertia equal to NaN (helps quickly detect uninitialized values).

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[Expression], Ixx: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, Iyy: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, Izz: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) -> None

Creates a rotational inertia with moments of inertia Ixx, Iyy, Izz, and with each product of inertia set to zero.


RuntimeError for Debug builds if not CouldBePhysicallyValid()

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[Expression], Ixx: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, Iyy: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, Izz: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, Ixy: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, Ixz: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, Iyz: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) -> None

Creates a rotational inertia with moments of inertia Ixx, Iyy, Izz, and with products of inertia Ixy, Ixz, Iyz.


RuntimeError for Debug builds if not CouldBePhysicallyValid()

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[Expression], mass: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, p_PQ_E: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) -> None

Constructs a rotational inertia for a particle Q of mass mass, whose position vector from about-point P is p_PQ_E (E is expressed-in frame). This RuntimeError exception only occurs if mass < 0.

Parameter mass:

The mass of particle Q.

Parameter p_PQ_E:

Position from about-point P to Q, expressed-in frame E.

Returns I_QP_E:

, Q’s rotational inertia about-point P expressed-in frame E.


Negating the position vector p_PQ_E has no affect on the result.


RuntimeError for Debug builds if not CouldBePhysicallyValid()

CalcMaximumPossibleMomentOfInertia(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[Expression]) pydrake.symbolic.Expression

Returns the maximum possible moment of inertia for this rotational inertia about-point P for any expressed-in frame E.


The maximum moment Imax has range: trace / 3 <= Imax <= trace / 2.

See also


CalcPrincipalMomentsAndAxesOfInertia(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[Expression]) tuple[numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]], pydrake.math.RotationMatrix]

Forms the 3 principal moments of inertia and their 3 associated principal directions for this rotational inertia.


3 principal moments of inertia [Ixx Iyy Izz], sorted in ascending order (Ixx ≤ Iyy ≤ Izz) and a rotation matrix R_EA whose columns are the 3 associated principal directions that relate the expressed-in frame E to a frame A, where frame E is the expressed-in frame for this rotational inertia I_BP_E (body B’s rotational inertia about-point P) and frame A contains right-handed orthonormal vectors Ax, Ay, Az. The 1ˢᵗ column of R_EA is Ax_E (Ax expressed in frame E) which is parallel to the principal axis associated with Ixx (the smallest principal moment of inertia). Similarly, the 2ⁿᵈ and 3ʳᵈ columns of R_EA are Ay_E and Az_E, which are parallel to principal axes associated with Iyy and Izz (the intermediate and largest principal moments of inertia). If all principal moments of inertia are equal (i.e., Ixx = Iyy = Izz), R_EA is the identity matrix.

  • RuntimeError if the elements of this rotational inertia cannot

  • be converted to a real finite double. For example, an exception is

  • thrown if this contains an erroneous NaN or if scalar type T

  • is symbolic.

See also

CalcPrincipalMomentsOfInertia() to calculate the principal moments of inertia [Ixx Iyy Izz], without calculating the principal directions.

CalcPrincipalMomentsOfInertia(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Forms the 3 principal moments of inertia for this rotational inertia.

Returns The:

3 principal moments of inertia [Imin Imed Imax], sorted in ascending order (Imin ≤ Imed ≤ Imax).

  • RuntimeError if the elements of this rotational inertia cannot

  • be converted to a real finite double. For example, an exception is

  • thrown if this contains an erroneous NaN or if scalar type T

  • is symbolic.

See also

CalcPrincipalMomentsAndAxesOfInertia() to also calculate principal moment of inertia directions associated with this rotational inertia.

cols(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[Expression]) int

For consistency with Eigen’s API, the cols() method returns 3.

CopyToFullMatrix3(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[object[3, 3]]

Gets a full 3x3 matrix copy of this rotational inertia. The returned copy is symmetric and includes both lower and upper parts of the matrix.

CouldBePhysicallyValid(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[Expression]) pydrake.symbolic.Formula

Performs several checks to verify whether this rotational inertia could be physically valid, including:

  • No NaN moments or products of inertia.

  • Ixx, Iyy, Izz and principal moments are all non-negative.

  • Ixx, Iyy Izz and principal moments satisfy the triangle inequality: - Ixx + Iyy Izz - Ixx + Izz ≥ Iyy - Iyy + Izz Ixx


These checks are necessary (but NOT sufficient) conditions for a rotational inertia to be physically valid. The sufficient condition requires a rotational inertia to satisfy the above checks after this is shifted to the center of mass, i.e., the sufficient condition requires calling CouldBePhysicallyValid() when the about-point is Bcm (the body’s center of mass). Note: this class does not know its about-point or its center of mass location.


True for a plausible rotational inertia passing the above necessary but insufficient checks and False otherwise.

  • RuntimeError if principal moments of inertia cannot be calculated

  • (eigenvalue solver) or if scalar type T cannot be converted to a

  • double.

get_moments(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]

Returns 3-element vector with moments of inertia [Ixx, Iyy, Izz].

get_products(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]

Returns 3-element vector with products of inertia [Ixy, Ixz, Iyz].

IsNaN(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[Expression]) pydrake.symbolic.Formula

Returns True if any moment/product in this rotational inertia is NaN. Otherwise returns False.

IsNearlyEqualTo(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[Expression], other: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[Expression], precision: float) pydrake.symbolic.Formula

Compares this rotational inertia to other rotational inertia within the specified precision (which is a dimensionless number specifying the relative precision to which the comparison is performed). Denoting I_maxA as the largest element value that can appear in a valid this rotational inertia (independent of the expressed-in frame E) and denoting I_maxB as the largest element value that can appear in a valid other rotational inertia (independent of the expressed-in frame E), this and other are considered nearly equal to each other, if: ‖this - other‖∞ < precision * min(I_maxA, I_maxB)

Parameter other:

Rotational inertia to compare with this rotational inertia.

Parameter precision:

is a dimensionless real positive number that is usually based on two factors, namely expected accuracy of moments/products of inertia (e.g., from end-user or CAD) and/or machine-precision.


True if the absolute value of each moment/product of inertia in this is within epsilon of the corresponding moment/ product absolute value in other. Otherwise returns False.


: This method only works if all moments of inertia with scalar type T in this and other can be converted to a double (discarding supplemental scalar data such as derivatives of an AutoDiffXd). It fails at runtime if type T cannot be converted to double.

IsZero(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[Expression]) pydrake.symbolic.Formula

Returns True if all moments and products of inertia are exactly zero.

ReExpress(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[Expression], R_AE: pydrake.math.RotationMatrix_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[Expression]

Re-expresses this rotational inertia I_BP_E to I_BP_A i.e., re-expresses body B’s rotational inertia from frame E to frame A.

Parameter R_AE:

RotationMatrix relating frames A and E.

Returns I_BP_A:

Rotational inertia of B about-point P expressed-in frame A.

  • RuntimeError for Debug builds if the rotational inertia that is

  • re-expressed-in frame A violates CouldBePhysicallyValid()

See also


rows(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[Expression]) int

For consistency with Eigen’s API, the rows() method returns 3.

SetToNaN(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[Expression]) None

Sets this rotational inertia so all its elements are equal to NaN. This helps quickly detect uninitialized moments/products of inertia.

SetZero(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[Expression]) None

Sets this rotational inertia so all its moments/products of inertia are zero, e.g., for convenient initialization before a computation or for inertia calculations involving a particle (point-mass). Note: Real 3D massive physical objects have non-zero moments of inertia.

ShiftFromCenterOfMass(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[Expression], mass: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, p_BcmQ_E: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[Expression]

Calculates the rotational inertia that results from shifting this rotational inertia for a body (or composite body) B from about-point Bcm (B’s center of mass) to about-point Q. I.e., shifts I_BBcm_E to I_BQ_E (both are expressed-in frame E).

Parameter mass:

The mass of body (or composite body) B.

Parameter p_BcmQ_E:

Position vector from Bcm to Q, expressed-in frame E.

Returns I_BQ_E:

B’s rotational inertia about-point Q expressed-in frame E.

  • RuntimeError for Debug builds if the rotational inertia that is

  • shifted to about-point Q violates CouldBePhysicallyValid()


Negating the position vector p_BcmQ_E has no affect on the result.

ShiftToCenterOfMass(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[Expression], mass: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, p_QBcm_E: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[Expression]

Calculates the rotational inertia that results from shifting this rotational inertia for a body (or composite body) B from about-point Q to about-point Bcm (B’s center of mass). I.e., shifts I_BQ_E to I_BBcm_E (both are expressed-in frame E).

Parameter mass:

The mass of body (or composite body) B.

Parameter p_QBcm_E:

Position vector from Q to Bcm, expressed-in frame E.

Returns I_BBcm_E:

B’s rotational inertia about-point Bcm expressed-in frame E.

  • RuntimeError for Debug builds if the rotational inertia that is

  • shifted to about-point Bcm violates CouldBePhysicallyValid()


Negating the position vector p_QBcm_E has no affect on the result.

ShiftToThenAwayFromCenterOfMass(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[Expression], mass: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, p_PBcm_E: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]], p_QBcm_E: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[Expression]

Calculates the rotational inertia that results from shifting this rotational inertia for a body (or composite body) B from about-point P to about-point Q via Bcm (B’s center of mass). I.e., shifts I_BP_E to I_BQ_E (both are expressed-in frame E).

Parameter mass:

The mass of body (or composite body) B.

Parameter p_PBcm_E:

Position vector from P to Bcm, expressed-in frame E.

Parameter p_QBcm_E:

Position vector from Q to Bcm, expressed-in frame E.

Returns I_BQ_E:

, B’s rotational inertia about-point Q expressed-in frame E.

  • RuntimeError for Debug builds if the rotational inertia that is

  • shifted to about-point Q violates CouldBePhysicallyValid()


Negating either (or both) position vectors p_PBcm_E and p_QBcm_E has no affect on the result.

Trace(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[Expression]) pydrake.symbolic.Expression

Returns a rotational inertia’s trace (i.e., Ixx + Iyy + Izz, the sum of the diagonal elements of the inertia matrix). The trace happens to be invariant to its expressed-in frame (i.e., the trace does not depend on the frame in which it is expressed). The trace is useful because the largest moment of inertia Imax has range: trace / 3 <= Imax <= trace / 2, and the largest possible product of inertia must be <= Imax / 2. Hence, trace / 3 and trace / 2 give a lower and upper bound on the largest possible element that can be in a valid rotational inertia.

static TriaxiallySymmetric(I_triaxial: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[Expression]
class pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint

This Joint allows a rigid body to move freely with respect to its parent rigid body. This is most commonly used to allow a body to move freely with respect to the World, but can be used with any parent. More precisely, given a frame F attached to the parent body P and a frame M attached to the child body B (see the Joint class’s documentation), this joint allows frame M to translate and rotate freely with respect to F, introducing six degrees of freedom. However, unlike the QuaternionFloatingJoint, the orientation of M relative to F is parameterized with roll-pitch-yaw angles (see warning below). The generalized coordinates q for this joint are the three orientation angles followed by three generalized positions to describe the translation of frame M’s origin Mo in F with a position vector p_FM. As generalized velocities, we use the angular velocity w_FM of frame M in F (not the orientation angle time derivatives q̇) and the linear velocity v_FM of frame M’s origin Mo in frame F.


Any three-parameter representation of orientation necessarily has a singularity somewhere. In this case, the singularity occurs when the pitch angle (second generalized coordinate q) is at π/2 + kπ (for any integer k), and numerical issues may occur when near one of those configurations. If you can’t be sure your simulation will avoid the singularities, consider using the singularity-free QuaternionFloatingJoint instead.


This class is templated; see RpyFloatingJoint_ for the list of instantiations.

__init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint, name: str, frame_on_parent: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, frame_on_child: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, angular_damping: float = 0, translational_damping: float = 0) None

Constructor to create an rpy floating joint between two bodies so that frame F attached to the parent body P and frame M attached to the child body B move freely relative to one another. See this class’s documentation for further details on the definition of these frames and the generalized positions q and generalized velocities v for this joint. This constructor signature creates a joint with no joint limits, i.e. the joint position, velocity and acceleration limits are the pair (-∞, ∞). These can be set using the Joint methods set_position_limits(), set_velocity_limits() and set_acceleration_limits().

The first three arguments to this constructor are those of the Joint class constructor. See the Joint class’s documentation for details. The additional parameters are:

Parameter angular_damping:

Viscous damping coefficient in N⋅m⋅s for the angular component of this joint’s velocity, used to model losses within the joint. See documentation of default_angular_damping() for details on modeling of the damping force.

Parameter translational_damping:

Viscous damping coefficient in N⋅s/m for the translational component of this joint’s velocity, used to model losses within the joint. See documentation of default_translational_damping() for details on modeling of the damping force.

  • RuntimeError if angular_damping is negative.

  • RuntimeError if translational_damping is negative.

default_angular_damping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint) float

Returns this joint’s default angular damping constant in N⋅m⋅s. The damping torque (in N⋅m) is modeled as τ = -damping⋅ω, i.e. opposing motion, with ω the angular velocity of frame M in F (see get_angular_velocity()) and τ the torque on child body B (to which M is rigidly attached).

default_translational_damping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint) float

Returns this joint’s default translational damping constant in N⋅s/m. The damping force (in N) is modeled as f = -damping⋅v i.e. opposing motion, with v the translational velocity of frame M in F (see get_translational_velocity()) and f the force on child body B at Mo.

get_angles(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint, context: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Gets the roll-pitch-yaw rotation angles of this joint from context.

The orientation R_FM of the child frame M in parent frame F is parameterized with roll-pitch-yaw angles (also known as space-fixed x-y-z Euler angles and extrinsic angles). That is, the angles θr, θp, θy, correspond to a sequence of rotations about the Fx, Fy, and Fz axes of parent frame F, respectively. Mathematically, rotation R_FM is given in terms of angles θr, θp, θy by:

Click to expand C++ code...
R_FM(q) = Rz(θy) * Ry(θp) * Rx(θr)

where Rx(θ), Ry(θ) and Rz(θ) correspond to the elemental rotations in amount of θ about the Fx, Fy and Fz axes respectively. Zero θr, θp, θy angles corresponds to frames F and M having the same orientation (their origins may still be separated). Angles θr, θp, θy are defined to be positive according to the right-hand-rule with the thumb aligned in the direction of their respective axes.


Space x-y-z angles (extrinsic) are equivalent to Body z-y-x angles (intrinsic).

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Returns angles:

The angle coordinates of this joint stored in the context ordered as θr, θp, θy.

get_angular_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint, context: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Retrieves from context the angular velocity w_FM of the child frame M in the parent frame F, expressed in F.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Returns w_FM:

A vector in ℝ³ with the angular velocity of the child frame M in the parent frame F, expressed in F. Refer to this class’s documentation for further details and definitions of these frames.

get_default_angles(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Gets the default angles for this joint.

Returns angles:

The default roll-pitch-yaw angles as a Vector3.

get_default_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Gets the default translation (position vector) p_FM for this joint.

Returns p_FM:

The default translation of this joint.

get_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint, context: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Returns the translation (position vector) p_FM of the child frame M’s origin Mo as measured and expressed in the parent frame F. Refer to the class documentation for details.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Returns p_FM:

The position vector of frame M’s origin in frame F.

get_translational_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint, context: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Retrieves from context the translational velocity v_FM of the child frame M’s origin as measured and expressed in the parent frame F.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Returns v_FM:

A vector in ℝ³ with the translational velocity of the origin of child frame M in the parent frame F, expressed in F. Refer to this class’s documentation for further details and definitions of these frames.

GetPose(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint, context: pydrake.math.RigidTransform

Returns the pose X_FM of the outboard frame M as measured and expressed in the inboard frame F. Refer to the documentation for this class for details.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Returns X_FM:

The pose of frame M in frame F.

kTypeName = 'rpy_floating'
set_angles(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint, context:, angles: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint

Sets the context so that the generalized coordinates corresponding to the roll-pitch-yaw rotation angles of this joint equals angles.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Parameter angles:

Angles in radians to be stored in context ordered as θr, θp, θy.


See class documentation for discussion of singular configurations.


a constant reference to this joint.

See also

get_angles() for details

set_angular_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint, context:, w_FM: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint

Sets in context the state for this joint so that the angular velocity of the child frame M in the parent frame F is w_FM.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Parameter w_FM:

A vector in ℝ³ with the angular velocity of the child frame M in the parent frame F, expressed in F. Refer to this class’s documentation for further details and definitions of these frames.


a constant reference to this joint.

set_default_angles(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint, angles: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) None

Sets the default roll-pitch-yaw angles of this joint.

Parameter angles:

the desired default angles of the joint


See class documentation for discussion of singular configurations.

set_default_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint, p_FM: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) None

Sets the default translation (position vector) p_FM of this joint.

Parameter p_FM:

The desired default translation of the joint.

set_random_angles_distribution(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint, angles: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) None

Sets the random distribution from which the roll-pitch-yaw orientation angles of this joint will be randomly sampled. See the RpyFloatingJoint class documentation for details on the orientation representation. If a translation distribution has already been set with stochastic variables, it will remain so. Otherwise translation will be set to this joint’s zero configuration.


Watch for random pitch angles near the singular configuration for this joint (see class documentation).

set_random_translation_distribution(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint, p_FM: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) None

Sets the random distribution that the translation vector of this joint will be randomly sampled from. See the RpyFloatingJoint class documentation for details on the translation representation. If an angles distribution has has already been set with stochastic variables, it will remain so. Otherwise angles will be set to this joint’s zero configuration.

set_translational_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint, context:, v_FM: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint

Sets in context the state for this joint so that the translational velocity of the child frame M’s origin in the parent frame F is v_FM.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Parameter v_FM:

A vector in ℝ³ with the translational velocity of the child frame M’s origin in the parent frame F, expressed in F. Refer to this class’s documentation for further details and definitions of these frames.


a constant reference to this joint.

SetOrientation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint, context:, R_FM: pydrake.math.RotationMatrix) pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint

Sets the roll-pitch-yaw angles in context so this Joint’s orientation is consistent with the given R_FM rotation matrix.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Parameter R_FM:

The rotation matrix giving the orientation of frame M in frame F.


See class documentation for discussion of singular configurations.


a constant reference to this joint.

SetPose(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint, context:, X_FM: pydrake.math.RigidTransform) pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint

Sets context to store X_FM the pose of frame M measured and expressed in frame F.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Parameter X_FM:

The desired pose of frame M in frame F to be stored in context.


See class documentation for discussion of singular configurations.


a constant reference to this joint.

SetTranslation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint, context:, p_FM: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint

Sets context to store the translation (position vector) p_FM of frame M’s origin Mo measured and expressed in frame F.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Parameter p_FM:

The desired position of frame M’s origin in frame F, to be stored in context.


a constant reference to this joint.

template pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_

Instantiations: RpyFloatingJoint_[float], RpyFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd], RpyFloatingJoint_[Expression]

class pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd]

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd]

This Joint allows a rigid body to move freely with respect to its parent rigid body. This is most commonly used to allow a body to move freely with respect to the World, but can be used with any parent. More precisely, given a frame F attached to the parent body P and a frame M attached to the child body B (see the Joint class’s documentation), this joint allows frame M to translate and rotate freely with respect to F, introducing six degrees of freedom. However, unlike the QuaternionFloatingJoint, the orientation of M relative to F is parameterized with roll-pitch-yaw angles (see warning below). The generalized coordinates q for this joint are the three orientation angles followed by three generalized positions to describe the translation of frame M’s origin Mo in F with a position vector p_FM. As generalized velocities, we use the angular velocity w_FM of frame M in F (not the orientation angle time derivatives q̇) and the linear velocity v_FM of frame M’s origin Mo in frame F.


Any three-parameter representation of orientation necessarily has a singularity somewhere. In this case, the singularity occurs when the pitch angle (second generalized coordinate q) is at π/2 + kπ (for any integer k), and numerical issues may occur when near one of those configurations. If you can’t be sure your simulation will avoid the singularities, consider using the singularity-free QuaternionFloatingJoint instead.

__init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd], name: str, frame_on_parent: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], frame_on_child: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], angular_damping: float = 0, translational_damping: float = 0) None

Constructor to create an rpy floating joint between two bodies so that frame F attached to the parent body P and frame M attached to the child body B move freely relative to one another. See this class’s documentation for further details on the definition of these frames and the generalized positions q and generalized velocities v for this joint. This constructor signature creates a joint with no joint limits, i.e. the joint position, velocity and acceleration limits are the pair (-∞, ∞). These can be set using the Joint methods set_position_limits(), set_velocity_limits() and set_acceleration_limits().

The first three arguments to this constructor are those of the Joint class constructor. See the Joint class’s documentation for details. The additional parameters are:

Parameter angular_damping:

Viscous damping coefficient in N⋅m⋅s for the angular component of this joint’s velocity, used to model losses within the joint. See documentation of default_angular_damping() for details on modeling of the damping force.

Parameter translational_damping:

Viscous damping coefficient in N⋅s/m for the translational component of this joint’s velocity, used to model losses within the joint. See documentation of default_translational_damping() for details on modeling of the damping force.

  • RuntimeError if angular_damping is negative.

  • RuntimeError if translational_damping is negative.

default_angular_damping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd]) float

Returns this joint’s default angular damping constant in N⋅m⋅s. The damping torque (in N⋅m) is modeled as τ = -damping⋅ω, i.e. opposing motion, with ω the angular velocity of frame M in F (see get_angular_velocity()) and τ the torque on child body B (to which M is rigidly attached).

default_translational_damping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd]) float

Returns this joint’s default translational damping constant in N⋅s/m. The damping force (in N) is modeled as f = -damping⋅v i.e. opposing motion, with v the translational velocity of frame M in F (see get_translational_velocity()) and f the force on child body B at Mo.

get_angles(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]

Gets the roll-pitch-yaw rotation angles of this joint from context.

The orientation R_FM of the child frame M in parent frame F is parameterized with roll-pitch-yaw angles (also known as space-fixed x-y-z Euler angles and extrinsic angles). That is, the angles θr, θp, θy, correspond to a sequence of rotations about the Fx, Fy, and Fz axes of parent frame F, respectively. Mathematically, rotation R_FM is given in terms of angles θr, θp, θy by:

Click to expand C++ code...
R_FM(q) = Rz(θy) * Ry(θp) * Rx(θr)

where Rx(θ), Ry(θ) and Rz(θ) correspond to the elemental rotations in amount of θ about the Fx, Fy and Fz axes respectively. Zero θr, θp, θy angles corresponds to frames F and M having the same orientation (their origins may still be separated). Angles θr, θp, θy are defined to be positive according to the right-hand-rule with the thumb aligned in the direction of their respective axes.


Space x-y-z angles (extrinsic) are equivalent to Body z-y-x angles (intrinsic).

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Returns angles:

The angle coordinates of this joint stored in the context ordered as θr, θp, θy.

get_angular_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]

Retrieves from context the angular velocity w_FM of the child frame M in the parent frame F, expressed in F.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Returns w_FM:

A vector in ℝ³ with the angular velocity of the child frame M in the parent frame F, expressed in F. Refer to this class’s documentation for further details and definitions of these frames.

get_default_angles(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Gets the default angles for this joint.

Returns angles:

The default roll-pitch-yaw angles as a Vector3.

get_default_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Gets the default translation (position vector) p_FM for this joint.

