Drake C++ Documentation
Joint< T > Class Template Referenceabstract

Detailed Description

template<typename T>
class drake::multibody::Joint< T >

A Joint models the kinematical relationship which characterizes the possible relative motion between two bodies.

The two bodies connected by this Joint object are referred to as parent and child bodies. The parent/child ordering defines the sign conventions for the generalized coordinates and the coordinate ordering for multi-DOF joints. A Joint is a model of a physical kinematic constraint between two bodies, a constraint that in the real physical system does not specify a tree ordering.


In Drake we define a frame F rigidly attached to the parent body P with pose X_PF and a frame M rigidly attached to the child body B with pose X_BM. A Joint object specifies a kinematic relation between frames F and M, which in turn imposes a kinematic relation between bodies P and B.

Typical joints include the ball joint, to allow unrestricted rotations about a given point, the revolute joint, that constraints two bodies to rotate about a given common axis, etc.

Consider the following example to build a simple pendulum system:

MultibodyPlant<double> plant(0.0);
// ... Code here to setup quantities below as mass, com, etc. ...
const RigidBody<double>& pendulum =
plant.AddRigidBody(SpatialInertia<double>(mass, com, unit_inertia));
// We will connect the pendulum body to the world using a RevoluteJoint.
// In this simple case the parent body P is the model's world body and frame
// F IS the world frame.
// Additionally, we need to specify the pose of frame M on the pendulum's
// body frame B.
// Say we declared and initialized X_BM...
const RevoluteJoint<double>& elbow =
"Elbow", /* joint name */
plant.world_body(), /* parent body */
{}, /* frame F IS the world frame W */
pendulum, /* child body, the pendulum */
X_BM, /* pose of frame M in the body frame B */
Vector3d::UnitZ()); /* revolute axis in this case */
Do not ever attempt to instantiate and manipulate Joint objects on the stack; it will fail. Add joints to your plant using the provided API MultibodyPlant::AddJoint() as in the example above.
To developers: this is the base class for all concrete Joint types. Extending this class to add a new Joint type necessarily requires working with internal implementation classes for which we cannot guarantee API stability due to the need for ongoing improvements to these performance-critical classes. So while our usual stability guarantees apply to the Joint public API, the protected API here is subject to change when the underlying internal objects change. Our release notes will say when we have made changes that might affect your Joint implementations, but we won't necessarily be able to provide a deprecation period.
Template Parameters
TThe scalar type, which must be one of the default scalars.

#include <drake/multibody/tree/multibody_tree.h>

Public Member Functions

 Joint (const std::string &name, const Frame< T > &frame_on_parent, const Frame< T > &frame_on_child, VectorX< double > damping, const VectorX< double > &pos_lower_limits, const VectorX< double > &pos_upper_limits, const VectorX< double > &vel_lower_limits, const VectorX< double > &vel_upper_limits, const VectorX< double > &acc_lower_limits, const VectorX< double > &acc_upper_limits)
 Creates a joint between two Frame objects which imposes a given kinematic relation between frame F attached on the parent body P and frame M attached on the child body B. More...
 Joint (const std::string &name, const Frame< T > &frame_on_parent, const Frame< T > &frame_on_child, const VectorX< double > &pos_lower_limits, const VectorX< double > &pos_upper_limits, const VectorX< double > &vel_lower_limits, const VectorX< double > &vel_upper_limits, const VectorX< double > &acc_lower_limits, const VectorX< double > &acc_upper_limits)
 Additional constructor overload for joints with zero damping. More...
virtual ~Joint ()
JointIndex index () const
 Returns this element's unique index. More...
int ordinal () const
 Returns this element's unique ordinal. More...
const std::string & name () const
 Returns the name of this joint. More...
const RigidBody< T > & parent_body () const
 Returns a const reference to the parent body P. More...
const RigidBody< T > & child_body () const
 Returns a const reference to the child body B. More...
const Frame< T > & frame_on_parent () const
 Returns a const reference to the frame F attached on the parent body P. More...
const Frame< T > & frame_on_child () const
 Returns a const reference to the frame M attached on the child body B. More...
virtual const std::string & type_name () const =0
 Returns a string identifying the type of this joint, such as "revolute" or "prismatic". More...
int velocity_start () const
 Returns the index to the first generalized velocity for this joint within the vector v of generalized velocities for the full multibody system. More...
int num_velocities () const
 Returns the number of generalized velocities describing this joint. More...
int position_start () const
 Returns the index to the first generalized position for this joint within the vector q of generalized positions for the full multibody system. More...
int num_positions () const
 Returns the number of generalized positions describing this joint. More...
bool can_rotate () const
 Returns true if this joint's mobility allows relative rotation of the two frames associated with this joint. More...
bool can_translate () const
 Returns true if this joint's mobility allows relative translation of the two frames associated with this joint. More...
std::string position_suffix (int position_index_in_joint) const
 Returns a string suffix (e.g. More...
std::string velocity_suffix (int velocity_index_in_joint) const
 Returns a string suffix (e.g. More...
const T & GetOnePosition (const systems::Context< T > &context) const
 Returns the position coordinate for joints with a single degree of freedom. More...
const T & GetOneVelocity (const systems::Context< T > &context) const
 Returns the velocity coordinate for joints with a single degree of freedom. More...
void AddInOneForce (const systems::Context< T > &context, int joint_dof, const T &joint_tau, MultibodyForces< T > *forces) const
 Adds into forces a force along the one of the joint's degrees of freedom indicated by index joint_dof. More...
void AddInDamping (const systems::Context< T > &context, MultibodyForces< T > *forces) const
 Adds into forces the force due to damping within this joint. More...
void Lock (systems::Context< T > *context) const
 Lock the joint. More...
void Unlock (systems::Context< T > *context) const
 Unlock the joint. More...
bool is_locked (const systems::Context< T > &context) const
const VectorX< double > & default_damping_vector () const
 Returns all default damping coefficients for joints that model viscous damping, of size num_velocities(). More...
const VectorX< T > & GetDampingVector (const systems::Context< T > &context) const
 Returns the Context dependent damping coefficients stored as parameters in context. More...
void set_default_damping_vector (const VectorX< double > &damping)
 Sets the default value of the viscous damping coefficients for this joint. More...
void SetDampingVector (systems::Context< T > *context, const VectorX< T > &damping) const
 Sets the value of the viscous damping coefficients for this joint, stored as parameters in context. More...
Does not allow copy, move, or assignment
 Joint (const Joint &)=delete
Jointoperator= (const Joint &)=delete
 Joint (Joint &&)=delete
Jointoperator= (Joint &&)=delete
Methods to get and set limits

For position limits, the layout is the same as the generalized positions q.

