Drake C++ Documentation
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345678]
 CAbstractValueA fully type-erased container class
 CAbstractValuesAbstractValues is a container for non-numerical state and parameters
 CAcrobot< T >The Acrobot - a canonical underactuated system as described in Chapter 3 of Underactuated Robotics
 CAcrobotParametersThis class is used to store the numerical parameters defining the model of an acrobot with the method MakeAcrobotPlant()
 CAddCollisionFilterGroupDirective to add a collision filter group
 CAddDirectivesDirective to incorporate another model directives file, optionally with its elements prefixed with a namespace
 CCollisionChecker::AddedShapeRepresentation of an "added" shape
 CAddFrameDirective to add a Frame to the scene
 CAddModelDirective to add a model from a URDF or SDFormat file to a scene, using a given name for the added instance
 CAddModelInstanceDirective to add an empty, named model instance to a scene
 CAddMultibodyPlantSceneGraphResult< T >Temporary result from AddMultibodyPlantSceneGraph
 CAddRotationMatrixBoxSphereIntersectionReturnSome of the newly added variables in function AddRotationMatrixBoxSphereIntersectionMilpConstraints
 CAddWeldDirective to add a weld between two named frames, a parent and a child
 CAllegroHandMotionStateDetecting the state of the fingers: whether the joints are moving, or reached the destination, or got stuck by external collisions in the midway
 CRotation::AngleAxisRotation constructed from a fixed axis and an angle
 CSpatialVelocityConstraint::AngularVelocityBoundsParametrizes bounds on the magnitude and direction of the angular velocity vector
 CAntiderivativeFunction< T >A thin wrapper of the ScalarInitialValueProblem class that, in concert with Drake's ODE initial value problem solvers ("integrators"), provide the ability to perform quadrature on an arbitrary scalar integrable function
 CArticulatedBodyInertia< T >Articulated Body Inertia is the inertia that a body appears to have when it is the base (or root) of a rigid-body system, also referred to as Articulated Body in the context of articulated body algorithms
 CAugmentedLagrangianNonsmoothCompute the augmented Lagrangian (AL) of a given mathematical program
 CAugmentedLagrangianSmoothCompute the augmented Lagrangian (AL) of a given mathematical program
 CAutoDiffA scalar type that performs automatic differentiation, similar to Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<Eigen::VectorXd>
 CBarycentricMesh< T >Represents a multi-linear function (from vector inputs to vector outputs) by interpolating between points on a mesh using (triangular) barycentric interpolation
 CBasisElementGradedReverseLexOrder< VariableOrder, BasisElement >Implements Graded reverse lexicographic order
 CCspaceFreePolytope::BilinearAlternationOptionsOptions for bilinear alternation
 CCspaceFreePolytope::BinarySearchOptionsOptions for binary search
 CBinding< C >A binding on constraint type C is a mapping of the decision variables onto the inputs of C
 CBinding< drake::solvers::BoundingBoxConstraint >
 CBinding< drake::solvers::Constraint >
 CBinding< drake::solvers::Cost >
 CBinding< drake::solvers::ExponentialConeConstraint >
 CBinding< drake::solvers::L2NormCost >
 CBinding< drake::solvers::LinearComplementarityConstraint >
 CBinding< drake::solvers::LinearConstraint >
 CBinding< drake::solvers::LinearCost >
 CBinding< drake::solvers::LinearEqualityConstraint >
 CBinding< drake::solvers::LinearMatrixInequalityConstraint >
 CBinding< drake::solvers::LorentzConeConstraint >
 CBinding< drake::solvers::PositiveSemidefiniteConstraint >
 CBinding< drake::solvers::QuadraticConstraint >
 CBinding< drake::solvers::QuadraticCost >
 CBinding< drake::solvers::RotatedLorentzConeConstraint >
 CBinding< drake::solvers::VisualizationCallback >
 CBinding< internal::StaticFrictionConeComplementarityNonlinearConstraint >
 CJoint< T >::BluePrint(Advanced) Structure containing all the information needed to build the MultibodyTree implementation for a Joint
 CBodyShapeDescriptionBodyShapeDescription captures all the information necessary to describe a SceneGraph collision shape associated with a MultibodyPlant Body: a shape S, the MultibodyPlant body B (identified by model instance and body names), and the rigid pose of the shape S relative to the body B, X_BS
 CBoundStores the lower and upper bound of a variable
 CBsplineBasis< T >Given a set of non-descending breakpoints t₀ ≤ t₁ ≤ ⋅⋅⋅ ≤ tₘ, a B-spline basis of order k is a set of n + 1 (where n = m - k) piecewise polynomials of degree k - 1 defined over those breakpoints
 CBsplineBasis< double >
 CBsplineBasis< drake::symbolic::Expression >
 CFemModel< T >::BuilderBuilder that builds the FemModel
 CImageIo::ByteSpanWhen loading from memory, this struct denotes a span of raw bytes as input
 CCache(Advanced) Stores all the CacheEntryValue objects owned by a particular Context, organized to allow fast access using a CacheIndex as an index
 CCacheEntryA CacheEntry belongs to a System and represents the properties of one of that System's cached computations
 CCacheEntryValue(Advanced) This is the representation in the Context for the value of one of a System's CacheEntry objects
 CCameraConfigConfiguration of a camera
 CCameraInfoSimple class for characterizing the Drake camera model
 CChebyshevPolynomialRepresents the Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind Tₙ(x)
 CCIrisCollisionGeometryThis class contains the necessary information about the collision geometry used in C-IRIS
 CClarabelSolverDetailsThe Clarabel solver details after calling the Solve() function
 CClippingRangeDefines the near and far clipping planes for frustum-based (OpenGL) RenderEngine cameras
 CClpSolverDetailsThe CLP solver details after calling Solve() function
 CCodeGenVisitorVisitor class for code generation
 CCollisionCheckerInterface for collision checkers to use
 CCollisionCheckerContextThis class represents the data necessary for CollisionChecker to operate safely across multiple threads in its const API