Returns p_FM:

The default translation of this joint.

get_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]

Returns the translation (position vector) p_FM of the child frame M’s origin Mo as measured and expressed in the parent frame F. Refer to the class documentation for details.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Returns p_FM:

The position vector of frame M’s origin in frame F.

get_translational_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]

Retrieves from context the translational velocity v_FM of the child frame M’s origin as measured and expressed in the parent frame F.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Returns v_FM:

A vector in ℝ³ with the translational velocity of the origin of child frame M in the parent frame F, expressed in F. Refer to this class’s documentation for further details and definitions of these frames.

GetPose(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.math.RigidTransform_[AutoDiffXd]

Returns the pose X_FM of the outboard frame M as measured and expressed in the inboard frame F. Refer to the documentation for this class for details.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Returns X_FM:

The pose of frame M in frame F.

kTypeName = 'rpy_floating'
set_angles(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], angles: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd]

Sets the context so that the generalized coordinates corresponding to the roll-pitch-yaw rotation angles of this joint equals angles.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Parameter angles:

Angles in radians to be stored in context ordered as θr, θp, θy.


See class documentation for discussion of singular configurations.


a constant reference to this joint.

See also

get_angles() for details

set_angular_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], w_FM: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd]

Sets in context the state for this joint so that the angular velocity of the child frame M in the parent frame F is w_FM.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Parameter w_FM:

A vector in ℝ³ with the angular velocity of the child frame M in the parent frame F, expressed in F. Refer to this class’s documentation for further details and definitions of these frames.


a constant reference to this joint.

set_default_angles(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd], angles: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) None

Sets the default roll-pitch-yaw angles of this joint.

Parameter angles:

the desired default angles of the joint


See class documentation for discussion of singular configurations.

set_default_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd], p_FM: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) None

Sets the default translation (position vector) p_FM of this joint.

Parameter p_FM:

The desired default translation of the joint.

set_random_angles_distribution(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd], angles: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) None

Sets the random distribution from which the roll-pitch-yaw orientation angles of this joint will be randomly sampled. See the RpyFloatingJoint class documentation for details on the orientation representation. If a translation distribution has already been set with stochastic variables, it will remain so. Otherwise translation will be set to this joint’s zero configuration.


Watch for random pitch angles near the singular configuration for this joint (see class documentation).

set_random_translation_distribution(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd], p_FM: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) None

Sets the random distribution that the translation vector of this joint will be randomly sampled from. See the RpyFloatingJoint class documentation for details on the translation representation. If an angles distribution has has already been set with stochastic variables, it will remain so. Otherwise angles will be set to this joint’s zero configuration.

set_translational_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], v_FM: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd]

Sets in context the state for this joint so that the translational velocity of the child frame M’s origin in the parent frame F is v_FM.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Parameter v_FM:

A vector in ℝ³ with the translational velocity of the child frame M’s origin in the parent frame F, expressed in F. Refer to this class’s documentation for further details and definitions of these frames.


a constant reference to this joint.

SetOrientation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], R_FM: pydrake.math.RotationMatrix_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd]

Sets the roll-pitch-yaw angles in context so this Joint’s orientation is consistent with the given R_FM rotation matrix.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Parameter R_FM:

The rotation matrix giving the orientation of frame M in frame F.


See class documentation for discussion of singular configurations.


a constant reference to this joint.

SetPose(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], X_FM: pydrake.math.RigidTransform_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd]

Sets context to store X_FM the pose of frame M measured and expressed in frame F.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Parameter X_FM:

The desired pose of frame M in frame F to be stored in context.


See class documentation for discussion of singular configurations.


a constant reference to this joint.

SetTranslation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], p_FM: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[AutoDiffXd]

Sets context to store the translation (position vector) p_FM of frame M’s origin Mo measured and expressed in frame F.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Parameter p_FM:

The desired position of frame M’s origin in frame F, to be stored in context.


a constant reference to this joint.

class pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[Expression]

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression]

This Joint allows a rigid body to move freely with respect to its parent rigid body. This is most commonly used to allow a body to move freely with respect to the World, but can be used with any parent. More precisely, given a frame F attached to the parent body P and a frame M attached to the child body B (see the Joint class’s documentation), this joint allows frame M to translate and rotate freely with respect to F, introducing six degrees of freedom. However, unlike the QuaternionFloatingJoint, the orientation of M relative to F is parameterized with roll-pitch-yaw angles (see warning below). The generalized coordinates q for this joint are the three orientation angles followed by three generalized positions to describe the translation of frame M’s origin Mo in F with a position vector p_FM. As generalized velocities, we use the angular velocity w_FM of frame M in F (not the orientation angle time derivatives q̇) and the linear velocity v_FM of frame M’s origin Mo in frame F.


Any three-parameter representation of orientation necessarily has a singularity somewhere. In this case, the singularity occurs when the pitch angle (second generalized coordinate q) is at π/2 + kπ (for any integer k), and numerical issues may occur when near one of those configurations. If you can’t be sure your simulation will avoid the singularities, consider using the singularity-free QuaternionFloatingJoint instead.

__init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[Expression], name: str, frame_on_parent: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], frame_on_child: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], angular_damping: float = 0, translational_damping: float = 0) None

Constructor to create an rpy floating joint between two bodies so that frame F attached to the parent body P and frame M attached to the child body B move freely relative to one another. See this class’s documentation for further details on the definition of these frames and the generalized positions q and generalized velocities v for this joint. This constructor signature creates a joint with no joint limits, i.e. the joint position, velocity and acceleration limits are the pair (-∞, ∞). These can be set using the Joint methods set_position_limits(), set_velocity_limits() and set_acceleration_limits().

The first three arguments to this constructor are those of the Joint class constructor. See the Joint class’s documentation for details. The additional parameters are:

Parameter angular_damping:

Viscous damping coefficient in N⋅m⋅s for the angular component of this joint’s velocity, used to model losses within the joint. See documentation of default_angular_damping() for details on modeling of the damping force.

Parameter translational_damping:

Viscous damping coefficient in N⋅s/m for the translational component of this joint’s velocity, used to model losses within the joint. See documentation of default_translational_damping() for details on modeling of the damping force.

  • RuntimeError if angular_damping is negative.

  • RuntimeError if translational_damping is negative.

default_angular_damping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[Expression]) float

Returns this joint’s default angular damping constant in N⋅m⋅s. The damping torque (in N⋅m) is modeled as τ = -damping⋅ω, i.e. opposing motion, with ω the angular velocity of frame M in F (see get_angular_velocity()) and τ the torque on child body B (to which M is rigidly attached).

default_translational_damping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[Expression]) float

Returns this joint’s default translational damping constant in N⋅s/m. The damping force (in N) is modeled as f = -damping⋅v i.e. opposing motion, with v the translational velocity of frame M in F (see get_translational_velocity()) and f the force on child body B at Mo.

get_angles(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]

Gets the roll-pitch-yaw rotation angles of this joint from context.

The orientation R_FM of the child frame M in parent frame F is parameterized with roll-pitch-yaw angles (also known as space-fixed x-y-z Euler angles and extrinsic angles). That is, the angles θr, θp, θy, correspond to a sequence of rotations about the Fx, Fy, and Fz axes of parent frame F, respectively. Mathematically, rotation R_FM is given in terms of angles θr, θp, θy by:

Click to expand C++ code...
R_FM(q) = Rz(θy) * Ry(θp) * Rx(θr)

where Rx(θ), Ry(θ) and Rz(θ) correspond to the elemental rotations in amount of θ about the Fx, Fy and Fz axes respectively. Zero θr, θp, θy angles corresponds to frames F and M having the same orientation (their origins may still be separated). Angles θr, θp, θy are defined to be positive according to the right-hand-rule with the thumb aligned in the direction of their respective axes.


Space x-y-z angles (extrinsic) are equivalent to Body z-y-x angles (intrinsic).

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Returns angles:

The angle coordinates of this joint stored in the context ordered as θr, θp, θy.

get_angular_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]

Retrieves from context the angular velocity w_FM of the child frame M in the parent frame F, expressed in F.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Returns w_FM:

A vector in ℝ³ with the angular velocity of the child frame M in the parent frame F, expressed in F. Refer to this class’s documentation for further details and definitions of these frames.

get_default_angles(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Gets the default angles for this joint.

Returns angles:

The default roll-pitch-yaw angles as a Vector3.

get_default_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Gets the default translation (position vector) p_FM for this joint.

Returns p_FM:

The default translation of this joint.

get_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]

Returns the translation (position vector) p_FM of the child frame M’s origin Mo as measured and expressed in the parent frame F. Refer to the class documentation for details.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Returns p_FM:

The position vector of frame M’s origin in frame F.

get_translational_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]

Retrieves from context the translational velocity v_FM of the child frame M’s origin as measured and expressed in the parent frame F.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Returns v_FM:

A vector in ℝ³ with the translational velocity of the origin of child frame M in the parent frame F, expressed in F. Refer to this class’s documentation for further details and definitions of these frames.

GetPose(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression]) pydrake.math.RigidTransform_[Expression]

Returns the pose X_FM of the outboard frame M as measured and expressed in the inboard frame F. Refer to the documentation for this class for details.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Returns X_FM:

The pose of frame M in frame F.

kTypeName = 'rpy_floating'
set_angles(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression], angles: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[Expression]

Sets the context so that the generalized coordinates corresponding to the roll-pitch-yaw rotation angles of this joint equals angles.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Parameter angles:

Angles in radians to be stored in context ordered as θr, θp, θy.


See class documentation for discussion of singular configurations.


a constant reference to this joint.

See also

get_angles() for details

set_angular_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression], w_FM: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[Expression]

Sets in context the state for this joint so that the angular velocity of the child frame M in the parent frame F is w_FM.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Parameter w_FM:

A vector in ℝ³ with the angular velocity of the child frame M in the parent frame F, expressed in F. Refer to this class’s documentation for further details and definitions of these frames.


a constant reference to this joint.

set_default_angles(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[Expression], angles: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) None

Sets the default roll-pitch-yaw angles of this joint.

Parameter angles:

the desired default angles of the joint


See class documentation for discussion of singular configurations.

set_default_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[Expression], p_FM: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) None

Sets the default translation (position vector) p_FM of this joint.

Parameter p_FM:

The desired default translation of the joint.

set_random_angles_distribution(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[Expression], angles: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) None

Sets the random distribution from which the roll-pitch-yaw orientation angles of this joint will be randomly sampled. See the RpyFloatingJoint class documentation for details on the orientation representation. If a translation distribution has already been set with stochastic variables, it will remain so. Otherwise translation will be set to this joint’s zero configuration.


Watch for random pitch angles near the singular configuration for this joint (see class documentation).

set_random_translation_distribution(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[Expression], p_FM: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) None

Sets the random distribution that the translation vector of this joint will be randomly sampled from. See the RpyFloatingJoint class documentation for details on the translation representation. If an angles distribution has has already been set with stochastic variables, it will remain so. Otherwise angles will be set to this joint’s zero configuration.

set_translational_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression], v_FM: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[Expression]

Sets in context the state for this joint so that the translational velocity of the child frame M’s origin in the parent frame F is v_FM.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Parameter v_FM:

A vector in ℝ³ with the translational velocity of the child frame M’s origin in the parent frame F, expressed in F. Refer to this class’s documentation for further details and definitions of these frames.


a constant reference to this joint.

SetOrientation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression], R_FM: pydrake.math.RotationMatrix_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[Expression]

Sets the roll-pitch-yaw angles in context so this Joint’s orientation is consistent with the given R_FM rotation matrix.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Parameter R_FM:

The rotation matrix giving the orientation of frame M in frame F.


See class documentation for discussion of singular configurations.


a constant reference to this joint.

SetPose(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression], X_FM: pydrake.math.RigidTransform_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[Expression]

Sets context to store X_FM the pose of frame M measured and expressed in frame F.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Parameter X_FM:

The desired pose of frame M in frame F to be stored in context.


See class documentation for discussion of singular configurations.


a constant reference to this joint.

SetTranslation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression], p_FM: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RpyFloatingJoint_[Expression]

Sets context to store the translation (position vector) p_FM of frame M’s origin Mo measured and expressed in frame F.

Parameter context:

A Context for the MultibodyPlant this joint belongs to.

Parameter p_FM:

The desired position of frame M’s origin in frame F, to be stored in context.


a constant reference to this joint.

class pydrake.multibody.tree.ScopedName

A delimited string name for a multibody element, e.g., “robot1::torso”.

The name is composed of two semantically separate pieces – the element name is the local name for the element (e.g., a joint, body, frame, etc.) and the namespace name is the location of that element within the tree. For “robot1::torso” the namespace name is “robot1” and the element name is “torso”.

The namespace name typically refers to the model instance name that contains the element. Some temporary scoped names do not use a namespace (e.g., temporary values created during input file parsing), in which case the namespace name can be empty. The namespace name will never start or end with “::”.

The element name is never empty, unless the ScopedName was default-constructed or moved-from. The element name will never contain the delimiter string “::”.

When there is no namespace, the scoped name does not contain a leading “::”, e.g., for the element name “box” without any namespace, the scoped name is “box” not “::box”.

The namespace name may contain the “::” delimiter in the middle of the name (possibly multiple times), e.g., for “robot1::left::arm::end_frame” the namespace name is “robot1::left::arm” and the element is name “end_frame”.

This class does not treat a single colon (“:”) specially. Those can appear in either namespace names or element names.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScopedName) -> None

Creates an empty name.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScopedName, namespace_name: str, element_name: str) -> None

Creates a ScopedName for the given namespace_name and element_name.

  • RuntimeError if namespace_name starts or ends with "::".

  • RuntimeError if element_name contains "::" or is empty.

See also

ScopedName::Make() to use a null return value instead of exceptions.

See also

ScopedName::Join() for automatic cleanup of “::” tokens.

get_element(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScopedName) str

Returns the element portion of this scoped name, e.g., “torso”. This is the local name of the joint, body, etc. within the model instance. It is never empty unless this ScopedName was default-constructed or moved-from.

get_full(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScopedName) str

Returns the full ScopedName as a string, e.g., “robot1::torso”. It is never empty unless this ScopedName was default-constructed or moved-from.

get_namespace(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScopedName) str

Returns the namespace portion of this scoped name, e.g., “robot1”. This is typically the model instance name. This is typically the model instance name but can be empty (see class overview for details).

static Join(name1: str, name2: str) pydrake.multibody.tree.ScopedName

Creates a ScopedName for the given name1::name2. Unlike the constructor or ScopedName::Make(), this function allows “::” in either name. Any leading or trailing “::” on the names are removed before joining. After joining, the final word after all “::”s is the element name, and everything prior is the namespace name.

static Make(namespace_name: str, element_name: str) Optional[pydrake.multibody.tree.ScopedName]

Creates a ScopedName for the given namespace_name and element_name. Returns nullopt if namespace_name starts or ends with “::”, or if element_name contains “::” or is empty.

See also

ScopedName::Join() for automatic coalescing of “::” tokens.

static Parse(scoped_name: str) pydrake.multibody.tree.ScopedName

Parses the given scoped_name string. Any leading or trailing “::”s on the name are removed (even multiple copies like “::::” are removed).

set_element(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScopedName, element_name: str) None

Replaces the element name of this object, leaving the namespace name unchanged.


RuntimeError if element_name contains "::" or is empty.

set_namespace(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScopedName, namespace_name: str) None

Replaces the namespace name of this object, leaving the element name unchanged. The namespace name is allowed to be empty.


RuntimeError if namespace_name starts or ends with "::".

to_string(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScopedName) str

Returns get_full() as a string value instead of a string_view.

class pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint

This joint models a screw joint allowing two bodies to rotate about one axis while translating along that same axis with one degree of freedom. That is, given a frame F attached to the parent body P and a frame M attached to the child body B (see the Joint class’s documentation), this joint allows frame M to translate (while rotating) along an axis â. Axis â is constant and has the same measures in both frames F and M, that is, â_F = â_M. The rotation about the â_F axis and its rate specify the state of the joint. Zero (θ) corresponds to frames F and M being coincident and aligned. The translation distance is defined positive when child body B translates along the direction of â, and the rotation θ is defined to be positive according to the right-hand-rule with the thumb aligned in the direction of the â_F axis.


This class is templated; see ScrewJoint_ for the list of instantiations.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint, name: str, frame_on_parent: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, frame_on_child: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, screw_pitch: float, damping: float) -> None

Constructor to create a screw joint between two bodies so that frame F attached to the parent body P and frame M attached to the child body B translate and rotate as described in the class’s documentation. This constructor signature creates a joint with the axis â set to the z-axis and no joint limits, i.e. the joint angular position, angular velocity and angular acceleration limits are the pair (-∞, ∞). These can be set using the Joint methods set_position_limits(), set_velocity_limits() and set_acceleration_limits() in radians, radians/s, radians/s² units. The first three arguments to this constructor are those of the Joint class constructor. See the Joint class’s documentation for details. The additional parameters are:

Parameter screw_pitch:

Amount of translation in meters occurring over a one full screw revolution. It’s domain is (-∞, ∞). When the screw pitch is negative, positive rotation will result in translating towards the negative direction of z-axis. When the screw pitch is zero, this joint will behave like a revolute joint.

Parameter damping:

Viscous damping coefficient, N⋅m⋅s/rad for rotation, used to model losses within the joint. See documentation of default_damping() for details on modelling of the damping torque.


RuntimeError if damping is negative.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint, name: str, frame_on_parent: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, frame_on_child: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, axis: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]], screw_pitch: float, damping: float) -> None

Constructor to create a screw joint between two bodies so that frame F attached to the parent body P and frame M attached to the child body B translate and rotate as described in the class’s documentation. This constructor signature creates a joint with no joint limits, i.e. the joint angular position, angular velocity and angular acceleration limits are the pair (-∞, ∞). These can be set using the Joint methods set_position_limits(), set_velocity_limits() and set_acceleration_limits() in radians, radians/s, radians/s² units. The first three arguments to this constructor are those of the Joint class constructor. See the Joint class’s documentation for details. The additional parameters are:

Parameter axis:

A vector in ℝ³ specifying the axis of motion for this joint. The coordinates of axis expressed in frames F and M are the same at all times, that is, axis_F = axis_M. In other words, axis_F (or axis_M) is the eigenvector of R_FM with eigenvalue equal to one. This vector can have any length, only the direction is used.

Parameter screw_pitch:

Amount of translation in meters occurring over a one full screw revolution. It’s domain is (-∞, ∞). When the screw pitch is negative, positive rotation will result in translating towards the negative direction of â-axis. When the screw pitch is zero, this joint will behave like a revolute joint.

Parameter damping:

Viscous damping coefficient, N⋅m⋅s/rad for rotation, used to model losses within the joint. See documentation of default_damping() for details on modelling of the damping torque.

  • RuntimeError if the L2 norm of axis is less than the square

  • root of machine epsilon.

  • RuntimeError if damping is negative.

default_damping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint) float

Returns this joint’s default damping constant N⋅m⋅s for the rotational degree. The damping torque (in N⋅m) is modeled as τ = -damping⋅ω i.e. opposing motion, with ω the angular rate for this joint (see get_angular_velocity()) and τ the torque on child body B expressed in frame F as t_B_F = τ⋅Fâ_F.

get_angular_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint, context: float

Gets the rate of change, in radians per second, of this joint’s angle θ from context. See class documentation for the definition of this angle.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Returns theta_dot:

The rate of change of this joint’s angle θ as stored in the context.

get_default_rotation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint) float

Gets the default angle for this joint.

Returns theta:

The default angle of this joint.

get_default_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint) float

Gets the default position for this joint.

Returns z:

The default position of this joint.

get_rotation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint, context: float

Gets the angle θ of this joint from context.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Returns theta:

The angle of this joint stored in the context. See class documentation for details.

get_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint, context: float

Gets the translation of this joint from context.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Returns z:

The translation of this joint stored in the context as (z). See class documentation for details.

get_translational_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint, context: float

Gets the translational velocity vz, in meters per second, of this joint’s Mo measured and expressed in frame F from context.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Returns vz:

The translational velocity of this joint as stored in the context.

GetDamping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint, context: float

Returns the Context dependent damping coefficient stored as a parameter in context. Refer to default_damping() for details.

Parameter context:

The context storing the state and parameters for the model to which this joint belongs.

kTypeName = 'screw'
screw_pitch(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint) float

Returns this joint’s amount of translation in meters occurring over a one full revolution.

set_angular_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint, context:, theta_dot: float) pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint

Sets the rate of change, in radians per second, of this joint’s angle θ (see class documentation) to theta_dot. The new rate of change gets stored in context.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Parameter theta_dot:

The desired rates of change of this joint’s angle in radians per second.


a constant reference to this joint.

set_default_rotation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint, theta: float) None

Sets the default angle of this joint. This will change the default_translation too, because they are not independent in this joint.

Parameter theta:

The desired default angle of the joint

set_default_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint, z: float) None

Sets the default translation of this joint. This will change the default_rotation too, which are not independent in this joint.

Parameter z:

The desired default translation of the joint


RuntimeError if pitch is very near zero.

set_random_pose_distribution(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint, theta: numpy.ndarray[object[1, 1]]) None

Sets the random distribution that the angle of this joint will be randomly sampled from. See class documentation for details on the definition of the position and angle.

set_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint, context:, translation: float) pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint

Sets the context so that the translation of this joint equals to (z).

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Parameter z:

The desired translation in meters to be stored in context as (z). See class documentation for details.


a constant reference to this joint.

set_translational_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint, context:, translation_dot: float) pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint

Sets the translational velocity, in meters per second, of this this joint’s Mo along frame F’s â-axis to vz. The new translational velocity gets stored in context.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Parameter vz:

The desired translational velocity of this joint in meters per second along F frame’s â-axis.


a constant reference to this joint.

SetDamping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint, context:, damping: float) None

Sets the value of the viscous damping coefficient for this joint, stored as a parameter in context. Refer to default_damping() for details.

Parameter context:

The context storing the state and parameters for the model to which this joint belongs.

Parameter damping:

The damping value.


RuntimeError if damping is negative.

template pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint_

Instantiations: ScrewJoint_[float], ScrewJoint_[AutoDiffXd], ScrewJoint_[Expression]

class pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint_[AutoDiffXd]

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd]

This joint models a screw joint allowing two bodies to rotate about one axis while translating along that same axis with one degree of freedom. That is, given a frame F attached to the parent body P and a frame M attached to the child body B (see the Joint class’s documentation), this joint allows frame M to translate (while rotating) along an axis â. Axis â is constant and has the same measures in both frames F and M, that is, â_F = â_M. The rotation about the â_F axis and its rate specify the state of the joint. Zero (θ) corresponds to frames F and M being coincident and aligned. The translation distance is defined positive when child body B translates along the direction of â, and the rotation θ is defined to be positive according to the right-hand-rule with the thumb aligned in the direction of the â_F axis.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint_[AutoDiffXd], name: str, frame_on_parent: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], frame_on_child: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], screw_pitch: float, damping: float) -> None

Constructor to create a screw joint between two bodies so that frame F attached to the parent body P and frame M attached to the child body B translate and rotate as described in the class’s documentation. This constructor signature creates a joint with the axis â set to the z-axis and no joint limits, i.e. the joint angular position, angular velocity and angular acceleration limits are the pair (-∞, ∞). These can be set using the Joint methods set_position_limits(), set_velocity_limits() and set_acceleration_limits() in radians, radians/s, radians/s² units. The first three arguments to this constructor are those of the Joint class constructor. See the Joint class’s documentation for details. The additional parameters are:

Parameter screw_pitch:

Amount of translation in meters occurring over a one full screw revolution. It’s domain is (-∞, ∞). When the screw pitch is negative, positive rotation will result in translating towards the negative direction of z-axis. When the screw pitch is zero, this joint will behave like a revolute joint.