For velocity and acceleration limits, the layout is the same as the generalized velocities v. A limit with value +/- ∞ implies no upper or lower limit.

const VectorX< double > & position_lower_limits () const
 Returns the position lower limits. More...
const VectorX< double > & position_upper_limits () const
 Returns the position upper limits. More...
const VectorX< double > & velocity_lower_limits () const
 Returns the velocity lower limits. More...
const VectorX< double > & velocity_upper_limits () const
 Returns the velocity upper limits. More...
const VectorX< double > & acceleration_lower_limits () const
 Returns the acceleration lower limits. More...
const VectorX< double > & acceleration_upper_limits () const
 Returns the acceleration upper limits. More...
void set_position_limits (const VectorX< double > &lower_limits, const VectorX< double > &upper_limits)
 Sets the position limits to lower_limits and upper_limits. More...
void set_velocity_limits (const VectorX< double > &lower_limits, const VectorX< double > &upper_limits)
 Sets the velocity limits to lower_limits and upper_limits. More...
void set_acceleration_limits (const VectorX< double > &lower_limits, const VectorX< double > &upper_limits)
 Sets the acceleration limits to lower_limits and upper_limits. More...
Methods to set and get pose and velocity

Joints have both a default state q₀, v₀ (stored here) and a runtime state q, v (stored in a systems::Context).

The default state is the value that is used to initialize the runtime state when a Context is first created. (The default velocity v₀ for a joint is always zero so is not settable here.) There are several ways to set these values:

  • If you understand a joint's state representation q and v, you can directly set them using methods below. The specific choice of generalized coordinates q and generalized velocities v is defined by the particular joint type; see documentation for the joint type.
  • Alternatively you can provide a generic pose X_FM and spatial velocity V_FM in which case the joint will set q and v to match or approximate those quantities. In particular, Drake's "floating" (6 degree of freedom) joints can represent any pose and spatial velocity.
  • Particular joint types may provide additional joint-specific functions for setting pose and velocity; see their documentation.
void set_default_positions (const VectorX< double > &default_positions)
 Sets the default generalized position coordinates q₀ to default_positions. More...
const VectorX< double > & default_positions () const
 Returns the default generalized position coordinates q₀. More...
void SetPositions (systems::Context< T > *context, const Eigen::Ref< const VectorX< T >> &positions) const
 Sets in the given context the generalized position coordinates q for this joint to positions. More...
Eigen::Ref< const VectorX< T > > GetPositions (const systems::Context< T > &context) const
 Returns the current value in the given context of the generalized coordinates q for this joint. More...
void SetVelocities (systems::Context< T > *context, const Eigen::Ref< const VectorX< T >> &velocities) const
 Sets in the given context the generalized velocity coordinates v for this joint to velocities. More...
Eigen::Ref< const VectorX< T > > GetVelocities (const systems::Context< T > &context) const
 Returns the current value in the given context of the generalized velocities v for this joint. More...
void SetDefaultPose (const math::RigidTransform< double > &X_FM)
 Sets this joint's default generalized positions q₀ such that the pose of the child frame M in the parent frame F best matches the given pose. More...
math::RigidTransform< doubleGetDefaultPose () const
 Returns this joint's default pose as a RigidTransform X_FM. More...
void SetPose (systems::Context< T > *context, const math::RigidTransform< T > &X_FM) const
 Sets in the given context this joint's generalized positions q such that the pose of the child frame M in the parent frame F best matches the given pose. More...
math::RigidTransform< T > GetPose (const systems::Context< T > &context) const
 Returns this joint's current pose using its position coordinates q taken from the given context and converting that to a RigidTransform X_FM(q). More...
void SetSpatialVelocity (systems::Context< T > *context, const SpatialVelocity< T > &V_FM) const
 Sets in the given context this joint's generalized velocities v such that the spatial velocity of the child frame M in the parent frame F best matches the given spatial velocity. More...
SpatialVelocity< T > GetSpatialVelocity (const systems::Context< T > &context) const
 Given the generalized positions q and generalized velocities v for this joint in the given context, returns the cross-joint spatial velocity V_FM. More...
void SetDefaultPosePair (const Quaternion< double > &q_FM, const Vector3< double > &p_FM)
 (Advanced) This is the same as SetDefaultPose() except it takes the pose as a (quaternion, translation vector) pair. More...
std::pair< Eigen::Quaternion< double >, Vector3< double > > GetDefaultPosePair () const
 (Advanced) This is the same as GetDefaultPose() except it returns this joint's default pose as a (quaternion, translation vector) pair. More...
void SetPosePair (systems::Context< T > *context, const Quaternion< T > &q_FM, const Vector3< T > &p_FM) const
 (Advanced) This is the same as SetPose() except it takes the pose as a (quaternion, translation vector) pair. More...
std::pair< Eigen::Quaternion< T >, Vector3< T > > GetPosePair (const systems::Context< T > &context) const
 (Advanced) This is the same as GetPose() except it returns this joint's pose in the given context as a (quaternion, translation vector) pair. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from MultibodyElement< T >
virtual ~MultibodyElement ()
ModelInstanceIndex model_instance () const
 Returns the ModelInstanceIndex of the model instance to which this element belongs. More...
template<typename = void>
const MultibodyPlant< T > & GetParentPlant () const
 Returns the MultibodyPlant that owns this MultibodyElement. More...
void DeclareParameters (internal::MultibodyTreeSystem< T > *tree_system)
 Declares MultibodyTreeSystem Parameters at MultibodyTreeSystem::Finalize() time. More...
void SetDefaultParameters (systems::Parameters< T > *parameters) const
 Sets default values of parameters belonging to each MultibodyElement in parameters at a call to MultibodyTreeSystem::SetDefaultParameters(). More...
 MultibodyElement (const MultibodyElement &)=delete
MultibodyElementoperator= (const MultibodyElement &)=delete
 MultibodyElement (MultibodyElement &&)=delete
MultibodyElementoperator= (MultibodyElement &&)=delete

