Drake C++ Documentation
Selector< T > Class Template Referencefinal

Detailed Description

template<typename T>
class drake::systems::Selector< T >

This system combines multiple vector-valued inputs into multiple vector- valued outputs.

It operates at the level of individual elements of the input and output vectors (i.e., an output port can provide a mixture of data from multiple input ports). The inputs to this system directly feed through to its outputs. Refer to SelectorParams to understand how the selection is specified.

→ y0
→ ...
→ y(M-1)

The port names shown in the figure above are the defaults. Custom names may be specified in the SelectorParams.

Template Parameters
TThe scalar type, which must be one of the default scalars.

#include <drake/systems/primitives/selector.h>

Public Member Functions

 Selector (SelectorParams params)
 Constructs a Selector with the given parameters. More...
template<typename U >
 Selector (const Selector< U > &)
 Scalar-converting copy constructor. More...
 ~Selector () final
Does not allow copy, move, or assignment
 Selector (const Selector &)=delete
Selectoroperator= (const Selector &)=delete
 Selector (Selector &&)=delete
Selectoroperator= (Selector &&)=delete
- Public Member Functions inherited from LeafSystem< T >
 ~LeafSystem () override
std::unique_ptr< LeafContext< T > > AllocateContext () const
 Shadows System<T>::AllocateContext to provide a more concrete return type LeafContext<T>. More...
std::unique_ptr< ContextBaseDoAllocateContext () const final
 Derived class implementations should allocate a suitable concrete Context type, then invoke the above InitializeContextBase() method. More...
void SetDefaultParameters (const Context< T > &context, Parameters< T > *parameters) const override
 Default implementation: sets all numeric parameters to the model vector given to DeclareNumericParameter, or else if no model was provided sets the numeric parameter to one. More...
void SetDefaultState (const Context< T > &context, State< T > *state) const override
 Default implementation: sets all continuous state to the model vector given in DeclareContinuousState (or zero if no model vector was given) and discrete states to zero. More...
std::unique_ptr< ContinuousState< T > > AllocateTimeDerivatives () const final
 Returns a ContinuousState of the same size as the continuous_state allocated in CreateDefaultContext. More...
std::unique_ptr< DiscreteValues< T > > AllocateDiscreteVariables () const final
 Returns a DiscreteValues of the same dimensions as the discrete_state allocated in CreateDefaultContext. More...
std::multimap< int, intGetDirectFeedthroughs () const final
 Reports all direct feedthroughs from input ports to output ports. More...
 LeafSystem (const LeafSystem &)=delete
LeafSystemoperator= (const LeafSystem &)=delete
 LeafSystem (LeafSystem &&)=delete
LeafSystemoperator= (LeafSystem &&)=delete
- Public Member Functions inherited from System< T >
 ~System () override
virtual void Accept (SystemVisitor< T > *v) const
 Implements a visitor pattern. More...
void GetWitnessFunctions (const Context< T > &context, std::vector< const WitnessFunction< T > * > *w) const
 Gets the witness functions active for the given state. More...
CalcWitnessValue (const Context< T > &context, const WitnessFunction< T > &witness_func) const
 Evaluates a witness function at the given context. More...
DependencyTicket discrete_state_ticket (DiscreteStateIndex index) const
 Returns a ticket indicating dependence on a particular discrete state variable xdᵢ (may be a vector). More...
DependencyTicket abstract_state_ticket (AbstractStateIndex index) const
 Returns a ticket indicating dependence on a particular abstract state variable xaᵢ. More...
DependencyTicket numeric_parameter_ticket (NumericParameterIndex index) const
 Returns a ticket indicating dependence on a particular numeric parameter pnᵢ (may be a vector). More...
DependencyTicket abstract_parameter_ticket (AbstractParameterIndex index) const
 Returns a ticket indicating dependence on a particular abstract parameter paᵢ. More...
DependencyTicket input_port_ticket (InputPortIndex index) const
 Returns a ticket indicating dependence on input port uᵢ indicated by index. More...
DependencyTicket cache_entry_ticket (CacheIndex index) const
 Returns a ticket indicating dependence on the cache entry indicated by index. More...
 System (const System &)=delete
Systemoperator= (const System &)=delete
 System (System &&)=delete
Systemoperator= (System &&)=delete
std::unique_ptr< Context< T > > AllocateContext () const
 (Advanced) Returns an uninitialized Context<T> suitable for use with this System<T>. More...
std::unique_ptr< CompositeEventCollection< T > > AllocateCompositeEventCollection () const
 Allocates a CompositeEventCollection for this system. More...
std::unique_ptr< BasicVector< T > > AllocateInputVector (const InputPort< T > &input_port) const
 Given an input port, allocates the vector storage. More...
std::unique_ptr< AbstractValueAllocateInputAbstract (const InputPort< T > &input_port) const
 Given an input port, allocates the abstract storage. More...
std::unique_ptr< SystemOutput< T > > AllocateOutput () const
 Returns a container that can hold the values of all of this System's output ports. More...
VectorX< T > AllocateImplicitTimeDerivativesResidual () const
 Returns an Eigen VectorX suitable for use as the output argument to the CalcImplicitTimeDerivativesResidual() method. More...
std::unique_ptr< Context< T > > CreateDefaultContext () const
 This convenience method allocates a context using AllocateContext() and sets its default values using SetDefaultContext(). More...
void SetDefaultContext (Context< T > *context) const
 Sets Context fields to their default values. More...
virtual void SetRandomState (const Context< T > &context, State< T > *state, RandomGenerator *generator) const
 Assigns random values to all elements of the state. More...
virtual void SetRandomParameters (const Context< T > &context, Parameters< T > *parameters, RandomGenerator *generator) const
 Assigns random values to all parameters. More...
void SetRandomContext (Context< T > *context, RandomGenerator *generator) const
 Sets Context fields to random values. More...
void AllocateFixedInputs (Context< T > *context) const
 For each input port, allocates a fixed input of the concrete type that this System requires, and binds it to the port, disconnecting any prior input. More...
bool HasAnyDirectFeedthrough () const
 Returns true if any of the inputs to the system might be directly fed through to any of its outputs and false otherwise. More...
bool HasDirectFeedthrough (int output_port) const
 Returns true if there might be direct-feedthrough from any input port to the given output_port, and false otherwise. More...
bool HasDirectFeedthrough (int input_port, int output_port) const
 Returns true if there might be direct-feedthrough from the given input_port to the given output_port, and false otherwise. More...
virtual std::multimap< int, intGetDirectFeedthroughs () const=0
 Reports all direct feedthroughs from input ports to output ports. More...
EventStatus Publish (const Context< T > &context, const EventCollection< PublishEvent< T >> &events) const
 This method is the public entry point for dispatching all publish event handlers. More...
void ForcedPublish (const Context< T > &context) const
 (Advanced) Manually triggers any PublishEvent that has trigger type kForced. More...
const ContinuousState< T > & EvalTimeDerivatives (const Context< T > &context) const
 Returns a reference to the cached value of the continuous state variable time derivatives, evaluating first if necessary using CalcTimeDerivatives(). More...
const CacheEntryget_time_derivatives_cache_entry () const
 (Advanced) Returns the CacheEntry used to cache time derivatives for EvalTimeDerivatives(). More...
const T & EvalPotentialEnergy (const Context< T > &context) const
 Returns a reference to the cached value of the potential energy (PE), evaluating first if necessary using CalcPotentialEnergy(). More...
const T & EvalKineticEnergy (const Context< T > &context) const
 Returns a reference to the cached value of the kinetic energy (KE), evaluating first if necessary using CalcKineticEnergy(). More...
const T & EvalConservativePower (const Context< T > &context) const
 Returns a reference to the cached value of the conservative power (Pc), evaluating first if necessary using CalcConservativePower(). More...
const T & EvalNonConservativePower (const Context< T > &context) const
 Returns a reference to the cached value of the non-conservative power (Pnc), evaluating first if necessary using CalcNonConservativePower(). More...
template<template< typename > class Vec = BasicVector>