Parameter damping:

Viscous damping coefficient, N⋅m⋅s/rad for rotation, used to model losses within the joint. See documentation of default_damping() for details on modelling of the damping torque.


RuntimeError if damping is negative.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint_[AutoDiffXd], name: str, frame_on_parent: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], frame_on_child: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], axis: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]], screw_pitch: float, damping: float) -> None

Constructor to create a screw joint between two bodies so that frame F attached to the parent body P and frame M attached to the child body B translate and rotate as described in the class’s documentation. This constructor signature creates a joint with no joint limits, i.e. the joint angular position, angular velocity and angular acceleration limits are the pair (-∞, ∞). These can be set using the Joint methods set_position_limits(), set_velocity_limits() and set_acceleration_limits() in radians, radians/s, radians/s² units. The first three arguments to this constructor are those of the Joint class constructor. See the Joint class’s documentation for details. The additional parameters are:

Parameter axis:

A vector in ℝ³ specifying the axis of motion for this joint. The coordinates of axis expressed in frames F and M are the same at all times, that is, axis_F = axis_M. In other words, axis_F (or axis_M) is the eigenvector of R_FM with eigenvalue equal to one. This vector can have any length, only the direction is used.

Parameter screw_pitch:

Amount of translation in meters occurring over a one full screw revolution. It’s domain is (-∞, ∞). When the screw pitch is negative, positive rotation will result in translating towards the negative direction of â-axis. When the screw pitch is zero, this joint will behave like a revolute joint.

Parameter damping:

Viscous damping coefficient, N⋅m⋅s/rad for rotation, used to model losses within the joint. See documentation of default_damping() for details on modelling of the damping torque.

  • RuntimeError if the L2 norm of axis is less than the square

  • root of machine epsilon.

  • RuntimeError if damping is negative.

default_damping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint_[AutoDiffXd]) float

Returns this joint’s default damping constant N⋅m⋅s for the rotational degree. The damping torque (in N⋅m) is modeled as τ = -damping⋅ω i.e. opposing motion, with ω the angular rate for this joint (see get_angular_velocity()) and τ the torque on child body B expressed in frame F as t_B_F = τ⋅Fâ_F.

get_angular_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd

Gets the rate of change, in radians per second, of this joint’s angle θ from context. See class documentation for the definition of this angle.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Returns theta_dot:

The rate of change of this joint’s angle θ as stored in the context.

get_default_rotation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint_[AutoDiffXd]) float

Gets the default angle for this joint.

Returns theta:

The default angle of this joint.

get_default_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint_[AutoDiffXd]) float

Gets the default position for this joint.

Returns z:

The default position of this joint.

get_rotation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd

Gets the angle θ of this joint from context.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Returns theta:

The angle of this joint stored in the context. See class documentation for details.

get_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd

Gets the translation of this joint from context.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Returns z:

The translation of this joint stored in the context as (z). See class documentation for details.

get_translational_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd

Gets the translational velocity vz, in meters per second, of this joint’s Mo measured and expressed in frame F from context.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Returns vz:

The translational velocity of this joint as stored in the context.

GetDamping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd

Returns the Context dependent damping coefficient stored as a parameter in context. Refer to default_damping() for details.

Parameter context:

The context storing the state and parameters for the model to which this joint belongs.

kTypeName = 'screw'
screw_pitch(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint_[AutoDiffXd]) float

Returns this joint’s amount of translation in meters occurring over a one full revolution.

set_angular_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], theta_dot: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd) pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint_[AutoDiffXd]

Sets the rate of change, in radians per second, of this joint’s angle θ (see class documentation) to theta_dot. The new rate of change gets stored in context.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Parameter theta_dot:

The desired rates of change of this joint’s angle in radians per second.


a constant reference to this joint.

set_default_rotation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint_[AutoDiffXd], theta: float) None

Sets the default angle of this joint. This will change the default_translation too, because they are not independent in this joint.

Parameter theta:

The desired default angle of the joint

set_default_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint_[AutoDiffXd], z: float) None

Sets the default translation of this joint. This will change the default_rotation too, which are not independent in this joint.

Parameter z:

The desired default translation of the joint


RuntimeError if pitch is very near zero.

set_random_pose_distribution(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint_[AutoDiffXd], theta: numpy.ndarray[object[1, 1]]) None

Sets the random distribution that the angle of this joint will be randomly sampled from. See class documentation for details on the definition of the position and angle.

set_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], translation: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd) pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint_[AutoDiffXd]

Sets the context so that the translation of this joint equals to (z).

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Parameter z:

The desired translation in meters to be stored in context as (z). See class documentation for details.


a constant reference to this joint.

set_translational_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], translation_dot: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd) pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint_[AutoDiffXd]

Sets the translational velocity, in meters per second, of this this joint’s Mo along frame F’s â-axis to vz. The new translational velocity gets stored in context.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Parameter vz:

The desired translational velocity of this joint in meters per second along F frame’s â-axis.


a constant reference to this joint.

SetDamping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], damping: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd) None

Sets the value of the viscous damping coefficient for this joint, stored as a parameter in context. Refer to default_damping() for details.

Parameter context:

The context storing the state and parameters for the model to which this joint belongs.

Parameter damping:

The damping value.


RuntimeError if damping is negative.

class pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint_[Expression]

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression]

This joint models a screw joint allowing two bodies to rotate about one axis while translating along that same axis with one degree of freedom. That is, given a frame F attached to the parent body P and a frame M attached to the child body B (see the Joint class’s documentation), this joint allows frame M to translate (while rotating) along an axis â. Axis â is constant and has the same measures in both frames F and M, that is, â_F = â_M. The rotation about the â_F axis and its rate specify the state of the joint. Zero (θ) corresponds to frames F and M being coincident and aligned. The translation distance is defined positive when child body B translates along the direction of â, and the rotation θ is defined to be positive according to the right-hand-rule with the thumb aligned in the direction of the â_F axis.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint_[Expression], name: str, frame_on_parent: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], frame_on_child: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], screw_pitch: float, damping: float) -> None

Constructor to create a screw joint between two bodies so that frame F attached to the parent body P and frame M attached to the child body B translate and rotate as described in the class’s documentation. This constructor signature creates a joint with the axis â set to the z-axis and no joint limits, i.e. the joint angular position, angular velocity and angular acceleration limits are the pair (-∞, ∞). These can be set using the Joint methods set_position_limits(), set_velocity_limits() and set_acceleration_limits() in radians, radians/s, radians/s² units. The first three arguments to this constructor are those of the Joint class constructor. See the Joint class’s documentation for details. The additional parameters are:

Parameter screw_pitch:

Amount of translation in meters occurring over a one full screw revolution. It’s domain is (-∞, ∞). When the screw pitch is negative, positive rotation will result in translating towards the negative direction of z-axis. When the screw pitch is zero, this joint will behave like a revolute joint.

Parameter damping:

Viscous damping coefficient, N⋅m⋅s/rad for rotation, used to model losses within the joint. See documentation of default_damping() for details on modelling of the damping torque.


RuntimeError if damping is negative.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint_[Expression], name: str, frame_on_parent: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], frame_on_child: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], axis: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]], screw_pitch: float, damping: float) -> None

Constructor to create a screw joint between two bodies so that frame F attached to the parent body P and frame M attached to the child body B translate and rotate as described in the class’s documentation. This constructor signature creates a joint with no joint limits, i.e. the joint angular position, angular velocity and angular acceleration limits are the pair (-∞, ∞). These can be set using the Joint methods set_position_limits(), set_velocity_limits() and set_acceleration_limits() in radians, radians/s, radians/s² units. The first three arguments to this constructor are those of the Joint class constructor. See the Joint class’s documentation for details. The additional parameters are:

Parameter axis:

A vector in ℝ³ specifying the axis of motion for this joint. The coordinates of axis expressed in frames F and M are the same at all times, that is, axis_F = axis_M. In other words, axis_F (or axis_M) is the eigenvector of R_FM with eigenvalue equal to one. This vector can have any length, only the direction is used.

Parameter screw_pitch:

Amount of translation in meters occurring over a one full screw revolution. It’s domain is (-∞, ∞). When the screw pitch is negative, positive rotation will result in translating towards the negative direction of â-axis. When the screw pitch is zero, this joint will behave like a revolute joint.

Parameter damping:

Viscous damping coefficient, N⋅m⋅s/rad for rotation, used to model losses within the joint. See documentation of default_damping() for details on modelling of the damping torque.

  • RuntimeError if the L2 norm of axis is less than the square

  • root of machine epsilon.

  • RuntimeError if damping is negative.

default_damping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint_[Expression]) float

Returns this joint’s default damping constant N⋅m⋅s for the rotational degree. The damping torque (in N⋅m) is modeled as τ = -damping⋅ω i.e. opposing motion, with ω the angular rate for this joint (see get_angular_velocity()) and τ the torque on child body B expressed in frame F as t_B_F = τ⋅Fâ_F.

get_angular_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression]) pydrake.symbolic.Expression

Gets the rate of change, in radians per second, of this joint’s angle θ from context. See class documentation for the definition of this angle.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Returns theta_dot:

The rate of change of this joint’s angle θ as stored in the context.

get_default_rotation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint_[Expression]) float

Gets the default angle for this joint.

Returns theta:

The default angle of this joint.

get_default_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint_[Expression]) float

Gets the default position for this joint.

Returns z:

The default position of this joint.

get_rotation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression]) pydrake.symbolic.Expression

Gets the angle θ of this joint from context.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Returns theta:

The angle of this joint stored in the context. See class documentation for details.

get_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression]) pydrake.symbolic.Expression

Gets the translation of this joint from context.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Returns z:

The translation of this joint stored in the context as (z). See class documentation for details.

get_translational_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression]) pydrake.symbolic.Expression

Gets the translational velocity vz, in meters per second, of this joint’s Mo measured and expressed in frame F from context.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Returns vz:

The translational velocity of this joint as stored in the context.

GetDamping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression]) pydrake.symbolic.Expression

Returns the Context dependent damping coefficient stored as a parameter in context. Refer to default_damping() for details.

Parameter context:

The context storing the state and parameters for the model to which this joint belongs.

kTypeName = 'screw'
screw_pitch(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint_[Expression]) float

Returns this joint’s amount of translation in meters occurring over a one full revolution.

set_angular_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression], theta_dot: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint_[Expression]

Sets the rate of change, in radians per second, of this joint’s angle θ (see class documentation) to theta_dot. The new rate of change gets stored in context.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Parameter theta_dot:

The desired rates of change of this joint’s angle in radians per second.


a constant reference to this joint.

set_default_rotation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint_[Expression], theta: float) None

Sets the default angle of this joint. This will change the default_translation too, because they are not independent in this joint.

Parameter theta:

The desired default angle of the joint

set_default_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint_[Expression], z: float) None

Sets the default translation of this joint. This will change the default_rotation too, which are not independent in this joint.

Parameter z:

The desired default translation of the joint


RuntimeError if pitch is very near zero.

set_random_pose_distribution(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint_[Expression], theta: numpy.ndarray[object[1, 1]]) None

Sets the random distribution that the angle of this joint will be randomly sampled from. See class documentation for details on the definition of the position and angle.

set_translation(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression], translation: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint_[Expression]

Sets the context so that the translation of this joint equals to (z).

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Parameter z:

The desired translation in meters to be stored in context as (z). See class documentation for details.


a constant reference to this joint.

set_translational_velocity(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression], translation_dot: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint_[Expression]

Sets the translational velocity, in meters per second, of this this joint’s Mo along frame F’s â-axis to vz. The new translational velocity gets stored in context.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Parameter vz:

The desired translational velocity of this joint in meters per second along F frame’s â-axis.


a constant reference to this joint.

SetDamping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.ScrewJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression], damping: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) None

Sets the value of the viscous damping coefficient for this joint, stored as a parameter in context. Refer to default_damping() for details.

Parameter context:

The context storing the state and parameters for the model to which this joint belongs.

Parameter damping:

The damping value.


RuntimeError if damping is negative.

class pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia

This class represents the physical concept of a Spatial Inertia. A spatial inertia (or spatial mass matrix) encapsulates the mass, center of mass, and rotational inertia of the mass distribution of a body or composite body S, where with “composite body” we mean a collection of bodies welded together containing at least one body (throughout this documentation “body” is many times used instead of “composite body” but the same concepts apply to a collection of bodies as well.) A spatial inertia is an element of ℝ⁶ˣ⁶ that is symmetric, and positive semi-definite. It logically consists of 3x3 sub-matrices arranged like so, [Jain 2010]:

Click to expand C++ code...
Spatial mass matrix
          ------------ ------------
       0 |            |            |
       1 |    I_SP    | m p_PScm×  |
       2 |            |            |
          ------------ ------------
       3 |            |            |
       4 | -m p_PScm× |     m Id   |
       5 |            |            |
          ------------ ------------
               Symbol: M

where, with the monogram notation described in multibody_spatial_inertia, I_SP is the rotational inertia of body or composite body S computed about a point P, m is the mass of this composite body, p_PScm is the position vector from point P to the center of mass Scm of the composite body S with p_PScm× denoting its skew-symmetric cross product matrix (defined such that b = a.cross(b)), and Id is the identity matrix in ℝ³ˣ³. See Section 2.1, p. 17 of [Jain 2010]. The logical arrangement as shown above is chosen to be consistent with our logical arrangement for spatial vectors as documented in multibody_spatial_algebra for which the rotational component comes first followed by the translational component.

In typeset material we use the symbol \([M^{S/P}]_E\) to represent the spatial inertia of a body or composite body S about point P, expressed in frame E. For this inertia, the monogram notation reads M_SP_E. If the point P is fixed to a body B, we write that point as \(B_P\) which appears in code and comments as Bp. So if the body or composite body is B and the about point is Bp, the monogram notation reads M_BBp_E, which can be abbreviated to M_Bp_E since the about point Bp also identifies the body. Common cases are that the about point is the origin Bo of the body, or it’s the center of mass Bcm for which the rotational inertia in monogram notation would read as I_Bo_E and I_Bcm_E, respectively. Given M_BP_E (\([M^{B/P}]_E\)), the rotational inertia of this spatial inertia is I_BP_E (\([I^{B/P}]_E\)) and the position vector of the center of mass measured from point P and expressed in E is p_PBcm_E (\([^Pp^{B_{cm}}]_E\)).


This class does not implement any mechanism to track the frame E in which a spatial inertia is expressed or about what point is computed. Methods and operators on this class have no means to determine frame consistency through operations. It is therefore the responsibility of users of this class to keep track of frames in which operations are performed. We suggest doing that using disciplined notation, as described above.


Several methods in this class throw a RuntimeError for invalid rotational inertia operations in debug releases only. This provides speed in a release build while facilitating debugging in debug builds. In addition, these validity tests are only performed for scalar types for which drake::scalar_predicate<T>::is_bool is True. For instance, validity checks are not performed when T is symbolic::Expression.


The methods of this class satisfy the “basic exception guarantee”: if an exception is thrown, the program will still be in a valid state. Specifically, no resources are leaked, and all objects’ invariants are intact. Be aware that SpatialInertia objects may contain invalid inertia data in cases where input checking is skipped.

See also

To create a spatial inertia of a mesh, see CalcSpatialInertia(const geometry::TriangleSurfaceMesh<double>& mesh, double density).

See also

To create spatial inertia from most of geometry::Shape, see CalcSpatialInertia(const geometry::Shape& shape, double density).

See also

To create spatial inertia for a set of bodies, see MultibodyPlant::CalcSpatialInertia().

  • [Jain 2010] Jain, A., 2010. Robot and multibody dynamics: analysis and

    algorithms. Springer Science & Business Media.


This class is templated; see SpatialInertia_ for the list of instantiations.

__init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia, mass: float, p_PScm_E: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]], G_SP_E: pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia, skip_validity_check: bool = False) None

Constructs a spatial inertia for a physical body or composite body S about a point P from a given mass, center of mass and rotational inertia. The center of mass is specified by the position vector p_PScm_E from point P to the center of mass point Scm, expressed in a frame E. The rotational inertia is provided as the UnitInertia G_SP_E of the body or composite body S computed about point P and expressed in frame E.


The third argument of this constructor is unusual in that it is an UnitInertia (not a traditional RotationalInertia) and its inertia is about the arbitrary point P (not Scm – S’s center of mass).

See also

MakeFromCentralInertia a factory method with traditional utility.

This constructor checks for the physical validity of the resulting SpatialInertia with IsPhysicallyValid() and throws a RuntimeError exception in the event the provided input parameters lead to non-physically viable spatial inertia. Since this check has non-negligable runtime costs, it can be disabled by setting the optional argument skip_validity_check to True.

Parameter mass:

The mass of the body or composite body S.

Parameter p_PScm_E:

The position vector from point P to the center of mass of body or composite body S expressed in frame E.

Parameter G_SP_E:

UnitInertia of the body or composite body S computed about origin point P and expressed in frame E.

Parameter skip_validity_check:

If true, skips the validity check described above. Defaults to false.

CalcComMoment(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Computes the center of mass moment vector mass * p_PScm_E given the position vector p_PScm_E from the about point P to the center of mass Scm of the body or composite body S, expressed in frame E. See the documentation of this class for details.

CalcPrincipalSemiDiametersAndPoseForSolidEllipsoid(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia) tuple[numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]], pydrake.math.RigidTransform]

Returns 3 principal semi-diameters [lmax lmed lmin] sorted in descending order (lmax ≥ lmed ≥ lmin), orientation, and position of a solid ellipsoid whose spatial inertia is equal to this spatial inertia. See spatial_inertia_equivalent_shapes “Spatial inertia equivalent shapes” for more details.

  • RuntimeError if the elements of this spatial inertia cannot be

  • converted to a real finite double. For example, an exception is

  • thrown if this contains an erroneous NaN or if scalar type T

  • is symbolic.

CalcRotationalInertia(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia) pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia

Computes the rotational inertia I_SP_E = mass * G_SP_E of this spatial inertia, computed about point P and expressed in frame E. See the documentation of this class for details.

CopyToFullMatrix6(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[6, 6]]

Copy to a full 6x6 matrix representation.

get_com(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Get a constant reference to the position vector p_PScm_E from the about point P to the center of mass Scm of the body or composite body S, expressed in frame E. See the documentation of this class for details.

get_mass(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia) float

Get a constant reference to the mass of this spatial inertia.

get_unit_inertia(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia

Get a constant reference to the unit inertia G_SP_E of this spatial inertia, computed about point P and expressed in frame E. See the documentation of this class for details.

static HollowSphereWithDensity(area_density: float, radius: float) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform density thin hollow sphere B about its geometric center Bo (which is coincident with B’s center of mass Bcm).

Parameter area_density:

mass per unit area (kg/m²).

Parameter radius:

sphere’s radius in meters (the hollow sphere is regarded as an infinitesimally thin shell of uniform density).

Returns M_BBo_B:

B’s spatial inertia about Bo, expressed in B. Since B’s rotational inertia is triaxially symmetric, M_BBo_B = M_BBo_E, i.e., M_BBo expressed in frame B is equal to M_BBo expressed in an arbitrary frame E.


B’s rotational inertia about Bo is triaxially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line passing through Bo.


RuntimeError if area_density or radius is not positive and finite.

static HollowSphereWithMass(mass: float, radius: float) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform density hollow sphere B about its geometric center Bo (which is coincident with B’s center of mass Bcm).

Parameter mass:

mass of the hollow sphere (kg).

Parameter radius:

sphere’s radius in meters (the hollow sphere is regarded as an infinitesimally thin shell of uniform density).

Returns M_BBo:

B’s spatial inertia about Bo. Since B’s rotational inertia is triaxially symmetric, M_BBo_B = M_BBo_E, i.e., M_BBo expressed in frame B is equal to M_BBo expressed in an arbitrary frame E.


B’s rotational inertia about Bo is triaxially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line passing through Bo.


RuntimeError if mass or radius is not positive and finite.

IsNaN(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia) bool

Returns True if any of the elements in this spatial inertia is NaN and False otherwise.

IsPhysicallyValid(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia) bool

Performs a number of checks to verify that this is a physically valid spatial inertia. The checks performed include:

  • No NaN entries.

  • Non-negative mass.

  • Non-negative principal moments about the center of mass.

  • Principal moments about the center of mass must satisfy the triangle inequality: - Ixx + Iyy >= Izz - Ixx + Izz >= Iyy - Iyy + Izz >= Ixx

These are the tests performed by RotationalInertia::CouldBePhysicallyValid() which become a sufficient condition when performed on a rotational inertia about a body’s center of mass.

See also


IsZero(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia) bool

Returns True if all of the elements in this spatial inertia are zero and False otherwise.

static MakeFromCentralInertia(mass: float, p_PScm_E: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]], I_SScm_E: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia

Creates a spatial inertia for a physical body or composite body S about a point P from a given mass, center of mass, and central rotational inertia. For example, this method creates a body’s SpatialInertia about its body origin Bo from the body’s mass, position vector from Bo to the body’s center of mass, and rotational inertia about the body’s center of mass.

This method checks for the physical validity of the resulting SpatialInertia with IsPhysicallyValid() and throws a RuntimeError exception in the event the provided input parameters lead to a non-physically viable spatial inertia.

Parameter mass:

The mass of the body or composite body S.

Parameter p_PScm_E:

The position vector from point P to point Scm (S’s center of mass), expressed in a frame E.

Parameter I_SScm_E:

S’s RotationalInertia about Scm, expressed in frame E.

Returns M_SP_E:

S’s spatial inertia about point P, expressed in frame E.

static NaN() pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia

Initializes mass, center of mass and rotational inertia to invalid NaN’s for a quick detection of uninitialized values.

ReExpress(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia, R_AE: pydrake.math.RotationMatrix) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia

Given this spatial inertia M_SP_E for some body or composite body S, taken about a point P and expressed in frame E, this method computes the same inertia re-expressed in another frame A.

Parameter R_AE:

RotationMatrix relating frames A and E.

Returns M_SP_A:

The same spatial inertia of S about P but now re-expressed in frame A.

See also

ReExpressInPlace() for details.

SetNaN(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia) None

Sets this spatial inertia to have NaN entries. Typically used for quick detection of uninitialized values.

Shift(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia, p_PQ_E: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia

Given this spatial inertia M_SP_E for some body or composite body S, computed about point P, and expressed in frame E, this method uses the Parallel Axis Theorem for spatial inertias to compute the same spatial inertia about a new point Q. The result still is expressed in frame E.

See also

ShiftInPlace() for more details.

Parameter p_PQ_E:

Vector from the original about point P to the new about point Q, expressed in the same frame E this spatial inertia is expressed in.

Returns M_SQ_E:

This same spatial inertia for body or composite body S but computed about a new point Q.

static SolidBoxWithDensity(density: float, lx: float, ly: float, lz: float) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform density solid box B about its geometric center Bo (which is coincident with B’s center of mass Bcm).

Parameter density:

mass per volume (kg/m³).

Parameter lx:

length of the box in the Bx direction (meters).

Parameter ly:

length of the box in the By direction (meters).

Parameter lz:

length of the box in the Bz direction (meters).

Returns M_BBo_B:

B’s spatial inertia about Bo, expressed in B.


RuntimeError if density, lx, ly, or lz is not positive and finite.

static SolidBoxWithMass(mass: float, lx: float, ly: float, lz: float) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform density solid box B about its geometric center Bo (which is coincident with B’s center of mass Bcm).

Parameter mass:

mass of the solid box (kg).