Protected Member Functions

virtual int do_get_velocity_start () const =0
 Implementation of the NVI velocity_start(), see velocity_start() for details. More...
virtual int do_get_num_velocities () const =0
 Implementation of the NVI num_velocities(), see num_velocities() for details. More...
virtual int do_get_position_start () const =0
 Implementation of the NVI position_start(), see position_start() for details. More...
virtual int do_get_num_positions () const =0
 Implementation of the NVI num_positions(), see num_positions() for details. More...
virtual std::string do_get_position_suffix (int index) const =0
 Implementation of the NVI position_suffix(), see position_suffix() for details. More...
virtual std::string do_get_velocity_suffix (int index) const =0
 Implementation of the NVI velocity_suffix(), see velocity_suffix() for details. More...
virtual void do_set_default_positions (const VectorX< double > &default_positions)=0
 Implementation of the NVI set_default_positions(), see set_default_positions() for details. More...
virtual void DoSetDefaultPosePair (const Quaternion< double > &q_FM, const Vector3< double > &p_FM)
 Implementation of the NVI SetDefaultPose(). More...
virtual std::pair< Eigen::Quaternion< double >, Vector3< double > > DoGetDefaultPosePair () const
 Implementation of the NVI GetDefaultPose(). More...
virtual const T & DoGetOnePosition (const systems::Context< T > &) const
 Implementation of the NVI GetOnePosition() that must only be implemented by those joint subclasses that have a single degree of freedom. More...
virtual const T & DoGetOneVelocity (const systems::Context< T > &) const
 Implementation of the NVI GetOneVelocity() that must only be implemented by those joint subclasses that have a single degree of freedom. More...
virtual void DoAddInOneForce (const systems::Context< T > &context, int joint_dof, const T &joint_tau, MultibodyForces< T > *forces) const =0
 Adds into forces a force along the one of the joint's degrees of freedom given by joint_dof. More...
virtual void DoAddInDamping (const systems::Context< T > &, MultibodyForces< T > *) const
 Adds into MultibodyForces the forces due to damping within this joint. More...
void DoSetTopology (const internal::MultibodyTreeTopology &) override
 Implementation of the NVI SetTopology(). More...
std::pair< const Frame< T > *, const Frame< T > * > tree_frames (bool use_reversed_mobilizer) const
 Utility for concrete joint implementations to use to select the inboard/outboard frames for a tree in the spanning forest, given whether they should be reversed from the parent/child frames that are members of this Joint object. More...
template<template< typename > class ConcreteMobilizer>
const ConcreteMobilizer< T > & get_mobilizer_downcast () const
 (Internal use only) Returns the mobilizer implementing this joint, downcast to its specific type. More...
template<template< typename > class ConcreteMobilizer>
ConcreteMobilizer< T > & get_mutable_mobilizer_downcast ()
 (Internal use only) Mutable flavor of get_mobilizer_downcast(). More...
bool has_mobilizer () const
 (Internal use only) Returns true if this Joint has an implementing Mobilizer. More...
bool has_implementation () const
 (Deprecated.) More...
Methods to make a clone, optionally templated on different scalar


Clones this Joint (templated on T) to a joint templated on double.

virtual std::unique_ptr< Joint< double > > DoCloneToScalar (const internal::MultibodyTree< double > &tree_clone) const =0
virtual std::unique_ptr< Joint< AutoDiffXd > > DoCloneToScalar (const internal::MultibodyTree< AutoDiffXd > &tree_clone) const =0
 Clones this Joint (templated on T) to a joint templated on AutoDiffXd. More...
virtual std::unique_ptr< Joint< symbolic::Expression > > DoCloneToScalar (const internal::MultibodyTree< symbolic::Expression > &) const =0
virtual std::unique_ptr< Joint< T > > DoShallowClone () const
 NVI for ShallowClone(). More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MultibodyElement< T >
 MultibodyElement ()
 Default constructor made protected so that sub-classes can still declare their default constructors if they need to. More...
 MultibodyElement (ModelInstanceIndex model_instance)
 Constructor which allows specifying a model instance. More...
 MultibodyElement (ModelInstanceIndex model_instance, int64_t index)
 Both the model instance and element index are specified. More...
template<typename ElementIndexType >
ElementIndexType index_impl () const
 Returns this element's unique index. More...
int ordinal_impl () const
 Returns this element's unique ordinal. More...
const internal::MultibodyTree< T > & get_parent_tree () const
 Returns a constant reference to the parent MultibodyTree that owns this element. More...
const internal::MultibodyTreeSystem< T > & GetParentTreeSystem () const
 Returns a constant reference to the parent MultibodyTreeSystem that owns the parent MultibodyTree that owns this element. More...
void SetTopology (const internal::MultibodyTreeTopology &tree)
 Gives MultibodyElement-derived objects the opportunity to retrieve their topology after MultibodyTree::Finalize() is invoked. More...
systems::NumericParameterIndex DeclareNumericParameter (internal::MultibodyTreeSystem< T > *tree_system, const systems::BasicVector< T > &model_vector)
 To be used by MultibodyElement-derived objects when declaring parameters in their implementation of DoDeclareParameters(). More...
systems::AbstractParameterIndex DeclareAbstractParameter (internal::MultibodyTreeSystem< T > *tree_system, const AbstractValue &model_value)
 To be used by MultibodyElement-derived objects when declaring parameters in their implementation of DoDeclareParameters(). More...