 CCollisionCheckerParamsA set of common constructor parameters for a CollisionChecker
 CCollisionFilterDeclarationClass for articulating changes to the configuration of SceneGraph's "collision filters"; collision filters limit the scope of various proximity queries
 CCollisionFilterGroupsThis is storage for parsed collision filter groups and group pairs
 CCollisionFilterManagerClass for configuring "collision filters"; collision filters limit the scope of various proximity queries
 CColorPalette< IdType >Creates and holds a palette of colors for visualizing different objects in a scene (the intent is for a different color to be applied to each identified object)
 CColorRenderCameraCollection of camera properties for cameras to be used with color/label images
 CCompositeEventCollection< T >This class bundles an instance of each EventCollection<EventType> into one object that stores the heterogeneous collection
 CCompositeEventCollection< AutoDiffXd >
 CCompositeEventCollection< double >
 CCompositeEventCollection< Element::T >
 CConditionTraits< symbolic::Formula >
 CPidControlledSystem< T >::ConnectResultThe return type of ConnectController
 CConstraintAccelProblemData< T >Structure for holding constraint data for computing forces due to constraints and the resulting multibody accelerations
 CConstraintRelaxingIkA wrapper class around the IK planner
 CConstraintSolver< T >Solves constraint problems for constraint forces
 CConstraintVelProblemData< T >Structure for holding constraint data for computing constraint forces at the velocity-level (i.e., impact problems)
 CContactResults< T >A container class storing the contact results information for each contact pair for a given state of the simulation
 CContactSurface< T >The ContactSurface characterizes the intersection of two geometries M and N as a contact surface with a scalar field and a vector field, whose purpose is to support the hydroelastic pressure field contact model as described in:
 CContactVisualizerParamsThe set of parameters for configuring ContactVisualizer
 CContactWrenchStores the contact wrench (spatial force) from Body A to Body B applied at point Cb
 CSystemBase::ContextSizesReturn type for get_context_sizes()
 CContinuousState< T >ContinuousState is a view of, and optionally a container for, all the continuous state variables xc of a Drake System
 CContinuousState< AutoDiffXd >
 CContinuousState< double >
 CContinuousState< drake::symbolic::Expression >
 CConvexSetAbstract base class for defining a convex set
 CCoulombFriction< T >Parameters for Coulomb's Law of Friction, namely:
 CCsdpSolverDetailsThe CSDP solver details after calling Solve() function
 CCspaceFreePolytopeBaseThis virtual class is the base of CspaceFreePolytope and CspaceFreeBox
 CCSpaceSeparatingPlane< T >Wraps the information that a pair of collision geometries are separated by a plane
 CCSpaceSeparatingPlane< drake::symbolic::Variable >
 CDampingModel< T >A viscous Rayleigh damping model in which the damping matrix D is a linear combination of mass and stiffness matrices, as, D = αM + βK where α and β are nonnegative
 CDefaultProximityProperties(FUTURE) These properties will be used as defaults when the geometry as added via API calls or parsed from model files doesn't say anything more specific
 CDeformableBodyConfig< T >DeformableBodyConfig stores the physical parameters for a deformable body
 CDeformableContactInfo< T >A class containing information regarding contact and contact response between two geometries belonging to a pair of bodies with at least one of them being a deformable body
 CDelegatingHasherAn adapter that forwards the HashAlgorithm::operator(data, length) function concept into a runtime-provided std::function of the same signature
 CDenseOutput< T >An interface for dense output of ODE solutions, to efficiently approximate them at arbitrarily many points when solving them numerically (see IntegratorBase class documentation)
 CDependencyGraphRepresents the portion of the complete dependency graph that is a subgraph centered on the owning subcontext, plus some edges leading to other subcontexts
 CDependencyTrackerManages value interdependencies for a particular value or set of values in a Context
 CDepthRangeDefines a depth sensor's functional range
 CDepthRenderCameraCollection of camera properties for cameras to be used with depth images
 CDescriptorTypeDescribes an descriptor field with a name and the descriptor's size
 CDiagramBuilder< T >DiagramBuilder is a factory class for Diagram
 CDiagramBuilder< double >
 CDifferentialInverseKinematicsParametersContains parameters for differential inverse kinematics
 CDiscreteValues< T >DiscreteValues is a container for numerical but non-continuous state and parameters
 CDiscreteValues< AutoDiffXd >
 CDiscreteValues< double >
 CDiscreteValues< drake::symbolic::Expression >
 CDiscreteValues< Element::T >
 CDistanceAndInterpolationProviderThis class represents the base interface for performing configuration distance and interpolation operations, used by CollisionChecker
 CDistributionBase class for a single distribution, to be used with YAML archives
 CDistributionVectorBase class for a vector of distributions, to be used with YAML archives
 CDoorHingeConfigConfiguration structure for the DoorHinge
 CDrakeKukaIIwaRobot< T >This class is a MultibodyTree model for a 7-DOF Kuka iiwa robot arm
 CDrakeLcmInterfaceA pure virtual interface that enables LCM to be mocked
 CDrakeLcmParamsThe set of parameters for configuring DrakeLcm
 CDrakeSubscriptionInterfaceA helper class returned by DrakeLcmInterface::Subscribe() that allows for (possibly automatic) unsubscription and/or queue capacity control
 CDrakeVisualizerParamsThe set of parameters for configuring DrakeVisualizer
 CDrakeVisualizerTest< T >
 Cdummy_value< T >Provides a "dummy" value for a ScalarType – a value that is unlikely to be mistaken for a purposefully-computed value, useful for initializing a value before the true result is available
 Cdummy_value< int >
 Cdummy_value< symbolic::Expression >Specializes common/dummy_value.h