const Vec< T > * EvalVectorInput (const Context< T > &context, int port_index) const
 Returns the value of the vector-valued input port with the given port_index as a BasicVector or a specific subclass Vec derived from BasicVector. More...
SystemConstraintIndex AddExternalConstraint (ExternalSystemConstraint constraint)
 Adds an "external" constraint to this System. More...
void CalcTimeDerivatives (const Context< T > &context, ContinuousState< T > *derivatives) const
 Calculates the time derivatives ẋ꜀ of the continuous state x꜀ into a given output argument. More...
void CalcImplicitTimeDerivativesResidual (const Context< T > &context, const ContinuousState< T > &proposed_derivatives, EigenPtr< VectorX< T >> residual) const
 Evaluates the implicit form of the System equations and returns the residual. More...
EventStatus CalcDiscreteVariableUpdate (const Context< T > &context, const EventCollection< DiscreteUpdateEvent< T >> &events, DiscreteValues< T > *discrete_state) const
 This method is the public entry point for dispatching all discrete variable update event handlers. More...
void ApplyDiscreteVariableUpdate (const EventCollection< DiscreteUpdateEvent< T >> &events, DiscreteValues< T > *discrete_state, Context< T > *context) const
 Given the discrete_state results of a previous call to CalcDiscreteVariableUpdate() that dispatched the given collection of events, modifies the context to reflect the updated discrete_state. More...
void CalcForcedDiscreteVariableUpdate (const Context< T > &context, DiscreteValues< T > *discrete_state) const
 (Advanced) Manually triggers any DiscreteUpdateEvent that has trigger type kForced. More...
EventStatus CalcUnrestrictedUpdate (const Context< T > &context, const EventCollection< UnrestrictedUpdateEvent< T >> &events, State< T > *state) const
 This method is the public entry point for dispatching all unrestricted update event handlers. More...
void ApplyUnrestrictedUpdate (const EventCollection< UnrestrictedUpdateEvent< T >> &events, State< T > *state, Context< T > *context) const
 Given the state results of a previous call to CalcUnrestrictedUpdate() that dispatched the given collection of events, modifies the context to reflect the updated state. More...
void CalcForcedUnrestrictedUpdate (const Context< T > &context, State< T > *state) const
 (Advanced) Manually triggers any UnrestrictedUpdateEvent that has trigger type kForced. More...
CalcNextUpdateTime (const Context< T > &context, CompositeEventCollection< T > *events) const
 This method is called by a Simulator during its calculation of the size of the next continuous step to attempt. More...
void GetPeriodicEvents (const Context< T > &context, CompositeEventCollection< T > *events) const
 Returns all periodic events in this System. More...
void GetPerStepEvents (const Context< T > &context, CompositeEventCollection< T > *events) const
 This method is called by Simulator::Initialize() to gather all update and publish events that are to be handled in AdvanceTo() at the point before Simulator integrates continuous state. More...
void GetInitializationEvents (const Context< T > &context, CompositeEventCollection< T > *events) const
 This method is called by Simulator::Initialize() to gather all update and publish events that need to be handled at initialization before the simulator starts integration. More...
void ExecuteInitializationEvents (Context< T > *context) const
 This method triggers all of the initialization events returned by GetInitializationEvents(). More...
void ExecuteForcedEvents (Context< T > *context, bool publish=true) const
 This method triggers all of the forced events registered with this System (which might be a Diagram). More...
std::optional< PeriodicEventDataGetUniquePeriodicDiscreteUpdateAttribute () const
 Determines whether there exists a unique periodic timing (offset and period) that triggers one or more discrete update events (and, if so, returns that unique periodic timing). More...
const DiscreteValues< T > & EvalUniquePeriodicDiscreteUpdate (const Context< T > &context) const
 If this System contains a unique periodic timing for discrete update events, this function executes the handlers for those periodic events to determine what their effect would be. More...
bool IsDifferenceEquationSystem (double *time_period=nullptr) const
 Returns true iff the state dynamics of this system are governed exclusively by a difference equation on a single discrete state group and with a unique periodic update (having zero offset). More...
bool IsDifferentialEquationSystem () const
 Returns true iff the state dynamics of this system are governed exclusively by a differential equation. More...
std::map< PeriodicEventData, std::vector< const Event< T > * >, PeriodicEventDataComparatorMapPeriodicEventsByTiming (const Context< T > *context=nullptr) const
 Maps all periodic triggered events for a System, organized by timing. More...
void CalcOutput (const Context< T > &context, SystemOutput< T > *outputs) const
 Utility method that computes for every output port i the value y(i) that should result from the current contents of the given Context. More...
CalcPotentialEnergy (const Context< T > &context) const
 Calculates and returns the potential energy represented by the current configuration provided in context. More...
CalcKineticEnergy (const Context< T > &context) const
 Calculates and returns the kinetic energy represented by the current configuration and velocity provided in context. More...
CalcConservativePower (const Context< T > &context) const
 Calculates and returns the conservative power represented by the current contents of the given context. More...
CalcNonConservativePower (const Context< T > &context) const
 Calculates and returns the non-conservative power represented by the current contents of the given context. More...
void MapVelocityToQDot (const Context< T > &context, const VectorBase< T > &generalized_velocity, VectorBase< T > *qdot) const
 Transforms a given generalized velocity v to the time derivative qdot of the generalized configuration q taken from the supplied Context. More...
void MapVelocityToQDot (const Context< T > &context, const Eigen::Ref< const VectorX< T >> &generalized_velocity, VectorBase< T > *qdot) const
 Transforms the given generalized velocity to the time derivative of generalized configuration. More...
void MapQDotToVelocity (const Context< T > &context, const VectorBase< T > &qdot, VectorBase< T > *generalized_velocity) const
 Transforms the time derivative qdot of the generalized configuration q to generalized velocities v. More...
void MapQDotToVelocity (const Context< T > &context, const Eigen::Ref< const VectorX< T >> &qdot, VectorBase< T > *generalized_velocity) const
 Transforms the given time derivative qdot of generalized configuration q to generalized velocity v. More...
const Context< T > & GetSubsystemContext (const System< T > &subsystem, const Context< T > &context) const
 Returns a const reference to the subcontext that corresponds to the contained System subsystem. More...
Context< T > & GetMutableSubsystemContext (const System< T > &subsystem, Context< T > *context) const
 Returns a mutable reference to the subcontext that corresponds to the contained System subsystem. More...
const Context< T > & GetMyContextFromRoot (const Context< T > &root_context) const
 Returns the const Context for this subsystem, given a root context. More...
Context< T > & GetMyMutableContextFromRoot (Context< T > *root_context) const
 Returns the mutable subsystem context for this system, given a root context. More...
const InputPort< T > & get_input_port (int port_index, bool warn_deprecated=true) const
 Returns the typed input port at index port_index. More...
const InputPort< T > & get_input_port () const
 Convenience method for the case of exactly one input port. More...
const InputPort< T > * get_input_port_selection (std::variant< InputPortSelection, InputPortIndex > port_index) const
 Returns the typed input port specified by the InputPortSelection or by the InputPortIndex. More...
const InputPort< T > & GetInputPort (const std::string &port_name) const
 Returns the typed input port with the unique name port_name. More...
bool HasInputPort (const std::string &port_name) const
 Returns true iff the system has an InputPort of the given port_name. More...
const OutputPort< T > & get_output_port (int port_index, bool warn_deprecated=true) const
 Returns the typed output port at index port_index. More...
const OutputPort< T > & get_output_port () const
 Convenience method for the case of exactly one output port. More...
const OutputPort< T > * get_output_port_selection (std::variant< OutputPortSelection, OutputPortIndex > port_index) const
