numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n], flags.f_contiguous], B: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n], flags.f_contiguous], Q: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n], flags.f_contiguous], R: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n], flags.f_contiguous]) tuple[numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n]], numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n]]]

Computes the optimal feedback controller, u=-Kx, and the optimal cost-to-go J = x’Sx for the problem:

\[x[n+1] = Ax[n] + Bu[n]\]
\[\min_u \sum_0^\infty x'Qx + u'Ru\]
Parameter A:

The state-space dynamics matrix of size num_states x num_states.

Parameter B:

The state-space input matrix of size num_states x num_inputs.

Parameter Q:

A symmetric positive semi-definite cost matrix of size num_states x num_states.

Parameter R:

A symmetric positive definite cost matrix of size num_inputs x num_inputs.


A structure that contains the optimal feedback gain K and the quadratic cost term S. The optimal feedback control is u = -Kx;


RuntimeError if R is not positive definite.


Consolidates the many possible options to be passed to the dynamic programming algorithms.

__init__(self: None
property assume_non_continuous_states_are_fixed

(Advanced) Boolean which, if true, allows this algorithm to optimize without considering the dynamics of any non-continuous states. This is helpful for optimizing systems that might have some additional book-keeping variables in their state. Only use this if you are sure that the dynamics of the additional state variables cannot impact the dynamics of the continuous states. $*Default:* false.

property convergence_tol

Value iteration methods converge when the value function stops changing (typically evaluated with the l∞ norm). This value sets that threshold.

property discount_factor

A value between (0,1] that discounts future rewards.

See also


property input_port_index

For systems with multiple input ports, we must specify which input port is being used in the control design.

See also


property periodic_boundary_conditions
class PeriodicBoundaryCondition

For algorithms that rely on approximations of the state-dynamics (as in FittedValueIteration), this is a list of state dimensions for which the state space maximum value should be “wrapped around” to ensure that all values are in the range [low, high). The classic example is for angles that are wrapped around at 2π.

__init__(self:, state_index: int, low: float, high: float) None
property high
property low
property state_index
property visualization_callback

If callable, this method is invoked during each major iteration of the dynamic programming algorithm, in order to facilitate e.g. graphical inspection/debugging of the results.


The first call happens at iteration 1 (after the value iteration has run once), not zero., context:, t0: float, tf: float, Q: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n], flags.f_contiguous], R: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n], flags.f_contiguous], options: = FiniteHorizonLinearQuadraticRegulatorOptions(Qf=None, N=None, input_port_index=InputPortSelection.kUseFirstInputIfItExists, use_square_root_method=False, simulator_config=SimulatorConfig(integration_scheme='runge_kutta3', max_step_size=0.1, accuracy=0.0001, use_error_control=True, target_realtime_rate=0.0, publish_every_time_step=False)))

If system is a continuous-time system, then solves the differential Riccati equation to compute the optimal controller and optimal cost-to-go for the continuous-time finite-horizon linear quadratic regulator:

\[\min_u (x(t_f)-x_d(t_f))'Q_f(x(t_f)-x_d(t_f)) + \int_{t_0}^{t_f}\]

(x(t)-x_d(t))’Q(x(t)-x_d(t)) dt + int_{t_0}^{t_f} (u(t)-u_d(t))’R(u(t)-u_d(t)) dt + int_{t_0}^{t_f} 2(x(t)-x_d(t))’N(u(t)-u_d(t)) dt text{s.t. } dot{x} - dot{x}_0(t) = A(t)(x(t) - x_0(t)) + B(t)(u(t) - u_0(t)) + c(t)

where \(A(t)\), \(B(t)\), and \(c(t)\) are taken from the gradients of the continuous-time dynamics \(\dot{x} = f(t,x,u)\), where \(A(t) = \frac{\partial f}{\partial x}(t, x_0(t), u_0(t))\), \(B(t) = \frac{\partial f}{\partial u}(t, x_0(t), u_0(t))\), and \(c(t) = f(t, x_0(t), u_0(t)) - \dot{x}_0(t)\). \(x_0(t)\) and \(u_0(t)\) can be specified in options, otherwise are taken to be constant trajectories with values given by context.

