template<typename T>
class drake::multibody::PrismaticJoint< T >
This Joint allows two bodies to translate relative to one another along a common axis.
That is, given a frame F attached to the parent body P and a frame M attached to the child body B (see the Joint class's documentation), this Joint allows frames F and M to translate with respect to each other along an axis â. The translation distance is defined positive when child body B translates along the direction of â. Axis â is constant and has the same measures in both frames F and M, that is, â_F = â_M
- Template Parameters
| PrismaticJoint (const std::string &name, const Frame< T > &frame_on_parent, const Frame< T > &frame_on_child, const Vector3< double > &axis, double pos_lower_limit=-std::numeric_limits< double >::infinity(), double pos_upper_limit=std::numeric_limits< double >::infinity(), double damping=0) |
| Constructor to create a prismatic joint between two bodies so that frame F attached to the parent body P and frame M attached to the child body B, translate relatively to one another along a common axis. More...
| ~PrismaticJoint () final |
const std::string & | type_name () const final |
| Returns a string identifying the type of this joint, such as "revolute" or "prismatic". More...
const Vector3< double > & | translation_axis () const |
| Returns the axis of translation for this joint as a unit vector. More...
double | default_damping () const |
| Returns this joint's default damping constant in N⋅s/m. More...
void | set_default_damping (double damping) |
| Sets the default value of viscous damping for this joint, in N⋅s/m. More...
double | position_lower_limit () const |
| Returns the position lower limit for this joint in meters. More...
double | position_upper_limit () const |
| Returns the position upper limit for this joint in meters. More...
double | velocity_lower_limit () const |
| Returns the velocity lower limit for this joint in meters per second. More...
double | velocity_upper_limit () const |
| Returns the velocity upper limit for this joint in meters per second. More...
double | acceleration_lower_limit () const |
| Returns the acceleration lower limit for this joint in meters per second squared. More...
double | acceleration_upper_limit () const |
| Returns the acceleration upper limit for this joint in meters per second squared. More...
double | get_default_translation () const |
| Gets the default translation. More...
void | set_default_translation (double translation) |
| Sets the default_positions of this joint (in this case a single translation) More...
void | set_random_translation_distribution (const symbolic::Expression &translation) |
void | AddInForce (const systems::Context< T > &context, const T &force, MultibodyForces< T > *multibody_forces) const |
| Adds into multibody_forces a given force , in Newtons, for this joint that is to be applied along the joint's axis. More...
| PrismaticJoint (const PrismaticJoint &)=delete |
PrismaticJoint & | operator= (const PrismaticJoint &)=delete |
| PrismaticJoint (PrismaticJoint &&)=delete |
PrismaticJoint & | operator= (PrismaticJoint &&)=delete |
const T & | get_translation (const Context< T > &context) const |
| Gets the translation distance of this mobilizer from context . More...
const PrismaticJoint< T > & | set_translation (Context< T > *context, const T &translation) const |
| Sets context so that the generalized coordinate corresponding to the translation distance of this joint equals translation . More...
const T & | get_translation_rate (const Context< T > &context) const |
| Gets the rate of change, in meters per second, of this joint's translation distance (see get_translation()) from context . More...
const PrismaticJoint< T > & | set_translation_rate (Context< T > *context, const T &translation_dot) const |
| Sets the rate of change, in meters per second, of this joint's translation distance to translation_dot . More...
const T & | GetDamping (const Context< T > &context) const |
| Returns the Context dependent damping coefficient stored as a parameter in context . More...
void | SetDamping (Context< T > *context, const T &damping) const |
| Sets the value of the viscous damping coefficient for this joint, stored as a parameter in context . More...
