| StateInterpolatorWithDiscreteDerivative (int num_positions, double time_step, bool suppress_initial_transient=true) |
| Constructor taking num_positions , the size of the position vector to be differentiated, and time_step , the sampling interval. More...
bool | suppress_initial_transient () const |
| Returns the suppress_initial_transient passed to the constructor. More...
void | set_initial_position (systems::State< T > *state, const Eigen::Ref< const VectorX< T >> &position) const |
| Convenience method that sets the entire position history for the discrete-time derivative to a constant vector value (resulting in velocity estimate of zero). More...
void | set_initial_state (systems::State< T > *state, const Eigen::Ref< const VectorX< T >> &position, const Eigen::Ref< const VectorX< T >> &velocity) const |
| Convenience method that sets the entire position history for the discrete-time derivative as if the most recent input was position , and the input before that was whatever was required to produce the output velocity velocity . More...
void | set_initial_position (systems::Context< T > *context, const Eigen::Ref< const VectorX< T >> &position) const |
| Convenience method that sets the entire position history for the discrete-time derivative to a constant vector value (resulting in velocity estimate of zero). More...
void | set_initial_state (systems::Context< T > *context, const Eigen::Ref< const VectorX< T >> &position, const Eigen::Ref< const VectorX< T >> &velocity) const |
| Convenience method that sets the entire position history for the discrete-time derivative as if the most recent input was position , and the input before that was whatever was required to produce the output velocity velocity . More...
| StateInterpolatorWithDiscreteDerivative (const StateInterpolatorWithDiscreteDerivative &)=delete |
StateInterpolatorWithDiscreteDerivative & | operator= (const StateInterpolatorWithDiscreteDerivative &)=delete |
| StateInterpolatorWithDiscreteDerivative (StateInterpolatorWithDiscreteDerivative &&)=delete |
StateInterpolatorWithDiscreteDerivative & | operator= (StateInterpolatorWithDiscreteDerivative &&)=delete |
template<typename U > |
| Diagram (const Diagram< U > &other) |
| Scalar-converting copy constructor. See System Scalar Conversion. More...
| ~Diagram () override |
std::vector< const systems::System< T > * > | GetSystems () const |
| Returns the list of contained Systems. More...
void | Accept (SystemVisitor< T > *v) const final |
| Implements a visitor pattern. More...
const std::map< InputPortLocator, OutputPortLocator > & | connection_map () const |
| Returns a reference to the map of connections between Systems. More...
std::vector< InputPortLocator > | GetInputPortLocators (InputPortIndex port_index) const |
| Returns the collection of "locators" for the subsystem input ports that were exported or connected to the port_index input port for the Diagram. More...
const OutputPortLocator & | get_output_port_locator (OutputPortIndex port_index) const |
| Returns the "locator" for the subsystem output port that was exported as the port_index output port for the Diagram. More...
std::multimap< int, int > | GetDirectFeedthroughs () const final |
| Reports all direct feedthroughs from input ports to output ports. More...
void | SetDefaultParameters (const Context< T > &context, Parameters< T > *params) const override |
| Assigns default values to all parameters. More...
void | SetDefaultState (const Context< T > &context, State< T > *state) const override |
| Assigns default values to all elements of the state. More...
void | SetRandomState (const Context< T > &context, State< T > *state, RandomGenerator *generator) const override |
| Assigns random values to all elements of the state. More...
void | SetRandomParameters (const Context< T > &context, Parameters< T > *params, RandomGenerator *generator) const override |
| Assigns random values to all parameters. More...
std::unique_ptr< ContinuousState< T > > | AllocateTimeDerivatives () const final |
| Returns a ContinuousState of the same size as the continuous_state allocated in CreateDefaultContext. More...
std::unique_ptr< DiscreteValues< T > > | AllocateDiscreteVariables () const final |
| Returns a DiscreteValues of the same dimensions as the discrete_state allocated in CreateDefaultContext. More...
bool | HasSubsystemNamed (std::string_view name) const |
| Returns true iff this contains a subsystem with the given name. More...
const System< T > & | GetSubsystemByName (std::string_view name) const |
| Retrieves a const reference to the subsystem with name name returned by get_name(). More...
template<template< typename > class MySystem> |
const MySystem< T > & | GetDowncastSubsystemByName (std::string_view name) const |
| Retrieves a const reference to the subsystem with name name returned by get_name(), downcast to the type provided as a template argument. More...
template<class MyUntemplatizedSystem > |
const MyUntemplatizedSystem & | GetDowncastSubsystemByName (std::string_view name) const |
| Alternate signature for a subsystem that has the Diagram's scalar type T but is not explicitly templatized on T. More...
const ContinuousState< T > & | GetSubsystemDerivatives (const System< T > &subsystem, const ContinuousState< T > &derivatives) const |
| Retrieves the state derivatives for a particular subsystem from the derivatives for the entire diagram. More...
const DiscreteValues< T > & | GetSubsystemDiscreteValues (const System< T > &subsystem, const DiscreteValues< T > &discrete_values) const |
| Retrieves the discrete state values for a particular subsystem from the discrete values for the entire diagram. More...
const CompositeEventCollection< T > & | GetSubsystemCompositeEventCollection (const System< T > &subsystem, const CompositeEventCollection< T > &events) const |
| Returns the const subsystem composite event collection from events that corresponds to subsystem . More...
CompositeEventCollection< T > & | GetMutableSubsystemCompositeEventCollection (const System< T > &subsystem, CompositeEventCollection< T > *events) const |
| Returns the mutable subsystem composite event collection that corresponds to subsystem . More...
State< T > & | GetMutableSubsystemState (const System< T > &subsystem, Context< T > *context) const |
| Retrieves the state for a particular subsystem from the context for the entire diagram. More...
State< T > & | GetMutableSubsystemState (const System< T > &subsystem, State< T > *state) const |
| Retrieves the state for a particular subsystem from the state for the entire diagram. More...
const State< T > & | GetSubsystemState (const System< T > &subsystem, const State< T > &state) const |
| Retrieves the state for a particular subsystem from the state for the entire diagram. More...