 Returns the typed output port specified by the OutputPortSelection or by the OutputPortIndex. More...
const OutputPort< T > & GetOutputPort (const std::string &port_name) const
 Returns the typed output port with the unique name port_name. More...
bool HasOutputPort (const std::string &port_name) const
 Returns true iff the system has an OutputPort of the given port_name. More...
int num_constraints () const
 Returns the number of constraints specified for the system. More...
const SystemConstraint< T > & get_constraint (SystemConstraintIndex constraint_index) const
 Returns the constraint at index constraint_index. More...
boolean< T > CheckSystemConstraintsSatisfied (const Context< T > &context, double tol) const
 Returns true if context satisfies all of the registered SystemConstraints with tolerance tol. More...
VectorX< T > CopyContinuousStateVector (const Context< T > &context) const
 Returns a copy of the continuous state vector x꜀ into an Eigen vector. More...
std::string GetMemoryObjectName () const
 Returns a name for this System based on a stringification of its type name and memory address. More...
int num_input_ports () const
 Returns the number of input ports currently allocated in this System. More...
int num_output_ports () const
 Returns the number of output ports currently allocated in this System. More...
void FixInputPortsFrom (const System< double > &other_system, const Context< double > &other_context, Context< T > *target_context) const
 Fixes all of the input ports in target_context to their current values in other_context, as evaluated by other_system. More...
const SystemScalarConverterget_system_scalar_converter () const
 (Advanced) Returns the SystemScalarConverter for this object. More...
std::string GetGraphvizString (std::optional< int > max_depth={}, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options={}) const
 Returns a Graphviz string describing this System. More...
std::unique_ptr< System< T > > Clone () const
 Creates a deep copy of this system. More...
std::unique_ptr< System< AutoDiffXd > > ToAutoDiffXd () const
 Creates a deep copy of this System, transmogrified to use the autodiff scalar type, with a dynamic-sized vector of partial derivatives. More...
std::unique_ptr< System< AutoDiffXd > > ToAutoDiffXdMaybe () const
 Creates a deep copy of this system exactly like ToAutoDiffXd(), but returns nullptr if this System does not support autodiff, instead of throwing an exception. More...
std::unique_ptr< System< symbolic::Expression > > ToSymbolic () const
 Creates a deep copy of this System, transmogrified to use the symbolic scalar type. More...
std::unique_ptr< System< symbolic::Expression > > ToSymbolicMaybe () const
 Creates a deep copy of this system exactly like ToSymbolic(), but returns nullptr if this System does not support symbolic, instead of throwing an exception. More...
template<typename U >
std::unique_ptr< System< U > > ToScalarType () const
 Creates a deep copy of this System, transmogrified to use the scalar type selected by a template parameter. More...
template<typename U >
std::unique_ptr< System< U > > ToScalarTypeMaybe () const
 Creates a deep copy of this system exactly like ToScalarType(), but returns nullptr if this System does not support the destination type, instead of throwing an exception. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from SystemBase
 ~SystemBase () override
void set_name (const std::string &name)
 Sets the name of the system. More...
const std::string & get_name () const
 Returns the name last supplied to set_name(), if any. More...
std::string GetMemoryObjectName () const
 Returns a name for this System based on a stringification of its type name and memory address. More...
const std::string & GetSystemName () const final
 Returns a human-readable name for this system, for use in messages and logging. More...
std::string GetSystemPathname () const final
 Generates and returns a human-readable full path name of this subsystem, for use in messages and logging. More...
std::string GetSystemType () const final
 Returns the most-derived type of this concrete System object as a human-readable string suitable for use in error messages. More...
std::unique_ptr< ContextBaseAllocateContext () const
 Returns a Context suitable for use with this System. More...
int num_input_ports () const
 Returns the number of input ports currently allocated in this System. More...
int num_output_ports () const
 Returns the number of output ports currently allocated in this System. More...
const InputPortBaseget_input_port_base (InputPortIndex port_index) const
 Returns a reference to an InputPort given its port_index. More...
const OutputPortBaseget_output_port_base (OutputPortIndex port_index) const
 Returns a reference to an OutputPort given its port_index. More...
int num_total_inputs () const
 Returns the total dimension of all of the vector-valued input ports (as if they were muxed). More...
int num_total_outputs () const
 Returns the total dimension of all of the vector-valued output ports (as if they were muxed). More...
int num_cache_entries () const
 Returns the number nc of cache entries currently allocated in this System. More...
const CacheEntryget_cache_entry (CacheIndex index) const
 Returns a reference to a CacheEntry given its index. More...
CacheEntryget_mutable_cache_entry (CacheIndex index)
 (Advanced) Returns a mutable reference to a CacheEntry given its index. More...
int num_continuous_states () const
 Returns the number of declared continuous state variables. More...
int num_discrete_state_groups () const
 Returns the number of declared discrete state groups (each group is a vector-valued discrete state variable). More...
int num_abstract_states () const
 Returns the number of declared abstract state variables. More...
int num_numeric_parameter_groups () const
 Returns the number of declared numeric parameters (each of these is a vector-valued parameter). More...
int num_abstract_parameters () const
 Returns the number of declared abstract parameters. More...
int implicit_time_derivatives_residual_size () const
 Returns the size of the implicit time derivatives residual vector. More...
void ValidateContext (const ContextBase &context) const final
 Checks whether the given context was created for this system. More...
void ValidateContext (const ContextBase *context) const
 Checks whether the given context was created for this system. More...
template<class Clazz >
void ValidateCreatedForThisSystem (const Clazz &object) const
 Checks whether the given object was created for this system. More...
 SystemBase (const SystemBase &)=delete
SystemBaseoperator= (const SystemBase &)=delete
 SystemBase (SystemBase &&)=delete
SystemBaseoperator= (SystemBase &&)=delete
std::string GetGraphvizString (std::optional< int > max_depth={}, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options={}) const
 Returns a Graphviz string describing this System. More...
GraphvizFragment GetGraphvizFragment (std::optional< int > max_depth={}, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &options={}) const
 (Advanced) Like GetGraphvizString() but does not wrap the string in a digraph { … }. More...
const AbstractValueEvalAbstractInput (const ContextBase &context, int port_index) const
 Returns the value of the input port with the given port_index as an AbstractValue, which is permitted for ports of any type. More...
template<typename V >
const V * EvalInputValue (const ContextBase &context, int port_index) const
 Returns the value of an abstract-valued input port with the given port_index as a value of known type V. More...
DependencyTicket discrete_state_ticket (DiscreteStateIndex index) const
 Returns a ticket indicating dependence on a particular discrete state variable xdᵢ (may be a vector). More...
DependencyTicket abstract_state_ticket (AbstractStateIndex index) const
 Returns a ticket indicating dependence on a particular abstract state variable xaᵢ. More...
DependencyTicket numeric_parameter_ticket (NumericParameterIndex index) const
 Returns a ticket indicating dependence on a particular numeric parameter pnᵢ (may be a vector). More...
DependencyTicket abstract_parameter_ticket (AbstractParameterIndex index) const
 Returns a ticket indicating dependence on a particular abstract parameter paᵢ. More...
DependencyTicket input_port_ticket (InputPortIndex index) const
 Returns a ticket indicating dependence on input port uᵢ indicated by index. More...
DependencyTicket cache_entry_ticket (CacheIndex index) const
 Returns a ticket indicating dependence on the cache entry indicated by index. More...
DependencyTicket output_port_ticket (OutputPortIndex index) const
 (Internal use only) Returns a ticket indicating dependence on the output port indicated by index. More...