 CDynamicProgrammingOptionsConsolidates the many possible options to be passed to the dynamic programming algorithms
 CGraphOfConvexSets::EdgeAn edge in the graph connects between vertex u and vertex v
 CEdgeMeasureThe measure of the distance of the edge from q1 to q2 and the portion of that is collision free
 CGcsTrajectoryOptimization::EdgesBetweenSubgraphsEdgesBetweenSubgraphs are defined as the connecting edges between two given subgraphs
 CEigenPtr< PlainObjectType >This wrapper class provides a way to write non-template functions taking raw pointers to Eigen objects as parameters while limiting the number of copies, similar to Eigen::Ref
 CEigenPtr< const MatrixX< T > >
 CEigenPtr< const VectorX< T > >
 CEnvironmentRepresents a symbolic environment (mapping from a variable to a value)
 Cequal_to< drake::symbolic::Expression >
 Cequal_to< drake::symbolic::Formula >
 Cequal_to< drake::symbolic::Variable >
 CEvaluatorBaseProvides an abstract interface to represent an expression, mapping a fixed or dynamic number of inputs to a fixed number of outputs, that may be evaluated on a scalar type of double or AutoDiffXd
 CEvent< T >Abstract base class that represents an event
 CEvent< double >
 CEventCollection< EventType >There are three concrete event types for any System: publish, discrete state update, and unrestricted state update, listed in order of increasing ability to change the state (i.e., zero to all)
 CEventCollection< drake::systems::DiscreteUpdateEvent< AutoDiffXd > >
 CEventCollection< drake::systems::DiscreteUpdateEvent< double > >
 CEventCollection< drake::systems::DiscreteUpdateEvent< drake::symbolic::Expression > >
 CEventCollection< drake::systems::DiscreteUpdateEvent< Element::T > >
 CEventCollection< drake::systems::DiscreteUpdateEvent< T > >
 CEventCollection< drake::systems::PublishEvent< AutoDiffXd > >
 CEventCollection< drake::systems::PublishEvent< double > >
 CEventCollection< drake::systems::PublishEvent< drake::symbolic::Expression > >
 CEventCollection< drake::systems::PublishEvent< Element::T > >
 CEventCollection< drake::systems::PublishEvent< T > >
 CEventCollection< drake::systems::UnrestrictedUpdateEvent< AutoDiffXd > >
 CEventCollection< drake::systems::UnrestrictedUpdateEvent< double > >
 CEventCollection< drake::systems::UnrestrictedUpdateEvent< drake::symbolic::Expression > >
 CEventCollection< drake::systems::UnrestrictedUpdateEvent< Element::T > >
 CEventCollection< drake::systems::UnrestrictedUpdateEvent< T > >
 CEventStatusHolds the return status from execution of an event handler function, or the effective status after a series of handler executions due to dispatching of simultaneous events
 Cexponential_distribution< drake::symbolic::Expression >Provides std::exponential_distribution, Exp(λ), for symbolic expressions
 CExpressionRepresents a symbolic form of an expression
 CExpressionAddFactoryFactory class to help build ExpressionAdd expressions
 CExpressionCellRepresents an abstract class which is the base of concrete symbolic-expression classes
 CExpressionMulFactoryFactory class to help build ExpressionMul expressions
 CExternallyAppliedSpatialForce< T >
 CExternalSystemConstraintAn "external" constraint on a System
 CFemModel< T >FemModel calculates the components of the spatially discretized FEM equations for dynamic elasticity problems
 CFemModel< Element::T >
 CFemPlantData< T >
 CFemState< T >FemState provides access to private workspace FEM state and per-element state-dependent data
 CFieldsAllows combination of BaseField and DescriptorType for a PointCloud
 CCspaceFreePolytope::FindPolytopeGivenLagrangianOptionsOptions for finding polytope with given Lagrangians
 CFindResourceResultModels the outcome of drake::FindResource
 CFiniteHorizonLinearQuadraticRegulatorOptionsA structure to facilitate passing the myriad of optional arguments to the FiniteHorizonLinearQuadraticRegulator algorithms
 CFiniteHorizonLinearQuadraticRegulatorResultA structure that contains the basic FiniteHorizonLinearQuadraticRegulator results
 CFixedInputPortValueA FixedInputPortValue encapsulates a vector or abstract value for use as an internal value source for one of a System's input ports
 CCameraConfig::FocalLengthSpecification of a camera's intrinsic focal properties as focal length (in pixels)
 CForceDensityField< T >The ForceDensityField class is an abstract base class that represents a force density field affecting deformable bodies in a MultibodyPlant
 CForceDensityField< double >
 CFormulaRepresents a symbolic form of a first-order logic formula
 CFormulaCellRepresents an abstract class which is the base of concrete symbolic-formula classes (i.e
 CCameraConfig::FovDegreesSpecification of focal length via fields of view (in degrees)
 CFreeBodyThe purpose of the FreeBody class is to provide the data (initial values and gravity) and methods for calculating the exact analytical solution for the translational and rotational motion of a torque-free rigid body B with axially symmetric inertia, in a Newtonian frame (World) N
 CFromDoubleTraitsA concrete traits class providing sugar to support for converting only from the double scalar type
 CMeshcat::GamepadStatus of a gamepad obtained from the Meshcat javascript client
 CGcsTrajectoryOptimizationGcsTrajectoryOptimization implements a simplified motion planning optimization problem introduced in the paper "Motion Planning around Obstacles with Convex Optimization" by Tobia Marcucci, Mark Petersen, David von Wrangel, Russ Tedrake
 CGenericPolynomial< BasisElement >Represents symbolic generic polynomials using a given basis (for example, monomial basis, Chebyshev basis, etc)
 CGeometryFrameThis simple class carries the definition of a frame used in the SceneGraph
 CGeometryInstanceA geometry instance combines a geometry definition (i.e., a shape of some sort), a pose (relative to a parent "frame" P), material information, and an opaque collection of metadata
 CGeometryPropertiesThe base class for defining a set of geometry properties
 CGeometrySetThe GeometrySet, as its name implies, is a convenience class for defining a set of geometries