template<typename >
class Joint

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Joint() [1/4]

Joint ( const Joint< T > &  )

◆ Joint() [2/4]

Joint ( Joint< T > &&  )

◆ Joint() [3/4]

Joint ( const std::string &  name,
const Frame< T > &  frame_on_parent,
const Frame< T > &  frame_on_child,
VectorX< double damping,
const VectorX< double > &  pos_lower_limits,
const VectorX< double > &  pos_upper_limits,
const VectorX< double > &  vel_lower_limits,
const VectorX< double > &  vel_upper_limits,
const VectorX< double > &  acc_lower_limits,
const VectorX< double > &  acc_upper_limits 

Creates a joint between two Frame objects which imposes a given kinematic relation between frame F attached on the parent body P and frame M attached on the child body B.

The joint will be assigned to the model instance from frame_on_child (this is the typical convention for joints between the world and a model, or between two models (e.g. an arm to a gripper)). See this class's documentation for further details.

[in]nameA string with a name identifying this joint.
[in]frame_on_parentThe frame F attached on the parent body connected by this joint.
[in]frame_on_childThe frame M attached on the child body connected by this joint.
[in]dampingA vector of viscous damping coefficients, of size num_velocities(). See default_damping_vector() for details.
[in]pos_lower_limitsA vector storing the lower limit for each generalized position. It must have the same size as pos_upper_limit. A value equal to -∞ implies no lower limit.
[in]pos_upper_limitsA vector storing the upper limit for each generalized position. It must have the same size as pos_lower_limit. A value equal to +∞ implies no upper limit.
[in]vel_lower_limitsA vector storing the lower limit for each generalized velocity. It must have the same size as vel_upper_limit. A value equal to -∞ implies no lower limit.
[in]vel_upper_limitsA vector storing the upper limit for each generalized velocity. It must have the same size as vel_lower_limit. A value equal to +∞ implies no upper limit.
[in]acc_lower_limitsA vector storing the lower limit for each generalized acceleration. It must have the same size as acc_upper_limit. A value equal to -∞ implies no lower limit.
[in]acc_upper_limitsA vector storing the upper limit for each generalized acceleration. It must have the same size as acc_lower_limit. A value equal to +∞ implies no upper limit.

◆ Joint() [4/4]

Joint ( const std::string &  name,
const Frame< T > &  frame_on_parent,
const Frame< T > &  frame_on_child,
const VectorX< double > &  pos_lower_limits,
const VectorX< double > &  pos_upper_limits,
const VectorX< double > &  vel_lower_limits,
const VectorX< double > &  vel_upper_limits,
const VectorX< double > &  acc_lower_limits,
const VectorX< double > &  acc_upper_limits 

Additional constructor overload for joints with zero damping.

Refer to the more general constructor signature taking damping for further details on the rest of the arguments for this constructor.

◆ ~Joint()

virtual ~Joint ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ acceleration_lower_limits()

const VectorX<double>& acceleration_lower_limits ( ) const

Returns the acceleration lower limits.

◆ acceleration_upper_limits()

const VectorX<double>& acceleration_upper_limits ( ) const

Returns the acceleration upper limits.

◆ AddInDamping()

void AddInDamping ( const systems::Context< T > &  context,
MultibodyForces< T > *  forces 
) const

Adds into forces the force due to damping within this joint.

[in]contextThe context storing the state and parameters for the model to which this joint belongs.
[out]forcesOn return, this method will add the force due to damping within this joint. This method aborts if forces is nullptr or if forces does not have the right sizes to accommodate a set of forces for the model to which this joint belongs.

◆ AddInOneForce()

void AddInOneForce ( const systems::Context< T > &  context,
int  joint_dof,
const T &  joint_tau,
MultibodyForces< T > *  forces 
) const

Adds into forces a force along the one of the joint's degrees of freedom indicated by index joint_dof.

The meaning for this degree of freedom and even its dimensional units depend on the specific joint sub-class. For a RevoluteJoint for instance, joint_dof can only be 0 since revolute joints's motion subspace only has one degree of freedom, while the units of joint_tau are those of torque (N⋅m in the MKS system of units). For multi-dof joints please refer to the documentation provided by specific joint sub-classes regarding the meaning of joint_dof.

[in]contextThe context storing the state and parameters for the model to which this joint belongs.
[in]joint_dofIndex specifying one of the degrees of freedom for this joint. The index must be in the range 0 <= joint_dof < num_velocities() or otherwise this method will abort.
[in]joint_tauGeneralized force corresponding to the degree of freedom indicated by joint_dof to be added into forces.
[out]forcesOn return, this method will add force joint_tau for the degree of freedom joint_dof into the output forces. This method aborts if forces is nullptr or if forces doest not have the right sizes to accommodate a set of forces for the model to which this joint belongs.

◆ can_rotate()

bool can_rotate ( ) const

Returns true if this joint's mobility allows relative rotation of the two frames associated with this joint.

the MultibodyPlant must be finalized.
See also

◆ can_translate()

bool can_translate ( ) const

Returns true if this joint's mobility allows relative translation of the two frames associated with this joint.

the MultibodyPlant must be finalized.
See also

◆ child_body()

const RigidBody<T>& child_body ( ) const

Returns a const reference to the child body B.

◆ default_damping_vector()

const VectorX<double>& default_damping_vector ( ) const

Returns all default damping coefficients for joints that model viscous damping, of size num_velocities().