template<typename >
class Selector

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from System< T >
using Scalar = T
 The scalar type with which this System was instantiated. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from System< T >
static DependencyTicket nothing_ticket ()
 Returns a ticket indicating that a computation does not depend on any source value; that is, it is a constant. More...
static DependencyTicket time_ticket ()
 Returns a ticket indicating dependence on time. More...
static DependencyTicket accuracy_ticket ()
 Returns a ticket indicating dependence on the accuracy setting in the Context. More...
static DependencyTicket q_ticket ()
 Returns a ticket indicating that a computation depends on configuration state variables q. More...
static DependencyTicket v_ticket ()
 Returns a ticket indicating dependence on velocity state variables v. More...
static DependencyTicket z_ticket ()
 Returns a ticket indicating dependence on any or all of the miscellaneous continuous state variables z. More...
static DependencyTicket xc_ticket ()
 Returns a ticket indicating dependence on all of the continuous state variables q, v, or z. More...
static DependencyTicket xd_ticket ()
 Returns a ticket indicating dependence on all of the numerical discrete state variables, in any discrete variable group. More...
static DependencyTicket xa_ticket ()
 Returns a ticket indicating dependence on all of the abstract state variables in the current Context. More...
static DependencyTicket all_state_ticket ()
 Returns a ticket indicating dependence on all state variables x in this system, including continuous variables xc, discrete (numeric) variables xd, and abstract state variables xa. More...
static DependencyTicket pn_ticket ()
 Returns a ticket indicating dependence on all of the numerical parameters in the current Context. More...
static DependencyTicket pa_ticket ()
 Returns a ticket indicating dependence on all of the abstract parameters pa in the current Context. More...
static DependencyTicket all_parameters_ticket ()
 Returns a ticket indicating dependence on all parameters p in this system, including numeric parameters pn, and abstract parameters pa. More...
static DependencyTicket all_input_ports_ticket ()
 Returns a ticket indicating dependence on all input ports u of this system. More...
static DependencyTicket all_sources_ticket ()
 Returns a ticket indicating dependence on every possible independent source value, including time, accuracy, state, input ports, and parameters (but not cache entries). More...
static DependencyTicket configuration_ticket ()
 Returns a ticket indicating dependence on all source values that may affect configuration-dependent computations. More...
static DependencyTicket kinematics_ticket ()
 Returns a ticket indicating dependence on all source values that may affect configuration- or velocity-dependent computations. More...
static DependencyTicket xcdot_ticket ()
 Returns a ticket for the cache entry that holds time derivatives of the continuous variables. More...
static DependencyTicket pe_ticket ()
 Returns a ticket for the cache entry that holds the potential energy calculation. More...
static DependencyTicket ke_ticket ()
 Returns a ticket for the cache entry that holds the kinetic energy calculation. More...
static DependencyTicket pc_ticket ()
 Returns a ticket for the cache entry that holds the conservative power calculation. More...
static DependencyTicket pnc_ticket ()
 Returns a ticket for the cache entry that holds the non-conservative power calculation. More...
template<template< typename > class S = ::drake::systems::System>
static std::unique_ptr< S< T > > Clone (const S< T > &from)
 Creates a deep copy of this system. More...
template<template< typename > class S = ::drake::systems::System>
static std::unique_ptr< S< AutoDiffXd > > ToAutoDiffXd (const S< T > &from)
 Creates a deep copy of from, transmogrified to use the autodiff scalar type, with a dynamic-sized vector of partial derivatives. More...
template<template< typename > class S = ::drake::systems::System>
static std::unique_ptr< S< symbolic::Expression > > ToSymbolic (const S< T > &from)
 Creates a deep copy of from, transmogrified to use the symbolic scalar type. More...
template<typename U , template< typename > class S = ::drake::systems::System>
static std::unique_ptr< S< U > > ToScalarType (const S< T > &from)
 Creates a deep copy of from, transmogrified to use the scalar type selected by a template parameter. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SystemBase
static DependencyTicket nothing_ticket ()
 Returns a ticket indicating that a computation does not depend on any source value; that is, it is a constant. More...
static DependencyTicket time_ticket ()
 Returns a ticket indicating dependence on time. More...
static DependencyTicket accuracy_ticket ()
 Returns a ticket indicating dependence on the accuracy setting in the Context. More...
static DependencyTicket q_ticket ()
 Returns a ticket indicating that a computation depends on configuration state variables q. More...
static DependencyTicket v_ticket ()
 Returns a ticket indicating dependence on velocity state variables v. More...
static DependencyTicket z_ticket ()
 Returns a ticket indicating dependence on any or all of the miscellaneous continuous state variables z. More...
static DependencyTicket xc_ticket ()
 Returns a ticket indicating dependence on all of the continuous state variables q, v, or z. More...
static DependencyTicket xd_ticket ()
 Returns a ticket indicating dependence on all of the numerical discrete state variables, in any discrete variable group. More...
static DependencyTicket xa_ticket ()
 Returns a ticket indicating dependence on all of the abstract state variables in the current Context. More...
static DependencyTicket all_state_ticket ()
 Returns a ticket indicating dependence on all state variables x in this system, including continuous variables xc, discrete (numeric) variables xd, and abstract state variables xa. More...
static DependencyTicket pn_ticket ()
 Returns a ticket indicating dependence on all of the numerical parameters in the current Context. More...
static DependencyTicket pa_ticket ()
 Returns a ticket indicating dependence on all of the abstract parameters pa in the current Context. More...
static DependencyTicket all_parameters_ticket ()
 Returns a ticket indicating dependence on all parameters p in this system, including numeric parameters pn, and abstract parameters pa. More...
static DependencyTicket all_input_ports_ticket ()
 Returns a ticket indicating dependence on all input ports u of this system. More...
static DependencyTicket all_sources_except_input_ports_ticket ()
 Returns a ticket indicating dependence on every possible independent source value except input ports. More...
static DependencyTicket all_sources_ticket ()
 Returns a ticket indicating dependence on every possible independent source value, including time, accuracy, state, input ports, and parameters (but not cache entries). More...
static DependencyTicket configuration_ticket ()
 Returns a ticket indicating dependence on all source values that may affect configuration-dependent computations. More...
static DependencyTicket kinematics_ticket ()
 Returns a ticket indicating dependence on all source values that may affect configuration- or velocity-dependent computations. More...
static DependencyTicket xcdot_ticket ()
 Returns a ticket for the cache entry that holds time derivatives of the continuous variables. More...
static DependencyTicket pe_ticket ()
 Returns a ticket for the cache entry that holds the potential energy calculation. More...
static DependencyTicket ke_ticket ()
 Returns a ticket for the cache entry that holds the kinetic energy calculation. More...
static DependencyTicket pc_ticket ()
 Returns a ticket for the cache entry that holds the conservative power calculation. More...
static DependencyTicket pnc_ticket ()
 Returns a ticket for the cache entry that holds the non-conservative power calculation. More...
static DependencyTicket xd_unique_periodic_update_ticket ()
 (Internal use only) Returns a ticket for the cache entry that holds the unique periodic discrete update computation. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from LeafSystem< T >
 LeafSystem ()
 Default constructor that declares no inputs, outputs, state, parameters, events, nor scalar-type conversion support (AutoDiff, etc.). More...
 LeafSystem (SystemScalarConverter converter)
 Constructor that declares no inputs, outputs, state, parameters, or events, but allows subclasses to declare scalar-type conversion support (AutoDiff, etc.). More...