 CGeometryState< T >The context-dependent state of SceneGraph
 CGeometryState< AutoDiffXd >
 CGeometryState< double >
 CGeometryVersionA version numbering class that reports revisions of SceneGraph's geometric data
 CGetSubMatrixGradientArray< QSubvectorSize, Derived, NRows, NCols >
 CGetSubMatrixGradientSingleElement< QSubvectorSize, Derived >
 CGlobalInverseKinematicsSolves the inverse kinematics problem as a mixed integer convex optimization problem
 CGltfExtensionSpecifies how to deal with glTF "extensions" (non-standard capabilities)
 CGradedReverseLexOrder< VariableOrder >Implements Graded reverse lexicographic order
 CGradient< Derived, nq, derivative_order >Recursively defined template specifying a matrix type of the correct size for a gradient of a matrix function with respect to nq variables, of any order
 CGradient< Derived, nq, 1 >Base case for recursively defined gradient template
 CGraphOfConvexSetsGraphOfConvexSets (GCS) implements the design pattern and optimization problems first introduced in the paper "Shortest Paths in Graphs of Convex Sets"
 CSystemBase::GraphvizFragment(Advanced) The return type of GetGraphvizFragment()
 CSystemBase::GraphvizFragmentParams(Advanced) The arguments to the protected method DoGetGraphvizFragment()
 CGrayCodesMatrix< NumDigits >GrayCodesMatrix::type returns an Eigen matrix of integers
 CGripperBrickHelper< T >The helper class that contains the diagram of the planar gripper (3 planar fingers) with a brick
 CGripperBrickHelper< double >
 CGurobiSolverDetailsThe Gurobi solver details after calling Solve() function
 Chash< drake::geometry::GeometryId >Enables use of the identifier to serve as a key in STL containers
 Chash< drake::Sha256 >The STL container hash for Sha256 objects
 CHydroelasticContactInfo< T >A class containing information regarding contact and contact response between two geometries attached to a pair of bodies
 CHydroelasticQuadraturePointData< T >Results from intermediate calculations used during the quadrature routine
 CIdentifier< Tag >A simple identifier class
 CIdentifier< class FrameTag >
 CIdentifier< class GeometryTag >
 CIdentifier< class RoleVersionTag >
 CIdentifier< class SourceTag >
 CRotation::IdentityNo-op rotation
 CIiwaControlPortsThe return type of BuildSimplifiedIiwaControl()
 CIiwaDriverThis config struct specifies how to wire up Drake systems between an LCM interface and the actuation input ports of a MultibodyPlant
 CConstraintRelaxingIk::IkCartesianWaypointCartesian waypoint
 CImage< kPixelType >Simple data format for Image
 CImageIoUtility functions for reading and writing images, from/to either files or memory buffers
 CImageTraits< PixelType >Traits class for Image, specialized by PixelType
 CImageTraits< PixelType::kBgr8U >
 CImageTraits< PixelType::kBgra8U >
 CImageTraits< PixelType::kDepth16U >
 CImageTraits< PixelType::kDepth32F >
 CImageTraits< PixelType::kGrey8U >
 CImageTraits< PixelType::kLabel16I >
 CImageTraits< PixelType::kRgb8U >
 CImageTraits< PixelType::kRgba8U >
 CImageTraits< systems::sensors::PixelType::kLabel16I >
 CInitializeParamsParameters for fine control of simulator initialization
 CInitialValueProblem< T >A general initial value problem (or IVP) representation class, that allows evaluating the 𝐱(t; 𝐤) solution function to the given ODE d𝐱/dt = f(t, 𝐱; 𝐤), where f : t ⨯ 𝐱 → ℝⁿ, t ∈ ℝ, 𝐱 ∈ ℝⁿ, 𝐤 ∈ ℝᵐ, provided an initial condition 𝐱(t₀; 𝐤) = 𝐱₀
 CHermitianDenseOutput< T >::IntegrationStepAn integration step representation class, holding just enough for Hermitian interpolation: three (3) related sets containing step times {t₀, ..., tᵢ₋₁, tᵢ} where tᵢ ∈ ℝ, step states {𝐱₀, ..., 𝐱ᵢ₋₁, 𝐱ᵢ} where 𝐱ᵢ ∈ ℝⁿ, and state derivatives {d𝐱/dt₀, ..., d𝐱/dtᵢ₋₁, d𝐱/dtᵢ} where d𝐱/dtᵢ ∈ ℝⁿ
 CIntegratorBase< T >An abstract class for an integrator for ODEs and DAEs as represented by a Drake System
 CIntegratorBase< AutoDiffXd >
 CIntegratorBase< double >
 CInverseKinematicsSolves an inverse kinematics (IK) problem on a MultibodyPlant, to find the postures of the robot satisfying certain constraints
 CIpoptSolverDetailsThe Ipopt solver details after calling Solve() function
 CIrisOptionsConfiguration options for the IRIS algorithm
 CImplicitIntegrator< T >::IterationMatrixA class for storing the factorization of an iteration matrix and using it to solve linear systems of equations
 CJointImpedanceControllerDrake does not yet offer a joint impedance controller, which would use feedback to shape the stiffness, damping, and inertia of the closed-loop system
 CJoint< T >::JointImplementation(Advanced) A Joint is implemented in terms of MultibodyTree elements, typically a Mobilizer
 CKinematicsVector< Id, KinematicsValue >A KinematicsVector is a container class used to report kinematics data for registered frames and geometries (keyed by unique FrameId/GeometryId values) to SceneGraph where the set of keys (FrameId/GeometryId) is usually constant and the values (kinematics data) are varying
 CKinematicTrajectoryOptimizationOptimizes a trajectory, q(t) subject to costs and constraints on the trajectory and its derivatives
 CKukaRobotJointReactionForces< T >Utility struct to assist with returning joint torques/forces
 CLcmBusesA mapping from {bus_name: interface} with sugar for error checking with nice error messages during access
 CLcmImageTraits< PixelType >
 CLcmImageTraits< PixelType::kBgr8U >
 CLcmImageTraits< PixelType::kBgra8U >
 CLcmImageTraits< PixelType::kDepth16U >
 CLcmImageTraits< PixelType::kDepth32F >
 CLcmImageTraits< PixelType::kGrey8U >
 CLcmImageTraits< PixelType::kLabel16I >
 CLcmImageTraits< PixelType::kRgb8U >
 CLcmImageTraits< PixelType::kRgba8U >
 CLcmPixelTraits< PixelFormat >
 CLcmPixelTraits< PixelFormat::kBgr >
 CLcmPixelTraits< PixelFormat::kBgra >
 CLcmPixelTraits< PixelFormat::kDepth >
 CLcmPixelTraits< PixelFormat::kGrey >
 CLcmPixelTraits< PixelFormat::kLabel >
 CLcmPixelTraits< PixelFormat::kRgb >
 CLcmPixelTraits< PixelFormat::kRgba >
 Cless< drake::solvers::SolverId >
 Cless< drake::symbolic::Expression >