SubsystemIndex | GetSystemIndexOrAbort (const System< T > *sys) const |
| Returns the index of the given sys in this diagram, or aborts if sys is not a member of the diagram. More...
bool | AreConnected (const OutputPort< T > &output, const InputPort< T > &input) const |
| Reports if the indicated output is connected to the input port. More...
| Diagram (const Diagram &)=delete |
Diagram & | operator= (const Diagram &)=delete |
| Diagram (Diagram &&)=delete |
Diagram & | operator= (Diagram &&)=delete |
| ~System () override |
void | GetWitnessFunctions (const Context< T > &context, std::vector< const WitnessFunction< T > * > *w) const |
| Gets the witness functions active for the given state. More...
T | CalcWitnessValue (const Context< T > &context, const WitnessFunction< T > &witness_func) const |
| Evaluates a witness function at the given context. More...
DependencyTicket | discrete_state_ticket (DiscreteStateIndex index) const |
| Returns a ticket indicating dependence on a particular discrete state variable xdᵢ (may be a vector). More...
DependencyTicket | abstract_state_ticket (AbstractStateIndex index) const |
| Returns a ticket indicating dependence on a particular abstract state variable xaᵢ. More...
DependencyTicket | numeric_parameter_ticket (NumericParameterIndex index) const |
| Returns a ticket indicating dependence on a particular numeric parameter pnᵢ (may be a vector). More...
DependencyTicket | abstract_parameter_ticket (AbstractParameterIndex index) const |
| Returns a ticket indicating dependence on a particular abstract parameter paᵢ. More...
DependencyTicket | input_port_ticket (InputPortIndex index) const |
| Returns a ticket indicating dependence on input port uᵢ indicated by index . More...
DependencyTicket | cache_entry_ticket (CacheIndex index) const |
| Returns a ticket indicating dependence on the cache entry indicated by index . More...
| System (const System &)=delete |
System & | operator= (const System &)=delete |
| System (System &&)=delete |
System & | operator= (System &&)=delete |
std::unique_ptr< Context< T > > | AllocateContext () const |
| (Advanced) Returns an uninitialized Context<T> suitable for use with this System<T>. More...
std::unique_ptr< CompositeEventCollection< T > > | AllocateCompositeEventCollection () const |
| Allocates a CompositeEventCollection for this system. More...
std::unique_ptr< BasicVector< T > > | AllocateInputVector (const InputPort< T > &input_port) const |
| Given an input port, allocates the vector storage. More...
std::unique_ptr< AbstractValue > | AllocateInputAbstract (const InputPort< T > &input_port) const |
| Given an input port, allocates the abstract storage. More...
std::unique_ptr< SystemOutput< T > > | AllocateOutput () const |
| Returns a container that can hold the values of all of this System's output ports. More...
VectorX< T > | AllocateImplicitTimeDerivativesResidual () const |
| Returns an Eigen VectorX suitable for use as the output argument to the CalcImplicitTimeDerivativesResidual() method. More...
std::unique_ptr< Context< T > > | CreateDefaultContext () const |
| This convenience method allocates a context using AllocateContext() and sets its default values using SetDefaultContext(). More...
void | SetDefaultContext (Context< T > *context) const |
| Sets Context fields to their default values. More...
void | SetRandomContext (Context< T > *context, RandomGenerator *generator) const |
| Sets Context fields to random values. More...
void | AllocateFixedInputs (Context< T > *context) const |
| For each input port, allocates a fixed input of the concrete type that this System requires, and binds it to the port, disconnecting any prior input. More...
bool | HasAnyDirectFeedthrough () const |
| Returns true if any of the inputs to the system might be directly fed through to any of its outputs and false otherwise. More...
bool | HasDirectFeedthrough (int output_port) const |
| Returns true if there might be direct-feedthrough from any input port to the given output_port , and false otherwise. More...
bool | HasDirectFeedthrough (int input_port, int output_port) const |
| Returns true if there might be direct-feedthrough from the given input_port to the given output_port , and false otherwise. More...
virtual std::multimap< int, int > | GetDirectFeedthroughs () const=0 |
| Reports all direct feedthroughs from input ports to output ports. More...
EventStatus | Publish (const Context< T > &context, const EventCollection< PublishEvent< T >> &events) const |
| This method is the public entry point for dispatching all publish event handlers. More...
void | ForcedPublish (const Context< T > &context) const |
| (Advanced) Manually triggers any PublishEvent that has trigger type kForced. More...
const ContinuousState< T > & | EvalTimeDerivatives (const Context< T > &context) const |
| Returns a reference to the cached value of the continuous state variable time derivatives, evaluating first if necessary using CalcTimeDerivatives(). More...
const CacheEntry & | get_time_derivatives_cache_entry () const |
| (Advanced) Returns the CacheEntry used to cache time derivatives for EvalTimeDerivatives(). More...
const T & | EvalPotentialEnergy (const Context< T > &context) const |
| Returns a reference to the cached value of the potential energy (PE), evaluating first if necessary using CalcPotentialEnergy(). More...
const T & | EvalKineticEnergy (const Context< T > &context) const |
| Returns a reference to the cached value of the kinetic energy (KE), evaluating first if necessary using CalcKineticEnergy(). More...
const T & | EvalConservativePower (const Context< T > &context) const |
| Returns a reference to the cached value of the conservative power (Pc), evaluating first if necessary using CalcConservativePower(). More...
const T & | EvalNonConservativePower (const Context< T > &context) const |
| Returns a reference to the cached value of the non-conservative power (Pnc), evaluating first if necessary using CalcNonConservativePower(). More...
template<template< typename > class Vec = BasicVector> |
const Vec< T > * | EvalVectorInput (const Context< T > &context, int port_index) const |
| Returns the value of the vector-valued input port with the given port_index as a BasicVector or a specific subclass Vec derived from BasicVector. More...
SystemConstraintIndex | AddExternalConstraint (ExternalSystemConstraint constraint) |
| Adds an "external" constraint to this System. More...
void | CalcTimeDerivatives (const Context< T > &context, ContinuousState< T > *derivatives) const |
| Calculates the time derivatives ẋ꜀ of the continuous state x꜀ into a given output argument. More...
void | CalcImplicitTimeDerivativesResidual (const Context< T > &context, const ContinuousState< T > &proposed_derivatives, EigenPtr< VectorX< T >> residual) const |
| Evaluates the implicit form of the System equations and returns the residual. More...