If system is a discrete-time system, then solves the Riccati difference equation to compute the optimal controller and optimal cost-to-go for the doscrete-time finite-horizon linear quadratic regulator:

\[\min_u (x[N]-x_d[N])'Q_f(x[N]-x_d[N]) + \sum_{n=0}^{N-1}\]

(x[n]-x_d[n])’Q(x[n]-x_d[n])+ sum_{n=0}^{N-1} (u[n]-u_d[n])’R(u[n]-u_d[n]) + sum_{n=0}^{N-1} 2(x[n]-x_d[n])’N(u[n]-u_d[n]) text{s.t. } x[n+1] - x_0[n+1] = A[n](x[n] - x_0[n]) + B[n](u[n] - u_0[n]) + c[n]

where \(A[n]\), \(B[n]\), and \(c[n]\) are taken from the gradients of the discrete-time dynamics \(x[n+1] = f_d(n,x[n],u[n])\), where \(A[n] =\frac{\partial f_d}{\partial x}(x_0[n], u_0[n]), B[n] = \frac{\partial f_d}{\partial u}(n,x_0[n], u_0[n])\), and \(c[n] = f_d(n,x_0[n],u_0[n]) - x_0[n+1]\). \(x_0[n]\) and \(u_0[n]\) can be specified in options, otherwise are taken to be constant trajectories with values given by context.

Parameter system:

a System<double> representing the plant.

Parameter context:

a Context<double> used to pass the default input, state, and parameters. Note: Use options to specify time-varying nominal state and/or input trajectories.

Parameter t0:

is the initial time.

Parameter tf:

is the final time (with tf > t0).

Parameter Q:

is nxn positive semi-definite.

Parameter R:

is mxm positive definite.

Parameter options:

is the optional FiniteHorizonLinearQuadraticRegulatorOptions.


FiniteHorizonLinearQuadraticRegulatorResult representing a continuous-time or a discrete-time finite-horizon LQR.


system must be a System<double> with n continuous state variables and m inputs, or a System<double> with n discrete state variables and m inputs. It must be convertible to System<AutoDiffXd>.


Richer specification of the objective is anticipated (they are listed in the code as TODOs).


A structure to facilitate passing the myriad of optional arguments to the FiniteHorizonLinearQuadraticRegulator algorithms.

__init__(self: None
property input_port_index

For systems with multiple input ports, we must specify which input port is being used in the control design.

See also


property N

A num_states x num_inputs matrix that describes the running cost 2(x-xd(t))’N(u-ud(t)). If unset, then N will be set to the zero matrix.

property Qf

A num_states x num_states positive semi-definite matrix which specified the cost at the final time. If unset, then Qf will be set to the zero matrix.

property simulator_config

For continuous-time finite-horizon LQR, the Riccati differential equation is solved by the Simulator (running backwards in time). Use this parameter to configure the simulator (e.g. choose non-default integrator or integrator parameters).

property u0

A nominal input trajectory. The system is linearized about this trajectory. u0 must be defined over the entire interval [t0, tf] for the continuous-time case, or at least over the sample times for the discrete-time case. If null, then u0 is taken to be a constant trajectory (whose value is specified by the context passed into the LQR method).

property ud

A desired input trajectory. The objective is to regulate to this trajectory – the input component of the quadratic running cost is (u-ud(t))’*R*(u-ud(t)). If null, then ud(t) = u0(t).

property use_square_root_method

Enables the “square-root” method solution to the Riccati equation. This is slightly more expensive and potentially less numerically accurate (errors are bounded on the square root), but is more numerically robust. When True, then you must also set a (positive definite and symmetric) Qf in this options struct.

property x0

A nominal state trajectory. The system is linearized about this trajectory. x0 must be defined over the entire interval [t0, tf] for the continuous-time case, or at least over the sample times for the discrete-time case. If null, then x0 is taken to be a constant trajectory (whose value is specified by the context passed into the LQR method).

property xd

A desired state trajectory. The objective is to regulate to this trajectory – the state component of the quadratic running cost is (x-xd(t))’*Q*(x-xd(t)) and the final cost is (x-xd(t))’Qf(x-xd(t)). If null, then xd(t) = x0(t).


A structure that contains the basic FiniteHorizonLinearQuadraticRegulator results.

The continuous-time finite-horizon cost-to-go is given by (x-x₀(t))’*S(t)*(x-x₀(t)) + 2(x-x₀(t))’sₓ(t) + s₀(t) and the optimal controller is given by u-u₀(t) = -K(t) (x-x₀(t)) - k₀(t). Please don’t overlook the factor of 2 in front of the sₓ(t) term.