Parameter lx:

length of the box in the Bx direction (meters).

Parameter ly:

length of the box in the By direction (meters).

Parameter lz:

length of the box in the Bz direction (meters).

Returns M_BBo_B:

B’s spatial inertia about Bo, expressed in B.


RuntimeError if mass, lx, ly, or lz is not positive and finite.

static SolidCapsuleWithDensity(density: float, radius: float, length: float, unit_vector: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform density solid capsule B about its geometric center Bo (which is coincident with B’s center of mass Bcm).

Parameter density:

mass per volume (kg/m³).

Parameter radius:

radius of the cylinder/half-sphere parts of the capsule.

Parameter length:

length of the cylindrical part of the capsule.

Parameter unit_vector:

unit vector defining the axial direction of the cylindrical part of the capsule, expressed in B.

Returns M_BBo_B:

B’s spatial inertia about Bo, expressed in B.


B’s rotational inertia about Bo is axially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line that both passes through Bo and is perpendicular to unit_vector.

  • RuntimeError if density, radius, or length is not positive and

  • finite or if ‖unit_vector‖ is not within 1.0E-14 of 1.0.

static SolidCapsuleWithMass(mass: float, radius: float, length: float, unit_vector: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform density solid capsule B about its geometric center Bo (which is coincident with B’s center of mass Bcm).

Parameter mass:

mass of the solid capsule (kg).

Parameter radius:

radius of the cylinder/half-sphere parts of the capsule.

Parameter length:

length of the cylindrical part of the capsule.

Parameter unit_vector:

unit vector defining the axial direction of the cylindrical part of the capsule, expressed in B.

Returns M_BBo_B:

B’s spatial inertia about Bo, expressed in B.


B’s rotational inertia about Bo is axially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line that both passes through Bo and is perpendicular to unit_vector.

  • RuntimeError if mass, radius, or length is not positive and finite

  • or if ‖unit_vector‖ is not within 1.0E-14 of 1.0.

static SolidCubeWithDensity(density: float, length: float) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform density solid cube B about its geometric center Bo (which is coincident with B’s center of mass Bcm).

Parameter density:

mass per volume (kg/m³).

Parameter length:

The length of each of the cube’s sides (meters).

Returns M_BBo_B:

B’s spatial inertia about Bo, expressed in B. Since B’s rotational inertia is triaxially symmetric, M_BBo_B = M_BBo_E, i.e., M_BBo expressed in frame B is equal to M_BBo expressed in an arbitrary frame E.


B’s rotational inertia about Bo is triaxially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line passing through Bo.


RuntimeError if density or length is not positive and finite.

static SolidCylinderWithDensity(density: float, radius: float, length: float, unit_vector: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform density solid cylinder B about its geometric center Bo (which is coincident with B’s center of mass Bcm).

Parameter density:

mass per volume (kg/m³).

Parameter radius:

radius of the cylinder (meters).

Parameter length:

length of cylinder in unit_vector direction (meters).

Parameter unit_vector:

unit vector defining the axial direction of the cylinder, expressed in B.

Returns M_BBo_B:

B’s spatial inertia about Bo, expressed in B.


B’s rotational inertia about Bo is axially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line that both passes through Bo and is perpendicular to unit_vector.

  • RuntimeError if density, radius, or length is not positive and

  • finite or if ‖unit_vector‖ is not within 1.0E-14 of 1.0.

See also

SolidCylinderWithDensityAboutEnd() to calculate M_BBp_B, B’s spatial inertia about Bp (at the center of one of the cylinder’s circular ends).

static SolidCylinderWithDensityAboutEnd(density: float, radius: float, length: float, unit_vector: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform-density solid cylinder B about an end-point Bp of the cylinder’s axis (see below for more about Bp).

Parameter density:

mass per volume (kg/m³).

Parameter radius:

radius of cylinder (meters).

Parameter length:

length of cylinder in unit_vector direction (meters).

Parameter unit_vector:

unit vector parallel to the axis of the cylinder and directed from Bp to Bcm (B’s center of mass), expressed in B.

Returns M_BBp_B:

B’s spatial inertia about Bp, expressed in B.


The position from Bp to Bcm is p_BpBcm = length / 2 * unit_vector.


B’s rotational inertia about Bp is axially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line that both passes through Bp and is perpendicular to unit_vector.

  • RuntimeError if density, radius, or length is not positive and

  • finite or if ‖unit_vector‖ is not within 1.0E-14 of 1.0.

See also

SolidCylinderWithDensity() to calculate M_BBcm_B, B’s spatial inertia about Bcm (B’s center of mass).

static SolidCylinderWithMass(mass: float, radius: float, length: float, unit_vector: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform density solid cylinder B about its geometric center Bo (which is coincident with B’s center of mass Bcm).

Parameter mass:

mass of the solid cylinder (kg).

Parameter radius:

radius of the cylinder (meters).

Parameter length:

length of cylinder in unit_vector direction (meters).

Parameter unit_vector:

unit vector defining the axial direction of the cylinder, expressed in B.

Returns M_BBo_B:

B’s spatial inertia about Bo, expressed in B.


B’s rotational inertia about Bo is axially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line that both passes through Bo and is perpendicular to unit_vector.

  • RuntimeError if mass, radius, or length is not positive and finite

  • or if ‖unit_vector‖ is not within 1.0E-14 of 1.0.

See also

SolidCylinderWithMassAboutEnd() to calculate M_BBp_B, B’s spatial inertia about Bp (at the center of one of the cylinder’s circular ends).

static SolidCylinderWithMassAboutEnd(mass: float, radius: float, length: float, unit_vector: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform-density solid cylinder B about an end-point Bp of the cylinder’s axis (see below for more about Bp).

Parameter mass:

mass of the solid cylinder (kg).

Parameter radius:

radius of cylinder (meters).

Parameter length:

length of cylinder in unit_vector direction (meters).

Parameter unit_vector:

unit vector parallel to the axis of the cylinder and directed from Bp to Bcm (B’s center of mass), expressed in B.

Returns M_BBp_B:

B’s spatial inertia about Bp, expressed in B.


The position from Bp to Bcm is p_BpBcm = length / 2 * unit_vector.


B’s rotational inertia about Bp is axially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line that both passes through Bp and is perpendicular to unit_vector.

  • RuntimeError if density, radius, or length is not positive and

  • finite or if ‖unit_vector‖ is not within 1.0E-14 of 1.0.

See also

SolidCylinderWithMass() to calculate M_BBcm_B, B’s spatial inertia about Bcm (B’s center of mass).

static SolidEllipsoidWithDensity(density: float, a: float, b: float, c: float) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform density solid ellipsoid B about its geometric center Bo (which is coincident with B’s center of mass Bcm).

Parameter density:

mass per volume (kg/m³).

Parameter a:

length of ellipsoid semi-axis in the ellipsoid Bx direction.

Parameter b:

length of ellipsoid semi-axis in the ellipsoid By direction.

Parameter c:

length of ellipsoid semi-axis in the ellipsoid Bz direction.

Returns M_BBo_B:

B’s spatial inertia about Bo, expressed in B.


RuntimeError if density, a, b, or c is not positive and finite.

static SolidEllipsoidWithMass(mass: float, a: float, b: float, c: float) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform density solid ellipsoid B about its geometric center Bo (which is coincident with B’s center of mass Bcm).

Parameter mass:

mass of the solid ellipsoid (kg).

Parameter a:

length of ellipsoid semi-axis in the ellipsoid Bx direction.

Parameter b:

length of ellipsoid semi-axis in the ellipsoid By direction.

Parameter c:

length of ellipsoid semi-axis in the ellipsoid Bz direction.

Returns M_BBo_B:

B’s spatial inertia about Bo, expressed in B.


RuntimeError if mass, a, b, or c is not positive and finite.

static SolidSphereWithDensity(density: float, radius: float) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform density solid sphere B about its geometric center Bo (which is coincident with B’s center of mass Bcm).

Parameter density:

mass per volume (kg/m³).

Parameter radius:

sphere’s radius (meters).

Returns M_BBo:

B’s spatial inertia about Bo. Since B’s rotational inertia is triaxially symmetric, M_BBo_B = M_BBo_E, i.e., M_BBo expressed in frame B is equal to M_BBo expressed in an arbitrary frame E.


B’s rotational inertia about Bo is triaxially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line passing through Bo.


RuntimeError if density or radius is not positive and finite.

static SolidSphereWithMass(mass: float, radius: float) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform density solid sphere B about its geometric center Bo (which is coincident with B’s center of mass Bcm).

Parameter mass:

mass of the solid sphere (kg).

Parameter radius:

sphere’s radius (meters).

Returns M_BBo:

B’s spatial inertia about Bo. Since B’s rotational inertia is triaxially symmetric, M_BBo_B = M_BBo_E, i.e., M_BBo expressed in frame B is equal to M_BBo expressed in an arbitrary frame E.


B’s rotational inertia about Bo is triaxially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line passing through Bo.


RuntimeError if mass or radius is not positive and finite.

static ThinRodWithMass(mass: float, length: float, unit_vector: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform-density thin rod B about its center of mass Bcm.

Parameter mass:

mass of the rod (units of kg).

Parameter length:

length of the rod (units of meters).

Parameter unit_vector:

unit vector defining the rod’s axial direction, expressed in B.

Returns M_BBcm_B:

B’s spatial inertia about Bcm, expressed in B.


B’s rotational inertia about Bcm is axially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line that both passes through Bcm and is perpendicular to unit_vector. B has no (zero) rotational inertia about the line that passes through Bcm and is parallel to unit_vector.

  • RuntimeError if mass or length is not positive and finite or if

  • ‖unit_vector‖ is not within 1.0E-14 of 1.0.

See also

ThinRodWithMassAboutEnd() to calculate M_BBp_B, B’s spatial inertia about Bp (one of the ends of rod B).

static ThinRodWithMassAboutEnd(mass: float, length: float, unit_vector: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform-density thin rod B about one of its ends.

Parameter mass:

mass of the rod (units of kg).

Parameter length:

length of the rod (units of meters).

Parameter unit_vector:

unit vector defining the rod’s axial direction, expressed in B.

Returns M_BBp_B:

B’s spatial inertia about Bp, expressed in B.


The position from Bp to Bcm is length / 2 * unit_vector.


B’s rotational inertia about Bp is axially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line that both passes through Bp and is perpendicular to unit_vector. B has no (zero) rotational inertia about the line that passes through Bp and is parallel to unit_vector.

  • RuntimeError if mass or length is not positive and finite or if

  • ‖unit_vector‖ is not within 1.0E-14 of 1.0.

See also

ThinRodWithMass() to calculate M_BBcm_B, B’s spatial inertia about Bcm (B’s center of mass).

static Zero() pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia

Initializes mass, center of mass and rotational inertia to zero.

template pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_

Instantiations: SpatialInertia_[float], SpatialInertia_[AutoDiffXd], SpatialInertia_[Expression]

class pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

This class represents the physical concept of a Spatial Inertia. A spatial inertia (or spatial mass matrix) encapsulates the mass, center of mass, and rotational inertia of the mass distribution of a body or composite body S, where with “composite body” we mean a collection of bodies welded together containing at least one body (throughout this documentation “body” is many times used instead of “composite body” but the same concepts apply to a collection of bodies as well.) A spatial inertia is an element of ℝ⁶ˣ⁶ that is symmetric, and positive semi-definite. It logically consists of 3x3 sub-matrices arranged like so, [Jain 2010]:

Click to expand C++ code...
Spatial mass matrix
          ------------ ------------
       0 |            |            |
       1 |    I_SP    | m p_PScm×  |
       2 |            |            |
          ------------ ------------
       3 |            |            |
       4 | -m p_PScm× |     m Id   |
       5 |            |            |
          ------------ ------------
               Symbol: M

where, with the monogram notation described in multibody_spatial_inertia, I_SP is the rotational inertia of body or composite body S computed about a point P, m is the mass of this composite body, p_PScm is the position vector from point P to the center of mass Scm of the composite body S with p_PScm× denoting its skew-symmetric cross product matrix (defined such that b = a.cross(b)), and Id is the identity matrix in ℝ³ˣ³. See Section 2.1, p. 17 of [Jain 2010]. The logical arrangement as shown above is chosen to be consistent with our logical arrangement for spatial vectors as documented in multibody_spatial_algebra for which the rotational component comes first followed by the translational component.

In typeset material we use the symbol \([M^{S/P}]_E\) to represent the spatial inertia of a body or composite body S about point P, expressed in frame E. For this inertia, the monogram notation reads M_SP_E. If the point P is fixed to a body B, we write that point as \(B_P\) which appears in code and comments as Bp. So if the body or composite body is B and the about point is Bp, the monogram notation reads M_BBp_E, which can be abbreviated to M_Bp_E since the about point Bp also identifies the body. Common cases are that the about point is the origin Bo of the body, or it’s the center of mass Bcm for which the rotational inertia in monogram notation would read as I_Bo_E and I_Bcm_E, respectively. Given M_BP_E (\([M^{B/P}]_E\)), the rotational inertia of this spatial inertia is I_BP_E (\([I^{B/P}]_E\)) and the position vector of the center of mass measured from point P and expressed in E is p_PBcm_E (\([^Pp^{B_{cm}}]_E\)).


This class does not implement any mechanism to track the frame E in which a spatial inertia is expressed or about what point is computed. Methods and operators on this class have no means to determine frame consistency through operations. It is therefore the responsibility of users of this class to keep track of frames in which operations are performed. We suggest doing that using disciplined notation, as described above.


Several methods in this class throw a RuntimeError for invalid rotational inertia operations in debug releases only. This provides speed in a release build while facilitating debugging in debug builds. In addition, these validity tests are only performed for scalar types for which drake::scalar_predicate<T>::is_bool is True. For instance, validity checks are not performed when T is symbolic::Expression.


The methods of this class satisfy the “basic exception guarantee”: if an exception is thrown, the program will still be in a valid state. Specifically, no resources are leaked, and all objects’ invariants are intact. Be aware that SpatialInertia objects may contain invalid inertia data in cases where input checking is skipped.

See also

To create a spatial inertia of a mesh, see CalcSpatialInertia(const geometry::TriangleSurfaceMesh<double>& mesh, double density).

See also

To create spatial inertia from most of geometry::Shape, see CalcSpatialInertia(const geometry::Shape& shape, double density).

See also

To create spatial inertia for a set of bodies, see MultibodyPlant::CalcSpatialInertia().

  • [Jain 2010] Jain, A., 2010. Robot and multibody dynamics: analysis and

    algorithms. Springer Science & Business Media.

__init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[AutoDiffXd], mass: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, p_PScm_E: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]], G_SP_E: pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[AutoDiffXd], skip_validity_check: bool = False) None

Constructs a spatial inertia for a physical body or composite body S about a point P from a given mass, center of mass and rotational inertia. The center of mass is specified by the position vector p_PScm_E from point P to the center of mass point Scm, expressed in a frame E. The rotational inertia is provided as the UnitInertia G_SP_E of the body or composite body S computed about point P and expressed in frame E.


The third argument of this constructor is unusual in that it is an UnitInertia (not a traditional RotationalInertia) and its inertia is about the arbitrary point P (not Scm – S’s center of mass).

See also

MakeFromCentralInertia a factory method with traditional utility.

This constructor checks for the physical validity of the resulting SpatialInertia with IsPhysicallyValid() and throws a RuntimeError exception in the event the provided input parameters lead to non-physically viable spatial inertia. Since this check has non-negligable runtime costs, it can be disabled by setting the optional argument skip_validity_check to True.

Parameter mass:

The mass of the body or composite body S.

Parameter p_PScm_E:

The position vector from point P to the center of mass of body or composite body S expressed in frame E.

Parameter G_SP_E:

UnitInertia of the body or composite body S computed about origin point P and expressed in frame E.

Parameter skip_validity_check:

If true, skips the validity check described above. Defaults to false.

CalcComMoment(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]

Computes the center of mass moment vector mass * p_PScm_E given the position vector p_PScm_E from the about point P to the center of mass Scm of the body or composite body S, expressed in frame E. See the documentation of this class for details.

CalcPrincipalSemiDiametersAndPoseForSolidEllipsoid(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[AutoDiffXd]) tuple[numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]], pydrake.math.RigidTransform]

Returns 3 principal semi-diameters [lmax lmed lmin] sorted in descending order (lmax ≥ lmed ≥ lmin), orientation, and position of a solid ellipsoid whose spatial inertia is equal to this spatial inertia. See spatial_inertia_equivalent_shapes “Spatial inertia equivalent shapes” for more details.

  • RuntimeError if the elements of this spatial inertia cannot be

  • converted to a real finite double. For example, an exception is

  • thrown if this contains an erroneous NaN or if scalar type T

  • is symbolic.

CalcRotationalInertia(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

Computes the rotational inertia I_SP_E = mass * G_SP_E of this spatial inertia, computed about point P and expressed in frame E. See the documentation of this class for details.

CopyToFullMatrix6(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[object[6, 6]]

Copy to a full 6x6 matrix representation.

get_com(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]

Get a constant reference to the position vector p_PScm_E from the about point P to the center of mass Scm of the body or composite body S, expressed in frame E. See the documentation of this class for details.

get_mass(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd

Get a constant reference to the mass of this spatial inertia.

get_unit_inertia(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

Get a constant reference to the unit inertia G_SP_E of this spatial inertia, computed about point P and expressed in frame E. See the documentation of this class for details.

static HollowSphereWithDensity(area_density: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, radius: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform density thin hollow sphere B about its geometric center Bo (which is coincident with B’s center of mass Bcm).

Parameter area_density:

mass per unit area (kg/m²).

Parameter radius:

sphere’s radius in meters (the hollow sphere is regarded as an infinitesimally thin shell of uniform density).

Returns M_BBo_B:

B’s spatial inertia about Bo, expressed in B. Since B’s rotational inertia is triaxially symmetric, M_BBo_B = M_BBo_E, i.e., M_BBo expressed in frame B is equal to M_BBo expressed in an arbitrary frame E.


B’s rotational inertia about Bo is triaxially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line passing through Bo.


RuntimeError if area_density or radius is not positive and finite.

static HollowSphereWithMass(mass: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, radius: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform density hollow sphere B about its geometric center Bo (which is coincident with B’s center of mass Bcm).

Parameter mass:

mass of the hollow sphere (kg).

Parameter radius:

sphere’s radius in meters (the hollow sphere is regarded as an infinitesimally thin shell of uniform density).

Returns M_BBo:

B’s spatial inertia about Bo. Since B’s rotational inertia is triaxially symmetric, M_BBo_B = M_BBo_E, i.e., M_BBo expressed in frame B is equal to M_BBo expressed in an arbitrary frame E.


B’s rotational inertia about Bo is triaxially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line passing through Bo.


RuntimeError if mass or radius is not positive and finite.

IsNaN(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[AutoDiffXd]) bool

Returns True if any of the elements in this spatial inertia is NaN and False otherwise.

IsPhysicallyValid(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[AutoDiffXd]) bool

Performs a number of checks to verify that this is a physically valid spatial inertia. The checks performed include:

  • No NaN entries.

  • Non-negative mass.

  • Non-negative principal moments about the center of mass.

  • Principal moments about the center of mass must satisfy the triangle inequality: - Ixx + Iyy >= Izz - Ixx + Izz >= Iyy - Iyy + Izz >= Ixx

These are the tests performed by RotationalInertia::CouldBePhysicallyValid() which become a sufficient condition when performed on a rotational inertia about a body’s center of mass.

See also


IsZero(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[AutoDiffXd]) bool

Returns True if all of the elements in this spatial inertia are zero and False otherwise.

static MakeFromCentralInertia(mass: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, p_PScm_E: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]], I_SScm_E: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

Creates a spatial inertia for a physical body or composite body S about a point P from a given mass, center of mass, and central rotational inertia. For example, this method creates a body’s SpatialInertia about its body origin Bo from the body’s mass, position vector from Bo to the body’s center of mass, and rotational inertia about the body’s center of mass.

This method checks for the physical validity of the resulting SpatialInertia with IsPhysicallyValid() and throws a RuntimeError exception in the event the provided input parameters lead to a non-physically viable spatial inertia.

Parameter mass:

The mass of the body or composite body S.

Parameter p_PScm_E:

The position vector from point P to point Scm (S’s center of mass), expressed in a frame E.

Parameter I_SScm_E:

S’s RotationalInertia about Scm, expressed in frame E.

Returns M_SP_E:

S’s spatial inertia about point P, expressed in frame E.

static NaN() pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

Initializes mass, center of mass and rotational inertia to invalid NaN’s for a quick detection of uninitialized values.

ReExpress(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[AutoDiffXd], R_AE: pydrake.math.RotationMatrix_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

Given this spatial inertia M_SP_E for some body or composite body S, taken about a point P and expressed in frame E, this method computes the same inertia re-expressed in another frame A.

Parameter R_AE:

RotationMatrix relating frames A and E.

Returns M_SP_A:

The same spatial inertia of S about P but now re-expressed in frame A.

See also

ReExpressInPlace() for details.

SetNaN(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[AutoDiffXd]) None

Sets this spatial inertia to have NaN entries. Typically used for quick detection of uninitialized values.

Shift(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[AutoDiffXd], p_PQ_E: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

Given this spatial inertia M_SP_E for some body or composite body S, computed about point P, and expressed in frame E, this method uses the Parallel Axis Theorem for spatial inertias to compute the same spatial inertia about a new point Q. The result still is expressed in frame E.

See also

ShiftInPlace() for more details.

Parameter p_PQ_E:

Vector from the original about point P to the new about point Q, expressed in the same frame E this spatial inertia is expressed in.

Returns M_SQ_E:

This same spatial inertia for body or composite body S but computed about a new point Q.

static SolidBoxWithDensity(density: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, lx: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, ly: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, lz: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform density solid box B about its geometric center Bo (which is coincident with B’s center of mass Bcm).

Parameter density:

mass per volume (kg/m³).

Parameter lx:

length of the box in the Bx direction (meters).

Parameter ly:

length of the box in the By direction (meters).

Parameter lz:

length of the box in the Bz direction (meters).

Returns M_BBo_B:

B’s spatial inertia about Bo, expressed in B.


RuntimeError if density, lx, ly, or lz is not positive and finite.

static SolidBoxWithMass(mass: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, lx: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, ly: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, lz: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform density solid box B about its geometric center Bo (which is coincident with B’s center of mass Bcm).

Parameter mass:

mass of the solid box (kg).

Parameter lx:

length of the box in the Bx direction (meters).

Parameter ly:

length of the box in the By direction (meters).

Parameter lz:

length of the box in the Bz direction (meters).

Returns M_BBo_B:

B’s spatial inertia about Bo, expressed in B.


RuntimeError if mass, lx, ly, or lz is not positive and finite.

static SolidCapsuleWithDensity(density: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, radius: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, length: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, unit_vector: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform density solid capsule B about its geometric center Bo (which is coincident with B’s center of mass Bcm).

Parameter density:

mass per volume (kg/m³).

Parameter radius:

radius of the cylinder/half-sphere parts of the capsule.

Parameter length:

length of the cylindrical part of the capsule.

Parameter unit_vector:

unit vector defining the axial direction of the cylindrical part of the capsule, expressed in B.

Returns M_BBo_B:

B’s spatial inertia about Bo, expressed in B.


B’s rotational inertia about Bo is axially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line that both passes through Bo and is perpendicular to unit_vector.

  • RuntimeError if density, radius, or length is not positive and

  • finite or if ‖unit_vector‖ is not within 1.0E-14 of 1.0.

static SolidCapsuleWithMass(mass: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, radius: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, length: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, unit_vector: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform density solid capsule B about its geometric center Bo (which is coincident with B’s center of mass Bcm).