virtual std::unique_ptr< LeafContext< T > > DoMakeLeafContext () const
 Provides a new instance of the leaf context for this system. More...
virtual void DoValidateAllocatedLeafContext (const LeafContext< T > &context) const
 Derived classes that impose restrictions on what resources are permitted should check those restrictions by implementing this. More...
DoCalcWitnessValue (const Context< T > &context, const WitnessFunction< T > &witness_func) const final
 Derived classes will implement this method to evaluate a witness function at the given context. More...
void AddTriggeredWitnessFunctionToCompositeEventCollection (Event< T > *event, CompositeEventCollection< T > *events) const final
 Add event to events due to a witness function triggering. More...
void DoCalcNextUpdateTime (const Context< T > &context, CompositeEventCollection< T > *events, T *time) const override
 Computes the next update time based on the configured periodic events, for scalar types that are arithmetic, or aborts for scalar types that are not arithmetic. More...
std::unique_ptr< ContinuousState< T > > AllocateContinuousState () const
 Returns a copy of the state declared in the most recent DeclareContinuousState() call, or else a zero-sized state if that method has never been called. More...
std::unique_ptr< DiscreteValues< T > > AllocateDiscreteState () const
 Returns a copy of the states declared in DeclareDiscreteState() calls. More...
std::unique_ptr< AbstractValuesAllocateAbstractState () const
 Returns a copy of the states declared in DeclareAbstractState() calls. More...
std::unique_ptr< Parameters< T > > AllocateParameters () const
 Returns a copy of the parameters declared in DeclareNumericParameter() and DeclareAbstractParameter() calls. More...
int DeclareNumericParameter (const BasicVector< T > &model_vector)
 Declares a numeric parameter using the given model_vector. More...
template<template< typename > class U = BasicVector>
const U< T > & GetNumericParameter (const Context< T > &context, int index) const
 Extracts the numeric parameters of type U from the context at index. More...
template<template< typename > class U = BasicVector>
U< T > & GetMutableNumericParameter (Context< T > *context, int index) const
 Extracts the numeric parameters of type U from the context at index. More...
int DeclareAbstractParameter (const AbstractValue &model_value)
 Declares an abstract parameter using the given model_value. More...
template<class MySystem >
SystemConstraintIndex DeclareEqualityConstraint (void(MySystem::*calc)(const Context< T > &, VectorX< T > *) const, int count, std::string description)
 Declares a system constraint of the form f(context) = 0 by specifying a member function to use to calculate the (VectorX) constraint value with a signature: More...
SystemConstraintIndex DeclareEqualityConstraint (ContextConstraintCalc< T > calc, int count, std::string description)
 Declares a system constraint of the form f(context) = 0 by specifying a std::function to use to calculate the (Vector) constraint value with a signature: More...
template<class MySystem >
SystemConstraintIndex DeclareInequalityConstraint (void(MySystem::*calc)(const Context< T > &, VectorX< T > *) const, SystemConstraintBounds bounds, std::string description)
 Declares a system constraint of the form bounds.lower() <= calc(context) <= bounds.upper() by specifying a member function to use to calculate the (VectorX) constraint value with a signature: More...
SystemConstraintIndex DeclareInequalityConstraint (ContextConstraintCalc< T > calc, SystemConstraintBounds bounds, std::string description)
 Declares a system constraint of the form bounds.lower() <= calc(context) <= bounds.upper() by specifying a std::function to use to calculate the (Vector) constraint value with a signature: More...
template<class MySystem >
void DeclarePeriodicPublishEvent (double period_sec, double offset_sec, EventStatus(MySystem::*publish)(const Context< T > &) const)
 Declares that a Publish event should occur periodically and that it should invoke the given event handler method. More...
template<class MySystem >
void DeclarePeriodicPublishEvent (double period_sec, double offset_sec, void(MySystem::*publish)(const Context< T > &) const)
 This variant accepts a handler that is assumed to succeed rather than one that returns an EventStatus result. More...
template<class MySystem >
void DeclarePeriodicDiscreteUpdateEvent (double period_sec, double offset_sec, EventStatus(MySystem::*update)(const Context< T > &, DiscreteValues< T > *) const)
 Declares that a DiscreteUpdate event should occur periodically and that it should invoke the given event handler method. More...
template<class MySystem >
void DeclarePeriodicDiscreteUpdateEvent (double period_sec, double offset_sec, void(MySystem::*update)(const Context< T > &, DiscreteValues< T > *) const)
 This variant accepts a handler that is assumed to succeed rather than one that returns an EventStatus result. More...
template<class MySystem >
void DeclarePeriodicUnrestrictedUpdateEvent (double period_sec, double offset_sec, EventStatus(MySystem::*update)(const Context< T > &, State< T > *) const)
 Declares that an UnrestrictedUpdate event should occur periodically and that it should invoke the given event handler method. More...
template<class MySystem >
void DeclarePeriodicUnrestrictedUpdateEvent (double period_sec, double offset_sec, void(MySystem::*update)(const Context< T > &, State< T > *) const)
 This variant accepts a handler that is assumed to succeed rather than one that returns an EventStatus result. More...
template<typename EventType >
void DeclarePeriodicEvent (double period_sec, double offset_sec, const EventType &event)
 (Advanced) Declares that a particular Event object should be dispatched periodically. More...
template<class MySystem >
void DeclarePerStepPublishEvent (EventStatus(MySystem::*publish)(const Context< T > &) const)
 Declares that a Publish event should occur at initialization and at the end of every trajectory-advancing step and that it should invoke the given event handler method. More...
template<class MySystem >
void DeclarePerStepDiscreteUpdateEvent (EventStatus(MySystem::*update)(const Context< T > &, DiscreteValues< T > *) const)
 Declares that a DiscreteUpdate event should occur at the start of every trajectory-advancing step and that it should invoke the given event handler method. More...
template<class MySystem >
void DeclarePerStepUnrestrictedUpdateEvent (EventStatus(MySystem::*update)(const Context< T > &, State< T > *) const)
 Declares that an UnrestrictedUpdate event should occur at the start of every trajectory-advancing step and that it should invoke the given event handler method. More...
template<typename EventType >
void DeclarePerStepEvent (const EventType &event)
 (Advanced) Declares that a particular Event object should be dispatched at every trajectory-advancing step. More...
template<class MySystem >
void DeclareInitializationPublishEvent (EventStatus(MySystem::*publish)(const Context< T > &) const)
 Declares that a Publish event should occur at initialization and that it should invoke the given event handler method. More...
template<class MySystem >
void DeclareInitializationDiscreteUpdateEvent (EventStatus(MySystem::*update)(const Context< T > &, DiscreteValues< T > *) const)
 Declares that a DiscreteUpdate event should occur at initialization and that it should invoke the given event handler method. More...
template<class MySystem >
void DeclareInitializationUnrestrictedUpdateEvent (EventStatus(MySystem::*update)(const Context< T > &, State< T > *) const)
 Declares that an UnrestrictedUpdate event should occur at initialization and that it should invoke the given event handler method. More...
template<typename EventType >
void DeclareInitializationEvent (const EventType &event)
 (Advanced) Declares that a particular Event object should be dispatched at initialization. More...
template<class MySystem >
void DeclareForcedPublishEvent (EventStatus(MySystem::*publish)(const Context< T > &) const)
 Declares a function that is called whenever a user directly calls ForcedPublish(const Context&). More...
template<class MySystem >
void DeclareForcedDiscreteUpdateEvent (EventStatus(MySystem::*update)(const Context< T > &, DiscreteValues< T > *) const)
 Declares a function that is called whenever a user directly calls CalcForcedDiscreteVariableUpdate(const Context&, DiscreteValues<T>*). More...
template<class MySystem >