EventStatus | CalcDiscreteVariableUpdate (const Context< T > &context, const EventCollection< DiscreteUpdateEvent< T >> &events, DiscreteValues< T > *discrete_state) const |
| This method is the public entry point for dispatching all discrete variable update event handlers. More...
void | ApplyDiscreteVariableUpdate (const EventCollection< DiscreteUpdateEvent< T >> &events, DiscreteValues< T > *discrete_state, Context< T > *context) const |
| Given the discrete_state results of a previous call to CalcDiscreteVariableUpdate() that dispatched the given collection of events, modifies the context to reflect the updated discrete_state . More...
void | CalcForcedDiscreteVariableUpdate (const Context< T > &context, DiscreteValues< T > *discrete_state) const |
| (Advanced) Manually triggers any DiscreteUpdateEvent that has trigger type kForced. More...
EventStatus | CalcUnrestrictedUpdate (const Context< T > &context, const EventCollection< UnrestrictedUpdateEvent< T >> &events, State< T > *state) const |
| This method is the public entry point for dispatching all unrestricted update event handlers. More...
void | ApplyUnrestrictedUpdate (const EventCollection< UnrestrictedUpdateEvent< T >> &events, State< T > *state, Context< T > *context) const |
| Given the state results of a previous call to CalcUnrestrictedUpdate() that dispatched the given collection of events, modifies the context to reflect the updated state . More...
void | CalcForcedUnrestrictedUpdate (const Context< T > &context, State< T > *state) const |
| (Advanced) Manually triggers any UnrestrictedUpdateEvent that has trigger type kForced. More...
T | CalcNextUpdateTime (const Context< T > &context, CompositeEventCollection< T > *events) const |
| This method is called by a Simulator during its calculation of the size of the next continuous step to attempt. More...
void | GetPeriodicEvents (const Context< T > &context, CompositeEventCollection< T > *events) const |
| Returns all periodic events in this System. More...
void | GetPerStepEvents (const Context< T > &context, CompositeEventCollection< T > *events) const |
| This method is called by Simulator::Initialize() to gather all update and publish events that are to be handled in AdvanceTo() at the point before Simulator integrates continuous state. More...
void | GetInitializationEvents (const Context< T > &context, CompositeEventCollection< T > *events) const |
| This method is called by Simulator::Initialize() to gather all update and publish events that need to be handled at initialization before the simulator starts integration. More...
void | ExecuteInitializationEvents (Context< T > *context) const |
| This method triggers all of the initialization events returned by GetInitializationEvents(). More...
void | ExecuteForcedEvents (Context< T > *context, bool publish=true) const |
| This method triggers all of the forced events registered with this System (which might be a Diagram). More...
std::optional< PeriodicEventData > | GetUniquePeriodicDiscreteUpdateAttribute () const |
| Determines whether there exists a unique periodic timing (offset and period) that triggers one or more discrete update events (and, if so, returns that unique periodic timing). More...
const DiscreteValues< T > & | EvalUniquePeriodicDiscreteUpdate (const Context< T > &context) const |
| If this System contains a unique periodic timing for discrete update events, this function executes the handlers for those periodic events to determine what their effect would be. More...
bool | IsDifferenceEquationSystem (double *time_period=nullptr) const |
| Returns true iff the state dynamics of this system are governed exclusively by a difference equation on a single discrete state group and with a unique periodic update (having zero offset). More...
bool | IsDifferentialEquationSystem () const |
| Returns true iff the state dynamics of this system are governed exclusively by a differential equation. More...
std::map< PeriodicEventData, std::vector< const Event< T > * >, PeriodicEventDataComparator > | MapPeriodicEventsByTiming (const Context< T > *context=nullptr) const |
| Maps all periodic triggered events for a System, organized by timing. More...
void | CalcOutput (const Context< T > &context, SystemOutput< T > *outputs) const |
| Utility method that computes for every output port i the value y(i) that should result from the current contents of the given Context. More...
T | CalcPotentialEnergy (const Context< T > &context) const |
| Calculates and returns the potential energy represented by the current configuration provided in context . More...
T | CalcKineticEnergy (const Context< T > &context) const |
| Calculates and returns the kinetic energy represented by the current configuration and velocity provided in context . More...
T | CalcConservativePower (const Context< T > &context) const |
| Calculates and returns the conservative power represented by the current contents of the given context . More...
T | CalcNonConservativePower (const Context< T > &context) const |
| Calculates and returns the non-conservative power represented by the current contents of the given context . More...
void | MapVelocityToQDot (const Context< T > &context, const VectorBase< T > &generalized_velocity, VectorBase< T > *qdot) const |
| Transforms a given generalized velocity v to the time derivative qdot of the generalized configuration q taken from the supplied Context. More...
void | MapVelocityToQDot (const Context< T > &context, const Eigen::Ref< const VectorX< T >> &generalized_velocity, VectorBase< T > *qdot) const |
| Transforms the given generalized velocity to the time derivative of generalized configuration. More...
void | MapQDotToVelocity (const Context< T > &context, const VectorBase< T > &qdot, VectorBase< T > *generalized_velocity) const |
| Transforms the time derivative qdot of the generalized configuration q to generalized velocities v . More...
void | MapQDotToVelocity (const Context< T > &context, const Eigen::Ref< const VectorX< T >> &qdot, VectorBase< T > *generalized_velocity) const |
| Transforms the given time derivative qdot of generalized configuration q to generalized velocity v . More...
const Context< T > & | GetSubsystemContext (const System< T > &subsystem, const Context< T > &context) const |
| Returns a const reference to the subcontext that corresponds to the contained System subsystem . More...
Context< T > & | GetMutableSubsystemContext (const System< T > &subsystem, Context< T > *context) const |
| Returns a mutable reference to the subcontext that corresponds to the contained System subsystem . More...
const Context< T > & | GetMyContextFromRoot (const Context< T > &root_context) const |
| Returns the const Context for this subsystem, given a root context. More...