Joints that do not model damping return a zero vector of size num_velocities(). If vj is the vector of generalized velocities for this joint, of size num_velocities(), viscous damping models a generalized force at the joint of the form tau = -diag(dj)⋅vj, with dj the vector returned by this function. The units of the coefficients will depend on the specific joint type. For instance, for a revolute joint where vj is an angular velocity with units of rad/s and tau having units of N⋅m, the coefficient of viscous damping has units of N⋅m⋅s. Refer to each joint's documentation for further details.

◆ default_positions()

const VectorX<double>& default_positions ( ) const

Returns the default generalized position coordinates q₀.

These will be the values set with set_default_positions() if any; otherwise, they will be the "zero configuration" for this joint type (as defined by the particular joint type).

The default generalized velocities v₀ are zero for every joint.

◆ do_get_num_positions()

virtual int do_get_num_positions ( ) const
protectedpure virtual

Implementation of the NVI num_positions(), see num_positions() for details.

Implementations must meet the styleguide requirements for snake_case accessor methods.

◆ do_get_num_velocities()

virtual int do_get_num_velocities ( ) const
protectedpure virtual

Implementation of the NVI num_velocities(), see num_velocities() for details.

Implementations must meet the styleguide requirements for snake_case accessor methods.

◆ do_get_position_start()

virtual int do_get_position_start ( ) const
protectedpure virtual

Implementation of the NVI position_start(), see position_start() for details.

Implementations must meet the styleguide requirements for snake_case accessor methods.

◆ do_get_position_suffix()

virtual std::string do_get_position_suffix ( int  index) const
protectedpure virtual

Implementation of the NVI position_suffix(), see position_suffix() for details.

The suffix should contain only alphanumeric characters (e.g. 'wx' not '_wx' or '.wx').

◆ do_get_velocity_start()

virtual int do_get_velocity_start ( ) const
protectedpure virtual

Implementation of the NVI velocity_start(), see velocity_start() for details.

Note that this must be the offset within just the velocity vector, not within the composite state vector.

Implementations must meet the styleguide requirements for snake_case accessor methods.

◆ do_get_velocity_suffix()

virtual std::string do_get_velocity_suffix ( int  index) const
protectedpure virtual

Implementation of the NVI velocity_suffix(), see velocity_suffix() for details.

The suffix should contain only alphanumeric characters (e.g. 'wx' not '_wx' or '.wx').

◆ do_set_default_positions()

virtual void do_set_default_positions ( const VectorX< double > &  default_positions)
protectedpure virtual

Implementation of the NVI set_default_positions(), see set_default_positions() for details.

It is the responsibility of the subclass to ensure that its joint implementation (i.e., mobilizer), should it have one, is updated with default_positions. Note that the Joint base class also stores default_positions (as a VectorX); the implementing mobilizer should have the same value but as a fixed-size vector.

Implementations must meet the styleguide requirements for snake_case accessor methods.

◆ DoAddInDamping()

virtual void DoAddInDamping ( const systems::Context< T > &  ,
MultibodyForces< T > *   
) const

Adds into MultibodyForces the forces due to damping within this joint.

How forces are added to a MultibodyTree model depends on the underlying implementation of a particular joint (for instance, mobilizer vs. constraint) and therefore specific Joint subclasses must provide a definition for this method. The default implementation is a no-op for joints with no damping.

Reimplemented in QuaternionFloatingJoint< T >, RpyFloatingJoint< T >, CurvilinearJoint< T >, RevoluteJoint< T >, PrismaticJoint< T >, BallRpyJoint< T >, and UniversalJoint< T >.

◆ DoAddInOneForce()

virtual void DoAddInOneForce ( const systems::Context< T > &  context,
int  joint_dof,
const T &  joint_tau,
MultibodyForces< T > *  forces 
) const
protectedpure virtual

Adds into forces a force along the one of the joint's degrees of freedom given by joint_dof.

How forces are added to a MultibodyTree model depends on the underlying implementation of a particular joint and therefore specific Joint subclasses must provide a definition for this method. For instance, a revolute joint could be modeled with a single generalized coordinate for the angular rotation (implemented through a RevoluteMobilizer) or it could be modeled using a constraint that only allows rotation about the joint's axis but that constrains the motion in the other five degrees of freedom. This method is only called by the public NVI AddInOneForce() and therefore input arguments were checked to be valid.

See also
The public NVI AddInOneForce() for details.

Implemented in QuaternionFloatingJoint< T >, RpyFloatingJoint< T >, RevoluteJoint< T >, CurvilinearJoint< T >, PrismaticJoint< T >, BallRpyJoint< T >, UniversalJoint< T >, and WeldJoint< T >.

◆ DoCloneToScalar() [1/3]

virtual std::unique_ptr<Joint<double> > DoCloneToScalar ( const internal::MultibodyTree< double > &  tree_clone) const
protectedpure virtual

◆ DoCloneToScalar() [2/3]

virtual std::unique_ptr<Joint<AutoDiffXd> > DoCloneToScalar ( const internal::MultibodyTree< AutoDiffXd > &  tree_clone) const
protectedpure virtual

Clones this Joint (templated on T) to a joint templated on AutoDiffXd.

◆ DoCloneToScalar() [3/3]

virtual std::unique_ptr<Joint<symbolic::Expression> > DoCloneToScalar ( const internal::MultibodyTree< symbolic::Expression > &  ) const
protectedpure virtual

◆ DoGetDefaultPosePair()

virtual std::pair<Eigen::Quaternion<double>, Vector3<double> > DoGetDefaultPosePair ( ) const

Implementation of the NVI GetDefaultPose().

This is optional for Joint subclasses except for floating (6 dof) Joints. The subclass should convert its default_positions to pose X_FM and return that as a (quaternion, translation) pair. If the subclass already uses (quaternion, translation) as generalized coordinates (i.e. it's a quaternion_floating_joint) it must return those exactly (don't convert to a transform first).

