Drake C++ Documentation
drake::geometry::optimization Namespace Reference


class  AffineBall
 Implements an ellipsoidal convex set represented as an affine scaling of the unit ball {Bu + center | |u|₂ ≤ 1}. More...
class  AffineSubspace
 An affine subspace (also known as a "flat", a "linear variety", or a "linear manifold") is a vector subspace of some Euclidean space, potentially translated so as to not pass through the origin. More...
class  CartesianProduct
 The Cartesian product of convex sets is a convex set: S = X₁ × X₂ × ⋯ × Xₙ = {(x₁, x₂, ..., xₙ) | x₁ ∈ X₁, x₂ ∈ X₂, ..., xₙ ∈ Xₙ}. More...
class  CIrisCollisionGeometry
 This class contains the necessary information about the collision geometry used in C-IRIS. More...
class  ConvexSet
 Abstract base class for defining a convex set. More...
class  CspaceFreeBox
 This class tries to find large axis-aligned bounding boxes in the configuration space, such that all configurations in the boxes are collision free. More...
class  CspaceFreePolytope
 This class tries to find large convex polytopes in the tangential-configuration space, such that all configurations in the convex polytopes is collision free. More...
class  CspaceFreePolytopeBase
 This virtual class is the base of CspaceFreePolytope and CspaceFreeBox. More...
struct  CSpaceSeparatingPlane
 Wraps the information that a pair of collision geometries are separated by a plane. More...
struct  FindSeparationCertificateOptions
struct  GcsGraphvizOptions
class  GraphOfConvexSets
 GraphOfConvexSets (GCS) implements the design pattern and optimization problems first introduced in the paper "Shortest Paths in Graphs of Convex Sets". More...
struct  GraphOfConvexSetsOptions
class  HPolyhedron
 Implements a polyhedral convex set using the half-space representation: {x| A x ≤ b}. More...
class  Hyperellipsoid
 Implements an ellipsoidal convex set represented by the quadratic form {x | (x-center)ᵀAᵀA(x-center) ≤ 1}. More...
class  Hyperrectangle
 Axis-aligned hyperrectangle in Rᵈ defined by its lower bounds and upper bounds as {x| lb ≤ x ≤ ub}. More...
class  Intersection
 A convex set that represents the intersection of multiple sets: S = X₁ ∩ X₂ ∩ ... More...
struct  IrisOptions
 Configuration options for the IRIS algorithm. More...
class  MinkowskiSum
 A convex set that represents the Minkowski sum of multiple sets: S = X₁ ⨁ X₂ ⨁ ... More...
struct  PlaneSeparatesGeometries
 Contains the information to enforce a pair of geometries are separated by a plane. More...
class  Point
 A convex set that contains exactly one element. More...
struct  SampledVolume
 The result of a volume calculation from CalcVolumeViaSampling(). More...
struct  SeparationCertificateProgramBase
struct  SeparationCertificateResultBase
 We certify that a pair of geometries is collision free by finding the separating plane over a range of configuration. More...
class  Spectrahedron
 Implements a spectrahedron (the feasible set of a semidefinite program). More...
class  VPolytope
 A polytope described using the vertex representation. More...


typedef std::vector< copyable_unique_ptr< ConvexSet > > ConvexSets
 Provides the recommended container for passing a collection of ConvexSet instances. More...
typedef std::map< std::string, HPolyhedronIrisRegions
 Defines a standardized representation for (named) IrisRegions, which can be serialized in both C++ and Python. More...


enum  CIrisGeometryType { kSphere, kPolytope, kCylinder, kCapsule }
 The supported type of geometries in C-IRIS. More...
enum  PlaneSide { kPositive, kNegative }
enum  SeparatingPlaneOrder { kAffine = 1 }
 The separating plane aᵀx + b ≥ δ, aᵀx + b ≤ −δ has parameters a and b. More...