void DeclareForcedUnrestrictedUpdateEvent (EventStatus(MySystem::*update)(const Context< T > &, State< T > *) const)
 Declares a function that is called whenever a user directly calls CalcForcedUnrestrictedUpdate(const Context&, State<T>*). More...
ContinuousStateIndex DeclareContinuousState (int num_state_variables)
 Declares that this System should reserve continuous state with num_state_variables state variables, which have no second-order structure. More...
ContinuousStateIndex DeclareContinuousState (int num_q, int num_v, int num_z)
 Declares that this System should reserve continuous state with num_q generalized positions, num_v generalized velocities, and num_z miscellaneous state variables. More...
ContinuousStateIndex DeclareContinuousState (const BasicVector< T > &model_vector)
 Declares that this System should reserve continuous state with model_vector.size() miscellaneous state variables, stored in a vector cloned from model_vector. More...
ContinuousStateIndex DeclareContinuousState (const BasicVector< T > &model_vector, int num_q, int num_v, int num_z)
 Declares that this System should reserve continuous state with num_q generalized positions, num_v generalized velocities, and num_z miscellaneous state variables, stored in a vector cloned from model_vector. More...
DiscreteStateIndex DeclareDiscreteState (const BasicVector< T > &model_vector)
 Declares a discrete state group with model_vector.size() state variables, stored in a vector cloned from model_vector (preserving the concrete type and value). More...
DiscreteStateIndex DeclareDiscreteState (const Eigen::Ref< const VectorX< T >> &vector)
 Declares a discrete state group with vector.size() state variables, stored in a BasicVector initialized with the contents of vector. More...
DiscreteStateIndex DeclareDiscreteState (int num_state_variables)
 Declares a discrete state group with num_state_variables state variables, stored in a BasicVector initialized to be all-zero. More...
AbstractStateIndex DeclareAbstractState (const AbstractValue &model_value)
 Declares an abstract state variable and provides a model value for it. More...
void DeclareImplicitTimeDerivativesResidualSize (int n)
 (Advanced) Overrides the default size for the implicit time derivatives residual. More...
InputPort< T > & DeclareVectorInputPort (std::variant< std::string, UseDefaultName > name, const BasicVector< T > &model_vector, std::optional< RandomDistribution > random_type=std::nullopt)
 Declares a vector-valued input port using the given model_vector. More...
InputPort< T > & DeclareVectorInputPort (std::variant< std::string, UseDefaultName > name, int size, std::optional< RandomDistribution > random_type=std::nullopt)
 Declares a vector-valued input port with type BasicVector and size size. More...
InputPort< T > & DeclareAbstractInputPort (std::variant< std::string, UseDefaultName > name, const AbstractValue &model_value)
 Declares an abstract-valued input port using the given model_value. More...
void DeprecateInputPort (const InputPort< T > &port, std::string message)
 Flags an already-declared input port as deprecated. More...
template<class MySystem , typename BasicVectorSubtype >
LeafOutputPort< T > & DeclareVectorOutputPort (std::variant< std::string, UseDefaultName > name, const BasicVectorSubtype &model_vector, void(MySystem::*calc)(const Context< T > &, BasicVectorSubtype *) const, std::set< DependencyTicket > prerequisites_of_calc={ all_sources_ticket()})
 Declares a vector-valued output port by specifying (1) a model vector of type BasicVectorSubtype derived from BasicVector and initialized to the correct size and desired initial value, and (2) a calculator function that is a class member function (method) with signature: More...
template<class MySystem >
LeafOutputPort< T > & DeclareVectorOutputPort (std::variant< std::string, UseDefaultName > name, int size, void(MySystem::*calc)(const Context< T > &, BasicVector< T > *) const, std::set< DependencyTicket > prerequisites_of_calc={ all_sources_ticket()})
 Declares a vector-valued output port with type BasicVector and size size, using the drake::dummy_value<T>, which is NaN when T = double. More...
template<class MySystem , typename BasicVectorSubtype >
LeafOutputPort< T > & DeclareVectorOutputPort (std::variant< std::string, UseDefaultName > name, void(MySystem::*calc)(const Context< T > &, BasicVectorSubtype *) const, std::set< DependencyTicket > prerequisites_of_calc={ all_sources_ticket()})
 Declares a vector-valued output port by specifying only a calculator function that is a class member function (method) with signature: More...
LeafOutputPort< T > & DeclareVectorOutputPort (std::variant< std::string, UseDefaultName > name, const BasicVector< T > &model_vector, typename LeafOutputPort< T >::CalcVectorCallback vector_calc_function, std::set< DependencyTicket > prerequisites_of_calc={ all_sources_ticket()})
 (Advanced) Declares a vector-valued output port using the given model_vector and a function for calculating the port's value at runtime. More...
LeafOutputPort< T > & DeclareVectorOutputPort (std::variant< std::string, UseDefaultName > name, int size, typename LeafOutputPort< T >::CalcVectorCallback vector_calc_function, std::set< DependencyTicket > prerequisites_of_calc={ all_sources_ticket()})
 (Advanced) Declares a vector-valued output port with type BasicVector<T> and size size, using the drake::dummy_value<T>, which is NaN when T = double. More...
template<class MySystem , typename OutputType >
LeafOutputPort< T > & DeclareAbstractOutputPort (std::variant< std::string, UseDefaultName > name, const OutputType &model_value, void(MySystem::*calc)(const Context< T > &, OutputType *) const, std::set< DependencyTicket > prerequisites_of_calc={ all_sources_ticket()})
 Declares an abstract-valued output port by specifying a model value of concrete type OutputType and a calculator function that is a class member function (method) with signature: More...
template<class MySystem , typename OutputType >
LeafOutputPort< T > & DeclareAbstractOutputPort (std::variant< std::string, UseDefaultName > name, void(MySystem::*calc)(const Context< T > &, OutputType *) const, std::set< DependencyTicket > prerequisites_of_calc={ all_sources_ticket()})
 Declares an abstract-valued output port by specifying only a calculator function that is a class member function (method) with signature: More...
LeafOutputPort< T > & DeclareAbstractOutputPort (std::variant< std::string, UseDefaultName > name, typename LeafOutputPort< T >::AllocCallback alloc, typename LeafOutputPort< T >::CalcCallback calc, std::set< DependencyTicket > prerequisites_of_calc={ all_sources_ticket()})
 (Advanced) Declares an abstract-valued output port using the given allocator and calculator functions provided in their most generic forms. More...
LeafOutputPort< T > & DeclareStateOutputPort (std::variant< std::string, UseDefaultName > name, ContinuousStateIndex state_index)
 Declares a vector-valued output port whose value is the continuous state of this system. More...
LeafOutputPort< T > & DeclareStateOutputPort (std::variant< std::string, UseDefaultName > name, DiscreteStateIndex state_index)
 Declares a vector-valued output port whose value is the given discrete state group of this system. More...
LeafOutputPort< T > & DeclareStateOutputPort (std::variant< std::string, UseDefaultName > name, AbstractStateIndex state_index)
 Declares an abstract-valued output port whose value is the given abstract state of this system. More...
void DeprecateOutputPort (const OutputPort< T > &port, std::string message)
 Flags an already-declared output port as deprecated. More...
template<class MySystem >
std::unique_ptr< WitnessFunction< T > > MakeWitnessFunction (const std::string &description, const WitnessFunctionDirection &direction_type, T(MySystem::*calc)(const Context< T > &) const) const
 Constructs the witness function with the given description (used primarily for debugging and logging), direction type, and calculator function; and with no event object. More...
std::unique_ptr< WitnessFunction< T > > MakeWitnessFunction (const std::string &description, const WitnessFunctionDirection &direction_type, std::function< T(const Context< T > &)> calc) const
 Constructs the witness function with the given description (used primarily for debugging and logging), direction type, and calculator function; and with no event object. More...
template<class MySystem >
std::unique_ptr< WitnessFunction< T > > MakeWitnessFunction (const std::string &description, const WitnessFunctionDirection &direction_type, T(MySystem::*calc)(const Context< T > &) const, void(MySystem::*publish_callback)(const Context< T > &, const PublishEvent< T > &) const) const