The discrete-time finite-horizon cost-to-go is given by (x−x₀[n])’*S[n]*(x−x₀[n])) + 2(x−x₀[n])’sₓ[n] + s₀[n] and the optimal controller is given by u−u₀[n] = −K[n] (x−x₀[n]) − k₀[n]. Please don’t overlook the factor of 2 in front of the sₓ[n] term.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)
property K

This K is the K_x term in the derivation notes.



property k0
property S
property s0
property sx
property u0
property x0, arg1: Callable[[], float], arg2: list[set[float]], arg3: list[set[float]], arg4: float, arg5: tuple[, numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[1, n]]]

Implements Fitted Value Iteration on a (triangulated) Barycentric Mesh, which designs a state-feedback policy to minimize the infinite-horizon cost ∑ γⁿ g(x[n],u[n]), where γ is the discount factor in options.

For background, and a description of this algorithm, see . It currently requires that the system to be optimized has only continuous state and it is assumed to be time invariant. This code makes a discrete-time approximation (using time_step) for the value iteration update.

Parameter simulator:

contains the reference to the System being optimized and to a Context for that system, which may contain non-default Parameters, etc. The simulator is run for time_step seconds from every point on the mesh in order to approximate the dynamics; all of the simulation parameters (integrator, etc) are relevant during that evaluation.

Parameter cost_function:

is the continuous-time instantaneous cost. This implementation of the discrete-time formulation above uses the approximation g(x,u) = time_step*cost_function(x,u).

Parameter state_grid:

defines the mesh on the state space used to represent the cost-to-go function and the resulting policy.

Parameter input_grid:

defines the discrete action space used in the value iteration update.

Parameter time_step:

a time in seconds used for the discrete-time approximation.

Parameter options:

optional DynamicProgrammingOptions structure.


a std::pair containing the resulting policy, implemented as a BarycentricMeshSystem, and the RowVectorXd J that defines the expected cost-to-go on a BarycentricMesh using state_grid. The policy has a single vector input (which is the continuous state of the system passed in through simulator) and a single vector output (which is the input of the system passed in through simulator).



Solves inverse dynamics with no consideration for joint actuator force limits.

Computes the generalized force τ_id that needs to be applied so that the multibody system undergoes a desired acceleration vd_d. That is, τ_id is the result of an inverse dynamics computation according to:

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τ_id = M(q)vd_d + C(q, v)v - τ_g(q) - τ_app

where M(q) is the mass matrix, C(q, v)v is the bias term containing Coriolis and gyroscopic effects, τ_g(q) is the vector of generalized forces due to gravity and τ_app contains applied forces from force elements added to the multibody model (this can include damping, springs, etc. See MultibodyPlant::CalcForceElementsContribution()).

The system also provides a pure gravity compensation mode via an option in the constructor. In this case, the output is simply

Click to expand C++ code...
τ_id = -τ_g(q).


As an alternative to adding a controller to your diagram, gravity compensation can be modeled by disabling gravity for a given model instance, see MultibodyPlant::set_gravity_enabled(), unless the gravity compensation needs to be accounted for when evaluating effort limits.

InverseDynamicsController uses a PID controller to generate desired acceleration and uses this class to compute generalized forces. Use this class directly if desired acceleration is computed differently.

→ generalized_force

The desired acceleration port shown in <span style=”color:gray”>gray</span> is only present when the mode at construction is not kGravityCompensation.

__init__(self:, plant: pydrake.multibody.plant.MultibodyPlant, mode: = <InverseDynamicsMode.kInverseDynamics: 0>, plant_context: = None) None

Constructs the InverseDynamics system.

Parameter plant:

Pointer to the multibody plant model. The life span of plant must be longer than that of this instance.

Parameter mode:

If set to kGravityCompensation, this instance will only consider the gravity term. It also will NOT have the desired acceleration input port.

Parameter plant_context:

A specific context of plant to use for computing inverse dynamics. For example, you can use this to pass in a context with modified mass parameters. If nullptr, the default context of the given plant is used. Note that this will be copied at time of construction, so there are no lifetime constraints.


The plant must be finalized (i.e., plant.is_finalized() must return True). Also, plant_context, if provided, must be compatible with plant.


Returns the input port for the desired acceleration.


Returns the input port for the estimated state.


Returns the output port for the generalized forces that realize the desired acceleration. The dimension of that force vector will be identical to the dimensionality of the generalized velocities.

class InverseDynamicsMode


kInverseDynamics :

kGravityCompensation : Purely gravity compensation mode.