 Cless< drake::symbolic::Formula >
 Cless< drake::symbolic::Variable >
 CLightParameterLight parameter for supporting RenderEngine implementations
 CLimitMallocInstantiate this class in a unit test scope where malloc (and realloc, etc.) should be disallowed or curtailed
 CLimitMallocParamsParameters to control malloc limits
 CLinearSolver< LinearSolverType, DerivedA >Solves a linear system of equations A*x=b
 CLoadYamlOptionsConfiguration for LoadYamlFile() and LoadYamlString() to govern when certain conditions are errors or not
 CLogarithmicSos2NewBinaryVariables< NumLambda >The size of the new binary variables in the compile time, for Special Ordered Set of type 2 (SOS2) constraint
 CMassDamperSpringAnalyticalSolution< T >This class provides an analytical solution to a mass-damper-spring system
 CMatGradMult< DerivedDA, DerivedB >
 CMatGradMultMat< DerivedA, DerivedB, DerivedDA >
 CMathematicalProgramMathematicalProgram stores the decision variables, the constraints and costs of an optimization problem
 CMathematicalProgramResultThe result returned by MathematicalProgram::Solve()
 CMaxCliqueSolverBaseThe problem of finding the maximum clique in a graph is known to be NP-complete
 CMeshcatProvides an interface to Meshcat (https://github.com/meshcat-dev/meshcat)
 CMeshcatAnimationAn interface for recording/playback animations in Meshcat
 CMeshcatParamsThe set of parameters for configuring Meshcat
 CMeshcatVisualizerParamsThe set of parameters for configuring MeshcatVisualizer
 CMeshFieldLinear< T, MeshType >MeshFieldLinear represents a continuous piecewise-linear scalar field f defined on a (triangular or tetrahedral) mesh; the field value changes linearly within each element E (triangle or tetrahedron), and the gradient ∇f is constant within each element
 CImageIo::MetadataSome characteristics of an image file
 CMixedIntegerBranchAndBoundGiven a mixed-integer optimization problem (MIP) (or more accurately, mixed binary problem), solve this problem through branch-and-bound process
 CMixedIntegerBranchAndBoundNodeA node in the branch-and-bound (bnb) tree
 CMixedIntegerRotationConstraintGeneratorWe relax the non-convex SO(3) constraint on rotation matrix R to mixed-integer linear constraints
 CConstraintSolver< T >::MlcpToLcpDataStructure used to convert a mixed linear complementarity problem to a pure linear complementarity problem (by solving for free variables)
 CMobyLcpSolverIdNon-template class for MobyLcpSolver<T> constants
 CModelDirectiveUnion structure for model directives
 CModelDirectivesTop-level structure for a model directives yaml file schema
 CModelInstanceInfoConvenience structure to hold all of the information to add a model instance from a file
 CMonomialRepresents a monomial, a product of powers of variables with non-negative integer exponents
 CPolynomial< T >::MonomialAn additive atom of a Polynomial: The product of any number of Terms and a coefficient
 CMosekSolverDetailsThe MOSEK solver details after calling Solve() function
 CMoveIkDemoBaseThis class provides some common functionality for generating IK plans for robot arms, including things like creating a MultibodyPlant, setting joint velocity limits, implementing a robot status update handler suitable for invoking from an LCM callback, and generating plans to move a specified link to a goal configuration
 CMovingAverageFilter< T >The implementation of a Moving Average Filter
 CMultibodyElement< T >A class representing an element (subcomponent) of a MultibodyPlant or (internally) a MultibodyTree
 CMultibodyElement< double >
 CMultibodyForces< T >A class to hold a set of forces applied to a MultibodyTree system
 CMultibodyPlantConfigThe set of configurable properties on a MultibodyPlant
 CMultipleShootingMultipleShooting is an abstract class for trajectory optimization that creates decision variables for inputs, states, and (optionally) sample times along the trajectory, then provides a number of methods for working with those decision variables
 CNameValue< T >(Advanced) A basic implementation of the Name-Value Pair concept as used in the Serialize / Archive pattern
 Cnever_destroyed< T >Wraps an underlying type T such that its storage is a direct member field of this object (i.e., without any indirection into the heap), but unlike most member fields T's destructor is never invoked
 CNewVariableNames<... >
 CNewVariableNames< Eigen::Matrix< double, Rows, Cols >::SizeAtCompileTime >
 CNewVariableNames< Rows==Eigen::Dynamic ? Eigen::Dynamic :Rows *(Rows+1)/2 >
 CNewVariableNames< Size >The type of the names for the newly added variables
 CNiceTypeNameObtains canonicalized, platform-independent, human-readable names for arbitrarily-complicated C++ types
 CNloptSolverDetailsThe NLopt solver details after calling Solve() function
 CNonSymbolicTraitsA concrete traits class providing sugar to disable support for symbolic evaluation (i.e., the symbolic::Expression scalar type)
 Cnormal_distribution< drake::symbolic::Expression >Provides std::normal_distribution, N(μ, σ), for symbolic expressions
 CNullTexture(Internal use only) A place holder indicating that no texture has been provided for environment map (and, therefore, no environment map)
 CObjectProvides a publicly visible, but minimal, re-implementation of py::object so that a public type can be used with drake::Value<T>, while still maintaining the revelant semantics with its generic implementation (#13207)
 CCspaceFreePolytopeBase::OptionsOptional argument for constructing CspaceFreePolytopeBase
 CMixedIntegerBranchAndBound::OptionsConfiguration settings for the MixedIntegerBranchAndBound constructor
 CMeshcat::OrthographicCameraProperties for an orthographic camera in three.js: https://threejs.org/docs/#api/en/cameras/OrthographicCamera
 COsqpSolverDetailsThe OSQP solver details after calling Solve() function
 Coverload_cast_impl< Return, Args >
 CPackageMapMaps ROS package names to their full path on the local file system
 CParallelismSpecifies a desired degree of parallelism for a parallelized operation