Parameter mass:

mass of the solid capsule (kg).

Parameter radius:

radius of the cylinder/half-sphere parts of the capsule.

Parameter length:

length of the cylindrical part of the capsule.

Parameter unit_vector:

unit vector defining the axial direction of the cylindrical part of the capsule, expressed in B.

Returns M_BBo_B:

B’s spatial inertia about Bo, expressed in B.


B’s rotational inertia about Bo is axially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line that both passes through Bo and is perpendicular to unit_vector.

  • RuntimeError if mass, radius, or length is not positive and finite

  • or if ‖unit_vector‖ is not within 1.0E-14 of 1.0.

static SolidCubeWithDensity(density: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, length: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform density solid cube B about its geometric center Bo (which is coincident with B’s center of mass Bcm).

Parameter density:

mass per volume (kg/m³).

Parameter length:

The length of each of the cube’s sides (meters).

Returns M_BBo_B:

B’s spatial inertia about Bo, expressed in B. Since B’s rotational inertia is triaxially symmetric, M_BBo_B = M_BBo_E, i.e., M_BBo expressed in frame B is equal to M_BBo expressed in an arbitrary frame E.


B’s rotational inertia about Bo is triaxially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line passing through Bo.


RuntimeError if density or length is not positive and finite.

static SolidCylinderWithDensity(density: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, radius: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, length: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, unit_vector: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform density solid cylinder B about its geometric center Bo (which is coincident with B’s center of mass Bcm).

Parameter density:

mass per volume (kg/m³).

Parameter radius:

radius of the cylinder (meters).

Parameter length:

length of cylinder in unit_vector direction (meters).

Parameter unit_vector:

unit vector defining the axial direction of the cylinder, expressed in B.

Returns M_BBo_B:

B’s spatial inertia about Bo, expressed in B.


B’s rotational inertia about Bo is axially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line that both passes through Bo and is perpendicular to unit_vector.

  • RuntimeError if density, radius, or length is not positive and

  • finite or if ‖unit_vector‖ is not within 1.0E-14 of 1.0.

See also

SolidCylinderWithDensityAboutEnd() to calculate M_BBp_B, B’s spatial inertia about Bp (at the center of one of the cylinder’s circular ends).

static SolidCylinderWithDensityAboutEnd(density: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, radius: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, length: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, unit_vector: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform-density solid cylinder B about an end-point Bp of the cylinder’s axis (see below for more about Bp).

Parameter density:

mass per volume (kg/m³).

Parameter radius:

radius of cylinder (meters).

Parameter length:

length of cylinder in unit_vector direction (meters).

Parameter unit_vector:

unit vector parallel to the axis of the cylinder and directed from Bp to Bcm (B’s center of mass), expressed in B.

Returns M_BBp_B:

B’s spatial inertia about Bp, expressed in B.


The position from Bp to Bcm is p_BpBcm = length / 2 * unit_vector.


B’s rotational inertia about Bp is axially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line that both passes through Bp and is perpendicular to unit_vector.

  • RuntimeError if density, radius, or length is not positive and

  • finite or if ‖unit_vector‖ is not within 1.0E-14 of 1.0.

See also

SolidCylinderWithDensity() to calculate M_BBcm_B, B’s spatial inertia about Bcm (B’s center of mass).

static SolidCylinderWithMass(mass: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, radius: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, length: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, unit_vector: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform density solid cylinder B about its geometric center Bo (which is coincident with B’s center of mass Bcm).

Parameter mass:

mass of the solid cylinder (kg).

Parameter radius:

radius of the cylinder (meters).

Parameter length:

length of cylinder in unit_vector direction (meters).

Parameter unit_vector:

unit vector defining the axial direction of the cylinder, expressed in B.

Returns M_BBo_B:

B’s spatial inertia about Bo, expressed in B.


B’s rotational inertia about Bo is axially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line that both passes through Bo and is perpendicular to unit_vector.

  • RuntimeError if mass, radius, or length is not positive and finite

  • or if ‖unit_vector‖ is not within 1.0E-14 of 1.0.

See also

SolidCylinderWithMassAboutEnd() to calculate M_BBp_B, B’s spatial inertia about Bp (at the center of one of the cylinder’s circular ends).

static SolidCylinderWithMassAboutEnd(mass: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, radius: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, length: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, unit_vector: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform-density solid cylinder B about an end-point Bp of the cylinder’s axis (see below for more about Bp).

Parameter mass:

mass of the solid cylinder (kg).

Parameter radius:

radius of cylinder (meters).

Parameter length:

length of cylinder in unit_vector direction (meters).

Parameter unit_vector:

unit vector parallel to the axis of the cylinder and directed from Bp to Bcm (B’s center of mass), expressed in B.

Returns M_BBp_B:

B’s spatial inertia about Bp, expressed in B.


The position from Bp to Bcm is p_BpBcm = length / 2 * unit_vector.


B’s rotational inertia about Bp is axially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line that both passes through Bp and is perpendicular to unit_vector.

  • RuntimeError if density, radius, or length is not positive and

  • finite or if ‖unit_vector‖ is not within 1.0E-14 of 1.0.

See also

SolidCylinderWithMass() to calculate M_BBcm_B, B’s spatial inertia about Bcm (B’s center of mass).

static SolidEllipsoidWithDensity(density: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, a: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, b: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, c: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform density solid ellipsoid B about its geometric center Bo (which is coincident with B’s center of mass Bcm).

Parameter density:

mass per volume (kg/m³).

Parameter a:

length of ellipsoid semi-axis in the ellipsoid Bx direction.

Parameter b:

length of ellipsoid semi-axis in the ellipsoid By direction.

Parameter c:

length of ellipsoid semi-axis in the ellipsoid Bz direction.

Returns M_BBo_B:

B’s spatial inertia about Bo, expressed in B.


RuntimeError if density, a, b, or c is not positive and finite.

static SolidEllipsoidWithMass(mass: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, a: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, b: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, c: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform density solid ellipsoid B about its geometric center Bo (which is coincident with B’s center of mass Bcm).

Parameter mass:

mass of the solid ellipsoid (kg).

Parameter a:

length of ellipsoid semi-axis in the ellipsoid Bx direction.

Parameter b:

length of ellipsoid semi-axis in the ellipsoid By direction.

Parameter c:

length of ellipsoid semi-axis in the ellipsoid Bz direction.

Returns M_BBo_B:

B’s spatial inertia about Bo, expressed in B.


RuntimeError if mass, a, b, or c is not positive and finite.

static SolidSphereWithDensity(density: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, radius: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform density solid sphere B about its geometric center Bo (which is coincident with B’s center of mass Bcm).

Parameter density:

mass per volume (kg/m³).

Parameter radius:

sphere’s radius (meters).

Returns M_BBo:

B’s spatial inertia about Bo. Since B’s rotational inertia is triaxially symmetric, M_BBo_B = M_BBo_E, i.e., M_BBo expressed in frame B is equal to M_BBo expressed in an arbitrary frame E.


B’s rotational inertia about Bo is triaxially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line passing through Bo.


RuntimeError if density or radius is not positive and finite.

static SolidSphereWithMass(mass: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, radius: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform density solid sphere B about its geometric center Bo (which is coincident with B’s center of mass Bcm).

Parameter mass:

mass of the solid sphere (kg).

Parameter radius:

sphere’s radius (meters).

Returns M_BBo:

B’s spatial inertia about Bo. Since B’s rotational inertia is triaxially symmetric, M_BBo_B = M_BBo_E, i.e., M_BBo expressed in frame B is equal to M_BBo expressed in an arbitrary frame E.


B’s rotational inertia about Bo is triaxially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line passing through Bo.


RuntimeError if mass or radius is not positive and finite.

static ThinRodWithMass(mass: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, length: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, unit_vector: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform-density thin rod B about its center of mass Bcm.

Parameter mass:

mass of the rod (units of kg).

Parameter length:

length of the rod (units of meters).

Parameter unit_vector:

unit vector defining the rod’s axial direction, expressed in B.

Returns M_BBcm_B:

B’s spatial inertia about Bcm, expressed in B.


B’s rotational inertia about Bcm is axially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line that both passes through Bcm and is perpendicular to unit_vector. B has no (zero) rotational inertia about the line that passes through Bcm and is parallel to unit_vector.

  • RuntimeError if mass or length is not positive and finite or if

  • ‖unit_vector‖ is not within 1.0E-14 of 1.0.

See also

ThinRodWithMassAboutEnd() to calculate M_BBp_B, B’s spatial inertia about Bp (one of the ends of rod B).

static ThinRodWithMassAboutEnd(mass: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, length: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, unit_vector: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform-density thin rod B about one of its ends.

Parameter mass:

mass of the rod (units of kg).

Parameter length:

length of the rod (units of meters).

Parameter unit_vector:

unit vector defining the rod’s axial direction, expressed in B.

Returns M_BBp_B:

B’s spatial inertia about Bp, expressed in B.


The position from Bp to Bcm is length / 2 * unit_vector.


B’s rotational inertia about Bp is axially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line that both passes through Bp and is perpendicular to unit_vector. B has no (zero) rotational inertia about the line that passes through Bp and is parallel to unit_vector.

  • RuntimeError if mass or length is not positive and finite or if

  • ‖unit_vector‖ is not within 1.0E-14 of 1.0.

See also

ThinRodWithMass() to calculate M_BBcm_B, B’s spatial inertia about Bcm (B’s center of mass).

static Zero() pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

Initializes mass, center of mass and rotational inertia to zero.

class pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[Expression]

This class represents the physical concept of a Spatial Inertia. A spatial inertia (or spatial mass matrix) encapsulates the mass, center of mass, and rotational inertia of the mass distribution of a body or composite body S, where with “composite body” we mean a collection of bodies welded together containing at least one body (throughout this documentation “body” is many times used instead of “composite body” but the same concepts apply to a collection of bodies as well.) A spatial inertia is an element of ℝ⁶ˣ⁶ that is symmetric, and positive semi-definite. It logically consists of 3x3 sub-matrices arranged like so, [Jain 2010]:

Click to expand C++ code...
Spatial mass matrix
          ------------ ------------
       0 |            |            |
       1 |    I_SP    | m p_PScm×  |
       2 |            |            |
          ------------ ------------
       3 |            |            |
       4 | -m p_PScm× |     m Id   |
       5 |            |            |
          ------------ ------------
               Symbol: M

where, with the monogram notation described in multibody_spatial_inertia, I_SP is the rotational inertia of body or composite body S computed about a point P, m is the mass of this composite body, p_PScm is the position vector from point P to the center of mass Scm of the composite body S with p_PScm× denoting its skew-symmetric cross product matrix (defined such that b = a.cross(b)), and Id is the identity matrix in ℝ³ˣ³. See Section 2.1, p. 17 of [Jain 2010]. The logical arrangement as shown above is chosen to be consistent with our logical arrangement for spatial vectors as documented in multibody_spatial_algebra for which the rotational component comes first followed by the translational component.

In typeset material we use the symbol \([M^{S/P}]_E\) to represent the spatial inertia of a body or composite body S about point P, expressed in frame E. For this inertia, the monogram notation reads M_SP_E. If the point P is fixed to a body B, we write that point as \(B_P\) which appears in code and comments as Bp. So if the body or composite body is B and the about point is Bp, the monogram notation reads M_BBp_E, which can be abbreviated to M_Bp_E since the about point Bp also identifies the body. Common cases are that the about point is the origin Bo of the body, or it’s the center of mass Bcm for which the rotational inertia in monogram notation would read as I_Bo_E and I_Bcm_E, respectively. Given M_BP_E (\([M^{B/P}]_E\)), the rotational inertia of this spatial inertia is I_BP_E (\([I^{B/P}]_E\)) and the position vector of the center of mass measured from point P and expressed in E is p_PBcm_E (\([^Pp^{B_{cm}}]_E\)).


This class does not implement any mechanism to track the frame E in which a spatial inertia is expressed or about what point is computed. Methods and operators on this class have no means to determine frame consistency through operations. It is therefore the responsibility of users of this class to keep track of frames in which operations are performed. We suggest doing that using disciplined notation, as described above.


Several methods in this class throw a RuntimeError for invalid rotational inertia operations in debug releases only. This provides speed in a release build while facilitating debugging in debug builds. In addition, these validity tests are only performed for scalar types for which drake::scalar_predicate<T>::is_bool is True. For instance, validity checks are not performed when T is symbolic::Expression.


The methods of this class satisfy the “basic exception guarantee”: if an exception is thrown, the program will still be in a valid state. Specifically, no resources are leaked, and all objects’ invariants are intact. Be aware that SpatialInertia objects may contain invalid inertia data in cases where input checking is skipped.

See also

To create a spatial inertia of a mesh, see CalcSpatialInertia(const geometry::TriangleSurfaceMesh<double>& mesh, double density).

See also

To create spatial inertia from most of geometry::Shape, see CalcSpatialInertia(const geometry::Shape& shape, double density).

See also

To create spatial inertia for a set of bodies, see MultibodyPlant::CalcSpatialInertia().

  • [Jain 2010] Jain, A., 2010. Robot and multibody dynamics: analysis and

    algorithms. Springer Science & Business Media.

__init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[Expression], mass: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, p_PScm_E: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]], G_SP_E: pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[Expression], skip_validity_check: bool = False) None

Constructs a spatial inertia for a physical body or composite body S about a point P from a given mass, center of mass and rotational inertia. The center of mass is specified by the position vector p_PScm_E from point P to the center of mass point Scm, expressed in a frame E. The rotational inertia is provided as the UnitInertia G_SP_E of the body or composite body S computed about point P and expressed in frame E.


The third argument of this constructor is unusual in that it is an UnitInertia (not a traditional RotationalInertia) and its inertia is about the arbitrary point P (not Scm – S’s center of mass).

See also

MakeFromCentralInertia a factory method with traditional utility.

This constructor checks for the physical validity of the resulting SpatialInertia with IsPhysicallyValid() and throws a RuntimeError exception in the event the provided input parameters lead to non-physically viable spatial inertia. Since this check has non-negligable runtime costs, it can be disabled by setting the optional argument skip_validity_check to True.

Parameter mass:

The mass of the body or composite body S.

Parameter p_PScm_E:

The position vector from point P to the center of mass of body or composite body S expressed in frame E.

Parameter G_SP_E:

UnitInertia of the body or composite body S computed about origin point P and expressed in frame E.

Parameter skip_validity_check:

If true, skips the validity check described above. Defaults to false.

CalcComMoment(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]

Computes the center of mass moment vector mass * p_PScm_E given the position vector p_PScm_E from the about point P to the center of mass Scm of the body or composite body S, expressed in frame E. See the documentation of this class for details.

CalcPrincipalSemiDiametersAndPoseForSolidEllipsoid(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[Expression]) tuple[numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]], pydrake.math.RigidTransform]

Returns 3 principal semi-diameters [lmax lmed lmin] sorted in descending order (lmax ≥ lmed ≥ lmin), orientation, and position of a solid ellipsoid whose spatial inertia is equal to this spatial inertia. See spatial_inertia_equivalent_shapes “Spatial inertia equivalent shapes” for more details.

  • RuntimeError if the elements of this spatial inertia cannot be

  • converted to a real finite double. For example, an exception is

  • thrown if this contains an erroneous NaN or if scalar type T

  • is symbolic.

CalcRotationalInertia(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[Expression]

Computes the rotational inertia I_SP_E = mass * G_SP_E of this spatial inertia, computed about point P and expressed in frame E. See the documentation of this class for details.

CopyToFullMatrix6(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[object[6, 6]]

Copy to a full 6x6 matrix representation.

get_com(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]

Get a constant reference to the position vector p_PScm_E from the about point P to the center of mass Scm of the body or composite body S, expressed in frame E. See the documentation of this class for details.

get_mass(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[Expression]) pydrake.symbolic.Expression

Get a constant reference to the mass of this spatial inertia.

get_unit_inertia(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[Expression]

Get a constant reference to the unit inertia G_SP_E of this spatial inertia, computed about point P and expressed in frame E. See the documentation of this class for details.

static HollowSphereWithDensity(area_density: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, radius: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[Expression]

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform density thin hollow sphere B about its geometric center Bo (which is coincident with B’s center of mass Bcm).

Parameter area_density:

mass per unit area (kg/m²).

Parameter radius:

sphere’s radius in meters (the hollow sphere is regarded as an infinitesimally thin shell of uniform density).

Returns M_BBo_B:

B’s spatial inertia about Bo, expressed in B. Since B’s rotational inertia is triaxially symmetric, M_BBo_B = M_BBo_E, i.e., M_BBo expressed in frame B is equal to M_BBo expressed in an arbitrary frame E.


B’s rotational inertia about Bo is triaxially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line passing through Bo.


RuntimeError if area_density or radius is not positive and finite.

static HollowSphereWithMass(mass: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, radius: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[Expression]

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform density hollow sphere B about its geometric center Bo (which is coincident with B’s center of mass Bcm).

Parameter mass:

mass of the hollow sphere (kg).

Parameter radius:

sphere’s radius in meters (the hollow sphere is regarded as an infinitesimally thin shell of uniform density).

Returns M_BBo:

B’s spatial inertia about Bo. Since B’s rotational inertia is triaxially symmetric, M_BBo_B = M_BBo_E, i.e., M_BBo expressed in frame B is equal to M_BBo expressed in an arbitrary frame E.


B’s rotational inertia about Bo is triaxially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line passing through Bo.


RuntimeError if mass or radius is not positive and finite.

IsNaN(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[Expression]) pydrake.symbolic.Formula

Returns True if any of the elements in this spatial inertia is NaN and False otherwise.

IsPhysicallyValid(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[Expression]) pydrake.symbolic.Formula

Performs a number of checks to verify that this is a physically valid spatial inertia. The checks performed include:

  • No NaN entries.

  • Non-negative mass.

  • Non-negative principal moments about the center of mass.

  • Principal moments about the center of mass must satisfy the triangle inequality: - Ixx + Iyy >= Izz - Ixx + Izz >= Iyy - Iyy + Izz >= Ixx

These are the tests performed by RotationalInertia::CouldBePhysicallyValid() which become a sufficient condition when performed on a rotational inertia about a body’s center of mass.

See also


IsZero(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[Expression]) pydrake.symbolic.Formula

Returns True if all of the elements in this spatial inertia are zero and False otherwise.

static MakeFromCentralInertia(mass: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, p_PScm_E: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]], I_SScm_E: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[Expression]

Creates a spatial inertia for a physical body or composite body S about a point P from a given mass, center of mass, and central rotational inertia. For example, this method creates a body’s SpatialInertia about its body origin Bo from the body’s mass, position vector from Bo to the body’s center of mass, and rotational inertia about the body’s center of mass.

This method checks for the physical validity of the resulting SpatialInertia with IsPhysicallyValid() and throws a RuntimeError exception in the event the provided input parameters lead to a non-physically viable spatial inertia.

Parameter mass:

The mass of the body or composite body S.

Parameter p_PScm_E:

The position vector from point P to point Scm (S’s center of mass), expressed in a frame E.

Parameter I_SScm_E:

S’s RotationalInertia about Scm, expressed in frame E.

Returns M_SP_E:

S’s spatial inertia about point P, expressed in frame E.

static NaN() pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[Expression]

Initializes mass, center of mass and rotational inertia to invalid NaN’s for a quick detection of uninitialized values.

ReExpress(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[Expression], R_AE: pydrake.math.RotationMatrix_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[Expression]

Given this spatial inertia M_SP_E for some body or composite body S, taken about a point P and expressed in frame E, this method computes the same inertia re-expressed in another frame A.

Parameter R_AE:

RotationMatrix relating frames A and E.

Returns M_SP_A:

The same spatial inertia of S about P but now re-expressed in frame A.

See also

ReExpressInPlace() for details.

SetNaN(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[Expression]) None

Sets this spatial inertia to have NaN entries. Typically used for quick detection of uninitialized values.

Shift(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[Expression], p_PQ_E: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[Expression]

Given this spatial inertia M_SP_E for some body or composite body S, computed about point P, and expressed in frame E, this method uses the Parallel Axis Theorem for spatial inertias to compute the same spatial inertia about a new point Q. The result still is expressed in frame E.

See also

ShiftInPlace() for more details.

Parameter p_PQ_E:

Vector from the original about point P to the new about point Q, expressed in the same frame E this spatial inertia is expressed in.

Returns M_SQ_E:

This same spatial inertia for body or composite body S but computed about a new point Q.

static SolidBoxWithDensity(density: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, lx: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, ly: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, lz: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[Expression]

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform density solid box B about its geometric center Bo (which is coincident with B’s center of mass Bcm).

Parameter density:

mass per volume (kg/m³).

Parameter lx:

length of the box in the Bx direction (meters).

Parameter ly:

length of the box in the By direction (meters).

Parameter lz:

length of the box in the Bz direction (meters).

Returns M_BBo_B:

B’s spatial inertia about Bo, expressed in B.


RuntimeError if density, lx, ly, or lz is not positive and finite.

static SolidBoxWithMass(mass: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, lx: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, ly: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, lz: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[Expression]

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform density solid box B about its geometric center Bo (which is coincident with B’s center of mass Bcm).

Parameter mass:

mass of the solid box (kg).

Parameter lx:

length of the box in the Bx direction (meters).

Parameter ly:

length of the box in the By direction (meters).

Parameter lz:

length of the box in the Bz direction (meters).

Returns M_BBo_B:

B’s spatial inertia about Bo, expressed in B.


RuntimeError if mass, lx, ly, or lz is not positive and finite.

static SolidCapsuleWithDensity(density: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, radius: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, length: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, unit_vector: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[Expression]

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform density solid capsule B about its geometric center Bo (which is coincident with B’s center of mass Bcm).

Parameter density:

mass per volume (kg/m³).

Parameter radius:

radius of the cylinder/half-sphere parts of the capsule.

Parameter length:

length of the cylindrical part of the capsule.

Parameter unit_vector:

unit vector defining the axial direction of the cylindrical part of the capsule, expressed in B.

Returns M_BBo_B:

B’s spatial inertia about Bo, expressed in B.


B’s rotational inertia about Bo is axially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line that both passes through Bo and is perpendicular to unit_vector.

  • RuntimeError if density, radius, or length is not positive and

  • finite or if ‖unit_vector‖ is not within 1.0E-14 of 1.0.

static SolidCapsuleWithMass(mass: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, radius: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, length: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, unit_vector: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[Expression]

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform density solid capsule B about its geometric center Bo (which is coincident with B’s center of mass Bcm).

Parameter mass:

mass of the solid capsule (kg).

Parameter radius:

radius of the cylinder/half-sphere parts of the capsule.

Parameter length:

length of the cylindrical part of the capsule.

Parameter unit_vector:

unit vector defining the axial direction of the cylindrical part of the capsule, expressed in B.

Returns M_BBo_B:

B’s spatial inertia about Bo, expressed in B.


B’s rotational inertia about Bo is axially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line that both passes through Bo and is perpendicular to unit_vector.

  • RuntimeError if mass, radius, or length is not positive and finite

  • or if ‖unit_vector‖ is not within 1.0E-14 of 1.0.

static SolidCubeWithDensity(density: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, length: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[Expression]

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform density solid cube B about its geometric center Bo (which is coincident with B’s center of mass Bcm).

Parameter density:

mass per volume (kg/m³).

Parameter length:

The length of each of the cube’s sides (meters).