__init__(self:, value: int) None
kGravityCompensation = <InverseDynamicsMode.kGravityCompensation: 1>
kInverseDynamics = <InverseDynamicsMode.kInverseDynamics: 0>
property name
property value
is_pure_gravity_compensation(self: bool
kGravityCompensation = <InverseDynamicsMode.kGravityCompensation: 1>
kInverseDynamics = <InverseDynamicsMode.kInverseDynamics: 0>


A state feedback controller that uses a PidController to generate desired accelerations, which are then converted into MultibodyPlant actuation inputs using InverseDynamics (with mode = InverseDynamics::kInverseDynamics). More specifically, the output of this controller is:

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actuation = B⁻¹ generalized_force, and
  generalized_force = inverse_dynamics(q, v, vd_command), where
  vd_command = kp(q_d - q) + kd(v_d - v) + ki int(q_d - q) + vd_d.

Here q and v stand for the generalized position and velocity, and vd is the generalized acceleration, and B is the actuation matrix. The subscript _d indicates desired values, and vd_command indicates the acceleration command (which includes the stabilization terms) passed to the inverse dynamics computation.

→ actuation
→ generalized_force

The desired acceleration port shown in <span style=”color:gray”>gray</span> may be absent, depending on the arguments passed to the constructor.

Note that this class assumes the robot is fully actuated, its position and velocity have the same dimension, and it does not have a floating base. If violated, the program will abort. This controller was not designed for use with a constrained plant (e.g. multibody::MultibodyPlant::num_constraints() > 0): the controller does not account for any constraint forces. Use on such systems is not recommended.

See also

InverseDynamics for an accounting of all forces incorporated into the inverse dynamics computation.

__init__(self:, robot: pydrake.multibody.plant.MultibodyPlant, kp: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]], ki: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]], kd: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]], has_reference_acceleration: bool, plant_context: = None) None

Constructs an inverse dynamics controller for the given plant model. The InverseDynamicsController holds an internal, non-owned reference to the MultibodyPlant object so you must ensure that plant has a longer lifetime than this InverseDynamicsController.

Parameter plant:

The model of the plant for control.

Parameter kp:

Position gain.

Parameter ki:

Integral gain.

Parameter kd:

Velocity gain.

Parameter has_reference_acceleration:

If true, there is an extra BasicVector input port for vd_d. If false, vd_d is treated as zero, and no extra input port is declared.

Parameter plant_context:

The context of the plant that can be used to override the plant’s default parameters. Note that this will be copied at time of construction, so there are no lifetime constraints.


plant has been finalized (plant.is_finalized() returns True). Also, plant and plant_context must be compatible.

  • RuntimeError if - The plant is not finalized (see

  • MultibodyPlant::Finalize()) - The plant is not compatible with

  • the plant context. - The number of generalized velocities is not

  • equal to the number of generalized positions. - The model is not

  • fully actuated. - Vector kp, ki and kd do not all have the same

  • size equal to the number of generalized positions.


Returns the input port for the reference acceleration.


Returns the input port for the desired state.


Returns the input port for the estimated state.

get_multibody_plant_for_control(self: pydrake.multibody.plant.MultibodyPlant

Returns a constant pointer to the MultibodyPlant used for control.


Returns the output port for computed actuation/control.


Returns the output port for computed generalized_force.

set_integral_value(self:, arg0:, arg1: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]) None

Sets the integral part of the PidController to value. value must be a column vector of the appropriate size.



Implements a joint-space stiffness controller of the form

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τ_control = B⁻¹[−τ_g(q) − τ_app + kp⊙(q_d − q) + kd⊙(v_d − v)]

where Kp and Kd are the joint stiffness and damping coefficients, respectively, τ_g(q) is the vector of generalized forces due to gravity, and τ_app contains applied forces from force elements added to the multibody model (this can include damping, springs, etc. See MultibodyPlant::CalcForceElementsContribution()). B⁻¹ is the inverse of the actuation matrix. q_d and v_d are the desired (setpoint) values for the multibody positions and velocities, respectively. kd and kp are taken as vectors, and ⊙ represents elementwise multiplication.

The goal of this controller is to produce a closed-loop dynamics that resembles a spring-damper dynamics at the joints around the setpoint:

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M(q)v̇ + C(q,v)v + kp⊙(q - q_d) + kd⊙(v - v_d) = τ_ext,

where M(q)v̇ + C(q,v)v are the original multibody mass and Coriolis terms, and τ_ext are any external generalized forces that can arise, e.g. from contact forces.