 CParameters< T >Parameters is a container for variables that parameterize a System so that it can represent a family of related models
 CParameters< AutoDiffXd >
 CParameters< double >
 CParameters< drake::symbolic::Expression >
 CParserParses model description input into a MultibodyPlant and (optionally) a SceneGraph
 CPdControllerGainsPD controller gains
 CPendulumParametersThis class is used to store the numerical parameters defining the model of a simple pendulum with the method MakePendulumPlant()
 CPenetrationAsPointPair< T >A characterization of the intersection of two penetrating geometries
 CDynamicProgrammingOptions::PeriodicBoundaryConditionFor algorithms that rely on approximations of the state-dynamics (as in FittedValueIteration), this is a list of state dimensions for which the state space maximum value should be "wrapped around" to ensure that all values are in the range [low, high)
 CPeriodicEventDataAn event data variant describing an event that recurs on a fixed period
 CPeriodicEventDataComparatorStructure for comparing two PeriodicEventData objects for use in a map container, using an arbitrary comparison method
 CMeshcat::PerspectiveCameraProperties for a perspective camera in three.js: https://threejs.org/docs/#api/en/cameras/PerspectiveCamera
 CPlaneSeparatesGeometriesContains the information to enforce a pair of geometries are separated by a plane
 CPointCloudImplements a point cloud (with contiguous storage), whose main goal is to offer a convenient, synchronized interface to commonly used fields and data types applicable for basic 3D perception
 CPointPairContactInfo< T >A class containing information regarding contact response between two bodies including:
 CPolygonSurfaceMesh< T >PolygonSurfaceMesh represents a surface comprised of polygonal elements (three or more sides)
 CPolygonSurfaceMesh< double >
 CPolygonSurfaceMeshTest< T >
 CPolynomialRepresents symbolic polynomials
 CPolynomial< T >A scalar multi-variate polynomial, modeled after the msspoly in spotless
 CPolynomialBasisElementEach polynomial p(x) can be written as a linear combination of its basis elements p(x) = ∑ᵢ cᵢ * ϕᵢ(x), where ϕᵢ(x) is the i'th element in the basis, cᵢ is the coefficient of that element
 CGlobalInverseKinematics::Polytope3DDescribes a polytope in 3D as 𝐀 * 𝐱 ≤ 𝐛 (a set of half-spaces), where 𝐀 ∈ ℝⁿˣ³, 𝐱 ∈ ℝ³, 𝐛 ∈ ℝⁿ
 CPortBaseA PortBase is base class for System ports; users will typically use the InputPort<T> or OutputPort<T> types, not this base class
 CRationalForwardKinematics::Pose< T >This is a proxy for math::RigidTransform
 CPolynomial< T >::Product< Rhs, Lhs >
 Cpromoted_numerical< T, U >Given the two scalar types U and T, returns the most "promoted" type
 CPropellerInfoParameters that describe the kinematic frame and force-production properties of a single propeller
 CMeshcatParams::PropertyTupleA helper struct for the initial_properties params
 CQueryObject< T >The QueryObject serves as a mechanism to perform geometry queries on the world's geometry
 CRandomGeneratorDefines Drake's canonical implementation of the UniformRandomBitGenerator C++ concept (as well as a few conventional extras beyond the concept, e.g., seeds)
 CRandomSimulationResultA snapshot of the generator used to produce the random simulation
 CRationalForwardKinematicsFor certain robots (whose joint transforms are algebraic functions of joint variables, for example revolute/prismatic/floating-base joints), we can represent the pose (position, orientation) of each body, as rational functions, namely n(s) / d(s) where both the numerator n(s) and denominator d(s) are polynomials of s, and s is some variable related to the generalized position
 CRationalFunctionRepresents symbolic rational function
 CRegionOfAttractionOptionsConsolidates the many possible options to be passed to the region of attraction algorithm
 CPackageMap::RemoteParamsParameters used for AddRemote()
 CRenderCameraCoreCollection of core parameters for modeling a pinhole-model camera in a RenderEngine
 CRenderEngineThe engine for performing rasterization operations on geometry
 CRenderEngineGlParamsConstruction parameters for RenderEngineGl
 CRenderEngineGltfClientParamsConstruction parameters for the MakeRenderEngineGltfClient() to create a client as part of the glTF Render Client-Server API
 CRenderEngineVtkParamsConstruction parameters for the RenderEngineVtk
 CRenderLabelClass representing object "labels" for rendering
 Creset_after_move< T >Type wrapper that performs value-initialization on the wrapped type, and guarantees that when moving from this type that the donor object is reset to its value-initialized value
 Creset_after_move< Id >
 Creset_after_move< int >
 Creset_after_move< int64_t >
 Creset_after_move< size_t >
 Creset_on_copy< T >Type wrapper that performs value-initialization on copy construction or assignment
 Creset_on_copy< const internal::ContextMessageInterface * >
 Creset_on_copy< const MeshType * >
 Creset_on_copy< drake::systems::ContextBase * >
 CRewritingRuleA RewritingRule, lhs => rhs, consists of two Patterns lhs and rhs
 CRgbaDefines RGBA (red, green, blue, alpha) values on the range [0, 1]
 CRigidTransform< T >This class represents a proper rigid transform between two frames which can be regarded in two ways
 CRigidTransform< double >
 CRlocationOrError(Advanced.) The return type of FindRunfile()
 CRobotClearanceA summary of the clearance – a collection of distance measurements – between the robot and everything in the world
 CRobotDiagramBuilder< T >Storage for a combined diagram builder, plant, and scene graph
 CRollPitchYaw< T >This class represents the orientation between two arbitrary frames A and D associated with a Space-fixed (extrinsic) X-Y-Z rotation by "roll-pitch-yaw" angles [r, p, y], which is equivalent to a Body-fixed (intrinsic) Z-Y-X rotation by "yaw-pitch-roll" angles [y, p, r]
 CRotationA specification for an SO(3) rotation, to be used for serialization purposes, e.g., to define stochastic scenarios
 CRotationalInertia< T >This class describes the mass distribution (inertia properties) of a body or composite body about a particular point