◆ DoGetOnePosition()

virtual const T& DoGetOnePosition ( const systems::Context< T > &  ) const

Implementation of the NVI GetOnePosition() that must only be implemented by those joint subclasses that have a single degree of freedom.

The default implementation for all other joints is to abort with an appropriate message. Revolute and prismatic are examples of joints that will want to implement this method.

◆ DoGetOneVelocity()

virtual const T& DoGetOneVelocity ( const systems::Context< T > &  ) const

Implementation of the NVI GetOneVelocity() that must only be implemented by those joint subclasses that have a single degree of freedom.

The default implementation for all other joints is to abort with an appropriate message. Revolute and prismatic are examples of joints that will want to implement this method.

◆ DoSetDefaultPosePair()

virtual void DoSetDefaultPosePair ( const Quaternion< double > &  q_FM,
const Vector3< double > &  p_FM 

Implementation of the NVI SetDefaultPose().

This is optional for Joint subclasses except for floating (6 dof) Joints. The subclass should convert the input to the closest equivalent in generalized coordinates and invoke set_default_positions() to record them. If the subclass already uses (quaternion, translation) as generalized coordinates (i.e. it's a quaternion_floating_joint) it must store those exactly.

◆ DoSetTopology()

void DoSetTopology ( const internal::MultibodyTreeTopology &  tree)

Implementation of the NVI SetTopology().

For advanced use only for developers implementing new MultibodyTree components.

Implements MultibodyElement< T >.

◆ DoShallowClone()

virtual std::unique_ptr<Joint<T> > DoShallowClone ( ) const

NVI for ShallowClone().

The public Joint::ShallowClone in this base class is responsible for copying the mutable Joint data (damping, all limits, default positions, etc.) into the return value. The subclass only needs to handle subclass-specific details.

◆ frame_on_child()

const Frame<T>& frame_on_child ( ) const

Returns a const reference to the frame M attached on the child body B.

◆ frame_on_parent()

const Frame<T>& frame_on_parent ( ) const

Returns a const reference to the frame F attached on the parent body P.

◆ get_mobilizer_downcast()

const ConcreteMobilizer<T>& get_mobilizer_downcast ( ) const

(Internal use only) Returns the mobilizer implementing this joint, downcast to its specific type.

A mobilizer has been created for this Joint.
ConcreteMobilizer must exactly match the dynamic type of the mobilizer associated with this Joint. This requirement is (only) checked in Debug builds.

◆ get_mutable_mobilizer_downcast()

ConcreteMobilizer<T>& get_mutable_mobilizer_downcast ( )

(Internal use only) Mutable flavor of get_mobilizer_downcast().

◆ GetDampingVector()

const VectorX<T>& GetDampingVector ( const systems::Context< T > &  context) const

Returns the Context dependent damping coefficients stored as parameters in context.

Refer to default_damping_vector() for details.

[in]contextThe context storing the state and parameters for the model to which this joint belongs.

◆ GetDefaultPose()

math::RigidTransform<double> GetDefaultPose ( ) const

Returns this joint's default pose as a RigidTransform X_FM.

Currently this is implemented only for floating (6 dof) joints which can represent any pose.
std::exceptionif called for any joint type that does not implement this function.
Return values
X_FMThe default pose as a rigid transform.
See also
default_positions() to see the generalized positions q₀ that this joint used to generate the returned transform.
GetDefaultPosePair() for an alternative using a quaternion

◆ GetDefaultPosePair()

std::pair<Eigen::Quaternion<double>, Vector3<double> > GetDefaultPosePair ( ) const

(Advanced) This is the same as GetDefaultPose() except it returns this joint's default pose as a (quaternion, translation vector) pair.

Currently this is implemented only for floating (6 dof) joints which can represent any pose.
For a QuaternionFloatingJoint the return will be bit-identical to the pose provided to SetDefaultPosePair(). For any other floating (6 dof) joint the pose will be numerically equivalent (i.e. within roundoff) but not identical. For other joint types it will be some approximation.
Return values
q_FM,p_FMThe default pose as a (quaternion, translation) pair.
std::exceptionif called for any joint type that does not implement this function.
See also

◆ GetOnePosition()

const T& GetOnePosition ( const systems::Context< T > &  context) const

Returns the position coordinate for joints with a single degree of freedom.

std::exceptionif the joint does not have a single degree of freedom.

◆ GetOneVelocity()

const T& GetOneVelocity ( const systems::Context< T > &  context) const

Returns the velocity coordinate for joints with a single degree of freedom.

std::exceptionif the joint does not have a single degree of freedom.

◆ GetPose()

math::RigidTransform<T> GetPose ( const systems::Context< T > &  context) const

Returns this joint's current pose using its position coordinates q taken from the given context and converting that to a RigidTransform X_FM(q).

The returned pose may not match the transform that was supplied to SetPose() since in general joints (other than 6 dof joints) cannot represent arbitrary poses.
All joint types support this function.
std::exceptionif called for any joint type that does not implement this function.
Return values
X_FMThe current pose as a rigid transform.
See also
GetPositions() to see the generalized positions q that this joint used to generate the returned transform.

◆ GetPosePair()

std::pair<Eigen::Quaternion<T>, Vector3<T> > GetPosePair ( const systems::Context< T > &  context) const

(Advanced) This is the same as GetPose() except it returns this joint's pose in the given context as a (quaternion, translation vector) pair.

All joint types support this function.
For a QuaternionFloatingJoint the return will be bit-identical to the pose provided to SetPosePair(). For any other floating (6 dof) joint the pose will be numerically equivalent (i.e. within roundoff) but not identical. For other joint types it will be some approximation.
Return values
q_FM,p_FMThe pose as a (quaternion, translation) pair.
std::exceptionif the containing MultibodyPlant has not yet been finalized.
See also

◆ GetPositions()

Eigen::Ref<const VectorX<T> > GetPositions ( const systems::Context< T > &  context) const

Returns the current value in the given context of the generalized coordinates q for this joint.

std::exceptionif the containing MultibodyPlant has not yet been finalized.