The controller currently requires that plant.num_positions() == plant.num_velocities() == plant.num_actuated_dofs() and that plant.IsVelocityEqualToQDot() is true.

→ actuation

Note that the joint impedance control as implemented on Kuka’s iiwa and Franka’ Panda is best modeled as a stiffness controller (unless one were to model the actual elastic joints and rotor-inertia shaping). See for more details.


As an alternative to adding a separate controller system to your diagram, you can model a JointStiffness controller using MultibodyPlant APIs. Refer to MultibodyPlant::set_gravity_enabled() as an alternative to modeling gravity compensation (unless the gravity compensation terms need to be accounted for when computing effort limits). To model PD controlled actuators, refer to mbp_actuation “Actuation”.

__init__(self:, plant: pydrake.multibody.plant.MultibodyPlant, kp: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]], kd: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]) None

Constructs the JointStiffnessController system.

Parameter plant:

Reference to the multibody plant model. The life span of plant must be at least as long as that of this instance.


The plant must be finalized (i.e., plant.is_finalized() must return True).


plant.num_positions() == plant.num_velocities() == plant.num_actuated_dofs() == kp.size() == kd.size()


plant.IsVelocityEqualToQDot() is true.


Returns the input port for the desired state.


Returns the input port for the estimated state.

get_multibody_plant(self: pydrake.multibody.plant.MultibodyPlant

Returns a constant pointer to the MultibodyPlant used for control.


Returns the output port implementing the control in the form (and order) expected for the plant’s actuation input port.


Returns the output port for the generalized forces implementing the control. */ (Deprecated.)


Use get_output_port_actuation() instead, which multiplies the generalized force by B⁻¹ to be consumed by MultibodyPlant’s actuation input port. This will be removed from Drake on or after 2025-04-01., arg1: Callable[[], float], arg2: Callable[[numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]], numpy.ndarray[object[m, 1]]], pydrake.symbolic.Expression], arg3: int, arg4: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n], flags.f_contiguous], arg5: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n], flags.f_contiguous], arg6: float, arg7: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]

Implements the Linear Programming approach to approximate dynamic programming. It optimizes the linear program

maximize ∑ Jₚ(x). subject to ∀x, ∀u, Jₚ(x) ≤ g(x,u) + γJₚ(f(x,u)),

where g(x,u) is the one-step cost, Jₚ(x) is a (linearly) parameterized cost-to-go function with parameter vector p, and γ is the discount factor in options.

For background, and a description of this algorithm, see . It currently requires that the system to be optimized has only continuous state and it is assumed to be time invariant. This code makes a discrete-time approximation (using time_step) for the value iteration update.

Parameter simulator:

contains the reference to the System being optimized and to a Context for that system, which may contain non-default Parameters, etc. The simulator is run for time_step seconds from every pair of input/state sample points in order to approximate the dynamics; all of the simulation parameters (integrator, etc) are relevant during that evaluation.

Parameter cost_function:

is the continuous-time instantaneous cost. This implementation of the discrete-time formulation above uses the approximation g(x,u) = time_step*cost_function(x,u).

Parameter linearly_parameterized_cost_to_go_function:

must define a function to approximate the cost-to-go, which takes the state vector as the first input and the parameter vector as the second input. This can be any function of the form Jₚ(x) = ∑ pᵢ φᵢ(x). This algorithm will pass in a VectorX of symbolic::Variable in order to set up the linear program.

Parameter state_samples:

is a list of sample states (one per column) at which to apply the optimization constraints and the objective.

Parameter input_samples:

is a list of inputs (one per column) which are evaluated at every sample point.

Parameter time_step:

a time in seconds used for the discrete-time approximation.

Parameter options:

optional DynamicProgrammingOptions structure.


params the VectorXd of parameters that optimizes the supplied cost-to-go function.*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. LinearQuadraticRegulator(A: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n], flags.f_contiguous], B: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n], flags.f_contiguous], Q: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n], flags.f_contiguous], R: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n], flags.f_contiguous], N: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n], flags.f_contiguous] = array([], shape=(0, 0), dtype=float64), F: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n], flags.f_contiguous] = array([], shape=(0, 0), dtype=float64)) -> tuple[numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n]], numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n]]]

Computes the optimal feedback controller, u=-Kx, and the optimal cost-to-go J = x’Sx for the problem:

\[\min_u \int_0^\infty x'Qx + u'Ru + 2x'Nu dt\]
\[\dot{x} = Ax + Bu\]
\[Fx = 0\]
Parameter A:

The state-space dynamics matrix of size num_states x num_states.