Returns M_BBo_B:

B’s spatial inertia about Bo, expressed in B. Since B’s rotational inertia is triaxially symmetric, M_BBo_B = M_BBo_E, i.e., M_BBo expressed in frame B is equal to M_BBo expressed in an arbitrary frame E.


B’s rotational inertia about Bo is triaxially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line passing through Bo.


RuntimeError if density or length is not positive and finite.

static SolidCylinderWithDensity(density: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, radius: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, length: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, unit_vector: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[Expression]

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform density solid cylinder B about its geometric center Bo (which is coincident with B’s center of mass Bcm).

Parameter density:

mass per volume (kg/m³).

Parameter radius:

radius of the cylinder (meters).

Parameter length:

length of cylinder in unit_vector direction (meters).

Parameter unit_vector:

unit vector defining the axial direction of the cylinder, expressed in B.

Returns M_BBo_B:

B’s spatial inertia about Bo, expressed in B.


B’s rotational inertia about Bo is axially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line that both passes through Bo and is perpendicular to unit_vector.

  • RuntimeError if density, radius, or length is not positive and

  • finite or if ‖unit_vector‖ is not within 1.0E-14 of 1.0.

See also

SolidCylinderWithDensityAboutEnd() to calculate M_BBp_B, B’s spatial inertia about Bp (at the center of one of the cylinder’s circular ends).

static SolidCylinderWithDensityAboutEnd(density: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, radius: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, length: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, unit_vector: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[Expression]

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform-density solid cylinder B about an end-point Bp of the cylinder’s axis (see below for more about Bp).

Parameter density:

mass per volume (kg/m³).

Parameter radius:

radius of cylinder (meters).

Parameter length:

length of cylinder in unit_vector direction (meters).

Parameter unit_vector:

unit vector parallel to the axis of the cylinder and directed from Bp to Bcm (B’s center of mass), expressed in B.

Returns M_BBp_B:

B’s spatial inertia about Bp, expressed in B.


The position from Bp to Bcm is p_BpBcm = length / 2 * unit_vector.


B’s rotational inertia about Bp is axially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line that both passes through Bp and is perpendicular to unit_vector.

  • RuntimeError if density, radius, or length is not positive and

  • finite or if ‖unit_vector‖ is not within 1.0E-14 of 1.0.

See also

SolidCylinderWithDensity() to calculate M_BBcm_B, B’s spatial inertia about Bcm (B’s center of mass).

static SolidCylinderWithMass(mass: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, radius: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, length: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, unit_vector: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[Expression]

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform density solid cylinder B about its geometric center Bo (which is coincident with B’s center of mass Bcm).

Parameter mass:

mass of the solid cylinder (kg).

Parameter radius:

radius of the cylinder (meters).

Parameter length:

length of cylinder in unit_vector direction (meters).

Parameter unit_vector:

unit vector defining the axial direction of the cylinder, expressed in B.

Returns M_BBo_B:

B’s spatial inertia about Bo, expressed in B.


B’s rotational inertia about Bo is axially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line that both passes through Bo and is perpendicular to unit_vector.

  • RuntimeError if mass, radius, or length is not positive and finite

  • or if ‖unit_vector‖ is not within 1.0E-14 of 1.0.

See also

SolidCylinderWithMassAboutEnd() to calculate M_BBp_B, B’s spatial inertia about Bp (at the center of one of the cylinder’s circular ends).

static SolidCylinderWithMassAboutEnd(mass: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, radius: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, length: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, unit_vector: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[Expression]

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform-density solid cylinder B about an end-point Bp of the cylinder’s axis (see below for more about Bp).

Parameter mass:

mass of the solid cylinder (kg).

Parameter radius:

radius of cylinder (meters).

Parameter length:

length of cylinder in unit_vector direction (meters).

Parameter unit_vector:

unit vector parallel to the axis of the cylinder and directed from Bp to Bcm (B’s center of mass), expressed in B.

Returns M_BBp_B:

B’s spatial inertia about Bp, expressed in B.


The position from Bp to Bcm is p_BpBcm = length / 2 * unit_vector.


B’s rotational inertia about Bp is axially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line that both passes through Bp and is perpendicular to unit_vector.

  • RuntimeError if density, radius, or length is not positive and

  • finite or if ‖unit_vector‖ is not within 1.0E-14 of 1.0.

See also

SolidCylinderWithMass() to calculate M_BBcm_B, B’s spatial inertia about Bcm (B’s center of mass).

static SolidEllipsoidWithDensity(density: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, a: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, b: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, c: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[Expression]

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform density solid ellipsoid B about its geometric center Bo (which is coincident with B’s center of mass Bcm).

Parameter density:

mass per volume (kg/m³).

Parameter a:

length of ellipsoid semi-axis in the ellipsoid Bx direction.

Parameter b:

length of ellipsoid semi-axis in the ellipsoid By direction.

Parameter c:

length of ellipsoid semi-axis in the ellipsoid Bz direction.

Returns M_BBo_B:

B’s spatial inertia about Bo, expressed in B.


RuntimeError if density, a, b, or c is not positive and finite.

static SolidEllipsoidWithMass(mass: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, a: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, b: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, c: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[Expression]

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform density solid ellipsoid B about its geometric center Bo (which is coincident with B’s center of mass Bcm).

Parameter mass:

mass of the solid ellipsoid (kg).

Parameter a:

length of ellipsoid semi-axis in the ellipsoid Bx direction.

Parameter b:

length of ellipsoid semi-axis in the ellipsoid By direction.

Parameter c:

length of ellipsoid semi-axis in the ellipsoid Bz direction.

Returns M_BBo_B:

B’s spatial inertia about Bo, expressed in B.


RuntimeError if mass, a, b, or c is not positive and finite.

static SolidSphereWithDensity(density: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, radius: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[Expression]

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform density solid sphere B about its geometric center Bo (which is coincident with B’s center of mass Bcm).

Parameter density:

mass per volume (kg/m³).

Parameter radius:

sphere’s radius (meters).

Returns M_BBo:

B’s spatial inertia about Bo. Since B’s rotational inertia is triaxially symmetric, M_BBo_B = M_BBo_E, i.e., M_BBo expressed in frame B is equal to M_BBo expressed in an arbitrary frame E.


B’s rotational inertia about Bo is triaxially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line passing through Bo.


RuntimeError if density or radius is not positive and finite.

static SolidSphereWithMass(mass: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, radius: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[Expression]

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform density solid sphere B about its geometric center Bo (which is coincident with B’s center of mass Bcm).

Parameter mass:

mass of the solid sphere (kg).

Parameter radius:

sphere’s radius (meters).

Returns M_BBo:

B’s spatial inertia about Bo. Since B’s rotational inertia is triaxially symmetric, M_BBo_B = M_BBo_E, i.e., M_BBo expressed in frame B is equal to M_BBo expressed in an arbitrary frame E.


B’s rotational inertia about Bo is triaxially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line passing through Bo.


RuntimeError if mass or radius is not positive and finite.

static ThinRodWithMass(mass: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, length: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, unit_vector: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[Expression]

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform-density thin rod B about its center of mass Bcm.

Parameter mass:

mass of the rod (units of kg).

Parameter length:

length of the rod (units of meters).

Parameter unit_vector:

unit vector defining the rod’s axial direction, expressed in B.

Returns M_BBcm_B:

B’s spatial inertia about Bcm, expressed in B.


B’s rotational inertia about Bcm is axially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line that both passes through Bcm and is perpendicular to unit_vector. B has no (zero) rotational inertia about the line that passes through Bcm and is parallel to unit_vector.

  • RuntimeError if mass or length is not positive and finite or if

  • ‖unit_vector‖ is not within 1.0E-14 of 1.0.

See also

ThinRodWithMassAboutEnd() to calculate M_BBp_B, B’s spatial inertia about Bp (one of the ends of rod B).

static ThinRodWithMassAboutEnd(mass: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, length: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, unit_vector: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[Expression]

Creates a spatial inertia for a uniform-density thin rod B about one of its ends.

Parameter mass:

mass of the rod (units of kg).

Parameter length:

length of the rod (units of meters).

Parameter unit_vector:

unit vector defining the rod’s axial direction, expressed in B.

Returns M_BBp_B:

B’s spatial inertia about Bp, expressed in B.


The position from Bp to Bcm is length / 2 * unit_vector.


B’s rotational inertia about Bp is axially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line that both passes through Bp and is perpendicular to unit_vector. B has no (zero) rotational inertia about the line that passes through Bp and is parallel to unit_vector.

  • RuntimeError if mass or length is not positive and finite or if

  • ‖unit_vector‖ is not within 1.0E-14 of 1.0.

See also

ThinRodWithMass() to calculate M_BBcm_B, B’s spatial inertia about Bcm (B’s center of mass).

static Zero() pydrake.multibody.tree.SpatialInertia_[Expression]

Initializes mass, center of mass and rotational inertia to zero.

class pydrake.multibody.tree.UniformGravityFieldElement

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.ForceElement

This ForceElement allows modeling the effect of a uniform gravity field as felt by bodies on the surface of the Earth. This gravity field acts on all bodies in the MultibodyTree model.


This class is templated; see UniformGravityFieldElement_ for the list of instantiations.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniformGravityFieldElement) -> None

Constructs a uniform gravity field element with a default strength (on the earth’s surface) and direction (-z).

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniformGravityFieldElement, g_W: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) -> None

Constructs a uniform gravity field element with a strength given by the acceleration of gravity vector g_W, expressed in the world frame W.

CalcGravityGeneralizedForces(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniformGravityFieldElement, context: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]

Computes the generalized forces tau_g(q) due to this gravity field element as a function of the generalized positions q stored in the input context, for the multibody model to which this element belongs. tau_g(q) is defined such that it appears on the right hand side of the equations of motion together with any other generalized forces, like so:

Click to expand C++ code...
Mv̇ + C(q, v)v = tau_g(q) + tau_app

where tau_app includes any other generalized forces applied on the system.

Parameter context:

The context storing the state of the multibody model to which this element belongs.


tau_g A vector containing the generalized forces due to this gravity field force element. The generalized forces are consistent with the vector of generalized velocities v for the parent MultibodyTree model so that the inner product v⋅tau_g corresponds to the power applied by the gravity forces on the mechanical system. That is, v⋅tau_g > 0 corresponds to potential energy going into the system, as either mechanical kinetic energy, some other potential energy, or heat, and therefore to a decrease of potential energy.

gravity_vector(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniformGravityFieldElement) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Returns the acceleration of the gravity vector in m/s², expressed in the world frame W.

is_enabled(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniformGravityFieldElement, model_instance: pydrake.multibody.tree.ModelInstanceIndex) bool

True iff gravity is enabled for model_instance.

See also

enable(), disable().


RuntimeError if the model instance is invalid.

kDefaultStrength = 9.81
set_enabled(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniformGravityFieldElement, model_instance: pydrake.multibody.tree.ModelInstanceIndex, is_enabled: bool) None

Sets is_enabled() for model_instance to is_enabled.

  • if the parent model is finalized.

  • RuntimeError if the model instance is invalid.

set_gravity_vector(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniformGravityFieldElement, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) None

Sets the acceleration of gravity vector, expressed in the world frame W in m/s².

template pydrake.multibody.tree.UniformGravityFieldElement_

Instantiations: UniformGravityFieldElement_[float], UniformGravityFieldElement_[AutoDiffXd], UniformGravityFieldElement_[Expression]

class pydrake.multibody.tree.UniformGravityFieldElement_[AutoDiffXd]

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.ForceElement_[AutoDiffXd]

This ForceElement allows modeling the effect of a uniform gravity field as felt by bodies on the surface of the Earth. This gravity field acts on all bodies in the MultibodyTree model.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniformGravityFieldElement_[AutoDiffXd]) -> None

Constructs a uniform gravity field element with a default strength (on the earth’s surface) and direction (-z).

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniformGravityFieldElement_[AutoDiffXd], g_W: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) -> None

Constructs a uniform gravity field element with a strength given by the acceleration of gravity vector g_W, expressed in the world frame W.

CalcGravityGeneralizedForces(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniformGravityFieldElement_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[object[m, 1]]

Computes the generalized forces tau_g(q) due to this gravity field element as a function of the generalized positions q stored in the input context, for the multibody model to which this element belongs. tau_g(q) is defined such that it appears on the right hand side of the equations of motion together with any other generalized forces, like so:

Click to expand C++ code...
Mv̇ + C(q, v)v = tau_g(q) + tau_app

where tau_app includes any other generalized forces applied on the system.

Parameter context:

The context storing the state of the multibody model to which this element belongs.


tau_g A vector containing the generalized forces due to this gravity field force element. The generalized forces are consistent with the vector of generalized velocities v for the parent MultibodyTree model so that the inner product v⋅tau_g corresponds to the power applied by the gravity forces on the mechanical system. That is, v⋅tau_g > 0 corresponds to potential energy going into the system, as either mechanical kinetic energy, some other potential energy, or heat, and therefore to a decrease of potential energy.

gravity_vector(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniformGravityFieldElement_[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Returns the acceleration of the gravity vector in m/s², expressed in the world frame W.

is_enabled(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniformGravityFieldElement_[AutoDiffXd], model_instance: pydrake.multibody.tree.ModelInstanceIndex) bool

True iff gravity is enabled for model_instance.

See also

enable(), disable().


RuntimeError if the model instance is invalid.

kDefaultStrength = 9.81
set_enabled(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniformGravityFieldElement_[AutoDiffXd], model_instance: pydrake.multibody.tree.ModelInstanceIndex, is_enabled: bool) None

Sets is_enabled() for model_instance to is_enabled.

  • if the parent model is finalized.

  • RuntimeError if the model instance is invalid.

set_gravity_vector(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniformGravityFieldElement_[AutoDiffXd], arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) None

Sets the acceleration of gravity vector, expressed in the world frame W in m/s².

class pydrake.multibody.tree.UniformGravityFieldElement_[Expression]

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.ForceElement_[Expression]

This ForceElement allows modeling the effect of a uniform gravity field as felt by bodies on the surface of the Earth. This gravity field acts on all bodies in the MultibodyTree model.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniformGravityFieldElement_[Expression]) -> None

Constructs a uniform gravity field element with a default strength (on the earth’s surface) and direction (-z).

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniformGravityFieldElement_[Expression], g_W: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) -> None

Constructs a uniform gravity field element with a strength given by the acceleration of gravity vector g_W, expressed in the world frame W.

CalcGravityGeneralizedForces(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniformGravityFieldElement_[Expression], context:[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[object[m, 1]]

Computes the generalized forces tau_g(q) due to this gravity field element as a function of the generalized positions q stored in the input context, for the multibody model to which this element belongs. tau_g(q) is defined such that it appears on the right hand side of the equations of motion together with any other generalized forces, like so:

Click to expand C++ code...
Mv̇ + C(q, v)v = tau_g(q) + tau_app

where tau_app includes any other generalized forces applied on the system.

Parameter context:

The context storing the state of the multibody model to which this element belongs.


tau_g A vector containing the generalized forces due to this gravity field force element. The generalized forces are consistent with the vector of generalized velocities v for the parent MultibodyTree model so that the inner product v⋅tau_g corresponds to the power applied by the gravity forces on the mechanical system. That is, v⋅tau_g > 0 corresponds to potential energy going into the system, as either mechanical kinetic energy, some other potential energy, or heat, and therefore to a decrease of potential energy.

gravity_vector(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniformGravityFieldElement_[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]

Returns the acceleration of the gravity vector in m/s², expressed in the world frame W.

is_enabled(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniformGravityFieldElement_[Expression], model_instance: pydrake.multibody.tree.ModelInstanceIndex) bool

True iff gravity is enabled for model_instance.

See also

enable(), disable().


RuntimeError if the model instance is invalid.

kDefaultStrength = 9.81
set_enabled(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniformGravityFieldElement_[Expression], model_instance: pydrake.multibody.tree.ModelInstanceIndex, is_enabled: bool) None

Sets is_enabled() for model_instance to is_enabled.

  • if the parent model is finalized.

  • RuntimeError if the model instance is invalid.

set_gravity_vector(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniformGravityFieldElement_[Expression], arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) None

Sets the acceleration of gravity vector, expressed in the world frame W in m/s².

class pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia

This class is used to represent rotational inertias for unit mass bodies. Therefore, unlike RotationalInertia whose units are kg⋅m², the units of a UnitInertia are those of length squared. A unit inertia is a useful concept to represent the geometric distribution of mass in a body regardless of the actual value of the body mass. The rotational inertia of a body can therefore be obtained by multiplying its unit inertia by its mass. Unit inertia matrices can also be called gyration matrices and therefore we choose to represent them in source code notation with the capital letter G. In contrast, the capital letter I is used to represent non-unit mass rotational inertias. This class restricts the set of allowed operations on a unit inertia to ensure the unit-mass invariant. For instance, multiplication by a scalar can only return a general RotationalInertia but not a UnitInertia.


This class has no means to check at construction from user provided parameters whether it actually represents the unit inertia or gyration matrix of a unit-mass body. However, as previously noted, once a unit inertia is created, a number of operations are disallowed to ensure the unit-mass invariant. Also notice that once a unit inertia is created, it is the unit inertia of some body, perhaps with scaled geometry from the user’s intention.


The methods of this class satisfy the “basic exception guarantee”: if an exception is thrown, the program will still be in a valid state. Specifically, no resources are leaked, and all objects’ invariants are intact. Be aware that UnitInertia objects may contain invalid inertia data in cases where input checking is skipped.


This class is templated; see UnitInertia_ for the list of instantiations.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia) -> None

Default UnitInertia constructor sets all entries to NaN for quick detection of uninitialized values.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia, Ixx: float, Iyy: float, Izz: float) -> None

Creates a unit inertia with moments of inertia Ixx, Iyy, Izz, and with each product of inertia set to zero. In debug builds, throws RuntimeError if unit inertia constructed from these arguments violates RotationalInertia::CouldBePhysicallyValid().

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia, Ixx: float, Iyy: float, Izz: float, Ixy: float, Ixz: float, Iyz: float) -> None

Creates a unit inertia with moments of inertia Ixx, Iyy, Izz, and with products of inertia Ixy, Ixz, Iyz. In debug builds, throws RuntimeError if unit inertia constructed from these arguments violates RotationalInertia::CouldBePhysicallyValid().

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia, I: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia) -> None

Constructs a UnitInertia from a RotationalInertia. This constructor has no way to verify that the input rotational inertia actually is a unit inertia. But the construction will nevertheless succeed, and the values of the input rotational inertia will henceforth be considered a valid unit inertia.


The user is responsible for passing a valid rotational inertia.

static AxiallySymmetric(moment_parallel: float, moment_perpendicular: float, unit_vector: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia

Returns the unit inertia for a body B for which there exists an axis L passing through the body’s center of mass Bcm having the property that B’s moment of inertia about all lines perpendicular to L are equal. Bodies with this “axially symmetric inertia” property include axisymmetric cylinders or cones and propellers with 3⁺ evenly spaced blades. For a body B with axially symmetric inertia, B’s unit inertia about a point Bp on axis L can be written in terms of a unit_vector parallel to L; the parallel moment of inertia J about L; and the perpendicular moment of inertia K about any line perpendicular to axis L; as:

Click to expand C++ code...
G = K * Identity + (J - K) * unit_vector ⊗ unit_vector

where Identity is the identity matrix and ⊗ denotes the tensor product operator. See Mitiguy, P., 2016. Advanced Dynamics & Motion Simulation.

Parameter moment_parallel:
  1. B’s unit moment of inertia about axis L.

Parameter moment_perpendicular:

(K) B’s unit moment of inertia about Bp for any line perpendicular to unit_vector.

Parameter unit_vector:

unit vector parallel to axis L, expressed in a frame E.

Returns G_BBp_E:

B’s unit inertia about point Bp on B’s symmetry axis, expressed in the same frame E as the unit_vector is expressed.


Points Bp and Bcm are both on B’s symmetry axis. The actual location of these points is not known by this function. However, the value of moment_perpendicular (K) is associated with point Bp.


B’s unit inertia about Bp is axially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line that both passes through Bp and is perpendicular to unit_vector.

  • RuntimeError if moment_parallel (J) or moment_perpendicular (K) is

  • negative or if J > 2 K (violates the triangle inequality, see

  • CouldBePhysicallyValid()) or ‖unit_vector‖ is not within 1.0E-14

  • of 1.0.

static HollowSphere(r: float) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia

Computes the unit inertia for a unit-mass hollow sphere of radius r consisting of an infinitesimally thin shell of uniform density. The unit inertia is taken about the center of the sphere.

static PointMass(p_FQ: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia

Construct a unit inertia for a point mass of unit mass located at point Q, whose location in a frame F is given by the position vector p_FQ (that is, p_FoQ_F). The unit inertia G_QFo_F of point mass Q about the origin Fo of frame F and expressed in F for this unit mass point equals the square of the cross product matrix of p_FQ. In coordinate-free form:

\[G^{Q/F_o} = (^Fp^Q_\times)^2 = (^Fp^Q_\times)^T \, ^Fp^Q_\times = -^Fp^Q_\times \, ^Fp^Q_\times\]

where \(^Fp^Q_\times\) is the cross product matrix of vector \(^Fp^Q\). In source code the above expression is written as:

Click to expand C++ code...
G_QFo_F = px_FQ² = px_FQᵀ * px_FQ = -px_FQ * px_FQ

where px_FQ denotes the cross product matrix of the position vector p_FQ (expressed in F) such that the cross product with another vector a can be obtained as px.cross(a) = px * a. The cross product matrix px is skew-symmetric. The square of the cross product matrix is a symmetric matrix with non-negative diagonals and obeys the triangle inequality. Matrix px² can be used to compute the triple vector product as -p x (p x a) = -p.cross(p.cross(a)) = px² * a.

ReExpress(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia, R_AE: pydrake.math.RotationMatrix) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia

Given this unit inertia G_BP_E of a body B about a point P and expressed in frame E, this method computes the same unit inertia re-expressed in another frame A as G_BP_A = R_AE * G_BP_E * (R_AE)ᵀ.

Parameter R_AE:

RotationMatrix relating frames A and E.

Returns G_BP_A:

The same unit inertia for body B about point P but now re-expressed in frame A.

SetFromRotationalInertia(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia, I: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia, mass: float) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia

Sets this unit inertia from a generally non-unit inertia I corresponding to a body with a given mass.


In Debug builds, this operation aborts if the provided mass is not strictly positive.

ShiftFromCenterOfMass(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia, p_BcmQ_E: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia

Shifts this central unit inertia to a different point, and returns the result. See ShiftFromCenterOfMassInPlace() for details.

Parameter p_BcmQ_E:

A vector from the body’s centroid Bcm to point Q expressed in the same frame E in which this inertia is expressed.

Returns G_BQ_E:

This same unit inertia taken about a point Q instead of the centroid Bcm.

ShiftToCenterOfMass(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia, p_QBcm_E: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia

For the unit inertia G_BQ_E of a body or composite body B computed about a point Q and expressed in a frame E, this method shifts this inertia using the parallel axis theorem to be computed about the center of mass Bcm of B. See ShiftToCenterOfMassInPlace() for details.

Parameter p_QBcm_E:

A position vector from the about point Q to the body’s centroid Bcm expressed in the same frame E in which this inertia is expressed.

Returns G_Bcm_E:

This same unit which has now been taken about point Bcm so that it can be written as G_BBcm_E, or G_Bcm_E.


This operation could result in a non-physical rotational inertia. Use with care. See ShiftToCenterOfMassInPlace() for details.

static SolidBox(Lx: float, Ly: float, Lz: float) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia

Computes the unit inertia for a unit-mass solid box of uniform density taken about its geometric center. If one length is zero the inertia corresponds to that of a thin rectangular sheet. If two lengths are zero the inertia corresponds to that of a thin rod in the remaining direction.