 CRotationalInertia< double >
 CRotationMatrix< T >This class represents a 3x3 rotation matrix between two arbitrary frames A and B and helps ensure users create valid rotation matrices
 CRotationMatrix< double >
 CRotation::RpyA roll-pitch-yaw rotation, using the angle conventions of Drake's RollPitchYaw
 CSampledVolumeThe result of a volume calculation from CalcVolumeViaSampling()
 Cscalar_predicate< T >A traits struct that describes the return type of predicates over a scalar type (named T)
 CScalarConvertibleComponent< T >
 CScalarConvertibleComponent< AutoDiffXd >
 CScalarConvertibleComponent< double >
 CScalarInitialValueProblem< T >A thin wrapper of the InitialValueProblem class to provide a simple interface when solving scalar initial value problems i.e
 CSceneGraphConfig(FUTURE) The set of configurable properties on a SceneGraph
 CSceneGraphInspector< T >The SceneGraphInspector serves as a mechanism to query the topological structure of a SceneGraph instance
 CSceneGraphInspector< AutoDiffXd >
 CSceneGraphInspector< double >
 CSchunkWsgDriverThis config struct specifies how to wire up Drake systems between an LCM interface and the actuation input ports of a MultibodyPlant
 CScopedNameA delimited string name for a multibody element, e.g., "robot1::torso"
 CScopeExitHelper class to create a scope exit guard – an object that when destroyed runs func
 CScsSolverDetailsThe SCS solver details after calling Solve() function
 CCspaceFreePolytope::SearchResultResult on searching the C-space polytope and separating planes
 CCspaceFreeBox::SeparatingPlaneLagrangiansWhen searching for the separating plane, we want to certify that the numerator of a rational is non-negative in the C-space box q_box_lower <= q <= q_box_upper (or equivalently s_box_lower <= s <= s_box_upper)
 CCspaceFreePolytope::SeparatingPlaneLagrangiansWhen searching for the separating plane, we want to certify that the numerator of a rational is non-negative in the C-space region C*s<=d, s_lower <= s <= s_upper
 CCspaceFreeBox::SeparationCertificateThis struct stores the necessary information to search for the separating plane for the polytopic C-space box q_box_lower <= q <= q_box_upper
 CCspaceFreePolytope::SeparationCertificateThis struct stores the necessary information to search for the separating plane for the polytopic C-space region C*s <= d, s_lower <= s <= s_upper
 CSeparationCertificateResultBaseWe certify that a pair of geometries is collision free by finding the separating plane over a range of configuration
 CSerializerInterfaceSerializerInterface translates between LCM message bytes and drake::AbstractValue objects that contain LCM messages, e.g., a Value<lcmt_drake_signal>
 CSha256Represents a SHA-256 cryptographic checksum
 CShapeThe abstract base class for all shape specifications
 CShapeReifierThe interface for converting shape descriptions to real shapes
 CSignedDistancePair< T >The data for reporting the signed distance between two geometries, A and B
 CSignedDistanceToPoint< T >The data for reporting the signed distance from a query point to a geometry
 CSignedDistanceWithTimeDerivativeThe struct containing the signed distance and its time derivative between a pair of geometries
 CSimulator< T >A class for advancing the state of hybrid dynamic systems, represented by System<T> objects, forward in time
 CSimulator< double >
 CSimulatorConfigThe set of all configurable properties on a Simulator and IntegratorBase
 CSimulatorStatusHolds the status return value from a call to Simulator::AdvanceTo() and related methods
 CSinCosRepresents a pair of Variables corresponding to sin(q) and cos(q)
 CSnoptSolverDetailsThe SNOPT solver details after calling Solve() function
 CSolverIdIdentifies a SolverInterface implementation
 CSolverInterfaceInterface used by implementations of individual solvers
 CSolverOptionsStores options for multiple solvers
 CSolverTypeConverterConverts between SolverType and SolverId
 CGurobiSolver::SolveStatusInfoContains info returned to a user function that handles a Node or Solution callback
 CSortedPair< T >This class is similar to the std::pair class
 CSortedPair< drake::geometry::GeometryId >
 CSortedPair< drake::TypeSafeIndex >
 CSortedPair< std::string >
 CSpatialInertia< T >This class represents the physical concept of a Spatial Inertia
 CSpatialInertia< double >
 CSpatialKinematicsPVA< T >Utility class containing the transform and spatial velocity/acceleration of an arbitrary frame B in another arbitrary frame N (e.g., the world)
 CSpatialVector< SV, T >This class represents a spatial vector and has 6 elements, with a 3-element rotational vector on top of a 3-element translational vector
 CSpatialVector< SpatialAcceleration, T >
 CSpatialVector< SpatialForce, double >
 CSpatialVector< SpatialForce, T >
 CSpatialVector< SpatialMomentum, T >
 CSpatialVector< SpatialVelocity, T >
 CState< T >State is a container for all the data comprising the complete state of a particular System at a particular moment
 CState< double >
 CStateFeedbackControllerInterface< T >Interface for state feedback controllers
 CStateFeedbackControllerInterface< double >
 CStaticEquilibriumProblemFinds the static equilibrium pose of a multibody system through optimization
 CGcsTrajectoryOptimization::SubgraphA Subgraph is a subset of the larger graph
 CSubscriber< Message >Subscribes to and stores a copy of the most recent message on a given channel, for some Message type
 CPolynomial::SubstituteAndExpandCacheDataAn encapsulated data type for use with the method SubstituteAndExpand
 CSurfacePolygonRepresentation of a polygonal face in a SurfacePolygon
 CSurfaceTriangleSurfaceTriangle represents a triangular face in a TriangleSurfaceMesh
 CSystemConstraint< T >A SystemConstraint is a generic base-class for constraints on Systems
 CSystemConstraint< AutoDiffXd >
 CSystemConstraint< double >
 CSystemConstraint< drake::symbolic::Expression >
 CSystemConstraint< Element::T >
 CSystemConstraintAdapterThis class is a factory class to generate SystemConstraintWrapper