double DistanceToHalfspace (const CIrisCollisionGeometry &collision_geometry, const Eigen::Vector3d &a, double b, multibody::BodyIndex expressed_body, PlaneSide plane_side, const multibody::MultibodyPlant< double > &plant, const systems::Context< double > &plant_context)
 Computes the signed distance from collision_geometry to the half space ℋ, where ℋ = {x | aᵀx+b >= 0} if plane_side=PlaneSide::kPositive, and ℋ = {x | aᵀx+b <= 0} if plane_side=PlaneSide::kNegative. More...
template<typename... Args>
ConvexSets MakeConvexSets (Args &&... args)
 Helper function that allows the ConvexSets to be initialized from arguments containing ConvexSet references, or unique_ptr<ConvexSet> instances, or any object that can be assigned to ConvexSets::value_type. More...
SeparatingPlaneOrder ToPlaneOrder (int plane_degree)
 Convert an integer degree to the SeparatingPlaneOrder. More...
int ToPlaneDegree (SeparatingPlaneOrder plane_order)
 Convert SeparatingPlaneOrder to an integer degree. More...
template<typename D , typename S , typename V >
void CalcPlane (const VectorX< D > &decision_variables, const VectorX< S > &s_for_plane, int plane_degree, Vector3< V > *a_val, V *b_val)
 Computes the parameters a, b in the plane { x | aᵀx+b=0 }. More...
bool CheckIfSatisfiesConvexityRadius (const geometry::optimization::ConvexSet &convex_set, const std::vector< int > &continuous_revolute_joints)
 Given a convex set, and a list of indices corresponding to continuous revolute joints, checks whether or not the set satisfies the convexity radius. More...
geometry::optimization::ConvexSets PartitionConvexSet (const geometry::optimization::ConvexSet &convex_set, const std::vector< int > &continuous_revolute_joints, const double epsilon=1e-5)
 Partitions a convex set into (smaller) convex sets whose union is the original set and that each respect the convexity radius as in CheckIfSatisfiesConvexityRadius. More...
geometry::optimization::ConvexSets PartitionConvexSet (const geometry::optimization::ConvexSets &convex_sets, const std::vector< int > &continuous_revolute_joints, const double epsilon=1e-5)
 Function overload to take in a list of convex sets, and partition all so as to respect the convexity radius. More...
std::vector< std::tuple< int, int, Eigen::VectorXd > > CalcPairwiseIntersections (const ConvexSets &convex_sets_A, const ConvexSets &convex_sets_B, const std::vector< int > &continuous_revolute_joints, bool preprocess_bbox=true)
 Computes the pairwise intersections edges between two lists of convex sets. More...
std::vector< std::tuple< int, int, Eigen::VectorXd > > CalcPairwiseIntersections (const ConvexSets &convex_sets, const std::vector< int > &continuous_revolute_joints, bool preprocess_bbox=true)
 Convenience overload to compute pairwise intersections within a list of convex sets. More...
HPolyhedron Iris (const ConvexSets &obstacles, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > &sample, const HPolyhedron &domain, const IrisOptions &options=IrisOptions())
 The IRIS (Iterative Region Inflation by Semidefinite programming) algorithm, as described in. More...
ConvexSets MakeIrisObstacles (const QueryObject< double > &query_object, std::optional< FrameId > reference_frame=std::nullopt)
 Constructs ConvexSet representations of obstacles for IRIS in 3D using the geometry from a SceneGraph QueryObject. More...
HPolyhedron IrisInConfigurationSpace (const multibody::MultibodyPlant< double > &plant, const systems::Context< double > &context, const IrisOptions &options=IrisOptions())
 A variation of the Iris (Iterative Region Inflation by Semidefinite programming) algorithm which finds collision-free regions in the configuration space of plant. More...
void SetEdgeContainmentTerminationCondition (IrisOptions *iris_options, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > &x_1, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > &x_2, const double epsilon=1e-3, const double tol=1e-6)
 Modifies the iris_options to facilitate finding a region that contains the edge between x_1 and x_2. More...
Eigen::MatrixXd GetVertices (const Convex &convex)
 Obtains all the vertices stored in the convex object. More...

Typedef Documentation

◆ ConvexSets

typedef std::vector<copyable_unique_ptr<ConvexSet> > ConvexSets

Provides the recommended container for passing a collection of ConvexSet instances.

◆ IrisRegions

typedef std::map<std::string, HPolyhedron> IrisRegions

Defines a standardized representation for (named) IrisRegions, which can be serialized in both C++ and Python.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ CIrisGeometryType

enum CIrisGeometryType

The supported type of geometries in C-IRIS.


◆ PlaneSide

enum PlaneSide

◆ SeparatingPlaneOrder

enum SeparatingPlaneOrder

The separating plane aᵀx + b ≥ δ, aᵀx + b ≤ −δ has parameters a and b.