Parameter B:

The state-space input matrix of size num_states x num_inputs.

Parameter Q:

A symmetric positive semi-definite cost matrix of size num_states x num_states.

Parameter R:

A symmetric positive definite cost matrix of size num_inputs x num_inputs.

Parameter N:

A cost matrix of size num_states x num_inputs. If N.rows() == 0, N will be treated as a num_states x num_inputs zero matrix.

Parameter F:

A constraint matrix of size num_constraints x num_states. rank(F) must be < num_states. If F.rows() == 0, F will be treated as a 0 x num_states zero matrix.


A structure that contains the optimal feedback gain K and the quadratic cost term S. The optimal feedback control is u = -Kx;


RuntimeError if R is not positive definite.


The system (A₁, B) should be stabilizable, where A₁=A−BR⁻¹Nᵀ.


The system (Q₁, A₁) should be detectable, where Q₁=Q−NR⁻¹Nᵀ.

  1. LinearQuadraticRegulator(system:, Q: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n], flags.f_contiguous], R: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n], flags.f_contiguous], N: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n], flags.f_contiguous] = array([], shape=(0, 0), dtype=float64)) ->

Creates a system that implements the optimal time-invariant linear quadratic regulator (LQR). If system is a continuous-time system, then solves the continuous-time LQR problem:

\[\min_u \int_0^\infty x^T(t)Qx(t) + u^T(t)Ru(t) + + 2x^T(t)Nu(t) dt.\]

If system is a discrete-time system, then solves the discrete-time LQR problem:

\[\min_u \sum_0^\infty x^T[n]Qx[n] + u^T[n]Ru[n] + 2x^T[n]Nu[n].\]
Parameter system:

The System to be controlled.

Parameter Q:

A symmetric positive semi-definite cost matrix of size num_states x num_states.

Parameter R:

A symmetric positive definite cost matrix of size num_inputs x num_inputs.

Parameter N:

A cost matrix of size num_states x num_inputs.


A system implementing the optimal controller in the original system coordinates.


RuntimeError if R is not positive definite.

  1. LinearQuadraticRegulator(system:, context:, Q: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n], flags.f_contiguous], R: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n], flags.f_contiguous], N: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n], flags.f_contiguous] = array([], shape=(0, 0), dtype=float64), input_port_index: int = 0) ->

Linearizes the System around the specified Context, computes the optimal time-invariant linear quadratic regulator (LQR), and returns a System which implements that regulator in the original System’s coordinates. If system is a continuous-time system, then solves the continuous-time LQR problem:

\[\min_u \int_0^\infty (x-x_0)^TQ(x-x_0) + (u-u_0)^TR(u-u_0) + 2 (x-x_0)^TN(u-u_0) dt.\]

If system is a discrete-time system, then solves the discrete-time LQR problem:

\[\min_u \sum_0^\infty (x-x_0)^TQ(x-x_0) + (u-u_0)^TR(u-u_0) + 2(x-x_0)^TN(u-u_0),\]

where \(x_0\) is the nominal state and \(u_0\) is the nominal input. The system is considered discrete if it has a single discrete state vector and a single unique periodic update event declared.

Parameter system:

The System to be controlled.

Parameter context:

Defines the desired state and control input to regulate the system to. Note that this state/input must be an equilibrium point of the system. See drake::systems::Linearize for more details.

Parameter Q:

A symmetric positive semi-definite cost matrix of size num_states x num_states.

Parameter R:

A symmetric positive definite cost matrix of size num_inputs x num_inputs.

Parameter N:

A cost matrix of size num_states x num_inputs. If the matrix is zero-sized, N will be treated as a num_states x num_inputs zero matrix.

Parameter input_port_index:

The index of the input port to linearize around.


A system implementing the optimal controller in the original system coordinates.