◆ GetSpatialVelocity()

SpatialVelocity<T> GetSpatialVelocity ( const systems::Context< T > &  context) const

Given the generalized positions q and generalized velocities v for this joint in the given context, returns the cross-joint spatial velocity V_FM.

All joint types support this function.
Return values
V_FMthe spatial velocity across this joint.
std::exceptionif the containing MultibodyPlant has not yet been finalized.
See also
GetVelocities() to see the generalized velocities v that this joint used to generate the returned spatial velocity.

◆ GetVelocities()

Eigen::Ref<const VectorX<T> > GetVelocities ( const systems::Context< T > &  context) const

Returns the current value in the given context of the generalized velocities v for this joint.

std::exceptionif the containing MultibodyPlant has not yet been finalized.

◆ has_implementation()

bool has_implementation ( ) const


Use has_mobilizer() instead (JointImplementation class is gone).
This will be removed from Drake on or after 2025-06-01.

◆ has_mobilizer()

bool has_mobilizer ( ) const

(Internal use only) Returns true if this Joint has an implementing Mobilizer.

◆ index()

JointIndex index ( ) const

Returns this element's unique index.

◆ is_locked()

bool is_locked ( const systems::Context< T > &  context) const
true if the joint is locked, false otherwise.

◆ Lock()

void Lock ( systems::Context< T > *  context) const

Lock the joint.

Its generalized velocities will be 0 until it is unlocked.

◆ name()

const std::string& name ( ) const

Returns the name of this joint.

◆ num_positions()

int num_positions ( ) const

Returns the number of generalized positions describing this joint.

◆ num_velocities()

int num_velocities ( ) const

Returns the number of generalized velocities describing this joint.

◆ operator=() [1/2]

Joint& operator= ( Joint< T > &&  )

◆ operator=() [2/2]

Joint& operator= ( const Joint< T > &  )

◆ ordinal()

int ordinal ( ) const

Returns this element's unique ordinal.

The joint's ordinal is a unique index into contiguous containers that have an entry for each Joint, such as the vector valued reaction forces (see MultibodyPlant::get_reaction_forces_output_port()). The ordinal value will be updated (if needed) when joints are removed from the parent plant so that the set of ordinal values is a bijection with [0, num_joints()). Ordinals are assigned in the order that joints are added to the plant, thus a set of joints sorted by ordinal has the same ordering as if it were sorted by JointIndex. If joints have been removed from the plant, do not use index() to access contiguous containers with entries per Joint.

◆ parent_body()

const RigidBody<T>& parent_body ( ) const

Returns a const reference to the parent body P.

◆ position_lower_limits()

const VectorX<double>& position_lower_limits ( ) const

Returns the position lower limits.

◆ position_start()

int position_start ( ) const

Returns the index to the first generalized position for this joint within the vector q of generalized positions for the full multibody system.

◆ position_suffix()

std::string position_suffix ( int  position_index_in_joint) const

Returns a string suffix (e.g.

to be appended to the name()) to identify the kth position in this joint. position_index_in_joint must be in [0, num_positions()).

the MultibodyPlant must be finalized.

◆ position_upper_limits()

const VectorX<double>& position_upper_limits ( ) const

Returns the position upper limits.

◆ set_acceleration_limits()

void set_acceleration_limits ( const VectorX< double > &  lower_limits,
const VectorX< double > &  upper_limits 

Sets the acceleration limits to lower_limits and upper_limits.

std::exceptionif the dimension of lower_limits or upper_limits does not match num_velocities().
std::exceptionif any of lower_limits is larger than the corresponding term in upper_limits.

◆ set_default_damping_vector()

void set_default_damping_vector ( const VectorX< double > &  damping)

Sets the default value of the viscous damping coefficients for this joint.

Refer to default_damping_vector() for details.

std::exceptionif damping.size() != num_velocities().
std::exceptionif any of the damping coefficients is negative.
the MultibodyPlant must not be finalized.

◆ set_default_positions()

void set_default_positions ( const VectorX< double > &  default_positions)

Sets the default generalized position coordinates q₀ to default_positions.

The values in default_positions are NOT constrained to be within position_lower_limits() and position_upper_limits().
The default generalized velocities v₀ are zero for every joint.
std::exceptionif the dimension of default_positions does not match num_positions().

◆ set_position_limits()

void set_position_limits ( const VectorX< double > &  lower_limits,
const VectorX< double > &  upper_limits 

Sets the position limits to lower_limits and upper_limits.

std::exceptionif the dimension of lower_limits or upper_limits does not match num_positions().
std::exceptionif any of lower_limits is larger than the corresponding term in upper_limits.
Setting the position limits does not affect the default_positions(), regardless of whether the current default_positions() satisfy the new position limits.

◆ set_velocity_limits()

void set_velocity_limits ( const VectorX< double > &  lower_limits,
const VectorX< double > &  upper_limits 

Sets the velocity limits to lower_limits and upper_limits.

std::exceptionif the dimension of lower_limits or upper_limits does not match num_velocities().
std::exceptionif any of lower_limits is larger than the corresponding term in upper_limits.

◆ SetDampingVector()

void SetDampingVector ( systems::Context< T > *  context,
const VectorX< T > &  damping 
) const

Sets the value of the viscous damping coefficients for this joint, stored as parameters in context.

Refer to default_damping_vector() for details.

[out]contextThe context storing the state and parameters for the model to which this joint belongs.
[in]dampingThe vector of damping values.
std::exceptionif damping.size() != num_velocities().
std::exceptionif any of the damping coefficients is negative.
Some multi-dof joints may have specific semantics for their damping vector that are not enforced here. For instance, QuaternionFloatingJoint assumes identical damping values for all 3 angular velocity components and identical damping values for all 3 translational velocity components. It will thus use angular_damping = damping[0] and translational_damping = damping[3]. Refer to the particular subclass for more semantic information.