These parameterize a polynomial function of s_for_plane with the specified order. s_for_plane is a sub set of the configuration-space variable s, please refer to the RationalForwardKinematics class or the paper above on the meaning of s.


a and b are affine functions of s.

Function Documentation

◆ CalcPairwiseIntersections() [1/2]

std::vector<std::tuple<int, int, Eigen::VectorXd> > drake::geometry::optimization::CalcPairwiseIntersections ( const ConvexSets convex_sets_A,
const ConvexSets convex_sets_B,
const std::vector< int > &  continuous_revolute_joints,
bool  preprocess_bbox = true 

Computes the pairwise intersections edges between two lists of convex sets.

Each edge is a tuple in the form [index_A, index_B, offset_A_to_B], where Each is a tuple in the form [index_A, index_B, offset_A_to_B], where index_A is the index of the list in convex_sets_A, index_B is the index of the list in convex_sets_B, and offset_A_to_B is is the translation to applied to all the points in the index_A'th set in convex_sets_A to align them with the index_B'th set in convex_sets_B. This translation may only have non-zero entries along the dimensions corresponding to continuous_revolute_joints. All non-zero entries are integer multiples of 2π as the translation of the sets still represents the same configurations for the indices in continuous_revolute_joints.

convex_sets_Ais a vector of convex sets. Pairwise intersections will be computed between convex_sets_A and convex_sets_B.
convex_sets_Bis the other vector of convex sets.
continuous_revolute_jointsis a list of joint indices corresponding to continuous revolute joints.
preprocess_bboxis a flag for whether the function should precompute axis-aligned bounding boxes for every set. This can speed up the pairwise intersection checks, by determining some sets to be disjoint without needing to solve an optimization problem. However, it does require some overhead to compute those bounding boxes.
ifcontinuous_revolute_joints has repeated entries, or if any entry is outside the interval [0, ambient_dimension), where ambient_dimension is the ambient dimension of the convex sets in convex_sets_A and convex_sets_B.
ifconvex_sets_A or convex_sets_B are empty.

◆ CalcPairwiseIntersections() [2/2]

std::vector<std::tuple<int, int, Eigen::VectorXd> > drake::geometry::optimization::CalcPairwiseIntersections ( const ConvexSets convex_sets,
const std::vector< int > &  continuous_revolute_joints,
bool  preprocess_bbox = true 

Convenience overload to compute pairwise intersections within a list of convex sets.

Equivalent to calling CalcPairwiseIntersections(convex_sets, convex_sets, continuous_revolute_joints).

convex_sets_Ais a vector of convex sets. Pairwise intersections will be computed within convex_sets_A.
continuous_revolute_jointsis a list of joint indices corresponding to continuous revolute joints.
preprocess_bboxis a flag for whether the function should precompute axis-aligned bounding boxes for every set. This can speed up the pairwise intersection checks, by determining some sets to be disjoint without needing to solve an optimization problem.
ifcontinuous_revolute_joints has repeated entries, or if any entry is outside the interval [0, ambient_dimension), where ambient_dimension is the ambient dimension of the convex sets in convex_sets_A and convex_sets_B.
ifconvex_sets_A is empty.

◆ CalcPlane()

void drake::geometry::optimization::CalcPlane ( const VectorX< D > &  decision_variables,
const VectorX< S > &  s_for_plane,
int  plane_degree,
Vector3< V > *  a_val,
V *  b_val 

Computes the parameters a, b in the plane { x | aᵀx+b=0 }.

a and b are both polynomials of vars_for_plane. The coefficients of these polynomials are in decision_variables in graded reverse lexicographic order.

Template Parameters
D,S,VThe valid combination of D, S, V are
  1. D=symbolic::Variable, S=symbolic::Variable, V=symbolic::Polynomial.
  2. D=double, S=symbolic::Variable, V=symbolic::Polynomial
  3. D=double, S=double, V=double

◆ CheckIfSatisfiesConvexityRadius()

bool drake::geometry::optimization::CheckIfSatisfiesConvexityRadius ( const geometry::optimization::ConvexSet convex_set,
const std::vector< int > &  continuous_revolute_joints 

Given a convex set, and a list of indices corresponding to continuous revolute joints, checks whether or not the set satisfies the convexity radius.