RuntimeError if R is not positive definite. $See also

drake::systems::Linearize(), context:, t0: float, tf: float, Q: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n], flags.f_contiguous], R: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n], flags.f_contiguous], options: = FiniteHorizonLinearQuadraticRegulatorOptions(Qf=None, N=None, input_port_index=InputPortSelection.kUseFirstInputIfItExists, use_square_root_method=False, simulator_config=SimulatorConfig(integration_scheme='runge_kutta3', max_step_size=0.1, accuracy=0.0001, use_error_control=True, target_realtime_rate=0.0, publish_every_time_step=False)))

Variant of FiniteHorizonLinearQuadraticRegulator that returns a System implementing the regulator (controller) as a System, with a single “plant_state” input for the estimated plant state, and a single “control” output for the regulator control output.

See also

FiniteHorizonLinearQuadraticRegulator for details on the arguments.


To control a continuous-time plant using a discrete-time finite-horizon LQR controller, first convert the plant using DiscreteTimeApproximation and pass it to the function. After obtaining the discrete-time controller, be sure to connect a ZeroOrderHold system to its output. For more details, refer to the DiscreteTimeTrajectory documentation.


For algorithms that rely on approximations of the state-dynamics (as in FittedValueIteration), this is a list of state dimensions for which the state space maximum value should be “wrapped around” to ensure that all values are in the range [low, high). The classic example is for angles that are wrapped around at 2π.

__init__(self:, state_index: int, low: float, high: float) None
property high
property low
property state_index


A system that encapsulates a PidController and a controlled System (a.k.a the “plant”).

The passed in plant must meet the following properties:

  • Input port plant_input_port_index must be all of the control inputs (size U). When the plant is a dynamics model, this is typically the generalized effort (e.g., force or torque) command.

  • The output port passed to the PidControlledSystem constructor must be of size 2 * Q, where the first Q elements are the position states of the plant, and the second Q elements are the velocity states of the plant. Q >= U.

The resulting PidControlledSystem has two input ports with the following properties:

  • Input port zero is the feed forward control (size U), which will be added onto the output of the PID controller. The sum is sent to the plant’s input.

  • Input port one is the desired controlled states (2 * U) of the plant, where the first half are the controlled positions, and the second half are the controlled velocities.

All output ports of the plant are exposed as output ports of the PidControlledSystem in the same order (and therefore with the same index) as they appear in the plant.

Some of the constructors include a parameter called feedback_selector. It is used to select the controlled states from the plant’s state output port. Let S be the gain matrix in parameter feedback_selector. S must have dimensions of (2 * U, 2 * Q). Typically, S contains one 1 in each row, and zeros everywhere else. S does not affect the desired state input. Let ‘x’ be the full state of the plant (size 2 * Q), and ‘x_d’ be the desired state (size 2 * U), S is used to compute the state error as x_err = S * x - x_d.

→ (exported output port of plant, with same name)
→ ...
→ (exported output port of plant, with same name)
__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self:, plant:, kp: float, ki: float, kd: float, state_output_port_index: int = 0, plant_input_port_index: int = 0) -> None

plant full state is used for feedback control, and all the dimensions have homogeneous gains specified by Kp, Kd and Ki.

Parameter plant:

The system to be controlled. This must not be nullptr.

Parameter Kp:

the proportional constant.

Parameter Ki:

the integral constant.

Parameter Kd:

the derivative constant.

Parameter state_output_port_index:

identifies the output port on the plant that contains the (full) state information.

Parameter plant_input_port_index:

identifies the input port on the plant that takes in the input (computed as the output of the PID controller).


a System (i.e., plant) may only be added to at most one Diagram (i.e., this PidControlledSystem) so should not be re-used outside of the PidControlledSystem.

  1. __init__(self:, plant:, kp: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]], ki: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]], kd: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]], state_output_port_index: int = 0, plant_input_port_index: int = 0) -> None

plant full state is used for feedback control, and the vectorized gains are specified by Kp, Kd and Ki.

Parameter plant:

The system to be controlled. This must not be nullptr.

Parameter Kp:

the proportional vector constant.

Parameter Ki:

the integral vector constant.

Parameter Kd:

the derivative vector constant.

Parameter state_output_port_index:

identifies the output port on the plant that contains the (full) state information.

Parameter plant_input_port_index:

identifies the input port on the plant that takes in the input (computed as the output of the PID controller).


a System (i.e., plant) may only be added to at most one Diagram (i.e., this PidControlledSystem) so should not be re-used outside of the PidControlledSystem.

  1. __init__(self:, plant:, feedback_selector: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n]], kp: float, ki: float, kd: float, state_output_port_index: int = 0, plant_input_port_index: int = 0) -> None

A constructor where the gains are scalar values and some of the plant’s output is part of the feedback signal as specified by feedback_selector.