Parameter Lx:

The length of the box edge in the principal x-axis.

Parameter Ly:

The length of the box edge in the principal y-axis.

Parameter Lz:

The length of the box edge in the principal z-axis.


RuntimeError if any of Lx, Ly, Lz are negative.

static SolidCapsule(radius: float, length: float, unit_vector: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia

Creates a unit inertia for a uniform density solid capsule B about its center of mass Bcm (which is coincident with B’s geometric center Bo).

Parameter radius:

radius of the cylinder/half-sphere parts of the capsule.

Parameter length:

length of cylindrical part of the capsule.

Parameter unit_vector:

unit vector defining the axial direction of the cylindrical part of the capsule, expressed in a frame E.

Returns G_BBcm_E:

B’s unit inertia about Bcm expressed in the same frame E as the unit_vector is expressed.


B’s unit inertia about Bcm is axially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line that both passes through Bcm and is perpendicular to unit_vector.

  • RuntimeError if radius or length is negative or if ‖unit_vector‖

  • is not within 1.0E-14 of 1.0.

static SolidCube(L: float) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia

Computes the unit inertia for a unit-mass solid cube (a box with equal-sized sides) of uniform density taken about its geometric center.

Parameter L:

The length of each of the cube’s sides.

static SolidCylinder(radius: float, length: float, unit_vector: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia

Creates a unit inertia for a uniform density solid cylinder B about its center of mass Bcm (which is coincident with B’s geometric center Bo).

Parameter radius:

radius of the cylinder (meters).

Parameter length:

length of cylinder in unit_vector direction (meters).

Parameter unit_vector:

unit vector defining the axial direction of the cylinder, expressed in a frame E.

Returns G_BBcm_E:

B’s unit inertia about Bcm expressed in the same frame E as the unit_vector is expressed.


B’s unit inertia about Bcm is axially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line that both passes through Bcm and is perpendicular to unit_vector.

  • RuntimeError if radius or length is negative or if ‖unit_vector‖

  • is not within 1.0E-14 of 1.0.

See also

SolidCylinderAboutEnd() to calculate G_BBp_E, B’s unit inertia about point Bp (Bp is at the center of one of the cylinder’s circular ends).

static SolidCylinderAboutEnd(radius: float, length: float, unit_vector: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia

Creates a unit inertia for a uniform-density solid cylinder B about an end-point Bp of the cylinder’s axis (see below for more about Bp).

Parameter radius:

radius of cylinder (meters).

Parameter length:

length of cylinder in unit_vector direction (meters).

Parameter unit_vector:

unit vector parallel to the axis of the cylinder and directed from Bp to Bcm (B’s center of mass), expressed in a frame E.

Returns G_BBp_E:

B’s unit inertia about Bp expressed in the same frame E as the unit_vector is expressed.


The position from Bp to Bcm is p_BpBcm = length / 2 * unit_vector.


B’s unit inertia about Bp is axially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line that both passes through Bp and is perpendicular to unit_vector.

  • RuntimeError if radius or length is negative or if ‖unit_vector‖

  • is not within 1.0E-14 of 1.0.

static SolidEllipsoid(a: float, b: float, c: float) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia

Computes the unit inertia for a unit-mass solid ellipsoid of uniform density taken about its center. The lengths of the semi-axes of the ellipsoid in the principal x,y,z-axes are a, b, and c respectively.

static SolidSphere(r: float) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia

Computes the unit inertia for a unit-mass solid sphere of uniform density and radius r taken about its center.

static StraightLine(moment_perpendicular: float, unit_vector: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia

Creates a unit inertia for a straight line segment B about a point Bp on the line segment.

Parameter moment_perpendicular:

Unit moment of inertia about any axis that passes through Bp and is perpendicular to the line segment.

Parameter unit_vector:

unit vector defining the line segment’s direction, expressed in a frame E.

Returns G_BBp_E:

B’s unit inertia about Bp, expressed in the same frame E that the unit_vector is expressed.


B’s unit inertia about Bp is axially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line that both passes through Bp and is perpendicular to unit_vector.

  • RuntimeError if moment_perpendicular is not positive or if

  • ‖unit_vector‖ is not within 1.0E-14 of 1.0.


B’s axial moment of inertia (along the line segment) is zero.

See also

ThinRod() is an example of an object that is axially symmetric and that has a zero moment of inertia about Bp in the unit_vector direction.

static ThinRod(length: float, unit_vector: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia

Creates a unit inertia for a uniform density thin rod B about its center of mass Bcm (which is coincident with B’s geometric center Bo).

Parameter length:

length of rod in unit_vector direction (meters).

Parameter unit_vector:

unit vector defining the rod’s axial direction, expressed in a frame E.

Returns G_BBcm_E:

B’s unit inertia about Bcm expressed in the same frame E that the unit_vector is expressed.


B’s unit inertia about Bcm is axially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line that both passes through Bcm and is perpendicular to unit_vector.

  • RuntimeError if length is not positive or if ‖unit_vector‖ is not

  • within 1.0E-14 of 1.0.


B’s axial moment of inertia (along the rod) is zero..

static TriaxiallySymmetric(I_triaxial: float) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia
template pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_

Instantiations: UnitInertia_[float], UnitInertia_[AutoDiffXd], UnitInertia_[Expression]

class pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

This class is used to represent rotational inertias for unit mass bodies. Therefore, unlike RotationalInertia whose units are kg⋅m², the units of a UnitInertia are those of length squared. A unit inertia is a useful concept to represent the geometric distribution of mass in a body regardless of the actual value of the body mass. The rotational inertia of a body can therefore be obtained by multiplying its unit inertia by its mass. Unit inertia matrices can also be called gyration matrices and therefore we choose to represent them in source code notation with the capital letter G. In contrast, the capital letter I is used to represent non-unit mass rotational inertias. This class restricts the set of allowed operations on a unit inertia to ensure the unit-mass invariant. For instance, multiplication by a scalar can only return a general RotationalInertia but not a UnitInertia.


This class has no means to check at construction from user provided parameters whether it actually represents the unit inertia or gyration matrix of a unit-mass body. However, as previously noted, once a unit inertia is created, a number of operations are disallowed to ensure the unit-mass invariant. Also notice that once a unit inertia is created, it is the unit inertia of some body, perhaps with scaled geometry from the user’s intention.


The methods of this class satisfy the “basic exception guarantee”: if an exception is thrown, the program will still be in a valid state. Specifically, no resources are leaked, and all objects’ invariants are intact. Be aware that UnitInertia objects may contain invalid inertia data in cases where input checking is skipped.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[AutoDiffXd]) -> None

Default UnitInertia constructor sets all entries to NaN for quick detection of uninitialized values.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[AutoDiffXd], Ixx: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, Iyy: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, Izz: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd) -> None

Creates a unit inertia with moments of inertia Ixx, Iyy, Izz, and with each product of inertia set to zero. In debug builds, throws RuntimeError if unit inertia constructed from these arguments violates RotationalInertia::CouldBePhysicallyValid().

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[AutoDiffXd], Ixx: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, Iyy: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, Izz: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, Ixy: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, Ixz: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, Iyz: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd) -> None

Creates a unit inertia with moments of inertia Ixx, Iyy, Izz, and with products of inertia Ixy, Ixz, Iyz. In debug builds, throws RuntimeError if unit inertia constructed from these arguments violates RotationalInertia::CouldBePhysicallyValid().

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[AutoDiffXd], I: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[AutoDiffXd]) -> None

Constructs a UnitInertia from a RotationalInertia. This constructor has no way to verify that the input rotational inertia actually is a unit inertia. But the construction will nevertheless succeed, and the values of the input rotational inertia will henceforth be considered a valid unit inertia.


The user is responsible for passing a valid rotational inertia.

static AxiallySymmetric(moment_parallel: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, moment_perpendicular: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, unit_vector: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

Returns the unit inertia for a body B for which there exists an axis L passing through the body’s center of mass Bcm having the property that B’s moment of inertia about all lines perpendicular to L are equal. Bodies with this “axially symmetric inertia” property include axisymmetric cylinders or cones and propellers with 3⁺ evenly spaced blades. For a body B with axially symmetric inertia, B’s unit inertia about a point Bp on axis L can be written in terms of a unit_vector parallel to L; the parallel moment of inertia J about L; and the perpendicular moment of inertia K about any line perpendicular to axis L; as:

Click to expand C++ code...
G = K * Identity + (J - K) * unit_vector ⊗ unit_vector

where Identity is the identity matrix and ⊗ denotes the tensor product operator. See Mitiguy, P., 2016. Advanced Dynamics & Motion Simulation.

Parameter moment_parallel:
  1. B’s unit moment of inertia about axis L.

Parameter moment_perpendicular:

(K) B’s unit moment of inertia about Bp for any line perpendicular to unit_vector.

Parameter unit_vector:

unit vector parallel to axis L, expressed in a frame E.

Returns G_BBp_E:

B’s unit inertia about point Bp on B’s symmetry axis, expressed in the same frame E as the unit_vector is expressed.


Points Bp and Bcm are both on B’s symmetry axis. The actual location of these points is not known by this function. However, the value of moment_perpendicular (K) is associated with point Bp.


B’s unit inertia about Bp is axially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line that both passes through Bp and is perpendicular to unit_vector.

  • RuntimeError if moment_parallel (J) or moment_perpendicular (K) is

  • negative or if J > 2 K (violates the triangle inequality, see

  • CouldBePhysicallyValid()) or ‖unit_vector‖ is not within 1.0E-14

  • of 1.0.

static HollowSphere(r: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

Computes the unit inertia for a unit-mass hollow sphere of radius r consisting of an infinitesimally thin shell of uniform density. The unit inertia is taken about the center of the sphere.

static PointMass(p_FQ: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

Construct a unit inertia for a point mass of unit mass located at point Q, whose location in a frame F is given by the position vector p_FQ (that is, p_FoQ_F). The unit inertia G_QFo_F of point mass Q about the origin Fo of frame F and expressed in F for this unit mass point equals the square of the cross product matrix of p_FQ. In coordinate-free form:

\[G^{Q/F_o} = (^Fp^Q_\times)^2 = (^Fp^Q_\times)^T \, ^Fp^Q_\times = -^Fp^Q_\times \, ^Fp^Q_\times\]

where \(^Fp^Q_\times\) is the cross product matrix of vector \(^Fp^Q\). In source code the above expression is written as:

Click to expand C++ code...
G_QFo_F = px_FQ² = px_FQᵀ * px_FQ = -px_FQ * px_FQ

where px_FQ denotes the cross product matrix of the position vector p_FQ (expressed in F) such that the cross product with another vector a can be obtained as px.cross(a) = px * a. The cross product matrix px is skew-symmetric. The square of the cross product matrix is a symmetric matrix with non-negative diagonals and obeys the triangle inequality. Matrix px² can be used to compute the triple vector product as -p x (p x a) = -p.cross(p.cross(a)) = px² * a.

ReExpress(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[AutoDiffXd], R_AE: pydrake.math.RotationMatrix_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

Given this unit inertia G_BP_E of a body B about a point P and expressed in frame E, this method computes the same unit inertia re-expressed in another frame A as G_BP_A = R_AE * G_BP_E * (R_AE)ᵀ.

Parameter R_AE:

RotationMatrix relating frames A and E.

Returns G_BP_A:

The same unit inertia for body B about point P but now re-expressed in frame A.

SetFromRotationalInertia(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[AutoDiffXd], I: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[AutoDiffXd], mass: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

Sets this unit inertia from a generally non-unit inertia I corresponding to a body with a given mass.


In Debug builds, this operation aborts if the provided mass is not strictly positive.

ShiftFromCenterOfMass(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[AutoDiffXd], p_BcmQ_E: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

Shifts this central unit inertia to a different point, and returns the result. See ShiftFromCenterOfMassInPlace() for details.

Parameter p_BcmQ_E:

A vector from the body’s centroid Bcm to point Q expressed in the same frame E in which this inertia is expressed.

Returns G_BQ_E:

This same unit inertia taken about a point Q instead of the centroid Bcm.

ShiftToCenterOfMass(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[AutoDiffXd], p_QBcm_E: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

For the unit inertia G_BQ_E of a body or composite body B computed about a point Q and expressed in a frame E, this method shifts this inertia using the parallel axis theorem to be computed about the center of mass Bcm of B. See ShiftToCenterOfMassInPlace() for details.

Parameter p_QBcm_E:

A position vector from the about point Q to the body’s centroid Bcm expressed in the same frame E in which this inertia is expressed.

Returns G_Bcm_E:

This same unit which has now been taken about point Bcm so that it can be written as G_BBcm_E, or G_Bcm_E.


This operation could result in a non-physical rotational inertia. Use with care. See ShiftToCenterOfMassInPlace() for details.

static SolidBox(Lx: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, Ly: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, Lz: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

Computes the unit inertia for a unit-mass solid box of uniform density taken about its geometric center. If one length is zero the inertia corresponds to that of a thin rectangular sheet. If two lengths are zero the inertia corresponds to that of a thin rod in the remaining direction.

Parameter Lx:

The length of the box edge in the principal x-axis.

Parameter Ly:

The length of the box edge in the principal y-axis.

Parameter Lz:

The length of the box edge in the principal z-axis.


RuntimeError if any of Lx, Ly, Lz are negative.

static SolidCapsule(radius: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, length: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, unit_vector: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

Creates a unit inertia for a uniform density solid capsule B about its center of mass Bcm (which is coincident with B’s geometric center Bo).

Parameter radius:

radius of the cylinder/half-sphere parts of the capsule.

Parameter length:

length of cylindrical part of the capsule.

Parameter unit_vector:

unit vector defining the axial direction of the cylindrical part of the capsule, expressed in a frame E.

Returns G_BBcm_E:

B’s unit inertia about Bcm expressed in the same frame E as the unit_vector is expressed.


B’s unit inertia about Bcm is axially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line that both passes through Bcm and is perpendicular to unit_vector.

  • RuntimeError if radius or length is negative or if ‖unit_vector‖

  • is not within 1.0E-14 of 1.0.

static SolidCube(L: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

Computes the unit inertia for a unit-mass solid cube (a box with equal-sized sides) of uniform density taken about its geometric center.

Parameter L:

The length of each of the cube’s sides.

static SolidCylinder(radius: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, length: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, unit_vector: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

Creates a unit inertia for a uniform density solid cylinder B about its center of mass Bcm (which is coincident with B’s geometric center Bo).

Parameter radius:

radius of the cylinder (meters).

Parameter length:

length of cylinder in unit_vector direction (meters).

Parameter unit_vector:

unit vector defining the axial direction of the cylinder, expressed in a frame E.

Returns G_BBcm_E:

B’s unit inertia about Bcm expressed in the same frame E as the unit_vector is expressed.


B’s unit inertia about Bcm is axially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line that both passes through Bcm and is perpendicular to unit_vector.

  • RuntimeError if radius or length is negative or if ‖unit_vector‖

  • is not within 1.0E-14 of 1.0.

See also

SolidCylinderAboutEnd() to calculate G_BBp_E, B’s unit inertia about point Bp (Bp is at the center of one of the cylinder’s circular ends).

static SolidCylinderAboutEnd(radius: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, length: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, unit_vector: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

Creates a unit inertia for a uniform-density solid cylinder B about an end-point Bp of the cylinder’s axis (see below for more about Bp).

Parameter radius:

radius of cylinder (meters).

Parameter length:

length of cylinder in unit_vector direction (meters).

Parameter unit_vector:

unit vector parallel to the axis of the cylinder and directed from Bp to Bcm (B’s center of mass), expressed in a frame E.

Returns G_BBp_E:

B’s unit inertia about Bp expressed in the same frame E as the unit_vector is expressed.


The position from Bp to Bcm is p_BpBcm = length / 2 * unit_vector.


B’s unit inertia about Bp is axially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line that both passes through Bp and is perpendicular to unit_vector.

  • RuntimeError if radius or length is negative or if ‖unit_vector‖

  • is not within 1.0E-14 of 1.0.

static SolidEllipsoid(a: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, b: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, c: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

Computes the unit inertia for a unit-mass solid ellipsoid of uniform density taken about its center. The lengths of the semi-axes of the ellipsoid in the principal x,y,z-axes are a, b, and c respectively.

static SolidSphere(r: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

Computes the unit inertia for a unit-mass solid sphere of uniform density and radius r taken about its center.

static StraightLine(moment_perpendicular: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, unit_vector: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

Creates a unit inertia for a straight line segment B about a point Bp on the line segment.

Parameter moment_perpendicular:

Unit moment of inertia about any axis that passes through Bp and is perpendicular to the line segment.

Parameter unit_vector:

unit vector defining the line segment’s direction, expressed in a frame E.

Returns G_BBp_E:

B’s unit inertia about Bp, expressed in the same frame E that the unit_vector is expressed.


B’s unit inertia about Bp is axially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line that both passes through Bp and is perpendicular to unit_vector.

  • RuntimeError if moment_perpendicular is not positive or if

  • ‖unit_vector‖ is not within 1.0E-14 of 1.0.


B’s axial moment of inertia (along the line segment) is zero.

See also

ThinRod() is an example of an object that is axially symmetric and that has a zero moment of inertia about Bp in the unit_vector direction.

static ThinRod(length: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd, unit_vector: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[AutoDiffXd]

Creates a unit inertia for a uniform density thin rod B about its center of mass Bcm (which is coincident with B’s geometric center Bo).

Parameter length:

length of rod in unit_vector direction (meters).

Parameter unit_vector:

unit vector defining the rod’s axial direction, expressed in a frame E.

Returns G_BBcm_E:

B’s unit inertia about Bcm expressed in the same frame E that the unit_vector is expressed.


B’s unit inertia about Bcm is axially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line that both passes through Bcm and is perpendicular to unit_vector.

  • RuntimeError if length is not positive or if ‖unit_vector‖ is not

  • within 1.0E-14 of 1.0.


B’s axial moment of inertia (along the rod) is zero..

static TriaxiallySymmetric(I_triaxial: pydrake.autodiffutils.AutoDiffXd) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[AutoDiffXd]
class pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[Expression]

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[Expression]

This class is used to represent rotational inertias for unit mass bodies. Therefore, unlike RotationalInertia whose units are kg⋅m², the units of a UnitInertia are those of length squared. A unit inertia is a useful concept to represent the geometric distribution of mass in a body regardless of the actual value of the body mass. The rotational inertia of a body can therefore be obtained by multiplying its unit inertia by its mass. Unit inertia matrices can also be called gyration matrices and therefore we choose to represent them in source code notation with the capital letter G. In contrast, the capital letter I is used to represent non-unit mass rotational inertias. This class restricts the set of allowed operations on a unit inertia to ensure the unit-mass invariant. For instance, multiplication by a scalar can only return a general RotationalInertia but not a UnitInertia.


This class has no means to check at construction from user provided parameters whether it actually represents the unit inertia or gyration matrix of a unit-mass body. However, as previously noted, once a unit inertia is created, a number of operations are disallowed to ensure the unit-mass invariant. Also notice that once a unit inertia is created, it is the unit inertia of some body, perhaps with scaled geometry from the user’s intention.


The methods of this class satisfy the “basic exception guarantee”: if an exception is thrown, the program will still be in a valid state. Specifically, no resources are leaked, and all objects’ invariants are intact. Be aware that UnitInertia objects may contain invalid inertia data in cases where input checking is skipped.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[Expression]) -> None

Default UnitInertia constructor sets all entries to NaN for quick detection of uninitialized values.

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[Expression], Ixx: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, Iyy: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, Izz: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) -> None

Creates a unit inertia with moments of inertia Ixx, Iyy, Izz, and with each product of inertia set to zero. In debug builds, throws RuntimeError if unit inertia constructed from these arguments violates RotationalInertia::CouldBePhysicallyValid().

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[Expression], Ixx: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, Iyy: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, Izz: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, Ixy: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, Ixz: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, Iyz: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) -> None

Creates a unit inertia with moments of inertia Ixx, Iyy, Izz, and with products of inertia Ixy, Ixz, Iyz. In debug builds, throws RuntimeError if unit inertia constructed from these arguments violates RotationalInertia::CouldBePhysicallyValid().

  1. __init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[Expression], I: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[Expression]) -> None

Constructs a UnitInertia from a RotationalInertia. This constructor has no way to verify that the input rotational inertia actually is a unit inertia. But the construction will nevertheless succeed, and the values of the input rotational inertia will henceforth be considered a valid unit inertia.


The user is responsible for passing a valid rotational inertia.

static AxiallySymmetric(moment_parallel: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, moment_perpendicular: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, unit_vector: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[Expression]

Returns the unit inertia for a body B for which there exists an axis L passing through the body’s center of mass Bcm having the property that B’s moment of inertia about all lines perpendicular to L are equal. Bodies with this “axially symmetric inertia” property include axisymmetric cylinders or cones and propellers with 3⁺ evenly spaced blades. For a body B with axially symmetric inertia, B’s unit inertia about a point Bp on axis L can be written in terms of a unit_vector parallel to L; the parallel moment of inertia J about L; and the perpendicular moment of inertia K about any line perpendicular to axis L; as:

Click to expand C++ code...
G = K * Identity + (J - K) * unit_vector ⊗ unit_vector

where Identity is the identity matrix and ⊗ denotes the tensor product operator. See Mitiguy, P., 2016. Advanced Dynamics & Motion Simulation.

Parameter moment_parallel:
  1. B’s unit moment of inertia about axis L.

Parameter moment_perpendicular:

(K) B’s unit moment of inertia about Bp for any line perpendicular to unit_vector.

Parameter unit_vector:

unit vector parallel to axis L, expressed in a frame E.

Returns G_BBp_E:

B’s unit inertia about point Bp on B’s symmetry axis, expressed in the same frame E as the unit_vector is expressed.


Points Bp and Bcm are both on B’s symmetry axis. The actual location of these points is not known by this function. However, the value of moment_perpendicular (K) is associated with point Bp.


B’s unit inertia about Bp is axially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line that both passes through Bp and is perpendicular to unit_vector.

  • RuntimeError if moment_parallel (J) or moment_perpendicular (K) is

  • negative or if J > 2 K (violates the triangle inequality, see

  • CouldBePhysicallyValid()) or ‖unit_vector‖ is not within 1.0E-14

  • of 1.0.

static HollowSphere(r: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[Expression]

Computes the unit inertia for a unit-mass hollow sphere of radius r consisting of an infinitesimally thin shell of uniform density. The unit inertia is taken about the center of the sphere.

static PointMass(p_FQ: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[Expression]

Construct a unit inertia for a point mass of unit mass located at point Q, whose location in a frame F is given by the position vector p_FQ (that is, p_FoQ_F). The unit inertia G_QFo_F of point mass Q about the origin Fo of frame F and expressed in F for this unit mass point equals the square of the cross product matrix of p_FQ. In coordinate-free form:

\[G^{Q/F_o} = (^Fp^Q_\times)^2 = (^Fp^Q_\times)^T \, ^Fp^Q_\times = -^Fp^Q_\times \, ^Fp^Q_\times\]

where \(^Fp^Q_\times\) is the cross product matrix of vector \(^Fp^Q\). In source code the above expression is written as:

Click to expand C++ code...
G_QFo_F = px_FQ² = px_FQᵀ * px_FQ = -px_FQ * px_FQ

where px_FQ denotes the cross product matrix of the position vector p_FQ (expressed in F) such that the cross product with another vector a can be obtained as px.cross(a) = px * a. The cross product matrix px is skew-symmetric. The square of the cross product matrix is a symmetric matrix with non-negative diagonals and obeys the triangle inequality. Matrix px² can be used to compute the triple vector product as -p x (p x a) = -p.cross(p.cross(a)) = px² * a.