 CSystemConstraintBoundsThe bounds of a SystemConstraint
 CSystemOutput< T >Conveniently stores a snapshot of the values of every output port of a System
 CSystemOutput< drake::symbolic::Expression >
 CSystemScalarConverterHelper class to convert a System into a System<T>, intended for internal use by the System framework, not directly by users
 CSystemSymbolicInspectorThe SystemSymbolicInspector uses symbolic::Expressions to analyze various properties of the System, such as time invariance and input-to-output sparsity, along with many others
 CSystemTypeTag< S >A tag object that denotes a System subclass S in function signatures
 CSystemVisitor< T >Provides a "Visitor Pattern" for System and Diagram
 CTamsiSolver< T >
 CTamsiSolverIterationStatsStruct used to store information about the iteration process performed by TamsiSolver
 CTamsiSolverParametersThese are the parameters controlling the iteration process of the TamsiSolver solver
 Ctemplate_single_tag< Tpl >Provides a tag for single-parameter templates
 CPolynomial< T >::TermAn individual variable raised to an integer power; e.g. x**2
 CTimerAbstract base class for timing utility
 CToppraSolves a Time Optimal Path Parameterization based on Reachability Analysis (TOPPRA) to find the fastest traversal of a given path, satisfying the given constraints
 CTraits< S >A templated traits class for whether an S<U> can be converted into an S<T>; the default value is true for all values of S, T, and U
 CTraits< TrajectorySource >Spells out the supported scalar conversions for TrajectorySource
 CTrajectory< T >A Trajectory represents a time-varying matrix, indexed by a single scalar time
 CTrajectory< AutoDiffXd >
 CTrajectory< double >
 CTrajectory< drake::symbolic::Expression >
 CTransferFunctionRepresents a linear-time-invariant (LTI) system in transfer function form, e.g
 CTransformA specification for a 3d rotation and translation, optionally with respect to a base frame
 CTriangleQuadrature< NumericReturnType, T >A class for integrating a function using numerical quadrature over triangular domains
 CTriangleQuadratureRuleA "rule" (weights and quadrature points) for computing quadrature over triangular domains
 CTriangleSurfaceMesh< T >TriangleSurfaceMesh represents a union of triangles
 CTriangleSurfaceMeshTester< T >
 Ctuple_element< Index, drake::SortedPair< T > >
 Ctype_at< I, Ts >Extracts the Ith type from a sequence of types
 Ctype_check_different_from< T >Provides a check which returns whether T is different than U
 Ctype_pack< Ts >Provides a tag to pass a parameter packs for ease of inference
 Ctype_tag< T >Provides a tag to pass a type for ease of inference
 Ctype_visit_with_defaultVisit a type by constructing its default value
 Ctype_visit_with_tag< Tag >Visits a type by construct a template tag's default value
 CTypeSafeIndex< Tag >A type-safe non-negative index class
 CTypeSafeIndex< class AbstractParameterTag >
 CTypeSafeIndex< class AbstractStateTag >
 CTypeSafeIndex< class BodyTag >
 CTypeSafeIndex< class CacheTag >
 CTypeSafeIndex< class DependencyTag >
 CTypeSafeIndex< class DiscreteStateTag >
 CTypeSafeIndex< class InputPortTag >
 CTypeSafeIndex< class JointElementTag >
 CTypeSafeIndex< class ModelInstanceTag >
 CTypeSafeIndex< class NumericParameterTag >
 CTypeSafeIndex< class OutputPortTag >
 Cuhash< HashAlgorithm >A hashing functor, somewhat like std::hash
 CRotation::UniformRotation sampled from a uniform distribution over SO(3)
 Cuniform_real_distribution< drake::symbolic::Expression >Provides std::uniform_real_distribution, U(a, b), for symbolic expressions
 Cunique_ptr< T >STL class
 CUnrevisedLemkeSolverIdNon-template class for UnrevisedLemkeSolver<T> constants
 CUseDefaultName(Advanced.) Tag type that indicates a system or port should use a default name, instead of a user-provided name
 CValueConverter< T, U >Converts a scalar U u to its corresponding scalar T t
 CValueConverter< T, T >
 CValueProducerValueProducer computes an AbstractValue output based on a ContextBase input
 CVariableRepresents a symbolic variable
 CVariablesRepresents a set of variables
 CVectorBase< T >VectorBase is an abstract base class that real-valued signals between Systems and real-valued System state vectors must implement
 CVectorBase< AutoDiffXd >
 CVectorBase< double >
 CVectorBase< drake::symbolic::Expression >
 CVectorBase< Element::T >
 CVectorLog< T >This utility class serves as an in-memory cache of time-dependent vector values
 CGraphOfConvexSets::VertexEach vertex in the graph has a corresponding ConvexSet, and a std::string name
 CVisualizationConfigSettings for what MultibodyPlant and SceneGraph should send to Meshcat and/or Meldis
 CVolumeElementVolumeElement represents a tetrahedral element in a VolumeMesh
 CVolumeMesh< T >VolumeMesh represents a tetrahedral volume mesh
 CVolumeMeshTester< T >
 CWitnessFunction< T >Class that stores a function that is able to help determine the time and state at which a step of the initial value problem integration of a System should end, which may be done for any number of purposes, including publishing or state reinitialization (i.e., event handling)
 CWitnessFunction< double >
 CWitnessTriggeredEventData< T >An event data variant for storing data from a witness function triggering to be passed to event handlers
 Cwrap_arg_default< T >Default case for argument wrapping, with pure pass-through
 CZeroForceDriverA driver that applies zero actuation to every joint of a model
 CZmpPlannerGiven a desired two dimensional (X and Y) zero-moment point (ZMP) trajectory parameterized as a piecewise polynomial, an optimal center of mass (CoM) trajectory is planned using a linear inverted pendulum model (LIPM)
 CZmpTestTrajA structure for storing trajectories from simulating a linear inverted pendulum model (LIPM) using the policy from a ZmpPlanner
 Cconst ContextConstraintCalc< double >
 Cconst ContextConstraintCalc< Element::T >
 Cconst SystemConstraintCalc< double >
 Cconst SystemConstraintCalc< Element::T >
 CVector6< T >
 CVectorX< double >
 CVectorX< Element::T >