 Constructs the witness function with the given description (used primarily for debugging and logging), direction type, calculator function, and publish event callback function for when this triggers. More...
template<class MySystem >
std::unique_ptr< WitnessFunction< T > > MakeWitnessFunction (const std::string &description, const WitnessFunctionDirection &direction_type, T(MySystem::*calc)(const Context< T > &) const, void(MySystem::*du_callback)(const Context< T > &, const DiscreteUpdateEvent< T > &, DiscreteValues< T > *) const) const
 Constructs the witness function with the given description (used primarily for debugging and logging), direction type, calculator function, and discrete update event callback function for when this triggers. More...
template<class MySystem >
std::unique_ptr< WitnessFunction< T > > MakeWitnessFunction (const std::string &description, const WitnessFunctionDirection &direction_type, T(MySystem::*calc)(const Context< T > &) const, void(MySystem::*uu_callback)(const Context< T > &, const UnrestrictedUpdateEvent< T > &, State< T > *) const) const
 Constructs the witness function with the given description (used primarily for debugging and logging), direction type, calculator function, and unrestricted update event callback function for when this triggers. More...
template<class MySystem >
std::unique_ptr< WitnessFunction< T > > MakeWitnessFunction (const std::string &description, const WitnessFunctionDirection &direction_type, T(MySystem::*calc)(const Context< T > &) const, const Event< T > &e) const
 Constructs the witness function with the given description (used primarily for debugging and logging), direction type, and calculator function, and with an object corresponding to the event that is to be dispatched when this witness function triggers. More...
std::unique_ptr< WitnessFunction< T > > MakeWitnessFunction (const std::string &description, const WitnessFunctionDirection &direction_type, std::function< T(const Context< T > &)> calc, const Event< T > &e) const
 Constructs the witness function with the given description (used primarily for debugging and logging), direction type, and calculator function, and with an object corresponding to the event that is to be dispatched when this witness function triggers. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from System< T >
virtual void DoGetWitnessFunctions (const Context< T > &, std::vector< const WitnessFunction< T > * > *) const
 Derived classes can override this method to provide witness functions active for the given state. More...
SystemConstraintIndex AddConstraint (std::unique_ptr< SystemConstraint< T >> constraint)
 Adds an already-created constraint to the list of constraints for this System. More...
bool forced_publish_events_exist () const
bool forced_discrete_update_events_exist () const
bool forced_unrestricted_update_events_exist () const
EventCollection< PublishEvent< T > > & get_mutable_forced_publish_events ()
EventCollection< DiscreteUpdateEvent< T > > & get_mutable_forced_discrete_update_events ()
EventCollection< UnrestrictedUpdateEvent< T > > & get_mutable_forced_unrestricted_update_events ()
const EventCollection< DiscreteUpdateEvent< T > > & get_forced_discrete_update_events () const
const EventCollection< UnrestrictedUpdateEvent< T > > & get_forced_unrestricted_update_events () const
void set_forced_publish_events (std::unique_ptr< EventCollection< PublishEvent< T >>> forced)
void set_forced_discrete_update_events (std::unique_ptr< EventCollection< DiscreteUpdateEvent< T >>> forced)
void set_forced_unrestricted_update_events (std::unique_ptr< EventCollection< UnrestrictedUpdateEvent< T >>> forced)
SystemScalarConverterget_mutable_system_scalar_converter ()
 Returns the SystemScalarConverter for this system. More...
CacheEntryDeclareCacheEntry (std::string description, ValueProducer value_producer, std::set< DependencyTicket > prerequisites_of_calc={ all_sources_ticket()})
 Declares a new CacheEntry in this System using the most generic form of the calculation function. More...
template<class MySystem , class MyContext , typename ValueType >
CacheEntryDeclareCacheEntry (std::string description, const ValueType &model_value, void(MySystem::*calc)(const MyContext &, ValueType *) const, std::set< DependencyTicket > prerequisites_of_calc={ all_sources_ticket()})
 Declares a cache entry by specifying a model value of concrete type ValueType and a calculator function that is a class member function (method) with signature: More...
template<class MySystem , class MyContext , typename ValueType >
CacheEntryDeclareCacheEntry (std::string description, void(MySystem::*calc)(const MyContext &, ValueType *) const, std::set< DependencyTicket > prerequisites_of_calc={ all_sources_ticket()})
 Declares a cache entry by specifying only a calculator function that is a class member function (method) with signature: More...
 System (SystemScalarConverter converter)
 Constructs an empty System base class object and allocates base class resources, possibly supporting scalar-type conversion support (AutoDiff, etc.) using converter. More...
InputPort< T > & DeclareInputPort (std::variant< std::string, UseDefaultName > name, PortDataType type, int size, std::optional< RandomDistribution > random_type=std::nullopt)
 Adds a port with the specified type and size to the input topology. More...
virtual void DoCalcTimeDerivatives (const Context< T > &context, ContinuousState< T > *derivatives) const
 Override this if you have any continuous state variables x꜀ in your concrete System to calculate their time derivatives. More...
virtual void DoCalcImplicitTimeDerivativesResidual (const Context< T > &context, const ContinuousState< T > &proposed_derivatives, EigenPtr< VectorX< T >> residual) const
 Override this if you have an efficient way to evaluate the implicit time derivatives residual for this System. More...
virtual T DoCalcPotentialEnergy (const Context< T > &context) const
 Override this method for physical systems to calculate the potential energy PE currently stored in the configuration provided in the given Context. More...
virtual T DoCalcKineticEnergy (const Context< T > &context) const
 Override this method for physical systems to calculate the kinetic energy KE currently present in the motion provided in the given Context. More...
virtual T DoCalcConservativePower (const Context< T > &context) const
 Override this method to return the rate Pc at which mechanical energy is being converted from potential energy to kinetic energy by this system in the given Context. More...
virtual T DoCalcNonConservativePower (const Context< T > &context) const
 Override this method to return the rate Pnc at which work W is done on the system by non-conservative forces. More...
virtual void DoMapQDotToVelocity (const Context< T > &context, const Eigen::Ref< const VectorX< T >> &qdot, VectorBase< T > *generalized_velocity) const
 Provides the substantive implementation of MapQDotToVelocity(). More...
virtual void DoMapVelocityToQDot (const Context< T > &context, const Eigen::Ref< const VectorX< T >> &generalized_velocity, VectorBase< T > *qdot) const
 Provides the substantive implementation of MapVelocityToQDot(). More...
Eigen::VectorBlock< VectorX< T > > GetMutableOutputVector (SystemOutput< T > *output, int port_index) const
 Returns a mutable Eigen expression for a vector valued output port with index port_index in this system. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SystemBase
 SystemBase ()=default
 (Internal use only). More...
void AddInputPort (std::unique_ptr< InputPortBase > port)
 (Internal use only) Adds an already-constructed input port to this System. More...
void AddOutputPort (std::unique_ptr< OutputPortBase > port)
 (Internal use only) Adds an already-constructed output port to this System. More...
std::string NextInputPortName (std::variant< std::string, UseDefaultName > given_name) const
 (Internal use only) Returns a name for the next input port, using the given name if it isn't kUseDefaultName, otherwise making up a name like "u3" from the next available input port index. More...
std::string NextOutputPortName (std::variant< std::string, UseDefaultName > given_name) const
 (Internal use only) Returns a name for the next output port, using the given name if it isn't kUseDefaultName, otherwise making up a name like "y3" from the next available output port index. More...
void AddDiscreteStateGroup (DiscreteStateIndex index)
 (Internal use only) Assigns a ticket to a new discrete variable group with the given index. More...