Context< T > & | GetMyMutableContextFromRoot (Context< T > *root_context) const |
| Returns the mutable subsystem context for this system, given a root context. More...
const InputPort< T > & | get_input_port (int port_index, bool warn_deprecated=true) const |
| Returns the typed input port at index port_index . More...
const InputPort< T > & | get_input_port () const |
| Convenience method for the case of exactly one input port. More...
const InputPort< T > * | get_input_port_selection (std::variant< InputPortSelection, InputPortIndex > port_index) const |
| Returns the typed input port specified by the InputPortSelection or by the InputPortIndex. More...
const InputPort< T > & | GetInputPort (const std::string &port_name) const |
| Returns the typed input port with the unique name port_name . More...
bool | HasInputPort (const std::string &port_name) const |
| Returns true iff the system has an InputPort of the given port_name . More...
const OutputPort< T > & | get_output_port (int port_index, bool warn_deprecated=true) const |
| Returns the typed output port at index port_index . More...
const OutputPort< T > & | get_output_port () const |
| Convenience method for the case of exactly one output port. More...
const OutputPort< T > * | get_output_port_selection (std::variant< OutputPortSelection, OutputPortIndex > port_index) const |
| Returns the typed output port specified by the OutputPortSelection or by the OutputPortIndex. More...
const OutputPort< T > & | GetOutputPort (const std::string &port_name) const |
| Returns the typed output port with the unique name port_name . More...
bool | HasOutputPort (const std::string &port_name) const |
| Returns true iff the system has an OutputPort of the given port_name . More...
int | num_constraints () const |
| Returns the number of constraints specified for the system. More...
const SystemConstraint< T > & | get_constraint (SystemConstraintIndex constraint_index) const |
| Returns the constraint at index constraint_index . More...
boolean< T > | CheckSystemConstraintsSatisfied (const Context< T > &context, double tol) const |
| Returns true if context satisfies all of the registered SystemConstraints with tolerance tol . More...
VectorX< T > | CopyContinuousStateVector (const Context< T > &context) const |
| Returns a copy of the continuous state vector x꜀ into an Eigen vector. More...
std::string | GetMemoryObjectName () const |
| Returns a name for this System based on a stringification of its type name and memory address. More...
int | num_input_ports () const |
| Returns the number of input ports currently allocated in this System. More...
int | num_output_ports () const |
| Returns the number of output ports currently allocated in this System. More...
void | FixInputPortsFrom (const System< double > &other_system, const Context< double > &other_context, Context< T > *target_context) const |
| Fixes all of the input ports in target_context to their current values in other_context , as evaluated by other_system . More...
const SystemScalarConverter & | get_system_scalar_converter () const |
| (Advanced) Returns the SystemScalarConverter for this object. More...
std::string | GetGraphvizString (std::optional< int > max_depth={}, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options={}) const |
| Returns a Graphviz string describing this System. More...
std::unique_ptr< System< T > > | Clone () const |
| Creates a deep copy of this system. More...
std::unique_ptr< System< AutoDiffXd > > | ToAutoDiffXd () const |
| Creates a deep copy of this System, transmogrified to use the autodiff scalar type, with a dynamic-sized vector of partial derivatives. More...
std::unique_ptr< System< AutoDiffXd > > | ToAutoDiffXdMaybe () const |
| Creates a deep copy of this system exactly like ToAutoDiffXd(), but returns nullptr if this System does not support autodiff, instead of throwing an exception. More...
std::unique_ptr< System< symbolic::Expression > > | ToSymbolic () const |
| Creates a deep copy of this System, transmogrified to use the symbolic scalar type. More...
std::unique_ptr< System< symbolic::Expression > > | ToSymbolicMaybe () const |
| Creates a deep copy of this system exactly like ToSymbolic(), but returns nullptr if this System does not support symbolic, instead of throwing an exception. More...
template<typename U > |
std::unique_ptr< System< U > > | ToScalarType () const |
| Creates a deep copy of this System, transmogrified to use the scalar type selected by a template parameter. More...
template<typename U > |
std::unique_ptr< System< U > > | ToScalarTypeMaybe () const |
| Creates a deep copy of this system exactly like ToScalarType(), but returns nullptr if this System does not support the destination type, instead of throwing an exception. More...
| ~SystemBase () override |
void | set_name (const std::string &name) |
| Sets the name of the system. More...
const std::string & | get_name () const |
| Returns the name last supplied to set_name(), if any. More...
std::string | GetMemoryObjectName () const |
| Returns a name for this System based on a stringification of its type name and memory address. More...
const std::string & | GetSystemName () const final |
| Returns a human-readable name for this system, for use in messages and logging. More...
std::string | GetSystemPathname () const final |
| Generates and returns a human-readable full path name of this subsystem, for use in messages and logging. More...
std::string | GetSystemType () const final |
| Returns the most-derived type of this concrete System object as a human-readable string suitable for use in error messages. More...
std::unique_ptr< ContextBase > | AllocateContext () const |
| Returns a Context suitable for use with this System. More...
int | num_input_ports () const |
| Returns the number of input ports currently allocated in this System. More...
int | num_output_ports () const |
| Returns the number of output ports currently allocated in this System. More...
const InputPortBase & | get_input_port_base (InputPortIndex port_index) const |
| Returns a reference to an InputPort given its port_index . More...
const OutputPortBase & | get_output_port_base (OutputPortIndex port_index) const |
| Returns a reference to an OutputPort given its port_index . More...
int | num_total_inputs () const |
| Returns the total dimension of all of the vector-valued input ports (as if they were muxed). More...
int | num_total_outputs () const |
| Returns the total dimension of all of the vector-valued output ports (as if they were muxed). More...
int | num_cache_entries () const |
| Returns the number nc of cache entries currently allocated in this System. More...
const CacheEntry & | get_cache_entry (CacheIndex index) const |
| Returns a reference to a CacheEntry given its index . More...