ReExpress(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[Expression], R_AE: pydrake.math.RotationMatrix_[Expression]) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[Expression]

Given this unit inertia G_BP_E of a body B about a point P and expressed in frame E, this method computes the same unit inertia re-expressed in another frame A as G_BP_A = R_AE * G_BP_E * (R_AE)ᵀ.

Parameter R_AE:

RotationMatrix relating frames A and E.

Returns G_BP_A:

The same unit inertia for body B about point P but now re-expressed in frame A.

SetFromRotationalInertia(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[Expression], I: pydrake.multibody.tree.RotationalInertia_[Expression], mass: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[Expression]

Sets this unit inertia from a generally non-unit inertia I corresponding to a body with a given mass.


In Debug builds, this operation aborts if the provided mass is not strictly positive.

ShiftFromCenterOfMass(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[Expression], p_BcmQ_E: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[Expression]

Shifts this central unit inertia to a different point, and returns the result. See ShiftFromCenterOfMassInPlace() for details.

Parameter p_BcmQ_E:

A vector from the body’s centroid Bcm to point Q expressed in the same frame E in which this inertia is expressed.

Returns G_BQ_E:

This same unit inertia taken about a point Q instead of the centroid Bcm.

ShiftToCenterOfMass(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[Expression], p_QBcm_E: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[Expression]

For the unit inertia G_BQ_E of a body or composite body B computed about a point Q and expressed in a frame E, this method shifts this inertia using the parallel axis theorem to be computed about the center of mass Bcm of B. See ShiftToCenterOfMassInPlace() for details.

Parameter p_QBcm_E:

A position vector from the about point Q to the body’s centroid Bcm expressed in the same frame E in which this inertia is expressed.

Returns G_Bcm_E:

This same unit which has now been taken about point Bcm so that it can be written as G_BBcm_E, or G_Bcm_E.


This operation could result in a non-physical rotational inertia. Use with care. See ShiftToCenterOfMassInPlace() for details.

static SolidBox(Lx: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, Ly: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, Lz: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[Expression]

Computes the unit inertia for a unit-mass solid box of uniform density taken about its geometric center. If one length is zero the inertia corresponds to that of a thin rectangular sheet. If two lengths are zero the inertia corresponds to that of a thin rod in the remaining direction.

Parameter Lx:

The length of the box edge in the principal x-axis.

Parameter Ly:

The length of the box edge in the principal y-axis.

Parameter Lz:

The length of the box edge in the principal z-axis.


RuntimeError if any of Lx, Ly, Lz are negative.

static SolidCapsule(radius: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, length: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, unit_vector: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[Expression]

Creates a unit inertia for a uniform density solid capsule B about its center of mass Bcm (which is coincident with B’s geometric center Bo).

Parameter radius:

radius of the cylinder/half-sphere parts of the capsule.

Parameter length:

length of cylindrical part of the capsule.

Parameter unit_vector:

unit vector defining the axial direction of the cylindrical part of the capsule, expressed in a frame E.

Returns G_BBcm_E:

B’s unit inertia about Bcm expressed in the same frame E as the unit_vector is expressed.


B’s unit inertia about Bcm is axially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line that both passes through Bcm and is perpendicular to unit_vector.

  • RuntimeError if radius or length is negative or if ‖unit_vector‖

  • is not within 1.0E-14 of 1.0.

static SolidCube(L: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[Expression]

Computes the unit inertia for a unit-mass solid cube (a box with equal-sized sides) of uniform density taken about its geometric center.

Parameter L:

The length of each of the cube’s sides.

static SolidCylinder(radius: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, length: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, unit_vector: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[Expression]

Creates a unit inertia for a uniform density solid cylinder B about its center of mass Bcm (which is coincident with B’s geometric center Bo).

Parameter radius:

radius of the cylinder (meters).

Parameter length:

length of cylinder in unit_vector direction (meters).

Parameter unit_vector:

unit vector defining the axial direction of the cylinder, expressed in a frame E.

Returns G_BBcm_E:

B’s unit inertia about Bcm expressed in the same frame E as the unit_vector is expressed.


B’s unit inertia about Bcm is axially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line that both passes through Bcm and is perpendicular to unit_vector.

  • RuntimeError if radius or length is negative or if ‖unit_vector‖

  • is not within 1.0E-14 of 1.0.

See also

SolidCylinderAboutEnd() to calculate G_BBp_E, B’s unit inertia about point Bp (Bp is at the center of one of the cylinder’s circular ends).

static SolidCylinderAboutEnd(radius: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, length: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, unit_vector: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[Expression]

Creates a unit inertia for a uniform-density solid cylinder B about an end-point Bp of the cylinder’s axis (see below for more about Bp).

Parameter radius:

radius of cylinder (meters).

Parameter length:

length of cylinder in unit_vector direction (meters).

Parameter unit_vector:

unit vector parallel to the axis of the cylinder and directed from Bp to Bcm (B’s center of mass), expressed in a frame E.

Returns G_BBp_E:

B’s unit inertia about Bp expressed in the same frame E as the unit_vector is expressed.


The position from Bp to Bcm is p_BpBcm = length / 2 * unit_vector.


B’s unit inertia about Bp is axially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line that both passes through Bp and is perpendicular to unit_vector.

  • RuntimeError if radius or length is negative or if ‖unit_vector‖

  • is not within 1.0E-14 of 1.0.

static SolidEllipsoid(a: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, b: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, c: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[Expression]

Computes the unit inertia for a unit-mass solid ellipsoid of uniform density taken about its center. The lengths of the semi-axes of the ellipsoid in the principal x,y,z-axes are a, b, and c respectively.

static SolidSphere(r: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[Expression]

Computes the unit inertia for a unit-mass solid sphere of uniform density and radius r taken about its center.

static StraightLine(moment_perpendicular: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, unit_vector: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[Expression]

Creates a unit inertia for a straight line segment B about a point Bp on the line segment.

Parameter moment_perpendicular:

Unit moment of inertia about any axis that passes through Bp and is perpendicular to the line segment.

Parameter unit_vector:

unit vector defining the line segment’s direction, expressed in a frame E.

Returns G_BBp_E:

B’s unit inertia about Bp, expressed in the same frame E that the unit_vector is expressed.


B’s unit inertia about Bp is axially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line that both passes through Bp and is perpendicular to unit_vector.

  • RuntimeError if moment_perpendicular is not positive or if

  • ‖unit_vector‖ is not within 1.0E-14 of 1.0.


B’s axial moment of inertia (along the line segment) is zero.

See also

ThinRod() is an example of an object that is axially symmetric and that has a zero moment of inertia about Bp in the unit_vector direction.

static ThinRod(length: pydrake.symbolic.Expression, unit_vector: numpy.ndarray[object[3, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[Expression]

Creates a unit inertia for a uniform density thin rod B about its center of mass Bcm (which is coincident with B’s geometric center Bo).

Parameter length:

length of rod in unit_vector direction (meters).

Parameter unit_vector:

unit vector defining the rod’s axial direction, expressed in a frame E.

Returns G_BBcm_E:

B’s unit inertia about Bcm expressed in the same frame E that the unit_vector is expressed.


B’s unit inertia about Bcm is axially symmetric, meaning B has an equal moment of inertia about any line that both passes through Bcm and is perpendicular to unit_vector.

  • RuntimeError if length is not positive or if ‖unit_vector‖ is not

  • within 1.0E-14 of 1.0.


B’s axial moment of inertia (along the rod) is zero..

static TriaxiallySymmetric(I_triaxial: pydrake.symbolic.Expression) pydrake.multibody.tree.UnitInertia_[Expression]
class pydrake.multibody.tree.UniversalJoint

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint

This joint models a universal joint allowing two bodies to rotate relative to one another with two degrees of freedom. A universal joint can be thought of as a mechanism consisting of three bodies; the parent body P, an intermediate cross-shaped body I, and the child body B. In a physical universal joint, body I has a significantly smaller mass than P or B. This universal joint model corresponds to the mathematical limit of having a body I of negligible mass. Given a frame F attached to the parent body P and a frame M attached to the child body B (see the Joint class’s documentation), the orientation of M in F can then naturally be defined as follows using a body fixed rotation sequence. A first rotation of θ₁ about Fx defines the orientation R_FI of the intermediate frame I attached to body I (notice that by definition Ix = Fx at all times). A second rotation of θ₂ about Iy defines the orientation R_IM of frame M (notice that by definition My = Iy at all times). Mathematically, the orientation of frame M in F is given by

Click to expand C++ code...
R_FM(q) = R_FI(θ₁) * R_IM(θ₂)

No translational motion of M in F is allowed and the origins, Mo and Fo, of frames M and F respectively remain coincident. The angles of rotation about F’s x-axis and M’s y-axis, along with their rates, specify the state of the joint. Zero θ₁, θ₂ angles corresponds to frames F, I, and M being coincident. Angles (θ₁, θ₂) are defined to be positive according to the right-hand-rule with the thumb aligned in the direction of their respective axes.


This class is templated; see UniversalJoint_ for the list of instantiations.

__init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniversalJoint, name: str, frame_on_parent: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, frame_on_child: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, damping: float = 0) None

Constructor to create a universal joint between two bodies so that frame F attached to the parent body P and frame M attached to the child body B rotate as described in the class’s documentation. See class documentation for details on the angles defining orientation. This constructor signature creates a joint with no joint limits, i.e. the joint position, velocity and acceleration limits are the pair (-∞, ∞). These can be set using the Joint methods set_position_limits(), set_velocity_limits() and set_acceleration_limits(). The first three arguments to this constructor are those of the Joint class constructor. See the Joint class’s documentation for details. The additional parameters are:

Parameter damping:

Viscous damping coefficient, in N⋅m⋅s, used to model losses within the joint. See documentation of default_damping() for details on modelling of the damping torque.


RuntimeError if damping is negative.

default_damping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniversalJoint) float

Returns this joint’s default damping constant in N⋅m⋅s. The damping torque (in N⋅m) is modeled as τᵢ = -damping⋅ωᵢ, i = 1, 2 i.e. opposing motion, with ωᵢ the angular rates about the i-th axis for this joint (see get_angular_rates())and τᵢ the torque on child body B about the same i-th axis.

get_angles(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniversalJoint, context: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, 1]]

Gets the rotation angles of this joint from context. See class documentation for the definition of these angles.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.


The angle coordinates of this joint stored in the context ordered as (θ₁, θ₂).

get_angular_rates(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniversalJoint, context: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, 1]]

Gets the rates of change, in radians per second, of this joint’s angles (see class documentation) from context.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.


The rates of change of this joint’s angles as stored in the context.

get_default_angles(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniversalJoint) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, 1]]

Gets the default angles for this joint. Wrapper for the more general Joint::default_positions().


The default angles of this stored in default_positions_

kTypeName = 'universal'
set_angles(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniversalJoint, context:, angles: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.UniversalJoint

Sets the context so that the generalized coordinates corresponding to the rotation angles of this joint equals angles.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Parameter angles:

The desired angles in radians to be stored in context ordered as (θ₁, θ₂). See class documentation for details.


a constant reference to this joint.

set_angular_rates(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniversalJoint, context:, theta_dot: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.UniversalJoint

Sets the rates of change, in radians per second, of this this joint’s angles (see class documentation) to theta_dot. The new rates of change get stored in context.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Parameter theta_dot:

The desired rates of change of this joints’s angles in radians per second.


a constant reference to this joint.

set_default_angles(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniversalJoint, angles: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, 1]]) None

Sets the default angles of this joint.

Parameter angles:

The desired default angles of the joint

set_random_angles_distribution(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniversalJoint, angles: numpy.ndarray[object[2, 1]]) None

Sets the random distribution that angles of this joint will be randomly sampled from. See class documentation for details on the definition of the angles.

template pydrake.multibody.tree.UniversalJoint_

Instantiations: UniversalJoint_[float], UniversalJoint_[AutoDiffXd], UniversalJoint_[Expression]

class pydrake.multibody.tree.UniversalJoint_[AutoDiffXd]

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd]

This joint models a universal joint allowing two bodies to rotate relative to one another with two degrees of freedom. A universal joint can be thought of as a mechanism consisting of three bodies; the parent body P, an intermediate cross-shaped body I, and the child body B. In a physical universal joint, body I has a significantly smaller mass than P or B. This universal joint model corresponds to the mathematical limit of having a body I of negligible mass. Given a frame F attached to the parent body P and a frame M attached to the child body B (see the Joint class’s documentation), the orientation of M in F can then naturally be defined as follows using a body fixed rotation sequence. A first rotation of θ₁ about Fx defines the orientation R_FI of the intermediate frame I attached to body I (notice that by definition Ix = Fx at all times). A second rotation of θ₂ about Iy defines the orientation R_IM of frame M (notice that by definition My = Iy at all times). Mathematically, the orientation of frame M in F is given by

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R_FM(q) = R_FI(θ₁) * R_IM(θ₂)

No translational motion of M in F is allowed and the origins, Mo and Fo, of frames M and F respectively remain coincident. The angles of rotation about F’s x-axis and M’s y-axis, along with their rates, specify the state of the joint. Zero θ₁, θ₂ angles corresponds to frames F, I, and M being coincident. Angles (θ₁, θ₂) are defined to be positive according to the right-hand-rule with the thumb aligned in the direction of their respective axes.

__init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniversalJoint_[AutoDiffXd], name: str, frame_on_parent: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], frame_on_child: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], damping: float = 0) None

Constructor to create a universal joint between two bodies so that frame F attached to the parent body P and frame M attached to the child body B rotate as described in the class’s documentation. See class documentation for details on the angles defining orientation. This constructor signature creates a joint with no joint limits, i.e. the joint position, velocity and acceleration limits are the pair (-∞, ∞). These can be set using the Joint methods set_position_limits(), set_velocity_limits() and set_acceleration_limits(). The first three arguments to this constructor are those of the Joint class constructor. See the Joint class’s documentation for details. The additional parameters are:

Parameter damping:

Viscous damping coefficient, in N⋅m⋅s, used to model losses within the joint. See documentation of default_damping() for details on modelling of the damping torque.


RuntimeError if damping is negative.

default_damping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniversalJoint_[AutoDiffXd]) float

Returns this joint’s default damping constant in N⋅m⋅s. The damping torque (in N⋅m) is modeled as τᵢ = -damping⋅ωᵢ, i = 1, 2 i.e. opposing motion, with ωᵢ the angular rates about the i-th axis for this joint (see get_angular_rates())and τᵢ the torque on child body B about the same i-th axis.

get_angles(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniversalJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[object[2, 1]]

Gets the rotation angles of this joint from context. See class documentation for the definition of these angles.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.


The angle coordinates of this joint stored in the context ordered as (θ₁, θ₂).

get_angular_rates(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniversalJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[object[2, 1]]

Gets the rates of change, in radians per second, of this joint’s angles (see class documentation) from context.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.


The rates of change of this joint’s angles as stored in the context.

get_default_angles(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniversalJoint_[AutoDiffXd]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, 1]]

Gets the default angles for this joint. Wrapper for the more general Joint::default_positions().


The default angles of this stored in default_positions_

kTypeName = 'universal'
set_angles(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniversalJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], angles: numpy.ndarray[object[2, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.UniversalJoint_[AutoDiffXd]

Sets the context so that the generalized coordinates corresponding to the rotation angles of this joint equals angles.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Parameter angles:

The desired angles in radians to be stored in context ordered as (θ₁, θ₂). See class documentation for details.


a constant reference to this joint.

set_angular_rates(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniversalJoint_[AutoDiffXd], context:[AutoDiffXd], theta_dot: numpy.ndarray[object[2, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.UniversalJoint_[AutoDiffXd]

Sets the rates of change, in radians per second, of this this joint’s angles (see class documentation) to theta_dot. The new rates of change get stored in context.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Parameter theta_dot:

The desired rates of change of this joints’s angles in radians per second.


a constant reference to this joint.

set_default_angles(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniversalJoint_[AutoDiffXd], angles: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, 1]]) None

Sets the default angles of this joint.

Parameter angles:

The desired default angles of the joint

set_random_angles_distribution(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniversalJoint_[AutoDiffXd], angles: numpy.ndarray[object[2, 1]]) None

Sets the random distribution that angles of this joint will be randomly sampled from. See class documentation for details on the definition of the angles.

class pydrake.multibody.tree.UniversalJoint_[Expression]

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression]

This joint models a universal joint allowing two bodies to rotate relative to one another with two degrees of freedom. A universal joint can be thought of as a mechanism consisting of three bodies; the parent body P, an intermediate cross-shaped body I, and the child body B. In a physical universal joint, body I has a significantly smaller mass than P or B. This universal joint model corresponds to the mathematical limit of having a body I of negligible mass. Given a frame F attached to the parent body P and a frame M attached to the child body B (see the Joint class’s documentation), the orientation of M in F can then naturally be defined as follows using a body fixed rotation sequence. A first rotation of θ₁ about Fx defines the orientation R_FI of the intermediate frame I attached to body I (notice that by definition Ix = Fx at all times). A second rotation of θ₂ about Iy defines the orientation R_IM of frame M (notice that by definition My = Iy at all times). Mathematically, the orientation of frame M in F is given by

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R_FM(q) = R_FI(θ₁) * R_IM(θ₂)

No translational motion of M in F is allowed and the origins, Mo and Fo, of frames M and F respectively remain coincident. The angles of rotation about F’s x-axis and M’s y-axis, along with their rates, specify the state of the joint. Zero θ₁, θ₂ angles corresponds to frames F, I, and M being coincident. Angles (θ₁, θ₂) are defined to be positive according to the right-hand-rule with the thumb aligned in the direction of their respective axes.

__init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniversalJoint_[Expression], name: str, frame_on_parent: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], frame_on_child: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], damping: float = 0) None

Constructor to create a universal joint between two bodies so that frame F attached to the parent body P and frame M attached to the child body B rotate as described in the class’s documentation. See class documentation for details on the angles defining orientation. This constructor signature creates a joint with no joint limits, i.e. the joint position, velocity and acceleration limits are the pair (-∞, ∞). These can be set using the Joint methods set_position_limits(), set_velocity_limits() and set_acceleration_limits(). The first three arguments to this constructor are those of the Joint class constructor. See the Joint class’s documentation for details. The additional parameters are:

Parameter damping:

Viscous damping coefficient, in N⋅m⋅s, used to model losses within the joint. See documentation of default_damping() for details on modelling of the damping torque.


RuntimeError if damping is negative.

default_damping(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniversalJoint_[Expression]) float

Returns this joint’s default damping constant in N⋅m⋅s. The damping torque (in N⋅m) is modeled as τᵢ = -damping⋅ωᵢ, i = 1, 2 i.e. opposing motion, with ωᵢ the angular rates about the i-th axis for this joint (see get_angular_rates())and τᵢ the torque on child body B about the same i-th axis.

get_angles(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniversalJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[object[2, 1]]

Gets the rotation angles of this joint from context. See class documentation for the definition of these angles.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.


The angle coordinates of this joint stored in the context ordered as (θ₁, θ₂).

get_angular_rates(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniversalJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[object[2, 1]]

Gets the rates of change, in radians per second, of this joint’s angles (see class documentation) from context.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.


The rates of change of this joint’s angles as stored in the context.

get_default_angles(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniversalJoint_[Expression]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, 1]]

Gets the default angles for this joint. Wrapper for the more general Joint::default_positions().


The default angles of this stored in default_positions_

kTypeName = 'universal'
set_angles(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniversalJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression], angles: numpy.ndarray[object[2, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.UniversalJoint_[Expression]

Sets the context so that the generalized coordinates corresponding to the rotation angles of this joint equals angles.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Parameter angles:

The desired angles in radians to be stored in context ordered as (θ₁, θ₂). See class documentation for details.


a constant reference to this joint.

set_angular_rates(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniversalJoint_[Expression], context:[Expression], theta_dot: numpy.ndarray[object[2, 1]]) pydrake.multibody.tree.UniversalJoint_[Expression]

Sets the rates of change, in radians per second, of this this joint’s angles (see class documentation) to theta_dot. The new rates of change get stored in context.

Parameter context:

The context of the model this joint belongs to.

Parameter theta_dot:

The desired rates of change of this joints’s angles in radians per second.


a constant reference to this joint.

set_default_angles(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniversalJoint_[Expression], angles: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[2, 1]]) None

Sets the default angles of this joint.

Parameter angles:

The desired default angles of the joint

set_random_angles_distribution(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.UniversalJoint_[Expression], angles: numpy.ndarray[object[2, 1]]) None

Sets the random distribution that angles of this joint will be randomly sampled from. See class documentation for details on the definition of the angles.

class pydrake.multibody.tree.WeldJoint

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint

This Joint fixes the relative pose between two frames as if “welding” them together.


This class is templated; see WeldJoint_ for the list of instantiations.

__init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.WeldJoint, name: str, frame_on_parent_F: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, frame_on_child_M: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame, X_FM: pydrake.math.RigidTransform) None

Constructor for a WeldJoint between a frame_on_parent_F and a frame_on_child_M so that their relative pose X_FM is fixed as if they were “welded” together.

kTypeName = 'weld'
X_FM(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.WeldJoint) pydrake.math.RigidTransform

Returns the pose X_FM of frame M in F.

template pydrake.multibody.tree.WeldJoint_

Instantiations: WeldJoint_[float], WeldJoint_[AutoDiffXd], WeldJoint_[Expression]

class pydrake.multibody.tree.WeldJoint_[AutoDiffXd]

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[AutoDiffXd]

This Joint fixes the relative pose between two frames as if “welding” them together.

__init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.WeldJoint_[AutoDiffXd], name: str, frame_on_parent_F: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], frame_on_child_M: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[AutoDiffXd], X_FM: pydrake.math.RigidTransform) None

Constructor for a WeldJoint between a frame_on_parent_F and a frame_on_child_M so that their relative pose X_FM is fixed as if they were “welded” together.

kTypeName = 'weld'
X_FM(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.WeldJoint_[AutoDiffXd]) pydrake.math.RigidTransform

Returns the pose X_FM of frame M in F.

class pydrake.multibody.tree.WeldJoint_[Expression]

Bases: pydrake.multibody.tree.Joint_[Expression]

This Joint fixes the relative pose between two frames as if “welding” them together.

__init__(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.WeldJoint_[Expression], name: str, frame_on_parent_F: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], frame_on_child_M: pydrake.multibody.tree.Frame_[Expression], X_FM: pydrake.math.RigidTransform) None

Constructor for a WeldJoint between a frame_on_parent_F and a frame_on_child_M so that their relative pose X_FM is fixed as if they were “welded” together.

kTypeName = 'weld'
X_FM(self: pydrake.multibody.tree.WeldJoint_[Expression]) pydrake.math.RigidTransform

Returns the pose X_FM of frame M in F.

pydrake.multibody.tree.world_frame_index() pydrake.multibody.tree.FrameIndex

For every MultibodyPlant the world frame always has this unique index and it is always zero.

pydrake.multibody.tree.world_index() pydrake.multibody.tree.BodyIndex

For every MultibodyPlant the world body always has this unique index and it is always zero.

pydrake.multibody.tree.world_model_instance() pydrake.multibody.tree.ModelInstanceIndex

Returns the model instance containing the world body. For every MultibodyPlant the world body always has this unique model instance and it is always zero (as described in #3088).