Public Member Functions inherited from Joint< T > |
| Joint (const std::string &name, const Frame< T > &frame_on_parent, const Frame< T > &frame_on_child, VectorX< double > damping, const VectorX< double > &pos_lower_limits, const VectorX< double > &pos_upper_limits, const VectorX< double > &vel_lower_limits, const VectorX< double > &vel_upper_limits, const VectorX< double > &acc_lower_limits, const VectorX< double > &acc_upper_limits) |
| Creates a joint between two Frame objects which imposes a given kinematic relation between frame F attached on the parent body P and frame M attached on the child body B. More...
| Joint (const std::string &name, const Frame< T > &frame_on_parent, const Frame< T > &frame_on_child, const VectorX< double > &pos_lower_limits, const VectorX< double > &pos_upper_limits, const VectorX< double > &vel_lower_limits, const VectorX< double > &vel_upper_limits, const VectorX< double > &acc_lower_limits, const VectorX< double > &acc_upper_limits) |
| Additional constructor overload for joints with zero damping. More...
virtual | ~Joint () |
JointIndex | index () const |
| Returns this element's unique index. More...
int | ordinal () const |
| Returns this element's unique ordinal. More...
const std::string & | name () const |
| Returns the name of this joint. More...
const RigidBody< T > & | parent_body () const |
| Returns a const reference to the parent body P. More...
const RigidBody< T > & | child_body () const |
| Returns a const reference to the child body B. More...
const Frame< T > & | frame_on_parent () const |
| Returns a const reference to the frame F attached on the parent body P. More...
const Frame< T > & | frame_on_child () const |
| Returns a const reference to the frame M attached on the child body B. More...
int | velocity_start () const |
| Returns the index to the first generalized velocity for this joint within the vector v of generalized velocities for the full multibody system. More...
int | num_velocities () const |
| Returns the number of generalized velocities describing this joint. More...
int | position_start () const |
| Returns the index to the first generalized position for this joint within the vector q of generalized positions for the full multibody system. More...
int | num_positions () const |
| Returns the number of generalized positions describing this joint. More...
bool | can_rotate () const |
| Returns true if this joint's mobility allows relative rotation of the two frames associated with this joint. More...
bool | can_translate () const |
| Returns true if this joint's mobility allows relative translation of the two frames associated with this joint. More...
std::string | position_suffix (int position_index_in_joint) const |
| Returns a string suffix (e.g. More...
std::string | velocity_suffix (int velocity_index_in_joint) const |
| Returns a string suffix (e.g. More...
const T & | GetOnePosition (const systems::Context< T > &context) const |
| Returns the position coordinate for joints with a single degree of freedom. More...
const T & | GetOneVelocity (const systems::Context< T > &context) const |
| Returns the velocity coordinate for joints with a single degree of freedom. More...
void | AddInOneForce (const systems::Context< T > &context, int joint_dof, const T &joint_tau, MultibodyForces< T > *forces) const |
| Adds into forces a force along the one of the joint's degrees of freedom indicated by index joint_dof . More...
void | AddInDamping (const systems::Context< T > &context, MultibodyForces< T > *forces) const |
| Adds into forces the force due to damping within this joint. More...
void | Lock (systems::Context< T > *context) const |
| Lock the joint. More...
void | Unlock (systems::Context< T > *context) const |
| Unlock the joint. More...
bool | is_locked (const systems::Context< T > &context) const |
const VectorX< double > & | default_damping_vector () const |
| Returns all default damping coefficients for joints that model viscous damping, of size num_velocities(). More...
const VectorX< T > & | GetDampingVector (const systems::Context< T > &context) const |
| Returns the Context dependent damping coefficients stored as parameters in context . More...
void | set_default_damping_vector (const VectorX< double > &damping) |
| Sets the default value of the viscous damping coefficients for this joint. More...
void | SetDampingVector (systems::Context< T > *context, const VectorX< T > &damping) const |
| Sets the value of the viscous damping coefficients for this joint, stored as parameters in context . More...
| Joint (const Joint &)=delete |
Joint & | operator= (const Joint &)=delete |
| Joint (Joint &&)=delete |
Joint & | operator= (Joint &&)=delete |
const VectorX< double > & | position_lower_limits () const |
| Returns the position lower limits. More...
const VectorX< double > & | position_upper_limits () const |
| Returns the position upper limits. More...
const VectorX< double > & | velocity_lower_limits () const |
| Returns the velocity lower limits. More...
const VectorX< double > & | velocity_upper_limits () const |
| Returns the velocity upper limits. More...
const VectorX< double > & | acceleration_lower_limits () const |
| Returns the acceleration lower limits. More...