◆ SetDefaultPose()

void SetDefaultPose ( const math::RigidTransform< double > &  X_FM)

Sets this joint's default generalized positions q₀ such that the pose of the child frame M in the parent frame F best matches the given pose.

The pose is given by a RigidTransform X_FM, but a joint will represent pose differently.

Currently this is implemented only for floating (6 dof) joints which can represent any pose.
std::exceptionif called for any joint type that does not implement this function.
See also
default_positions() to see the resulting q₀ after this call.
SetDefaultPosePair() for an alternative using a quaternion

◆ SetDefaultPosePair()

void SetDefaultPosePair ( const Quaternion< double > &  q_FM,
const Vector3< double > &  p_FM 

(Advanced) This is the same as SetDefaultPose() except it takes the pose as a (quaternion, translation vector) pair.

A QuaternionFloatingJoint will store this pose bit-identically; an RpyFloatingJoint will store it to within floating point precision; any other joint will approximate it consistent with that joint's mobility.

Currently this is implemented only for floating (6 dof) joints which can represent any pose.
std::exceptionif called for any joint type that does not implement this function.
See also

◆ SetPose()

void SetPose ( systems::Context< T > *  context,
const math::RigidTransform< T > &  X_FM 
) const

Sets in the given context this joint's generalized positions q such that the pose of the child frame M in the parent frame F best matches the given pose.

The pose is given by a RigidTransform X_FM, but a joint will represent pose differently. Drake's "floating" (6 dof) joints can represent any pose, but other joints may only be able to approximate X_FM. See the individual joint descriptions for specifics.

Currently this is implemented only for floating (6 dof) joints which can represent any pose.
std::exceptionif called for any joint type that does not implement this function.
std::exceptionif the containing MultibodyPlant has not yet been finalized.
context is not null.
See also
GetPositions() to see the resulting q after this call.
SetPosePair() for an alternative using a quaternion.

◆ SetPosePair()

void SetPosePair ( systems::Context< T > *  context,
const Quaternion< T > &  q_FM,
const Vector3< T > &  p_FM 
) const

(Advanced) This is the same as SetPose() except it takes the pose as a (quaternion, translation vector) pair.

A QuaternionFloatingJoint will store this pose bit-identically; any other joint will approximate it.

Currently this is implemented only for floating (6 dof) joints which can represent any pose.
std::exceptionif called for any joint type that does not implement this function.
std::exceptionif the containing MultibodyPlant has not yet been finalized.
context is not null.
See also

◆ SetPositions()

void SetPositions ( systems::Context< T > *  context,
const Eigen::Ref< const VectorX< T >> &  positions 
) const

Sets in the given context the generalized position coordinates q for this joint to positions.

The values in positions are NOT constrained to be within position_lower_limits() and position_upper_limits().
std::exceptionif the dimension of positions does not match num_positions().
std::exceptionif the containing MultibodyPlant has not yet been finalized.
context is not null.

◆ SetSpatialVelocity()

void SetSpatialVelocity ( systems::Context< T > *  context,
const SpatialVelocity< T > &  V_FM 
) const

Sets in the given context this joint's generalized velocities v such that the spatial velocity of the child frame M in the parent frame F best matches the given spatial velocity.

The velocity is provided as a spatial velocity V_FM, but a joint may represent velocity differently. Drake's "floating" (6 dof) joints can represent any spatial velocity, but other joints may only be able to approximate V_FM. See the individual joint descriptions for specifics.

Currently this is implemented only for floating (6 dof) joints which can represent any spatial velocity.
std::exceptionif called for any joint type that does not implement this function.
std::exceptionif the containing MultibodyPlant has not yet been finalized.
context is not null.
See also
GetVelocities() to see the resulting v after this call.

◆ SetVelocities()

void SetVelocities ( systems::Context< T > *  context,
const Eigen::Ref< const VectorX< T >> &  velocities 
) const

Sets in the given context the generalized velocity coordinates v for this joint to velocities.

The values in velocities are NOT constrained to be within velocity_lower_limits() and velocity_upper_limits().
std::exceptionif the dimension of velocities does not match num_velocities().
std::exceptionif the containing MultibodyPlant has not yet been finalized.
context is not null.

◆ tree_frames()

std::pair<const Frame<T>*, const Frame<T>*> tree_frames ( bool  use_reversed_mobilizer) const

Utility for concrete joint implementations to use to select the inboard/outboard frames for a tree in the spanning forest, given whether they should be reversed from the parent/child frames that are members of this Joint object.

◆ type_name()

virtual const std::string& type_name ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns a string identifying the type of this joint, such as "revolute" or "prismatic".

Implemented in CurvilinearJoint< T >, ScrewJoint< T >, RevoluteJoint< T >, QuaternionFloatingJoint< T >, RpyFloatingJoint< T >, UniversalJoint< T >, PlanarJoint< T >, BallRpyJoint< T >, PrismaticJoint< T >, and WeldJoint< T >.

◆ Unlock()

void Unlock ( systems::Context< T > *  context) const

Unlock the joint.

◆ velocity_lower_limits()

const VectorX<double>& velocity_lower_limits ( ) const

Returns the velocity lower limits.

◆ velocity_start()

int velocity_start ( ) const

Returns the index to the first generalized velocity for this joint within the vector v of generalized velocities for the full multibody system.

◆ velocity_suffix()

std::string velocity_suffix ( int  velocity_index_in_joint) const

Returns a string suffix (e.g.

to be appended to the name()) to identify the kth velocity in this joint. velocity_index_in_joint must be in [0, num_velocities()).

the MultibodyPlant must be finalized.

◆ velocity_upper_limits()

const VectorX<double>& velocity_upper_limits ( ) const

Returns the velocity upper limits.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ Joint

friend class Joint

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