CacheEntry & | get_mutable_cache_entry (CacheIndex index) |
| (Advanced) Returns a mutable reference to a CacheEntry given its index . More...
int | num_continuous_states () const |
| Returns the number of declared continuous state variables. More...
int | num_discrete_state_groups () const |
| Returns the number of declared discrete state groups (each group is a vector-valued discrete state variable). More...
int | num_abstract_states () const |
| Returns the number of declared abstract state variables. More...
int | num_numeric_parameter_groups () const |
| Returns the number of declared numeric parameters (each of these is a vector-valued parameter). More...
int | num_abstract_parameters () const |
| Returns the number of declared abstract parameters. More...
int | implicit_time_derivatives_residual_size () const |
| Returns the size of the implicit time derivatives residual vector. More...
void | ValidateContext (const ContextBase &context) const final |
| Checks whether the given context was created for this system. More...
void | ValidateContext (const ContextBase *context) const |
| Checks whether the given context was created for this system. More...
template<class Clazz > |
void | ValidateCreatedForThisSystem (const Clazz &object) const |
| Checks whether the given object was created for this system. More...
| SystemBase (const SystemBase &)=delete |
SystemBase & | operator= (const SystemBase &)=delete |
| SystemBase (SystemBase &&)=delete |
SystemBase & | operator= (SystemBase &&)=delete |
std::string | GetGraphvizString (std::optional< int > max_depth={}, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options={}) const |
| Returns a Graphviz string describing this System. More...
GraphvizFragment | GetGraphvizFragment (std::optional< int > max_depth={}, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options={}) const |
| (Advanced) Like GetGraphvizString() but does not wrap the string in a digraph { … } . More...
const AbstractValue * | EvalAbstractInput (const ContextBase &context, int port_index) const |
| Returns the value of the input port with the given port_index as an AbstractValue, which is permitted for ports of any type. More...
template<typename V > |
const V * | EvalInputValue (const ContextBase &context, int port_index) const |
| Returns the value of an abstract-valued input port with the given port_index as a value of known type V . More...
DependencyTicket | discrete_state_ticket (DiscreteStateIndex index) const |
| Returns a ticket indicating dependence on a particular discrete state variable xdᵢ (may be a vector). More...
DependencyTicket | abstract_state_ticket (AbstractStateIndex index) const |
| Returns a ticket indicating dependence on a particular abstract state variable xaᵢ. More...
DependencyTicket | numeric_parameter_ticket (NumericParameterIndex index) const |
| Returns a ticket indicating dependence on a particular numeric parameter pnᵢ (may be a vector). More...
DependencyTicket | abstract_parameter_ticket (AbstractParameterIndex index) const |
| Returns a ticket indicating dependence on a particular abstract parameter paᵢ. More...
DependencyTicket | input_port_ticket (InputPortIndex index) const |
| Returns a ticket indicating dependence on input port uᵢ indicated by index . More...
DependencyTicket | cache_entry_ticket (CacheIndex index) const |
| Returns a ticket indicating dependence on the cache entry indicated by index . More...
DependencyTicket | output_port_ticket (OutputPortIndex index) const |
| (Internal use only) Returns a ticket indicating dependence on the output port indicated by index . More...
using | InputPortLocator = std::pair< const System< T > *, InputPortIndex > |
| A designator for a "system + input port" pair, to uniquely refer to some input port on one of this diagram's subsystems. More...
using | OutputPortLocator = std::pair< const System< T > *, OutputPortIndex > |
| A designator for a "system + output port" pair, to uniquely refer to some output port on one of this diagram's subsystems. More...
using | Scalar = T |
| The scalar type with which this System was instantiated. More...
static DependencyTicket | nothing_ticket () |
| Returns a ticket indicating that a computation does not depend on any source value; that is, it is a constant. More...
static DependencyTicket | time_ticket () |
| Returns a ticket indicating dependence on time. More...
static DependencyTicket | accuracy_ticket () |
| Returns a ticket indicating dependence on the accuracy setting in the Context. More...
static DependencyTicket | q_ticket () |
| Returns a ticket indicating that a computation depends on configuration state variables q. More...
static DependencyTicket | v_ticket () |
| Returns a ticket indicating dependence on velocity state variables v. More...
static DependencyTicket | z_ticket () |
| Returns a ticket indicating dependence on any or all of the miscellaneous continuous state variables z. More...
static DependencyTicket | xc_ticket () |
| Returns a ticket indicating dependence on all of the continuous state variables q, v, or z. More...
static DependencyTicket | xd_ticket () |
| Returns a ticket indicating dependence on all of the numerical discrete state variables, in any discrete variable group. More...
static DependencyTicket | xa_ticket () |
| Returns a ticket indicating dependence on all of the abstract state variables in the current Context. More...
static DependencyTicket | all_state_ticket () |
| Returns a ticket indicating dependence on all state variables x in this system, including continuous variables xc, discrete (numeric) variables xd, and abstract state variables xa. More...
static DependencyTicket | pn_ticket () |
| Returns a ticket indicating dependence on all of the numerical parameters in the current Context. More...
static DependencyTicket | pa_ticket () |
| Returns a ticket indicating dependence on all of the abstract parameters pa in the current Context. More...
static DependencyTicket | all_parameters_ticket () |
| Returns a ticket indicating dependence on all parameters p in this system, including numeric parameters pn, and abstract parameters pa. More...
static DependencyTicket | all_input_ports_ticket () |
| Returns a ticket indicating dependence on all input ports u of this system. More...
static DependencyTicket | all_sources_ticket () |
| Returns a ticket indicating dependence on every possible independent source value, including time, accuracy, state, input ports, and parameters (but not cache entries). More...
static DependencyTicket | configuration_ticket () |
| Returns a ticket indicating dependence on all source values that may affect configuration-dependent computations. More...
static DependencyTicket | kinematics_ticket () |
| Returns a ticket indicating dependence on all source values that may affect configuration- or velocity-dependent computations. More...
static DependencyTicket | xcdot_ticket () |
| Returns a ticket for the cache entry that holds time derivatives of the continuous variables. More...
static DependencyTicket | pe_ticket () |
| Returns a ticket for the cache entry that holds the potential energy calculation. More...
static DependencyTicket | ke_ticket () |
| Returns a ticket for the cache entry that holds the kinetic energy calculation. More...
static DependencyTicket | pc_ticket () |
| Returns a ticket for the cache entry that holds the conservative power calculation. More...
static DependencyTicket | pnc_ticket () |
| Returns a ticket for the cache entry that holds the non-conservative power calculation. More...
template<template< typename > class S = ::drake::systems::System> |
static std::unique_ptr< S< T > > | Clone (const S< T > &from) |
| Creates a deep copy of this system. More...
template<template< typename > class S = ::drake::systems::System> |
static std::unique_ptr< S< AutoDiffXd > > | ToAutoDiffXd (const S< T > &from) |
| Creates a deep copy of from , transmogrified to use the autodiff scalar type, with a dynamic-sized vector of partial derivatives. More...