See §6.5.3 of "A Panoramic View of Riemannian Geometry", Marcel Berger for a general definition of convexity radius. When dealing with continuous revolute joints, respecting the convexity radius entails that each convex set has a width of stricty less than π along each dimension corresponding to a continuous revolute joint.

std::exceptionif continuous_revolute_joints has repeated entries, or if any entry is outside the interval [0, convex_set.ambient_dimension()).

◆ DistanceToHalfspace()

double drake::geometry::optimization::DistanceToHalfspace ( const CIrisCollisionGeometry collision_geometry,
const Eigen::Vector3d &  a,
double  b,
multibody::BodyIndex  expressed_body,
PlaneSide  plane_side,
const multibody::MultibodyPlant< double > &  plant,
const systems::Context< double > &  plant_context 

Computes the signed distance from collision_geometry to the half space ℋ, where ℋ = {x | aᵀx+b >= 0} if plane_side=PlaneSide::kPositive, and ℋ = {x | aᵀx+b <= 0} if plane_side=PlaneSide::kNegative.

The half space is measured and expressed in the expressed_body's body frame. This works for both collision_geometry separated from the half space, and collision geometry in penetration with the halfspace.

a does not need to be a unit length vector (but should be non-zero).

◆ GetVertices()

Eigen::MatrixXd drake::geometry::optimization::GetVertices ( const Convex convex)

Obtains all the vertices stored in the convex object.

Return values
vertices.Each column of vertices is a vertex. We don't impose any specific order on the vertices. The vertices are expressed in the convex shape's own frame.

◆ MakeConvexSets()

ConvexSets drake::geometry::optimization::MakeConvexSets ( Args &&...  args)

Helper function that allows the ConvexSets to be initialized from arguments containing ConvexSet references, or unique_ptr<ConvexSet> instances, or any object that can be assigned to ConvexSets::value_type.

◆ PartitionConvexSet() [1/2]

geometry::optimization::ConvexSets drake::geometry::optimization::PartitionConvexSet ( const geometry::optimization::ConvexSet convex_set,
const std::vector< int > &  continuous_revolute_joints,
const double  epsilon = 1e-5 

Partitions a convex set into (smaller) convex sets whose union is the original set and that each respect the convexity radius as in CheckIfSatisfiesConvexityRadius.

In practice, this is implemented as partitioning sets into pieces whose width is less than or equal to π-ϵ. Each entry in continuous_revolute_joints must be non-negative, less than num_positions, and unique.

epsilonis the ϵ value used for the convexity radius inequality. The partitioned sets are made by intersecting convex_set with axis-aligned bounding boxes that respect the convexity radius. These boxes are made to overlap by ϵ radians along each dimension, for numerical purposes.
the vector of convex sets that each respect convexity radius.
std::exceptionif ϵ <= 0 or ϵ >= π.
std::exceptionif the input convex set is unbounded along dimensions corresponding to continuous revolute joints.
std::exceptionif continuous_revolute_joints has repeated entries, or if any entry is outside the interval [0, convex_set.ambient_dimension()).

◆ PartitionConvexSet() [2/2]

geometry::optimization::ConvexSets drake::geometry::optimization::PartitionConvexSet ( const geometry::optimization::ConvexSets convex_sets,
const std::vector< int > &  continuous_revolute_joints,
const double  epsilon = 1e-5 

Function overload to take in a list of convex sets, and partition all so as to respect the convexity radius.

Every set must be bounded and have the same ambient dimension. Each entry in continuous_revolute_joints must be non-negative, less than num_positions, and unique.

std::exceptionunless every ConvexSet in convex_sets has the same ambient_dimension.
std::exceptionif ϵ <= 0 or ϵ >= π.
std::exceptionif any input convex set is unbounded along dimensions corresponding to continuous revolute joints.
std::exceptionif continuous_revolute_joints has repeated entries, or if any entry is outside the interval [0, ambient_dimension).

◆ ToPlaneDegree()

int drake::geometry::optimization::ToPlaneDegree ( SeparatingPlaneOrder  plane_order)

Convert SeparatingPlaneOrder to an integer degree.

◆ ToPlaneOrder()

SeparatingPlaneOrder drake::geometry::optimization::ToPlaneOrder ( int  plane_degree)

Convert an integer degree to the SeparatingPlaneOrder.