const VectorX< double > & | acceleration_upper_limits () const |
| Returns the acceleration upper limits. More...
void | set_position_limits (const VectorX< double > &lower_limits, const VectorX< double > &upper_limits) |
| Sets the position limits to lower_limits and upper_limits . More...
void | set_velocity_limits (const VectorX< double > &lower_limits, const VectorX< double > &upper_limits) |
| Sets the velocity limits to lower_limits and upper_limits . More...
void | set_acceleration_limits (const VectorX< double > &lower_limits, const VectorX< double > &upper_limits) |
| Sets the acceleration limits to lower_limits and upper_limits . More...
void | set_default_positions (const VectorX< double > &default_positions) |
| Sets the default generalized position coordinates q₀ to default_positions . More...
const VectorX< double > & | default_positions () const |
| Returns the default generalized position coordinates q₀. More...
void | SetPositions (systems::Context< T > *context, const Eigen::Ref< const VectorX< T >> &positions) const |
| Sets in the given context the generalized position coordinates q for this joint to positions . More...
Eigen::Ref< const VectorX< T > > | GetPositions (const systems::Context< T > &context) const |
| Returns the current value in the given context of the generalized coordinates q for this joint. More...
void | SetVelocities (systems::Context< T > *context, const Eigen::Ref< const VectorX< T >> &velocities) const |
| Sets in the given context the generalized velocity coordinates v for this joint to velocities . More...
Eigen::Ref< const VectorX< T > > | GetVelocities (const systems::Context< T > &context) const |
| Returns the current value in the given context of the generalized velocities v for this joint. More...
void | SetDefaultPose (const math::RigidTransform< double > &X_FM) |
| Sets this joint's default generalized positions q₀ such that the pose of the child frame M in the parent frame F best matches the given pose. More...
math::RigidTransform< double > | GetDefaultPose () const |
| Returns this joint's default pose as a RigidTransform X_FM. More...
void | SetPose (systems::Context< T > *context, const math::RigidTransform< T > &X_FM) const |
| Sets in the given context this joint's generalized positions q such that the pose of the child frame M in the parent frame F best matches the given pose. More...
math::RigidTransform< T > | GetPose (const systems::Context< T > &context) const |
| Returns this joint's current pose using its position coordinates q taken from the given context and converting that to a RigidTransform X_FM(q). More...
void | SetSpatialVelocity (systems::Context< T > *context, const SpatialVelocity< T > &V_FM) const |
| Sets in the given context this joint's generalized velocities v such that the spatial velocity of the child frame M in the parent frame F best matches the given spatial velocity. More...
SpatialVelocity< T > | GetSpatialVelocity (const systems::Context< T > &context) const |
| Given the generalized positions q and generalized velocities v for this joint in the given context , returns the cross-joint spatial velocity V_FM. More...
void | SetDefaultPosePair (const Quaternion< double > &q_FM, const Vector3< double > &p_FM) |
| (Advanced) This is the same as SetDefaultPose() except it takes the pose as a (quaternion, translation vector) pair. More...
std::pair< Eigen::Quaternion< double >, Vector3< double > > | GetDefaultPosePair () const |
| (Advanced) This is the same as GetDefaultPose() except it returns this joint's default pose as a (quaternion, translation vector) pair. More...
void | SetPosePair (systems::Context< T > *context, const Quaternion< T > &q_FM, const Vector3< T > &p_FM) const |
| (Advanced) This is the same as SetPose() except it takes the pose as a (quaternion, translation vector) pair. More...
std::pair< Eigen::Quaternion< T >, Vector3< T > > | GetPosePair (const systems::Context< T > &context) const |
| (Advanced) This is the same as GetPose() except it returns this joint's pose in the given context as a (quaternion, translation vector) pair. More...