template<template< typename > class S = ::drake::systems::System> |
static std::unique_ptr< S< symbolic::Expression > > | ToSymbolic (const S< T > &from) |
| Creates a deep copy of from , transmogrified to use the symbolic scalar type. More...
template<typename U , template< typename > class S = ::drake::systems::System> |
static std::unique_ptr< S< U > > | ToScalarType (const S< T > &from) |
| Creates a deep copy of from , transmogrified to use the scalar type selected by a template parameter. More...
static DependencyTicket | nothing_ticket () |
| Returns a ticket indicating that a computation does not depend on any source value; that is, it is a constant. More...
static DependencyTicket | time_ticket () |
| Returns a ticket indicating dependence on time. More...
static DependencyTicket | accuracy_ticket () |
| Returns a ticket indicating dependence on the accuracy setting in the Context. More...
static DependencyTicket | q_ticket () |
| Returns a ticket indicating that a computation depends on configuration state variables q. More...
static DependencyTicket | v_ticket () |
| Returns a ticket indicating dependence on velocity state variables v. More...
static DependencyTicket | z_ticket () |
| Returns a ticket indicating dependence on any or all of the miscellaneous continuous state variables z. More...
static DependencyTicket | xc_ticket () |
| Returns a ticket indicating dependence on all of the continuous state variables q, v, or z. More...
static DependencyTicket | xd_ticket () |
| Returns a ticket indicating dependence on all of the numerical discrete state variables, in any discrete variable group. More...
static DependencyTicket | xa_ticket () |
| Returns a ticket indicating dependence on all of the abstract state variables in the current Context. More...
static DependencyTicket | all_state_ticket () |
| Returns a ticket indicating dependence on all state variables x in this system, including continuous variables xc, discrete (numeric) variables xd, and abstract state variables xa. More...
static DependencyTicket | pn_ticket () |
| Returns a ticket indicating dependence on all of the numerical parameters in the current Context. More...
static DependencyTicket | pa_ticket () |
| Returns a ticket indicating dependence on all of the abstract parameters pa in the current Context. More...
static DependencyTicket | all_parameters_ticket () |
| Returns a ticket indicating dependence on all parameters p in this system, including numeric parameters pn, and abstract parameters pa. More...
static DependencyTicket | all_input_ports_ticket () |
| Returns a ticket indicating dependence on all input ports u of this system. More...
static DependencyTicket | all_sources_except_input_ports_ticket () |
| Returns a ticket indicating dependence on every possible independent source value except input ports. More...
static DependencyTicket | all_sources_ticket () |
| Returns a ticket indicating dependence on every possible independent source value, including time, accuracy, state, input ports, and parameters (but not cache entries). More...
static DependencyTicket | configuration_ticket () |
| Returns a ticket indicating dependence on all source values that may affect configuration-dependent computations. More...
static DependencyTicket | kinematics_ticket () |
| Returns a ticket indicating dependence on all source values that may affect configuration- or velocity-dependent computations. More...
static DependencyTicket | xcdot_ticket () |
| Returns a ticket for the cache entry that holds time derivatives of the continuous variables. More...
static DependencyTicket | pe_ticket () |
| Returns a ticket for the cache entry that holds the potential energy calculation. More...
static DependencyTicket | ke_ticket () |
| Returns a ticket for the cache entry that holds the kinetic energy calculation. More...
static DependencyTicket | pc_ticket () |
| Returns a ticket for the cache entry that holds the conservative power calculation. More...
static DependencyTicket | pnc_ticket () |
| Returns a ticket for the cache entry that holds the non-conservative power calculation. More...
static DependencyTicket | xd_unique_periodic_update_ticket () |
| (Internal use only) Returns a ticket for the cache entry that holds the unique periodic discrete update computation. More...
| Diagram () |
| Constructs an uninitialized Diagram. More...
| Diagram (SystemScalarConverter converter) |
| (Advanced) Constructs an uninitialized Diagram. More...
template<typename U > |
| Diagram (SystemScalarConverter converter, const Diagram< U > &other) |
| (Advanced) Scalar-converting constructor, for used by derived classes that are performing a conversion and also need to supply a converter that preserves subtypes for additional conversions. More...
T | DoCalcWitnessValue (const Context< T > &context, const WitnessFunction< T > &witness_func) const final |
| For the subsystem associated with witness_func , gets its subcontext from context , passes the subcontext to witness_func' Evaluate method and returns the result. More...
void | AddTriggeredWitnessFunctionToCompositeEventCollection (Event< T > *event, CompositeEventCollection< T > *events) const final |
| For the subsystem associated with witness_func , gets its mutable sub composite event collection from events , and passes it to witness_func 's AddEventToCollection method. More...
void | DoGetWitnessFunctions (const Context< T > &context, std::vector< const WitnessFunction< T > * > *witnesses) const final |
| Provides witness functions of subsystems that are active at the beginning of a continuous time interval. More...
const Context< T > * | DoGetTargetSystemContext (const System< T > &target_system, const Context< T > *context) const final |
| Returns a pointer to const context if target_system is a subsystem of this, nullptr is returned otherwise. More...
State< T > * | DoGetMutableTargetSystemState (const System< T > &target_system, State< T > *state) const final |
| Returns a pointer to mutable state if target_system is a subsystem of this, nullptr is returned otherwise. More...
const ContinuousState< T > * | DoGetTargetSystemContinuousState (const System< T > &target_system, const ContinuousState< T > *xc) const final |
| Returns a pointer to const state if target_system is a subsystem of this, nullptr is returned otherwise. More...
const State< T > * | DoGetTargetSystemState (const System< T > &target_system, const State< T > *state) const final |
| Returns a pointer to const state if target_system is a subsystem of this, nullptr is returned otherwise. More...