Parameter plant:

The system to be controlled. This must not be nullptr.

Parameter feedback_selector:

The matrix that selects which part of the plant’s full state is fed back to the PID controller. For semantic details of this parameter, see this class’s description.

Parameter Kp:

the proportional constant.

Parameter Ki:

the integral constant.

Parameter Kd:

the derivative constant.

Parameter state_output_port_index:

identifies the output port on the plant that contains the (full) state information.

Parameter plant_input_port_index:

identifies the input port on the plant that takes in the input (computed as the output of the PID controller).


a System (i.e., plant) may only be added to at most one Diagram (i.e., this PidControlledSystem) so should not be re-used outside of the PidControlledSystem.

  1. __init__(self:, plant:, feedback_selector: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n]], kp: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]], ki: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]], kd: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]], state_output_port_index: int = 0, plant_input_port_index: int = 0) -> None

A constructor where the gains are vector values and some of the plant’s output is part of the feedback signal as specified by feedback_selector.

Parameter plant:

The system to be controlled. This must not be nullptr.

Parameter feedback_selector:

The matrix that selects which part of the plant’s full state is fed back to the PID controller. For semantic details of this parameter, see this class’s description.

Parameter Kp:

the proportional vector constant.

Parameter Ki:

the integral vector constant.

Parameter Kd:

the derivative vector constant.

Parameter state_output_port_index:

identifies the output port on the plant that contains the (full) state information.

Parameter plant_input_port_index:

identifies the input port on the plant that takes in the input (computed as the output of the PID controller).


a System (i.e., plant) may only be added to at most one Diagram (i.e., this PidControlledSystem) so should not be re-used outside of the PidControlledSystem.


the input port for the feed forward control input.


the input port for the desired position/velocity state.



Implements the PID controller. Given estimated state x_in = (q_in, v_in), the controlled state x_c = (q_c, v_c) is computed by x_c = P_x * x_in, where P_x is a state projection matrix. The desired state x_d = (q_d, v_d), is in the same space as x_c. The output of this controller is:

Click to expand C++ code...
y = P_y * (kp * (q_d - q_c) + kd * (v_d - v_c) + ki * integral(q_d - q_c)),

where P_y is the output projection matrix.

→ control

This system has one continuous state, which is the integral of position error, two input ports: estimated state x_in and desired state x_d, and one output port y. Note that this class assumes |q_c| = |v_c| and |q_d| = |v_d|. However, |q_c| does not have to equal to |q_d|. One typical use case for non-identity P_x and P_y is to select a subset of state for feedback.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self:, kp: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]], ki: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]], kd: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]) -> None

Constructs a PID controller. P_x and P_y are identity matrices of proper sizes. The estimated and desired state inputs are 2 * kp’s size, and the control output has kp’s size.

Parameter kp:

P gain.

Parameter ki:

I gain.

Parameter kd:

D gain.

  • RuntimeError if kp, ki and kd have different

  • dimensions.

  1. __init__(self:, state_projection: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n]], kp: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]], ki: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]], kd: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]) -> None

Constructs a PID controller. Calls the full constructor, with the output projection matrix P_y being the identity matrix.

Parameter state_projection:

The state projection matrix P_x.

Parameter kp:

P gain.

Parameter ki:

I gain.

Parameter kd:

D gain.

  • RuntimeError if kp, ki and kd have different

  • dimensions or `P_x.row() != 2 * kp'.

  1. __init__(self:, state_projection: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n]], output_projection: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n]], kp: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]], ki: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]], kd: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]) -> None

Constructs a PID controller. This assumes that

Click to expand C++ code...
1. |kp| = |kd| = |ki| = |q_d| = |v_d|
  2. 2 * |q_d| = P_x.rows
  3. |x_in| = P_x.cols
  4. |y| = P_y.rows
  4. |q_d| = P_y.cols
Parameter state_projection:

The state projection matrix P_x.

Parameter output_projection:

The output projection matrix P_y.

Parameter kp:

P gain.

Parameter ki:

I gain.

Parameter kd:

V gain.


RuntimeError if any assumption is violated.


Returns the input port for the desired state.


Returns the input port for the estimated state.

get_Kd_vector(self: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]

Returns the derivative gain vector.

get_Ki_vector(self: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]

Returns the integral gain vector.

get_Kp_vector(self: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]

Returns the proportional gain vector.


Returns the output port for computed control.