Public Member Functions inherited from MultibodyElement< T > |
virtual | ~MultibodyElement () |
ModelInstanceIndex | model_instance () const |
| Returns the ModelInstanceIndex of the model instance to which this element belongs. More...
template<typename = void> |
const MultibodyPlant< T > & | GetParentPlant () const |
| Returns the MultibodyPlant that owns this MultibodyElement. More...
void | DeclareParameters (internal::MultibodyTreeSystem< T > *tree_system) |
| Declares MultibodyTreeSystem Parameters at MultibodyTreeSystem::Finalize() time. More...
void | SetDefaultParameters (systems::Parameters< T > *parameters) const |
| Sets default values of parameters belonging to each MultibodyElement in parameters at a call to MultibodyTreeSystem::SetDefaultParameters(). More...
| MultibodyElement (const MultibodyElement &)=delete |
MultibodyElement & | operator= (const MultibodyElement &)=delete |
| MultibodyElement (MultibodyElement &&)=delete |
MultibodyElement & | operator= (MultibodyElement &&)=delete |
void | DoAddInOneForce (const systems::Context< T > &, int joint_dof, const T &joint_tau, MultibodyForces< T > *forces) const final |
| Joint<T> virtual override called through public NVI, Joint::AddInForce(). More...
void | DoAddInDamping (const systems::Context< T > &context, MultibodyForces< T > *forces) const final |
| Joint<T> override called through public NVI, Joint::AddInDamping(). More...
Protected Member Functions inherited from Joint< T > |
virtual void | DoSetDefaultPosePair (const Quaternion< double > &q_FM, const Vector3< double > &p_FM) |
| Implementation of the NVI SetDefaultPose(). More...
virtual std::pair< Eigen::Quaternion< double >, Vector3< double > > | DoGetDefaultPosePair () const |
| Implementation of the NVI GetDefaultPose(). More...
void | DoSetTopology (const internal::MultibodyTreeTopology &) override |
| Implementation of the NVI SetTopology(). More...
std::pair< const Frame< T > *, const Frame< T > * > | tree_frames (bool use_reversed_mobilizer) const |
| Utility for concrete joint implementations to use to select the inboard/outboard frames for a tree in the spanning forest, given whether they should be reversed from the parent/child frames that are members of this Joint object. More...
template<template< typename > class ConcreteMobilizer> |
const ConcreteMobilizer< T > & | get_mobilizer_downcast () const |
| (Internal use only) Returns the mobilizer implementing this joint, downcast to its specific type. More...
template<template< typename > class ConcreteMobilizer> |
ConcreteMobilizer< T > & | get_mutable_mobilizer_downcast () |
| (Internal use only) Mutable flavor of get_mobilizer_downcast(). More...
bool | has_mobilizer () const |
| (Internal use only) Returns true if this Joint has an implementing Mobilizer. More...
bool | has_implementation () const |
| (Deprecated.) More...
Protected Member Functions inherited from MultibodyElement< T > |
| MultibodyElement () |
| Default constructor made protected so that sub-classes can still declare their default constructors if they need to. More...
| MultibodyElement (ModelInstanceIndex model_instance) |
| Constructor which allows specifying a model instance. More...
| MultibodyElement (ModelInstanceIndex model_instance, int64_t index) |
| Both the model instance and element index are specified. More...
template<typename ElementIndexType > |
ElementIndexType | index_impl () const |
| Returns this element's unique index. More...
int | ordinal_impl () const |
| Returns this element's unique ordinal. More...
const internal::MultibodyTree< T > & | get_parent_tree () const |
| Returns a constant reference to the parent MultibodyTree that owns this element. More...
const internal::MultibodyTreeSystem< T > & | GetParentTreeSystem () const |
| Returns a constant reference to the parent MultibodyTreeSystem that owns the parent MultibodyTree that owns this element. More...
void | SetTopology (const internal::MultibodyTreeTopology &tree) |
| Gives MultibodyElement-derived objects the opportunity to retrieve their topology after MultibodyTree::Finalize() is invoked. More...
systems::NumericParameterIndex | DeclareNumericParameter (internal::MultibodyTreeSystem< T > *tree_system, const systems::BasicVector< T > &model_vector) |
| To be used by MultibodyElement-derived objects when declaring parameters in their implementation of DoDeclareParameters(). More...
systems::AbstractParameterIndex | DeclareAbstractParameter (internal::MultibodyTreeSystem< T > *tree_system, const AbstractValue &model_value) |
| To be used by MultibodyElement-derived objects when declaring parameters in their implementation of DoDeclareParameters(). More...