CompositeEventCollection< T > * | DoGetMutableTargetSystemCompositeEventCollection (const System< T > &target_system, CompositeEventCollection< T > *events) const final |
| Returns a pointer to mutable composite event collection if target_system is a subsystem of this, nullptr is returned otherwise. More...
const CompositeEventCollection< T > * | DoGetTargetSystemCompositeEventCollection (const System< T > &target_system, const CompositeEventCollection< T > *events) const final |
| Returns a pointer to const composite event collection if target_system is a subsystem of this, nullptr is returned otherwise. More...
void | DoMapVelocityToQDot (const Context< T > &context, const Eigen::Ref< const VectorX< T >> &generalized_velocity, VectorBase< T > *qdot) const override |
| The generalized_velocity vector must have the same size and ordering as the generalized velocity in the ContinuousState that this Diagram reserves in its context. More...
void | DoMapQDotToVelocity (const Context< T > &context, const Eigen::Ref< const VectorX< T >> &qdot, VectorBase< T > *generalized_velocity) const override |
| The generalized_velocity vector must have the same size and ordering as the generalized velocity in the ContinuousState that this Diagram reserves in its context. More...
void | DoCalcNextUpdateTime (const Context< T > &context, CompositeEventCollection< T > *event_info, T *time) const override |
| Computes the next update time based on the configured actions, for scalar types that are arithmetic, or aborts for scalar types that are not arithmetic. More...
std::string | GetUnsupportedScalarConversionMessage (const std::type_info &source_type, const std::type_info &destination_type) const final |
| (Internal use only) Returns the message to use for a std::exception in the case of unsupported scalar type conversions. More...
GraphvizFragment | DoGetGraphvizFragment (const GraphvizFragmentParams ¶ms) const override |
| The NVI implementation of SystemBase::GetGraphvizFragment() for subclasses to override if desired. More...
SystemConstraintIndex | AddConstraint (std::unique_ptr< SystemConstraint< T >> constraint) |
| Adds an already-created constraint to the list of constraints for this System. More...
bool | forced_publish_events_exist () const |
bool | forced_discrete_update_events_exist () const |
bool | forced_unrestricted_update_events_exist () const |
EventCollection< PublishEvent< T > > & | get_mutable_forced_publish_events () |
EventCollection< DiscreteUpdateEvent< T > > & | get_mutable_forced_discrete_update_events () |
EventCollection< UnrestrictedUpdateEvent< T > > & | get_mutable_forced_unrestricted_update_events () |
const EventCollection< DiscreteUpdateEvent< T > > & | get_forced_discrete_update_events () const |
const EventCollection< UnrestrictedUpdateEvent< T > > & | get_forced_unrestricted_update_events () const |
void | set_forced_publish_events (std::unique_ptr< EventCollection< PublishEvent< T >>> forced) |
void | set_forced_discrete_update_events (std::unique_ptr< EventCollection< DiscreteUpdateEvent< T >>> forced) |
void | set_forced_unrestricted_update_events (std::unique_ptr< EventCollection< UnrestrictedUpdateEvent< T >>> forced) |
SystemScalarConverter & | get_mutable_system_scalar_converter () |
| Returns the SystemScalarConverter for this system. More...
CacheEntry & | DeclareCacheEntry (std::string description, ValueProducer value_producer, std::set< DependencyTicket > prerequisites_of_calc={ all_sources_ticket()}) |
| Declares a new CacheEntry in this System using the most generic form of the calculation function. More...
template<class MySystem , class MyContext , typename ValueType > |
CacheEntry & | DeclareCacheEntry (std::string description, const ValueType &model_value, void(MySystem::*calc)(const MyContext &, ValueType *) const, std::set< DependencyTicket > prerequisites_of_calc={ all_sources_ticket()}) |
| Declares a cache entry by specifying a model value of concrete type ValueType and a calculator function that is a class member function (method) with signature: More...
template<class MySystem , class MyContext , typename ValueType > |
CacheEntry & | DeclareCacheEntry (std::string description, void(MySystem::*calc)(const MyContext &, ValueType *) const, std::set< DependencyTicket > prerequisites_of_calc={ all_sources_ticket()}) |
| Declares a cache entry by specifying only a calculator function that is a class member function (method) with signature: More...
| System (SystemScalarConverter converter) |
| Constructs an empty System base class object and allocates base class resources, possibly supporting scalar-type conversion support (AutoDiff, etc.) using converter . More...
InputPort< T > & | DeclareInputPort (std::variant< std::string, UseDefaultName > name, PortDataType type, int size, std::optional< RandomDistribution > random_type=std::nullopt) |
| Adds a port with the specified type and size to the input topology. More...
virtual T | DoCalcPotentialEnergy (const Context< T > &context) const |
| Override this method for physical systems to calculate the potential energy PE currently stored in the configuration provided in the given Context. More...
virtual T | DoCalcKineticEnergy (const Context< T > &context) const |
| Override this method for physical systems to calculate the kinetic energy KE currently present in the motion provided in the given Context. More...
virtual T | DoCalcConservativePower (const Context< T > &context) const |
| Override this method to return the rate Pc at which mechanical energy is being converted from potential energy to kinetic energy by this system in the given Context. More...
virtual T | DoCalcNonConservativePower (const Context< T > &context) const |
| Override this method to return the rate Pnc at which work W is done on the system by non-conservative forces. More...
Eigen::VectorBlock< VectorX< T > > | GetMutableOutputVector (SystemOutput< T > *output, int port_index) const |
| Returns a mutable Eigen expression for a vector valued output port with index port_index in this system. More...
| SystemBase ()=default |
| (Internal use only). More...
void | AddInputPort (std::unique_ptr< InputPortBase > port) |
| (Internal use only) Adds an already-constructed input port to this System. More...
void | AddOutputPort (std::unique_ptr< OutputPortBase > port) |
| (Internal use only) Adds an already-constructed output port to this System. More...
std::string | NextInputPortName (std::variant< std::string, UseDefaultName > given_name) const |
| (Internal use only) Returns a name for the next input port, using the given name if it isn't kUseDefaultName, otherwise making up a name like "u3" from the next available input port index. More...
std::string | NextOutputPortName (std::variant< std::string, UseDefaultName > given_name) const |
| (Internal use only) Returns a name for the next output port, using the given name if it isn't kUseDefaultName, otherwise making up a name like "y3" from the next available output port index. More...
void | AddDiscreteStateGroup (DiscreteStateIndex index) |
| (Internal use only) Assigns a ticket to a new discrete variable group with the given index . More...
void | AddAbstractState (AbstractStateIndex index) |
| (Internal use only) Assigns a ticket to a new abstract state variable with the given index . More...
void | AddNumericParameter (NumericParameterIndex index) |
| (Internal use only) Assigns a ticket to a new numeric parameter with the given index . More...
void | AddAbstractParameter (AbstractParameterIndex index) |
| (Internal use only) Assigns a ticket to a new abstract parameter with the given index . More...