void AddAbstractState (AbstractStateIndex index)
 (Internal use only) Assigns a ticket to a new abstract state variable with the given index. More...
void AddNumericParameter (NumericParameterIndex index)
 (Internal use only) Assigns a ticket to a new numeric parameter with the given index. More...
void AddAbstractParameter (AbstractParameterIndex index)
 (Internal use only) Assigns a ticket to a new abstract parameter with the given index. More...
CacheEntryDeclareCacheEntryWithKnownTicket (DependencyTicket known_ticket, std::string description, ValueProducer value_producer, std::set< DependencyTicket > prerequisites_of_calc={ all_sources_ticket()})
 (Internal use only) This is for cache entries associated with pre-defined tickets, for example the cache entry for time derivatives. More...
const internal::SystemParentServiceInterface * get_parent_service () const
 Returns a pointer to the service interface of the immediately enclosing Diagram if one has been set, otherwise nullptr. More...
DependencyTicket assign_next_dependency_ticket ()
 (Internal use only) Assigns the next unused dependency ticket number, unique only within a particular system. More...
bool IsObviouslyNotInputDependent (DependencyTicket dependency_ticket) const
 (Internal use only) Checks if a ticket depends on (any) input port. More...
const AbstractValueEvalAbstractInputImpl (const char *func, const ContextBase &context, InputPortIndex port_index) const
 (Internal use only) Shared code for updating an input port and returning a pointer to its abstract value, or nullptr if the port is not connected. More...
void ThrowNegativePortIndex (const char *func, int port_index) const
 Throws std::exception to report a negative port_index that was passed to API method func. More...
void ThrowInputPortIndexOutOfRange (const char *func, InputPortIndex port_index) const
 Throws std::exception to report bad input port_index that was passed to API method func. More...
void ThrowOutputPortIndexOutOfRange (const char *func, OutputPortIndex port_index) const
 Throws std::exception to report bad output port_index that was passed to API method func. More...
void ThrowNotAVectorInputPort (const char *func, InputPortIndex port_index) const
 Throws std::exception because someone misused API method func, that is only allowed for declared-vector input ports, on an abstract port whose index is given here. More...
void ThrowInputPortHasWrongType (const char *func, InputPortIndex port_index, const std::string &expected_type, const std::string &actual_type) const
 Throws std::exception because someone called API method func claiming the input port had some value type that was wrong. More...
void ThrowCantEvaluateInputPort (const char *func, InputPortIndex port_index) const
 Throws std::exception because someone called API method func, that requires this input port to be evaluatable, but the port was neither fixed nor connected. More...
const InputPortBaseGetInputPortBaseOrThrow (const char *func, int port_index, bool warn_deprecated) const
 (Internal use only) Returns the InputPortBase at index port_index, throwing std::exception we don't like the port index. More...
const OutputPortBaseGetOutputPortBaseOrThrow (const char *func, int port_index, bool warn_deprecated) const
 (Internal use only) Returns the OutputPortBase at index port_index, throwing std::exception if we don't like the port index. More...
void ThrowValidateContextMismatch (const ContextBase &) const
 (Internal use only) Throws std::exception with a message that the sanity check(s) given by ValidateContext have failed. More...
virtual std::string GetUnsupportedScalarConversionMessage (const std::type_info &source_type, const std::type_info &destination_type) const
 (Internal use only) Returns the message to use for a std::exception in the case of unsupported scalar type conversions. More...
void InitializeContextBase (ContextBase *context) const
 This method must be invoked from within derived class DoAllocateContext() implementations right after the concrete Context object has been allocated. More...
const ContextSizesget_context_sizes () const
 Obtains access to the declared Context partition sizes as accumulated during LeafSystem or Diagram construction . More...
ContextSizesget_mutable_context_sizes ()
 Obtains mutable access to the Context sizes struct. More...
void set_implicit_time_derivatives_residual_size (int n)
 Allows a LeafSystem to override the default size for the implicit time derivatives residual and a Diagram to sum up the total size. More...
internal::SystemId get_system_id () const
 (Internal) Gets the id used to tag context data as being created by this system. More...
virtual GraphvizFragment DoGetGraphvizFragment (const GraphvizFragmentParams &params) const
 The NVI implementation of GetGraphvizFragment() for subclasses to override if desired. More...
CacheEntryDeclareCacheEntry (std::string description, ValueProducer value_producer, std::set< DependencyTicket > prerequisites_of_calc={ all_sources_ticket()})
 Declares a new CacheEntry in this System using the most generic form of the calculation function. More...
template<class MySystem , class MyContext , typename ValueType >
CacheEntryDeclareCacheEntry (std::string description, const ValueType &model_value, void(MySystem::*calc)(const MyContext &, ValueType *) const, std::set< DependencyTicket > prerequisites_of_calc={ all_sources_ticket()})
 Declares a cache entry by specifying a model value of concrete type ValueType and a calculator function that is a class member function (method) with signature: More...
template<class MySystem , class MyContext , typename ValueType >
CacheEntryDeclareCacheEntry (std::string description, void(MySystem::*calc)(const MyContext &, ValueType *) const, std::set< DependencyTicket > prerequisites_of_calc={ all_sources_ticket()})
 Declares a cache entry by specifying only a calculator function that is a class member function (method) with signature: More...
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from LeafSystem< T >
static DependencyTicket all_sources_ticket ()
 Returns a ticket indicating dependence on every possible independent source value, including time, accuracy, state, input ports, and parameters (but not cache entries). More...
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from System< T >
static void FindUniquePeriodicDiscreteUpdatesOrThrow (const char *api_name, const System< T > &system, const Context< T > &context, std::optional< PeriodicEventData > *timing, EventCollection< DiscreteUpdateEvent< T >> *events)
 (Internal use only) Static interface to DoFindUniquePeriodicDiscreteUpdatesOrThrow() to allow a Diagram to invoke that private method on its subsystems. More...
template<typename U >
static void HandlePostConstructionScalarConversion (const System< U > &from, System< T > *to)
 (Internal use only) Scalar conversion (e.g., ToAutoDiffXd) will first call the SystemScalarConverter to construct the converted system, and then call this function for any post-construction cleanup. More...
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from SystemBase
static void set_parent_service (SystemBase *child, const internal::SystemParentServiceInterface *parent_service)
 (Internal use only) Declares that parent_service is the service interface of the Diagram that owns this subsystem. More...
static void ThrowInputPortHasWrongType (const char *func, const std::string &system_pathname, InputPortIndex, const std::string &port_name, const std::string &expected_type, const std::string &actual_type)
 Throws std::exception because someone called API method func claiming the input port had some value type that was wrong. More...
static const ContextSizesget_context_sizes (const SystemBase &system)
 Allows Diagram to access protected get_context_sizes() recursively on its subsystems. More...

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Selector() [1/4]

Selector ( const Selector< T > &  )

◆ Selector() [2/4]

Selector ( Selector< T > &&  )

◆ Selector() [3/4]

Selector ( SelectorParams  params)

Constructs a Selector with the given parameters.

◆ Selector() [4/4]

Selector ( const Selector< U > &  )

Scalar-converting copy constructor.

See System Scalar Conversion.

◆ ~Selector()

~Selector ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator=() [1/2]

Selector& operator= ( const Selector< T > &  )

◆ operator=() [2/2]

Selector& operator= ( Selector< T > &&  )

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ Selector

friend class Selector

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