CacheEntry & | DeclareCacheEntryWithKnownTicket (DependencyTicket known_ticket, std::string description, ValueProducer value_producer, std::set< DependencyTicket > prerequisites_of_calc={ all_sources_ticket()}) |
| (Internal use only) This is for cache entries associated with pre-defined tickets, for example the cache entry for time derivatives. More...
const internal::SystemParentServiceInterface * | get_parent_service () const |
| Returns a pointer to the service interface of the immediately enclosing Diagram if one has been set, otherwise nullptr. More...
DependencyTicket | assign_next_dependency_ticket () |
| (Internal use only) Assigns the next unused dependency ticket number, unique only within a particular system. More...
bool | IsObviouslyNotInputDependent (DependencyTicket dependency_ticket) const |
| (Internal use only) Checks if a ticket depends on (any) input port. More...
const AbstractValue * | EvalAbstractInputImpl (const char *func, const ContextBase &context, InputPortIndex port_index) const |
| (Internal use only) Shared code for updating an input port and returning a pointer to its abstract value, or nullptr if the port is not connected. More...
void | ThrowNegativePortIndex (const char *func, int port_index) const |
| Throws std::exception to report a negative port_index that was passed to API method func . More...
void | ThrowInputPortIndexOutOfRange (const char *func, InputPortIndex port_index) const |
| Throws std::exception to report bad input port_index that was passed to API method func . More...
void | ThrowOutputPortIndexOutOfRange (const char *func, OutputPortIndex port_index) const |
| Throws std::exception to report bad output port_index that was passed to API method func . More...
void | ThrowNotAVectorInputPort (const char *func, InputPortIndex port_index) const |
| Throws std::exception because someone misused API method func , that is only allowed for declared-vector input ports, on an abstract port whose index is given here. More...
void | ThrowInputPortHasWrongType (const char *func, InputPortIndex port_index, const std::string &expected_type, const std::string &actual_type) const |
| Throws std::exception because someone called API method func claiming the input port had some value type that was wrong. More...
void | ThrowCantEvaluateInputPort (const char *func, InputPortIndex port_index) const |
| Throws std::exception because someone called API method func , that requires this input port to be evaluatable, but the port was neither fixed nor connected. More...
const InputPortBase & | GetInputPortBaseOrThrow (const char *func, int port_index, bool warn_deprecated) const |
| (Internal use only) Returns the InputPortBase at index port_index , throwing std::exception we don't like the port index. More...
const OutputPortBase & | GetOutputPortBaseOrThrow (const char *func, int port_index, bool warn_deprecated) const |
| (Internal use only) Returns the OutputPortBase at index port_index , throwing std::exception if we don't like the port index. More...
void | ThrowValidateContextMismatch (const ContextBase &) const |
| (Internal use only) Throws std::exception with a message that the sanity check(s) given by ValidateContext have failed. More...
void | InitializeContextBase (ContextBase *context) const |
| This method must be invoked from within derived class DoAllocateContext() implementations right after the concrete Context object has been allocated. More...
const ContextSizes & | get_context_sizes () const |
| Obtains access to the declared Context partition sizes as accumulated during LeafSystem or Diagram construction . More...
ContextSizes & | get_mutable_context_sizes () |
| Obtains mutable access to the Context sizes struct. More...
void | set_implicit_time_derivatives_residual_size (int n) |
| Allows a LeafSystem to override the default size for the implicit time derivatives residual and a Diagram to sum up the total size. More...
internal::SystemId | get_system_id () const |
| (Internal) Gets the id used to tag context data as being created by this system. More...
CacheEntry & | DeclareCacheEntry (std::string description, ValueProducer value_producer, std::set< DependencyTicket > prerequisites_of_calc={ all_sources_ticket()}) |
| Declares a new CacheEntry in this System using the most generic form of the calculation function. More...
template<class MySystem , class MyContext , typename ValueType > |
CacheEntry & | DeclareCacheEntry (std::string description, const ValueType &model_value, void(MySystem::*calc)(const MyContext &, ValueType *) const, std::set< DependencyTicket > prerequisites_of_calc={ all_sources_ticket()}) |
| Declares a cache entry by specifying a model value of concrete type ValueType and a calculator function that is a class member function (method) with signature: More...
template<class MySystem , class MyContext , typename ValueType > |
CacheEntry & | DeclareCacheEntry (std::string description, void(MySystem::*calc)(const MyContext &, ValueType *) const, std::set< DependencyTicket > prerequisites_of_calc={ all_sources_ticket()}) |
| Declares a cache entry by specifying only a calculator function that is a class member function (method) with signature: More...
static void | FindUniquePeriodicDiscreteUpdatesOrThrow (const char *api_name, const System< T > &system, const Context< T > &context, std::optional< PeriodicEventData > *timing, EventCollection< DiscreteUpdateEvent< T >> *events) |
| (Internal use only) Static interface to DoFindUniquePeriodicDiscreteUpdatesOrThrow() to allow a Diagram to invoke that private method on its subsystems. More...
template<typename U > |
static void | HandlePostConstructionScalarConversion (const System< U > &from, System< T > *to) |
| (Internal use only) Scalar conversion (e.g., ToAutoDiffXd) will first call the SystemScalarConverter to construct the converted system, and then call this function for any post-construction cleanup. More...
static void | set_parent_service (SystemBase *child, const internal::SystemParentServiceInterface *parent_service) |
| (Internal use only) Declares that parent_service is the service interface of the Diagram that owns this subsystem. More...
static void | ThrowInputPortHasWrongType (const char *func, const std::string &system_pathname, InputPortIndex, const std::string &port_name, const std::string &expected_type, const std::string &actual_type) |
| Throws std::exception because someone called API method func claiming the input port had some value type that was wrong. More...
static const ContextSizes & | get_context_sizes (const SystemBase &system) |
| Allows Diagram to access protected get_context_sizes() recursively on its subsystems. More...